TITE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY. JANUARY 24, 1913. hm.p w.Tr.n mai.k. Vl MBtK t y. s s . v p i.i'YM k s r ao en c v. 2o Ankeny t.. Ct. Jeron"L f'i. open n .! A. M. t 7 I'. M. fhKK FAKK NmRTH-KKKK KAKt H e n-r .. Just trtir.g. 9 hur aiirk. h:p tnliht. ! P. M. r)IrtMI llMrri. -J hour. I Com eari y for Itiu Job 3 rig riwtt'r. .'::. 3 rhokrttrt, fV.v.; 1 r falser. $;:.. r.toac rusUera, v iu king out, - .; 4 w 'Mul-bucinri, ft i. T... I burkr. 4 :. ImI;ih engineer. 4 b-uker. tl ". Hmky firraan, $JC0. )OI.I. mk.-n. mill and rt men. S.15dL K xrn tBii board, bo tel. 7 week ; far Bvlvancrd- NORTH. Ir t Ivifi'l enio todsr. ! m! I snd ard mro. and board. Id )oun men. Nx f.-tnry, 40 aad bd. 13 foreigners. -t 7C ; Imm. $ 50; bL self. If u nt r in tossing ramp or Vn 1 1 i . u tUr. Wo ar tfrnu f C a a -juirr of leading rom(Mnie on tha 1, l' MM K RMKV.1 K M P I ,Q T M E N T AflK NOT. ifArHIN'IPT. In the rity. $X. hoar: mill for rasa. $l-J; UoiKtr, city, M:!l and yard labor-rs. city. $3 25; out af town. l-lio and tal.ymen. $4. etc Married couple, woman to rook, small amp. . mmn to work la ramp or milt. J- pr day up. Lorni of all kinds for work la spruce. fir ana cedar. M'rnanAu Jobs of all ktada too no- j r.trous to list here PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COM PANT. Largest on th Coast. HELP WAITED FEMALE, tt'AMEU Girls who har no experience In danin( to train for ballet on tha Orpheura circuit. Long engagement with the nt-' t salary ever paid for dancers. No rhri III bo mail for training;- This la an enviable opportunity to travel and advance. Alto v mh girls for musical re- ua hero and In Rattle, no experienro la required, titudios Momirur Marrel, Port land only Hal let Mauler, premier Artist Imperial Kumihii Pallet. Wheel don Annex Apt. (No phones.) W ANTiil) A s:enorpher with these qual iftratmna: IlrlWffn nd 3. i;nc. neat. l-unrtui;. kchmI in pan man whip, rapltt In lma dictation, tilve previoua or present emp.ovment. references, atato aalary x pc:ed and writ anawer to thla ad by nant. A -l dress A J ... Oregon i an. WA XTKD I.a-ly of innit busineaa ability c tho.:c preferred, to travel and do col lecting in itrc-r town or Kastern oreiroa, Idaho and Montana: steady position : mxl ary and expenses. ivs referance. AG b44. U A.TtI tiool, steady men and women with parktnthotie spertence, for sausage, rastnic. ham and beer-boning; drpirttnenti; a so bog. cattle and sheep butchers. Full i:m. go.vd net and conditions. Fry A 0. i-aitle. WaJih. 1IHKK KKl'KH and stenographer, llOO; bookkeeper. SO; bookkeeper and stenog rapher, T5; bookkeeper. $H: stenog rapher and bookkeeper. t.0. 301 N. W. I '..nK h:.lc G1KL wanted to sarura offtra training, pro vided salary required nominal and pen manship gMd ; when answering stato ref erenda and aaJary roU)reiL Afcl 317, Ore gon tan. HELP WANTED MISCET-LANEOCS. AND MEN 31 TO BO. . TODAY IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Get your preparation In any of tha fol lowing schools and your success Is as sured. Best of classrooms, leetura-rooms, ah ops. laboratories and drafting rooms. Automobile school. arlation englnea electrical engineering, frhlp building, bust neas and stenographic schools; mechanical drawing, chemistry, radio telegraphy (free to diart men), college preparatory and many Individual classes. Employment department fraa to stu denta. For fraa catalorus of any school ad dress. PIV. M, DEPT. OF EDUCATION. T. M. C. A, Portland- AD VI SORT AND EMPLOYMENT DEPART MENT. Y. M. C. A. W can place young men with ability. Constant calls coming for tha mas who can deliver tha goods. A Y. M.C. mem bership costing $o.tK guarantees you will secure employment or refund or tea, Also gves you two months' full privileges. lu montor social ana use oi inis oe part men t for ona yea. See secretary, J. w. Palmer. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED by VWonday. 28th. four-or flvs room neatly furnished house. In respectable neighborhood, not too far out: responsible people, permanently employed; references; advise fully. Phone li. . Eaton. House 40, Oregon Ian office. WANTED Small furnished bouse, modern, or several furnished rooms and bath In private house. Phone M. Apt. 8. WANTED Unfurnished fi-room strictly mod ern house In radius of 3 miles of Orego nlan bldg. R 874, Oregonlan. WANT to rent strictly modern house with garage. In desirable locality. Main 8572. WANTED Furnished 6-R. modern house, 22 Cook ave. FOB KENT. HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES. Houses. 10 ACRES FOR RENT. At Erroll station, on Estacada electric line; faces Johnson Creek; 7-room house, barn, family orchard. Bull Run water; tSQ per month. WHITMER-KELLY COMPANY. 711 Pittock block. LAUREL HURST. Before buying elsewhere obtain oar list of exquisite homes for sale on easy terms I in Laurelhurst, the show place of Port land. LAURELHURST CO., 270H Stark st. Mam uuu. a 1515. PART TIME. $400 A MONTH PROFIT. 112-room apartment-house. 2000 cash, up to $5000 trade, balance terms to suit; consists of 43 apartments and 8 single rooms, in first-class, modern brick bld., located In easy walking distance, rent 2.0 per month; clears $400 above al! run nlng expenses; Al furniture and carpets are in splendid condition, and the house Is clean. Price $10.oo0. A. J. De FOR EST, 207 Board of Trade Bldg. FINANCIAL. Apartments. WANTED To rent 5-room apartment, heat, hot and cold water, out of the congested district. Address X 003. Oregonlan. ORIGINAL mOLER BARBER COLLEGE -ounded In lnyj. Trade taught In eigh weeks; tuition earned during the course get you a position, xurulnn tools, acno arship tmnsfer card. Writ for free cata- logue. 234 Burnsldo mK WANTED 5 YOUNG WOMEN AT ONC WITH APPEARANCE' I3 TO 91A PEit WEEK. CALL Sotf oTOCS EX I HA.NUE. 233-233 Bum side St. J. P. Coxon. Mgr. TEACHERS. We need your services during the Pu mer. secure position now. state education. ege. phone No A ion, Oregonlan. WANT EI W ANTED. 9 shlnr'a pa-ker. 11c per M. 2 sawera. liw pr M 1 k M kriM b-ntr. si per day. I u'omni'- rut-off man, pr day; board and rom $1 per day; faro ad- anrr.I. PL BLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. -17 Davis . ft A.TKl An tpvnnri fraternal insurant-! ii'itor to work f"r the Independent rdr rf Kircer tn Pon;and arid vicin ity. SP nd!d sa ary contract to the right m -in. Must be wf s ' d appearance, strii t.y Uir prat and come me., recommenla. Api y 1 ) A M J.nury 2. at Hotel Port land. Frank rl. rind. P . C . WANTED Man at h-afle to take car of fur auto trucks at night; also drive one1 of them about two hours every evening; man must have exprln e and be capa ble of making adjustments and minor re pairs; ait nights h week, sal ary f luO month ; rare paM. rererencea. cail per sonal .r. room r..ss mug. "W ANTtD For ti -Experlenceil stenographer dictaphone operator, good poamon to rltt party ; answer. gl log reference. AN oregonlan. BooKKErlPER ar.d stenographer in gen esal store. in Ilea from l'ort!atid. t a:i ; at 21 X MorrUon at. Phono E. .15. 8:30 t A M. Gi HI. for office In wholesale house, some typewriting, billing and general off i ork, fair salary to start. Y 4o?. Oregi ntan. AN eaperin ed lady clothes Ironer: gir's on shirt machines. L. S. Laundry C rund ave. and t.t l amhlll st. AASTKI Two children to care for In my own home ; prefer children 4 to 6 years or age; reasonable price. Tabor SSJi. bTKNOGRAPHKK Must have good expert ence: state all particulars. 11 b34m ore gonlan. WANTED Experienced millinery makers. Apply at once, wonder Millinery, 6th an A. tier ats. .VMII.L SUPERINTENDENT. -band pine ml operating night and day shirt: wint t aorougn.y experi enced man. must be good mechanic; good living arcommodatlona, Send full partle- ars regarding saiary expected, recom mendstlons. etc Address AV 27d Ore-1 grntan. ZLEVATOR operatoro. Apply between and 11 A. M.. supTintenUn'.s offlca. base ment Da. cony. itr r ran co. WANTED Ftrat-claaa, experienced lady stenographer. Hawley Pulp Paper Co., Oregon city. Phone ow. collect. GIRL or nUddle-aged woman for light wor in email apartment, one wno sleeps at noma at American Apts.. Broadway 36 WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer to take charge of office; none but bast need PP'T. W tl. Oregonlan. WANTED filrl for confectionery store, on who undent a nde fountain work: straight oayenirt. Phone .Main 37e. AM putting on lo or 1& more house-to-house sneo. tea and corree Outneu, sa.ary ana HEAD waitreas, $75; cook for 6 men. $35 w it ream, u week. Hansen's. 94Zh Wash mgton. commission, both In and out of city ter-I CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en Apply casino have some new territory soon. Appy at one in person on y. Mr. ttaaer, s i i manager. 2l rand ae. TW nai sing.e men. ovr 20. by large Kastrrn firm, aa sa.esmen In crew work- in g oast towns. Must be good mixers. wt .lng to w-ra- Fipertnce unneceaaary; re:rrc. Mr. Hu.'.'miA, Orcgoa Hotel. to 12: DOoH PAT.'iiEK.4. stock door factory, ex- prt workmen now making up to i) day en p.ece bas.s. good opening for one anoer.en -d In this itne: stean y emp.oy- mnt Wire, our expense. Nlcolal Ioor yi?i. Co. I'orr.and. or. "w ANT E I I. AT H MILL (VNTRACTOU Tj manufacture iath by contract at two-b i .1-1 p.ne ml'l operating night and d y sh.f's. ind futl particu.ara regard ing a. ary txp ted. rcommendationa, etc AMre A - 'r-gon:an. ga semen te. no traveling. Theater. NEAT appearing boy wanted to learn auto mobile business. S2o-2i iiu reside, between btb and Broadway. W ANTED Children to board; have good nome. motner a care; oest referencea; bell woo'l MJ. WILUNO youny girl. Main 61IH. W anted Domeatlca. ANTED jirl for general housework In ramuy or two adu:ts and two small chl! dren. $40. without asshlng; $4 witl washing; mmt be competent and expci enced ; references reuutred. Phone Ta bor 3342 or It 2331. 1130 East Klandera street, Mnntavtna car to East 3th st. Buf wanted to secure of fir training, pro- liei sa.ary reuutrea nominaa ana pen- ANTED iirL French preferred, to assist with housework, no launury. no furnace. 3 adults. 1 child. Main 22 IS. 92 Coun ell ret Drive. mans hip d: when answering state rf- CAPARLE and refined girl or mature AC U;. Ore- orenca and aaiary required. gon Ian. slAN wanted for general tn-rchendlsa etoro la eountrv town w ho are you 7 v ny oat of a position Wnfct ran you doT Wagee depend on aMUty Address B, care Aliea j a U w ta. Ha ker. Jr. W ANTE D A family competent to milk and take caro of about ad mticA CO we on eVairy farm, rloao to Portland. Inquire room boa oeriinger euiiuing. xa ana ai- der stsw WANTED Weo to aualtfy for con doctor. Apply room 310 Kietrto building, hours frura f 10 A. M- to 4 P. M. and riundaya , id A. L; mf with dependenta preferred. I H . L- 1'. C o. K ANTED Parry to take charge of berry ranch on shares or salary: fumisned nouso. good wacer. wood. eta. leood opportunity. AV 23. Ore go nlaa. VIH to gt In touch with aa A No. 1 mov- Inc Dtrtura operator: no Oash reoulred : your experience ran nt yoa good reiuma. Pox AV 2.1. .reg,n?an. WANT EI A bookke-rr who as epri- enced In lumber accounting ; don't apply ir not rirat-ctja; ge r:erncwa. age sin gle or marrieL AD 4C Oregonlan. w ANT 3 woodchoppera. ! corda or more; good timtr. pajr si ,3 ini use or cabm; pay every wea. la reply g'.va your phone. K 41. oregoni. woman to caro for 4-room house and 3 yoar-tM girl. Parents employed. Wood awn l WoMAN or girl to help with bouaework for room and ooard and small waxes; good b ome for right pa rt y. Write M re. W m. Simmons. Tbumpn i biding. Kerry. Or. HI' - I'll WUBWUI K . good home, kind treatment and gool wagea to the right glrL Mrs. Heart. 131 J faniy divq. WANTED Oirl for general housework, ex perienced or one willing to learn, no wash ing, no fumaca, 2 adults. 1 child. Main 221. P?2 Council f'reat Prlv. REKINEp. competent woman wants house keeping in widowers home; have girl 10. A .i, I'regonian. GIHL to asatst with housework and care for child haf days, $13. East 17o2; refer encea. WANTED Work In pis In grown-up family or ooaraing nouse. o laundry. Mala 823. I WANTED Experience! nurse maid for 2 children. Marshall 603R tio l girl for gr.cral housework ; small family. god wa;ec Phone Wdln. 4445. COMPETENT girl. general housework. r me to assist with 4 .'.4 East 21st N. AN expernced machine operator; one who can sw on i'mw bra! la App.y at Wash ington I.aJ Hat Mfg. Co.. 1420 2 J av-. yt'. Wash. lAii 'KEK-4 wanted for Ins. le and outs.de work, good wtges. permanent empioy mnt. For in formation sppy 39 Oregon '- W ANT E I Two experienced port era. one Janitor for wholee-i.e grocery house; none but experienced men need appiy. A -47. i "rn.An. lluY 1 rar of age or o er. wUa bicycle; guarane p r month; ran earn more; Sunrty aura. Apply room ?, Board of Trade b dg W ANTED ranch han-'. able to milk. ftibtM preferred, wages $. nutnth now, $K f nm lt April If suitable. Adolph Hohl-r. Boue. I -l.i ho. R. F". D. No. S. WaNTED iirl to do housework and assist In cooking, family of 2. App:y .. Hoyt. Tlt'Nl girl to asatst with housework, no cooking - t onege, corner tn. W AN'TEI lrl for general housework; must be good cook; wages $."0. E;ist 2746. til HI. for general housework. $-0 month; good home right party, seiiwood 2vin. WOMAN or girl for srn all family. Phone general AVoolIa1 GIRL for general housework. sr. housework; vn 4:li. 731 Kearney GIHL to assist with light housework. Mar shall MiA GIRL for general housework. 734 Main, near St. t iair. Apply mornings Hlt I'lNt; Ork and i"- krain 'or local ma chinery h'ue n wifb experience pre ferre'i . gl opportunity fir right person. J 21.". iregti'iUtn. E. P1:KIEN'ED fartn hand. good with horses. wtUing to do anything on the farm, no mtlktnr: cm $j p-r day and board, Wrtte A 3-t. orrgonian. VfAN to cut fir wood. 20 mile from Port land; muDt furnish own tools. $J per cord, all 22 Alder st. W ANTI'D First -c1j grocery man to work In store and deliver. Star Grocery. b7th St.. near San!y boulevard. WANTED An experienced hotel porter. BD 74V. ( regonian. WANTEt Old man to do chores for room and board Tator '7tu. AKrHtTF.'T d-strs young man. who wants to learn the profession. Aj -'-4. trgonian. W'ANTEL 'o.k. epenented for good city trade; must be n iirk. A 3-I. Oregonlan. JANITOR fr ap-.'tm"nt hous. S-room apu. 1(14,1 !. r.. 13th. luast -4-., UFLP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. PORTLAND NORMAL AND COMMERCIAL H'llooL Dekura bldg., 2d floor. Pupils enrolling rapid. y for shorthand, bookkeep ing, dictaphone. Silking machine, comp tometer, mimeograph, tiling, etc. A Uttl better and a little cheaper ought to be sufficient to secure further Investigation. employment secretary and court -report e: added recently. Two phones: Main fM or Mar. 193. Courteous Information and to the nint over phone. Home courses a low aa S-.V. See our further announcemen tomorrow. LAs r tilDU COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Day and evening. 1-2 H urtna ave. fc.ast 47. BITTATIONS WANTED MAX K. Bookkeeper and Clerka. THOROUGH ACCOUNTANT Thirty-two years, married. Experience: Lumber, railroad, wholesale ana manufacturing; open for engagement. Al references. AV 253. Oregonlan. WANTED Position by experienced lumber accountant with lumber firm In city, one familiar with keeping coet accounts and a. I details, best of references. Addrexs Ac e24. oregonlan. AN experienced bookkeeper and accountant ox advanced ago and with best oi refer- encts, m ants permient position. Address a is i no, vrtRunitn. WANTED By an elderly mn with knowl eOge of bookkeeping or any clerical work. suitable position. Phone Marshall Z4h4. EXPERIENCED hotel clerk and store keepe wants position; exempt; references. AG 3.'l. oregonlan. C. E. MITCHELL, expert accountant: In come statement, zvo Henry oiag. Main si to. THOROUGHLY experienced man stenosr rap tier wanta position in attorneys of fice. AK o3, oregonlan. RAPID accountant will keep your books In i or nours aai.y at a great saving. roan way 7:4. Miscellaneous. MIDDLE-AGED man wants position on large ranch to do wood and harness re pair work, or light choring; I have my own wooa-worKing too.s. Box 67, Mou mouth. Or. EXPERIENCED window trimmer, card writer and advertising man desires post tlon tn medium-sized store, preferably men s ciotning. v oregonlan. SAW-FILER of long experience desires nit" uaiion in logging camo: will work: bun- days, but not Saturdays. In writing state wages paid. Chaa. S. Wilson. Chit wood. Or. A NO. 1 machinist wishes position ss fore man or machine shop doing ship building ana marine engine work; have had mer- chant marine experience. S 3t2, Oregonlan. LAPt.Kih.NCED nlghtwatchman wants steady position: bonds if necessary; mar- rieu. age j. a J oregonian. WANTED Traveling position by an expert riHTd BMiremaji ; local reierencea. A u areas r-ostotrice box 814. WANTED Job aa a watchman, or any ln- siae worx; nave family of b, so answer quick. AB 807. OregonJan. POSITION wanted by young man. graduate auio scnooi. in garage or automobile busi nesa. A 842. Oregonlan. MAN with auto truck wants hauling, etc.. or or contract, day, week or month. John Deardorff, Lenta. Tabor 3.".63. OUNG man would like to iearn how to drive an auto, either by working or pay ing. Address B 110, Oregoman. oUNG man desires work during spare time. C 17. Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED man wants Job as Janitor. gooa wages expected. Main eR. room 304. KOl'GH carpentering, repairing, painting work wanted. Phone evenings. Seiiwood 113 CA PA BLE young- man wanta work. 1Z4. Last EXPERIENCED auto truck driver wants position. Seiiwood 1332. WORKING woman wants clean housekeep Ing room, apt, AC 870, Oregonlan. WANT 3 or 4-room apartment. West Side proferred. Call Marsh. HOO. room 312. Rooms. WANTED, by a young man, furnished room with all conveniences in private family; waiKin g a lsiance. .mo, oregoman. DOUBLE house adapted for two families. o rooms eacn, rent fl.OO ror each apart ment, garage If desired $2.50. W. C. Re-I pass, 2o Chamber Commerce, phone Main I 1454. VERY 'attractive modern 7-room house, with sleeping porch, hardwood floors, 2 fire places, full basement, located at 759 Hal Bey st.. near 22d. Irvington. Rent $40. Phone E. HQ1 Sunday or E. 7516 weekdays. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 5S0, A 674T. 7-ROOM house. Marguerite ave.. near Haw thorne ave.; fireplaec, bath, large lot, good garden spot. $12 month. F. Vandyun, 51$ Chamber of Commerce. UNUSUAL BARGAIN. 184-ROOM APT.-HOUSE FOR $3500. A modern place, located on the west Side, very close in. rent only $300 per month, on lease. This house Is clearing over $250 now and no rents have been advanced; can easiiy be mad to pay $3o0 to $400 per month net, and think of It, the whole price is only $3500; $2000;cash, balance to suit. A. J. DeFOREST, 207 Board of Trade Bids. LOANS, notes, contracts, mtgs. purchased. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. Main 6S8. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR installment plan Is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $:i2.2d per mouth fur 3d months, or $-1.24 per mouth for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commissions charged. EQUITABLE SAVINOS & LOAN ASS'N, 242 Stfirk St.. Portlnnd. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. WM. MacMASTER, 701 COR BETT BLDG., PORTLAND. $400 PER MONTH INCOME. Fine steam-heated brick building;, hot and cold running water in every room. nice furniture. A bargain for cash or will i exchange lor California property wui m 50uo. ueo. T. JHoore to., ADingion mu EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO., 2d Floor United States Bank Bldg. Mortgage loans and bond issues, espe cially in larger amounts, 6 per cent up. Miscellaneous, SUBURBAN acreage, one or two acres, with good 6 or 6-room house, unfurnished. Call East 4N87. GOOD portable garage wanted. Main 4690. FOR RENT. Furnished Room A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St. and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford Is the principal East Side hotel and is a hotel of dignity and re finement. Rooms with private bath, $22.50 per month; suites, 4. A few nice rooms at $3.0 per weett. Dally rate $1 and up. ANSON1A HOTEL. 124 14th st.. at Washington. Fireproof. large. attractive. spotless rooms, individual phones, continuous heat & hot water serv.; 75c day up: $3.50 wk. up STAND1SH HOTEL. 548 H Waahlngton St.. Cor. 17th. Modern, steam-heated rooms. $L50 to S3 per week; free phone and bath. HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 11th St. Strictly modern, private baths en suite; rooms $J Up. Main 9472, A 4783. HOTEL BROADWAY, 22 N. Broadway. Low rates to permanent guests, isteam heat. Phone. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash- st. ; downtown location; respectable and strictly modern; team heat; rooms large, clean. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison street at 10th nates uc per a ay up; weeaiy, $3 up; running water; free phone and baths. 8-ROOM modern house, 712 Love joy, near 22d. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 6278. $1000 HANDLES 43 rooms; the whole prlc im nnlv SI HOtt. And this Dlace X&B $17 net every month; is located on the West Side and modern. A. J. DeFOREST. 207 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, 6 rooms, $10 month, l a oor t 9 ROOMS, new, never occupied, 2 bathrooms, garage, $45 a month. 906 E. 27th st. N. IF YOU WISH To buy, sell or exchange a hotel, rooming or apt. -house, see A. J. DE FOREST, 203-205-207 Board of Trade bldg. MODERN cottage, well located, close to car. I Main W76. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED, ready to move Into. S18 mo.. 434 13th, cor. College, West Side, walking distance, 1 -story, 5 rms., downstairs. 2 , up; gas. bath, basement. Inauire fore noons. 470 Hall st., near 14th; afternoons iJtll. Al-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Rent only $50 month, hot and cold wa ter In every apt., tsteam heat, clears over $200 month. Get our price. Geo. T. Moore Co.. Abington bldg 26-ROOM housekeeping, well located, low rent, well furnished, furnace heat; Pf8 West Park. Wells & Anderson. Stores. STORE buiiding on North Union ave., store room zzxjtt reet, living-room above, goou basement. Fine location for grocery; rent $25 per month. Wni. L. Graham, 267 Vs Oak st. Phone Main 1743. 1 'J-ROOM hnnflpkppnine. well located.1 mod ern xrorwl furniture: If taken this week, $550, terms. Call 363 West Park. Wells & Anderson. SPLENDID storeroom for rent on Washing ton street, near Sixteenth; fine condition; unusual price for quick occupancy. See Mr McFarland, 300S Broadway bldg. MARY E. LENT eiia hntois room in if and apartment houses at the best prices and terms. 624 N. W Bank bldg. Main 8560 Office. 38 ROOMS. $60 MONTH. Nice little roomlne house on West Side, a money-maker. Get our price. Geo. T. Moore Co., Abington ouigr. OFFICE rent free In building on 5th st. in ROOMING and apt. house. U7 rooms, mod- exchange for office services. Further formation call Portland Van ex a to rage Co., Broadway 5640. FOR RE NT- cheap. ern. West Side, central, well furnished, clean; a snap, terms, labor r-uo, -Furnished offices and desks. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HOTEL In Bend. Or., for Bale or trade for rooming-house here. Mar. 2484. LOST AND FOUND. TO LEASE HOTEL NORRIS, 538 Alder st- Strictly moo em. 91.00 ana x.'.ou week. HILLCREST HOTEL, bath, phone, $16 mo. up; w lthout bath, $12 up. 733 Washington. TO LEASE space In brick building;. 25.000 q. ft. ; close in, business center East Side; suitable for garage, storage, manufactur ing. W. G. Kerne. 153 Grand ave. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A LIBERAL reward offered for the return of one 84x4 Btraight side itoyai com cas ing mounted on Firestone rim to Cap's Service Station, 540 E. Burnside st. The serial number of casing will be furnished on application. DESIRABLE corner room, private bath, I p nones, xo ior two. 73d Washington st. LOST Between 6th and 11th St., on Mor rison, Saturday night, fraternity pin set with garnet and blue and small diamond In corner; leave at 559 Morgan bldg. Re ward. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. FURNISHED sleeping rooms in private I family, walking distance; gentleman pre-1 ferred. Lucretla street, near Wash ington. Main 5444. MEAT MARKET AND SLAUGHTER HOUSE. The only market in the town : estab lished 8 years; never before offered for MANUSCRIPT of arand lodge report loat at East 15th and Broadway, or somewnere In that vicinity. Finder please phone Main 6294 or A 1994. NICE, warm, outside room. 2d floor, suit able lor two persons; very reasonable, I walking aistance. 67 N. 20th st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In good home; references: Nob Hill. 738 Johnson. I ROOMS suitable for 2 In refined Irvington I nome. 433 E. 9tn N. c 14S3. FURNISHED room for rent. 564 Ladd ave. I Phone East 6309. ONE room. $1.50 per week. 411 Stark st. sale; prce for the equipment, $700; rent 01 tne snop, it per month ; rent 01 tne slaughter houe with the land, $20 per year. This Is worth your investigation. Act quick. A. J. DeFOREST, 207 Board of Trade Bldg. MILLINERS. ATTENTION. I am offering for sale at only $600 the complete stock and fixtures of an estab lished MILLINERY DEPARTMENT In one of the LARGEST DEPARTMENT stores on the Coast in a big payroll town of 20,000 population. This is a real snap and the best of reason for selling. Act oulck. A. J. DeFOREST, 207 Board of Trade Bldg. LOST Black leather bill fold containing currency and Multnomah Athletic Club card; liberal reward. Call Mar. 1624, A 7924. LOST Two Airedale bitches, on Peninsula; strayed from McKenna Park Kennels. Re ward. Call Columbia 814. LOST West of Oswego, 3 hounds, one old dog. black, white and tan, 2 bitches, 1 bob-tail. Call East 1522. Rooms Wlih Board. LOST Child's green sweater, trimmed in rose color, in downtown district, Tuesday P. M. Finder call Main 1530. Reward. IF YOU have brains, foresight and $20,000 I LOST Silk umbrella, with monogram, Sun- ROOM and board for business girls; all moo ern conveniences; walking distance; S3.60 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st. PARKVIEW Family hotel, 386 Montgomery St., in boutn ramway; waiKing aistance; excellent table; reasonable rates. M. 3783. 2 MORRISON, cor. 13th, choice rooms and board; modern conveniences, walking; dis- I tance. Rooms With Board In Private Family. PRIVATE family would like to take an in valid gentleman or lady to care for In their home Just out of the city of Port-1 land; city conveniences: we have our own! cow and chickens. S 842, Oregonlan. COMFORTABLE room, with breakfast, in private family; walking distance. Main 94-. and axe willlmr to invest them all in strictly conservative enterprise, I will add j 500 lota located in the city of Astoria. Or.. I conservatively valued at $40,000, and share . equally with you the profits resulting from any deals involving the exchange, trade or ' handling of our combined resources, rei eronces exchanged. Address box G02, Port land Hotel. Portland. Or. POOL MEN. ATTENTION. Here's your chance two tables, cigar and tobacco stand. The only one in a live town of 600 population, near Astoria, 75 miles from Portland. Price $100ir. In cluding the bldg. and lot 45x100; must be sold, the man Is sick. A. J. DeFOREST, 207 Board of Trade Bldg. ENERGETIC, young man with exclusive day on Oregon City car. Return to wait ing-room, 1st ana Aiaer. LOST Real estate listing book. Phone Main 37S7 or call 634 Northwestern Bank bldg1. Reward. LOST Brown pair of pants, bet. 105 West Park and Multnomah Hotel; reward. 105 West Park. LOST Eastern Star pin. Call East 5760. Re ward. LOST Sunday, from Council Crest. 2 alre- dale females. Reward. Piione Marsall 3476. MORTGAGE LOANS. t 69fc 7 UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of iuturest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. $500. $1000 AND upward on improved real estate, favorable terms; no delay, no bro- kerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. $500 TO loan at 7 per cent on improved Portland property. Billings, 5u9 McKay bldg. $50,000 TO LOAN In amounts to suit on city property at 6 and 7 per cent. McKENZIE A CO.. 515 Oerlinger Bldg. $300, $400. $500, $750. $1000 and up at low est rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Ch. of Coin. Main 6445. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. w . u. Beck. lG-21fl Failing bldg. Phone 3407 . $1000 TO $40.00( TO LOAN, (arm or city property ; no commission. P. o. Box 873. SEE US today ; loans, any amount, 6-7 ttLLAn&-Jiuiiiu. co. Biit leon bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT, LUC IS SALOMON & CO., 408 Seling bldg. CLIENT'S money, mtg. loans, only cost pa pers. See me first. Ward, 407 Spalding. $10.000. SUMS TO SUIT. AD 452, Oregoniau. Money to Loan Chattels und Salaries. FURNITURE SALAItfY LOANS. LOANS. WE LOAN MONEY, to salaried people on their own notes; easy payments, strictly confidential. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household iurnUure, plauos, etc., without removal. Call and see us. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 317 Failing Bldg. IF TOU NEED MONEY, SEE US. SALARIES CHATTELS. Loans made to persons on salary or fixed Income; on household furniture, Uianoa, diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Business confidential; private office, PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). 306-307 Dekum Bidg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to protect borrower. Carrio Myers Herman, Mgy., H'J4 Stark st. Money loaned on diamonds, jowelry, pianos, household furniture. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; Imi1 rates; an articles neia a year; estubliuhtatl since 18S8. Dan Marx, 2S3 Washington. MONEY loaned on pianos, other securities W. A. Hathaway. 208 Washington bldg. Loans Wanted. B. LEE PAGET. $2000 at 7 per cent, two-story West moreland residence; insurance $2600. $2500 at 7 per cent, Laurelhurut home, all improvements paid. $9uuo at 6 per cent, income property, as sessed valuation over $20,OUO. B. LEE PAGET, 602 Corbett bid. Main 6230. $6000, 7 PER CENT, first mortgage, 29 acres, highly improved; apple orchard, 2 blocks railway station, valued $20,000. All 74S, Orej?onian. LOST Bag containing checkbook, fountain pen and watch. 1 Finder call Seiiwood 889. LOST Long black purse, in rest, room of Lipman-W olfe s. Reward. Seiiwood 892. MODERN home for men. heat, good table. baths and music. Near Union and Alber ta 1099 Garfield. Wdln. 2025. "state rights automobile accessory desires j LOST Airedale, license tag 82. Finder please active merger with old established auto- call Tabor 2768 or 4u6 E. 38th st. Reward. mobile or accessory house that win pay GOOD Chinese cook wants position as chef or secona in hotel rest. Z4(t Pine. PRIVATE family offers nicely furnished room., with board, close In. 03 Hoyt, MTVATIOXH WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Meoographers. WANTED By young lady, position aa aa- atatam dook Keeper and general office help. Can operate typewriter. X 874, Oregoman. OCNO lady wishes position In dentist's of- iice or similar work; satisfied with low wsges for beginning. AP 36o. Oregonlan. SOME experience bookkeeping, would like piace in small office; low wages; willing An 111, t,rejron!an. X i'ER IENCKD stenographer Just returned o ciiy wisnes responsible position; beat references. Y 401, orrgonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper, best of ref. Main 2817. NTED Light office work for tDrlinrA Phone East 7473. KNOGKAPHEK desires position, some ex perience. Call Wood lawn 549. OMAN wants situation as dishwasher or cook In lumber camp. Tabor 4375. ROOM with board in private family. Broad- way 4317. .H3fr oa vis. CHILDREN to board In private home. East 2446. ROOM with board In private family. Broad way 4S17. 59514 Davis. monthlv return: in nosition to rhake fur ther cash Investments up to reasonable amount in short time, as business war rants. G 798, Oregonlan. DELICATESSEN, home bakery and grocery, FOUND A stray cow. Call Woodlawn 5188. located In the best apartment-nouse ais- LOST Sunday, from Council Crest, 2 Air- dale females; reward. Phone Marshall 3476. LOST Gold acorn breastpin, keepsake. Sell wood 1386. trlct in Portland; clean and neat little j place, with living-rooms in connection; $550 cash required. A. J. DeFOREST. 207 Board of Trade Bldg. j SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. ROOM suitable for two men, reasonable. Sll Morrison. Main 2722. Furnished Apartments. STENOGRAPH ER. experienced, neat, of- 1 tiirni, u esi res posi 1 10 n. 1-t 99 7. Dreaamakera. MART gowns, suits and blouses made to or oer; aistinctive remodeling. Broadway Dy te Cleaning Wka, 381 Wash., bet. W Park and 10th sta Gown dept.. Bdwy. ujb anu cleaning aept. .aSC fwJ. XPEIilENVED stenographer, reliable, good I'niinan, rxecuiive auiiiiy, oesires position. Nurses. NDERGRADL'ATE nurse wants case. kind taken 16 years' experience. East ,1 -1 'n. , U. 8. GOVERNMENT. STENOGRAPHERS WANTED. Uncle Sam will employ every graduate ef our Civil Service course at salaries of from $1000 to $2000 a year. Positions guaranreed all graduates. Enroll now. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 10th and Morrison. Portland, or. Phones: Main &080, A 3465. WANTED Good barber for Saturday, proo- pe--t steady j-o. !'.: tiawmorne. WANTKD H-v for morning work oniy. 24. Oregrmlan. WANTKD 3 nucMniin; J-b shop machine men prefe-red .;! I K Water. COOK wanted. Broadway. Restaurant. ACT MHILE sMhff ant-d. Main Help ttastle -Ageata. I BRAN D-N HW household necessity, thi PltM KihN.n IHnhj Drier. rirte dishes with Qt wiping; eelia fir $1 2i. rapid sales, big profits: write toiay for full partlcn- iarL r ran co., t . o. do i-o. oaa la-id. CaL Help U tie. SKMAXKNT positions for 3 first -class t and roff- house -to-house saiesmen. We pay a guars nteeu .ary 10 men fa nv lar w . h house -to- house work who are abiO to produce results. Apply Ideal Tea Co.. Til I n'on ave. . SALESMAN wanted for out1d territory; or.ly first-elasa men considered, who can show revord of "0 per year er better. Apply room 444 Oregon HoteL tiri.r W VTFD -FT.M ALU. tXPERIF.SfKU girl waitresa wanted. Pub lic Keetaurant. 34 East HumaMe. J'FtVATC h"mo for children to 13 years old: IS year- exp. 714 Everett. Mar. 213. sU I DDLK-aged or young woman wanted for houwenri n 5-room flat. Ml ftth st. XPERIKNCED bookkeeper, city references. bosrl. AL "ffoni.ta WASHINGTON High School alrU good home. wtia wa king dis'anr. East V W A NTED Experienced Main 73.M. dining-room glrL tVAlTRITSSr:.. hotel mads. Howe s Ag-nry. room 4 3. 5 faro! y he: p. "Otj Wash st. v A N'TE D Toting. flrst-'-'ass manlcur'.et. rtar of Trede Parbr ?hop. 4h and On. COMPETENT nurse niaid with reXer sAxjp Aiala al. Yist ave. WANTKD Several more young men and young women to prepare for telegraph and station service to fill vacancies caused by unuBU.nl drafting of men Tor blgnai corps. Call or write Tele era ph dept.. room 214. Railway Exchange bldg.. cor. &d and Stark sta. Mlr-.S MATTINGLT'8 Shorthand. Typewriting frchool. Day. Evening. 3 Monta. zaw 14 in. ,Nar jerrersoa. Main snu. KITCHKN helper wanted, male or female. 44 23d St. North. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS!. UNCLE SAM NEEDS AUTO EXPERTS. Attend a few days freo and find out for youree.f that we have the best system of teaching. Call or writ for big 00-page catalog u a ADOOX ACTO SCHOOL. The School That's Different. Union Ava. and Wasco St, Phone East 744A. PRACTICAL training In ffs. electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing. machine-shop practice, oxy-acetylene weld ing, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Write fur catalogue. Seattle En- gineerin- bthooL Beat tie. v ash. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 Hawthorne ave. Complete courses In suitable day and evening classea. EVERYTHING M E OHAMOAL AND ELECTRICAL. Cnllm tted practical repair experience. Special evening class rate. OREiHN BARBER COLLEGE wdll teach yoa the barber trade In eight weeks; too la rre; scnoiarsntp and d'pio mas given; paid while learning; position guaranteed; tuition reduced. --! Madison. MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL teaches men and women barber in a weeaa, giving di ploma ; earn tuition while learning. Posi tion guaranteed; tools free. 2S4 Pooch st. UNCLE SAM needs 1.00 stenographers. Enroll uow for short nana, typewriting, ttookaeeptng. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE PVHINKSS COLLEGE. Allsky bldg. HINSDALE COMMERCIAL CCHOOL. Broadway-Tarn hill building; Individual Instruction: rto,rt,,',n competent. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE Puphs received. MORE CASES, any kind, by experienced nurse. $J0 per week. Main 73. II 0 u ae k re pera. WOMAN of refinement desires position as nnuwuMpfr in geniieman a nome. F 888, PoH widower or doctor, by widow, one boy, IO year a 4715 6Ath st, S. E.. In first oioca sou in or Aneta station. rst M. S. car. LADY wants housekeeping position for fam ny employed. City only. AD 453, Ore- gonmn . HOUSEKEEPER for couple who work, or smau lamuy, wages arranged; no washing, LADY of refinement will take car of nhll. dren evenings during parents absence. anicuiara aiarsnuu s-iu. MIDDLE-AGED Widow wishes) housekeen. ing In widower's family. Mar. 3412. No. 267 WANTED Position aa housekeeper, amavll n.-, ciiy. xr (, crregonian. DomeMtice. WANTED By refined middle-aged woman position as companion to young lady or reiineu woman ; no onjection to Ugh household duties. AK 6.17. Oreconlan. a.i i to ny reiiaoie woman, day work, "c an hour and carTare. Call ail week. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes housework no care children. E. 6S4 after 0:30 A. M. EXPERIENCED cook wants position. H 885, oregnnian. af lace 1 1 aneoua. CAPABLE, quiet woman wishes to work for ugnt xurmsnea or unjumisaed 11. K. room hate piano and can teach. V 911, Oregonlan. WIDOW with boy 6 years old wants post (ion as nouseaeeper ior one or more gen tlemen ; no objections to one child. F p"h, oregoman. RELIABLE lady wants work by hour or a ay. cleaning, menaing, earning, etc.; 20c an nour ana car tare. can Seiiwood 771 COMPTOMETER operator desires work after noons, attends school morntaga. si 73, Oregonlan. - WANTED By young lady, position as cash ier or assistant in oince work; good ref- erence. v wiu. cregonian. YOUNG lady of high school education wants office wor where stenography Is not re quires. Ar oregonlan. WANTED Placa to take care of children evenings while mother la away; refer ences, woodlawn 1611. COMPETENT woman-wants day work; ref erences, wooniawn WE will design and make the children's d reeseta; reasonable prices. Tabor 6132. CONFIDENT, reliable young woman wants day work, can give reference. East 5243. EXPERIENCED lady wants house and laundry work py tne oay. Marsh. WASHING. Ironing, cleaning for Friday and sao rut a r, sHW svour; ge. aak isA THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Sta. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 3 and a -room lurnisnea apartments, an outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA, Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. Referencea klNGSBURY APTS.. 186 Vista ave.. neai 23d and Washington; 3-roora furnished apartment. and 17th; CARLOTTA modern; 1 COURT, Everett a Iking distance. 3-ROOM apt. to exchange for light Janitor) service. 200 E. 13th. Small wages. Cnfornlsheq Apartments. ROSE-FRIEND, 285 Broadway, corner Jef ferson; modern unfurn. apts., walking dis tance, best Service. Marshall 1410. BRUCE APTS.. 25th and Northrup street Modern 6 rooms and sleeping porch, steam heat. Main 4. References. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders; G and 6-room, reasonable. Main 7516. THREE rooms with bath, $18, Portnomah, 2M) E. 13th. 18 PER CENT on $12,500, besides an as sured salary of $ 10O per month, to tne man investing $12,500; business established In Portland since 1879, growing better each year. Do not answer unless you can buy, act quick or forget it. Call A. N. Ander son. 110 10th st. N. LARGE storage battery manufacturer will establish direct representative for tneir line in Portland, exclusive territory. .Big gest money-making opportunity In connec tion with the automobile line today. S 344. Oregonlan. STEADY man with $1250 can buy equal half Interest in auto truck business witn reliable partner; do hauling for whole sale houses; profits $200 month to each partner now and can be increased. Call 1 304 oaK St. I HAVE proposition that should net $5000 annually, but need a partner to taae ac tive interest: S13U0 will secure half share. Don't reply unless you mean business and prepared to give references. H 881, Ore gonlan . - : FOR SALE. " S2000 will buy hotel equipment In small Washington town; accommodations for 65 1 men; located in building under 5-year I lease; good steady trade;, terms reason able. AV 273, Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called inter est In established real estate business get I advice of Portland Realty oara. PAUL COW gill, secretary. IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see A. J. DeFOREST, 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. Flats. 3-ROOM flat for rent; furniture for sale cheap. Call 7ofl Vancouver. tt-RM. flat. 175 E. 15th. nr. YamhllL E. 2154. Furnished Flats. COMPLETELY furnished 5-rm., mod. lower flat, walking distance. Main b!fi7. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, $5 week. Also single, $2.60. 5QM Alder st. 2-ROOM apartment, well furnished for H. K. 36tH E. Morrison. ' Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. SLEEPING-ROOMS and 2 first-class fur nished housekeeping-rooms, with sink, run ning water, electric light, gas, rurnace. OLD - ESTABLISHED cigar, confectionery and uriit emcerv store ior saie. very rea sonable. 409 Hoyt st., near North Bank Station. partver wanted In soft drink, candy and I ice cream concession at i-amp i.owis 1 Amusement Park; must have tzftoo to I S30iu. Address P. O. box 2.J, toalera. Or. ai pash business on a busy corner, living- rooms, bath ana tnuei in cunnuuo, nu agents; this Is wortn your wnue, 100a 11 up. Tabor 865. I mo rrvt nininsr-raom in 150-room hotel. equipped : Will lurniou Bieam ioi Lea.m 1 table, light, heat and water. For board I Of O people. AJ OUU, vjrcjjouitvH. ONE of the choices and busiest meat mar kets and groceries on tne r-aai diu, iru- 1 aient and regular trade, doing $2000 monthly; low rent. AN 285. Oregonlan. heat and phone. Walking distance. 2 em- I D QAI t- rm of the best restaurants In ployed people wanted. 175 N. 15th. Broad- I vni-tiand and connected with one of the I way 2016. lanre hotels. Inquire jar. Myers. wo THREE liirht housekeeping rooms, light. I Swetlana biag., tn an heat and phone and water, use 01 oatn; 1 . r A sh store business, no delivery; will adults. Call before 10 or after 8. Wood-1 ,. ch.aD: can clear $100 month besides iawn. 0110. 1 vour living. can aux u MODERN, private entrances and bath. Four I poUNDRY If planning to start iron foun- rooms furnished complete. gas. wood ranges, $13 month. 733 Rodney, cor. Fre mont. W. A., Woodlawn cars. dry or add to present plant, have in- I te resting proposition, iv vicBwunm. 1 HOUSEKEEPING room. 2 sleeping rooms. $2.50 per week ; free light, water, bath and phone; walking distance. 645 Wash ington. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 708 Ever ett st., cor. 22d. FURNISHED housekeeping Flanders, near 18th. 569 $3-00 CLEAN, attractive, steam-heated sin gle rt. tc room, ciose in. o.i. .norrmon. Hou THE Hexter residence at 70S Park ave. is for rent; for suitable tenant, alterations desired will be made. Phone A. rtexter, Broadway 1104. week days. - 12 50 EACH, two 5-room cottages, newly paperea ana pain tea. 4io-ii9 wuname ave., 3 blocks to Broadway. Owner. Main 1451. -ROOM bungalow. Long ave. and E. 40th st 4-room cottage, union ave. ana Going at. Owner. Sell. 17o7. 6-ROOM house, 589 E. Alder. Dr. W. A. Lindsey, office eiu Morgan oiag. Mam 6: ho. Res.. Marshall nm:. STORY. 6-room Laurelhurst home with sleeping porch. 1 block to car. Year's lease $30. with garage S35. Main 1700. 6S5 HALSEY, near E. 19th L Best Irving ton district. 7-room modern house, with carpets, clean, excellent condition. E. 2871. OR 8 -room modern house, Marshall st-, near 19th. Inquire 581 Marshall. Broad way 2474. MODERN 5-room house, largo basement. chicken-nouse, good yard for garden, $12 a month. See owner, 404 Piatt bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS -Desirable 7-room house. Marshall 4327, A S339. Call morn- FOR SALE Small general store, good busi ness and location; win uiscount ior casn 1 if taken before eo. 1. aj oregoman. SOLID grocery, clean stock and excellent lo cation; will sell at Invoice; net profits $350 month. Call 3U4H oaa m. WELL-EQUIPPED bakery, only one In town of 2000; owner must leave, r ur mu pu - tlculars write AV 309, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 12 M. capacity mill; plenty of, timber. Write for particulars. P. O. box 204. Alsea, Or. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will re received until February 12, 1113, at 9 o'clock A. M., at the oilice of the Board of Directors of the Talent Irri gation District at Talent, Oregon, for the purchase of six hundred thousand ($600, 000.00 dollars In bonds of the Talent Irri gation District ta municipal corporation ). Said bonds are numbered consecutively. commencing with number 1 and following in numerical oraer, mature serially in an nual amounts, so as to be approximately equal principal and Interest, and shall be payable in gold coin of the United States or tne present stanaara ox w eigne ana fineness or its equivalent. The said bonds shall be dated January 1, iwio, ana snail near interest at six OJ per centum per annum, payable semi-an nually on the first day of January and July of each year, and the principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the county Treasurer of Jackson county, Oregon, or at the fiscal agency of the state of Oregon, iu New l'ork City, state of Now York, the places designated respectively in the bonds and coupons. . Bonds shall be each of the denomination of not less than $100 nor more than $1000, and shall be signed by the president and secretary. The seal of the Board of Directors will be affixed thereto, and each bond will bear on the back thereof the registered cer tificate of the County Treasurer, who shall sign as Treasurer and as ex-oflicio Treas urer of the district. Coupons for interest will be attached to each bond, and will be signed with the engraved facsimile signature of the secretary. The County Treasurer, who is ex-owicio treasurer of the district and the secretary of the dis trict, will register the said bonds in books in their respective offices for that purpose, and therein will be stated the number, date, amount of bond, time and place of payment, rate of Interest, number 01 cou pons attached, an other description for luture identliicatlon of each bond; the foregoing shall not be construed to pro vide that any bond of the district will bear the registered certificate by the sec retary. Each bid must be accompanied by a certificate payable to the County Treasurer of Jackson County, Oregon, for $12,000, to secure the district against any iaa result ing from the failure of the bidder to com Dly with the terms of his bia. No Inter est will be allowed on said certified check, but if bid Is accepted, said check will be credited as a first pay menu The balance of the amount due will be payable and delivery made as follows: $2Sis,U00 within thirty (30) uays from acceptance of bid and $300,000 on July 1, 1018. Failure to make the payment of $288,000 as above provided, will forieit saia certified check to sal a aistnci. . These bonds, based on a full examlna tion of the district by the Oregon irrltia tlon Securities Commission, will be certi fied by the Secretary of State of the state of Oregon, aa a legal investment tor sav Inn and commercial banks, trust and in surance companies, trust funds and state school funds, and are legally acceptable to secure deposits of state, county and city funds in Oregon oanKS. These bonus are free from Federal in come tax and declaration thereunder and exempt from ail Oregon taxation. The appraised valuation of the irrigable acre age of tne aistnct is n.uio, iou, ana tne assessable valuation $681,940. Purchasers must pay accrued Interest to the date of delivery. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. THE TALENT IRRIGATION DISTRICT. By R. E. ROBISON, President. W. J. HARTZELL, Director. O. A. MANNING. Director. First publication, Jan. 11, 1918. Last publication, Feb.. 10, 1918. WANTED $1500 private money for five- years, 7 per cent; gooa security; present loan $2200. AV 256. Oregoniau. NTED $2000 1st mortgage, 6 per cent. oa 1000 acres wheat iunU in cultivation ; value $40,0HO. Reese, Main 16 WANT $100 on improved realty security will pay liberal imerest ; no agents. AL 316, Oregon ian. IF YOU HAVE money to loan on city prop erty, first iiug., list amounts with ua C ELLA RS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bldg $1000, 7 PER CENT, $2000, 6 per cent. E. J. Goiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 30-inch wavy switch, 2 sup $1.50 24-inch wavy switch, 3 sep l.Oo All-around transformation 1.45 Hairdressing, shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 25c. Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made of combings, 9-c. We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekum blag, 3d and Washington- Jiarsnan iiu. TUMORS, eye troubles, eczema, rheumatism, goitre, cancers, chronic diseases of every description and kind cured in the short est time possible at the least cost. The finest equipped office In the West. Call and see the wonueriui equipment. au charges for consultation or examination. Dr. W. E. Mullory, 604 Broadway bldg. Main 6709. w AN Y ONE knowing the whereabouts of Theo dore F. Atwater will confer a great favor by corresponding with M. D. Atwater, Chlco, Cat, and will be suitably reward ed for their trouble. Laat seen In Port- land. Or. MISSING Mae Deaver, 21 years old, 6 ft., weight aoout 13u pounds, large brown eyes, brown hair. Any one knowing of her whereabouts kindly write to J. E. Iteld, Toppenish, Wash. Hor mother is v e ry sick. ' LADIES Takara Antiseptic Powder Is a soothing, cooling and cleansing antiseptic; is endorsed by physicians; price ioc to $1 per package; teaspoonful to quart water. For sale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy. LOUISE NETZEL Trained nurse and mas seuse, gives treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc., tub baths, mas sage and electric blankets; lady assistant. Marshall 5033. 288 13th... near Jeoeisua. TRAINED nurse desires retined patrons far cabinet and tub baths, light magnetics, massage aud chiropody evenings, Sundays. Main 4363. 204 Kothchild oidg, e i Washington. WANTED lnfoimation of John SUwinskl, aged 33 years; leit re tin years ag. Any word will be gratefully received by his widowed mother, Mrs. Frances Sli wlnaki. Pe Ell, Wash. circle AUTOMOBILE garage, opening for active man satisfied to make $200 month now; can be Increased. Call 304 Oak st. FOR SALE The Hand Clothing Store, at 845 Washington st,; a snap for the right; party. WE have a fine lunchroom, doing good busi ness, low rent, bricK: ir soia mis ween, $300 for all. 163 West Park. , FOR RENT Good location for bakery and confectionery. L a?, oregoman. SEALED BIDS for text-books to be adopted for the use of pupils In the district for a period or four years will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 Court house, Portland, Oregon, until 4 P. M. March 1, 1918, and will be opened at a meeting of the Board of Directors to be held at 4 P. M. March 7. 1918. The Board of Directors reserves the -right to reject any and all bids. Specifications may be obtalned at the office of the undersigned. January ai. iio. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. mhj uo.tr. HO W.MAN will hold at her home Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, public invited. 3s5 4th St.. South, near Montgomery at. Telephone Marsh. 14ha. FACE and scalp treatments, dandruff, itch ing scalp, superfluous hair, moles, warts removed. 230 Fieidner bldg. Broadway 16&J- , REV MR. AND MRS. J. C. SCHORI teach truth, readings daily; circle Tues.. Thura. 400 Jefferson st. Main 5175. Sunday lec ture W. O. W. Hall. 128 11th St.. 8 P. M. SPIRITUALISM Mrs. M. L. LA MAR, -35 5th sU cor. Main, teaches palmistry aud card reading; also lessons iu acieuce of health and success REV MR AND MRS. J. C. SCHORI teach truth, readings daily; clr'.e Tues., Thurs. 406 Jefferson st. Main 51.5. Sunday lec tore W. O. W. Hall, 126 11th sL. 8 P. M. DON'T DELAY An Electric-Cabinet Bath, followed by a rub and a sclentlflo mas sage will rejuvenate you. 827-8-9 Pit tock block. 9 to 6. Sunday 10 to 4. ELECT RIG treatments for poor circulation rheumatism, lumbago, lace, scalp, sulphur, a team and salt oatus. 426 Clay. Main 8351. MRS. STEVENS, 24 years in Portland, 20th century science in yauiuy w - ltual reaaiugs u-lJi 76 Taylor st. DR. MARIE JOHNSON, chiropody, sweat. bath ana masseuse. 010 "e. vjiwu Sundays and evenings. Main 604. SOPHIA B. SKIP, mental, spiritual soience. Daily, 405 Tourny bldg., 2d and Taylor eta. Circles Wednesday 8 P. M. ftiar. inn. BODY MASSAGE, stomach and Intestinal trouble, cnronic conuuv".'". .i-a. j trained nurse. M. 1040. Flat C. 308 8d. BEST steam bath and massage in city, chlro- DraCtic, vior-iion uu oiutniv. --- - - -caret Haynle, 517 Bwetland bldg. M. 1765. BARBER chairs and fixtures at a big sacri fice. Kemp Barbers tauppiy c.. ii wasn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANT business for small capital and all my j time; will pay xiuu ror a sausiactory prop osition. AG 850, Oregonlan. PROPOSALS for marine boiler for snagboat Mathloma U. S. Engineer Office, 2d Dis trict, Portland, Or. Sealed proposals for a marine boiler will be received here until 11 A. M., February 18. 1918, and then opened. Further information on application. Miscellaneous. WANT best housekeeping apartments that can be handled with 40U. Main 4405. HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES. 18 ROOMS, all apts., best of furniture; can not attend to two places, win sen one cheap. 335 Montgomery. 1 4 ROOMS, mostly housekeeping ; reason ably ALU. ZiS. MY wife, Mary E. Hansen, having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by her. GEO. HANSEN. FINANCIAL. FIRST and second mortgages, also seller's interest in contracts purchased, Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen's bldg. Loans, city and farm. Industrial investments. A. W. Payne, SOI Board oi Trade. M. 1368. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by ten-neeute meuiou , u i.vu. mvmv Flniey, 01 auem uins. j. MILDRED CLARK, massage, baths and electric treatment. Rotkchild bldg., 287 h Wash. Office 211. Open Sundays and eves. MAKIE DE BARR, medicated steam bath; graduate masseuse. Off 6. 291 Morrison. ALMA S. JOHNSON, facial, scalp, Franco American toilet articles. Main 1451. MAKIE NEVINS. massage and olectric treat ments. 4ti4 Northwest bldg. Main 000$. MA Y IRWIN, electric and vibratory mas sage. 291 A Morrison St., office 7. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. bdwy. 3473. WALTER J. COSGROVE, write to V. Dot Florence, learn something your advantage. FAY 1 have fulfilled my promise, rite to me at Kiverton. or. will. PRIM ED A BALM, formerly called Balm of Fig a. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213. mornings FRANCES DE MAYO, SCALP SPECIALIST.