in TTTE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1918. Jinan alone the Atlantic seaboard that rone to Franco Iba ago. They do RFI IFF IS ASSURED!! esssiaS"e " I . r i , Ui nA ion boys wbo wrnt from a Southern encampment to that bleak and barren place, where they practically slept on a -t gs-l C;il C'n I the ground, and where some or tnem MOVemcill Ul OUdl, Ollll OIUTO. were kept for over a month In cold. bleak weather, not sufficiently clad Is Froceeding. RAILROADS ARE HAMPERED and without the comfort that cam life ought to have furnished them, waiting to get over. There must be something; wrong somewhere. peed-l Call itaaaae. If America Is KOlnar to play an part In this war she will have to get at it pretty soon. France is askin us and the other allies are asking, and It seems to me. my friends, that th Uef Reported at Some Points la r to speed up our preparations, I the only way to set "over there' Is t Sat and Zone SjMem of iittri to arouse America to the necessity of the time and the danger of the crisis. "When once aroused I have no fea but that America will rise in her might and make an example of sacrifice. courage and of patriotism that will make the brightest pages of our old history pale Into insignificance as com pared with the fighting of our boys, on foreign SOIL You can realise that my reputa tlon Is all I have and the love that my ., n.i. i. tinaten niaiu for devel- I frienda have for me at home. .I-. . .n. distribution system fori "With that reputation destroyed and -JT.i ,r.A it ... stated that some def- that love gone, life has no other at- Intte announcement might be expected tractions for me: but with my reputa- wlthln a few daya. The principal fea- tlon assailed, with my country In tares of the plan will be put Into ef- amiger and my appeal made only In feet Immediately, and It will be 1m- behalf of my country. I know that you ballon I Expected to Im prove Situation. TTASHTNGTOX. Jan. i. Continued demoralisation of railroad transporta tlon throughout the Kast today prompt ed the railroad and fuel admlnistra- proved as fast as new short routes can K develooed and details worked out tot the proper balancing of loaded and empty car movements. will excuse me for having- trespassed so long: on your time and patience. "Believe me when I tell you that there is so man here today and there is Coal distribution and apportionment I no man in America who would go to e th. onnntrv was out In charge crime rejiet or reiaeni wnson more the fuel administration today of J. D. I quickly than I, and show a deeper in- a Marrow, a Dractical coal expert, wno I terest in an mat ne is trying to ao, recently organised the National Coal I than I. who .feel I have been so grossly Association, of which he has been sec- maligned by him in that public state retary. Mr. Morrow will supervise all I ment. transportation arrange- poolinr and ments and will be tha mnlnr avstem. Officials todsy expressed the belief that the proposed system will prove so effective in eliminating long and cross-hauls as to render another serious coal shortage this Winter impossible. Mmenl sded Vsk. With an embargo on general freight still In effect for Eastern trunk lines and the effect of the restriction extend ing westward, railroads were able to intensify efforts to move coal and food and to Increase the supply of these commodities to most parts of the East. given charge of I PRESIDENT WRITES SENATOR Objections to Proposed Munitions Ministry Set Forth. OREGO.VTAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash Ins-ton, Jan. 24. President Wilson's letter to Senator Chamberlain, under date of January 11, marked "Personal,1 reads as follows: . "The White House, Washington. January 11. 1918. "My Pear Senator When you and Senator Hitchcock were at the White House the other evening we were dls- Many Industries felt the effects of the I . various suggestions 'of CO' Fuel Administration s wnirr preference to the more essential manu frfnr ntanta. Louls F. Tost. Assistant Secretary of labor, tonight appealed to the note holders f the country to employ for "odd Jobs" unskilled workers who will v thrown out of work once a week because of the Monday closing order. "Make Monday 'odd job Monday,' aalil Mr. Post. "Nearly every householder In the Industrial sections most affected doubt lees can offer odd Jobs to these men and women, whereby they may earn something on the closed daya If each householder should during this period ordination and means of speeding up the military programme and among other things you told me that you had In mind a bill for the creation of a munition ministry. That, of course, set my mind to work on that particular suggestion. nd I feel that I ought to say to you, now that the matter is clear in my mind, that I hope sincerely no such re ro-ordlnatlon will be attempted. For one thing, it would naturally Include the Navy as well as the Army and would, so far as the Navy is concerned, bring about. I fear, a dislocation of ac tivities which would cause delay where there Is none that Is avoidable; and In arrange to have all odd Jobs, such as reKard to tne Army. I think that noth the removal of ashes, repairing, clean Ing. etc.. performed on Monday, em ployment would be given to many. "Such an arrangement furthermore would be a great benefit to household era. who of late have had great dtffi- ing substantial would be accomplished. Indeed. I believe that delay would in evitably be produced by such a measure. "I have had In the last few months a great deal of experience In trying l culty In obtaining help for such casual co,rinnate things, and upon every work. The same plan might be well fre,n co-ordination delay inevitably adopted by municipalities ana private results, and not only delay, but all sorts concerns wbo similarly have fount difficult to obtain casual labor. NEW TORK. Jan. 24. Pooling of an thracite coal at New Jersey terminals was decided upon at a conference here today of coal operators and railroad of- of cross currents of demoralisation, which are very serious impediments to the effective conduct of business. 'Rather Intimate Information from the other side of the water convinces me that the munitions ministers which ncials. subject to the approval of the " " . VL " ' Jl Federal Fuel Administration. Previous " P requests for the pooling of anthracite. ", V narfa A H Wlrln. Stale Fuel Ad- '""" " mlnlstrator. ware denied by Admlnls- I '" UI -r " trator Garfield. Harbor Slraarlea Relieved. I .nch . bureau and the heads of the The shortage of bunker coal which a I permanent departments as can be few daya ago was seriously hampering I created under such political arrange- the fueling of vessels In New York har- I ments as the French and English. bor. "has been entirely relieved." ac- I "jn short, my dear Senator, my Judg eordlng to a statement today by J. E. ment Is decidedly that we would not Parsons, detailed by the United States! only be disappointed In the results, but Shipping Board to supervise the bun-1 that to attempt such a thing would SHIP NAMES GIVEN IWii vel Supple-Ballin Steamers to Be Harney and Wallowa. INLAND COUNTIES HONORED First Ship of New Portland Yard Will Be Read for Launching In Two or Three Weeks, Other to Follow Soon After. Just because all Oregon counties do not border on deepwater Is no reason why they will not figure In new ship construction under way. in the Interest of the Government's war oroKramme. which la shown In the fact the first two steamers the Supple-Ballin Shipbuild ing Corporation will launch are to be named after well known counties of this commonwealth Harney and Wal lowa. Officially the first shin was desig nated as No. 226 and the second No. 227. until the receipt of information that they had been assigned names, the task of selecting which has been delegated to Mrs. Wilson, wife of President Wil son. The Harney will be launched In two or three weeks and the Wallowa Is to follow her In a month or six weeks. The only other name so far reported as selected from many available in Oregon Is Tillamook, which the Marglt, me first steel ship launched by the Al blna Engine & Machine Works, has been renamed. The Supple-Ballin plant has eight steamers In all to build for the Eraerrency Fleet Corporation. They are of a special design which Fred A. Ballln haa patented, being DilnclDallv of wood, but strongly reinforced with steel and having additional strength because of the use of double diagonal planking over the frames. It is not improbable the Government ay take over the Mount Hood and Mount Shasta, two full-powered motor- ships building at the yard, the hulls of which are built from the Ballln de sign. While it was not thought at first the Federal authorities would use motorshlps or auxiliaries, the fact they took the Oregon, built on Puget Sound, for the Pacific Alaska Navigation Com pany, also the City of Portland and S. L A Hard, of the McCormick fleet, is taken to Indicate the Shipping Board may call In other vessels that can be of service in the Pacific trade. Four turbine engines the Supple- Ballin Interests contracted for in the Kast have been requisitioned by the Government, the first of which will be ready In July, so triple expansion en gines will be built to replace them at he plant of the Pacific Marine Iron Works. ith sa average speed of knots de- loped by her motor engines, the new auxiliary powered schooner Yprea. launched for the French government by the Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Company last Sat urday, was given her official trial trip to day, and Immediately afterwards taken over by her owners, Frank Walker. North west agent of the Bureau Veritas, repre senting the French. The official acceptance of the vessel forms an additional record to that scored when the new ship went on her builder's trials within five . minutes of har launching last Saturday. The Washington Shipping Corporation to day announced a contract for the construc tion of two full powered wooden steamships of 400 tons oapacity of the type now known as the Grays Harbor type, the keels of which will be laid at the Puget Sound Bridge A Dredging Company plant Imme stely. Fraser Matthews, of the Matthews Snlp- buildlng Company, of Hoqulam. today closed a contract for two more wooden auxiliary schooners to be built at his plant for Mons Isaksen. of Norway. The latter was rep resented In closing the deal by Captain T. U. Aannvis. United States Naval Intelligence attaches today commenced the catechising of ail pas sengers departing from this port lor deep sea or Puget Sound points. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 24. (Special.) The purchasing by the Harrison Direct Line of 1 large steamships from Rankin, Gil more at Co.. of Liverpool, to take the place of vessels sunk by German submarines was announced today. The increase In the fleet of the Harrison line means a good deal to this Coast, as the company has been dls patching ships to the Pacific for many years, with Balfour. Guthrie at Co. as agents. The steamships purchased Dy the Har rison line are as follows: Water Front, St. Andrews. 4S74 tons: St. Bede. 4940: St. Dunstan. 4422; St. Egbert. 5iW; St. George. 3396: St. Hugo, 495:!; St. Leonard. 4074; St. Michael. S76: St. Pat rick. 4259: St. Quentln, 5043: St. Ronald, 43S7: St. Stephen. 43!8: St. Theodore, 4992; St. Ursula, SOU; St. Veronica, 4701. and St. Winifred. 4572. Leslie Comyn. of Comyn. Mackall Co.. Is expected tomorrow from Washington, where he went to confer with officials of the Shipping Board In regard to the con structlon of concrete ships by the Govern ment. A company of which Comyn is an officer Is now building the first concrete ship on the Pacific Coast at Redwood City. It Is expected the vessel will be launched March 1. The steamship Navua. of the Union Steam ship Company fleet, which arrived Wednes day night from Wellington. N. Z., by way of Karotonga and Papeete, began discharging early this morning, as It Is planned for her to sail soon on n offshore voyage. 1 ne Navua brought 2037 tons of copra and other nroducts of the South Seas. Six passengers came from southern ports In the steerage. 1 TO Pittsburg Terminal Trestle to Be Built Immediately. AMCSEMKlnTS. Tickets Now Selling I ' SANDBERG'S BID ACCEPTED PORT INQUIRY IS URGED MOTE TO CORRECT VARIOUS SHIP PING ABUSES PLANNED. Complaints Regarding Discrimination la Service and Charges Held to Justify Full InvrstiaTatloa. kering of ships at this port. CHICAGO. Jan. X4. The fuel situa tion in Illinois had Improved to such an extent tonight that the state fuel ad ministration issued an order annulling recent Instructions to coal producers to ship 10 per cent of the dally output to Cbicago. Tonight's order throws the control of coal distribution back to the producers after It had been In the hands of the Federal fuel administration for several days. The order la effective at midnight Friday. greatly embarrass the processes of co ordination and of action upon which I bave spent a great deal of thought and pains, and which I believe are more and more rapidly yielding ua the results we desire. "I feel that I ought not to keep you In Ignorance of what had been going on in my mind with regard to this im portant matter. -Cordially anl sincerely yours. -WOODROW WILSON. Hon. George E. Chamberlain, Lmted States Senate." PAYROLL IS $1,387,000 BCYD SAWMILLS PUBLISH REPORT Or 117 OPERATIONS. t Wages and Addition Fenrth Bansl Will Beeat 118 Dlssnsrseaaeats. f POLITICAL STORM BREAKS CoTitfnoed From Page S-) tamp in the discharge of my duty I shall get out of the Senate and of public life and let somebody more subservient thsn my disposition could be. take my piace. Thls charge by our distinguished President has not been hurled at the Senate: it is burled at my devoted head. I am only one of 9(: I am only a unit In this body: but above and over ft all Is a great principle that the Sen ate, democrats ana Kepaoiicans. ana BENT, 0r, Jan. 14. (Special) The tae country at Urge ought to resent. totmJ p.yroii oUbursemenU of the two I Insist that this body as a co-or- blr MWm,u, nero for the year 1817 cUnate branch of the Government has w6re 11.3j7.OOO. according to state- a right to apeak as It pleaaea as to menta made today. The completion of condition s. ... the companies' reports on the past -The Senate can Investigate any man, operations haa made the figures vr any v& mrn uisi it mv. m in i m- I available vesiigate. ana ao 11 si 11s own sweet will without suggestion and without let or hindrance. Senate Action Irget. Tf the Senate will only do that once, then we will not be troubled with con Of the total, the Sbevlln-Hlzon Com pany payroll was .3,l00. Of this 197.91 went to the sash and door fac tory. 183.632 to the box factory and the rest to other departments. Including the sawmill and logging operations. dltions very often In the future. The The Brooks-Scanlon figure for the year Senate ought to assert its dismltr and was ISSs.OOO. Its part and parcel In this great Gov- I v ages nave increased several times rnment machine. In the past year and again at the first -The eld establishment haa the Presl- or this montn. These increases, with dent at the top. the Council of National the addition of a fourth band to the Defense next, the War Industries Board I r-nevnn piani. wnicn win occur in next, the clearance committee next and then cornea the Army. "In other words, they have Injected between the President of the United Statea and the Army three voluntary organisations without a single bit of statutory power. The Council of Na tional Defense Is simply an advisory body, that is all: It has no executive power. Those are the boards that are to take charge of and handle the pro posed new organisation. I say. Instead of having these three voluntary organisations between the President and the Army, tbey ought to liave one su-ongirran between the Presi dent and the Army to handle this whole situation and to utilise, whatever or- few weeks, aesure : payroll for ISIS of nearly one and three-quarters millions. MINING STATES ARE UNITED Western Operator" ITrge Price of Dollar an Ounce for Silver. DENVER, Colo.. Jan. 54. Increased activity of the Western district of the American Mining Congress was urged at a conference today between mine operators of ten Western states with delegates to the fifth annual joint con vention of the Colorado Metal Mining I Association and the Colorado Chanter ranutations are In the department that of tne American Mining Congress. he wanted to use. I merely call your I The oblect of the movement is to attention to the fact that we have done I onite all Western mining operators be- OITj ships go next month Government Reported to Intend to Take More Carriers for Atlantic Reports drifting from San Francisco are that the Government will begin to take over more of the Pacific fleet of oil tankers in February. The Los Angeles, of the Union Oil Company's fleet. Is already on the other side and it Is fully expected more of the car riers will leave the Pacific next month. That Is believed to be the reason such a large amount of fuel oil has been delivered here during the past six weeks and. until action is taken re specting the tankers, the probabilities are tanks of companies in this field will be used for 'storage against the time when there will be decidedly limited quantities of the liquid fuel for sale. While the decrease in con sumption will no doubt be general ashore, oil will no doubt be provided for railroad and marine purposes, the manufacture of gas and for other publio service power plants. CANNED GOODS MOVE AGAIN Rose City Brings First Shipments of Consequence This Tear. More than half of the cargo of the liner Kose isuy, which arrived Wednes day night from California ports, was made up of canned goods and various manufactured products of the Bear State. A lull experienced during the last of 1917 In the movement of such freight has been followed by a resump tion of shipping from the south, and it Is promised that for a time wholesalers will have considerable stuff moving. At that. It Is not expected In all lines the volume will be as great aa during 1317, because of war conditions. Thp Rose City was discharged by 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon and then longshoremen turned to concerting all efforts on the outward cargo, and that Is to be In place so the liner can steam from Ainsworth dock at 8 o'clock this morning. Cove Drainage Board Organized COVE. Or.. Jan. 24. (Special.) The Board of Supervisors of the Grande Ronde drainage district was organized at Its latest meeting, January 19, by election of John Wells, of the Lower Cove, president and George T. Cochran, of La Grande, secretary and attorney. Ways and means of Improvement were dlscusssed and the sand bar at the mouth of the state ditch east of Alicel, which backs the water as far up as the A. P. Conley place, near the Cove, was shown in profile. Two ways of remov- ng It were suggested by dredging or by straightening out the curves in the river below. An assessment of 25 cents per acre of the 40,000 acres in the district was levied, to become de linquent In SO days, for the purpose of defraying preliminary expenses and cost of making ready for actual con struction work. Investigation of terminal facilities at all ports, which will take in service and charges as well, is proposed by a special committee of the American As sociation of Port Authorities as a means of protecting sections in the trade that is rightfully theirs, and the Commission of Public Docks went on record yesterday as favorable to the move. The members expressed them selves as willing to bac the plan with this district's sha financially. It is asserted that conditions found else where as to discrimination are similar to those found in Portland. Edward F. MeSweeney, Calvin Tomp kins and Robert Bridges, members of a standing committee named at the Cleveland convention in September, 1917, have taken up the matter and j authority was required suggest investigation by tne interstate tne buildings. Pnbllo Docks Commission Orders awra 01 Contract as boon as Preliminaries Are Passed Upon. Steel Already Purchased. To facilitate the construction of rail road connections to the Pittsburg-street municipal terminal, the Commission of Public Docks yesterday selected the lowest of four bidders for building pile and timber trestle and certain additions and ordered the contract awarded. The fortunate bidder was Edward Sandberg, $28,000 being the amount of the proposal. The Portland Bridge & Building- Com pany bid $23,300. the Jacobson Con structlon Company $30,200 and A. Guthrie & Company $35,000. As soon as the preliminaries are passed upon by City Attorney LaRoche, the con tract will be signed and the work rushed. The Commission also author ired Chief Engineer Hegardt to obtain bids on frogs, switches and accessories for the St. John's terminal track con nectlons. Steel for that, as well as the Pltsburg-street terminal work, has been purchased. The Pittsburg-street dock will be made available for the storage of much freight, while the open dock section will be Increased by about 50 per cent for the storage of ship ments and equipment that weather conditions will not Interfere with. In connection with approval of a rev ocable permit to the O. W. R. & N. for the construction of a spur track on Bradford street, it was brought out that the City Engineer refused to ap prove a franchise for the Dock Com mission to lay tracks on Alta street. leading to the Pittsburg-street ter minal. because "common user" was not stipulated. The latter provision will now be added. Regarding the proposal of the city to use space beneath the west approach of the Broadway bridge for the stor age of material, a petition of the Albers Bi others Milling Company for the same privilege having been denied, except on the payment of rent, a com munication was read from the milling interests yesterday, in which it was set forth that the corporation's counsel held that, since the property was con demned for bridge purposes, it could only be used as such. Also, since the bridge was under the control of Mult ncmah County, the city and Dock Com mission had no Jurisdiction. The letter vas referred to City Attorney LaRoche. To the Supple-Ballin Shipbuilding Corporation was granted permission to erect buildings already finished at the East Ash-street shipyard. The corporation formally applied for per mits yesterday and explained that it had been assumed that no further to construct ome good." Frewrh Crisis Calls for Haste. In closing Senator Chamberlain said: "Frequently I have followed my col leagues and followed the President on matters of policy when I thought they were all wrong: but I did It Just the same. -However, whenever It comes to a question where a principle Is Involved and my conscience la enlisted. I fol low no man; I follow my conscience. 1 am doing thst today, my colleagues. when I ara undertaking to call th at tention of the country to the dangers I that confront America. hind proposed legislation. James M. McCarthy, Wallace. Idaho, la a member of the directing committee. The convention adopted resolutions urging a Government-fixed price of $1 an ounce for silver. Government con trol of oil and gas well and mines was opposed. Douglas County Pioneer Dead. RIDDLE, Or, Jan. 24. (Special.) W. A. Frater. father of George Prater, of this place, died Monday at the home of his danghter. Mrs. L. A. Blackwcll. at Gardner. Mr. Frater was "i years of ace and had lived In Douglas County 'la God's name, are we going to get I since 1871. He was once County Treas- ver to France? I urer and was postmaster at Roseburg -If we do not get there, and get there I for many years. In the Civil War Mr. quickly. It may te too late to go. I Frater was a member of Company C. Ton Senatora know that Lher ara I 17th Ohio Volunteer laxaouy. French Schooner Next Launched. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Jan. 24. (Spe cial.) The French auxiliary schooner Marie DeRonde, last of the ships being built here under private contract, will be launched Saturday afternoon from the Grays Harbor Motorship Corpora tion yards. After her launching all three local yards will be given over entirely to the building of ships for the Federal Government. The Marie DeRonde is 290 feet over all and will have a capacity for carrying 2.000,000 feet of lumber. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 24. (Special.) The tank steamer J. A. Chaneior that is due from California with a cargo of fuel oil for Portland is understood to ba delayed out side by the dense for. Carrying a full carso ef lumber from St. Relens, the steam schooner Wapama sailed today for San Francisco. After dlscbarrlne; fuel oil here and in Portland, the tank steamer Washtenaw sailed for California. The tank steamer Atlas, with barre No. M in tow. sailed early today for California, after discharging: fuel oil here and in Port land. fomhic to load a fall cargo of lumber at Wesrport. the steam schooner Johan Poul sen arrived front San Francisco. The steam schooner Willamette arrived from San Francisco and will load lumber at St- Helena. The craw of the motor schooner Mount Rainier, which has finished loading lumber at Wauna. has quit and a complete new crew must be signed oa before the vessel can sau. KATTLB, Wash, Jan. t4 (Special.) Commerce Commission and the United States Shipping Board. Their views are set forth in the following com munication to the Dock Commission: The committee is convinced that there are vital reasons for immediate and conclU' slve action to force Investigation of port terminal facilities, service and charges by the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Shipping Board. If the porta -of the Atlantic and Pacific seaboards and on the rivers every hope to secure the export and Import business to which they are entitled by their natural advantages, they mubt act decisively and without delay. The action of the President in putting the railroads under Government operation makes it even more necessary that this action be taken. Unless the ports are alive to the threatened danger, many of them will find themselves shut out, not only from lmme diate participation In the Nation's export business, but from any hope of getting their share of foreign trade In the reconstruction Deriod after the war. Tour standing committee oeiievea mat free opportunity to utilize all ports accord ing to their availability and facilities will contribute largely to the succees of foreign trade after the war. The viewpoint or the im.rlnn Association of Port Authorities should be lal i before the proper authorities with the proper DacKIng or ail tne porta. Tour standing committee is ready to go ahead with the preparation of this case, but before doing this It must be certain that it has the backing of the members of the association, DISTRICT MAY BE EXTENDED Vancouver Citizens Want 30-Foot Channel Zone Carried Upstream. Vancouver business men are con cerned now with a plan to extend the 30-foot channel xone to a point above the Interstate bridge, that would prob ably extend at least to the Vancouver Barracks. A delegation met yesterday with Colonel Zinn, Corps of Engineers. U. S. A., relative to the matter of shifting the easterly boundary of what Is known as the Second Portland Dis trict, which now terminates at the bridge. The last rivers and harbors bill pro vided for a survey of the existing chan nel to Vancouver with a view to report ing on a 30-foot project, but the bill also carried a provision that surveys were to be made only on approval of the Secretary of War. The survey has not been begun. In the way of new ship construction, Vancouver is con cerned mainly with the area below the bridge, where the wooden plant of the G. M- Standifer Construction Company is located, and below the railroad bridge the new steel shipyard or that corpo ration is being located. In addition the Government is establishing a- spruce mill on the reservation, and a 30-foot channel that far would, no doubt, be desirable. Marine Notes. Custom-house officers made the rounds of the waterfront yesterday to ascertain steps taken by various transportation companies and shipping interests toward identifying mn working there, as restrictions are In effect against persons being permitted on docks who have no business there. Th-r was a fairly good passenger list aboard the Emerald line steamer F. A. Kll burn when she sailed last night for San Francisco. Also on the McCormick steamer Klamath, which got away for the Golden Gate and ports In Southern California. The Willamette, of the latter line, goes tomor row and will have a larger list of travelers. It is estimated that the Federal dredge Col. P. S. Mlrhle. which is engaged In re dredging the Flavel shoal below Astoria and across the entrance to Toung'a Bay, will be operated there for another month, at least. She has made excellent progress in getting rid of material In that cut On her first voyage Into deep water, the auxiliary schooner Erris. built by the Pe Insula Shipbuilding Company, got away from the river yesterday. She has a part cargo of lumber aboard and heads for San Francisco to take on other freight, after which she proceeds to Japan. Captain "Jim" Shaver, who returned yes terday from Lake River, where operations are under way to shift the steamer Sarah Dixon from the bank to the stream, says timbers were gotten under the hull and the work of raising the vessel has begun. Bids are to be opened Monday at the Bremerton Navy-yard for supplying 875.000 feet of lumber to the Navy. Specifications are on file at the headquarters of the Cham ber of Commerce, and it Is said two or three Portland firms will be numbered with thou filing proposals. Colombia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD, Jan. 24. Condition of the bar at 6 P. M.: Sea, smooth; wind, northwest IS miles. Under a resolution adopted by the Commission, the secretary is empow ered to call special meetings whenever they are deemed expedient and at least one hour's notice must be given in advance. It Is stipulated that tele phone notice of such meeting is suffi cient. SITE BOUGHT AT FULTON Portland Shipbuilding Company Makes New Start Upstream. Selection of a piece of waterfront property at the foot of Nebraska street. Fulton. 650 feet in length on the river and depth of 400 feet, has been made by Charles M. Nelson, president of the Portland Shipbuilding Company, as the site of the future home of that plant, which will move from the preseht location at the foot of Meade street. next month. The company transferred its lease on the Meade-street property to the Columbia River Shipbuilding Company, and the latter is to extend its docks and machine shop plant- Mr. Nelson had decided to locate the new plant alongside that of the Mult nomah Box & Lumber Company, on land owned by the O.-W. R. & N., but instead of leasing, determined to pur chase outright. The Fulton tract was owned by John G. Edwards, now In France with the American Red Cross, and the purchase price is understood to have been $30,000. Heavy Shaft Goes Overboard. When the shaft of a grinder, used at the Camas paper mill and weighing about five tons, crashed through the runways leading from the steamer Annie Comings to the Washington- street dock Wednesday night, one of the chains sustaining the dock slip let go and the slip dropped, but that was only the start of the trouble, for yesterday morning the shaft took an other plunge and went into the river. Happily, a steel line had been made fast to the shaft Wednesday night. when the slip broke down, so it was located easily in the water yesterday. A derrick barge was drawn from the Columbia Digger Company s fleet and the shaft hoisted back on the' dock. It was sent here to be repaired. TTTJTT lf Broadway at Taylor. ndlLLKJ Main 1 and A 1123. Tonight, 8:15 TOMORROW MtiHT. -SPECIAL PRICE Mat. Tomorrow 2.15 j HENRY W. SAVAGE OFFERS MITZI I.V THE COMIC OPERA POM-POM SPLEN'DTI) CAST, CHORUS. ORCHESTRA. Eve's 2 to 50c. Sat. Mat. 1.50 to EOo AMUSEMENTS. BAKER ffiKSS Alt Week Matinee Saturday. Most powerful and gripping drama of modern times. "OX TRIAL" With the double revolving stage. Evenings 25c. 60c. 75c Sat. Mat, 2oc, oOc. Next week "It Pays to Advertise." WAPAMA St. Helens for San Francisco, 10 miles south of Yaqulna Head. ATLAS, towing barge 93, Portland for Richmond, 475 miles north of Richmond. EMMA CARUS labrt comer Bernle Faker: Adelaide Boothby; "I.OVB THY NEIGHBOR" ; Selma Brsatr: Claude M. Roods & Kstelle France: STAN STANLEY. FANTAGEiO MAT. DAILY 2:30 WTXSON'S I.IONS. The Act That Startled Broadway. Six Other Big Acta. Three performances Dally. Night Curtain at 7 and 8. MFSICAI, STOCK Tides at Astoria Friday. High. Low. I 0:15 A, M T.2 feet!6:0S A. M. 8.5 feet 11:34 P. M....R9 feet!6:4 P. M....-0.5 foot REPLY DRAFTED PUBLIC SERVICE BODY TO "ROAST PORTLAND COMMISSIONERS. LYRIC Matinee Daily at Z:30. Nights at 1:30. Dillon & Franks "THK NIGHT OWLS." A regular Joyfest In three scenes SO people. CHORUS GIRLS' CONTEST TONIGHT Resolution Sent by City Officials Ask- injC State Board to "Back-Track" on 6-Ccnt Fare Resented. SALEM. Or, Jan. 24. (Special.) The Public Service Commission finally has decided to "come back" at the Port land City Commissioners for the last resolution sent in by them to the Com mission asking that body to "back track" on Its action in the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company 6- cent fare case. When the resolution first arrived Chairman Miller was alone in the of fice and he informed Secretary Wright that the resolution was in the nature of an insult to the Commission and per sonally he felt as though it should simply be acknowledged with the ad vice appended that it had been placed on file in the Commission's archives. Commissioners Buchtel and Corey, however, appeared on the job a short time later from hearings being held outside of the Capital and the Commis sion decided to take a new tack. The answer to the resolution is now in the course of preparation. Just how strong the Commission plans to go is still undivulged. The chances, are, however, that the letter will be toned down considerably from the first rough draft, which In some spots, rumor states, should have been written on as bestos paper to remain in a state of good preservation. Whatever it contains, it is certain the Commission has no intention of backing up on its 6-cent fare order and will so inform the Portland Commis sioners. lIBBlIfllBfllBBII-IIIB 1IPP0 DROME a m VAUDEVILLE ! THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY. DOROTHY DESCHELLE & CO. Presenting "HEARTS ARE TRUMPS" a Dedic Velde & Co. Z 2 Charlie Chaplin Capers in the Park 5 4-0ther Big Acts-4 OLIVE TELL in "HER SISTER J 10c Week Day Mats. 10c . Any Seat B..B EXPANSION RFtfiAKDED AS AID TO LIVESTOCK EXHIBITORS. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Jan. 24. Arrived Steamer Willamette, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamnr F. A. Kllburn, for San Francisco: steamer Klamath, for San Pedro. ASTORIA. Jan. 24. Sailed at 8:40 A. M.. steamer Wapama. for an Francisco. Ar rived at D and left up at J.U A. ftl.. steamer Willamette, from San Francisco; at 0 and left up at 10 A. M., steamer Johan Poulsen. from San Francisco. SEATTLE. Jan. 24. Arrived Admiral fihlu ft-nm Vancniivrr B. C. Railed Ad mlral Schley, for San Francisco; Alaska, for Alaska. PAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 24. ArTv-d Tellowstone, from Coos Bay; Admiral Far- raa;ut, from Seattle; Hoqulam. from Aberdeen. BAN PEDRO. Jan. 24. Arrived Steamer Ernest H. Mever, from Columbia River. ASTORIA. Jan. 23. Sailed at 2 P. M., motor schooner Elis. for San Francisco; at 10 P. M.. steamer Washtenaw, for Port San Luis. SAN PEDRO. Jan. 23. Sailed Steamer Daisy Putnam, for Portland. EVERETT. Wash.. Jan. 23. Arrived Steamer J. B. Stetson, from Colombia River. TACOMA. Jan. 24. Arrived Steamers Skag-way, from Alaska; Quadra, from Brit ish Columbia. U. S. Naval Radio Reports. All reports made at S P. BI. yesterday un less otherwise indicated.) JOHANNA SMITH. San Francisco for Coos Bay, 340 miles north of San Francisco. LATOUCHE, for Tacoma, 85 miles from Latouche, 8 P. M., January 23. DORA, off Seal Rocks, 9 P. M., January 23. due Kodiak Friday night. ADMIRAL EVANS, for Kodiak. 10 miles from Kodiak. 8 P. M., January 23. Eureka. 8 miles south of Point Arena. BAJA CALIFORNIA, San Pedro for Pa get Sound, 180 miles south of Cape Flat tery. ADMIRAL WATSON, Seattle for San Francisco, 380 miles from Seattle. w. S. PORTER. San Francisco for Ev erett. 002 miles aerth ef Saa Franclsca. First Show Will Start at Vancouver Augrost 10 and End at Boise Octo ber 5 Under New Schedule. SALEM. Or., Jan. 2-4. ( Special. ) A. H. Lea. secretary of the Oregon State Fair Board, who returned from New Westminster, B. C, today, where he as been attending the annual meet ing of the North Pacific Fair Associa tion, declares that this year will pre sent the finest circuit for livestock ex ibitors in the history of the Pacific Northwest- The acquisition of the Idaho State Fair at Boise, Idaho, as a member of tho circuit, Mr. Lea declared was one f the srreatest boosts for the live stock men and racing enjoyed by the association in a number of years. In addition to Boise, Puyallup, Walla Walla, Gresham and Grays Harbor all joined the association at the New W estminster meeting. The Boise show will follow the Ore- eon State Fair at Salem and as a result his year livestock men will be able to start exhibiting August 19, at Van couver, H. and nave a continuous round of exhibits until the close at Boise on October 5. Under the arrange ment all the moves, will be short ship ments. As now arranged the stock men can ship from Vancouver, B. C, to Chehalls, from there to Grays Har bor, from there to Spokane, from there North Yakima, from there to Salem and then to Boise. Walla alia and New Westminster and Puyallup will hold their fairs the same week as Boise and Canby and Gresham the same week as North Yakima. SHERIFF HAS LONG CHASE San Francisco Bootlegger Followed to Portland and Captured. OREGON CITY, Or., Jan. 24. CSpe cial.) In an exciting game of "hide-and-seek" with a bootlegger aboard a northbound train from San Francisco, Sheriff Wilson finally landed his man late Wednesday night, and turned him over to a policeman at the Union Depot In Portland. The bootlegger gave the name of Thomas S. Lydon. of 2139 Golden Gate avenue, San Francisco, and admitted tne ownership of two big suitcases full of whisky. He was taken to the city po lice station and put up $200 bail to ap pear for trial. 640-Acre Farm to Be Improved. GOLD HILL., Or., Jan. 24. (Special.) H. A. Vogal, of bewail, Iowa, and Dick Straus, of Gold Hill, have re ceived a shipment of three cars of drain tiling, consisting of 18,000 feet. from one of the local factories, to be installed on their 640-acre farm In Sams Valley. This improvement was made on the recommendation of County Aerent C. C. Cate. after making exten sive surveys of the soil. Much of this land will be planted to alfalfa this Spring, a thoroughbred dairy herd is being assembled and silos and many other improvements are under way on this farm. CONCERT SUNDAY. JAN. 27th AT THE AUDITORIUM Prces $1.10, 85c, 55c, 30c, 20c SEATS SELLIXfi AT SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily and Sunday. Per line. One time l-e Same ad two consecutive times 2.2o hame ad three consecutive times Sue baine ad 1 or seven contterutlve times.. 60o The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and nil other classifica tions, except the following;: Situation, Wanted .Male.. situations Wanted I-eiale. For Kent Rooms Private FnmUieii. Hoard and Rooms Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms Private Families. Kates on the above classifications are Y cents a line each Insertion. herious errors in advertisements will be rectified by republication without additional ehnrire. but such republication will not be made where the error does not materially itllect the value of the advertisement. The uresonian win nvriu t-iussint-ii -vertlsements over the telephone, provided the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. So price will be quoted over the phone, but hill will be rendered the fnllow ns dav. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over tne poone oepenas upon the promptness of payment of tele phone advertisements. "Situations Wanted" unH "Personal" advertisements will not be aecepled .iver the telephone. Orders tor one Insertion oni.v win hb -i-.-itn-ii ...- ture for Male." -usines ipporiuiiinT. Roomin-bouse" and -wanieo. 10 rem. MEKTINO NOTICES. HSCOLN GARFIETLD POST; NO. 3. G. A. R. Comrade Cap tain Powell has passed on. Fu neral services will be held In the First Methodist Church, Twelfth and Taylor, tomorrow (Saturday) 2 P. M. All com rades are invited. AIj KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. S. Stated session Saturday. January 28. at Ma sonic Temple. West Park and Yamhill streets, at 8 P. M. Vieltlng- nobles cordially in vited. By order of the po tentate. HUGH J. BOTE, Recorder. ALBERT PTTtE LODGE NO. 16. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Friday) evening. Jan. 'J3, at 7:30 o'clock. M Ai. desxee: refreshments. Visitors wt'Uome. By order ot Yv M. B. R. IV1E, Sec. fEU.WuOD LODOR, NO. 131. A V AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Friday) even ing Pt 8 o'clock. Work, E. A. decree. Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. J. H. BUTLER. Fee. MYRTLE CHAPTER. NO. IS. O. E. S. Resular meeting this (Fridav) evening in Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. Degrees. Visit of the worthy grand master. By order W. M. JE.NNIE H. GALLOWAY, Secretary. HASSAL0 IMPORTANT NOTICE! Before yon bo to the oloslua-ont sales or aellincr-out sales, just step Into Fac tory Sample Sbop, 2M ' Morrison street, between Fourth and Fifth, next to Cor bett Bolldlog, for a genuine clearing; sale, and yon will save money and time and a;o no further for Dresses, Salts. Coats, bklrta and Walata. WILL meet this (Friday) evening at 7:S0 o'clock at 22fl Alder street. Work In the third degree. Visitors wel come. E. M. WARPLE. N. G. F. COZENS. Rec Sec. HASSALO LODGE, I. O. O. F. Brothers are notified to attend the funeral of tha wife of our brother, James Lotan, to he held at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis streets, at 9 A. M. today (Friday). FREDERICK COZENS. Bee. Sec. E. M. WARPLE. N. G. THE SOCIAL CLUB OF PORTLAND CHAPTER, NO. 07. O. E. S.. will give a shirtwaist party this ( Friday evening. Jan uary 25. IfllS. In their hall. 834 Russell street. Cards and dancing. 8:30. Admission. 25c. EVA J. JAMESON. Sec. WEBFOOT CAMP NO BS. WOODMEN OF THB WORLD, meets every Frldiiy night at W. O. W. Temple. 128 11th street. All mem ben, welcome. Kmn to Kamp Friday night. H. L. BARBl'R, Clerk. L. S. DE YOUNG, Act. Consul Commander. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. New designs. Jaeger Bros.. 181-8 6th St. FRIEDLAN'DER'S for lodge emblems, class sins and medals. 810 VYaablnctoa sU