TIIE MORXIXG OKEGOXIAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1918. EXCESS PRICE Mills Violate Rule in Over charging for Feed. COST DEFINITELY FIXED Farther Violations of Food Admin latratlon Rrgalaf Ions Will Ke- alt In Itcroklng; of License. ' l loar Not to lie rushed. Sfi::a la this division, which have boa charging oxceoaive prleee for mlllfood in notified to rovtsev their price at oace. or k their llnuta, la a bulletin Issued yre lnU; bjr Then, B. Wilcox. chalrmaa for th N-.rtn pacific CoAJt Otetrlct of the I'Blted Fta:e rood Administration, milling divis ion. The bultla follows: "Porticolar attention of miller I again rn-d to rula 19 fixing ih prlc for mill f...:. Thla rule btnma effective Dm ar 23. "Although thl rule clearly state that bo tl-no snail eeii brea at a price la -few of 14 per coat of tho average root of ono tna or tt at b'a mill and gives dif ferential for other mill feeds, wo ara daily receiving cempiaints that mills ara violating " IMa rule and cbir!n prices greatly la tim of theao which they Ihould charge. (.' ara cautioned to revise their mlllf-od prtree al one. and If It la established that mnr nil I la violating rule in or any ef lb r rule of Iba Food Administration, they vli 1 be at onto reported ta tba propor an lm!H with tha request that tholr license be Immediately revoked. Tbl moat receive your Immediate attention-" Mine ara also warned, tn tha following u"ettn. against forcing tho Mia of floor "It baa boon brought to tba atteotloa af IS i division that porno mills ara making It . almost compulsory for buyer of food to take a cerovln amount of flour with tholr food. 2a many cases feed buyers ara buying Lour beyond their needs and naturally ara vlo- latino; tha eplrtt of tha Food Administration. Tho Idea of tho Food Administration ta to Conserve flour and sot to forca dealers to aaa It. Mill will pleas diaeontlnoa tba praetlro of forcing thair food buyer to ac cape flour to 1111 oat Co ro, and If thor aro nabl ta supper lail cm ra of food ta thilr emstomera, they ru-iat aaa tba cuotomara to accept leea thaa a car load and pay tha lees- thaa-carload rate. WM:a they nay con. aider taia a hardship, it la much mora de trabl thaa to forca thorn ta hoard f.our. Where tba mill haa two customers la tbo aama direction, they caa aaa ona car ta sup pl v both cuotomara. Tosj wilt, aa doubt, reeelv maay ssm V'alnta from your food buyers, but If you cannot supply (hem with a full carload of feed, you ara not to forca them ta take flour beyond their requirements." Tha followlnc balleila haa also been le aved from tha local office: "With further reference to Rula IT. which became effective December 23. pteaee ba ad vised that tba i-enera! committee of tba mill ing dtvtsloa af tha Food Administration has adopted tha following schedule: "Amount of wheat that may bo ased la tonkins lva pounds of flour la various grades af wheat: "Lhe. aaaaaaaea aa 1 H s; .14 as i Z3 6. SI l.tm. 24 ::i 2-1 Welaht per bushel. , eichl per buennl.. "leht tiuvttcl,, W:fl( perbo..nel,. 1'eiuhl p r hujih.I.. vicht p.rbu-n.1., We'Sbt Per buehrl.. 1.I pee buenel. . Pounda of rteaa wheat to 104 pouada of 100 per cent Tour. MOVEMENT Or" POTATOES, LIMITED XJght Demand for Local aad Shipping Ac. rwaat rrlcea Easier. Tha local and shipping demand for po tatoea la light and few alea were reported, lluyera ara ttot quoting over $1 to growers I'-Pl for fancy offrrlnga In tho Jobbing dletnct prices range from 11.10 to tl.SO for Oregons. according to quality. Yakima Coma ro held at HS01.7i. Destlnatlona of tba latest Oregon and Washington ehlpmenta ara reported by tba Sureaa of larketa aa follows: , Shipped January I Washington: Twa to Fort Worth, ono ta EFTaeo. antpped Decern ba 31 Washington: Ono ta Eotao. ana to Spokane; Oregon t Oao to New Orleans, one to ban Antonio, ona to Stockton, ono to Sacramento. Shipped January 2 Oregon: Two to New Orleans, two to Dallaa. two to Pan Fran, ateco. threa to Loa Loa Angelca. ana Fort Worth. Shipping point Information, aa received by wire: Hresque Isle. Me. No aalea reported. Moore head. Minn. Shipments light. No de Biand. market unsettled. Salsa mada pra- wioualy or on contract bow being filled. Some shipment an consignment. Na sales reported. Waupaca. Wla. Hauling light. Warehouse . auppilea very light. Phlpmeote light, car situation Improved. Lemaad moderate. market steady. Quality and condition gen erally good. Wagonloada track side: Round whit re. bulk, per lei, V. 8. No. 1. II V. 8. No. X 1i cents. Seed stock: li Ilea Trtumpha. bulk, per tet, $ 2. 22 9 &Q. Rocboater. N. Y. fihlpmeata very light. No aaiea reported. Creoly. Colo. Shipments UghL Demand light, market anasttJed. Wide range In quel, fty aad condition. Wagontoada. track aula Mixed whites, reeorted. Backed, par ckt, ' quality and condition good, fltyl.10. mostly IL10. quality aad condition good, mostly 113; few higher. Idaho I"a!la. Idaho Shipments light. De mand moderate, market steady. Quality and cendltloa generally good, aome dry rot. torn field froated. Wegonloada. track side. Jturale and Ruaaetta. sacked, par cvt. most ly 1 K. M A.K EGO ET MAT HOLD STEADY tors go Btee-ke Hera Are) Cloorly Bold I p. Peultry Demand btrong. Erg dealers do not look for any material decline la prtcea la the Immediate future, Receipta aro gradually Increasing, but as a market factor this is offset by the sroall nesa of etorage etocka hare. The majority f a peculators have cleaned out tholr hold ings and the demand for storage eggs al the preasnt time ta more active than here tofore. Fresh Oregons ara moving moder ately well with torn Inquiry on shipping account. Current receipts were quoted on the street around 43 ceata. Candled etock waa generally held at a cent or two mora. The butter market waa ffrm. Country creamery waa In small supply and extras were quoted at 4"a cents. Poultry and dressed meats remain strong at exceptionally high prlcea. Retailers' stocks ef poultry were cloaaed ap entirely during the holidays and this ta causing a big demand (or tha limited quantities com ing In. ADVANCE E EASTERN CLIPPED OATS Bida fsa Yellow Cars) Ara Raised Pharply. Barley Lac hanged. One hundred tone of Eastern clipped oats wore sold at tho Merchants' Exchange yee torday at 836.30. aa advance of 60 cento aver the previous daye bid. Local eate were nnchanged at $39 offered. Iiarley bids were also nnchanged. Offers for yellow cegn were sharply higher. 104 30 being bid thla price la still materially under tha East ara parity. Wheat and flour ehlpmenta from North .America last week were a,031.vww bushels. against .2-il.0O0 buehela In the previous week. Argentina this week shipped 474. ooo bushsts to the United Kingdom and 4 ".OOO bushels to the Continent. Weather conditions In the Middle West. aa wired from Chicago: "Minneapolis, cloudy, cold. Winnipeg cloudy. 14. Duluth cloudy, mild. Chlaago cloudy, cold. Penrla clear, 11 Decatur clear. 14. Missouri. Kansaa. Iowa aad Nebraska clear. 14 to U Ohio cloudy. 10, Kentucky clear. 15 to 23.' Terminal receipts, la care, ware reported by the Merchants Exchange aa follows Wheat Barley Flour Oats liar I'oniana. r n . . a Year ago 7 iteaeoa to dale.3'l V.r ago aMi Tacoma. Thur. .... Veer ago 23 Feieon to date.elM Year agt 43US F-attle. Thur Year ago F'.iob to data. S273 Year ago 1.1 44 2.1 i a t io ITU 4f 70 1167 lis uj ua 1213 "' M .... 174 inn ll .... 230 127J : s 4 it 1I 72 one sua 243 7s . 2420 OKEGOX OMO.VS ARB BllfrrEO OCT rtrat Car la Ba Moved Hlncw Fail Market la Heady Two cars of Oregon onions have been shipped to the South, tha first to ba moved out of the state for about two months. ' It la believed tha movement will continue reg ularly from now on. though heavy ehlp- ments ara not looked for In the Immediate future. The main outlet will ba California and tha Southwest. Trade with tho East Is not anticipated aa tha crops In that section were much better than a year a no. There are between 2O0 and 2-3 care ef Oregon onlone In first hands. During tha warm sp-ll In December there was consid erable shrinksge In some sections. Tha current quotation la el. 73 at ship ping points. a F"!r-4 Khaharb Is Received. The first rhubarb of tha season wag re ceived yeetorday la a mixed car of vege tables from Loo -Angelca It sold at f2.73 a box. There was a good demand for oranges at tha recently advanced prices. Apples are moving out fairly well, with the bulk of sales at S 1 to ft AO a box. Bank Clearings. Rank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday wre aa follows: leanngs. BalaBeee. Mi.:.-..' 1.02t.7s lit.;,;;. 2U7.40J Port'and . 1.1. 1 .Vt.eev Hfatt'O 4..1.113 Ta.oma 7IU.vj buokaae 1.344.M.7 rOKTLAND MARKET QIOTATIOXS Cralai. Feed. Iloar, Eta. Merchants' Exchange, noon aoasloal January delivery; Oats a Bid. Tr. ago. No. j white feed lon.oo -u..i0 Standard feed !l 30 otanJird -V brewing &7.30 33.00 "Kid io tla) : Oate. Na 2 .S.t'J.OO Iterley, feed ....................... . 34 Uer.ry. browing r.eitern oils and corn in ou.x: Oats No. I whits 33.00 id. uo aA''). capped white Corn- No. 3 yellow ....................... So. 3 mixed (14 30 oo.oo 4XO dayai: Oats. No. 1 K.'.'.O Outs, clipped 31. orn. VO..OW ........................ BJ. Corn, mixed oo.uu WHEAT Bulk basis Portland for No. 1 grade: Hard white tilueetem. Early Bart. Allen. Oa.guiua, Martin Amber, e-u. oll bito c'aiuuae biuoatem. lortytoid. w hite Valley, tio.d Coin. hue Kusslon. (H.0J. White club l.lttle club, Jenkins club, white bybrule. aonora. JiuL Red Walla Red Huesian. red hybrids. Junes (Ke, Coppel. 91.Ua. No. 2 grade, lie leaa. No. a grade ao mm Other grades hsndld by samp, a FLOL R Patents. io: Valley. K tMj; whole beet. f0; graham. 111. Mli-LFKED Not mill prices, car lots: Rran.. llo per can: shorts, tii per ton: mtdU.lngs. Ili: tu.xed cars and less than carloads. 3ot more; . rolled barley, ftlOwa2; rolled oata $12.- COKN Whole, gTS: cracked. 370 per ton. II AY Ituylng prlrea f. o. b. Portland: Eastern Oregon timothy. 127 per ton: Val ley timothy. $J3t-'l alfalfa. 323.30: Valley grain hay. (24: clover.' (2; straw. i Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 494.e; prime first a. 4c Jobbing prices: Prints, extras. 52 b 33c; cartons, lo extra; buttorfat. No. 1. 50R7e delivered. Eiit-is I'rexon ranch, current receipts. 4li0 43o; candled, 40i 47c; Selects, 60c per doi.n. CHEF'5 Jobbers buying prices, f. o. b, dock. Portland: Tillamook trip, eta, 23c; Young Americas. 24o per pound ; longhorna, 34c Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point: Triplets, 22 Sc; Young Americas. 23 tie psr pound. . POULTRY Hens. 2.1i24c; Springs. 23 023c; ducks. 2't-ic: geese. 13frl7c: tur keve. live. 2'ti27Sc: draaed. choice. 35c VEAL Fancy, 17t.4ilSo per pound. I'uitK Fancy. 2o(r20Vlo per pound. t Fruits aad egetab!ea. Local Jobbing quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels. $!4.'o: Japanese. 82.23tr2.35; lem ons. 37ajS per hoe; bsnanaa, 6c per pound: grapefruit. S3 a. 73: tangerines. 82.23 per box. VEGETABLES Tomstoes. $29260 per crate: rabbage. intrude per pound: let ture, $2v2.23 per crate; cucumbers, $l.33it 1.75 per doxen: peppers. 17 c per uound: r-tull'.ower, 82 per crate: sprouts. 10 trite per pound: artlrhokea. S3crM. 10 per pound: garlic, ifgbo per pound sqitsKh, mi per pound: pumpkin. 2o per pound; celery, 3S..6Cf4.Jo par crate, MACK VfclUE TA BI.BS L'arrots. 81.28 per sack: beet a II a0jLi3; turnips. $L60; pars, aipa Sl.50itl.73. PoTAToKS iregon. $1.2591.30 per hun dred: naktms, S1.50QL73; sweet potatoea. 4Sfl4o per pound. ON'loNS Oregon. Buying price, $L78 par hundred. t.itntN FRUIT? Apples, $12.23; pears. $2-23: grapes. Be per pound: era a berries. LAatern, $19.&0rl9 per barrel: per Simmons, $J per box; pomegranates. $X23 per box. Staple Grorariea. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR dark basis: Fruit and berry, H 10. boot. vl0; extra C $7.70; powdered. In barreia t'J.eo: cubes, in Barrels. $0.83. SAL.J40N Columota River, 1-pound tall $3.23 per doxen; one-half Lata, $2; 1-pound Lata tJSO. NUTS Walnuts. 23c: Braxll nuts. l21e filberts. 22t23c: almonds. 19tf2uc; peanuts, loot He; cooanuta $1.10 per doxen; pecans. 1? Strive; cheatnuta. 30c. HtA.S.-. Ca.lfornia. Jobbing prtcea: Small. 14ec: bayoua 11c; pink. l0Vc: Oregon, beans, buying prices: While, bvc; colored, COFFEE Roasted. In drams. 17933c. SALT tiranuiated. $10.73 per ton; half, ground, looe. $18 per ton; 60s, $16 per ton, dairy. $IH.7S per ton. RICE boutbern bead. 1984c per pound; blue roee, c; Japonreo style. 7uy7Vc URlxlU FitUITS Apples. lSHc peachea llolJc: prunes. Italian, HHIllUc: raieins. e3c$3 par box: dates, fard. $Z.30trS per box; currants, tuc; tigs. iiu.iu psr bog. Provisions. HAMS All sixes, choice. 33c; standard. 32c; sklnnsd. lligix, picnics. 23c; cot lace rolls. 2ec. LARD Tierce basts, standard, pure. 29ac: compound. lt"t. BACON eancy. esvesc; standard. 41 0 43c; choice. 33 u 41c DRY SALT abort clear backs, 80034c; sxporta, 31 41 34c; plates. Xdu2c Hide and Pelt a HIDES Salted hides. 28 iba and up, 13c: Ited stags. 30 Iba and up. 12c: exited and eon kip. 13 to 23 Iba. 13c; oa.ted and green calf. 10 to 13 Iba. 21c; green hides. 3 Iba ana up. J4c; green stags. , loa. and up. 10c; dry llint niaea, -oc; ury Hint ca.I. up to 7 Iba. 2c: dry salt hides, ile; dry horse hides. $1.2391.50; aalted horse hides. $JU4. PELTS ory long wool pens. se: cry short wool pel 'a 23c; salted pelts, January takeoff. $2,306 S.30. Hops.1 Wool, F.to. HOPS 1917 crop. 130180 per pound; 191 crop, nominal. WOOL Eastern Oregon. S0B60e per pound; Volley. 60953a per pound; Valley lamo. 439 30c MOHAIH Long staple, full year, 60c; e months. 403oc; curry. 83 U 40c CASCAKA HAHk New end old. lUSSc per pound. tallow no. l. 140 par pound; No. a. 12c per pound. Olla. GASOLINE Bulk. !0e; caass. 29c. naptha. druma. loc; casea 2Kc; engine dtstli ate. drums. 10Hc; cssea 10c. JNSEED OIL Raw, barrels. S1JU: $1 44: boiled, barre.a, $1.80; caeca $1.40. TUKI'L.Ml.M. la tanks, 63; In casea 75c GHANOES ARE WH Confusing Reversals In Wall Street Stock Trading. DAY'S LOSSES ARE NOMINAL Unsettlcmenb of Market Starts With Issuance of President's Message. Rails Decline, rosing Early CainsBonds Irregular. NEW YORK. Jan 4. Trading In stocks today was charactt-rTxed by a succession of contusing reversals, the list recording no osa than half a doxen advances and dec.lnea. Lower quotations prevailed at tho close. Im portant lasuea showing a preponderance of losses, for the most part nominal. l neettlemenl started with the Issuance of tho President's message dealing with Fed eral control of the ral. roads. Although h;s recommendations on this Important question were In lino with popular expectations, rain Immediately declined 1 lo 3 points, wiping out most jtslns In that quarter. united Mates Steel, which aaaln contrib uted heavily to tho day's -fairly large turn over, fluctuated between IrDVs and W4, closing at a net lose of a point. Coalers and Pacifies were the stronrest features of tha transportation division, but extreme gains or 2 to 4 points were mate rially reduced or entirely forfeited at the na. Pools were again active tn specialties. notably motors, but failed to enllat outside support. I unties were heavy throughout. American Telephone losing almost d Dolnta, Total sales amounted to Itl.l.ooo shnres. Bonds were Irregular with weakness In some Junior rslla Liberty 4s sold at t7 to BA.U0 and tho 3Hs t KS.S0 to OS. 70. Total lea,- par value, aggregated It.230.tXto. United Btatee bonds, old Issues, were nn- changsd on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. 6'M) 7.4'kJ 2.0110 6.700 "S00 12.300 2.200 ia.;io 2.300 2.3O0 10.4OO 1.0O0 111 Ml 9.3110 6. OOO 12.MM1 4.400 4"0 4.600 "800 12.700 10.OIH) 10.NOO 6.20 5.400 2.1. Ml 9.500 Mini 1.800 2.000 23.1 no 2. OOO l.l'OO 1.1IMI S.5O0 "4116 8.300 1.20JO 6, 5io 700 60 10.7OO 200 High. 73 40s 72 57(4 Low. Ltd. Am Peet Suga. . Am Can Am Car A Fdry.. Am lxcomotivo. Am Sin A Rerg.. Am Sugar Re:g.. Am Tel A Tel... Am Z L A 8 Anaconda Cop. Atchleon A O W I 8 fl L. Halt A Ohio 74 80 70 60 )s 74 71 V 64V 73V 90 V 1"0 13V 62 1-3 pa 6 J I'JS 13 io6" 90 13V 62 85 Ti 62-, 10-, 13 H'O 60 61 43, 95 21 "37" 82 65 80 V 34V 10 1.12S 112 so 20V 4t" 84 V 2V, 27 17 Si "i'rt 81 .10 21 71 1SV 72 !, 82 10:1 a 85 . 100 103 16 6-1 , 87 lot 63 'i . 20 W MAS Copper... Calif I'etrvl Canadian Paclf.. Central Leather. Ches A Ohio Chi 3111 A St P.. Chi A N W ('Hit Pctfs... Chlno Copper. . . Colo Fu Iron. . .. Corn Prod Refg.. Crucible steel. .. Cuba Cane sug..., lost securities.. Erie Oeneral Electric tleneral Motors.. :t North pfd. . .. lit Nor Ore ctfs.. Illinois Central.. Inspiration Cop. Int M M ptd Int Nickel Int Paper K C Southern. .. Kennecott Cop. . 14 140 BS'i 54 7V 63 22 "is" " . 88 6A 82 , 83 L, lot, 1.14 V 117V I'OV 28 4SH 20 S 2 I, 14 32 i 27ti' 4V 80 24 73 10 -71 82 S ins 'i 87 1110 00 c. 44 P4", 21 42 37 32 CO 30 sv 10 132 114 911 20 V B4V 47 85 V 21 27 17S 81. 112 27 Louis A Nash. . .. Maxwell Motors. Mexican Petrol.. Miami Copper. .. Missouri Pacific 81 i 80 23 71 IS 81 1"4 80 24 16 40 40 23 73 79 IH 84 211 V SO 14.1 ll-'H 117 94 100 81 Montana Power.. Nevada Copper., New York Cent.. N T N H A II.... Norfolk A West. Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pao Tel A Tel... . Pennsylvania. .. 8.3O0 2.600 8.100 46 46 Pittsburg Coal. ... Ray Consol Cop.. Reading Rep Ir A Steel. .. 1.900 TV ono 4.SOO 2.0O0 8.100 7..MH) 11.0110 .1.000 21.5' 23-V 7 SO 37 85 24 52 i 14.". 117 120 10 i 1"SV 82 22 86 23 74 70 17 83 23 60 -142 113 118 94 lov ,81 U ' 22 86 Shaft Arix Cop. . Southern Psclfla. Southern Ry. ... Studebaker Cor.. Texas Company. Union Pacific U 8 Ind Alcohol. 1.3HO U 8 Steel 29.'l.40 do pfd 1.5O0 rtsh Copper. . .. 4.700 Wabash pfd B... 1.100 Western Union.. 200 80 41 Westing Elect... 2.100 42 41 Total sales for the day, 915.000 sharea BONDS. IT S ref 2s rer. . 16l P 4s... 84 K0 PI 99 R 9! ITS ref ; -ou. . ll'V P .la. I 3s reg.... 'DO Pao TAT 6s.. IT 3 Ss.cou.... 104 ll4 R.I 60 93 Pen oon 4s... Union Pao 4s... 11 S Stoel 6s I'S 4s reg Its 4 cou Atrh gen 4s. . . S P cv 5s Anglo Fnch 8s. . 80 D A R U ref 6s. N Y Cen deb lis. :7. U S Lib Ss.. Si Bid. Mining Storks at Beaton. BOSTON, Jan. . 81 . 11V1 .'losing quotations were: Alloues ...... Arix Com Cnl A Arix.... Cal A Heo.... Centennial . . . Cop It Con Co Kant Butte... Franklin , 3ranby Con.., Lake Cop iMohawk 64 14 North Butte1., . 64 . 450 . 13 71d Pom , 44 fiO Osceola ...... ulney ....... Shannon ...... Superior ...... 72 5 6 11 47 10 4 Utah Cons . 7 6 (Vlnona , 1 S3 vVolverino .... Money, Exchange. Ete. NEW YORK. Jan. 4. Mercantile paper, 3 3 per cent. Sterling 60-day bills. $4 71; eomfrrerrlal 60-day bills on banks, $4.71; commercial 60-day bills. $4.70; demsnd. $4.73 cables, $4.76 7-16. Francs, demand, 8.73; cables, 6 71. Oulldors, demand. 43; cables. 43. Llres, demand. 8.44; cables. 8.42. Rubles, nemano, lie ; cables, 13. Itar sllvar. 8 e per ounce. Mexican dollars. 72c. Government bonde eteady, railroad bonds Irregular. Time loans firm; 60 days, 90 days and six months, 6V96 per rent. Call money easy. High, 4 per cent; low. 2 per cent: ruling rate, 4 per cent; clos, Ing bid. 3 per cent; offered at S per cent last loan, S per cent. LON'DOX, Jan. 4, Bar Oliver, 44 d per ounce. Discount rates Short bins, 8 81-83 per cent; three-months' Mils, 4 1-32 per cent. Hop, Etc at New York. NEW YORK. Jan. A Hops, hides and wool unchanged. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Jan. A Evsporated apple. dull; pruuea stes.ly; peaches, quiet. HOG BUN IS LIBERAL PRICES FIRM AT YARDS GOOD DEMAND. WITH Ileal Grades of Cattle Maintain Farmer Ftm Position, bat Foor quality la Weakv Trading at the yarda waa on a more active scale. There was a good run of 25 car during the day. Hoge continued the firm feature ot the day' business, with the bulk of sales at $15.60. Top quality cattle were firm, but the lower grades dragged and tho market for tnee had a weaker undertone. Receipts were 853 cattle, 6 calves. 1338 hogs and 98 sheep. Shipper were: With hog Lebanon .Meat Market. Leb anon. 1 load; Edward Bros., Monroe, i load; C. II. Farmer, McCoy, 1 load; D. Bunnell. Medford, 1 load; Grover Broa, Ontario. 1 load. With cattle W. Jones, St. Helena si head: C. A. Adams. Clifton, 63 head; J. Pal mer. Welser, 1 load. With mixed loads MrMahon A Frum. Halsey. 1 load cattle and hogs; Hout A nodgrasa, Crabtree. 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep; Lee Miller, Jefferson, 1 load cattle and hogs; C. E. Luck. Molalla, 1 load cat tle and hogs; L. A. Thomas, West Staytoa. 1 load cattle and hogs; W. w. Eddlngton, Gold HIM, 1 load hogs and sheep; J. K. Cooke, Balls ton, 1 load cattle, hog and sheep; Ticket Bros.. Welser, 1 load cattle and noes; Sol Dickerson, 2 losds cattle and hogs; W. A. Ayrea. Laweon. 8 loads cattle and hogs; lie L. McFadden. liarrisDurg. load cattle, calves and hogs; Lee Meller, Al bany, 2 loads cattle, calves, hogs and sheep; E. J. McNutt, Lawson, 1 load cattle and hogs. Tba day's sales were as follows: Wt. Price.! Wt Price. 2steers.. Hilt 5 5u lhog.... 140(14.00 1 steer... 440 4.501 2 hogs... 2H 14.00 6 cows... bos 4.75 12 hogs... 144 14.00 lcow.... poo o.scjiil hogs... 231 13 BS lcow.... 7h0 6.231 3 hogs... 313 14.63 7 cow.... 820 4.50102 begs... l'.'l 15.00 lcow.... 1230 6.231 2 hogs... 850 14. H0 lcow.... 910 .25il3hoRS... 143 14.00 lcow.... 70 4 30! 8 hogs... 144 14.00 2 cows... S3 8 KO'34 hogs... 1S2 15.60 2 cows... 8S0 -J.23 SO bogs... 102 13.60 lcow.... 60 4.00 61 hogs... 201 10.00 lcow -'0 4.00124 hogs... 153 14.00 2 cows... t'10 f.3ll! 4 bogs... Si'O 15.33 lcow.... huO 4.00115 hogs... ll'H 14.00 4 cows... 6T 3.751 2 hogs... 240 14.00 Tcows... 0110 4.73! 2 hogs... 230 13.65 Scows... 8.3 4.00 20 steers..' U42 S.50 lcow.... pr,0 6 00 lsteer... 930 8.00 lcow.... 6t0 6.00114 steers. . IOh'J 0.10 lcow.... 710 3.731 0 steers.. 042 7.00 lcow.... 1070 5.251 lcow.... 910 6.73 lbull.... 12?0 B.75I lcow.... b.-0 6.00 lbull.... 1010 6.001 lcow.... 830 6.00 2 heifers. 750 5 151 lcow.... 740 8.00 lcalf... 1.10 7.501 lcow.... 1070 650 47 hogs... 1S3 15.001 lcow.... 830 8 50 2hos... 880 14.6010 cowa... 1020 7.60 2hoits... 240 15.7HI lcow.... 050 T.OO 2 hogs... 200 15.051 Scows... 63 8.73 2 hogs... 300 13.7(1 lcow.... 810 6.0 7Shogs... 201 13.601 8 cows... 1076 6.75 21 hogs... 175 15.60114 cows. .. 94 8 6.45 flhogs... 413 14 501 6 cows... 074 8.50 3hOES... 8S 14.50' lcow OlO 7 50 Phogs... 13.1 14.00! 1 cow.... P30 5.25 8 hogs... 83 14.30 Scows... . 723 7.50 21 hoge... 174 13 50) lcow.... 7!) 5.50 64 hogs... 2S 15 001 3 calves.. 110 10.00 2hOKS... 4 MO 14 601 a bulls... 1325 0.00 6 bogs... 140 14.001 Quotations at the yards follow: Cuttle Price. Medium to choice steers....... .$ 9.75-3,10.50 8.75 V 9.63 7.254 8.40 . 7.00 4 7.83 6.75i 7.35 3.00 y 5.50 - 4.50ir 7.00 7.0010.00 6.00 if 8.00 Good to medium steers........ Common to good steers ....... Choice cows and beltrrs Com. to good cows and heifers.. Canners ....................... Hulls , Calves , Storkers and feeders.. Hogs Prime light Prime heavy ................. . Pics 15.50 M 5.00 IS. 60 vr 15.65 13.5014.50 13.0013.50 12 50 r,t 13.00 12.00 312.50 11.75V 12.25 Sheen Western lambs Valley lambs Yearlings ...... Wethers Ewes 8.00 4 10.00 DESTINATIONS OF STOCK LOADED Shipments En Boat to Leading Livestock Markets of Country. Destination of livestock loaded January S. (Carloads reported west of Allegheny Moun tains; double-decks counted as two cars.) Reported by Bureau of Markets, North i'oruanu. . Cattle. HonmaMlxed CalveaHogs.Sheep.Mules. Stock Atlanta 1 10 Austin liuitimore ..... Roston Buffalo Cedar Rapids Chicago Cincinnati .... Cleveland ..... 20 17 111 10 10 476 21 20 21 19 33 192 18 94 5 88 1 21 83 1 8 134 20 61 "45 9 10 8 7" SI 18 o 163 28 11 "ii 11 157 S 10 s 894 11 o 7 42 10 ' 88 72 20 3.1 158 S3 "m 132' 8 25 17 13 7 " St 52 11 10 8 "i 4 "io 80S "i "'i .... .... .... 83 13 68 !.! "io 1 - '"i "ii "is .... s 2 .... 1 40 10 so 6 19 26 '"a '"i 88 1 16 "' .... 1 .... ...j .. 60 o .... .... .... .... . ... . IT 8 .... "... ... 2 .... .... 107 130 8 320 258 350 319 224 210 4H8 273 273 Cudahy Ionver ....... Detroit K. St. Louis... FL Worth .... Indianapolis . .. Jersey City .... Kansas City .. 1a Angeles .., Mason City ... New York .... Cigden Oklahoma City. Omaha ........ ottumwa ..... Peoria Philadelphia . . PittHburgh .... Portland Pueblo Richmond ..... St. Joaeph .... St. Paul San Francisco Seattle Sioux City .... Sioux Falls Spokane ....... Tacomii ....... Wheeling Wichita Varloua Totals 1771 2im One week ago.,1408 1S5S Four wks ago.. I860 1818 Htnte .orlKlns of livestock loaded, January S, 1818: Cattle. Horses.Mtxed Calves-Hogs. Sheep. Mules. Stock. For Portland Oregon Washington ... To'lN Portland One week ago. . Four wks ago... For Soattle ""f Idaho Oregon To'ls Seattle. 10 One week ago..... 1 .... .... 1 Four wks ago.. 4 Eastern Meat Trade Condition. Report on Rnstern meat trade conditions January A (8:30 A. M. Eastern time): Beef. BostonBeef. fresh: Receipt liberal, practically all car arriving from two to four days late, market dull, demand light. Kosher beef: Receipts moderate, market steady, de mand fair. New York Beef, fresh: Many cars will not arrive In time for this week' market. recelDts adeauate. more medium and com mon grade cattle arriving, market quiet and a little draggy, early trade extremely light. Kosher chuck and plates: Supply normal, market steady, demand good. Hinds and ribs: Supply adequate, market steady, de mand fair. Steers: Receipts show wider range in auHlttv. market quiet. rTomand alow. Philadelphia Beef, fresh: Receipts mod erate, will not clean up. market quiet, de mand light. Kosher beef: Supply moderate mnrket nuiet. demand a little slow. Steers: Receipt moderate, market eteady on better grades, around 60 cent lower on r- mrtmn rrad.x demand light. Washington Beef, fresh: Receipts liberal, several car on tho track not unloaded, mar ket barely eteady, demand alow, rattler very draggy. . .Ntrera : Receipt heavy, demand light, mar kct fairly steady. Pork. Boston Car all late, very light upply on hand, demand Improving, market $2 higher on light loin, other cut steady to firm. York SuddIt adequate, many de layed cars, demand llghL market unchanged Philadelphia supply ugni, uam.uu no-u... ai..dv to strong on loins. Washington Receipts light, demand good. market steady at yesterday cioe. Lamb. Boston Receipts heavy, some ear arriv ing late, others will not 00 unioauoo. u. .un,l ll.ht. market dull. Xew York Receipts or gooa tamo muurr- ate liberal supply 01 meuium nu wmm.11 grades, demsnd slow for all kinds, market drsggy on the poorer grades. Philadelphia supply noerni, win u. clean UP. demand llgnt, maraei sieauy 1. lower. wi.hln.lAK-jiudd r iioerai. uemuiu poor. arket In bad ehape. price about $1 lower with most ale lorcea. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Jan. V Hogs Receipts. 12.- 000 market 5c nigner. neavy, t.i,iii.,i.j, mixed. $16.23 18.40; light, $18 20 18.43; 1016: bulk of sales, $16.25 16.40. Cattle K OCeiOta. isiro, m". !,.- Kative steers, sb.okitjo; raw. anu k.ir.ra 17010 601: Western steer, $7.50 11 -ji- Texas steers. $7010: cows and heifers. tA unAfl csnners. A5.50o.00: stoeaers nd feodera in atiDU coiveo, ev. li n m. . j. - j -11- Hheep Receipts, louv. . til. 76918.75: wethers. xilTi-.ou; rwea, aiu 61150; ixmat, io,ingig.u. Chicago Livestock Market. ruir'ir.n Jan. A Hoa Receipts, 28, 000. strong. 15c to zoc anove yesteruays overage. Bulk. $16 80 16.60: light. $15.60 16.50; mixed. $16 16.70; hesvy. $16 16.70: .b xiAcsiA 20: pga 112S15. . r-ftle KecelDts. DUUU. steauy. - n.u.. steers. 87.50W 13.0": locaero ana i. $6 6ii10.40: rows and heifer. $5.8091140: calves. $8 S016. ' gheep Receipts. Tooo, teaay. niioiix, $D.3513.2Q; lamhs. $13.25 9 17.10. Naval Store. ' SAVANNAH. Gs, Jan. A Turpentine, firm, 43c; sales, 217 barrels: receipts, 3 'is parrels: shipment. T8 barrels; stock. 28,--800 barrels. Rosin, firm: sale. oo oarrei; receipts. 19.19 barrels: shipment. 1837 barrels: stock, 86.7S9 barrela Quote: B, D, E, F. G. $6.10 tr6.17: H, $8.13f86.17; I. $8 1508.20: W. $8.1096.85; M. $7; N, $7.28! WQ. $7.45: WW, $7.55. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Jan. 4. Metal Exchange quotes lead firm. Spot, 6.75W7C. Spelter easy. (spot. 7.i:'(f i.oic. Duluth Linseed Market. DTJLTJTH, Jan. 4. Linseed, $3.53 8.65; January. $3.53 bid: May, $3.49 asksd; July, $3.10; October, $3.30 asked. MUCH WHEAT SAVED Surplus, if Possible, Will Accumulated. Be FLOUR GRADE IS CHANGED Sixteen 3IlIIion Bushels Added to Supply by Latest Stilling Regu lationsLower feed Prices Great Public Benefit. wnne reports of the Agricultural De pxrtment indicate the harvesting In this country during the present crop year of very large quantities of all kinds of cereals, the Incre ing difficulties of transportation "JO uncertainty of the future em phaslze the Importance of providing eur. pluses during times of plenty to meet any possible contingencies which might occur ater. i-roceeding on this theory, the Food Ad ministration, milling division, is bending every ertort to effect a maximum savlna in wheat products to the end that ample supplies may be available for home, war ana ainea requirements and if possible accommodate any suroluses anlmt fume. needs. The following statement haa been issued by tho Food Administration: Food Administration regulations ara now being issued to the trade whereby flour millers of the country will be limited In i the amount of wheat from which a barrel of flour must be manufactured, and to the grades of flour which must be produced tnererrom. Through these measures a sav ing of considerably more than 18.000,000 ousneig of wheat can be effected without seriously changing tho present quality of the flour or inconveniencing the consuming puoue. ins announcement of these new Food Administration regulations the mill ing division emphasises tbe wisdom of all food producing Industries arranging to co- operate with the Food Administration once in effecting economics in all foodstuffs. especially those that can be readily ex t, .i . ""W" ot an Kinaa or cereal are very " is me part 01 wisdom to bring these into proper consumption and "nliln istration is conrident that the slight changes made necessary In ithe character of wheat uour aa a result ot tne new mllllne ree- ulatlons will be accepted by tho American people In the spirit of conservation, and that in this acceptance they will appreciate tnai tney are doing their part la aiding the Government's efforts. Delays In transportation which have prevented the free movement: of coarse grains have maintained the price of these cereals at nigh levels. Inasmuch aa mill feeds normally reflect the price of these coarse grains, the values of this latter com modity have been extremely hls-h. The results of these high prices, together with the high price of other coarse grains, would unquestlonaDly lead to the feedlna- to live stock of the neaes&ary and vital wheat sup plies. 11 nas, tnereiore, oeen considered ad vlsable that the maximum prices for mill feed be established on a basis relative to tne cost or wheat. This will result In a very marked reduction In price, which. It Is hoped, will be reflected in lowering the prices of milk and other dairy products as anon as its eltects shall be felt in large aairy centers. CHICAGO CORN STRONG TENDENCY TO ADVANCE IS APPAR ENT FROM OUTSET. Receipt Are Light, Notwithstanding; Improvement la Railroad Traffic. Oats at Itecord Price. CHICAGO. Jan. 4. Fresh strength devel oped- In the corn market today, owing largely to scantiness of receipts. The market closed flrm, c to 4o net higher at $1.27 for January and $1.234 1.25 for May. Oats finished unchanged to &-o up and provl sions uncnangea to a decline of lc. Almost from the outset corn prloes di played a tendency to advance. Notwith standing that traffic conditions on the rail roads were said to have Improved to some extent, the fact remained that no substan tlal Increase of arrivals here had yet taken place, ana tne country offerings were not large. On the other hand, big Quantities of soft corn appeared to be still awaiting dis posal on the part of rural holders. Advances kept, therefore, within moderate limits. Oat climbed to the highest point yet this season, and finished at the topmost level reached. Demand from short was persistent ana receipts were meager. Despite higher prices in the hog market. upturns In provisions were more than wiped out. slowness 01 casn demand -was a bearish factor. Leading futures ranged as follows: , . CORN. Open. ....$1.20 .... 1.25 High. $1.27 Low. $1.26 Close, Jan. May $1.27 1.234 1.2a 1 1.-5 OATS. .70 .77 Jan May .79 .76 .70 .76 .707, .77 MESS PORK. Jan. 45.30 43.25 44.75 45.S0 44.60 May .46.00 45.15 LARD. 23.80 24.17 Jan. .23.78 .24.07 23.65 24.00 23.C5 24.07 May SHORT RIBS. ..23.60 23.60 23.27 ..24.07 24.15 23.87 Jan. 23.S7 23.97 May Cash prices were: Corn No. 2 yellow, low. $1.77. nominal; No. i yel- Oats No. 3 white, 81S2i0. Rye No. 2. $1.84. Barleys $1.401.50. Timothy $5 7.60. Clovel $20ijj26. - Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. A Barley, $1.27 1.57. , Flax $3.6193.65. Grain at San F'ranclsoo. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 4. Spot quota tions Feed barley. $2.02.b3; whit oats, $2.8592.00; nrrtlfeed. nominal. call ooara parley, iay. .sa asaea. WOOL TRADING AT BOSTON IS SMALL All Interest Centers In Australian Auction Sale. BOSTON, Jan. 4. Th Commercial Bulle tin will say tomorrow: Business lu wool haa been very dull during tho past week, everyone waiting for the wool auctions, which occurred on Thursday. Ex, copt for the auction sales little ha been done in private trading, what nas been sold haa been at unchanged prloes and manufacturers report no change worthy .pf note. The -annual canvass of the unsold stocks of wool throughout the country, made .by the Commercial Bulletin as of January 1. shows total stocks In .dealers' hands of 80,- &JJ,827 .pounds, compared with 78,805,484 pounds of January 1, 1917. Tho Boston stocks in - dealers' hands went 84,900,130 pounds In addition to 1.294,696 pounds of tops and 2,644,191 pounds of noils this year. compared with total stock last year of 41, 099,484 pounds. Uhlo. ana Pennsylvania fleeces Delaine washed, 83y85c; delaine unwashed. 75&76c; half-blood combing, 7797Sc; three-eighths-blood combing, 77c. Michigan and New York fleeces Fine un washed, 6364c; delaine unwashed, 73c; half-blood unwashed, 75 Q 76c: three-eighths- blood unwashed, 70977c. Wisconain, Missouri and average New Eng land Half-blood. 70972c; three-elghths-blood, 7676c; quarter-blood, 74 76c. Virginia, Kentucky and similar Half- blood, unwashed. 77978c; three-elghtha-blood, unwashed, 78 9 79c. Scoured basis Texas fine 12 months. $1.68 91.72: fine 8 months. $1.55 91.60. California Northern, $1.7091.75: Middle County, $1.5591.60; Southern. $1.4591.60. Oregon Lastem No. 1 staple. $1.8091.83: Eastern clothing, $1.6091.60; valley. No. 1. $1.6561.70. Territory Fine staple. $1.8091.85: half. blood combing $1.76 9 L80: - three-eighth. MORRIS BROTHERS. INC. Established 25 Years Railway Exchange Building Portland, Oregon OREGON MUNICIPAL BONDS Tax Exempt " YIELDING FROM 5 TO. 6 w ' blood, combing, $1.451.50; fine clothing, tl.31.C3; fine medium, clothing,. $1.55 1.60. .Pulled Extra, $1.801.85; AA, $1.70O 1.80; A supers. $1.601.66i' . SAN FBANCISCO' . PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Eggs, Vegetables. Fresh Fruit, Etc-, at Bay ijity. . SAX FRANCISCO. Jan. 4. Butter Ex tras solid packed cubes, 609520; prime firsts, 603?51c: one-pound square, wrapped. S31g: one-nound luuara caxtona. 1 55 56c; two-pound square, wrapped, 64e; two-pound square cartons, &4&53o; prime firsts, two-pound squares, wrapped, 51c: one-pound square, wrapped,-51 c. Eggs Fresh extras, 59 c; fresh extra pul lets, 62c. Cheese New firsts not quoted. Toung Americas, California, 27 c. Poultry Hens, 251926c: roosters. 16317c; fryers, 2720c; broilers, 80$35c; squabs, $2.303.50; pigeons, $1.5061.76; geese, 18 l20c; turkeys, hens, 3234c. Vegetables Squash, cream, $11.15; hub- to oara, i; eggplant. 8s)10c; peppers, bell, peas, 6 5? 8c: tomatoes. ?A0c: oo $1.251.50; lettuce, $1.3501.60: celery, 12.2562.75; potatoes, Balinas. $2.60 ii 2.75; sweet, $3.75; onions, Australian brown, $2.25; garlic, 85o; cucumbers, $2r2.25; beans, string, 1215c; lima, 1012c: pumpkins, $1; carrots, $1; beets, $1.50; tur nips. 75c$1.25; rhubarb, $1.502. Fruit Grapes. Cornlchon, $1.25 1.50; pears. Winter Nellls. $11.o0; cusabas, 73c ffll.50; strawberries, $68; lemons, Jo 0.50; persimmons. 75cta$1.75: grapefruit. $2.75f3; oranges, navels. $4.505.23; tan gerines, $1.503.2o; bananas, llawaiian 8 10c; pineapples Hawaiian 67c; ap ples, Bellefleur, $11.25; Newtown Pippins, OcwJl.lu; olives, 9(0 12c; pomegranates, $1.602. Hay Wheat and wheat and est, $26 tame oat, f2627.50; barley, $24926: aV talfa. $2418127; barley straw, uoi&yoc bale. Mlllfeed Cracked corn and feed corn meal, $8687; alfalfa meal, carload, $32 at cocoanut meal, $44.50. Flour $10.80 per barrel, - Receipts Flour, 6418 quarters; barley, K4SS centals; beans, 1108 sack; potatoes. 6100 sacks; onions, 60 sacks; bay, 160 tons I hides, 420; wine, 18,200 gallons, I . RETARDED BTCOLD WAVE Manufacturing Operations Suspended Many Eastern Points. NEW YORK. Jan. A Bradstreet's . to morrow will say: i Post-holiday Influences Inventorying. In tensely cold weather East and South, an neavy snows at the west nave made for quiet week In ordinary distributive trade, and weather, plus coal and car shortage, nave curtailed manufacture and Industry, This latter condition appear most acute In the North Atlantic States, the co Ides weather ever recorded having special effect In and near New York, where tho coal shortage caused the closing of many office buildings on several days, the suspension of many Industries, tha crippling of edu catlonal and charitable institutions and th, shutting down even of war industries, not' ably shipyards. Similar conditions aro re ported east of the metropolis, some mu nltlon centers la New ngland being badly crippled. This slowing down of industry and trade has allowed a good deal of retrospection and a fair amount of prediction as to the future. The annual reports to Bradstreets from over 100 cities are almost a unit In reporting an increase in the value of both wholesale and retail trade In 1017 over 1016, the gains being outstripped, however, by th Increases In output of manufacture and in dustry. which was, of course, stimulated by ar work and a very full volume of do mestic demand. Weekly bank clearings were $5,749,218,000. COFFEE FUTURES ADVANCE SHARPLY Very Few Frexh Offer Are Reported In .Market From BraxiL NEW TOBK, Jan. 4. The market for coffee futuree showed Increasing strength and activity today. An opening advance of 5 to 11 points met considerable profit tak' ing and there may also have been eome scattered trade selling on a theory that the reported Government arrangements for the use of neutral tonnage would help Impor tatlons. These offerings were well ab- I sorted on slight setbacks, however, and the market soon firmed up on continued buying by broker with Wall street and European connections. March sold up to 8.41c and September 8.91c, with the market closing at a net advance of 34 to 86 points, very few fresh' offers were reported from Braxil, and talk ot a firmer spot situation was one or the factors on the advance. Closing bids: January, 8.20c; March, 8.40c; May, 8.660; July. 8.72c; September, 8.90c; October, 8.07c December. 9.11c. Spot coffee firm; KIo 7s, vc; Santos es, 1040. A small lot of Santos 4s was re ported sold in ths cost and freight markets at 10.10c, London credits. The official cables reported an advance of 275 rels In the Rio market. Santos spots s 60 rels higher ana futures uncnangea 3 rels higher. Rio exchange on London. l-32d higher. Braxil port receipts, 62,000 bags. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 4. Raw sugar, steady, fentrifua-al. 6.06c: molasses, nominal. Re fined, steady. Fine granuiaiea, a.505. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Jan. 4. Butter, unchanged. ' Eggs, receipts 4687 cases, unchanged. HIGHWAY PETITION FILED Oregon. City Cutoff Wanted Through Farmer Smith's Dooryard. OREGON CITY, Jan. 4. (SpeclaL) Two hundred and eighty-six names are attached to av petition filed today for the establishment of a cut-off in the Portland and Oregon City highway through Grays Crossing. The proposed new road will make the main highway one-eighth of a mile shorter than the present road and will run in a direct line from near the end of uiacKamas bridge to the property of I. I Smith beyond the Chautauqua grounds. This is the third attempt that nas been made to secure the change in the highway, the two previous efforts having been defeated through remon strances, but it is said the present peti tion is so large that a remonstrance will be ineffective-. The line will cut through the property of Smith and G. Hansen and both of these farmers claim damages, as the proposed road cuts right through Smith.'s front yard. It is contended by the opponents of the new highway that the present road is satisfactory and wni have to be maintained, even if the .ur. marl Is established. The matter will come up at the February term of court. N BUEHNER OPTION EXPIRES ' s - W. J. Slattery' and Associates Unable to Take TJp Coos Bay Property. NORTH BEND, Or., Jan. 4. (Special.) It definitely was announced last night by Henry Buehner, of the Buehner Lumber Company, that the deal in which W. J. Slattery, of Port land, and, Eastern capitalists were in terested and' which provided for the purchase of the Buehner mill, ships and timber holdings, had definitely fallen through, the options, which covered a purchase price of $l,00,00v, having expired January 1, after an ex tension of one month had been granted by the local company. The Buehners are now carrying out an expansion project. Absorption of Drayag Canceled. SAJLEM, Or, Jan. 4. (Special.) The Hublib Service Commission today per mitted the Oregon Electric to cancel a provision in its tariffs whereby the railroad company absorbed drayage charges on shipments over the Oregon Electrio from industries on the lines of the Southern Pacific. . It is stated that the Oregon Electric, by absorbing euch drayage charges and paying them from, their revenues, won business away from tho Southern Pacific, but At the same time gave the industries on tho Southern Pacific lines an unfair advan- , tag over those on the Oregon Elec PAILY" CITY STATISTICS Births. PEZZTJOLI To Mr. and Mrs. Jo Pex tuoli. West Oregon, December 21, a daugh ter. CERIGHINO To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cerighino, 443 East Eighth, December 24, a son. GEMMA To Mr. and Sirs. Vlnr.nm Gemma, 400 Grand avenue, December 25, a daughter. SAVAGE To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sav age, 812 East Ninth. December 26, a Son. MUSCOLO To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mus colo'. 528. East Eighteenth, December 24, a daughter. PETROVICH To Mr. and Mrs. Mike Petrovich. 1770 East Drint. December 22. a daughter. AVAiNZl.NO To Mr. and Mr. Felice AVanzino, 845 East Twenty-sixth, Decem ber 25, a duughter. KEELE To Mr. and Mrs. Valdes William Keele. 880U Sixty-third avenue Southeast. December 27, a son. JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Johnson, 347 last Thirty-seventh, Decem ber 26, a son. KEENE To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred William Keene, 145 East .Eighty-seventh, December 2u, a son. DI ANGELO To Mr. and Mr. Adam Di Angelo, -700 Milwauklo avenue, December 11, a daughter. AMACHEK To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Amacher, 200 Grand, December 30, a son, RYAN To Sir. and Mrs. James J. Ryan, 675 East Gllsan, December 81, a daughter. BO YER To Mr. end Mrs. William C. Boyer, 840 Jackson, December 21, a son. JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. Lester F. Johnson, 165 Woods, January a son. SEKVEN ,To Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Ser ven. 638 Vancouver avenue, December 23. a daughter. J PEAHOUT To Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Pea body, 3418 Fifty-fifth street, January 1, a daughter. NELSON To Mr. and Mrs. Roy N. Nel son, 430 Glenn avenue, January 1. a daugh ter. 1 - - . Vancouver Marriage Licences. MORDEN-CLARK Ranslaer Morden. 22, of Portland, and Emeline Clara, 19, of Portland. - - COVNE-BPSE Rafael Coyne, legal, oc Portland, and Clara Buse. legal, of Port land. BUTLER-AUDE Frank M. Butler, 47, of Portland, and Mrs. Mae Aude, 42, of Port land. FULLER-LITTLE Charles clay r-uuer. 21, of Castle itock. Wash., and Uladys Lit tle, no, or uastie mock, wasn. nKMPSE y-kkenan John B. Dempsey. 84, of Tho Dalles. Or., and Ruby L. Keenan. 24, of The Dalles, Or. BURRla-STEWAKT Thomas n. nurns. 64. of Portland, and Mrs. Mary Stewart, 6J. of Portland. MANN-&.M1 Tri waller K. Aiann, ou, 01 Reardon, Wash., and Alberta Smith, 27, or Vancouver, Wash. ALFANS-IMPEK Domlnico Air an a, -j. 01 Portland, and Margaret E. Impor, 20, of Portland. Marriage licenses. BOROCIVKA-EOR Rudolph Borovlcka, 82. Crabtree, Or., and Liuby Egr, 23, bJ3 First street. JOHANNSEN-HARPER Carl jonannsen. legal, Seattle. Wash., and Mabel M. Harper, legal, 1197 Garfield ave. 3910 Forty-first avenue Southeast, ana Jo sie Warden, 50, same aVldress. Building Permits. FRED COUNTRYMAN Erect frame garage, 162 Webster, Detween Aioina ana Kerby: builder, same; $30. 11. O. UMUWfl n.ract iramo wuuusiie.i. 17311 Portsmouth avenue, between Willis boulevard and Houghton; builder, samfl W, P, 1.1 1A. itepair one-OLoij. im chicken house, 5H21 Fifty-ninth avenue, be tween Fifty-ninth atreet and Sixtieth; builder, same; $123. . ' k. u. Wltilinl r.rect iramo iarsgo, in Hall street, betweea., Tenth and Lleventh; builder, same; $50. L. JUHTAKIUXM rJrect xrame garage, i.u Patton, betwet-n Emerson and Willamette boulevard; Millmade Construction Company, builders: $t0. WALTER GAAJ5BJ treci rramo garage. 271 North Twenty-second street, between Northrup and Marshal; builder, same: $50. J. SlUHrtlfr- .ieci name i., Eiirhtv-thlrd street South, between Last Burnsiile and East Ash; builder, same; $50. b. T. WAHDfcirs iiireci iramo earuse. 6S0 Mary, between Gideon and Powell; builder, same: $S. frame garage, loa East Ftfty-eisiun street North, between Hoyt ana O.-w. , ez is. rucks: hllitftere. game; ?...i. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Independent S. S. Co. Direct for San Francisco Flrst-Clas Meals' nd Bertk Included. S. S. BREAKWATER Sailing 6 P. M, Sat., Jan. 5. I Columbia Dock No. 1, Near Broadway Brldste. Tickets for Sale at Doctc and 124 Third Street. Phones, Broadway 520, A 6422. r San Francisco Los Angeles S. S. BEAVER Sails From Alnswortn Dock, 8 P. M-, Sunday, Jan. 6. Tbe San Francisco A Portland S. 8. Co-, Third and Washington street (with O.-W. B, 4) N. Co.). XeL Broadway 4500, A 612L i'tSHl 124 Third St. Main 26. JAm - ALASKA etchikan. Wrangell. Juneau, Douglas, Valdes, 6: Seward and Anchorage. CALIFORNIA via Seattle or San Francisco to Lo Angeles and San Diego direct. Largest ships, unequaled service, low ratea In cluding berth and meala Make reser vatlona STEAMSHIP WAPAMA sails direct for SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO Saturday, 2:30 P. M.. Jan. 5. San Francisco, Portland & Los Angeles Steamship Co. Frank Bullam, Agent, 124 THIRD STREET. Main 26. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND SOOTH SB AS Via Tahiti and Rarotonga. Mall and pass ea ger ssrviee from San Francisco every 2a dsys. UNION CO. OF NKW ZF.Af.AND. $30 California St, lu Francisco, c Weal otoaiiisliin aad gaUxoau aacaclea, ICS