14 THE MORXfXG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1918. nr.i r WAMtn m ile. WA.VTED. r WAREHOUSE HELF FOR PLUMB ING) 6CPPLT HOUSE. GOOD CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. APFLT JO 75 NORTH 12TH ST.. PORTLAND. WANTED Party ta take charge of berry farm. mil from elty; fam ily preferred. P,a.e conalsrs of 10 rrs. A-jr-o!d bearing loganberry and ripMfrii. 3 acre po and la nap fr ny crop. Beat water. piu:y ood, DMi houae. bam and ut-bu!Mina. A' I neceesary Impie men:a on p. are. WU1 rent on share, or pay parrv by the mon'h for work. MHL1: .KMI'LuVilENT iiLKEAf, 47 Dfii IL MKINE ENAjINbtR.S United States Ship ping Board free Marina fcnclnecrs' School at University of Washington. FeetC. Tratns nffnt-room officer for new mer chant mar.ne. Short cut to l.cene. Jfativi or natura.Ued rttisena on:y. Stationary ioromocive engineers, oilers, water tenders naib'e. CourM niy one month. No en i.strant. Address W. J. Oram be, 60 !urt biTd:ng. re?ti. Washington. VAMtU An experienced fraternal tnsur- tt. solicitor to work for the Indrpendent order of Knreatrrs lu Portland and leln- lty. Ependid salary contract to the right tna. Muat te of rood appwfmnc. atrlrtiy t mrxrt ar.d coins wrii rtcummtnuto. App y l' A. M. January -J. at Hotel Port land. Frank a,. Hand. P. . C. H. ItUDr .VcIV wanted ta lake exclusive rontrol of good territory In Oregon and Washington. Money advanced weekly, out fit and apex I training free, experience vanM.'Ar)r. our active men are making rood money; yoo can da the itmi; eiean. Lardy, guaranteed stork. Yakima a.cy Nunwry Company. Toppenlah. W aY. X ANTLU Country Mii.nto for aeveral .xd coanttea in th e atate to hand. our rumnlwta Una of fruit tree, erirubbery, roea, ate; booking advance Spring orders vow; naveaaery supplies furnished; fooo money tr r.gat men. Address bursary, Ornc. or. V ANTKD Aa c.iecior, young man. Bin-., ar.a woo can furnish reference and bonda. Man familiar with the ciiy preferred. Fine chance fr advancement to a road posl t t.n Se.ary. a k to atari. App.y V4 Ori niau bid, today between g and .1. kM putunc on 10 or la more house-to-bous mo, tee and coffee business; salary aud mmmiMlAo; botn tn and out of city ter ritory. wUi have aome new territory anon, .App.y at once tn person only. Mr. Baker. . e manager, 2 1 Orjnd ave. 1 O neat tlngi men. oer 20. by ia.-ga Faatrrn firm, aa s--mert tn crew wora ln t'oaet towua. Muat l good miacra. w Kline to ir. Fipertence unnecessary; rt.'-fcn:. Mr. Hufimaa. Oregon iiotcl. to 12. XiK H.T'HF.K. att k door fac;ory. e nert. workmen now ma kin a ut to S3 l day on pirce baaia; good open-nj for one experten-ed ta t h.a line; ateaajr emp.o -T7tnL Wire, our etpenae, NUolai Lwr Mf. Co.. Portland. Pr. MAN wanted fcr general merchandise atore in country town w no are your wny out f a position ' What ran you do? Wages depend b ability. Address li. caro Allea Lewis, itaaer. kjt. W A NT K I A family competent to milk and tka emrm of about SO mlrn CO S on dairy farm, rloee to Portland. Inquire TDiin 5o4 Ger linger building. d said Al d-r at. lit v; man. 16 to IS ear. mechanically inclined and witling to learn; permanent poeittnn for a llv wire; must be able to furnih cimmI references. Call at The Re- bul't TvpewritT Co.. 3"4 'k at. H" ANTED Party to . take charge of berry ' aalaxy; furnished house. ranch on shares or good warr. wood, ate GmmI opportunity. AV 264, Oregonuui. "w. I f I t rt iM touch With an A No. 1 may in Dirture eoerstor: no cash required: your experience ran nt you good returna Hx AV J.I. tginin. Si KNiMlKAi'HKK. ex Dene need lumber. years, would like permanent position, $75 to $; reference. Address A ure lon.io. WANT 3 woodchoppra. 5oo cords or more: smd timber; pay $1.75 and us of cahm; pay every weea: la repiy give our phone. K 4l. urcganian. KE AT- A Fl'EARlN't. active boy, between IS and 21, for sda dispenser; salary $V per month aud board. App.y 3e Washington AN experienced machine operator; one who ran sw on s:raw oralis. APPty ai rvaan Inarton Indies' Hat Mfg. Co., 120 2d v.. Seattle. V ash. LAH'-KEKs wanted for Inatde and outaids work; sjood waaee, permanent employ ment. Fur mfoimation, app.y 50V Oregon "ig- WANTfcO Two experienced porters, one Janitor for aholwMiv grocery house: none but experienced utes need apply. A 47, rfsoman. Help Wt4 Ageatta. SOLICITORS WANTED ladles or gent. men. to handle f tat-aelltng article; expe rience unnecessary ; easy to demonstrate. Xake $0 to li per day. Call loll L. th t. v . ; to H P. M. Algeria car. Help VYsetted -cHileenaeav KHMANF.VT poaitions for 3 first-cias tea aid roff house-to-house Salesmen. W'c pay a guaranteed salary to no fa -XiitUar Wit b house -to- house work who are ab, to prodjre result a. App.y Idea-1 Tea o-. 711 Union ave. N. ffFi-p w anted rrMrn TEACHERS. We aeed your service during the 9am fner. eecere poeittoa now. ttait eoucauoa. a g a. pnene o. A v io, urn omaa WANTED Aa esoertencd womaa for rook ine and cnrmi housework, amall faml'y: good waft-re. tail Wednesday afternoon. 77 Kiandre a:., or telephone Jlain s-i.i. ;IKL TO I TYl'EWKITINik, . Ctrl titng at home, steady place and a good chance f-r experience; give age. wje. etc. C 11. tregonian. WAlTREES. hotel maids, $4: famiy H-ip. Howe's Agency, room 4U5. To st. WANTED An Mutant oflf.ee girl, haif day, physician's ofrnre, stenograph. no experi ence. ne.ry. oregonian. VAN TKI Experienced practical aura for children. mlitl as"d ind coropsoiwiabla Thone Eaat 3ie. l fiancoca st. AT girl ta ne4 of a friend apply to the Salvation Army He es Home. 992 Eaat 15th a. N.. or phono Eaet 13A A N T r D Hih school girl, room, board n-1 siaall wagca 130 1 HalmoiiL Tabor 1222. kN expertented Lad V riot he Ireoer; aM gtris en shrt machinesv U. H. Laundry Co., 4. read ae. and Eaet Vamhllt C IvXPKHlENCED girl for power machine, good pay. Port lead Hat A Cap Co., 21 lorrs.-n at. jOL'Mi man w it h exce.ient proposition wants lady with bustnes ability and some tnoney as partner, aj I'rrgrnnn. A N'TEIe Two chl.dren to care for la my own home; prefer children 4 to yeaxa of age. reewnabie price. Tabor IA37. 7KN)08 PHf:iV Muat have -vd ex perl -mce: state all particular. H h04, ore gonian. V lDvW, working. 34 yeara old. wanta room mate; cheap rant. 5s Jefferson IL, apt. 1 1 V A NT ED Experienced millnery makra. App y at ouce. Wonder MilUaery, ota and A.oer es. OCNG woman to asaiat In lunch room part time work. Call after If, M. 154 N. 14tO cor Irving at. W ANTE Tv Thoroughly aprieDcel cham bermaitl: unless experienced do not ap ply Palate Hotel. 446 Wash. WANTED-Flrsl-cla-a. peruBced lady stenographer. Hawtey Pulp A Paper Co-, .regoo City. Phone ). collect. CHORt'S GIRLS Hlgheet ware, long en- gagementa. no Uaveiing. Apply Caaine Theater. 1 PRIVATE home for children to 12 years eld: 15 years' tip 714 Everett. Mar. 214X 4oD girl to do general housework. 241 N. 2 1 st. Call morn in gs. ,.PER1EN ED law stenographer, steady poaition. moderate- salary. Main W7. MIDDLE-aged or young woman wanted for hoMwewat k la 5-rom flat. ."41 S at. VANTEI Waitress, 2S RuaseU at. Crystal Restaureni. .EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, city reference, . bard. AL 770. Oreaonlan. WAITRb.vi wanted. Columbia Restaurant. 1ri t a. ear S:artu WANTED fiotel Janlt tth and Hovt. Hotel Bradford. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. 2606 East 41 T.k K'chrrotid car. CiKL wanted. Ore son raper Bog Factory. 24 fi-ark at. W.ft NTTD Experienced pantry lady. Meevea Keefsarant. ill Hash, at. V VTEP Yoor.g. first -Case manicurist. ' fUti of X;a4a Barber ciAou, 4iA &4 UaA. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED stenographer. Apply be tWMo B and 11 A. M.. superintendent's uf- nce. mmuoi oaicony. Aieier at jr ran WANTED A aienoarapher with these qual- iiK-aiions; n"iwcfn ana .fi. ain'ie, neat punctual, cood tn penmanahip. rapid lr takinc dictation. lilv prevloua or present employment. rferenca, state aa'axy ex pected and write answer to this ad by nanu. Aoareee a.i .', tregonian. WANTED I -a fly of some business ability, Catholic preferred, to travel and do col Iritnc In lars;r towns of Hasten) Oregcon. Idaho and Montana; steady position: eat ery and expenses; lvo relerencea. AG bee. Etonian WANTED Good, eieady men and women with packlnc-house experience, for saueaga, chains:, bain aud beef-oonins; dtpiruntnti; a:eo boa;, cattle and sheep buicbera. Kull lirue, Kood w a sea and conditions. Fry ex Co. Seattle, Wash. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. $100; bookkeeper. $90; bookkeeper and stenog rapher. $75; . bookkeeper. Stfo; stenog rapher and bookkeepcreOL iOl W. bank bldg. WANTED Stenographer, for general olflce work. Previous experience unnecessary If girl ta willing to learn. Oood opportunity to learn general work. Ah. t7. oregonian. WANTED O TOUNO WOMEN AT ONCB. WITH BEST AFPEAKANCET $1- IU f 15 PER WEEK. CAUL &u STOCK EX CHANGE. Want Domeettee. WANTED Ulrl. French preferred, to as 1st with housework, no laundry, no turnace 2 adulta. 1 chlid. Main 13. 992 Coun cil Crest Drte. WANTED Girl for general housework, ei per le need or one willing to learn, no wash ing, no furnace, U adults. 1 child. Mala p02 Coan'-U Crest Drive, WANTED Good, plain cook, for family of 2 adutts and S chl.dren: no nursing, iron In; or upstairs work required; references. Phone Tabor WOMAN or girl to help with housework for room and board and email wares; good home for right party. Write lira Win. Sioimona, Terry. Or. HIGH SCHOOL or college girl to easts I with housework for room and board ana some wages. CU 4U E 14th North. WANTED Girl for general houae work; must be good plain rook, 4 la family, no washing;: wages $'. bell. &69, WANTED Girl for general housework. 048 emerald ae Portland Heighta, Phone Main vtiQl. NEAT girl for second work; muat under- etand plain aewtng: in lamiiy. a-o Kearney at., near ;'Mh. Oi HL for cooking and general housework; $J0 m on tii . no washing, d iiiton su Portland Helichts. WANTED A capable gtrl for general house work . good pialn cook ; imatl lemiiy. . $.15 to $40. East 50O4. liol sEMAlL) to assist In wslttng. no cook ing, board and room. Apply at once. l mon Oepot Kataurant Yol'NG girl to assist with housework, no rookmg. 214 college, corner t n. MATURE woniun to aaatat In home. Call SO K. 4 2d North. WANTEI Experienced norse maid for rhlidren. Marshall 50". Ovm 0 girt for general houaework; ama fanitly. good wtj-t, Phone Wdln. 4440. WANTED Woman or girl to light houaework; good home. assist wit Tabor 64.. WANTED Compe'ent girl for general work. Apply w Pettlgrove. COMPETENT girl, or cne to assist a rcnrrul houae ork. 4.4 East 21 at N. YOL'NG women for light jousework; adalts Main 4M1. WAXTEl' Girl to do housework and asalsi in cooking, amt:y of 2, Apply 755 Hoyt. MATURE woman to assist In home, wages. references, WW car. MI Brooklyn St. WANTED Girl for general housework must be good cook: wages $"0. East 2744. GoOD girl for grneral housework, imi faml'y : gool w ag-s. Phone Wdln. 2 64. GI HL for cooking and general houaework, $.5 per month; four adults. 0M) Taylor st. UIRL for general housework. $20 month good home right party, eni ood 2H3H. WANTED Experienced girl work. Phcne Main 1317. for second GIRL fr general house w ork. 734 Main, oea St. Clair. Apply mornings. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. Apply ttW Marshall. Main 3446. HFLP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. V. fl. GOVERNMENT. STENOGRAPHERS WANTED. Cncie Sara will employ every g refloat f our Civil Service course at salaries of from $1000 to $20O0 a year. Position guaranteed all graduates. Enroll now. LINKS BUSINESS COLLEGE. 10th and Morrison. Portlsnd. or, Fhonea; Main 500. A .14 oi WANTED Several more young men and young women to prepare ror teiegrapn and station service to fill vacancies caused by unusual drafting of men for Signal Corps. Call or write, reievrapti dept.. room i, Hallway Exchange bldg. cor. 3d and Stark eta WANTED Man and wife to take good saw- null hoteL, about 3 men. on contract. rental or saiary basis. Oregon Lumber Company. 3o Northwestern Hank bldg. HI MATTINGLT'6 Shorthand. Typewriting fcchool. Iay Evening. $0 Month, ao iflta. Near jfreraoa. Main asw. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TOTNO MEN AND MEN SI TO (M. TODAY IS YOLK OPPORTL'NITT. Get your preparation In any of the toV towing schools and your surcee Is as sured. Heet of classrooms, teeta re-rooms. shops, laboratories and drafting rooma. Automobile school aviation engines. electrical engineering, ship building, busi ness and stenographic ecboole; mechanical drawing, chemistry, radio telegraphy (free to d.ait men), college preparatory and many individual ciaseea. Employment department fre to tu cIsntaL For fre catalogua of aay school ad- ViVm V, DEPT. OF EDUCATION, X. M C A ForUand. ADV1SORT AND EMPLOYMENT DEPART T4 ENT, Y. M. C. A. W can Diaco young men with ability, Constant call coming fcr th man who can deliver the guoda. A T. si. c. A. mei berehip coating 5.oo guaranteee you will ecure etuptwyment or reiuoa ot xee. Also gves jva two months full privllegea 10 months' social and uae of this de partment for ouo ' boo seers La ry. J. W. Palmer. LEAKN the auto and tractor business by artual experience under expert Inatructora Higgest. bet equipped EXCLC'Sl VE auto anl tractor srhoui on Coast, established 1''5. Thousands of successful graduates. We help students earn living. $'o prac tical tractor course free. Write for free 4-page catalogue, or call NATIONAL AUToMOHlLE oCHOOL. FlfiUaroa at 6th, I-o Angeiee. UNCLE BAM NEEDS AUTO EXPERTS, Attend a few days fre and find out for yourself that we have the best system of teaching. Call or write fur big oo-pag catalogue. ADCOX AtTTO SCHOOL The School That's Different. C'alon Ave, and Wasco bU Phone East 744a. ORIGINAL MOLKK HARBER COLLEGE. ounued In ltfJ. Trade taugnt tn eignt weeks; tuition earned during the course; gc you a position, furnish tools, schol arship tra osier card. Write for Ire) cata logue. 24 Huraatdo at. PRACTICAL training In gas. electrical and team engineering, mechanical drawing, machine-shop practice, oiy-acety lene weld ing, autumoi.tle aud tractor operating and repairing, vv rite tor catalogue. Seattle En-g.necrtn- S-hool. Seat le. Wash. OKKOON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the barber trad In eight weeks; tools free; scholarship and diplo mas given, paid while learning: position guaranteed; tu.tion reduced2 Madison, MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL teaches men and women barber lo weeks, giving oi pioua: earn tuition while learning. Poal. tton guaranteed; tools tree. 2a4 Couch st. UNCLE SAM needs 10.000 stenographers. Enroll uow for abort band, typewrit ing, bookkeeping. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE HISINKS COLLEGE. Allsky bldg. HINSDALE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Hruaoway-Vsmhlll building; Individual Instruction: position when competent. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE Pupi.e received. The Ironside Institute. 3i7-2tf Plttock blk. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Day and evening. 1-2 S Grand ave. East 427 rTCATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkerperri said Clerk. XPEKiENCED hotel clerk and atore keeper wants position; exempt; references. AE S21. Oregon is n. E. MITCH ELL, srert accountant; In com atatemenL. 206 Henry bldg. Main 2170. YOUNG man of 19 Jeare wania PoaiUoa la oXIice, Call boil wood ai. BITtATlONS WANTED MALE ikKkkkeepera mm& Clerks. THOROUGH ACCOUNTANT Thirty-two yeara. married. Experience: Lumber, railroad, wholesale and manufactuxuig; open lor engageinenc Al references. AV 253, Oregonian. AN experienced bookkeeper and accountant of advanced age and with beat of refer ences. wants permanent position. Address AH 76. Oregonian. WANTKD By an elderly man with knowl edge of bookkeeping or any clerical work, suitable, position. Phone Marshall "iS'-i. M iareManmas. TEACHER WANTS POSITION. Man. graduate normal achool and a state unlvertly, ready Immediately: handle wide range ot subjects; beyond draft age. Experienced; references. State living costs and term. AG bt0, Oresoniao. PRINTER desires working foremanshlp In country news ana Job olllce; micme aged, good appearance, married, at liberty to coiisiaer proposition where my ability win meet with a reasonable decree of aprre elation and remuneration. Wife, a first- ciasa compoeltor. AG b4H, Oregonian. i.iiJULiL,-Aih,L man wanta pomtion on large ranch to do wood and harness re pair work, or light chortng: 1 have my own wood-workinjc toy la. iiox o7, Mon mouth. Or. AUTOMOBILE mechanic and gaxage man, has long experience, can rive A-l local reference; a ish to get steady Job In ga rage. AF 8 J 3. Oregonian. t NO. 1 machiniat wlsliea position as fore man of machine shop doing ahip building and marine engine work, have had mer chant marine 'experience. .S 312, Oregonian. al-L-AROUND handy n,n Wiaha job caring for heating plant or running' elevator; can caro for machinery. Phone Broad iy 11. apt. 4. Mr. 'Mr-cott. J N. 10th. MANAGING accountant, modern expert merhoda, employed, aged but vigorous and active; will change, salary $J00O. BD Met, oregonian. YOUNG man out of draft, office experience, dealraa position with reliable concern; best reierencea. g , oregonian. FiKST-CLASS w ashman wants a poalt'on in or out of city. Phone Woodlawn 3219. or rv t.j. vregon tan. CARPENTER and builder. A-l. fast, dav contract, 12 years In own business: ti. mate and deaigna free. AF 820. Oregonian. man wishea place to cultivate talent ior ornamental designing; originality. AJ PAINTER and paperhanger wants work, day W1 vwn 1 rnung Main Ttfd4. RELIABLE middle-aged man wants work In irom o to a. Oreponlan. MIDDLE-AGED man wants Job a Jauitor, a.j waKca expecten. iiain room 304. a..vr-cifc.-sc.ij Pord driver wants Job. -....-r uajr or nignt. l OregonUn. Chinese cook wants position as chef " wvmi4 in noiei rest. 11 ne. BrrtATION WANTED FEMALE. Bspen) mad Stenographers. WANTED py younr ladv. nnalilnn t.isui. oooaaeeper and general office help. C an operate nlan. wpcwnicr. .v b74, Orego STENOGRAPHER, having spare time during or rice hours and evemnga, wanta typing and manuscript work to do; flrst-cU . vn .-Biiwooq i. u. rv e u 1 n g a. POSITION as cashier: no commercial perience, but can make cliatiK ouicklv: iu take orrire position: willing -r-r. at r'""" v hi.-, uregonian. ewic eapenrnce bookkeeping, would like place In smu.l office; low wages; willing EXPERIENCED stenographer Just returned to city wishea responsible position: best references. V 401, Oregonian. k i desire temporary work w. ua. room woodlawn 37L e.Artnit.ubu stenorrnpher and book- rT-r. oeat ot rer. Main 2S17. C. PA RLE stenographer, ef f iclen t, eioeri eneed. wanta position. East Vj7. SMART gowna suits and blouses made to or. uer; distinctive remodeling. Broadway Dye 9enif. Wk- 801 Wash., bet. W. Park and 10th ate. Gown dept.. Bdwy "lr. ressrnaker wants day en- Mivuie iii, remoueiing a specialty. Phone Main 4U.J. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and tailoring DRESSMAKING and tailoring by day; also r-modeHng. very reasonable, E. Nurses. rNDERGRADLATE nurse wants case UUtea ltf experience. any East PRACTICAL nurse la ready for .nnti... caae. rvt. given. Tabor 3410. Houaek eepe re. W'OMAN of refinement dealres position aa -.mrrr m geuiieman a home. F 8&j. LADY of refinement will take car of chil- u.cn evenings curing Parents abaenca. Particular Marshall 340. baenca. Domestlco, EXPERIENCED girl desires houaework 2 a iV . , c iiwui j. a lor turn 11 ih. EXPERIENCED lady will do washing. ro ing nd cleaning, cooking and aewi r minus. ,ast 4U1. WANTED Ry reliable womn. d-v 'J- wirtare, call ail week, I road way I9f9. EXPERIENCED maid wishes general house, work; plain cooking; wagea $30. G ol4, W. i VTtTi 1- 1 . 1 . . w -f' llca or aecona work in sma m m g -ii oinc , can cook, m a i n "2n:; M lacelleneoua. vrAtiLE., Quiet woman wisha tt & ..r-Lr e. light furnished or unfurnished H. K. room, e vioQ ana can teach, V Vll. Orego nlan. POSITION wanted aa pastry assistant, soi Brifiuc, or wouia cons der Athr pioyment; strong and willing to take iu i ui uuiiB. i a our i no . WIDOW with dot A vvara iioh a nouaekeeper for one or more gen t.emeti ; no objections to on child. F 0, Oregonian. RELIABLE lady w ants work by hour . ican in a, menaing, darnlns, etc,; 2m -ii num auu rrrir. ai I SI ; wood 7 WANTED Place to take rare of children r wnie mninex la away, refer KXFKRIKNCED larty would Ilka nin "i pnmtni-niiuKi or hotel, for WAN 1 V ..nl. DAaillnn In T . . . I. ' w b.th. ... mrm .itri-nc. Scott Hold. N. Bronrtwy. room nv.ir.li About a hours' orlc .( . v k .... 1 - x onno Alter mornings Mrh.ll 37ui', oom 8. i r.u roiiion in imoll hot.l. ho,,... KMpor or mrnld. tjcott Hotel. 6 X. Bro.d- G1KL. would Ilk. poaltlon la conr,. Uou,ry hnv. had ,otnc expert. nre. E. Rhu ' EXPERIENCED woman wishes rt Jv ..ri. Thur,.. Krt, . w.n'. -orlfc 30C aa hour aud WUT want day work. Call Whiu. ::t..M k.lw... 1 I u n. .. m I A I V ...ill , i. . . " - ' w" mam in notei. or any . room l i. J - wianee nouaework, no care chil- urrn. en r.ast arter 9:30 a. M. X PF:RiENCED girl wanta day work. East LADY wanta housework from 7 to 11 niurn- in as. rist ff.e. tAr-fcKi t.t, ei woman wanta day work. """in " cirwnms. iiain u 'od aeamatreaa w iahv position In good family, upstairs work. AF eM, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. llnuw. 1 -'v 1 .a rl KMSHhl) house of I or 7 rooma from to -tu. otaniey o. xnompaon Co., Z)2 Oak at. WANTED To rent, 6 or 7-room house, near civtc in. Auareaa w t-S, Ore- Ionian. WANT to rent strictly modern houe garage. In desirable locality. Main lth r.72. WANTED FuruiaUed 216 Cook tv. o-R. 1x1 odcr a house. Apartments. WANTED To rent 5-room apartment, heat. hot and rold water, out of the congealed district. Address X 003, Oregonian. TWO men want two-room kitchenette, fur nished or unfurnished. Went Slue; give particulars. H M0, Oregonian. WANTED A two-room modem apartment, or nice housekeeping room in a modern house. X 01O. Oregonian. Room. LADY wants warm housekeeping room for 2 weeks beginning Jan. i, west bide; reasonable. East 20.1.7, WANTED, by a young man, furnished room with all conveniences in private family; walking distance. E PS5. Oregonian. Miscellaneous, GOOD portable garage waaicd, 0u aJ0. FOR BENT. Furnished Roomw A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL. CLIFFORD. East Morrison St. and East Flxth. Hotel Clifford Is the principal East Side hotel and is a. hotel of dignity and re - finement. Rooms with private bath, $22.50 per month; suites, $40. A few nice rooms at ,t.."u per week, uaity rate ft and up. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown, high-class tamily hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and buaine men and women. We give you all the comforts or a noma. Reason able rates. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th su at Washington. Fireproof. large. attractive. spotless rooms. Individual phones, continuous heat A hot water serv.; 76c day up; $3.50 wk- STANDISH HOTEL. 5484 Waahlncton St.. Cor. 17th. Modern, steam-heated rooms, $L50 to $4 per week; tree phone and bath. HOTEL CORDOVA,- 269 11th St. Strictly modern, private baths en suite; rooms $3 I tip. Main V4 1 , A 4iBo. HOTEL BROADWAY. 22 N. Broadway. Low rates to permanent eTuesta, meam neat. rnone. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. St.; downtown location; respectable and strictly modern; steam heat; rooms large, clean. HOTEL OCKLET, Morrison street at 10th Rates SOc per day up; weekly, $3 up; running water; free phone and hatha. 475 MORRISON Large front parlor, etudlo. or sleeping, nouseaeeping; cheap casement room. HOTEL NORRIS, C33H Alder sC Strictly modern. $i oo and s-'.ou weeit. HI LLC REST HOTEL, bath, phone. $16 mo. I up; without bath. $13 up. o4 w ashing ton. DESIRABLE corner room, private bath. phones, $2 for two. 733 Washington St. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. FURNISHED Bleeping rooma In private family; walking distance; gentlemen pre ferred. 52 Lucretia, street, near Wash ington. Main 5444. FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed room, all con venlencea, private home. 529 Hoyt at. Phone Broadway 2802. NICE warm room In modern home; 8 adulta In family; reasonable to working people. East Ah. near 12th. East 6105. FURNISHED room for rent, 564 Ladd va Phon Eaat tJJU. ONE or two rooms In beautiful home, run ning water, shower bath. 655 Everett sC CLEAN, light front room, modem conven lences. walking distance. 325 12th st. Rooms With Board. ROOM aud board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; f.l.rwi per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th sL PARK VI? W Family hotel, 3S6 Montgomery st.. In South Parkway: walking distance; excellent table; reasonable rates. M. 3i3. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th, choice rooms and board; modern conveniences, walking dis- I tance. Rooma With Board In Private Family. PRIVATE family would like to take an in-1 vaim gentleman or lady to care ror in 1 their home just out of the city of Port-1 land; city conveniences: we have our own I row and chickens. S 342, Oregonian. ROOMS with board In private family. 20 minutes' ridj to city, easy access to ship yards on St. Johns carilno. 1171 Minne sota ave, Wdln. 120, C 2665. MODERN home for men. heat, good table. baths and music. ear Union and Alber ta low Garfield. Wdln. 2025. RoOM. suitable for 2 men. reasonable. 511 Morrison. Main 2722. IF YOTJ want a good place to board, call I it tM Olisan. Marshall 1246. Famished Apanaaents. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sta. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank tore; good surroundings; strictly modern 3 and 3 -room furnlahed apartments, all I outside, with Frnrh doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA, Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on th Pacific coast; rurnianea complete. Roof Garden In Connection. Walking distance. Reference KINGSBURY APTS., 186 Vista ave.. nea 23d and Washington; 3-roora furnished apartment. FURNISHED room, kitchenette, $12 month. Helknap Apartments, 137 17th, near lam hill. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th; modern; walking distance. ROOM with board in private family. Broad- j way Mta1 oavis. CLEAN, newly furnished team-heated apartments, $10 to $14. ISO Sherman st. 3-ROOM ape with bath, furnished: 646lA Mississippi ave. Phone C 2884. Lnfurnisheo Apartment. ROSE-FRIEND. 283 Broadway, corner Jef- I ferson; modern unfurn. apts., walking dis tance, best service. Marshall 1410. BRUCE APTS., 25th and Northrup streets Modern 6 rooms and sleeping porch, steam heat. Main 40. Reference. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21at and Flanders; and u-room, reasonable. Main Tola, S-ROOM flat for rent; furniture for sale 1 cheap. Call 706 Vancouver. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. So week. Also single, 2.oU. &08 Alder st. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. TH REE light housekeeping rooms, light, heat and phone and wa ter. use of bath; adulta Call before 10 r after 6. Wood lawn. 3710. MODERN, private eutrances and bath. Four rooms furnlsiied complete, gas, wood ranges, $1 month. 1H3 Rodney, cor. Fre mont. A., Woodlawn cars. FoR RENT Furnished living room, kitchen, bedroom, rent $12..r0 month; gas free; near Ankeny bams. K6 E. David. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 70S Ever ett St.. cor. 2Ud. ONE large room, furnished housekeeping. 167 East bth st. for S. light NEAT h. k. rooms, light, heal, 41 Ella st. NICELY furnished front rooms for house keeping. 3iH salmon. Call mornings. FURNISHED , housekeeping Flanders, near ISth. 60 House. 10 ACRES FOR RENT. At Frroll station, on Estacada electric line; faces Johnson Creek; 7-room house, barn, family orchard. Bull Run water; $J0 per month. WHITMER-KELLT COMPANY. 711 Plttock block. $25 7 ROOMS, modern, 167 E. 7th at. North. near Oregon. $40 8 rooms, sleeping porch, grounds 100x100 feet, garage. 401 E. Hoth at. North. $40 12 rooms, modern, 204 N. 22d St., Dear Kearney. CARL R, JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 6T9. LAURELHURST. Before buying elsewnere obtain our list of exquisite homca for sal on easy terms In Laurel hurat. the ahow place of Port land. LAURELHURST CO.. 270fe Stark st. Main llOO. A 1515. MODERN home. 7 large rooms and recep tion hall, front and back stairs. 3 ted rooms, large ground, fruit, lot of shrub bery, choice part or irvington. near car. churches and school; reasonable. Main 1!03. DoL'BLE house adapted for two families. 5 room each, rent 911 w ror eaca apart- I inent, garage if desired $2.o0. W. C. Re 14:;4. VERY attractive modern 7-room house, with sleeping porch, hardwood rioors, a rt re places, full basement, located at 759 Hal ay at., near U-'d, Irvington. Rent $40. Phone E. S'fl Sunday or E. 7516 weekdays. WHEN YOU MOVE Uae NORTHWESTERN tLbtTKlf light service. B roadway S80. A 674T. -ROOM house. Marguerite ae.. near Haw thorne ave.: flreulaec. bath, targe lot. cood ' agarden spot. $12 month, F. Vandyun, 51$ Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM house, 559 E. Alder. Dr. W. A. Lindaey, olnce 810 Morgan bldg. Main 6960. R ea. . M ars nail 4 oe w. 12 ft-ROOM, walking distance of N. W. ft l eel, suitanie 2 xamines or rooming, ood Montgomery Woodlawn 129. -STORY. 6 -room Laurelhurst home with sleeping porch, 1 block to car. Year I lease $:i0. with garage 435. Main 1700. MODERN 5-room iiouse. large basement. rhtcken-nouse, good yard for garden, $12 I month. sre owner, em fiatt Diag. 11-ROOM modern house, rent reasonable. 691 Lovejoy. Main US. -ROOM modem house. 712 Lovejoy. near 22d. Inquire 13Q Oth st. Main 6278. ROOM modem bouse. 80th and Gladstone ave.- Phone jaroaaway aoio mornings. 65 East 21st; 5-room modern, clean. Phone East 776. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, 6 rooms, $10 month. Tabor 1:121. FOR RENT 5-room modern bungalow, $15 1 per month. East 75,16. MODERN cottage, well located, close to car. 1 Maia 60,6, FOB RENT. HOQitfS. MEIER A PRANIC8 RENTAL. A-ND INFORMATION BUREAU. 8TH FLOOR. Here yon have choice of the combined Hats of all desirable vacant houeee, apart ments and flats in the city, with definite, reliable Information pertaining to each. Records are kept up to date, new Hating being added each day. I 1 1 I There is absolutely no obligation or charge zor mis eervice. it ta maintained soieiy as an accommodation to the public. Newcomers in Portland wilt find thla bureau of great help in getting properly located quickly. Phone iUrshall 4600, A 610? up f Furnished Houses. WHY NOT RENT AN UNFTTRNISHED H OITSE A N D BUY FURN1TU R15 ON EASX" PAYMENTS? POWERS FURNITURE CO.. RENTAL DEPT. THIRD AND YAMHILL. FURNISHED 4-room modern house, good garden apot. 407 E. 38th st. 5-ROOM furnished bouse, phone, gas lights. very reasonable. 427 Harrison. 5 ROOMS, East 9th, near Hawthorne. E. 9th. East 5051, after 4:0 P. M. 310 Stores. SPLENDID storeroom for rent on Washing ton street, near Sixteenth; fine condition; unusual price for quick occupancy. See Mr McFarland, 1008 Broadway bldg. GROCERx store for rent. 4S apartments above; rent $20. East 2H4G. Owner. Offices. OFFICE rent fre In building on 5th st. In excoange icr oiiice services. urther In- xormation can Portland v an A Storage v. xroaa way 001 u. FOR RENT Furnished offices and desks. encap. inamoer ot commerce bldg. Warehouwea. BUILDING. 14th and Pettygrove; upper and gruuuu xioor cneap rent. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 20S-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TO LEASE TO LEASE spacs In brick building, 25.000 suitable for garage, storage, manufactur- ins;. w kj. tverna. ioa orand ave. BCSTNESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUST WEST SIDE GROCERY. With Ilvin ir-rooms m c-m inrlnt heat and water; daily receipts average $35 casn: jixiures ana furniture worth $400, ior -uu; stock will invoice about $900. Cash grocery. West Side hnslnMi rita- trict. stock and fixtures $1500: sales aver age $40 daily; operating expense only $1 ":r oav. inn piace clears ou per month. C. E. TUGGLE, 414 N. W. Bank bldg. - FOR Rar.F! The oldest established general garage cu5mic, jr.. aoing a good business, 1 block off the main street, brick building. storage tor more than 20 cars, garage iuu uow, rent cheap, old official garage. Will sell as a whole, including some cars. or none, to suit the buyer. Cheap for ca.ii or wruej bugene Motor Co., pg-gj ti n ave. w ., t,ugene. or. MILLINERS. A TTRVTIilV I am offering for aaie at only $600 the complete stock and fixtures of an estaD- liahed MILLINERY DEPARTMENT In one ui me J-1 UbfAKTMLM STORES! on the coast in a big payroll town of 20.-I 000 population; this Js a real snap and the vcau ui reasons ior selling. Act quick. A. J. DeFOREST. 207 Board of Trade Bldg. IF YOU have brains, foresight and $20,000 and are willing to Invest them all In strictly conwnatlve enterprise. I will add nuv lots located in the citv of Astoria. Or. conservatively valued at $44). 000. and share equally with you the profits resulting from any dea.'s involving the exchange, trade or xianaung .r our combined resources; ref erences exchanged. Address box, 602, Port iana notei. Portland, or. POOL MEN'. ATTKXTTOV Here s your chance two tables, cigar auu louaceo stana. rue only one in a live town of 600 population, near Astoria, ." miies from Portland. Price Sioou. in eluding the building and lot 45x100; must oe soia; tne man is sick. A. J. DeFOREST, 207 Board of Trade Bldg. MEAT MARKET AND SLAUGHTER HOUSE tne only market in the town: estab lished 'S years, never before offered for sale; price for the equipment. $7o0; rent or the Bhop. $S; rent of slaughter house with the land, $20 per year. This is worth your investigation. Act quick. A. J. DeFOREST. 207 Board of Trade Bldg. ENERGETIC, young man with exclusive state rights automobile accessory desires active merger with old established auto mobile or accessory house that will pay monthly return; in position to make fur ther cash investments up to reasonable amount In short time, as business war rants. G 798. Oregouian. DELICATESSEN, home bakery and grocery. located in the best apartment-house disr trlct in Portland; clean and neat little place, with living-rooms In connection fooU cash -required. A. J. DeFOREST. 207 Board of Trade Bldg. LARGE storage battery manufacturer will establish direct representative for their line in Portland, exclusive territory. Big gest money-making opportunity In connec tion with the automobile line today. S 344, Oregonian. 1 1 HAVE proposition that should net $5000 annually, but need a partner to take ac tive interest: aToOO will secure hall share. Don't reply unless you mean business and prepared to give references. 1 eel, ore gonian. FOR SALE? $2000 will buy hotel equipment In small Washington town; accommodations for 05 men ; located in building under S-year lease; good steady trane; terms reason able. A V 23, Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Inter est iu established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWG1LL, Secretary. IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see A. J. DeFOREST. 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. AUTOMOBILE garage; a bargain for en ergetic man; sell supplies, do repairing and have 40 cars in storage; proius are $400 month. Call sM oak st. RESTAURANT, doing good business. no competition ; East feiae s nusiest transfer corner; lots of factories close, obo Union ave. N., near Broadway. OLD - ESTABLISHED cigar, confectionery and light grocery store lor sale, very rea sonable, 400 Hoyt st. hear North Bank Station. Al CASH business on a busy corner, Uvinsr- rooms, bath and toilet In connection; no I agentn; this Is worth your while, look it up. Tabor bus. FOR RENT Dining-room in 150-rooiu hotel, equipped ; will furnish steam for steam table, light, heat and water. For board of 3 people, aj uu,oregoniam ONE of the choice and busiest meat mar kets and groceries on the East Slue, tran sient and regular trade. doing $2000 monthly; low rent. AN 285, Oregonian. A STRICTLY cash store business; no de livery, Just the place for one who can wPU on customers; can easily clear $150 month Call o4 Oak HANDY man with S400 can buy In a buy I automobile range and clear $150 to $2U0 month, lau JU v u.k st. OWNER of a good little cash business wants a steady partner: good pay and only $150 required. Call 304 pan sr. FOUNDRY If planning to start r dry or add 0 present plant. iron foun- rv or add to present piant. nave in teresting proposition. R 463. Oregonian. vrtn sat.K Small sTtneral store, arood busi ness and location; will discount for cash If taken before Feb. 1. AJ 2b4, Oregonian. FOR SALE 12 M. capacity mill; plenty of timber. Write for particulars. P. O. box! 204. Alsea. Or. hYiR SALE The Hand Clothing Store. 345 Washington St.; a snap for the right party. FOR RENT Good location for bakery and con foctionery. Lr oregonian. HIGH-CLASS grocery for sale; profits $3o0 month. Call "304; oaK st. BARBER chairs and fixtures at a big sacri fice. Kemp Barbers Supply Co;. 271 Wash. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED, WANTED Party to build 40 or 50-room ! apartment-house on East Side. Have funds! for furnishing. Many years' experience In this line in Portland, a via, uregonian. WANT business for small capital and all my time: will pay $100 for a satisiactory prop- Ition. AG S.u. oregonian. HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES. MART 0. LENT sell hotels. rooming and apartment houses at the beet prices and term 624 N. W 3ank bldg. Main8560. 14 ROOMS, mostly housekeeping; reason able. Mar. 2484 ' HOTEL in Bend. Or., for sale or trade for rooming-house here. Mar, jeae. HOTEL, 43 rooms, fine location, nets $300. 311 Broadway. HOTEL. 74 rooms, dandy income, close in. 5X1 Joara oi xraae. HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES. UNUSUAL BARGAIN. 134-ROOM APT.-HOUSE FOR $3500. A modern olace. located on the West Side, very close In, rent only $300 per month on lease. This house is clearin, over $250 now and no rents have been ad van cod; can easily be made to pay $J50 to $400 per month net. and think or it, the whole price is only $3oUU; $2009 casn, oai anco to suit. A. J. DEFOREST. 207 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 1000 HANDLES 43 rooms: the whole pric Is only $1800. and this place pays $175 net every month; is located on the West bide ana moaern. A. J. DeFOREST, 207 Board of Trade Bldff. A ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAIN. 14 housekeeping rooms, choice district snd very cloae in; price $600; can clear $70 month besides your living. Call o04H ja k st. IF YOU WrISH To buy, sell or exchange a hotel, rooming or apt. -house, see A. J. DE FOREST, 208-205-207 Board of Trade bldg. 60-ROOM rooming-house, rent $100; fine lo ration, aiwavs run. clears -ou monin $1000 will handle. Main 5632 before 10 A. M. ROOMING and apt.-houae, 27 rooma. mod ern. W est Side, central, well rurnianea, clean; a snap; terms. Tabor 5206. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between 6th and 11th at., on Mor rison, Saturday night, iraternity pin set with garnet and blue and small diamond in corner; ieve at aou juorgau uius. rve ward. LOST 140 Tuesday afternoon about 5:110. I walked between Wash, and Stark, on 3d, went from 3d to 2d on fctarx, to vvasn. on 2d. Finder please call Woodlawn 4520, Reward. Worklngman. LOST Black leather bill fold containing currency and Multnomah Athletic Club card: liberal reward. Call Alar, lb J 4, A. LOST Pocketbook with $70 in gold and rhfck for S7IW1 on I!. S. lianK. (Jail A J.JO. Jack Lee, or leave at U. S. Bank. Liberal reward. LO6T Two Airedale bltchea. on Peninsula; strayed from McKenna Park fa.enneia. no- ward. Call toiumDia ei-t. LOST Books at Swetland's. Kindly return to 12 E. 41sL su or call iauor uuoo. Re-ward. I LADY who advertised for lost launch be fore Chrlstmaa In Oregonian may get in formation regarding tame at 0 5th Bt. LOST West of Oswego, 3 hounds, one old dog, black, white and tan, 2 bitches. 1 bob-tall. Call East 1522. LOST Purse, on Morrison su. bet. 13th and 14th. Monday. Finder leave at 41 Morri son street. LOST Child's green sweater, trimmed in rose color, in downtown district, Tuesday P. M. Finder call Main 1530. Reward. LOST Watch chain. 2 claws mounted on gold. Finder please notify R. Ring. 1018 E. 33 at. S. WILL party who found money and watch and railed 514 E. Oak Monday, please can again ? LOST Silk umbrella, with monogram Sun day on Oregon City car. Return to waiting-room, 1st and Aldei FOUND Large black dog, long hair, license tag No male lb Id. owner please can Tabor 308U. LOST Two Airedale bitches, on Peninsula; strayed from McKenna Park ivenueis. .Re ward. Call Columbia 814. I LOST Eastern Star pin. Call East 570U. Us Ward. LOST Sunday, from Council Crest, 2 alre- dale females. Reward. Phone aiarsau d-no. LOST In Postoffice, black silk umbrella. Tabor 1527, evenings. I LOST Long black purse, in rest room of Lipman-W one a. Kewara. benwoon xj. I A BLACK 'silk waich fob, with monogram J. 1. W. Reward at 711 Plttock block. SPECIAL NOTICES Proposals Invited. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will re received until February 12, 1018, at 0 o'clock A. M.. at the 01 lice of the Board of Directors of the Talent Irri gallon District at Talent, Oregon, tor the purchase 01 six nunarea mouaana tsouu, 000.00 dollars in bonds of the Talent lrri gation District a muhicipal corporation) &ai a oon as are numoereu consecutively commencing with number 1 and following in numerical order, mature serially in an nual amounts, so as to be approximately equal principal and interest, aud ahali be payable in gold coin of the United totates 01 tne present stanaara ot weight ana line o ess or us eauivaienu The said bunds shall be dated January 1. 101s, and shall bear Interest at six (6 per centum Der annum. Datable semi-an .nuaily on the first aay of January and July of each year, and the principal and interest shall be payable at tne oftice of tne county .treasurer ot jacKson county, Oregon, or at the fiscal agency ol the atate 01 Oregon, in .New xork city, atate ot xsew York, the places designated respectively in the bonds and coupons. Bonds shall be each of the aenomiuatlon ot not less than $100 nor more than $1000, and shall be signed oy the president and secretary. The seal of the Basra of Directors will be affixed thereto, and each bond will bear on the back, tnereoi tne regis terea cer tificate of the County Treasurer, who ahall sign as Treasurer aud as ex-oxiicio Treas urer of the district. Coupons lor Interest will be attached to each bond, and win be signed with the engraved facsimile signature of the secretary. The County Treasurer, who is ex-oiiicio treasurer of the district! and the secretary of the dis trict, will register the said bonda iu books In their respective on ices tor that purpose, and therein will be stated the numuer, date, amount of bond, time aud place of Davmeut. rate of interest, numoer 01 cou poos attached, and other description for iuture laentiiication 01 eaca oona, lue foregoing shall not be construed to pro vide that any bond of the district will bear the registered certificate by the sec retary. Each bid must do accompanied by a certiticate payable to the County Treasurer of Jackson County, Oregon, ior $12,000, to secure the district against any i-ss result ing from the failure of the bidder to com- niv with the terms 01 uis oiu. o luier est will be allowed on said certified check, but if bid is accepted, said check will be credited as a first payment. The balance of the amount due will be payable and delivery made as follows: $28S,O0O within thirty isv) days irom acceptance 01 01a, nd I3U0.U0U on juiy 1, iuib. f ailure to make the payment of $-88,000 as above provided, will forfeit said certified check to said district. These bunas, oasea on a iuh examina tion of the district by the Oregon irriga tion Securities Commission, will be certi fied by the Secretary of State of the state of Oregon, as a legal investment for sav-ins-a and commercial banks, trust and in surance companies, trust funds and state school funds, and are legally acceptable to secure deposits of atate, county ana city funds in Oregon banka. These bonus are free irom reaerai in come tajc and declaration thereunder ana eieniDt from all Oregon taxation. 1 ne appraised valuation of the Irrigable acre age Ol tne UlBiriiri is i,"ph, iou, aim ina assessable valuation $6M,940. Purchasers ust pay accrued interest 10 tne uaie ot delivery. The rig,ht is reserved to reject any and all bids. THE TALENT IRRIGATION DISTRICT. ay ti. e. tnj v iKjrs, rrenmenu W. J. HARTZELL. Director. O. A. MANNING, Director, First publication, Jan. 11, 1918. Last puoucation, v eu. j.u, ivio. KLAMATH FALLS,- Oregon, Dec. 26, 1017. Th undersia-nea win receive oias at tne office of the Reclamation Service, Klamath Falls. Oregon, until a o ciock r. i., Jan uary 30. iv 10, wnen tne same win oe opened, tor the reclaiming of about 2300 acres of swamp land in Pelican Bay, Up per Klamatb Lake, Oregon, within the : Klamath rrojecu ru reuLai win oe exacted for the use of the land; but the successful bidder will be required to be gin work within six months from the date or the contract; to complete the worn within three years from said date and to give a bond In the sum 01 siiu.uou with an acceotaoie surety company as sureiy, con dltloned for a faithful compliance with the terms of the contract. Each bidder must state the shortest period of time for which he will accept the use of the land as a consideration for reclaiming It which period will be considered In awarding contract. Bidders and others interested mav be Dresent when bids are opened. For further information and a copy of the contract to be entered into apply to me. J. a. uoxsu. rroject Manager. SEALED BIDS for text-booka to be adopted lor the use ot pupiia in tne aistrict lor a period of four years will be received at the office of the undersigned. 401 Court house. Portland. Oregon, until 4 P. M March 1. 1918. and will be opened at a meeting of the Board of Directors to be held at 4 P. M. March 1, twit. The juoard of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Specifications may hn- obtained at the oriice ox the undersigned. January 21. iwii. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. PROPOSALS for marine boiler for anagboat Matbloma u. s. Engineer on ice, 01s trict, Portland, Or. Sealed proposals for a marine boiler will be received here -until 11 A. M.. February IS, 1918, and then opened. Further information on applica tion. Miscellaneous. MY wife, Mary E. Hansen, having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by her. GEO. HANSEN. FINANCIAL. Loans, city and farm. Industrial Investments. A. W. Payne, 701 Board of Trade. M. 1368. LOANS, notes, contracts, mtgs. purchased. Lewia & Co., 4 Lewis bldg. Main obo. FINANCIAL. FIRST and second mortgagoa, also seller' interest la contracts purchased, Oregon or Wash. JL E. Noble, Lumbermen's bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate, OUR Installment plan Is the best and aureat method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 mouths, or $15.17 for 06 months pays a $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Ot for building purposes. No commissions charged. EQUITABLE SAVLN'liS A LOAN ASS'N, 242 Stark St, Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. VM. MacM ASTER, 701 COR BETT BLDG, PORTLAND. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO., 2d Floor UnitedStatvs Bank Bldg. Mortgage loans aud bond issues, esps dally in larger amounts, 5 per cent up. MORTGAGE LOANS, 5 6 7 UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security at uius mm ui uutTtau uuo a uarKfloo Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. $300, $1000 AND upward on Improved real caiaie, iavoraoie terms; no delay, no bro kerage. John Bain, 0U7 Spalding bldg. $00,000 TO LOAN In amounts to suit on city property at fl and 7 per cent. McKENZlE CO, 515 Gerllnger Bldg. $300, $400. $300. $730, $1000 and up at low est raios, quicK action, r red w. German Co, 732 Ch. ot' Com. Main 6445. BY PRIVATE party. $100u or $1500 on improved real estate, 7 per cent, no brok erage, no delay. AB 656. Oregonian. $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; building Failing bldg. Phone 3407. THE small home owner can get the beat J. U. Hartog, kind of terms for loans from 213 Board of Trade, $10,000 AT 7 per cent on Improved cuy. ,J. h. Hartog. 213 Hoard of Trade. 1000 TO $40,000 TO LOAN, farm or city property; no commission, r. u. 5ox 673. SEE US today; loans, any amount, 6-7 , cyg. iJiiARo-jiu xv j. 0-0 x eon Diag. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT, ijuuia pfliiUJiu. oc tu., iUB aeung blag. CLIENT'S money, mtg. loans, only cost pa- ci3. .ice i iic inBi, imiu, iui opaiaing. $10.000 SUMS TO SUIT. AD 432. Oregonian, Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. FURNITURE) SALARY LOANS. LOANS. WE LOAN MONET, to salaried people on their own notes; easy payments, strictly confidential. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loau on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. Call and see us. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 317 Failing Bldg. IF YOU NEED MONEY, SEE US SALARIES - - CHATTELS. Loans made to persons on salary or fixed Income, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other persoual property; iefc'aJ rates. Business confidential ; private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). 3UG-307 Dekum B'dg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to protect borrower, Carrie Myers Herman, Mgr.. H94 Stark st. Money loaned on diamonds. Jewelry, pianos, household furniture MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rates; all articles held 1 year; established si nee lb 8 8. Dan Marx. 283 W a shin g t on. MONEY loaned on pianos, other securities. W. A. Hathaway, w asningtou uiag. Loans Wanted. $0UU0, 7 PER CENT, first mortRage. 1:9 acres, highly improved; apple orchard, 2 blocks railway station, valued $20,000. AIC 748, oregonian WANTED $1500 private money for five years, 7 per cent; good security; present loan $2200. AV 256, Oregonian. IF YOU HAVE money to loan on city prop erty, first mtg., list amounts with us. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. SJ5 Yeon bldg. PKRSONAJU (DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN. The treatment of chronic diseases with out drugs or surgical procedure. Investigate this system of Drugleaa Treatment. We treat ail diseases and our patients get well. UK. J. DE LURY MULLOY. tl.i3 Plttock Block. Circulation Specialist. Phone Broadway 1861. Portland. Ore. Hyperonia- the vacuum naturopathic treatment as a therapeutic agent by Pro fessor Dr. August Bier, of the University of Bonn, Germany, now Surgeon-General of German armies. Our method tenforced blood circulation) Is a non-medical aud non-aurglcul. Tlio new scientific method of treating chronic diseases restores bloud circulation, and by Uh masterly control of the circula tion of the blood and essential to life and health fluid of the body to the diseased parts, operates effectively in all cabt-s. Take special notice that we are after the desperate and incurable o-caUed cases that medicine and surgery don't aud aud can't cure. DR J. DE LURY MULLOY Plttock Block. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 30-inch wavy switch. 2 eep $1.50 24-lnch wavy switch, 3 sep l.uO All-around trausiorniiitioh 1.4. Hairdressinaj, shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, ixiuiiicurtiig, 25c. Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made of combings, 05c. We ouy your combings. Sanitary Parlors. 40O-412 Dekura bldg.. 3d aud Washington. Marshall 1702. ANYONE knowing the whereabout of Theo dore I'. Atwater will eoutei a i.v- by corresponding with M. D. Atwater, Chico. Cai.. and will be tuitably reward ed for their trouble. Last seen In Port land, Or. MISSING Mae Denver. 21 years old, 6 ft.. weight aoout i.iu jiuuuus, eyes, brown nu.tr. ah hur whereabouts kindiy Rnid, Toppeiiish, Wash, v c ry si c k write lo J. r--Her mother is LADIES Takura Antiseptic Powder lo soothing, cooiing auu uivu.uo.ne is endorsed by physicians; price .0c to $L per package; teaspoouful to quart water. For tale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy. LOUISE NETZKL Trained nurse and mas seuse, gives ireuniMsiiw lumoago. neuralgia, etc, tub baths, mas sage and electric uiankets; lady assistant, Marshall 5033. 288 13th, pear Jeftersou. TRAINED nurse desires refined paLrona for cabinet and tub baths, light magnetics. massage and cbiropouy, evenings, ouuu Main 4303. 204 Kothcnild bidg, -01 la Washington. WANTED Information of John Mlwliiskl, aged i years; lett re jt.11 o etr Any word will be gratefully received by his widowed mother. Mis. Frances toii winski. Pe Ell. Wash. - FACE and scalp treatments, dandruff, itch ing scalp, superuuuua - removed. 230 Fieiuner uldg. Broadway 1685 SPIRITUALISM Mrs. M. L. LA MAR, 2o5 5th St.. cor. Mam, tcacnes jvaiiinonj' card reading; also lessons in scieuc of health and success. r REV. MR. AND MRS. J. C. SCHORI teach. truth, readings uany. une 4U6 Jeffeison st. Main olto. aunday itc ture W. O. W. Hall. 12$ 11 th at.. 8 P. M. DON'T DELAY An Electric-Cabinet Bath, followed by a ruo ana a kwuiuii. sage, wii I rejuvenate you. JJ -8-0 Plt tock block. to 6. Sunday 10 to 4. OR adopiion, boy age o years, niutot oe good home and give best references. Ah 341, Oregonian. ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumbago, face, scalp, sulphur, steam and salt baths. 4U6 Claylain8a-'i. MRS. STEVENS, 24 years in Portland. 20th century science in palmistry taught; spu ituai readings daily. 375 Taylor st. DrTmARIE JOHNSON, chiropody, sweats, bath and masseuse. 513 N. W. bide. Open Sundays and evenings. Main 5U4. SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental, spiritual science. Daily, 105 Tourny bldg.. 2d and Taylor sta. Circles Wednesday a P. Al. aiar. BODY MASSAGE, stomach aud intestinal trouble, chronic constipation, treated by trained nurse. M. 1Q4U. Flat C, 3d. BEST steam bath and massage in city, chiro practic, vibration and eiectrlc. Dr. Mar-vrr-ct Hnvnie. 517 Swetland bids. M. l-i OA. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by ten-needle method; trial $1.00. Josie Flhley, 03 4 Eileis bldg. M. 636a. MILDRED CLARK, massage, baths and electric treatment. Rathchild bldg.. 2871. Wash. Office 211. Open Sundays and eve. MARIE DE BARR, medicated steam oatn; graduale masseuse. 011 o, m 1 ALMA S JOHNSON, facial, scalp. Franco- American toiiet articles. iuain it ox. MARIE KEVINS, massage and electric treat ments. 4U4 iSOrtn west Plug. .uam MAY IRWIN, electric and vibratory mas sage. -U1 jiorrison sc., or nee 1. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M, D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg Bdwy. 34 73. WALTER J. COSGROVE, write to V. Dot Florence, learn something your aavamage. FAY 1 have fulfilled my promise. Write to ne at mvenon, or. wil,i FRANCES DE MAYO, SCAUP SPECIALIST, ifjOia AiOitsUb-Of'i, OS Jo iua 10.