Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 16, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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Way to Resist 6-Cent Fare Is
sue Told Mass Meeting by
Judge McGinn.
Speaker Avers Corporatloa Prac
ticed Deception oa Pabllo la Ob
lainlog Increase) In Street
car Charge.
Tu-if Henry E. McGinn last nlrbt
to d an aadienc of persons at th
Vrnon School that their only redress
from th C-eeat streetcar far waa In
reiteration of the. Jltner.
Thta action waa recommended by the
oeaker. who declared that relief from
the lncreasw.1 fare waa not to be ex
pected from the courts, which already
had held that the Habile Serrlc Corn
rates for service to be charted by pub
lic rlce corporations, rcfardleaa of
the chart ea for such serv-W-e that mltht
he been stipulated in the franchises
tinder wbl-h lho corporations are
JltM-y Held Mmr Oat
"Tour on!y salvation la tha Jitney."
JI.Pf J(l4a It.W lln n , I.
restrictions acalnst the Jitney and re. I TICKET
i0 service ana oa win not
r any court to bear your rrtevance.
Iut the Jitney back In business and
te.'l your chief of police to keep his
hands off of these machines and it will
not be Z9 daya until the -cnt fare
question will be decided Within that
lr.f.h of time, the (-cent far will be
abandoned and the usual and suffi
cient rhara-e of t cents restored."
Judr McGinn alleged that the street
railway company had practiced fraud
and deception oo the public in obtain
trg the Increased fare. He reviewed
the history of the jitneys and their
elimination aa common carrier by the
enactment of ordinance iy vote of the
people and accused the railway com.
pany officials of baring- not acted
fairly and honestly, sine no intima
tion waa tlven that a
I i if irw'"wf,,vffw"wewiiRwTiwteweev'v
"-. - -XV. 5''-. i
: . f v, '-y 'l'ymr :
J ' i - - - - - - "- ' - .x.-.:;.iJL&J
r?" j hi
Taa, i ii mt ' ' .-t"'f ' : ?i ''aV'f' '-'rn'rfrrfcv iiiiix tn.i 1
Company Officials Gratified at
Spirit of Fairness.
Less Than Fifty Per Cent of Pa
Irons of Streetcar Lines Insist on
Obtaining Six-Cent Receipt,
Which JIakse Work Easier.
r-(nlnae1 from Klrt Pirf-i
would be aiked until after th jitneys
a mih voted out of business.
Pablle Servle Body Ceaaared.
The Public Servlre Commission waa
censured for Its order trrantlns; th -cent
fare, an action that waa n ru
in which a fare-taker was obliged to
make a raid on a "penny sob-station.
The consignments tlven out from
beadquartera In bass of (00 each were
(-cent fare I adequate for the runs.
Sapply I laexbaastlblc.
It wa reported that paasanfer on
one early car from the suburb sought
to exhaust their conductor's "copper"
supply by tendering dime or larger
nounced an entnio tv Jni u -. i n n I sinrl coins reoutrlns: th return of
He ridiculed th contention of th rail- I four pennies. Th gam was not
way company that unless th Increased I success.
I"'" " " . nl'a ,n. corporation A1d from th .xtraordinary sal of
men! t Th. Li. . ,Icket from th. v.ry first, th. pre
pany last July and Auguat exceeded -utions th corporation has taken to
mos or in correspondinc months of suPP'y "seir wua aooui an in pen-
th year before b baieun lAii n.i.i .. I nlea in th country" la held to bo a
').oo each month. I complete aafetuard atainst a poaatbl
ah inia talk, or taklnv th caa Into
th court can be put down as mere
bunk. added Judge McGinn, -for thia
vry question already haa been de
cided by th court, go I say when th
City Commissioner propose taking
this matter into the courts or seekinf
aa Injunction, they are Indulging In
"" "eamouflac- and are only chlo
roforming ua to sleep In th hop tnat
In another six months w will have
forcotten our grievance. Th Mayor
and th Commissioner wanted me to
appear with th City Attorney and
assist in conducting th caa for th
city, but I did not accept th offer. If
I did. It would be a caa of taking
money under false pretenses, for the
case, cannot b won by th city."
YVedbara Case Cited.
In support of his argument that th
city could not successfully resist en
forcement of th order of the Public
tfervlc Commission granting th -cent
fire. Judge McGinn quoted from
a former decision of th Oregon cu
preme Court In which In th case of
th city of Woodburn againat th Pub
lic service Commission that tribunal
bad held that the Public Service Corn-
penny famine. Th company will be
fore tonight have received to solve
tbls emergency 21.000 In pennies, or
1.100,000 of th little coins. Further
than this. It haa atanding order with
th mints at Lxnver and Ean Francisco
for supplies In lots from 500.000 to
l.OOO.Oou just as long as they may ba
(Several company workers were kept
busy yssterdcy assembling th pennies
held In tho vaulta In tb fr00-alz bags
and conveying them to the varloua car
barns, from which they were supplied
to th conductor. Two and three of
th novel counting machines by which
th coins war ground into th bags
were In conttnuoua operation. ine
amaller baga war assembled In larger
ones, conveyed on a hand truck to a
waiting automoblls, and quickly trans
ported to any car barn where a demand
existed. The usual loada of colna thus
distributed were of $500 and 1700 value,
and weighed approximately 4J0 and 60
Cead actors Carry Handbag.
Conductors took th precaution to
carry at their aides th official hand-
baga. with which all ar provided. Into
Abort EsapUye la k Cashier's Office Grind Throng Counting Machines
ta oho U eetaa 1 sat o Kara lea factor. Below Consignment of 00,000
I eaalca Being Conveyed to Aakeny- Street Carbarn.
British Adjure Russian and
Teuton Peoples to Unite.
Central Empire Subjects Urged to
Forco Tlielr Governments to Re
nounce Idea of Annexations
- In Europe. .
mission was clothed with nolle 1 these receptacles they delved, aa occa
ana naa in ngnt to Increase tb rates
charged for servic by public utllitv
corporations notwithstanding rates were
speciacally fixed by tn terms of the
Irsncnise under which such corpora
tion operated.
At the close of th meeting volun
tary contribution were received from
th sudienre aa a fund to aaalat Mrs.
Ueorge McCord. driver of a Jitney, who
waa arreated recently for unlawfully
operating her machine for hlr. Mr.
McCord waa convicted on th charge
In th Municipal Court, and her cas
Is pending oa appeal la th Circuit
Prelate Hopes lo Strengthen Ties.
LONTO.V. Jan. IS. The Archblahop
of Tork. announcing to hia dioces hi
Intention of visiting America Ii re
sponse to th Invitation of th Episco
pal Charch. saya he was urged to make
this visit y the Foreign Office and
the American Ambassador. He hopes
aai ii win sirengmen in ties, com
moa traduiona. Ideala and religion be
! the two countrlea.
A Doctor's Prescription
for Indigestion
rsaeJIy Civs lastnat Belief.
rtiyslclsBS wke have eoeelatlsed la the
trveuneal ef etoaaca tres.e are aatur
an la a peeitloa t Judge Intel. l.nti a
in, seel inisg ih it is laarrfore i
snett.r of vital Interest te those wbe mut
t't treat latl(eetla. gastritis. djepeMa,
pai after eating, k .art Sara. eie.. te tear
tnal paysteiaas ne aas eoted tn-tr te tse alleviation ef asnaa euffertns
ara mn ana atere tneiriKUng ta. art-rare
I St a parksse ef Bi-aeaia frem
ttte dntscet and laSe a fnepeosfiU la e
little ket eraier laaaaediately after eating
or wDfntTw saia la teit. lector eh,
pnarnbe Bl-BMta. de so braas ther know
it etvoe laewetti rvtir ia aeertr every
instaace eecae it m sot a eeeret remedr.
ttr the feemura Is primed m the label, end
laat but aa least, because It te oftleinsoie
ef ail drasstees snd every package contains
a biasing uaraatee et sailsfncuea or moeef
bark. la view sf the gulch sad laatlna
r-tif sbtalaed la aeariy evary taetasce. aod
in. guarantee tnat la ease It ffalle It coats
yea aotnlac. surrervra cram dyapepeia. In
eu.ettaa and siamacb trewble seaeraJly ar
svroae r savisea te eel a package af Bl
aaaia f ran, their aeareet drugs tat and basin
lie sea aritbeul se-sy.
lrOTlT-Tli, Bt-aeela maatlanad
above la a aanejleae but woaaarfuUy efrc
tie remedy aklca yeu caa make at heme er
any cruf cial caa prepare rr yea by minus
1 S euncae bieama carbonate with 1 ounce
aiasaaala ceraonate. ir. keever. ya ariab
a suareatee af eat:afastlea er b,bi back.
ba aura ia ask tar aa erigiaal package ef
Why Bald So Young
kud udnaruii ana
Itching with
Qitiaira Ointment
S hdnrpoo wrth CWkuts Soap
sion arose, for th needed change, or
again, relieved bulging pockets by
dumping into their maw th excess of
larger coins.
Blight delays In traffic at time were
attributed by patron to th penny
change nuissnce Officials and em
ployes argued to th contrary.
Many scores of cltlsens. who have
heretofore thought It too far to walk
to placea of occupation, gaily tripped
off th distance yesterday, then waated
a lot of their own or their employers
time during th day In telling of their
achievement, Th amount these "will
ful non-contributors' wall. In th end.
"best th company out of Is held to
be a matter of psychology, with
little mathematlca Involved,
Concerted effort by ahlpyarda work.
er to make conductors on th North
and South Portland. Albina and St.
Johns line all possible trouble by
tendering dime or other colna necea
aitatlng th return of four cent and by
universally demanding rebate receipts
were reported by tha company officials.
Then stunts brought only a delay In
traffic, which landed th perpetrators
at their homes that much later. It was
City Attorney LaKoche States Papers
Will Re Ready Soon.
City Attorney LaRoch announced
yesterday afternoon that hi office will
have th city' cas In th (-cent far
appeal la shape for filing in ths courts
within a short time. Declination of
Henry E. McGinn to accept tha appoint
ment of aaaistant to Mr. La Koch for
the purpose ef helping handle th suit
will cause no delay. It waa said.
Mr. McGinn Is understood to hav
looked up th law In th case, and Is
said to hold that the law Is with th
company and that no relief lies therein.
City Attorney LaRoch has frankly
told th members of tb City Council
en occasion that he feela the law 1
weak aa to th city's contention that
a franchise Is a contract and cannot
o broken, but h said last night that
there is a chanc to win and that h
is going to do his very best to win it.
The question of som ons to assist
him will b decided later. It Is neces
sary to hav additional help, aa ther
Is a vast amount of work to be par
formed la handling .such a case, aside
from the clerical end. A force of clerks
and stenographers waa put at work on
th case yesterday afternoon and th
papers for filing will be ready soon.
Daffrt Service) Curtailed.
Traffic headquarters of th North
Bank Railroad yesterday Issued notice
that, beginning tonight, buffet service
on trains IS and 23. between Portland
and Astoria, will b curtailed. Th
observation car on this run, which ear-
ried a kitchen crew and maintained
buffet service, haa been sent to the
hop for repairs. Uecaus of this fact
and not as a war sconomy measure.
officials explained, eating facilities ar
cut ia poaaibUiUea to g light lunch.
LONDON'. Jan. IS. A message Issued
to the Russian people by the British
labor party announces that th British
people are on with the Russians on
th principle of self-determination of
peoples and no annexations for th
British Empire, particularly in th Mid
dle Last. In Africa, and In India,
It also caIIs upon th. peoples of th
Central Empires to fore their govern
ments "to renounce annexations in Eu
rope with th same good faith In which
w ar renouncing them in Asia" and
not let them drive ths British people
as they ar driving tha Russians, Into
tn "terrible choice between continuing
the war and abandoning the only prin
ciple that can save th world."
Th message, which was Issued by
the labor party in conjunction with th
preliminary commute of th trades
union congress, aays;
-W have reached a crisis In th. war.
Tb negotiations at Breat-Lltovsk hav
been interrupted aa the Germana hav
refused to admit th prlncipl of self
determination of peoples and th doc
trin of no annexations.
MUltariat Alas Evident.
"In thus acting, the central powers
ar speaking clearly in tb nam of a
militarist atate.
- "In thia criaia th. British people
roust speak because the Russians can
succeed In their great and perilous
task only If supported by th people
"The British people must proclaim
to Russia and th central powers that
It aim la Identical wltu Ruaaia'a. that
w. too. see no solution for th evils
of militarism except self-determination
and oo Indemnities.
"In applying this Russian principle
to our own caa. we are conscloua of
the problem raised, but wa do not
shrink therefore. The British people
accept the principle of no annexations
for th British Empire. This applies In
our caa to th Middle East, Africa
and India.
Celoalee Caet ef Lessen.
"We wish to remind th Rusalan
people that Great Britain, taught by
the loaa of American colonies in th
lsth century, waa th first modern
stat to grant complete self-determina
tion to any group of Ita Inhabitants,
for example, th Dominions of Canada,
Australia, South Africa and New Zealand.
"W accept th prtncftl alao for
India and other dependencies of the
British Empire, though we believe that
th record of tha British government
her gives lull occasion for reproach.
w intend to meet this by more ran.
Id development of self-government. We
respect th sovereign independence of
the Turkish people In their home, but
we believe that th domination of their
government over other paopl Is a hin
drance to their own national develop
ment, -
Ottoman Rale Mast Cease.
"Our government Is pledged to some
of those people Arabs. Palestinians,
Armenians that th Ottoman rule shall
not again be Imposed ort them. This
responsibility -can be undertaken by
th peace conference and a permanent
International organisation that we hop
win o mere constituted.
in tropical Airica w repeat our
renunciation of annexations. Nobody
contends that th. black races can gov
ern themselves. They can only make
It known that th particular govern
ment under which they hav been liv
ing Is bad In some or all respects and
indicate th specific vlls from which
they desire liberation.
" Ws believe that the peace confer
ferenc would be well advised to place
all tropical Africa under Uniform inter
national control.
Teateae Adjared o Art.
W adjure th people of central
Europe to deliver themselves or make
their governments speak for them in
answer to Russia and ourselves.
Ws till oa ttvsu to renounce aac
atlons In Europe with the same good
faith In which we are renouncing them
in Asia.
"We call on them to give the same
self-determination to ths French. Al
satian. Italian. Polish and Danish
members of their states as Russia has
given to Finland. Courland, Lithuania
and Russian Poland."
The manifesto concludes:
The family interests of dynasties
or the desire of the German, Austrian
and Magyar governing classes to dom
inata other classes and nationalities.
must no more Da suffered to prevent
self-determination in Central Europe
and thereby imperil It in Europe as a
whole than th interests of British
Imperialism, of British capitalism must
be suffered to do elsewhere.
Double Victory Possible.
"Peoples of Central Europe, this
catastrophe of the human race, this
fatal schism in the civilized world can
be ended only by th defeat of mili
tarism on both sides and by tha victory
on both sides of moral and Intellectual
fair dealing.
"If the world Is to be saved. It must
be saved by good faith and reciprocity
on the part of all. Do not fail us now.
Do not let your government drive th
British people, as they are driving
th Russian people, into the terrible
choic between continuing th war and
abandoning th only principles that
save the world. '
Jf this cholc Is forced upon us we
shall choose, as Russia chose W. sha
continue, but the responsibility will
be yours.
-rJIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiilllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiii'i'in iiiiiiiifMiiniiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiniiiiniiiini'
. . . . i
Every Business Day
for Over 50 Years
... . has shown an increase in the number of
physicians' prescriptions filled by us. Tis
not strange. The type of service we render
the burden which lies upon us strict ac
countability to the physician, to the patient
spelling life or death, demands a service
of the highest type.
Long Since Our Prescription
File Passed the Million Mark
but our pride, if such it be, is not in this, but
in the knowledge that this community, pro
fession and laity, have ever given us, and do
now, their confidence in the fullest measure.
This makes our calling, our daily task, worth
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I f 1 1 1 If 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 9 1 f 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 9 1 I f I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1
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Forty-Four Cents to Be Price for Stor
age la Carload Ltsi Chicago Has
Record High Quotations.
CHICAGO. Jan. 15. The food ad
ministration today fixed a maximum
wholesale price of 44 cents on cold
storage eggs in carload lots as a means
of averting profiteering which threat
ened to result from the tte-up in rail
road transportation. The price was set
after a conference between State Food
Administrator Harry A. Wheeler and
The formal agreement on the price
of eggs, made three weeks ago, ex
pired today, Mr. Wheeler said, and as
a result dealers in various cities began
bidding against each other, making the
price-fixing necessary.
The price set today will rule in all
cities with an allowance for the freight
Egg prices today were quoted the
highest in tha history of Chicago. Cold
storage eggs were 67 cents a dozen,
while fresh eggs were 75 cents a dozen.
(Wieniawskl) and the ."Goblin Dance"
(Bazzini) were especially admired.
Mrs. Burke played piano accompani
ments, to the various numbers with
charming style and finish, and in sym
pathetic agreement that left nothing to
ba desired.
I. W, W. and Cruelty Form Basis of
Requests for Release.
I. W. W.-Ism and home life do not mix
well together, asserts Dorothy Larsen
In a suit for divorce filed yesterday
against- Roy Larsen. She alleges her
home life was broken becaus her bus-
LW. dUring0h.m0pas;.ar., t1A th J"
have a small son, whose custody she
Palnlese operations en the teeth, a
perhapa yon will know from yonr own
experience, depend largely on the man
who ases the Instrument. If he Is care
less. Irritable or unsympathetic, he will
Inflict pain.
Yon Will Xot Get Hart If Yon Find This
The Union Painless Dentists are in
corporated under the laws of Oregon,
seeks. She also asks for $40 a month
Ertrema cruelty is charged by Martha
Christensen against Nels Christensen.
He is alleged to have beccme a con
tinual drinker. She asks for perma
nent alimony of 150 a month.
W. H. Russell is accused of cruelty
Tn a complaint filed yesterday by his
wife. They have one child. Ths plain,
tiff seeks 36 a month in permanent
Plan for Breadealng Scop ef Organ
laatloa t Meet War Demands
Will Be Considered,
SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. IS. (Special.)
In view of war conditions as tbey
affect the fir lumber industry, th an
nual meeting of th West Coast Lum
bermen s Association, to be held In thi
city January ii. Is expected to b on
of th most important in th history
of th organisation.
Th afternoon will be devoted to the
election of officers and th introduo
tion and discussion of subjects vital to
the West Coast lumber industry.
i-ians ror broadening tn field o
operation of th association will be
taken up.
' Stockholders will be authorised to
nominate on or more candidal for
An amendment to th constitution
will provide for Increasing th mem-
bersnip of th. board of trustees in or
der that all Douglas fir. spruce and
Western hemlock producing districts
of Oregon may have proper representa
tion on the governing board.
Shevlln-IIIxon Company, of Bend,
Spends $10,000 in Premiums.
BEND. Or.. Jan. IS (Special.) At a
cost or .io.uuo in premiums tb Shev
lln-Hlxon Company, operating a large
sawmin ana dox factory here, has In
sured th lives of all Tts employes who
wish to take the benefit of the policy
uncier me group insurance plan. The
insurance is written without cost to
the employ, th only requirement
necessary in order to give him its ben
fits being that be stat his age and
nam nia oenericiary.
Any person who has been In th com
pany's employ for at least 10 days Is
entitled to th Insurance, which pays
tlOOO to th beneficiary in cas of
aeatn. Death from sickness as wall as
accident Is oovered, th employ re
ceiving the benefit of tha policy even
when laid off on account of sickness.
The benefits of th state accident in
surance law still ar enjoyed, th new
arrangement baing In addition to that.
Condensery to Be Enlarged.
NORTH BEND. Or., . Jan. 15. (Spe
cial.) George Sheridan, of the Sunrise
Condensery, owned by th Armour
Packing Company, who returned to
this city from Seattle Sunday, said the
plant will be expanded so as to in
crease the output during 1918 not less
than 7t per cent over that of last year.
By increasing Its price for butterfat
to 71 cents per pound, two months ago,
this condensery now handles practic
ally the entire output of milk of th.
Coos Bay territory.
Dr. Emil Enna'g Piano Re
cital Pleasant Success.
Twentieth Anniversary Programme
Wins Liberal Applause From
Large and Appreciative Audience.
Tha programmes distributed last
night In the Lincoln High School audi,
torlum had th significant numbers:
"189S-1918." Th occasion was the 20th
anniversary programme of a piano re-
INlcital given by Dr. Emll Enna. of this
city, snd the event waa a pleasant,
musical success. A large audience was
present, and applauded liberally th
various numbers rendered.
In fact it was a recital of music
composed exclusively by Dr. Enna, and
is hightly creditable to his splendid
musictsnshtp. Th. music heard was
original, lively, and thoroughly ex
pressive of the words to which they
ar. wedded.
The Dineipal work rendered was
"Legends of Seaside," words by Miss
Virginia Drake, and music composed by
Dr. Enna. The composition Is so in
teresting and really worth while that
it is easy to account for its popularity ,
since it was first presented in public
some little time ago.
Fancy dances interpreting portions
of these legends were presented grace
fully and beautifully by Miss Axa Uene
vieve Paget, accompanying violin solos
being finely played by Charles bouth
Miss Doris Bagley, soprano, sang in
charming style several songs composed
by Dr. enna, ana ner vocai wort
Selections from th. legends were
tastefully sung by a chorus of girls'
voices: Miss Adel Bamickel, Miss
Laura Korell, Miss Mabel Holmes, Miss
Kathleen Shelly, Miss Hedvlg Brandt,
Miss Garcia Byars and Miss Anna
Bergstrom. with finely sung solos by
Miss Ann. Mathison.
Dr. Enna, who ably supplied the
piano accompaniments, also played sev.
cral of his own piano solos, In brilliant
RECITAL IS BIG SUCCESS, Violin, and Sirs. T. C.
Burke, Piano, Charm Audience. :
Second Ordnance Class to Be Put in
Service Before Study Begins.
Patient perseverance on the part of
prospective members of the University
of Oregon ordnance class may yet win.
Approximately 60 of these young men
have been waiting in Portland for two
weeks, seeking to get inducted into the
service before reporting to begin their
course. Yesterday word was received
from Washington that letters of au
thorization for the Inductions ar. now
en route from Provost Marshal-General
Members of the first university ord
nance class took the training course
first, being inducted Into service sub
sequently. For members of the second
class, about 75 in number, this process
is to De reversed.
guarantee that goes with all the work
that leaves their office.
PLATES $5.00
Porcelain crowns. ...... .S3. SO to 5
Porcelain Filling $1
23-K Gold Crown 83.50 to $5
Z2-K Gold Bridge S3.50 to $5
Extracting. 506
23V2 Morrison, Cor. 2d
Entire Corner
Look for Big; Union SI en.
At City' Retail Center.
Rates to Suit You
Special Low Ratea to Permanent Gueata.
Gregor Chemiavsky, Russian violin
star, and Mrs. Thomas Carrlck Burke,
pianist, were th. attractions in recital
that filled the Multnoman Hotel
auditorium last night with an audience
representing both society and musical
With a programme representing
hla-h.elass violin rousio of both - clas
sical and romantic schools of compos!
tlon. Mr. Cherniavsky interpreted it
with cultivated, fine musicianship and
in a manner that drew tn nearly
plaudits of bis audience.
Th two most interesting and diffi
cult to render numbers were the first
movement of a concerto and the "Ser
enade Melancoliqu." both by Tschal
kowsky, and they were played by Mr.
Cherniavsky with quit, distinguished
finish and mastery of unusual tech-
Irjue. The "Souvenir de Mobcow"
Telephones: Marshall 1 ; Home, A 6281
The BEST for the LEAST!
Pot Roasts, lb 16d
Plate or Brisket, lb 15
Fancy Short Ribs, lb. . . 153
Knuckle Beef Bones, lb. 5f
Fresh Pork Kidneys, lb. 83
Fresh Pork Feet, lb 10d
Fine-Grair.ed Steer Beef Corned the Jones' Way .
Brisket or Plate, lb 15f Boneless Brisket, lb 18
Also other specials too numerous to mention.
For Infants and Children
n Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Our Own Manufacture
Specially Priced for Tliis Sale
10 f '.'jl
3 IF I
Convenient lo all Places of Interest
II .-ill fliMf.
SoutHbrn California nenuquttrtera for many
Oregon people. When visiting Southern Call
forma you will find it to your advantage
to sojourn at this magnificently situated
metropolitan hotel. Every dbiired luxury.
Refinement and convenience. In heart of
city. Almost opposite Central Park. Carlines
to Beaches. Mountains, Missions, but a few
steps from hotel. b55 rooms. Each with pri
vate bath. Absolutely fireproof. Both Eur.
and Am. piers, larirr from Jl.ou. F. M.
nimmlch. lrra0.
' II
Ra4 -Th CXMgonlaA ciasslJledjada,