Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 05, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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William Hanley Wants Sage
brush Country in One State
and Coast in Another.
Traific Law violations on
Decrease, but Still Too
JTarney Coanty Resident Would Pe-
termln Bonndarle by Con.ld
crlnc Section' Industrial and
Commercial Activities.
rt the eaftbruih country to
Wl'h thl object In view. William
Hanley. wealthy tockman and eaten
it. landowner, of Worn. Harney
County, proposes a dlvllon of the Pa
ciflc Northwest country Into two large
tat, whose boundarle would be de
termlned solelv br a consideration of
the Industrial and commercial aetlvl
tie common to each.
la effecting thla desired reorgantaa-
tloo. Mr. Hanley would eraee existing
late lines. tenor established political
Influence and Its domination la admin
Utrattve affairs, substitute a form of
government that would be more respon
sive to the needs of the different sec
tions and Introduce a programme of
Individual human efficiency which, he
vers, would Insure desired results.
Ideas Are rsrts.
"Existing state boundary lines today
mean aothlns; except arbitrarily to d.
fine the JurU. Union of a form of state
government that has been provided."
declared Mr. Hanley, yesterday. These
boundary llnee should be determined
and Died more with reference to the
similarity of Interests and Industrial
activities of the territory embraced
-Blnnln- at the Brltlah Columbia
line and extending southerly to th.
California line. I would embrace Into
one state ail that territory lying- west
of the Cascades to the Taclfic Coast.
The Interests of that entire section
re Identical." '
"But would that not make a large
nd rather cumbersome state for pur
pof'i of government?' was asked.
That Is true. But there Is no need
for small organizations In order to
Insure efficiency." explained the volun
teer atate builder. The best effi
ciency comes from large corporations
through organised and Intelligent ef
fort and direction,"
Pelitlra Sat Ceasldered.
"Where would yon have the seat of
government located Portland Seattle.
Tacoma or Astoria T was asked.
"My reorganisation plan does not
take politic Into consideration." waa
the reaHy response. "It la not politics
that work out the best Interest of
any community. Politics are demoral
ising as a factor In any plan of de
velopment and should always be sec
ondary in consideration. Th question
of whether Portland. Seattle. Tacoma
or Bcappoos Is the capital I of no
"Having thus disposed of the section
lying west of the Cascades. I would
assemble under one state government
the remaining portions of Oregon and
Washington, loicether with Nevada and
1'laho and. possibly, parts of Ctah and
Montana. What I want to do la to get
the sagebrh country together for
two reasons. Primarily, under such an
arrangement, these sections -have their
Irrigation and land problem which are
entirely unrelated and foreign to the
Interests of that section lying between
ths Cascades and the Pacific Ocean.
Secondly, under my proposed plan tha
vast arid land district east f tha Cas
cade would be In a position to work
out these problem satisfactorily and
Office) Redartlsa Fevered.
"Under tha existing organisation of
tatea In thla section the political ma
chinery follow th center of popula
tion with th resu: that th sparacly
settled districts east of the mountains
are not strong enough numerically to
gain deserved recognition.
The crying need of the country to
day is Increased production of food
stuffs." continued Mr. Hanley. di
gressing somewhat from his state di
vision view, "and the need for culti
vating and making productive every
available acre la ths country. Thla
meana an Increased demand for people
on the iand and yet, under the draft,
the country district ihave suffered
more than th cities.
Th jovernment ha at last awak
ened to th value of efficiency In Its
various wartime activities and 1 going
the limit. There I no reason why w
should not adept ths asm general
plan of efficiency la our atate affairs.
We should have some sort of drafting
plan that would extend throuhvour
entire population and compel each
person to render an accounting of
what he 1 doing. Individual effi
ciency must be demanded of every
body. The man who doe not produce
more than he destroy is a boarder and
the balance of society has to pack him
Mr. TTanley said he bad serious
doubt that his plan of state reorgan
isation would get very far In the way
of .realisation, but h still believe hi
p.1;tioa Is sound and that, if carried
out. I willing to wager the result
would more than warrant th experi
ment he proposes.
Governor Willi ycombe Aked to 'Con
trol Special Agents at Oregon City.
SALENf. Or, Jan. 4. (Special.)
Complaint ha been received by Gov
ernor Withycombe from paier-mlll
strikers of Clackamas County that spe
cial agenta on duty there are discour
teous and harah to the striker, under
the control of the Sheriff and Chief
of Police. A request la made that the
agenta be put back under state control
acaln. .
Tha Governor will hear a atatement
from the other side before determining
what action-he win take.
Tcn-Year-Old Run Over by Horses
and Wagon Slightly Hurt.
BAKER. Or, Jan. 4 (Special.) Al
though a team of horses and a heavy
farm wagon passed over him. Cyril,
the l-yar-old aon of John Perry, of
Halfway, is not only still alive, but
la only slightly Injured.
The youngster waa driving tho team
yesterday, when he waa Jerked down
between tt.e horses, which ran away.
An examination by a doctor disclosed
the fact that with tha exception of a
broken hand and a few bruises the lad
waa uninjured.
Phon your want ads to The Orego
nian. Main t70. A ii-
' v
Sunset William & Hart. Th
Columbia Marguerite Clark.
The Seven Swans."
Liberty "Alimony."
Majestic "For the Freedom of
She World."
peoples Llna Cavalier!. Th
Eternal Temptress."
Ftar "The Masque of Life."
Globe Wallace Held and Kath-
erln Williams, "itls; Timber."
The Masque of Life," tho photoplay
f "1001 thrills." a film novelty mad
by the same company which gave tho
cinema world Maciste In Th War
rior." I th unusual attraction ached,
uled for the Star Theater today.
Thla new Italian-made production Is
entirely different from anything ver
shown before In the United Btates. It
waa produced at a cost of more thanJ
half a million dollars and required
seven months In the making. It la a
melodrama pure and simple, but a
great, big; melodrama, having a a
background the most remarkable
series of exciting event ever seen in
a photoplay.
Unlike most spectacles. The Masque
of Life" ha a real story Interest It In
volve a beautiful circus girl a the
heroine, her father, the young prince
who love her and a llmoui educated
monkey. Th exciting scene are topped
by a fight between the girl and the
chlmpanxee atop a 00-foot chimney,
and tremendoua fire acene. when the
entire circus amphitheater burna down
and wild animals stampede. Spectacular
ballet and pageantry scene also are
Introduced. .
"For tha Freedom of the World
said to be th greatest war spectacle
film ever conceived, with a cast,
headed by beautiful Barbara castle
ton. K. K. Lincoln aiid Romalne Field
ing, will be. shown at th Majestic
Theater commencing thla morning.
The atory a tale of love and decep
tion, cowardice, and heroism of the
highest order waa written by Captain
Kdward liover Hesser of the Canadian
expeditionary forcea. Its scenes are
laid In Canada, the United States and
on the battlefields of Western France.
Probably never before ha a war
picture been seen which aeta forth In
a more effectlvs manner a pictorial
exposition of th , reaiona why th
United State ha gone Into the great
world conflict and gone In to win! In
th course of ths film story spectator
may see a realistic photographlo re
production of th life their sons,
brother, fathers and other they love,
are at present living In th training
camps throughout tha country and th
hardships they will later be privileged
to undergo In th trenchea "over
Screen Gossip.
Eastman, through the Government.
Is wsrnlng manufacturers against a
film shortage because of ammunition
nee da The suggestion Is made that tha
tiovernment confiscate all positivee on
the market more than a year old. This
would help the Government and also
help ths Industry by getting rid of a
mess of Junk. That would mean no
more of that old, faded, scratched,
broken and disconnected film th pub
lie has been forced to see In so many
Mary Plckford now has a personal
press agent. His name Is Al Cohn.
Jack Mulhall. former Bluebird star,
will make bla Triangle debut with Mar
gery Wilson.
A Sellg revival seems due. Report
ay that flv conoanies wtll be work
ing In California next Spring under the
direction of Colin Campbell. Now If
ome one will revive Olograph.
e . .
Walter McGrall, who has been play
ing In tho O. Henry pictures, has co
llated In th Navy.
Olga Petrova 1 surrounded by such
screen playera as Thomas Holding,
Lumsden Hare and Wyndham Standing.
Alma Reubens, the dusky beauty,
seems destined to reach a high altitude
in film stardom during 118.
John Bower is leading man for both
Ethel Clayton and June Elvldge at the
World Studios,' Fort Lee. N. J.
. -
' Jewel Carmen, former Portland girl.
Is at Trockee. CaU with a Fox com
pany, working on a picture of the Alas
ka gold-rush days. Theda Bara. a well
a BUI Farnum. will be making pic
tures in California soon.
Bill Hart is making a Northwestern
lumber camp picture, but the filming is
being done in California instead of Ore
gon or Washington.
II. O. Tavl has bought The Servant
In tho House" for Triangle picturlxa
tlon. In Mary Plckford'a next production
' 'f ;
Kate Price, former Vltagrapher. has a
character role. Mary is a fresh kid of
ths tenements next time.
a e e
Viola Dana aspires to equestrienne
honors. She has bought a bucking
e , . .
Among the select fewwho have not
learned economy from the H. C. of L.
Is Norma Talmadge. The other day, in
the filming of "Uhosts of Yesterday."
she slashed to pieces an exquisite oil
study of herself by James Montgomery
Flagg. But don't blame Norma. Some
how or other, the portrait, upon being
delivered, got mixed up with a cheap
one. and when the director shouted
fehootl" Miss Talmadge unintentional
ly slashed Into nothingness a couple of
thousand dollars' worth of oil portrait
Intended for Mama Talmadge'a Christ
mas present.
Nobody nowadays Is averse to receiv
ing movie gold. Baron Moncheur and
Honorable James Gustafoa Whitley,
members of the Belgian legation,
cashed pay-check for appearing in
"Doug" Fairbanks' "Reaching for the
Moon." but donated the lucre to the Red
Cross fund of Belgium.
After playing In "The Whip" and
"Rasputin, the Black Monk." co-starring
with Virginia Pearson and aup
portlng Florence Reed, Irving Cum
mins; hag played the lead for Ethel
Harrymore In "An American Widow."
He calls this "the end of a perfect
e ' .
Blanch Sweet, Mabel Normand, Ma
Marsh all had a reunion in New York
the other day. They are three of tho
famous D. W. Griffith graduates.
The movies are breaking Into society.
At a recent testimonial to King Albert
of Belgium, given at the Ritz-Carlton,
Sidney Olcott'a production. "The Bel
gian," wa the attraction. Seat sold
for tl and the list of those present
read like the roster of the boxholdej
of tha Metropolitan Opera House.
Charlotte Bronte's Immortal "Jane
Eyre" will appear on the screen under
the title of "Woman and Wife," with
Alice Brady In the leading role. This
Is tampering with things aa they are
with a, vengeance.
Margarita Fischer once aspired to
become the greatest dancer In the
A studio which cannot boast at least
one European star is Indeed out of
style. Albert E. Smith, president of
Vltagraph, comes to the front by en
gaging Mile. Hedda Nova, a brilliant
Russian actress, to shine In super-feature.
Death Fotlew Illness for Coatlnned
Period Funeral Arraagementa
to Bo Made Later.
PASADENA, Cal., Jan. 4. Melville E.
Stone, Jr., son of th general manager
of tho Associated Press, died here to
day. Mr. Eton had been ill sine Sun
day. H had been In poor health for
som lira during which he lived in
Altadena. a suburb, with his mother
and aister. Miss Elizabeth Stone.
Mr. Eton waa with him at the time
of hla death. Mis Stone left New York
Tuesday and wtll arrive here tomorrow.
No funeral arrangements will be made
until her arrival.
Mr. Stone waa born November 3. 1874.
at Chicago. He attended Phlllips-An-dover
Preparatory School at Andover,
Jaaaa, and irora there went to Harvard,
from which he was graduated in 1S97.
lie Immediately went Into the pub
lishing business with his brother. Her
bert Stone, under the firm nam of
Herbert F, Stone Sc Co.. publishers. In
Chicago. Among other things they
published waa the Chap Book and tha
House Beautiful. They continued the
publishing of the House Beautiful after
the general publishing business was
Melvill E. Stone. Jr.. and Miss Lu
cretia Hosmer were married at Chi
cago on November 27, 1300. She died
August 3, 1901.
Mr. Ston. besides his work as a pub
lisher in Chicago, was editor of the
Associated Sunday Magazines in New
York, lie later became managing edi
tor of th Metropolitan Magazine,
which position he held until ill-health
caused him to give it up about five
years ago.
He dramatized "Brewster's Millions"
and "Graustark," and wrote many plays,
snort stones and scenarios.
Mr. Ston waa a member of the Coffee
Club, Racquet Club, Lambs, Harvard
Club and Chateau Lancy Club, all of
New York. He and his brother were
tudenta at Chateau Lancy School near
Geneva. Switzerland, and afterward In
New York they, with other American
who had attended tho school, were in
strumental in organizing the Chateau
Lancy Club.
Fines, Lectures and Arguments) Fca
turo Session In Judge) Rossroan'i
Department Police) Vigilance
Is JTelpIng Situation.
Speeding past schoolhousea. having
no rear lights and "cutting" corners
featured the Jam of traffic case be
fore Municipal Judge Rossman yes
terday morning, when fines, lectures
and arguments were handed out.
For the first time since Judge Ross
man has been on the bench a Jury trial
was demanded and granted In a case
of alleged traffic violation. Lon L.
Parker, who recently approached the
court on this subject and was rebuked
for asking this "on a trivial case," came
back into court and inalated uDon his
client rights.
"Well, if you are going to take thla
case o seriously we will take It eeri
ously, too." Judge Rossman remarked
"That all risrht: that'a vour nre.
rogativ,'' retorted Mr. Parker, "but
my client 1 entitled to a Jury trial
and you have no rlsht to deprive him of
It. If it'a trivial to arrest a man. we
shall go to the bottom of It and let the
Jury decide It,"
Law Infraction. Decrease.
Constant vigilance upon the part of
tha traffta officers Is having its effect
on the number of cases In court, but
still there is a large number.
urlef was In store for those who sped
past tha Woodlawn School Wednesday
afternoon, for.Pollceman Norene, of the
traffic squad, was on ths Job and ar
rested several.
The ordinance require drivers to
slow down to 10 miles an hour during
school hours when passing any public
school, but It seemed from th state
ments of drivers before the Judge yes
terday that many of them are not
aware of this. Some of them admitted
going as fast aa 20 miles, but explained
that they were of the belief that it was
only when the pupils were out at re
cess or not at their, studies that the
rate is 10 miles. Fines of fo were
levied in these cases.
Excsim Held Not Reasons,
Several men and women were in
court beeauae they were burning no
rear lights and all had excuses, but
Judge Rossman said these were not
reasons. He Insisted that rear light
be burned and, a a means of insuring
this, suggested that two Mights should
be carried, so that If one should go out
th othor would probably be burning
and thus save to driver from trouble.
Judge Rossman fined Dan Voss IS
for speeding. It being shown that the
defendant was running from 25 to 35
miles an hour. In addition to the fine,
me court aupuiatea mat tne Dug'
driven by Voss shall be laid up for 30
days as a punishment for his excessive
Many Fines Imposed.
.Cases were disposed of as follows:
J. Brown. $2.50; W. M. Thoraen, II: Joe
Zimmerman, s; oeorge tnonra, S3; Al. R,
Buckingham, t-i: W. u. Harrington, to:
A. U, 5; K. A. Land, SI; F. J. Mo.
Keown, $5; C. F. Carskalln, IS; J. L. David-
aon, (7.5U: Stallion Ogsumy. tT.BO; -W. F.
Brlnker. 15: Ki Bohme, SL.50: W. R. Fink,; j'eier uranc S3; w. a. xiveny, 5
A. K Cumbllng. $5; R. L. McGrew, $1'
J. B. Ooddard. tl: N. Munson, 13.50: A
R. Klmberlay, $1; A. Gross. $2; L. L. Bar.
rett, $2.50; C. Chrlstenaen, $1: A. P.
Palmer, $1; Guy L. Grahelm. $2.50; Dan
Voea, fj; Joe Amato, $5; P. Slllveld. $2
Fred Vaata, $.1; J. J. McH.nry. $2.50
James Cboppi, $5: S. Aral, $2.
District Attorney Evans Wants to Pro-,
oaed Against Two Cluba OB Al
legations of Gambling.
Whan h appeared before Munlcipai
Judg Rossman for the fourth time
since h tools the bench last July. J.
Wilson, proprietor of a poker game in
what la known as the Culinary Club,
85 H Fifth street, pleaded not guilty,
hut waa nnnvlctfid. and. instead of be
ing fined a nominal sum as on previous
occasions, was fined $2o0.
Fourteen men who were caught In
th raid, which waa made several
mornings ago by Policemen Hunt, Tee
ters and Martin, were fined $25 each,
and five visitors were fined $5 each.
Paul M. Long, counsel for Wilson and
the others, evidently expected that his
clienta would escape with a small fine,
and was much surprised at the action
of th Judge. Deputy City Attorney
Deicb contended that It was "about
time the court let these men know that
their Illegal business is not tolerated
by the city.
"It s a fine proposition for these men
to enter a technical plea of not guilty.
and then, 'in a nice way.' explain that
thev helped the officers to get the evi
dence, and therefore should be treated
leniently. said Mr. Deicb. 1 insist
upon heavy fines in this case.
Immediate revocation oi tne cnarters
heretofore granted to the Culinary
Club, 85 V Fifth street, and the Port
land Stewards' Association in the Bu
chanan building Is sought by District
Attorney Evans, who wrot yesterday
to Governor Withycomoe asKing mat
he b permitted to take official action
against tha two social clubs on the
grounds that they are alleged gambling
In his letter to the Governor Mr,
Evans calls attention to the fact that
th Culinary Club has been raided by
the police five times within the past
year and that th Stewards' Associa
tion has -also been raided as a gambling
Receipts for 1917 Nearly $42,000
Less Than In Previous Year.
Owing to a cut in the rates charged
by the city for water furnished through
meters, the revenue of the Water Bu
reau for 1917 amounted to $41,938 less
than th revenue for 1916, according to
the annual report of revenues made
public yesterday. The total receipts
for 1917 were $720,262. while in 1918
they were $762,200.
The toss of revenue Is even greater
than Is shown by these figures, due
to th fact that in 1917 the Water
Bureau had a much bigger business
than In 1916, owing to the increased
.V --T. HEATER .
The Surprise Show!- I
Opens Today ? v 4 m
. : 1 y. v . )
LJ' -- )A vWft A . - A
: Ii n :4. f
,' j ' I '
e iviasqii
number of residences and other classes
of water users.
Inability to Secure Product Reduces
Sales at Municipal Market.
Flsblnc la poor and therefor the
city's fishing business is poor. City
Commissioner Kellaher says his ln-
.billty to get a varied supply of fish
for some time past has materially ae-
eased the sales and therefore tne re
lipta of the city's market on Third
"The high water," Commissioner
Kellaher says, "ha elrlven the fish out
of the rivers. We hope to be able to
resume buslnes on the old basis soon."
Mr. Kellaher is still negotiating ior a
boat for us as a municipal fishing
Holding Over of Cabinet Declared
Affront toSqnate.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. Senator
Hardwlck (Dem.) declared In the Senate
today that President Wilson s action in
holding over his Cabinet from his first
erm, without submitting nominations
was a "contemptuous aisregara oi
Senatorial courtesy ai-d he introduced
resolution calling on the President
to inform the Senate by what "war.
rants of law or authority," ths pres.
nt Cabinet officers hold their offices.
The resolution went over without
action and Senator Hardwlck promised
o make a speech on it later.
FstrW in tnt wnrM-waf
to fortify the health of soldiers against the rigors and ex
posure of camp life and to help build up enduring strength.
that actually guarantees the
Liver Oil which is refined in our
It is skilfully emulsified to promote prompt assimila
tion which is always difficult, with the raw oil.
Scott's Emulsion is famous for putting power in
the blood to thwart colds, grippe, pneumonia and
lung trouble. It is free
Scott Bows. Boajfield. N.I.
This picture was made by
Itala Film, Torino, produc
ers of "Cabiria" and "The
Warrior." The best yet.
With an all-star cast and "Pete," the monkey with
human intelligence, this is one of the greatest pic
tures ever produced. There is anything you may
ask for
Love Passion, Tragedy, Excitement, Laughs,
Tears, Heart-throbs.
Whether Annexation of Large Terri
tory Hay Be Included In Levy to Be
Decided by State Commission.
BEND, Or., Jan. 4. (Special.)
Whether the constitutional 6 per cent
tax limitation affects the situation cre
ated by the addition of a large terri
tory to the city since the last tax levy
Is now puzzling the City Council of
The problem has been passed on to
the County Assessor, and through him
to the State Tax Commission. On its
decision will depend whether or not the
city has a few thousand dollars extra
for municipal purposes during the com
ing year. That the money is needed is
indicated by the fact that the Council's
budget estimates called for 26,000, but
this amount, being in excess of the
per cent limitation, had to be voted on
by the people and the proposed levy
was defeated.
In order to raise the largest amount
possible the Council now wishes to have
the amount to be raised from the city
as formerly bounded Increased by 6 per
cent, and to have the same rate apply
in the territory Included in the city
limits since the last tax levy. If thTa
ia not allowed, because of the 6 per
cent limit, and the Council is forced to
confine itself to raising last year's
amount plus 6 per cent In the city1 as
now bounded, the rate will be forced
roH liver oil was selected
pure quality of Norwegian Cod
own American laboratories.
from alcohol or opiates.
fir p
down, but there will be little money to
pay the bills, which have grown large
since the city made its great growth.
Don't fill the room with fresh flow
ers. Keep one or two bouquets In the
room at a time. Change every two or
three hours If yon hflve a great many.
Inside information
on the Divorce