THE aiOIttTXG OltEGOXIAX, SATURDAY, JANUARY 5. 1918. 9 Miscellaneous Bargains 1 large, J a ley Dili Ptcklee 25 J g sX Red X iIolaas....T5s Ipt. Helns Sweet Pickled Onion lo4 lib. Cluster RiUIii 10 lib. Popcorn 254 lib. English Walnuts.... 20) 1 lb. FYanch RoMltd Pea- nuts 20 t lb. Dried Peaches 23 I lba. Black. Whit Figs 23 llba. Seedless Raisin.... 254 1 lba. large Italian Prunes 25 rKC. KRHKIE CORJf ruKU 23 1 caa Van Camp's Pump- kin 15 Dry Green Peas, lb. IS a lba. Split Paaa 25 1 lb a. Tapioca, 25 S lba. Pearl Barley 23 t I B. TRESU ROLLED OATS 25 You CanToo! TtMuiit ef harry Pertlaad (aaalUe oat hotter than tlm an It real taeaa "a te It. TWr 4 It tram they kaew ROW am WHERE bay. Thar nut b ImM with e-calle4 fear gal aa. special balta aa black Ink ta attract attaatlaa. Ail It la beraaaa aaaat falka kaaw tha tratk whan thr eee U tkat Ik la u tha larsvat atet-a af ta klaa la all tba Kartkwcat. They paaa a aa bcraaaa they kaaw that amaatltataa era aa-rar after e -that Balklas bat reUabla, atanaar le4a, ara hera and tkcaa ara aal fa leaa. TART THE KEW TEAR RIGHT EAT BETTER ATE MORE Store Closes at 9 o'Clock Saturday Night SATURDAY EXTRA SPECIALS Tomntoaa (limit t cnaa). caa - Corn (limit t cans), pr JQq Small ill caa Wesson Oil for .... Medium alia can Weeson uuv 10c 35c Oil for Threa tiara ii4-n25c Tbraa pounda Cluater RaJ- of alna for a&JC falr.n.t.?.': 10c Campbell's or Van Camp's 1 Soud. can XVIC Miscellaneous Bargains Poitum Ceraal 20 I loaves any kind bread.. 25 1-lb. e a k a Ghlrardelll's Etrcet Chocolata 25 H-Ib. can Hershey's Cocoa 15 t LB. BULK CHOCOLATE 20 llba. Japan Haad Rica. ..25 a LBS. PETTTE PRUITES 25 4 lba. Macaroni or Spa ghetti 25 1 eana Del Monte Tomato Eauea 25 lean Del Bleata Deviled OUn Saaea 10 2 caoa Oyatere 25 1-lb. pkg. Laundry Starch 25 Box Bail Blue 5 New Kraut, quart 15 5 eana Carnation or Mt. Vernon Milk 25 Flour FRESH AND CURED MEATS 1 eack Oly. Flour S2.63 1 aack netchera Floor C2.6S Barrel S10.40 All other Hard Wheat Floor. eack. 92.TO: bbL 910.50 1-lb. eack Paatry Flour. .63 CEREALS -Ih. sack Tallow ar white Corn Meal 63 ft-lb. aack Rolled Oat.. ..60 r-ib. aack Farina. 60 a-Ib. aack Orahanv 60 I pkga Shredded Wheat. .23 pkga. E. C. Car rtnkee 25 1 pkg. Roman Meal 25 lpkg. Cream of Barley... 20 1 pkg. Wkeat Eat 20 1 pkg. Cream of Wheat. ..25 1 pkg. Balaton's Bran ....15 1 pkga. Kellogga Biscuits 23 PORK Fhoulder Pork Steak Shoulder Pork Roaat Leg Pork Roaat Lota Pork Roaat. lb. 25 ..22H-25 ....24-25 30 BEEF Pot Roaat 12W and 15 thoulder Steak 15 Btrlotn Staak 1THC Rib Roaat Beef 10 VEAL' Shonldar Teal Roaat. lb.... Leg or Loin Roaat Veal... Breast of Veal t. . 6boulder Veal CuUeta Bologna, Head Cheese & Liver Sausage, lb. 30c I PHONE ORDERS TAKEN FOR C O. D. DELIVERY ANY TIME EX CEPT FRIDAY EVENING AND SATURDAY. t DELIVERIES AS USUAL, WHEN ORDERED AND PAID FOR HERE Softwood To lay and ThorertaTe RoaeClty Park Kara Park Arleta Tr.moot and Laata Wedneadar and Fndare Monta villa eavd Portland Heiahte Thoradar Other Saetaaaa Daily Sunnyside Store 994-996 Belmont Coavenlant for many Eaat Side petroaa. Same price, ami ear vice and apedala aa at the main Phones A 6255 Main 5700 PHONSS B 1215 Tabor IS Fruits and Vegetables Oranges, do 45 8 lba. Oregon Onlona 25 12 lbs. Spud 25 1 aack Spuda S1.75 4 lba. Sweet Spuda 25 Apple ,. S1.00-S1.40 EGGS 3 4a. Storage Eggs 85 1 tea. Strictly Freeh R a n a k Egga 55 Cheese 1 lb. Full Cream Cheese... 30 2 lbt. for 55 lib. Cream Brick 35 Llmberger, brick 40 1 lb. Wisconsin Swlaa ....45 j - - ----- - -- Miern -""'-w-i $mm mms$m mssm Do your market ing here today. Profit by the ex tra special on guaranteed ten der Beef Pot Roasts and many other articles of food. ana nor m amy combination 575,000 IS THE GOAL Joint Drive forY.W.C.A.Work and Camps to Start. CAMPAIGN TO LAST WEEK claL Practically all barbera hera ara out on a strike for shorter bourn, de manding that shops open at !:J0 A. M. and close at T o'clock, which la lopping half an hour off each end of the work ing day. No question of wages has been raised. Work la Portland 'Will Bo Conduct ed by 100 Men nnd Women and Is Scheduled to Continue From January 7 to 19. Making and keeping tba soldier fit to right are as important aa weapons and ammunition. said Albert E. Carter last Bight addresalng the Joint com mittee of the Soldiers and Sailors Clubhoase and tha war camp eommun Ity service of tha Toung Woman'a Christian Association, at the Portland Hotel. Mr. Carter la ana of tha field repre- entatlTea of the Fosdiek National Commission on war camp work and la hera representing Robert J. Retd. the 'W estern district manager, and will as sist In completing the fund atarted here to prorlde for proper recreation both at Vancourer and other camps and alo In tha city of Portland. The meeting at the Portland Hotel assembly-room was composed largely of tha 204 men and women workers who hare banded together to handle tha task of raialng ImS.004 nest week. T. W. CL A. Reeera Aid. Coincident with this flnanoa cam paign, which will ba begun with a gr-at dash Monday, a sum of money wtu ba raised for the war work of the Toung Woman'a Christian Association. One of the principal actiTlttea, In con nectlon with tha war. of the T. W. C . La tha already well-known hostess bouse. Oca has been established at Vancourer. near the barracks gate. and la rapidly growing la favor. Seven teen hostess bouses for vial ting wive, mothers, staters and sweethearts of soldiers hare bean opened la Army camps of the country and t ara under construction. That theaa bouses are doing what the War and Nary departments bad In srlnd whea tha Toung Men'a Chrlatlaa Association was requested to build and conduct the bits of horn within the camp la supported by a letter which Mr. Carter quoted from Raymond B. Fosdiek to Mrs. Jamea S. Cushman. chairman of the National Toung Worn en a Christian Association war work council. "The aoetesa house Idas," said he. "which your organisation Introduced, hss become aa essential factor In tha life of oar training camp and your positive work with young girls In the neighborhood of our training centers has contributed materially to the really creditable conditions which now exist. I have no healtatloa In saying that the work of the War Department In ita attempt to rationalise the en vironment of Army camps would suffer considerably If It ware not for the splendid efforts of the Toung Women's Chrlstlsn Association." Plana Ara Made far Drive Portland's drrve will run one week, from January T to 12. Tka "colonels' are Mrs. Guy W. Talbot and Wllber TC Coman. who have organized and win direct 19 teama of 10 aolldtora each. Although soma slight confusion exists la the publlo mind as to tha purposes of the Joint drive, no trouble 1 anticipated when tha beneficial as pects of tha work sustained ara ex plained. The headquarter will be opened to day In the Portland Hotel assembly room. Tha telephone number is Main It. General Chairman L C Oilman baa assumed active management of the enterprise. Barbers on Strike mt Abort! eon. PERSONALJWENTION. H. L. Ellby. of Buxton. Is at tha Rita. Edgar Colvtn. of OaUkanla, la at tha Rita. --T- " " A. 8auerweln. of Bllverton. la at the Eaton. R. H. Holmes, of Echo, is at the Perkins. i H. L- Howard, of Bakar. la at the Oregon. Page R. Boylea. of Baker, ia at the Seward. Glenn McCaddln. of Salem, la at the Seward. C L. Johnson, of Unity, Is at the Imperial. 3. C Stnra-Ul, of Condon. Is at tha Imperial. Miss X Temple, of Clatekanle. Is at tha Eaton. Jacob Booker, of Athena, Is at the Multnomah. M. Walker, of Taooma. Wash, la at tha aerklna. E. E. Froman, of Chicago, m. Is at the Oregon. L. Ellsworth, of McMlnnviUe, Is at the Oregon. J. Lv Brown, of Taeoma, Wash- Is at the Portland. Glenn Neponslt, of Spokane. Wash, Is at tha Cornelius. Warren Overpaek. of Warrenton. la at tha Multnomah. C U Sawyer, of Hrnneapolla, Minn, la at the Perkina. T. F. Kerrin. of Larertaton, Idaho, Is at tha Washington. J. H. Smith, of Ooldendala, Wash, la at the Washington. Frank D. Lea. of Seattle, Wash, U at the Multnomah. J. C Beott, of Walla Walla, Wash, Is at tha Multnomah. A. P. Blewett, of Pendleton, la rag Istered at tha Oregon. J. T. Brooka. of San FTaneleoe, Cat, la at the Washington. D. C Baker and Mra. Baker, af Med- ford. ara at the Seward. John KamsMre. of Grants Paaa, la registered at tha Perkina. Charlea Barr and Mrs. Barr, af Pasco, WaslL. ara at tha Perkins. P. W. Harris, of Seattle, Wash, Is registered at the Nortonla. C. M. Heleler and Mra. Helaler. of Dufur. ara at the Imperial. J. L Ingle and Mrs. Ingle, of La Grande, ara at the Seward. C J. Johansen. of Seattle, Waah, la registered at the Portland. E. IL Smith and Mrs. Smith, af Forest Grove, ara at the Cornelius. J. L Case and Mrs. Case, of Mans field. Wash, are at the Eaton. W. S. Cilery and Mrs. Cilery, of Pan Bant, Sask, ar at tba Nortonla. A. A. Soula and Mrs. Souls, of Aber deen. & D, ara at the Cornelius. William Lents and Mra. Lenta, of Salem, ara registered at tha Rita. Charlea Bennett and Mra. Bennett, of Kansas City. Mo, are at the Rits. A. P. Farnswprth. of Seattle. Waah, Is registered at the Washington. Courtney MeCracken. of Wood Lake, CaL, la registered at th Cornelius. J. B. Hawley. and Mra. Hawlay. of Taeoma. Wash, are at tha Portland. Dr. O. E. Prince and Mrs. Prince, of Fella City, ara registered at tha Itn perlaL y o Notices for Classified Columns Must Be in Earlier. TRAIN SERVICE TO BLAME Bend Postoffle Belocntod. ' BENT5. Or, Jan. . (BpelaX-A contract for postofrio quarter for th next 10 year has been let to D. H. Sphler. The new office wtll occupy an L-ahaped apace with frontage on two streets, about a block from the present location. Beside tha nut used In confectionery th Indian cashew tree yield an Insect rape Ulnar gum. a juice that makes In delible Ink, and thra kind of oil. one edible, th thr need to tar fishing Increased Circulation of The Ore- ronlsji Also Hakes It Necessary to Handle Section of Bis; Edition Ahead of Time. Tha man who has something to sell and wishes to tell tha world, must stop at Th Oregonlan advertising desk earlier hereafter than ha been his wont. Beginning tonight all classified advertisement for Tha Sunday Orego nlan must be turned In by o'clock on Saturday night, Inatead of 7:20 aa for. marly. Likewise all classified adver tisements for weekday editions must be turned In by t o'clock on the previous night. Instead of . Th Chang Is directly due to changes In the train service now being directed by th Government. The night train for tha north leaves some hours earlier than formerly, so The Oregonlan goes to press earlier and the want adver tisements must ba turned In earlier as wall. Tha change is further neces sitated by the large volume of adver tisements handled by The Oregonlan. In tha yeare gone by, when The Ore gonlan had leaa material, advertising could be taken up to the moment of going to press, but whsn a newspaper reaches the proportions of carrying from seven to eight pages of classified advertisements It must make provision lor the proper handling of this matter. Some Puget Sound newspapers close their Sunday edition advertising col umns at 4 or t o'olock on Saturday afternoon. In Los Angeles some news papers close certain columns of their Sunday edition on Friday night. It is tha custom In many big cities for newspapers to hold only certain col umns open on Saturday. Statistics for the year HIT show that Tha Oregonlan carries nearly aa much classified advertising aa any two Port land afternoon papers together. Cir culation also affects classified matter In that a large circulation requlrea that the "classifieds' must go to press early. The Oregonlan Is printing more than 20,000 copies each Sunday and more than 62,000 dally, and has a larger circulation than any other paper on the Pacific Coast north of San Francisco. BRITISHER SEfKS REVENGE Stanley Hedges, Who Haa Lost Two Brother and Slater, Enlists. Stanley C L. Hedges, who enlisted at tha British and Canadian reorultln office. Third and Oak streets. Fort land, Thursday, and left for England yesterday morning, has a Just score to settle with the Germans. His two brothers and seven cousins have been killed at the front, and his only sister was killed In an air raid on Ramsgate. I don t mind the loss of my two brothers, they were killed In a fair fight, but what makes me mad Is that my Innocent sister should have to suf fer, and If I can do anything to avenge her death I will be satisfied. My mothe Is all I have left now, as my fathe aled since I left England, and I am sure nothing will please her better than to know that I am In the Army, Tender Steer Beef Pot Roasts Guaranteed First Class 15c That Famous Home- Made Veal Sausage lb, 20c Genuine Shoulder Lamb, per lb. . . . Sirloin Steaks at, per nound Young Steer Beef, Short Ribs or Boiling Beef, per lb 22c 15c I2y2c EGGS Strictly Fresh Oregon Ranch Eggs, dozen 50c Absolutely Guaranteed Stor age Eggs, doz. 43c; 2 doz. 85c BUTTER Our Famous Green .Valley Creamery Butter, lb.-.-. ... .50c 2 lbs.. .............. z... 99c CHEESE Full Cream Cheese, per lb., only 26c CUT FLOWERS AND FERNS At Lowest Prices Irvington Park Floral Company CENTRAL COFFEE SHOP 2 lba any kind of Beans. 25e Ground Chocolate or Cocoa. In bulk, lb 19) Royal Baking Powder, lb.40i LIpton's Yellow Label Tea 69 Arm & Hammer Soda ... . 5S Delmonte Grated Pineap ple, can XOc Continental Corn Starch, package 10e Peoples Market 6 Grocery Co. Tomatoes, per can lOe) Limit S cans Corn, per can lOs) Limit S cans Wesson Oil....35 and 65 Pimentos, per can 10? Cross & Blackwell Olive Oil, bottle $1.00 7 Bars Savon Soap 25 Rolls Toilet Paper 25 3 Cans Ham and Beans.. .25 PIAZZA Stall 6 S1.75 25c Roman Beauty Ap ples, box Florida Grape Fruit, 2 for AT COTTLE'S Stall 9 SPECIAL 1A. Coffee Cake.lUC New Central Market Bakery S ATUKD AT S FECIAL OA"' Home-made Mince PtesaaiUC Mike Saso Stall 7 Florida Grape Fruit, S for 25 Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs.... 25 Grimes' Golden Apples box 91.35 Sunkist Oranges, dozen... 25 J King David Apples, doz. .10 Cranberries, 2 lbs 15c Stalls Nos. 4 and 5 PIETRO rXOIGIOXI 4 lbs. Onions 15e) Large Sack Onions. .. .$2.25 Fresh Fruits, Vegetables V JNu-Lite Food Co. 6nly.flrm to put out VIGOR MEAL, indorsed .by doctors. All Cereals and Honey handled and guaranteed. No solicitors. Mrs. C. S. Brockway, Prop. DUNDAS&CO. Creamery Butter, lb. . . Fresh Ranch Butter, lb Guaranteed Strictly Fresh Eggs, dozen. 50 48 ? Dependable Butter Store Fresh Dairy Butter, roll.95 Egola, a substitute for butter, per roll 70) CITY FISH AND POULTRY MARKET Fresh Fish, Poultry, Oysters and Clams. Varied Assortments, Reasonable Prices. has W 0 HpHE food value of cocoa been proven by centuries of use, and dietitians and phy sicians the world over are enthusiastic in their endorse ments of it It is said to con tain more nourishment than beef, in a more readily assimi lated form. The choice, how- ever,should be a high-grade cocoa, "Baker's'' of course. J SIX 1 U! . M. IT IS DELICIOUS, TOO Trade-mark on every package Made only by. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 f. . Ifa.a u. a. tar. en JUi uiicoicj - - xusoc 3S f k Mr. Hedges Is Joining the East Sur rey Regiment, which Is stationed near Kingston-on-Thames, where his moth er is residing, so that he will have a chance to be near her while he is In training in England. He has lived In different parts ot Oregon for the last 10 years, ana dur ing the last two years has been work ing on logging contracts near La Grande. trL ill BRAND Pure Pork Sausage A quality product made of the choicest cuts seasoned with pure spices to a degree of excellence. Puts a real mean ing in every meal. U. S. Government inspected. "COLUMBIA" Brand Is Your Safeguard Made Daily by UNION MEAT COMPANY Sold Only in Sanitary Cartons by All Dealers. Si ill 11 !i j YA 1 ' 102.2