Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 05, 1918, Image 20

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Mike Milich, After Hiding
Three Years, Surrenders
Police in California.
Veto Xltroclch. I'pon Recovery From
Wound Inflicted by Former
I'rlrnd, Returned to Europe
and No Charj-e I Pending.
m. New Tear's resolution to atone for
what he believed wu a murder he
committed In Portland three. yrt ace
brought e ray of aunllcht yesterday
Into the life of Mike Mllleh. who, since
the Ilrst day of the year, haa been held
without ball In the County Jail at Jark
n. Cat., awajttrc word from Portland
officials for hla return here to answer
a rharce of murder.
h. a former resident of Portland,
returned late on the nis-ht of February
. 11S. to hla home near Gresham.
where he ehot Pete Nltroclch aa the
culmination of a quarrel. Mlltch.1t la
had ton home Intoxicated, and
shot hla companion In a drunke
LaTlnr Nltroclch for dead. MUlrh
fled from the mate, and It waa not un
lit yesterday that local officiate heard
from him. althouch a Nation-wld
search waa made for aererai month
after the snoot Inc.
On New Tear'e dar Mllleh walked
into the Oountr Jail at Jackson. Cal.
and calmly annomced that he i
wanted In Portland for the murder of
his friend. Pete Nltroclch. three yeara
aco. Ilia crime had been haunting him
for month, he told the California offl
!!. and he wanted to return to Port
land to fare the renaltr.
Tria California officiate yesterday
communicated with Sheriff Hurlburt.
The Sheriff, after an Ineatla;atlon.
found that Nltroclch had hovered be
tween life .and death for aerera
month, but had finally recovered.
lter he returned to hla home In South
ern Europe, refusing" to remain and
jToeecuto Mllleh for attempted murder
In rase Milich -were eer apprenended.
With the facta before htm. Fherlff
Hurlburt hi4 notUinc to do but to tele
srraph the California officials to releaae
.Milich. Hu -New Tear's of
hope to the man who thouaht himself
a murderer and who wanted to take
hia pnnijhment after remalnlnar In hld-
Inc for three yeara. waa contained In
trie foUowtnr telecrara aent by Sheriff
Hurlburt yesterday to the Sheriff at
Jackson. Cat.:
"Mike Milled not wanted here. No
complaint ever filed. Party ahot
covered and did not want to Isaue com-
plaint. He haa since left thla coun
Wonderful Savings in Our
January Sale Furniture
Our Furniture Shop on the Eighth Floor
has been the scene of much enthusiastic
buying the past three days it will be again
today there's a reason a sale of furni
ture for every room in the house at reduc
tions from 15 to B0.
' v Furniture Shop. Elfhth Floor.
.Thrift-and War
Savings Stamps
on sale at Accommodation Bureau,
Basement, Sixth Street. Sixteen 25c
Thrift Stamps and 12c ($4.12 in all)
buys a War Savings Certificate worth
$5.00 January 1, 1923.
" se
tut quautY Sto or poktland
Our Delineator
Special Offer
now open to new or old subscribers.
Full particulars furnished at our Pat
tern Shop. Offer continues for a lim
ited time only. Subscribe today Pat
tern Shop, Second Floor.
Begins Monday, January 7
Our Annual White Sale
Beginning Monday, January 7, we will
hold our great Annual White Sale. The 6ale
this year will be of more than usual inter
est and substantial savings will be in ef
fect. See our ads in tomorrow's papers and
succeeding days- you will be well repaid for
sharing in this sale.
brand J err Alae te Probe Malt
Drlsks aad Tealca er Bitters
Labeled Xedlrlaee.
Aboi of the use of flavoring ex
tracts aa Intoxicants will be the sub
ject of a rigid Investigation by Attor
ney-General Brown, restrict Attorney
Evans and other piseeutlns; attorneys
of the state. It waa announced yester
day by Mr. fvans. bom plan will be
adopted whereby the excessive sale of
these various extracts will be restrict
ed. Manufacturers and Jobbers wtU be
aked to meet wt'h the officiate In or
dr that their efforts toward combat
Ins; this phase of the liquor evil may
znrct with success.
Mr. Evana said yesterday that within
rcent months the statstics show that
excessive amounts of f larorlna; extracts
re beln sold la Portland and throuab
out the state. The principal offend
Inic extracts, be said, are Jamaica gin
ger, vanilla and lemon Hardly a day
passes without some person being In
Municipal Court on a charge of drunk
enness which started with a bottle of
one of the extracts.
It was also learned yesterday that
the Multnomah County errand Jury Is
making a rttrtd Investigation of the
use and sale of so-called malt extracts
s well aa various tonics and bitters
put up by manufacturers under the
guise of medicines.
fehrrman Farmer Accused of Sag-(r-stinic
Drafted Mia Surrender.
The arrest watt made Thursday near
Horn. Sherman County, of Julius Ithu
berg, who la charged wltkr havina- lur
rested to a registrant of hla neighbor
hood that It would be wise for hlra
to surrender If taken to Europe to
fifct saainst Germany.
Hhubers; Is reputed to be a wealthy
rancher, a German by birth, but a
naturalised ctttsen of the United States.
Information react In a: the office ot
the I "Tilted States Ilsrrct Attorney
was such that complaint charging vio
lation of the espionage act was filed
Iters st once, and a warrant for his
arrest Issued.
rtx 100 Antiti R? ported for
December bat Many Plead Guilty
Fifteen bootlegging eases In which
Jury trials have been demanded were
set down for trial yesterday by lepsty
J'tstrlct Attorney Bernard, who haa
chars of the bootlegging prosecutions.
The first case win start January 11
and they will continue throughout the
Deputy Sheriffs and special agents
stave had a busr month during Decern-
or. wlta te result that nearly 106
arrests Were made. In many Instances
p ess of guilts were made, but the
percentage of those who will take their
cases to Juries Is higher than ever be
fore la any one month.
Not Satisfied With Keeping Prices Down Every Day in the Year,
WeVe Reduced Our Regularly Lower -Than- Elsewhere Prices for
A Saturday Sale of
Ribbon, Yard 19c
A very special price for Saturday on two kinds
of ribbons. Taffeta ribbon with satin stripe moire
edze. Also a large assortment of fancy mescaline
ribbon in Dresden and other fancy patterns. The
widths on both are 4V4 to 6 inches. A fine selection
of popular colors. Supply your ribbon needs lib
erally in this sale today at, yard, 19c
Ribbon Shop. Main Floor.
3 Good Specials in Women's
New Neckwear
High Neck Guimpes 75
Women's high neck guimpes of plain and hand
embroidered net, . hemstitched collars. Very spe
cially priced at 75c
Stocks and Jabots 59e
Women's fine white net jabots with crushed
stocks and rows of hemstitching. These are wash
able. Special 59c
Cap, Scarf Sets $2.69
Regularly J 3.50. Fiber silk cap and scarf sets
in combinations of rose and blue, purple and gold
and green and blue stripes.
Neckwear Shop. Main Floor.
75c-S1.39 Veils 59c
Circular and flowing veils in black combined with
colors. All white washable veils of imitation 'ap
plique. Shetland veils in all white and white with
colored borders.
Slip-On Veils 35
Black and brown slip-on veils in chenille dotted
and scroll effects.
"Windshield" Veils
"Windshield" veils of voile in all popular shades.
With shield of mica. Ideal for fair motorists.
Priced 2.25-$2.75 and $3X0.
Veiling-Shop, Main Floor.
86.50 Bags $4.98
1 k(v i us, roresfl
rr a l: l .
-t-t -i an traveling Digs
ll I in 1A 1? and IR.Inrfi
sizes. Linings of linen
and pegamoid much
better than cheap
leather linings. Sewed '
corners. A fine bag
for everyday nse, at
only $4.98.
Lug-case Shop, Sixth Floor.
A Few of the Good Things in Our
Children's Shop $
Children's serge dresses in high
and regulation waistline styles.
Many with large collars. Dresses
for school and all other occasions.
Sizes 6 to 14 years, not every size
at each price. $2.98 to $18.
Many' good styles in misses'
navy serge dresses. A few in high
waistline style with belt. Plain
and fancy trimmed. $15 to $35.
Children's wash dresses made
of plaid and striped gingham. In
high and regulation waistline
styles. Many with contrasting
trimming. Sizes up to 14 years.
75c to $1.98.
A broken assortment in
sizes 2 to 8. Children's
coats of serges, velours
and broadcloths. High
and regulation waistline
styles. Mostly dark col
ors. With belts and
fancy pockets. $6.50 and
$6.95 values, $4.98; $9.00
and $10.00 values $7.98
Raincoats made of
rubberized tweeds in
brown and gray mix
tures. With hats to
match. Sizes 6 to 16
years. Special at $4.95.
Misses' and children's
fine wool scarfs in many
colors. Regular $1X0
scarfs 98c.
C h i 1 d r aif s outing
skirts with and without
waists. - Made of good
qualifies white and
striped outing flannel.
Many have scallops with
stitching trim. Sizes 8
to 14 years. 29c to 75c.
A varied assortment of
middies of white and
striped galatea, plain
and striped crepe. In
Norfolk and slip-over
styles. Sizes 6 to 14
years and 36 to 42. Spe
cial 98c to $1.95.
Angora wool and knit
ted scarf sets cap and
scarf to match. $1.75 to
Second Floor, Sixth Street.
Continuing Our Sale of Men's Wool
Felt Hats at $1.95
The sale price is about present wholesale. We secured the materials
nearly a year ago in a lucky purchase and just recently had the hats made
up to our special order by a reputable manufactnrer. These hats are in
newest styles. Excellently made and finished. Full satin lined. With
improved patented sweatband. In fashionable plain shades of gray, green,
brown and black and handsome mixtures. Your choice of smooth or scratch
finishes. All sizes.
J Fine Clothing for Every Man at a Saving
t In This Sale of Men's and Young Men's
-Men's Hat Shop,
Main. Floor.
If there is anything about the kodak you got for
Christmas you don't fully understand, come in and
consult our experts they'll be glad to give you
any desired information.
Developing and printing quickly and satisfac
torily done. Also enlarging. All films left before
6:00 P. M. any day ready by 11 A. M. next morning.
$1.50 Developing and Printing Outfits for $1.19
25c Eastman, Acid Fixing Powder,; lb. pkg. at 18
Kodak Shop, Main Floor.
Sooth fiend Lows Train.
FOCTH BEND. Wash.. Jan. 4. (Spe
cial.) l'ndr GoTrnmrnt management
the passna-r service on the Northern
Psetfie South Bend branch haa been
reduced to one train a day each war.
The afternoon trttn that left here at
2i and returned at 10:1! has been
taken off. leaving- only the morning
train out and the afternoon train In.
This Is a through train f rrfm South
Psnd to Tacoma. The chanre waa af
fective 2?ew Tear's dar.
i Smart New Suits
2 And Overcoats
. AnA oil ct7Po tn fit men nf pvprv hnilrT Tt'a nnlp in whirri
every man should share.
4. These garments are made of dependable fabrics and show
excellent workmanship throughout. We even include ALL
WOOL BLUE SERGE suits at this very special sale price. Every
suit or overcoat in this sale is well tailored, smartly styled, good
looking, serviceable desirable in every way at the regular price
and every one is reduced for this big underpriced event.
Correct weights for present wear. Many of the suite made on advance
Spring models. Desirable patterns and colorings in great variety. All mod
els, including the latest "Trench" effects.
We have arranged to have you waited on promptly at whatever time
yon come today, but come as early as you can.
Men's Clothing- Shop, Third Floor.
Women's Good
At Special Prices
Women's Black
Cotton Hose
. 25c
Women's medium weight black
cotton full fashioned hose with
lavender band tops. All sizes.
Pair, special 25c.
Women's Good
Cotton Hose
Women's medium weight
seamless foot cotton hose with
double tops. In black and white.
All sizes. 3 pairs 50.
Women's Black
Lisle Hose
. 22c
Women's medium weight black
mercerized lisle seamless foot
hose with double garter welts. 3
pairs 60.
Hosiery Shop, Main Floor.
Boys! Parents! More of Those g
2 -Pants
Suits at
Meier & Frank famous "double-service"
suits that have no
peers at anywhere near this
price. Their wearing qualities
are famous and strength has
been built into them without any
sacrifice of style or looks. A
good assortment is ready for
your selection today..
Good medium weight materi
als tweeds, homespuns, etc.
Coats in yoke or plain "pinch
back" effects, three-piece belt
all-around styles. Gray, brown,
green and black and white mix
tures. And two pairs of full
cut, full lined knickers with
every suit. Only $6.60.
MACKINAWS for boys of all
ages at all prices.
.Boys Clothing Shop, Third Floor.
Exceptional Savings on Women's
Knit Underwear
Women's medium-weight fleece-lined union suits- the
famous "Richelieu" brand. With silk tape yokes. Crochet
finish. High neck, long sleeves ; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves ;
i ankle-length styles. All sizes Saturday at 89c
Women's extra fine quality medium weight cotton union suits,
nicely finished. Dutch neck, short sleeves, ankle length styles. These
are in extra sizes only. Very special at $1.
Children's fleece-lined cotton vests and pants in white only. High
neck, long sleeved vests, ankle length pants. All sizes to 14 years. 2
lor 4Of. Knit Underwear Shop, Main Floor.
Drugs and
5c Menthol Candy Cough Drops, three
packages lOfJ.
50c Ze Pyrol Antiseptic Mouth Wash,
25c Syrup of Figs and Senna, 19.
Squibb's Olive Oil, quart bottle, $1.40;
' pint bottle, 90c; eight-ounce bottle,
60c; four-ounce bottle, 2of.
Wyeth's Glycerine Suppositories, 20.
25c Cascara Cathartic Compound 15
Be in Lax, for constipation,
Colgate's Tooth Paste, 23y.
Fine Bristle Tooth Brushes, 19e
Bunion Comfort Plasters, guaran
teed, $1.
50c Long-handled Bath Brushes, 89.
Main Floor, Sixth Street.
ur Complete Sporting Goods Section.
We have the most complete and varied sporting goods stocks in the city of Portland.
Duxback and Kamp-it clothing for men and women.
A fine assortment of golf clothing.
A complete line of leather coats and vests for officers, aviators and sportsmen.
Bedding rolls, clothing rolls, folding buckets and wash basins, folding lanterns, air pillows,
waterproof match boxes, sweaters, flashlights and many other useful articles for soldiers. '
We have a great selection of high-grade and medium-priced fishing tackle, golf goods, ten
nis goods, baseball goods, football goods and basketball goods.
In addition we have every other article required by sportsmen.
Here Are Some Good Specials for Saturday
Regular good $3.25 striking bags on special
sale Saturday only at
Good $6.00 boxing gloves, limited quantity
on sale Saturday at exactly half price set
Complete cooking outfits for camping, automobiling,
boating or for home use. $2.75 set $1.40. $1.50 set
800. 50c extra canned heat 280. 35c extra canned
neat SUC. Sporting Goods, Sixth Floor.
. u0 r iour, diiiu oirtou j . - - - - - ucai. Sporting Uoocls, Blxtn Floor.