Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 19, 1918, Page 16, Image 16

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ef btg eacmtce. .r,afere. B
ewtlng and
nill:iid ruion alleys.
(o-tM bil
room le 104
I'tnld 1 bu.terd ubM The room
b ia Tm Ia.-xuib La one off
T a elan mtul be mm mm te appreciate!.
It to eoe of tarn B..I equipped In the
Northwest.' Shefers Bowling and Billiard
Parlor, p. . 7vA. Aberdeen. v aenv
tCH ItlX n.-s-.-ceae ehoe store, lacu
laff F.emlng rvpe.r ourf.t: ert.y excluel
ism cor is t..n 4u--l popo.atloo. '.
Inni'rA ital i:0. reoalr OOtf I OBd f'
tjn lo". caa reduce, ne future orders
e eced. beet .(- - !on corner. rent
rnonti frat party mMf gets
. r.-e R I, Pen ;. 'iri;i rm.
JOR SALE r leeee, bul.dlage far foundry
and machine ehsp Belt:ea thla U a good
propoelLnoa tr a live fonodryman; reaeoo
... t V. , . BrfArna BIVMbl OVnra aTO
(aged la ir an ae "work. For lunaw Intor-
mfttlaa addreea iiiaa atca-ianex.
barn. Or. .
AR1E etorsse battery manufacturer will
stasia.1) direct representative tor
line In Port. and. exclualte territory. ia
g.el monev-ruaiclne; opportunity In couri'C
t oa wits the automool.e Una today, b $44,
Before closing deal of so-called tutor-
am la establisni roal aetata bue.neee svi
advice of Portland Realty Board.
PAL L. COWiMLU Secretary.
JlKiT grcery la Portland: taking- la from
$. to 9 Pr amy. ail ceen. oo
r.nt $32 5o mo.; atock lav. around 11400.
flx'uree f.'nn see my ifffnt.
M. e. COBB. a Swetlaad BMf
To Bay. Soli or Exchange a
Bualnesa of any kind, anywhere aoa
203-208-207 Board of Trada Bldg.
nA r mb Da v in at hardware: Invoice
stack and fixtures about $4000. O 76.
Or.gontan. i
T'.'ti t-ALfc Beauty ibop la a proeperou
i.u Write Loom 7. SL Marks bldg, Med-
fo-d. Or.
iv.:ninN reataurant for sale, locatad at 1
North d at., cor. ARkany. Will sell very
reasonable on account of having other
b ut nmmm to attand to-
C!.D-l!'TBUHrD rlgar. ronfaetlonery
h m'nrm for aala. rry ra
m.-ib.a ov ijt at-. Ofr Morth Bank
Fi'l'SBRI If pianalna to atart Iroa foun
A nr add to oraacnt p ant. bava tn-
rratlnf propoalfon. K 463. Oraconlan.
V"A.TEL A atady man to work In wrmn
hon; aood fmr- .1M raqu'rS. aaotirad;
" ly l-a.-nr-t, 3"i Oak a.
Ti-'K fALi: 12 ': capacity mill; p.ancy of
t nar w rtto ror particutara. r. j. oox
A 'a.
t fiof.'.RN a -d panut wmaon In lira toarn
of 2u.uuO p..pu. alios; an. l aail or trada. AV
A TOWOBILE OARA'jB Hao oponlnc for
a-trvo man aati:iai to maao monin.
on bo Ineraaaod. rail Jim i Oat at.
F'"R f VLB Tha l and C!othlnf vtora. at
(IS Waj&lrstos at., a anap for Uia ri(ht
FOR SALE Chaap. a-nall ahoa factory. Ia
qa!ra CIM. CTOonlan.
LAl'Nt'BY. Mmr'"'T aoulppcd. 2 lolm and
barn. M ('tftiaim
X4APBEK chaira and flxturo at a Mf aaerl.
fla. Kamp Barbrarbupply o. Wuh.
FOR RENT Concrota balMlnc. aoltabl. fnr
varajra. cor'. 4.1l and iMvtaton. Tabor Ml.
frTr oppoiiTr'mF" wAVTm.
IF yao want to aal! your atoro at Juot vhat
It coat you. a a o'far yon bualneaa property
at Banxa. Waahlncton Co.. lr.. conalatlng
t about 1 aero of land artth cod atora
bntidlna. Itvlna;.rma upatair and 2 axd
1't.lOiM Id citaaocttoa. alt for !
and A-l farqa mf,ait at por cent for
the ba ance. Ad-iraaa A. P. ;t Co..
Aumavl.:. or.
noTn . at iooMiffj-HorF.
. o taH. baiaaca. fl'i. aaay; wall
rvratahad rooma In tbo bat locatloa;
a:wava futl: paya S3A orar rrnt Oe.ry
month aad your ltvinc room frao. Call
I to S P. M. only. : N. - lat at, naar
ir toit wish
To bry. atl or avhanro a hotol,
room in a or a p.-h aeat
a. j. nr. FOREST.
?-5V:7 B..ard of Tra1a bldaj
tf'TCL. of mm rooma. kltrhan. dlnlnr-room.
- a'orarooma; a rood pay In r butnaa for
Part t-m On Colombia Itlvar.
on btork fmm hiahway; toara of about
lwo. AV I.". 1. Orra-onlan.
Rent only $ month, hot and ootd
water tn every apt., eteam heat, eleare
over $'.-oo month. Get our price. Oeo.
T. Mwre Co.. Ablngten bldg.
lOrt-ROOV apt.. 10 mlnulea' pootof flee, ai
wave rati, r'.anne $ i.'.o month above all
expenses: o.i win handle thla anao,
T24 Chamber of Commerce.
RWWIMi-lli.l'.SK of 14 rooms, near S. P.
rsrabopa for rent fumlahed: can be op
erared with dlnina-room If desired. 8. i.
Vjk-hI Co. Both pbonee.
Rant only -. eleare about 1200 month,
awry fine lwat(on. West bide. Geo. T.
Moore fp. AblngtoO bldg.
a.'s hotels. rooming and apartmant
ouea at the beet price and term. I2i
V. W Bank bldg Main k40.
XIF5T paying, flrst-claaa. mHlera 75-room
hotel in the Willamette Valley: a 11.000
deal; enlisted. t hat -have you 1 can
leave behind" Av 22. rvregonlan.
Nice tittle rooailne-boufte on West Side,
a tnonev-maker. Get our price. Geo. T.
Mtore Co.. Abtngton bldg.
7 ROOMS, clean, modern place, beautiful
rnrnlture: anap; 11200; Went tilde; close In.
Tabor 4204.
FlKsT aad second mortgagee, also eellar'e
interest In contracts purchased. Oregon or
Waen. H. K. .No Me. Lumbermen a bldg.
Loan, city and farm. Industrial Investments.
A. W. Payne. 7'l Board of Trade. M. I3H.
X-OAN'S notes, contracts, mtfa. purchased.
1-ewis A Co. 4 Lewis bldg. Mam .
CASH paid for liberty bonds. 673, Ore
fnlln. Mooey la Laava on Real Estate.
I K li-sfallment plan Is the best and surest
method of paying a loan.
par month for 3 months, or
1-1 -1 per rronth for o months, or
SIS. 17 for M montba'paya a Siooo
loan and Interest.
Vhar amounts In proportion. ,
We toan on Improved city property
Or for building pnrpoeee.
No commlaslons charged.
17 stark St. Portland. Or.
LOflg SALOMON aV CO. n Bellng bldg.
CLIENTS money, mtg. loana. only coat pa
ier me frat WaM. 4"7 P?a'd'n.
"kiSrl two.- ixatK2, amu
3W -, 1 a 1918. by N.w,!.p.r S-rrU,. In. Crt
Maaxy to Loaa oa Kaai Eatasta.
Id Floor Unltod Statao Hank flld.
Mortcaaa Ivans and bond laaraaa. aapo
ctaity La iargat tmonnta 6S par cant up.
i a- 1
Ccrbatt B.d. koaa on roat oat a to aocaiity at
oina rata of latrroat. Otto Hark aoa
Kaalty Co. I ChamboT of Commorco. TO LOAN In "ameunta ta auti oa
city property at and J par cant.
Wca-t-SZlfci CO, 615 Uarllntar Bid.
HOO. $400, (5O0, fTSO. (1000 and up at low
aat ratea, quick action. Frad W. Gorman
ColaJ Cn. of Com. Main 6444.
1400. 11000 AND upward an Improrrod roal
estate, favorable terms: no delay, no bro
kerae. Joan Bain. tOT Bpaldlnt blda.
KOO.000 TO LOAN la rami to ault; building
loans, lowest ratea. W. G. Bock, 2i&-2ie
Failing- bid . I'bona 3407.
loO0 TO 140.000 "TO LOAN, farm or city
property; no commission. P. u. Bog e.
fiKE L'ci today: loana, any amount. 6-T .
LOANtf oa city and farm property, s par
cent op. F. Fncha. 4J0 Cham, of Com.
Henry to :
fhattcla and balartca.
Loans. ixxans.
wi loan vontt.
to Bala tied people on tbolr own no tea;
aaay payments, atrlctly confidential.
We also loan on household furnltaro,
Blaaoa. ate, without romoraL
Call and are ua.
1T Falling Bldg.
Loana made to peraona on aalary or fined
Income: on houeehold furniture, ptanoa.
aiamonaa ana otaar personal property;
kiu ratea.
Bualnasa confidential; private office.
J0t-g07 Deknm Bldg.
llsned by Cortland bualnoaa men to protect
oorrower. iarne Myers Herman, aigr.
sii ruarg at. Money loaned on diamonds.
jewelry, pianoa, houaebold furniture.
MONET to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal
rates; an axtlclea held 1 year; oatabllabed
oinco ma. una aiarx. z3 wanoington.
MONET loaned en pianos, other eecnritlee.
" . A. Matnaway. zos waahlngton bloc.
Eauaa WsDtrd.
WANTED M400 private money for fl
years. 7 per cent: good security; present
loan a, av .'at. oregonisn.
lir YOU HAVE money to loan on city prop.
triy. i-trst mtg.. iisa amounts witn us.
CELLARS-ML RTON CO. :3 Teon bld.
LoT and rorxix
LOST Thursday morning on Broadway car.
or Between isroadway and vaabtngton
High School, black purse containing money
a n dlc a y s. r'hone r. sst 536. o r c ion
LXPT Crescent nugget nln. between Wash
ir.gton a.-.a Aider on Broadway; mitlaJa
li a w. ll-2o-ir on back of pin; re
ward. Phone Marshall 2S6o.
LCT Whell-rlmmed apoctaclea in case, en
1 .sural at., beta-en lata ave. and Mont
gomery Drta-ii Return to 621 Yista are.
or phone Main 1444.
DROPPED aark of sugar while hearting to
r-aai eino, uoea reward to anyone report
ing same. 1 am peer delivery man. broad
way 2aX
WILL psrty who took hat from Cotillion
lia.i Thursday night kindly return same
to Oregonisn. or phone Woodlawn HWd?
LoaT 1 turquoise ecarfpln surrounded by
iu Bin a 1 1 mamoaas; rewara. c lirsa-
l-y. -J Wssh. st.
LOST Gray squirrel atoio oa Broadway bet.
iorrteoa and Waehlngioo, Call at 3U2 Oak.
Hew artT
LOST Scarf pin. turquoise eurrounded with
iu email diamonds, ttewaxa. C C Brad
ley. 542 Washington at.
LoST Two Alredslo bitches, en Penlnauia:
strsyed rrom AlcKenna Park ALannala. Re
ward. Call Columbia 14
LOST Mink fur, Thursday night between
win and Knott and Lillian Apta. 8th ana
Montgomery. Marshall 1JS7. Reward.
LCST Small hand pttrae containing; Soe
sno pair or unffinisnea Lieutenant bar
Reward. Finder please phone East lad.
LoST ocarf pin. turquoise surrounded with
au ama.i aiamonda tteward, c c Brad
ley. U4i Washington St.
LOST At or between T. W. a. A. aad Pao.
piee neater, orown marten murr. Finder
call 440t th st. for reward. Mala 4e4ix
LOST Tueeday In Meier Franks, black
leather pocketbook containing lis. Reward.
Ceil Oregon City. A IX
CAMEO brooch, heirloom. Finder will be
suitably rewarded. Call B. 34d.
LOST Cameo pi a. Reward. Phone Eaat 2479
or East 4414.
Do you find tiny lines forming arennd
the corners of your eyee which every day
are becoming deeper and more noticeable?
la your skin covered wuh brown
biotchaa. and baa It a muddy, dirty aad
greasy appearance? Have you warts,
moles end superfluous batrf If so. visit
Owe Electrolysis Co. Beuty Parlors. 604
beet. and bldg. They will tell you how to
rid yourself of theae blemlshee and In ana
month'e time can wipe 10 yeara away from
your face. Consultation free thla vitk.
o-tnch wavy ewltch. 2 eep. .$1.S6
24-Inch wavy ewltch. I eep LOO
All-around transformation 1.49
Halrdreaelng. shampooing, face massage,
hair bobbing, manicuring. 24c Hair re
moved by electric needle, ewltch made of
combings, B4c. We buy your combings,
sanitary Parlors, 4O0-412 Dekura bldg. 3d
and Washington. Marshall 1702.
TUMORS, eye troubles, ecaema. rheuma'tlam.
goitre, concern, chronlo dleeaaee of every
deecnptlon and kind cured In the short
est time possible at the least coat. The
flneet equipped office In the Weat. Call
and see the wonderful equipment. No
charges for conaultatlon or examination.
lr. W. E. Mallory. doe Broadway bliLf
Maln 70.
AN YON E knowing the whereabouta of Theo
dore F. Atwater will coufer a great favor
by corresponding with M. D. Atwater.
Chlco, CaL. and will be aultably reward
ed for their trouble. Laet eeen In port
land. Or.
LADIES Takara Antiseptic Powder le a
eoothlng. cooling and cleansing antlseptlo;
Is endorsed by physicians; price 60o to 91
per package; teaapoonful to quart water.
Vor sale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy.
LOL'ISE NETZEL Trained nurse and mat
oeuee. glvea treatments for rheumatlem.
lumbago, neuralgia, etc. tub hatha, mae
aage and electrlo blanketa; lady aealstent.
Marshall 633. 2M 13th. near Jefferson,
TRAINED nurse desires refined patrona for
cabinet and tub bat be, light magnetics,
massags and chiropody, evenings, Bundaya.
Mala 433. 204 Rotbchlld bldg. 27ie
Washington. .
FACE and scalp treatments, dandruff. Itch
ing scalp, superfluous hair, molee. warts
removed. 2i0 Fleldner bldg. Broadway
6th at. cor. Main, teachee palmistry and
card reading: also lessons la science of
health and succesa.
.u i.
6:00 O'CLOCK
Is the closing hour for accepting Classified Ads to" run
under proper classification
The Sunday
Ads received later than this will be run under the head
in "Too Late to Classify"
8 o'clock is the closing hour other evenings
REV. MR. AND MBS. J. C. 8CHOKI teach
truth, readings daily: circle Tuea., Thura.
4o Jefferson St. Main 61 JB. bunday leo
ture W. O. W. Hall. 128 11th sc. P. M.
DON'T DELAY An JSlectrlo-Ceblnet Bath.
followed by a rub and a scientific msa
- sage, will rejuvenate you. 327-6-8 l'lt-
tock block. 8 to Sundsy 10 to 4.
M1LIKD CLARK, massage, bathe and
electric treatment. Rotuchlld bldg, 2b,a
Wash. Office 211. Open Sundays and eves.
Co IT KB Cure yourself aafely. 2.1 years'
personal experience. Address A, R. btra
chan. H. 6. HllUboro. Or.
ELECTRIO treatments for poor circulation,
rheumatism, lumbago, face, scalp, sulphur,
steam and aalt baths. 4.:a Clay. Main
MRS STEVENS, 24 yeara In Portland. 20th
century erlence tn palmistry taught; spir
itual readings dally. 875 Taylor st.
8CALP. falling hair, dandruff treatments,
shampooing: ladies exclusively. Room 210.
Angelo Hotel.
ciiPUIl H EEIP. mental, spiritual science.
Dally. 0S Tourny bldg., 2d and Taylor
ate. Circles Wednesday P. M. Mar. 17t'4.
BODY MASSAGE, stomach and intestinal
trouble, chronic constipation, treated by
trained nurse. 31. iv. ri u
BEST steam bath and massage In city, chiro
practic. Vibration ana a.scinc ur. auar
jfaret Haynle, S17 Swet:and bldg. M. 174.
SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed
by ten-needle metnoa; trial -i.uv. joaie
r In ley, eie cuera oma. wiw.
ruiunpnnlKT Treats coma, bunions, etc,
painless metnoa. .ve noiauuna wius-
2s7S Washington
t r. Mania .uii.iuv.., . -
bath and masseuse, S13 N. W. b,dg. Open
Fur.afyi ana eeomae- . " v.
MARIE DE BARR. medicated steam bath
graduate imowiw. o. e- ? r w
aVLMA S. JOHNSON, facial, scaip, Franco-
American touet. articles. Jim ivoi.
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR deatroyed forever by
. . , 1 - u.rhiul 'J lA uwatlamt Kid.
multiple rtwio . vv, ......
MAHIE NEVINS. massage and electric treat
nenta. 404 bonnweit biqi. .wain fws.
MOLES, auperfluoua hair removed, Mrs.
L. Mill. 4- ruenner oitijt. ro,j. nii.i.
SS0 H MOKKlso.-v. orrit-B .tlJ.
MAT IRWIN, electrlo and vibratory
.011 Uj.Unn mt f 1,-. 7
Pi appeals Invited.
States for the District or uregon in toe
matter of Chan. J. Soderberg. trading as
East Portland Wire A Iron Works, Bank
rupt. Request tor blda 1 will receive
sea.ed bids for the following stock of
merchandise, tools, machinery, equipment
and office furniture and natures, to.-roenr
tha property of the above named bankrupt,
situate at Baimont and Eaat Water a: a,
Vnrtlan'd Or no to and until 12 o'clock.
Boon, of the 23d day of January, li18. at
my or r ices, i ao-1 a t emergen. vue-, "
land. Or.
block of material! and manufac
tured goods, wire fencing, etc,
of the inventoried value of 32430.18
Toole, machinery and equipment
fiertalnlng to the same, of the
nventorled value of 3010.40
Office furniture and fliturea, of
the inventoried value of. 234.23
Total 80774.88
The highest bid reoelved will be ac
cepted, subject, howsver, to the approval
of the court. All bids must be accom
panied by certified check for 10 per cent
(10, of the amount offered.
, Inventory of the above stock and fix
tures may be geea at my office, and the
property Inspected upon application.
R. L. SARIN, Trustee.
delivery made as follows: I2S8.00O within
thirty tSOl daye from acceptance of bid.
and $300,000 on July 1. WIS. Failure to
make the payment of 82bS,000 aa above
provided, will forfeit said certified check
to said dletrict.
Theae bonda. based on a full examina
tion of the district by the Oregon Irriga
tion Eecuritlea Commission, wlil be certi
fied by the Secretary of date of the state
of Oregon, as a legal Investment tor sav
ings and commercial banks, trust and in
surance companies, trust funds and state
school funds, and are legally acceptable to
secure deposits of state, county and city
funds In Oregon banks.
These bonds are free from Federal In
come tax and declaration thereunder and
exempt from all Oregon taxation. Tha
appraised valuation of the lirlxable acre
age of the district Is fl.004.7SO. and ths
aaeessable valuation $6el.B40. Purchasera
muat pay accrued internet to the date of
delivery. The right la reserved to reject
any and all bids.
By R. E. ROB1SON. Prealdent.
W. J. HARTZELL, Director.
O. A, MANNING, Director.
First publication. Jan. 11. 1B18.
Last publication. Feb. 10. IBIS.
KLAMATH FALLS, Oregon. Dec. 26. 1817.
The undersigned will receive blda at the
office of the Reclamation Service. Klamath
Falls. Oregon, until 2 o'clock P. M. Jan
uary 80. 1S18. when the same will be
opened, for the reclaiming of about 28O0
acres of swamp land tn Pelican Bay. Up
per Klamath Lake. Oregon, within the
Klamath Project. No rental will be
exacted for the use of the land: but tha
successful hlddsr will be required to be
gin work within six months from the date
of the contract; to complete the work
within three yeara from said data and to
give a bond In the turn of 820.000 with an
acceptable eurety company aa surety, con
ditioned for a faithful compliance with
the terms of the contract. Each bidder
r?1al"xTiTT iTIal all TT . a. J I f
n F4MBLV A (soTTa
Toy OPT -
a are, -
Brital. RifhU Kasarr.d. u.
Proposals Invited.
must state the shortest period of time for
which he will accept the use of the land
as a consideration for reclaiming It which
period will be considered In awarding
contract. Bidders and others interested
may be present when bids are opened.
For further information and a copy of the
contract to be entered Into apply to me.
J. B. BOND. Project Manager.
bids will re received until February 12,
1918, at 0 o'clock .A. M., it the office of
the Board of Directors of the Talent Irri
gation District at Talent. Oregon, for the
purchase of six hundred thousand 6O0.
O00.00 dollars In bonds of the Talent Irri
gation District (a municipal corporation).
Said bonds are numbered consecutively,
commencing with number 1 and following
in numerical order, mature serially tn an
nual amounts, a as to be approximately
equal principal and Interest, and shall be
payaoie in gold coin of the United States
of the present standard of weight and
fineness or its equivalenu
The said bonds shall be dated January L
1918. and shall bear interest at six (6)
per centum per annum, payable semi-annually
on the first day of January and
July of each year, and the principal and
intereat ahall be payable at the office of
the County Treasurer of Jackson County,
Oregon, or at the fiscal agency of the state
of Oregon, in New York City, state of New
York, the places designated respectively in
the bonds and coupons. Bonds shall be
each of the denomination of not less than
$100 nor more than $1000, and shall be
signed by the president and secretary.
The seal of the Board of Directors will be
affixed thereto, and each bond will bear
on the back thereof the registered cer
tificate of the County Treasurer, who shall
sign aa Treasurer and as ex-ofiiclo Treas
urer of the district. Coupone for Interest
will be attached to each bond, and will
be signed with the engraved facsimile
signature of the secretary. The County
Treasurer, who is ex-oltlclo treasurer of
the district and the secretary of toe dis
trict, will register the said bonda in books
In their respective offices for that purpose,
and therein will be stated the number,
date, amount of bond, time and place of
paymeut. rate of interest, number ol cou
pons attached, and other description for
future IdentlUcatlon of each bond; the
foregoing shall not bo construed to pro
' vide that any bond of the district will
bear the registered certificate by the aec
retary. Each bid must be accompanied by a
certificate payable to the County Treasurer
of Jackson County, Oregon, for $12,000, to
secure the district against any lose result
ing from the failure of the bidder to com
ply with the terms of his bid. No Inter
est will be allowed on said certified check,
but if bid la accepted, said check will be
credited as a first payment. The balance
of the amount due will be payable and
PROPOSALS for marine boiler for anagboat
Mathloma U. 8. Engineer Office, 2d Dla
trlct, Portland, Or.: healed proposals for
a marine boiler will be received here until
11 A. M., February 18. 1618, and then
opened. . Further Information on applica
rleattla, Waah. Sealed propoeals for drsdg
Ing In Lake Waahlngton ahlp canal will
be received here until 12 M. Feb. 14, 1018.
and then opened. Information oa applica
tion. aflaceUa
vv n areas, H. J. He h u 1 derm an. Corpora
tion Commissioner of the State of Oregon,
as required by section 6717, title XLIV, of
Lord's Oregon Laws, did, on the 7th day
of January, 9918. report to me. aa the
Governor of the state of Oregon, a list of
all of the corporations, organised under
the laws of the etate of Oregon for gain,
which, for two conaecutive yeara or more
next preceding the said 7th day of Janu
ary. 1918. have failed, neglected or re
fused to furnish him. the said Corporation
Commluinner, any statement required ta
be furnished under any law of this state,
or to pay any license fee required to be
paid under any law of this state: and.
Whereas. Said report of the Corporation
Commissioner, so made aa aforesaid, con
tains the namea of the following corpor
ations, which, for two consecutive years or
more next preceding the date of the re
port, have failed, neglected or refused to
furnish any such statements or to pay
anv such license fee. to-wlt:
189.13 Abaqua Lumber Company, The.
18.'lit4 Albany Apple Growers' Association,
in.', Hi Alameda Construction Co, The.
18D52 Alluvial Farm Company.
10t:4 Allison Land Company.
1RS4I Alps Mining Company,
19i'le Alameda Ranch.
14-B7 American Automatle Rallvray-Brake
19579 American Auto Touring Company.
19182 American Travel 6crip.
17717 Ambrose-Burdssl Company.
16341 Amea Investment Company, The.
IS.'jSl Anderson Company, Herbert J.
17140 Anderson Construction Company, The.
14328 Anderson Steel Furnace and Boiler
13337 American Life and Accident Insurance
80.18 Annululu Gold Mining Company.
177H3 Apple City Liquor Company.
19434 Armstrong Mushroom Company. The
IT89S Ashland Preeervtns; and Orchard Spe
cialty Co.
19384 Astoria Building A Investment Com
pany. IB 501 Astoria Centennial Committee, Ine.
19429 Astoria Machine Works.
190X3 Astoria Regatta Committee.
19494 Associated Selling Agencies.
19728 Atlas Club of Eugene, Oregon,
19o Athens and Olympla Bakery Company.
19.179 Auto Bue Company.
1K90S Auto-Tractor Sales Company.
19117 Axar Construction Company.
184.18 Barthold-Barg Co., Inc.
17428 Bagley Canning Company,
29 Baltimore uairy iuncneon. i
Saw HiA-T.STMMim)
ISmm To -fa Kit
it oor ury
VI 49 13 a A mCC
Miser Tlnnrous.
15898 Barr Investment Company.
6974 Baer Mercantile Company.
P2SH Baker City Implement Company, The.
14192 Baker Theater Stock Company.
16521 Bandon Clay Product Company.
1834 Bandon Construction Company.
13647 Bandon Dry Goods Company.
193X6 Bell Auction Co.
16700 Bear Creek Cheese Company.
169.16 Benton County Growers' Association.
8976 Benton County Lumber Company.
19183 Berger Diamond Palace,
16010 Beldlng Investment Company.
14447 Beaumont Land Company.
18608 Beaver Mill Company.
18960 Benn-Newman Manufacturing Com
pany. 18427 Beaver State Hotel Corporation, The.
19478 Beaverton Telephone Company, The.
18799 Boring Brothers.
11644 Botsford Co.. F. U
IS132 Boulevard Drainage System.
12992 Bollam- Investment Company;
16467 Bradley Co.. C. C.
17796 Breddock & Co, Chaa. W.
18401 Broadmoor Farms.
16164 Brotvndale Farms.
16291 Brault, Incorporated, A. J.
18019 Broadway Improvement, Company.
1675 Brown-Kelly Land Qo.
12495 Brown-Walker-Simmons Company.
139S5 Burlington Lumber Company, ,
19400 Burntrager-Seibacb Company, Inc.,
12r22 Butterworth-Stephenson Company. "
17849 Canby Abstract and Title Company,
18184 Canby Canal Company.
19153 Caves Camp Company.
11929 Case 4 Company. B. C.
18940 California Consolidated Mines Com
pany, The.
17861 Cadillac Investment Company.
18115 Casa Loma Orchards.
11773 Cascade Lumber Company.
1S9S4 Case, Nichols Company.
19116 Cascade Syrup Company.
18S07 Cable Timber Company.
19432 Central Irue- Co.
19244 Central Willamette Valley Company.
18494 City Taxlcab Company,
10243 Clark-Brewer Realty Company.
19191 Clarke Jewelry Co.
19097 Cleanwhlte Chemical Company.
14(195 Coast Auto Tire Filling Company.
19148 Coast Cabinet Manufacturing Co.
19341 Coast Equipment Company.
15665 Coast Range Lumber Company.
19107 Cow Butter Co.
1HS19 Construction Co.. The.
18339 Country Club Orchard Company.
16426 Colony Land Company.
14S0 Cove Power Company.
17699 Corrugated Steel Latch Company.
18928 Commerce-Utility Corporation, The.
18193 Columbia County Produce Company.
19594 Columbia River Coal Dock Company.
19142 Columbia Steamship Company.
19078 Coos Bay & Coqullle Valley Railway
12405 Coos Bay Iron Works.
12901 Coqullle Laundry A Ice Company.
19350 Crew Baseball Novelty Co.
18104 Creswell Creamery Company.
19690 Crescent Electric Works.
6162 Curtlss Lumber Company, The.
19276 D. B. Hfinlng- Company.
19131 Dalton Co.. The.
19582 Dairy Products Company.
12417 Dalles City Park Association.
18159 Dallas Development Company.
15493 Davis Construction Company.
19421 Dental Appliance Sales Company.
12521 Delaura Beach Company.
15161 Deschutes Valley Company.
18800 Dixon Company. Geo. W.
179.11 Distributor Publishing Co.
19231 DouKlas-Coos Company. The.
18140 Donahue Dubois Lumbering Company.
15992 Dwlsht Company. The.
17430 Eagle Valley Evaporating Company,
19175 Eagle Wagon Manufacturing Com
rt.n v
19305 East Portland tc East Side Ambu
lance Company.
18669 East Portland and East Side Cleaning
and Lye worKa.
129T1 East Side Construction Co,
16798 East Side Feed Company.
9.127 East Side Realty Co.
19533 Electric Baseball Co. of Portland, Ore
gon, 1858S Elgin Park Association.
15517 El Senora Mining Co.
19174 Electric Service Vehicle Company.
16578 Electric Wiring and Supply Company.
19-262 Erdmann and Co.
17026 Errol Heights Hallway Company, The.
1SS14 Erro He s:hts Water Co.
19702 Eugene Broom Company. ,
19495 Euitene Furniture Company.
13604 Euclid Investment Company.
12145 Eureka Paint. Company.
1S222 Evergreen Cemetery.
12610 Export 4 Import Lumber Company.
17726 Excelsior Manufacturing Co.
19609 Fountaluette,
14184 Fairview Drain Ditch Company.
18236 Farmers Canning Pickling Asso
ciation or xvonn name, tjr.
1491T Farmers' Union Exchange.
19410 Federal Credit Rating Company, The.
14924 Federal investment company.
19009 Ferguson Manufacturing Company.
17672 Federal Trust Company of Oregon,
Ties triah Lake Water Company.
16777 Fire Proof Sanitary Houslnr Co, The,
12575 FlecRenstein tjo.. Henry.
1776 Flavel Hotel Company.
16633 Florence Land Company.
1793 Fleckensteln, Mayer Company.
I52R9 Fones Creamery Company.
11283 Foster Drug Company.
16269 Forest Hill Investment Company.
14S75 Foster Hotel Company, The.
1660 Fryer Company, C. S.
14043 Freehold Mining Syndicate.
16663 Frltx-Russell Company.
19138 Funeral Service Company.
19241 Galllor Hotel Co.
iATrt-i Power at Supply Company.
1091)6 Gilliam County Bank Building Asso
16458 Gilbert Implement Company.
17214 Globe Theater Co.
12808 Gordon Falls Electrlo and Manufactur
ing fomDanv.
1T579 Government Standard Powders Com
pany or u re iron.
144T8 Gold Hill Company, The.
15680 Gold Seal Liquor Company.
2229 Greenwood Cemetery Association.
, r , . . 4 -. a. rn Irtp
8S6! Grlxsly Mountain Mining and Reduc
tion company.
18574 Greeley Plumbing Company.
16260 Grand Rapids Furniture Company,
16408 Great Western Pump Company. The.
17.148 Hampstead Company. The.
16753 Haner Company. J. H.
1902S Harney Hydroelectric Co.
15459 Ilayden Land Company.
6372 Hammond Manufacturing- Company.
Ir.crnn rated.
1960S Hell Gate Canyon and Coqullle Power
Company, The.
10S7S Heltshu. Grant Co, Incorporated.
12385 Hermlston Investment Company.
18.113 Helm-Jones Mercantile Co. .
18477 Hess Manufacturing Company.
15997 Hlllsboro Commercial Club.
8991 Hlllsboro Gold Mining Company.
19099 HHIsboro Planing Mill Company.
17142 Hotallng Company. E. S.
12751 Hornsey Land and Orchard Company,
18288 Hoeck Logging Company.
11761 Hood, River Company, The.
14960 Hulrae Co, Thos. E.
16143 Hume Company, R. A.
16582 Hurley Hercules Pneumatle Tlra Co.
6401 Hub Land Company.
11360 Huntington Real Estate Company.
180S2 Hulme and Spaeth Company.
110S5 Hubbs-Stevens Co.
19330 Ideal Concealed Bed Co.
8715 Ideal Mining Company.
18,155 Imbler Building Co.
16276 Imbler land and Lumber Company.
18691 Interior Engineering Company.
8921 Inland Irrigation Company. The.
11622 Inter-Drban Realty Company.
15272 International Mining A Milling Com
pany. 16384 International Ratine and Detective
19194 Interstate Passenger Service.
16588 Inter-State Selling Company.
16098 Interstate Stone Company.
19064 Irvlngton Realty Company.
18491 Jacksonville Conserving Company.
19422 Jack Rabbit Garage. Incorporated.
18953 Jefferson Street Garage.
19393 Jitney Auto Bus Co.
19727 Johnson Company, B. XL.
I AMI eSllfc
it Afoce,!
-x-r j t? 7 M
jPms r c ca si
M lace 11 a neon a.
11341 Johns Irrigation Ditcn company.
19221 Kennedy Auto Painting Co.
19406 Kenworthy and Company, Incorporat
ed. A D.
10102 Kern A Co, A. E.
16947 Keasey. Humason A Jeffery.
19610 Kern Park Laundry.
151.19 Kenney Truck Company, The.
13981 King's Height Realty Syndicate.
18422 Kinne Mercantile Company.
17629 Klamath Hospital Association. The.
192S1 Klamath Investment Co.
1S840 Klemlt Candy Cathartic Company.
17542 Klein Development Company.
t filuui T." ' ...... t.-1 i .. rnl-,,nv
. 14002 Klickitat Valley Development Com
16202 Kolle-Hazen Company.
15479 Kruse Shingle Co.
6466 La Grande Mining Company.
119S3 Lake County Publishing Company.
19536 Lane A Johnson. Incorporated,
16442 Laughlln Land Company.
1S912 Lake Park Investment Company.
15153 Land Redemption Company.
17646 Lebanon Development Company. '
11531 Lebanon Lumber Co.
18541 Leasing and Milling Company No. 1.
19033 Lewiston Orchards Company Number
1. Limited.
16034 Lewiston Orchards Company Number
2. Limited.
16144 Little Agency, Incorporated. Charles J.
19257 Lincoln Coal Co.
16092 Link Drier Company, The. W
19675 Light House Electric Company, The.
18415 Llonite Powder Company.
18772 Liberal Publishing Company.
19096 Liberator Publishing Company.
187.11 Llnnton Quarry Company.
13784 Long Beach Cranberry Company.
12631 Lower Willow Creek Water Users'
Association. The.
1S806 Lucky Dog Mining Company.
17559 Luscious Fruit Company.
18518 Lucky Seven Miring Company.
19716 Marth Construction Co.
14.146 Mallnda Heights Realty Syndicate,
19632 Malheur Hotel Company.
10857 Malheur Mercantile Company.
16909 Mammoth Mining Company.
18270 McKenzle Anglers' Club, The.
12913 McCabe Construction Company, The,
16410 McCoy Company. F. W.
16287 Mclntlre Development Company.
16100 McBratney-McNulty Company.
19388 McGIll Valve Company.
19100 Metzger and Goodklnd Auction Realty
16444 Metropolitan Rapid Transit Company.
8477 Mexican Rubber Culture Company.
1940S Mill Creek Falls Power Company,
13414 Mitchell Mercantile Co.
16329 Miles Sign Company.
14011 Mission Tea Company.
19545 Monahan-Bloch Company, Tha.
19599 Molalla Creamery Co.
18165 Moore & Company, L. M.
1S976 Morrow County Creamery and Cold
Storage Company.
16669 Mortgage Guarantee Company.
16080 Monarch Investment Company.
13279 Mooers Logging Co.
10306 Morson Land Company.
19077 Montgomery Mercantile Co.
19.165 Mooney Mortgage Company, The H. E.
14876 Mt. Hood Commercial Company,
15046 Mount Hood Hotel Company.
19049 Multnomah Garage and Auto Company.
LS824 Multnomah Paint and Oil Company.
15441 Mutual Realty Co.
10633 Myrtle Lumber Company.
1S823 Nashville (Oregon) Creamery Associa
tion. Inc.
9646 Nadir Land Company.
19519 National Sign Company.
15078 National Street Cleaning Company.
16275 New Foster Hotel.
12SS1 Newberg Manufacturing and Construc
tion Company.
17285 Northcote Company, The.
19018 Noble Metals Extraction Company,
16353 North Albany Land Company.
8320 North Fairview Mining Company.
86.14 North Pacific Brewing Company.
10277 North Pacific Investment Company.
11824 Northwest Blow Pipe Co.
:1 J 9 Tlnnr Cimnanv
f 166S7 Northwest Plaster Lime Co.
138o Northwestern Fuel Co.
13217 Northwestern Home-Building Co.
19271 Northwestern Mortgage Company.
19555 Northwestern Selling Service.
194M5 Northwestern Transit Company.
179SS Nyebeach Amusement Club.
14899 Oakdale Land-Investment Company.
18156 OakridKe Lumber Co.
lSii4 O'Gorman Rim Co.
10003 Omar Mining Company, The.
19026 Orchard Cove Irrigation A Power Com.
146SS Orchard Land and Timber Company,
17804 Oregon Auto Top and Painting Com
pany. 17701 Oreiron Cat Club. The.
8762 Oregon City Courier Publishing Com
18106 Oregon Fuel Company.
16287 Oregon Heating Company.
16216 Oregon Import Company.
15475 Oregon Lumber & Fuel Co.
19686 Oregon Messenger Company.
19325 Oregon Motor Transportation Com
pany. 14585 Oregon-Idaho Orchard Company.
194S5 Oregon Placer Company.
19259 Oregon Redman. I'tre.
19042 Oregon Reduction and Developing
15315 Oregon Rubber Company.
18726 Oregon Sand A Gravel Company.
18738 Oregon School of Commerce, Aooounta
and Finance.
18037 Oregon Welding and Manufacturing
16482 Out of the Rut Publishing Company.
18977 Oxman-Faull Auto Co.
18452 Panama Bunldlng Company.
18866 Pallay Company. D.
17249 Patterson Drug Company.
19075 Patents. Investmenta and Manufactur
ing Corporation.
18902 Park Mill Company.
19195 Pacific Amusement Company.
12414 Pacific Coast Timber Company.
13431 Pacific Coast Trust & Investment
17773 Pacific Fixture and Cabinet Company.
19415 Pacific Soap Co.
15676- Pacific Specialty Company.
14203 Peerless Cafeteria Company.
6767 Pearson-Page Company.
1S549 Plncus Hop Company, Julius.
18756 Pioneer Livery Co.
17.113 Pilot Rock Irrigation Company.
17965 Pine Tree Lumber Co.
16.161 Plympton Acres Company, The.
18818 Portable Steam Renovating Company.
19407 Portland Automobile Warehouse Com
pany. 16116 Portland Automobile Wheel Co, The.
7831 Portland Company.
19569 Portland-Los Angeles Realty Com
pany. 16158 Portland Mercantile Produce Company.
19427 Portland Passenger Service Company.
19423 Portland Rapid Transit Company.
19736 Portland Soap Products Company,
18749 Portland Steamship Co.
19318 Portland Vacuum Cleanlna- Com nan v
13154 Prince Extension Mining Company.
196S5 Prudential Investment Company.
18710 Prineyllle Mercantile Company.
1S870 Press Printing Advertising Company.
19052 Prowell-Ross Company. Inc.
15471 Princeton Trust Company.
i07.-6 purefood Company. The.
18514 Purified Oil Company.
9075 Puget Sound Jvavlgatlon Company,
17744 Rodeo. The.
6557 Rainier Mill A Lumber Co.
194.86 Radical Publishing Co, The.
17011 Revell Grate Company.
18951 Reo Inter-City Truck Service.
18557 Rice and Pore Water Carnival Com
5938 RIckreall Hall Association. The.
18637 Ridgemont Investment Co.
19258 Riley. Inc. M. Elinor.
16184 Rose City Coal A Supply Co.
19069 Rose City Speedway Association.
19162 Roseburg Fruit A Produce ComDur.
19327 Root A Kerr, Ino.
16013 Rogers and Swlnden Manufacturing
Company, The.
18740 Rogue River Farm Products Co.
16487 Rogue River Valley Irrigated Land Co.
19381 Safety First Manufacturing Company,
19120 Sand Hollow Ditch Company.
11373 San Pedro Dock Company.
15314 Sanitary Patent Co.
16361 San Francisco. Portland and Los Ange-
les Bteamsnip uo.
I ixUaLi WaJi The
7h. 3)aw6S ?oT
19.172 Sanitary Products Company.
18004 Sr, Regis Hotel Company.
12850 Salem Commission Company.
16046 Schwlnge Brothers Company.
18325 Security Development Company.
16223 Shlpraan and Bunting. Incorporated.
19172 Shepherd Gulch Drainage Ditch Gonv
8051 Shorty-Hope Mining A Milling Com
pany. 16529 Shultx Manufacturing Company. The
C. A,
19691 Eiuslaw Canning Company. 4
14407 Smith Printing Company. Geo. I. -16190
Smith River Timber Company.
118S7 Smith-Thomas Lumber and Manufac
turing Company.
18524 Snow Creek Irrigation Company.
11336 Sovereign Consolidated Copper Com
pany. 8650 South Pole Consolidated Gold Mines
17514 Spinning-Cornell Company.
184.11 Spady Show caee A Fixture Company.
14006 Stuart A Ferguson Timber Co.
14784 Stanfleld Nurseries. The.
19090 Star Manufacturing Company.
19278 Sunny Brook Land Company.
19108 Sumner Fruit and Produce Company.
18812 Sunset Lumber A Timber Company.
17384 Swan Compound Company.
17300 Swastika Farms Company.
19524 Syndicate Contract Company.
19436 Temporary Liquor Company.
18478 Texas-Oregon Power and Placer Min
ing Company.
18797 Theda Brothers Company. Incorpor
ated. 14027 Title Abstract Company.
16763 Tillamook Bay Railway and Naviga
tion Company.
19493 Tillamook Lime Products Company.
18.121 Toledo Lumber Company.
J8S09 Troy Mill Company.
18798 Twin View Orchard. Incorporated.
16879 TJ. S. Creditors Co.
13824 U. S. Safety Lamp Burner Company.
19618 Umpqua Logging Company.
19256 Union Garage Company. The.
12070 Union Pine Lumber Companv.
157S3 United States State Flower Map Co.
1U931 Unique Brick and Tile Company.
19013 Universal Manufacturing A Patent De
velopment Co.
17674 Van Waters-Cook Mfg. Co,
11934 Van Horn Transfer Company.
17461 Valley Heating and Plumbing Com
pany. 18153 Vesuvius Mines Company. The.
19250 W.-O. Ranch.
18889 Wagner Creek Nursery Company.
17788 Wallage & Company, Guy L.
19233 Walker Grocery Company.
11618 Washington Navigation Company.
19.115 Welch Grocery Company. The.
15583 Wenaha Lumber' Company.
19637 Weight Reduction Company.
161S7 Wellington Townslte Company.
19581 West Salem Development Company.
11803 Western Fuel Company.
16935 Western Mail Order Company.
16345 Western Mercantile Agency.
19204 Western Selling Company.
14347 Western Warehouse Company.
19636 White Pine Mill Company.
19599 Wlllard Investment Company.
13523 Willamac Land Company.
14224 Wilson River Timber Co.
18512 Wlsllcenus Sanitarium. Ine, Pr.
19507 Willow Springs Water Company.
6759 Willamette Land Company.
11792 Willamette Realty Co.
13889 Wohlenberg Department Store.
19005 Woods and Lentsz, Inc.
1S226 Wright Hardware A Implement Com
pany. 17506 Wynkoop Bros, Inc.
16907 Yamhill Sanitary Public Market Com
pany. 58.93 Young's Bay Land A Improvement Co.
19105 Youngquist Bros. Art Foundry Co.
12973 Zenith Mining Company.
18302 Co-operative Shoe Co.
172S4 Metolltts Irrigating & Power Co.
Now, THEREFORE. I, James Withy
combe, aa Governor of the stato of Oregon,
by virtue of the authority conferred upon
me by section 6717, title XLIV. of Lord's
Oregon Laws, and under and pursuant to
the terms and provisions thereof, do here
by declare each and all of the foregoing
and above-named corporations dissolved,
and their articles of incorporation revoked
and repealed, and all powers conferred
by law upon such corporations are hereby
declared inoperative and void.
In witness whereof. I have hereunto set
my hand and caused the Seal of State to
be hereunto affixed at the city of Salem,
state of Oregon, this 17th day of January,
in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine
hundred and eighteen.
By the Governor:
Secretary of State.
Whereas, H. J. Schuldennan. Corpora
tloner Commissioner of the State of Ore
gon, as required by Chapter 60, Laws of
Oregon for 1911. did, on the 7th day of
January. 1918. report to me, as Governor
of the State of Oregon, a list of all foreign
corporations which for two consecutive
years or more next preceding the said 7th
day of January, 1618, have failed, neglect
ed or refused to furnish htm, the said
Corporation Commissioner, any annual
statement required to be furnished under
any law of this state, or to pay the 11-'
cense fee required to be paid under any
law of this state; and
Whereas. Said report of the Corporation
Commissioner, so made as aforesaid, con
tains the names of the following foreign
corporations which for two consecutive
years or more next preceding the date of
the report have failed, neglected or re
fused to furnish any such statement or to
nav anv such license fee. to-wlt:
F 1107 American Brokerage Company, Wash
F 660 Berney Construction Company, The.
F 853 Co-Operative Copper and Gold Min
ing Company. Arizona.
F-1183 Continental Realty and Improvement
Company, California,
F-1115 Davis-Fry Manufacturing Company.
F- 640 Gilkey Timber Company. Wisconsin.
F 443 Grants Pass Box Co, California.
V- 490 Hood River Fruit Growing Company,
So. Dakota,
F 103 Jackson County Improvement Com
pany, California.
F-1083 Johnson Company, W. P. California
F- 605 Masters - Ewoldt Lumber Company.
F-1102 Nature's Cleansing Products Com
pany. Delaware.
F- 879 National Pole Company. Michigan.
F-1069 Oregon Gold Mines Company, Ari
zona. F- 901 Pierce Arrow Sales Company, The.
F 835 Producers Fruit Company, So. Da
kota. F-1140 Prince John Placer Mining Company,
The, Colorado.
F 231 Red Boy Mines Company, W. Vir
ginia. F- 712 Washington - Oregon Corporation,
F 783 Wendllng-Johnson Lumber Company,
Now. therefore, I, James Wlthyeombe.
as Governor of the state of Oregon, by vir
tue of the authority conferred upon me by
Chapter 50. of the Laws of Oregon for
1911. and under and pursuant to the terms
and provisions thereof, do hereby declare
the right of each and all of the foregoing
and above-named corporations to transact
business In the state of Oregon revoked
and repealed, and all powers conferred by
law upon such corporations are hereby de
clared inoperative ana voia.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand and caused the seal of the state
to be hereunto affixed at the city of
Salem, state of Oregon, this .... day of
January, in the year of Our - Lord one
thousand nine hundred and eighteen.
(SeaL) Governor.
By the Governor:
Secretary of State.
NOTICE Is hereby given that my wife, Mrs,
N. 8. Richards, has left my bed and,
board and I will not be responsible for
any debts contracted by her after thla
daDated. Beaverton. Or, Jan. 18, 1618.