Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 05, 1918, Page 15, Image 15

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Assignment of Two From Uma
tilla County for Aviation
Service Is Held Up.
r. n. rn t.
WiUbell. Jmmm runup. C.
Or-ler 13f to I 4L Lrt A4vlnry
)fvt bJqurtr 49 Iavit bulMlnr.
liimbtf or l ommmi feuiidias. 6Jl T1U
Trul buiMin.
ibiva. IuoaxU J. Tv, DiM Arthur
trsl. Jvj.ius Karrvn. Tl1f A.
..-.r. C
Hlra, Wm. JaM
K:n. Cmrl Louis
Lincoln. Rel.iaid J.
I'tMCAoOn, Aniflo
An.1-rion. ('laud L
Phubin. Mlk
tvrift, Uiifr I.
Hop,. JamN
Ma. h. .Mrff W. ,
nrt. John Chipau ty.Ciu4
r.nltMintai Sutlop to B Opened
for Ofnc' IUserv Training
School for Aviator and Me
chanics or Engine Hijxrta,
Onty foar Ortcoi. rtc!str&nt hY
a ln4act4 from th elective aarv
lc Hats to military rlc aa yet. ae
rordlr. c to report rccU4 by Captain
X EI CuUlaon. af tha Adjutant-Ganaral't
efttce. and In chars of draft dtalla
la tha atata.
Two t'alon County reentrants bar
been nt by their local board to th
Aviation Corpa. Two Croatia County
nan. whoa papra top ntranca tn th
aarna branch of aervlc were prepared
tha day official notice waa riven from
Wajhlartoo to Induct no mora men Into
" tha aviation actlon of tha Signal Corpa
tha Quartarmaater Corps or tha Ord
nance Department. They ara being hId
to await a final decision In their caeea.
It le believed they wiil ba accepted..
Wht.e many calls for Information
rlttve to induction Into Army and
.Nary branches have been mad upon
Multnomah County exemption boards,
no applicant haa yet been put through
the proceaa which now takes th place
of enlistment. Division No. X haa a
registrant who probably will be la
ducted Into th sprue division of th
6:cnal Corpa within a day or so. ' i
According to Information Csotsln I
CuUlsoa has at hand registrants of
proper qualiflcallons seeklnc induction
Into military service have thes
branches from which to select: in
fantry, medical department, spruce dl-
Iir iriour H.
li.rman. K, Aalr
Anr.trn. Lotl J,
i'i-nr. W m. Ernt
A a a ma, J Julia
f rer. Philip
U-.rn. lvt UmIIIs
fttatink. JdMph T.
I -. u, J t'llnioi
V.ri, Arthur TA.
K)ftoii. Jnfin .
Catwav. Vr Itwla
J, hmidt. Albert wm,
Iiy. .Uul Harold
J-ur:..a. inrr W
Kcb. Alfred y4ry
Kartiinkv:rs. UuxU:
Filnbork. I'hUip
IMiif-r, k AT.m V.
Pmlih. nil a and C
Xx-M. Francta J. If.
I .-. Hbl. CiTf
vhrtn. A tNrt
Ii. ar. Kr-1 tirha
I'ri lu. Tomil V.
hilvrraD. Abrabem
1'Ims1ost, 'car V.
TWmeri. Ailrw T.
1. Knatb W. P'voih. ( hai tirkns
williama. Kbar P.
Minn'!, i'haa. Iouls
I ihn. t'lw.r-l H.
Wyera, ('Itrnct C.
TtAIlt, jM-ph ii.
Kskaadrl, rt
Ifvlnlch. Hrnian
l:lir. Karl Lloy4
Kio. Jtmn l-n
Hwnn. Kmll A.
V.rtfmt. Attrf T.
faritr. Thoa. Ceo.
Uordee, bank
I ka John
Kir. Waiter R.
fian. Joha
t;utrn. Valfrad
Irvia. Irl D.
Ltk. w m. Jawlft i
I '-ca. iich!
H"'ttr, uy Morris
nr. KranS J.
It Toma, Lute!
wrar. Arrh.a Deaa
t'mrt, A rid r w
Umft Le Jack
Dtvtaia i.
S14-9U Alices suia-
Iirkor. tthao aL
Pvtni. Iktcar
rWrerttrun. Alee EL
(ftronii Oust ii.
(iaintw. Jaml
Krin1on. John A. TC
Xawkina Charles W.
I'imM. LeU R.
Xarttn. James W.
HaraetL Joclah V.
Waller. sL
oiiwn. Anton
Uienhr. H R.
It.Tnaidea. P.
Iikr. Lon
KvnoMt. LauIs P.
Wiikina. Wi:fred
Huller, Carl J.
W vr. Millard U
iHMnarliar. WHlla IT.
lWhinr. Cearce W.
Jirtfnon, t. W.
Frickaon. PhlMp
or. Conrad
P'.rkmn. ienrr
MofCtnan. A. A.
: Cos, Humner i-
w tler. Joseph rr.
Robrrurtn. ban J,
Miller. Unnr
Haha. If-nry
Kacherna, Chsrlee T.
lHvtna. Lawronr
Otmhatrom. Harry B.
Utesej, U.yaaea
metaaaa 0.
Order Noa. 82 to ft2. ilital Advisory
Board headquarter, bul Court liouae; iu
hadquartara. 4 Alnae-rt h avenae.
Bate, Plarerice M.
I n r. W l : a rd
)Ir.i:n;, Henry
hcli lev a, KuHfne C
M iculre. Koert e
ttlr, Harvey IC.
Janh&unrn, Ab'.ln
Nelson. Uforaie H.
!4cklnJamoa M.
lilnkel. John
Amleraon, Harold S.
I.fgulai. Waiter
Kraiia. Godfrey J.
Knidls, Harry A.
Michael. L im W.
Krti sor. Henry
Oijia-"- Ianlel
lirr. John
Miller. Henrv
Mrt;uri Walter T.
Weal. Eueene
Hrhottacher f
Lhapman. fhcer B.
Moore. Kohert C. A.
Jonlwhl. Jacob
Melnmetx. J oh
McKaiton. F,lin I
I.nfUom. Johun S.
Wtae. Wlry HTteO
Cornell. Kobert T.
Laron. Julius A. ,
Hill. Arthur K.
Habfock. rhartae E.
i op. )Urko
KreauC Henry G.
PHr ?Cea 14T3 to
Kord hedQuar tars,
H Vinson. Vl'Uoa B. 1.
lurw. bmliiu J.
Laia v'arrail IX.
Ln'.i. Krnvat
Ko.bASa, John
Vinliu.ani. M W.
Johnaoa, Arnold ML
Liaott, Koe A,
A aftio, Adam
I'au.eon. Katond H.
i'n 9. ieore
McClain. Hat. U
fc...Ur. Kun W.
Ilutchraun. V II. Q,
Hersert. cMlomea
iry. L IK
Jonv Ln A.
rtrrmnte. Krank
TaKaaMil. llrlert
tir. Iinr Ij.
lu.iiifim. lirry
Vaa Tuyl. io. if.
Khr:t. Andy
A.vord. t iirht It.
An-Unon, lvtr U.
Minor, Kin J.
Huma. u tor K.
Voireht, Arthar
(if hf: f, Jai k A.
A;.y. K nir H.
Hamerhiynra. Laata
Kifmtr. Kudo: pa A.
JoDa, A reh I K.
iM.ley. Herbert C
Frranion. Jobn ii.
tt-ani. lvnjamta S.
I Kins. Krancia H.
Ki:r, Harry E.
tjhrihr. I'aul P.
Ti.aichley, r rank
MaicoauU. JaipaT
Aaiichtr, KrrJ
CrXjikahank. W'ai. P.
I rti. Itay. A.
0 Peat i'arl W.
Coo a. Vara K.
lLdsr. Aifrad M.
Lap. Wii.iarn D.
lfara-h. Cheater A.
Jtcuoion. Herman Q.
Knahm, William C
liroca. Harold C
Hittt. Ifouar-s D.
ltuah. Carl La.
H-nry, A:er W.
Vir. WlClara J.
(itda. Clarence O.
Baraatt. Arthur R.
Jar.atin. A(Ui
Lltau hrr. Leonard X
Fleatiar. John A.
lunn. Chanes-A.
Sill. Waiter J.
kuyath. ijuaiave
XI a, e ue, C T J M.
Hrder, Helmut C
tvana, HodericS M.
H.cka WMUm
C.oud. tdwtn A
Vtvr. Le!and
Wlamai, Hrmal a,
Mur,r. James J.
i:art. feamuel P.
Hack'tt. 1-muel G.
alemaoa. O-sjl
l'omin. Cornelius P.Pmlth, Wilbur A.
n.csal Advlaary
vision and land division of tha Slfna
taptain Ioula Levy, of th 6Is;nal
vorps, nas arrived in rortland to ope
ma iDinimiDi siauon which win ac
cepi men tor the officers reserve train
Ins; school for aviators and those quail
neu. as .mecnanica or ft as ensjlne ex
peris, to enter tha land division of th
bicnal Corp aviation section. It will
. aa posatoi for reatitrsnts who ca
aetata th necessary affidavits from
ineir exemption boards aud who pos
se tha QualincaUona to b Inducted
- uto ineae orancnes.
Th nw enlistment headquarter will
be In room $0$ Sceven building-.
Quefftlocnalrca become due today
from all re.strants to whom thsy were
mailed December 17. Th question lists
wara mauea yeiierday to reglstranu
era saxnea:
leiaiaai U
r Order Kae. 103 ta 3191.
'ord headquarters,
Satariia. Oust
- Siayar. Mtitoa a
Uario. B.
J a . a. I:mi .V. '
Xuadrda. laomaa
Anauun. at pa
Avid Harry
M3F. wamee J.
H;.anir. KtfUrt
M.thatf. Maiui
It ruainua. a. W.
auutu hr v.
Kceatav William
M taaer. Lea im L
epanoa. Prank X.
lotcay. Krd
Tnaodoaia Samuel
C tat. tard
'..taa PreUarfe D.
"neriork. Jomps J.
lUt.Gaorse Jr.
Hatnga.d. Nala .
Ixma. Atraiiam M.
M a:comery. vi. W.
l etnoa. Meyr M.
ho-. Jeeaa U
leh.r. Aufwt C
- vjaoovica. ase
Tiaaick. Joe
l-aeaeadaco. K. A.
Pse. MacCormae
Niahfmura. Ko male hi
W .cf, Gorc C.
Taa:n, Harry L
Pivtcher. Wi.iiaia
Mtiaumata. T.
' H'Hlifi. J hnnte 8.
M-wra. W t lam H.
rnpton. W'yli J.
W t.awa. Cnraja X.
Jlrtjnner. Karl
A ford. K. Cairo
iaaal. r )
K.aonl, Juklehl
Pappaa. John P.
Juns. Manry
'yr. Wi;.iAaa
Xarda. JacaS K.
A arm ok. Jaaa EL
Martaamn. Carl J.
Jeai. latt!elS
Hftmraa.I. A I
Hiromara. Klkua
l'-h achur. Patar
Vh;ka. Cart A.
IJidatrom. G. w.
Crtaco. Frank
9haut K Geayfta
Paate. r::ip
tla&a Krcftla
Joj toe. Jamae A.
mon. Mama
Po.jau Mate
M-Crea, hamttel
Mlrkavtrh. Pafar P.
Toemy. F J.
f:i;.aw P.oyd W.
Choaa Lea
Meele. ftieve B.
W tbtt. JcmIia
"moctc. Mte
Muter. William
Tnomaa. John K.
Ha n. A.aian.Ur
leL.l:a. Oaori
ivi.i. 1 roinaa
i.ruMi. W.iaAm K.
ftrr.B. Har.ay
' Koaa-tt. i:rort U.
Kampar, Henry L.
Hoaama. Laald U.
lia.oerf. ifermaa O.
karther. i'nanie A,
Kaaal. Andrew
Wora. Martta A.
Kal :ey. t;. rr,r B
Lefiarga. V Ullaa O.
Hrt. Later A.
iood and. aarnael H.
e'l.nun. C. M.
O'Cvaaor, Oeorse
Shaaek. Jack
Lencarher. It. A.
W ytnetalek. John
Ntnomlya. uekicbl
Iaaar..d. Charges J.
( hureriill. W. A.
Yamaxnoto. atelsro
1-ibe.l. Prad C.
Metcalf. Melvin XT.
thieimana. wai4
frtteei:r. Praak
Laa. Aral
on OroanwaM. F.
Mickof. A.ciandar
Ic ktrnaa. Nait J.
Meir,r. A L.
trnaiiey. R brt B.
! artyH i..ia C
VcNelly. Chtr.aa P.
f'llomoa, bolile L.
Hammend. Joe pa W.
W atta. aldcar ii. t
Murray. T. R.
Lamntckt. W.
Atanaa. Nlrk
Pelanaoa. Irving' IT.
W'eeainfar. Henry
W'lnnlner. Praak lu.
ft I re.
atearart. Ulena at.
W fcitbach. Waiter
Taylor. L J.
Hoea. Pred A.
Hemtrk. Prank C
Vaa Hules. tarl
La mi. Lather T.
Prtea. Harry L
lino, Toahlo
itramir. K.lwsrd
Fmlth. Wilsua B.
mttn. Joeeph
Ka aarle. Tonimia
PuVlvan. P. E.
H.l Cwlne K.
J'hneon. Marrls
liaawTich. Mail
ntaialaw t.
V'AdtiM r. v.
Brteo. T. J.
Voob. Oils
Tlor. r. X
PhK.ic W. C.
P.tra. M.
Ir.ndt Ott.
V'orl.jr. &
l ku b. a
X.rno, u.
ThornpMo. H. J.
iHMIOi C- R.
fm. Loal.
'.nn. CJ.
fncn Atria
o-..,,o L
Viuony. U
l:aictjp, Johs
W. A. .
J. L.
r.h.n. E.
K.cklorU. R. B,
hnuiim. L: C.
Vtnmpu. O. H.
Kiihik.m. T.
v ilhr. H. U
rfbri. G.
ntoit.rbuk. L
ltMtnn, C. W.
I'.irnu;. A. T. .
W.a.r. H. A.
rwjoit. m.
U.'Uin. K.
L..;a--.. H. T.
b.n hT(r. A.
rr.nh. W.
MmT. T. W.
SlMku. W. H.
ItK-hardJOO. & F.
km.ruk ffArry
ila.:t. A. R.
Cordon. R. L
Krophr. I
OoMm.nn. J.
Tmrf.hoM, C
Kn.t.i, B. p.
Ivm. Jack
rth. H. V.
'inir. M. A.
I.lor. N. J.
rrii. C- C
Loot If. B
r.h.o. H.rry
Pmltn. P. E.
T j. i T art. XL
Ihlim J, B.
Nnrdln. J. C.
Wnr. Mvwq
Tknftm Tata
Pt.forto. O. A.
iUHT. U. W.
Hand. Alfred A.
Lwd, W. R
Lock. M Kh
Ahlborn. U. K
PrUr. L m.
MatronaJo, &
LaU.rout., J. E.
K.liy. T. B.
Ki.r. C V.
W clUnrr. J. l
Moor, Hal IL
lm. f. J.
Morrow. T. Q.
Sl.CfrMj. W. R.
Al.rtaa. John
Tojo. TukuXI
Xlurrhim. J. A.
I".IU Jay IL
O.y.r. W. A.
!.::ti txraloa, V.
Wiib.lm. Joha
Vtnc C. A-
KturKia. E. K.
)finon. o. H.
Wall. Alfr-1.
Kanr. W. o.
Ixvnn.llv-. N. f.
Prcha. H. E-
nl.ll. C. .M.
Xfurpfy. A. 8.
(larttlnl. Th
Keratem. r'.ilx ;.trg.
Short C P.
T -a u t.. Krark
Ctnoordfr. C.
Koonlx. W. P.
llahn. Roy y.
Chilton, y. E.
olouakl, a. J.
Km. i-o
Urn. bam
8- hlffer. W. .
Kirby. W. H.
B.Uah. a H.
rv-ha.'j..r. Paul
ra fft it
Para. E. E.
Iloaecrar. Wm.
Pauioa, Chr!l
Klnkr. U. U.
Couffbltn. J.
Tnm. rhaa
Bain. K- J.
Ralrd. J. B.
8.anl.y. B. R.
PappDiiaa. O.
Piuto. .'orm
kfarrhtnn. K. T.
Lar.. R. F.
Hobrt. Gnril
.-h.r. E. F.
A n1.ran. J. A.
rmtn. W. K
Biov. J. C
Mark.nila. O. F.
Fwha. I o J.
nl.r. W. P.
acblantonla, Nick
ra.l Art!. A. fclm.ila
i.ik.. rrank A.
Tmylor. iid.ardC
Sitt lad. ienrg.
Thorn. a. C'rrin I.
WtUnto, K '1 w ard
Nrvuba. John
I.UM, Laland C. Kay A.
Smith. Krl W.
Man. L'trkc L
H jiI. KrJrlck ft.
U .. ff. ti.rianJ T.
otk. Joaph. Jr.
Kit.. Samuel W.
tii...rt. Kmll K.
VwlJ.r. Ouy &
f -hroth. John G.
l.nna.a. Marry C
Nymaa. Carl A.
Ko.tai.r. John A.
No.a. Li.or. A. -Llchllem.
Nixon. 1'ay U.
CnB.y, Vlncen 1
Kngil. Char H.
il.nbrk. Walt.rH. Herman C
UU(e. alrln K.
Jl.a klna. Ca.r-.ncaC
M.Stftorin Kcrr.ra
II .1. . . vf
l,k.rt 111
!-rrm. Henry C
'h.!pa. Ira J.
To;icU, P.t.
I.anire. Lu it.
il.rnll. Claud. A.
Adam. Url. S.
Koktitian. Henry
1'arp.nt.r. Kay H.
Neurur.r. Jacoa W.
Graher. rinana
Roberta. 'rJ IX
lavia, Joe
Km p. Oeorf. A.
IIT. W. K.
Krtckmey.r. Walt. H.
larti.u. John A.
Thlrion. Jw.vph M.
Il-jslon. Cillbert
Klppeo. V.rnantlo C
IMyLIou 10.
Order Nna J3.I to I mi. Ltal Advla-
arv Hoard, haada uartera. 74 PoarU of T
bulidina: auo-headuuarl.ra, oflc. pt Dr.
J. .l.:.-p. Furat .National i)ank bui.u;n.
rjt. Johns.
ppeor. Kon.n
Vinm. Arthur O.
ItAahor. A uata L.
Roter. Lrt.
Hetkey. Kudla J.
IHriijltt, iinrinan
tilmmcal. iarry J.
Kowkea, J:unva C.
fcmrich. KnochC.
Hukhea. llliam B. Krank L.
t'ctemin, Krrtnlt U.
Tapp. Albert K.
Forster. Robert A.
Voolk.r, Otto J. ,
Paulaon. Arthur CX
Jonea. David W.
Irish. John 1.
Ixiuch. &:va
iiutenacholn. A. K.
t;rove. A :berl
Shaver. Jamea A.
Uuraett. Floyd
Vaaul. Mtlclil
Kdlt. Auiuit
Chamberlain. Mrtrr. M.
Lf rsnce, Lome ii.
Carlaon, Amoa T.
City Still Shivers in Cold
With Fuel Relief
Due Today. '
Krenla. John W.
Hoi. and. Harold r.
Vr.lemler. Harry K.
mea. Klbart
kornu. Oeora. D.
Hirearhe, Ua4 J.
I Col.. Frank o.
Hansen. John L
alapiea. Otto V.
t-at William dL John af.
Shle'.ds. Bvaa J.
trr.f. Xllk. Lhariea u.
Preacott. Kay A.
Harkreaves. Joho H.
Bow ley. Joseph
Kkener, Thomaa
alonro, Crlen U.
Uarson. Theodora I.
I rKlod.skl. Pill
Itruar.r. laniel
I Happdoploa. Wm.
jiorris, aiter J.
!!ac. John n.
Wrlklit. Frank K.
Werth. Conrad W.
1H.M.I Hud:)n.Jay R. llrook. Harry s.
Wllllamav Wll lam H. tilimrr. itlrnara jv.
ProdKan. Kdward
Ilruch. tieorne M.
Vcn.n. Raymond A., Joha a.
Drrialoa S.
Ordar Noa. 1441 to IMS. (Ltal Ad'iaory
Board haadquarteraj vround floor Multno
man liotul ttuUdlnf. 271 Plaa atr.t)
Oliver. C. L.
KolkokL W. F. w. J.
fohanaon. CI UL
Holraea. Frd
Uatheaa A. O.
hwl.r, H. E.
Pyblrat. C. N.
Painiblae, Iavtd A.
Bl.ckw.ll. U. C
Crocker. V. K.
Chruitensan, C
KdhL H. it
B-lrhor. L. B.
ltathbun. E.
Tomllna. IC C.
Sniitlt. t'erry
Sitoul. Karl
Cavander. C- E.
Amain, a.
H'r. Floyd
Mwirsvt. Karl D.
Mrefin.r. Wm.
Moilnar. Fred M.
r..n. O. F.
H.att. Walter
Jdoaansan. C F.
tl.l.r. Julius)
Harrhua. H C
aloullon. W. U.
Arclo. Irtor
Kai.iph. K. T.
4antore. J. E.
Stout. H. L.
fterner. F. E.
Huirtna. U
Johnson, It. A.
Me.NelL T. N.
tnnott. L. W.
ITImn. M.
herrta. H. T.
Taklcb. Joa IX
Minna, U.
Oelton.d.ttL Pal
VrssrccL D.
Boyer. W. W.
Frasicort. B,
Cobon, it. A.
Wardla, C. W.
JHI.rt. Taxi
Coato, Vn.nt
Voaa. Hor.ry
Hte.ard. E. P.
laonard, L. E.
manto. C
Miller. W. M.
Michael. R. A.
tarFaden. K. I.
Tslf.rd. C W.
Chapmaa. O. C
Burdetta. R. O.
riwanaon. C
ll.mstreet. Loll
H-Mid. Jack P. -Weber.
V. E.
Block. F. .
Ilolwec. J- R. C ii.
t'nf.r. John
Hansen. H. J.
l.ois. L. P.
Chandler. M. II.
P.rta, ties
Voget. J. O.
Stubbs. K. W.
Knntaan. P. X
UHus. A.
Mey.r. K. E.
Ward I, Dr. U F.
Barratt. W. A.
l.ynon. F- C.
Crumm. B. H.
Ioly. J. W.
Torwek. F. J.
Pletaold. Alfred
hillock. C. U.
Cooke. J. L.
Uoyt. R. A.
SMekt.r. J. J.
B.r(. A. J.
lu h.rtv. A. H
Orenlell. W. A.
rantavicca, O.
ftaamuMen. V. IC
slayers. Henry
Schuttlw, P.
Ross. Jahk K.
Thonipaon. Albert J.
Wenman. Char.cs B.
Hen.'. John
Moms. Josaph B.
Murray. Morris
HalUlulat, John
t'avteon. Ivory L.
Johnston. Albert A.
I.vnch. 1 hornaa
Jurv.vichs. l'.netck
McKlnley. llrk. U.
Faaaett. Harry W.
Flowers. Ralpb P.
Harold. Arthur
l.mvrle. Samuel W.
Sullivan. Lswrcnct P.
('ielslnK. Harry A.
CunnlnKbamA (trad
Davis. CleorKS A.
Hewitt. Lowell L.
Itl.rach. iiuko II.
8torx, Charles W.
Wlilard. Lealcr it.
Cookingham. Hoy E.
Weaver. Rurua li.
Fake. Peter K.
lar tn. Clyde O.
l owlea, Willis M.
Piddle. Charles E.
Rronsrt, a:mll
W.iss. Kdward
Kolander, Tbnina E.
tlunderson. Alton
Turnbull, Geore-. R.
Rlnehart. I'hllip O.
H.aUl.y. Robert B.
LnKey. Robert W.
Knowles. Lleane ii.
Metlln. Elton C.
I'll h. urval
Hesaej. Elverton J.
Ictx, Stanley
Appeal 5Iade to Federal Authorities;
Governor Cox of Ohio Places
Blame for Shortage oq Ad
. minlstrator Garfield.
NEW TORK, Jan. 4. Preceded by
powerful railroad tugri acting; as ica
breakera. a fleet of ocean-roin4T barges
was on its way to New York from New
Jemey tidewater points tonight with
50.000 tons of coal. It was expected
that half of this supply would be un
loaded before morninp. If the barges
arrive without mishap they will be just
in time to prevent the closing1 for lack
of fuel of many large office buildings,
hotels and apartment-houses.
L'espite concentrated efforts to re
rev th situation, the city tonight had
Its worst distress since the extreme
cold weather beran a week ago.
Many large office buildings will close
tomorrow, according t Reeve Schley,
county fuel administrator, unless sup
plies reach th city during the night.
The u;e of tha Pennsylvania tunnel
under the Hudson River to hasten coal
into th city has aided somewhat, but
has not accomplished as much as was
Jeraey Kmbanro Continues.
Albert H. Wiggin. state fuel adminis
trator, announced that the Washington
authorities had ordered the New Jersey
fuel administrators to life tha embargo
placed on ferry boat transportation of
coal, but It had not been don at ( P.
M. It waa said a misunderstanding- of
telegraphic orders from Washington,
the meaning of which waa not clear te
the New Jersey offioials, had brought
about th Interference with New York
neotion with th California Legislature
at Sacramento.
Some time during the early '70s
Mayer waa called to St. Louis by
Gratz Brown, then a National figure
in polttics, and for a few years he gave
his time to political affairs. On leav
ing 6t Loula he went to New York,
conducting tours and managing the
ceLebrltles In the theatrical Vnd oper
atic world. About 11 years "ago he
brought the famous Pattlto Portland.
A year later he retired from, active
business. He ha bandied great for
tunes and' has been the rescuing angel
for majiy theatrical enterprises and waa
always notably generous with needy
members of the profession, Six years
a co one, of the lareest theatrical bene
fits ever given In New York was In his
honor. Ajr. Mayer makes his home at
the Lambs' Club in New Y'ork. On
Christmas, day he sent to his sister,
Mrs. Meyer, the following message:
with mocn love to you ana trie ram
Students Who Take Ordnance
Course Are Permitted to
Enter Service.
I Olsen.
DtrMoa It.
Order Noa. 841 to 890. (LeraJ Advisory
Board headquarters. Uresham. Or.; aut-
heanquartera. nod Courthouse.)
Woodrnboujf i
Nam Karl Vred
I Jennings. Charles, lien
Kin. Won
tiplncy. Jasper IL
Uulnu. Henry J.
L.ald. Ulrlch
Schalberser, Walter
Moeblna. Arthur
Hell. Byron O.
fstaah. Walter
Annate Marke
Anderson. Oscar
gtarranson. J. w.
Hartlctu Walt.r J.
Btela.r. John W. .
I Hay man. Joha F.
Peltier. John
Taaraaakl. Frank T.
bmlth. Ausust Carl
0. d.nbers. r rank A.
Pill. Eddie T.
Talt. Elmer If.
Lelscher. Frits
1. tun. Walter Hoy
Read. Thomaa P.
Hoecker. Tred H.
Ilealnc. Loula H.
Xlaeda. Zenkl
hlorchlln. John
llarkelt. Henry V.
Ciulaippe. Salvurto
Clark. Clarence W.
Kay. Cubert
alafret. Harold W.
Iuncan. Clifford W.
Maraton.Stephea M.
Kkstrom, Eiron
Vathrlca. Krsd
.jHobiuson, Prince A.
B res aw. Henry N.
Cleveland. Wendell H.
Bundy. Kenaaley D.
Tanaba. Kautaro
Ftaunn. Ward
Ilarton. Charles B.
Campbell. Cnstaer
Andsrsnn. Kred Harold A.
Peterson. Gsorf O,
UHkey, Jeue ti.
Hurns. Arthur IT.
Ilurnell. Odbur R.
tiibrlrh. Kraua
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 4. Pennsyl
vania, which produces i per cent of
the coal output of the United States,
appealed today through Its Federal
fuel administrator to the Government
to save it from further suffering due to
the scarcity of coal to the consumers.
V llliam Potter. Federal fuel admin
istrator for Pennsylvania, cald tonight
that be expects the direotor-general of
railroads to place an embargo tomor
row on all incoming and outgoing
freight In th Philadelphia district ex
cept coal.
Coaseatlen Worst fa Years.
The railroad congestion In and about
Philadelphia Is the worst la many
years. It was said.
In order further to conserve the coal
supply ar. Potter tonight ordered six
ll.htless nights in Philadelphia Instead
of two. Lighting on Saturday nights Is
permitted under certain restrictions.
From, different parts of the state
eme reports of fuel shortages. Potts
vllle, which is built over rich beds of
coal, faces a famine.
In an address at a farmers' meeting
here today Governor Cox, of Ohio, de
clared that the 1,000,000-ton excess of
coal In th Northwest "occasioned by
th blunder of Fuel Administrator Gar
field" la responsible in large measure
for lack of fuel in the Kaat and for
transports loaded with supplies for
troops in foreign countries, reported
tied up at ports.
Dack to Books. Says Governor.
Aatter pointing out that the task now
faced Is to keep mines going, conges
tion cleared away and sensible distri
button made, he concluded:
'Mr. McAdoo, as a practical man, will
Prompt Ke'sult9 Are Obtained When
Situation . Is Explained to War
Department Boys to Go
to Rock ' Island.
Nine f Those Mated fo laitlatioa In
Celleare Societies Registered
From Portland.
Jan. 4. (Special.) Fourteen girls and
eight men, nine of the total from Port
land, are the pledges announced today
by the fraternities and sororities on the
campus. Most of the pledges are stu
denta entering the university for the
first time this semester. Following is
a list of the pledges:
Gamma Phi Beta Beatrice Porteous,
Helen Woodcock and Jennie Pareilus,
of Portland, and Myrtle Albright, of
Alpha Phi Esther Banks and Dolly
Pearson, of Portland, BJid Elsie Mo
Murphy, Eugene.
PI Beta Phi--Annette Spencer and
Virginia Smith, of Eugene.
Delta Gamma Kuth Cowan, of
Kappa Alpha Theta Theodora Sfcop-
penbach, of Portland. '
Chi Omega Zoe Cornett, of Prine
Kappa Sigma Richard Shisler, Har
rlsburg; Glen Walters, Milton. Or., and
George Collins, Portland.
Phi Delta Theta Willis Harbke,
Portland, and Dwight Phjpps, of Med-
Beta Theta PI Lawrence Wood
worth, of Pendleton. .
Alpha Tau Omega Dick Lyons, of
Delta Tau Delta--Houstan Medleyr-of
Cottage Grove.
Dtvtatos .
Ord.r Noa 1VU te 1S4. (Letal
Men Registering at Oresoa City Fail ,ttend "' Meanwhtl I feel quite
" I sure that the eountry will have no ob.
to Return Questionnaires.
neaaqvan.ra, ground iigor aii.iBf
ilotal bulldla. til I'm .traet.)
BrandU Rolf
Catiuw. Charles E. K.
QutnnK. W. F".
Miir.Mil. Walters.
McAfaa. tiMrse C
alaonoraon. Christ
Abschsr. W. H., Jr.
Mlllch. Christ
Xiors.. Ws.anftoaa.
H.Uar. John it., HMiry
Williamson. U F.
r-'thsrlds., Johanl R,
V.rt. George A.
(Jul. In, Ann o
I'lerca. V. A.
I.lndhard. F. C.
Pnyder. Carl
rpancr. Harry U.
Woodruff. Walter Vrvdarlck J.
Ieahl. H. C.
lursuns. .
Holier. Hoaa 11.
Tlndale. Kalph .
Yhlte. W. U.
Thompson. James R,
Itarr. liarn.y
N.'son. Guy Yf.
I.awrenc James B.
Holtereva. W. J.
siharkey. Georira K.
Moor. Merle W.
Creen. Marry K.
tVI... W. B.
Myers. Wilson Roy
Hanaen. Charlea
Hesuia. L.s,t. Lm
V,-.'ailer. K. M.
Wood. Frank U.
Lynch. Harmon O.
Krua.r. Jullua J.
Marion. E G.
Hurt. Georf. W.
Tounstona. Thomaa C.
Farnham. Charles
Ilalrd. Hussell Avar
F.ltmarsh. Norman'
Hall. Chester F:cvd
Kovachevlch. Maksim Tweet. Osmond 11.
Nor en. DaalU Deaile. Charlea R.
DtvWoa 1.
Order Noa. 1214 to 120s. (Leral Advisory
Board headquartcra. lol-15tJ Venn bid.)
'.apea. oeotrrey rl,
Harrta, Herbert !.
Na.son. Geors.
Genesta. Elmoa A.
Gerrlty. Ueorse M.
Gammte. Norman
Hrndy. William F,
punrond. Wolf. H.
Vaa .Meter, Kdward M.
Nordstrom. E. A. C,
Woods. I'nrrast F.
fre. Ksy E.
Wide. John H.
White. Hoy M. "
Willis. Jack C.
Anders.n. Luclea
Noffk.. Ktword
Conlln. William T.
Harbaush. W. E.
Koarn.r. Andrew
Frederlckson. Alfred
Marlon. William L,
Kemp. Thomaa L
Lofland, William O.
Schmitt. James af.
l.ampl. HJa.mar
Christensnn, I.ter
Rose. Howard 8.
I.lttlepaa-e. Lloyd T.
Chamberlain. Faul B.
Bowen, Robert
Norby. George A.
Krnsu Faul
Tuck.r. WIMUm T.
Jflrrlns. Roy
We. la. Marcellua D., Kdward
Traucb, Jamas A.
Thempson. W. C
I'odonjoa. alone
Vl.ano. Antonio
Weber. Guetai.
Karatalaa. James
E'... (ieorse John
Hi. I. Grant Monro
Harry. Joseph C.
H irer. Clifford B.
Kruc.r. Laland A.
Edward li.
ThompMn, William S.
Campu.,1. William i.
Morna. Ralph W. U
Arf.nlun. Etstathloa
Radmacb.r. Jacob k
II akney. Edfar
Meyer. Henry f.
sltx. Fred Jhs
ilr. Robert M.
Enrkion. T. H.
Mdtinosls. Ernest L.
borne. Charles V, .
DiUneii. Hobort H.
Cehrlas. Ernest
Mul.r. Arthur E
Anderwn. Robert B.
Ivanakoff. i-.raahkaf
Canlch. Thomaa
Bode. Victor rarts
Hunter. Robert R.
Finn. Harry E.
Miebua. Earl
Ilunlv. Harlow C.
rlrartf'.rd. E ma S.
puvoeel. Joka J.
Fsstman. R.
er. Clanc.
Williams. Clair. S.
Wood. Howard !
MarLarea. Jof a W.
Rl.ey. Robert E.
Toushey. K.cene A.
Hushes. John B.
imn, Claude K.
McClellan. Char'ea
Peterson. Conrad .
Crhmida Wlillara A.
meron. r.arl I-
OREGON riTT. Or, Jan. 4. (Spe
cial.) Fbur "address unknown" ques
tionnaires were returned to County
Clerk Iva M. Harrington today. The
rerlatrants are William Hugh Kellogg.
of Oregon City; Curtis Lamoureaux. of
San Francisco. CaL: Charles Orrin
Dobson. of Hubbard, Or. and Arnt Nel
son, or waiuga. or.
Unless thes registrants make prep.
r appearance before th local board
within seven days from the date the
questionnaires were sent out. they will
be drafted Into Class I, under the draft
law. placing them in the "first to
fight" class of th next call. Failure
to notify the County Clerk of their
chang of address from that given
when they registered last June is uie
reason assigned for their failure to
antes. James R.
riedll. John T.
Xort)'. e'anford E.
ilernck. i-eo ii.
tlereon. Georae A
Depuy. Harry H.
Fnnis. Chris. M.
Hotsford. Harry F,
Porn.y. Joseph J.
rtaiy. Lester M.
Hatcheller. J van w
o.ea. I red E.
reco. Vlto
l.icspie. Emmett X.
Erlahtlsen. t-scar
Kaulkner. Groveru.
harffuuitf . v m. J.
NoAisiainen. Christ W,
srohn. t'.aud.
Hcott. Ernest H.
owllnff. Cecil rJL
Ehi.ra, Albert
Powers. Telia W.
Oerold. Conrad
Wllllama. Thomaa H.
Kimball. Samuel H.
arder. Clarence L.
h.n.felt. Wm. A.
Elchenlaub. Krank O.
Pels. Misha
Hrooke. Frank P.
avasa. ftou vv .
Hryaon. waller U
Howard. Leon R.
eaaly. Chaa. w. jr.
orter. Louis sw
rKalser. Ernest
Urace. Ray M.
Montgomery, reels w.
Herht. William
li.rr. Clark M.
Divlslaai I.
Ordar Noa. 110 to 1254. (Leral Advisory
Board headquarters, ffround floor, alult
omah Hotel Bulidine. -.1 fine street.)
Lofaren. Carl Roy Endlrott. Thomaa H.
Llndqulat. Kali U. " coetel.o. Halter J.
Tha(h Polle Her Declare Yeangsters
Had MK), Oaly I3M la Postal Sav
laa? Certitteates Fe.
TACOMA. Wash, Jan. 4. (Special.)
To eacape from a teacher "who told
fibs about them In school." two little
11-vear-old Portland girls. Klving the
names of Klsle Hhlpley and Florence
Howell, are being held in the matron's
room at th city police station today
awaiting officers who are to take them
horn. A long-dlstanco telephone mes
sage to the Tacoma police from Captain
Baty at Portland declared the girls had
run away from home with .800 belong
ing to a woman who roomed at Klsie a
Th train on which the girls left
Portland Thursday afternoon arrived in
Tacoma about 1 A. M., when tha Tacoma
officers took thera. Investigation of
th big suitcase they carried showed it
contained 350 In postal savings certificates.
"W wanted to run away because our
teacher told fibs about us In school be
fore the whole class, and we weren't
going to stand for It," said Elsie. "W
want to my horn, first and decided we
would have to have a suitcase, so I
went up in thla lady's room and got
"Then w took It over to Flossie's
house and were going to put our things
in th suitcasa, but it was locked, so wa
got a hammer and broke the lock on it.
W dldn t know there was anything in
It when we took It and we didn't see
any $800."
Tacoma officers say they had ques
tioned th girls- carefully and do not
believe that thera was more than the
(350 in the suitcase at the start of the
trip. Th (iris will -ba taken back to
Jcctlon to Professor Garfield's contln.
uing his study of psychology. That will
keep him out of the coal business and
McAdoo In it, for which God be
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. Director
General McAdoo today took further
steps for the relief of the coal famine
in New England by ordering the dis
tribution of 500 coal ears to mines
along tha lines of the Eastern rail
"Not quit so cold tonight and
armer Saturday," was today's fore
cast of the weather bureau for much
of the cold-stricken Eastern half of the
United States,
BOSTON, Jan. 4. The coal situation
In New England today wan more serl
ous than at any time this "W inter.
Promise 1 relief through th arrival
of steamers and barges and a shipment
by ran waa not forthcoming, and It
was admitted at the office of the New
England fuel administrator that many
industrial plants probably would, be
forced to close.
TAMPA, r la., Jan. 4. Tampa bad a
heavy frost last night with 31 degrees
and freezing weather spread over most
of the state. The citrus trees are dor
mant, and little damage has been dona
by the week of cold weather. Truck
crops have suffered In some sections.
Haracco. Tom P.
anons. Arthur r.
Ferns. Ahner Eu(ae
pieeson. Karl .
lira us. Floyd D.
Buy. William J.
Jena.ii. Arthur B.
C'snn. Linos
Olson. Ne'e
smith. Robert I
Indians Boost V. M. C. A.
CHICAGO, Jan. 4 A total of 11036
haa been subscribed to the Army Y. M.
C A- fund, by Indians of the Rosebud
reservstlon, Erookings, S.', D., It was
announced toda.y.
Former Newspaper Mast Once Managed
Theatrical Toura of Sarah Bern
hardt aad Other Celebrities.
Marcus Mayer, of New York, for many
years a National figure in politics, the
atrical Ufa and the financial world. Is
ill in New York, acoordlng to informa
tion received here. Mr. Mayer is an
uncle of Mrs. Solomon Airsch, of Port
land, and of Maroua Mayer, of Hood
Itiver, and Is a brother of Mro. Adeline
Meyer, of 681 Kearney street.
Mr. Mayer was stricken New Year's
eve while at dinner in New York. He
is 75 years old. Fears are held that he
may not recover.
ilr. Mayer, who Is a bachelor, was
identified with the' early-day history
of Portland, having at one time been
a member of Th Oregonian force when
T. J. Dwyer was editor, .Mr. Mayer be
gan his career as a printer and later
entered the reportorial department, giv
ing about 15 years of his early life to
the newspaper field, after which he
became interested in politics and other
public affairs, going East eventually
in the interest of theatrical affairs and
becoming manager for such celebrities
as Sarah Bernhardt, Adelina, Patti and
Edwin Booth.
Mr. Mayer was born In New Orleans
In 1843. He came to Portland In 1859,
and on leaving here went to Victoria,
B. C. He soon afterwards went to San
Francisco, where he engaged tn the
newspaper business again. For a time
lie held a, responsible position In con-
PertLansl Mas Carries Lifeline Threnah
Dangerous Surf to Grounded Ves
sel Crews Also Landed.
A Portland man was the recipient of
high praise from Secretary of the Navy
Daniels yesterday for bravery at sea.
He is Lieutenant Daniel E. Barbey, of
the U. 8. ship Annapolis, and he and
Chief Boatswain's Mate John O. Strick
land and Byron Williams, also of the
Annapolis, were commended formally
for carrying a lifeline through a dan
gerous surf to the steamship Paddle
ford, which went asrromid October 30.
About two-tniras of the crew were
transferred to shore by this line.
Commendation also was given to
other members of the crew of the
Annapblls, who took a lifebpat through
the surf and took off the remainder
of the Paddleford's crew.
Mr, Strickland's home Is In El Paso,
Tex., and Mr. Williams' home is in
Sulphur Springs, Tex. Lieutenant Bar
bey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Barbey, 425 Tenth street. He gradu
ated front Lincoln High School in 1907
and was appointed to Annapolis in
1308 by Senator Bourne. He was com
missioned Ensign upon graduation
from the Naval Academy In 1912 and
was assigned to the cruiser California,
now the San Diego. He later was trans
ferred to the Lawrence and finally to
the Annapolis. He is at present at
Boston, and expects to be assigned
soon to a new torpedo-boat for duty
with the allied fleets. He is a senior
Lieutenant, 28 years old. His last
visit to Portland was in 1916, when
he passed the Christmas holidays with
his parents.
Quick action was obtained at Wash
lngton by Senator Charles L. McNany in
Inducing the War Department to per
mit 52 students, who completed the
ordnance course at the University of
Oregon, to enter the military branch of
their choice. Suspension of an order
shutting off acceptance of additional
men for the ordnance department, inso
far as the young Oregonlans are con
cerned, was announced in telegrams
sent to Portland by Adjutant-General
McCain, of the United States Army.
As result of a War Department order,
announced January 1, all enlistments
and -inductions into the ordnance de
partment were stopped.
Disappoinftnent la Felt.
To their dismay, the 53 young men
who only a few days before this date
had completed a six weeks' . course at
the university, under C. C. Jeremiah,
nstructor in military tactics, thus
seemed barred from acceptance into the
ordnance department of the Army. The
young men had spent from S100 to SlsO
while taking the course and were
chagrined deeply at thoughts of
losing both their time and investment.
Since completing their eoursamost
of th' tentative ordnance' recruits
have been staying in Portland, await
ing the chance to get into service.
Their plight was called to the atten
tion of T. B. Neuhausen. He imme
diately got into telegraphic commun
ication with Senator McNary. The
Senator's efforts yesterday brought
the message from . Adjutant-General
McCain, announcing that arrangements
have been made to induct the young
men into the ordnance department. A
message also reached the office of
Adjutant-General Williams, explaining
the special order ewith reference to the
T. B. Neuhansen Gets Message.
This is th message received by Mr.
Neuhausen from Adjutant-General McCain:
Reference, vour . telerTam to Hon. rrharlaa
L. McNary. United States. Senate, reirardlna-
52 students University of Oregon, who have
completed six weeKs ordinance course at the
University. recruiting officer. Third and
Oak streets. Portland, has been Instructed to
request local boards to Induct these students
Into military service, and to report to hini
When they report to recruiting officer, he
Is to furnish neceaeary certificates to local
boards and send students to Rock Island
Arsenal. Rock Island. 111., to commanding-
officer, for completion of their instruction
in ordnance work.
on the campus. They will be given
tha regular Army pay as privates with
an additional allowance of 30 cents a
day. Technically they will be enlisted
members of the. ordnance department
on furlough. They will have to pay all
their own expenses while at Eugene,
as well as the expenses incidental to
their trips to Portland, where they
will go to make inspections of rail
road and factory storerooms. All tu
ition charges will be waived for the
third and future classes, however.
Lieutenant Jeremiah was advised
from Washington today that members
of the second class, who .have just
completed their training here, will be
assigned to immediate duty in the Gov
ernment arsenal at Bock Island, 111.
Ralph D. Moores, of Salem, who was
a member of the second class, has been
assigned to duty at the university as
an assistant instructor under Lieu
tenant Jeremiah.
Mrs. 1'ernicla War nock to Be Burled
OREGON CITY, Or., Jan. 4. (Spe-
cial.) Mrs. Pernlcia Warnock, wife of
Mason Warnock, well-known and
prominent pioneer of Clackamas
County, died this morning at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. D, H. Howell, of
Concord, after an illness of about a
year. The body has been brought to
Oregon City and is at the Holman
Undertaking Parlors, where the funeral
services are to be conducted on Sun,
day afternoon at 1 o'clock, with Rev.
E. E. Gilbert, pastor of the Methodist
Church, officiating. Tha interment
will be in Mountain View Cemetery.
Mrs. Warnock was the daughter of
the late Samuel and Faith Hughes,
early pioneers of Oregon. She w&s
born In September, 1842, in Saline
County, Mo., and came with her parents
across the plains to Oregon at the age
of 10 years.
Quake Havoc Exaggerated.
SAN SALVADOR, Jan. 4.-The latest
advices received show that the first re
ports of the Guatemala earthquake
were exaggerated. The fatalities as a
result of the disturbance aggregated 50.
while only 100 persons were injured.
Earth shocks continue, but t they are
PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 4. Maximum
temperature, 59 degrees; minimum temper
ature, 50 deg-rees; river reading, 8 A. M.
lti.3 ifeet; change in last 4 hours, 1-foot
4b.ll; total rainfall (5 P. M. Jto 5 P. M.
.07 Inches; total rainfall since September
1917. 21.15 inches; normal rainfall since
September 1, 20.8U inches; excess of rain
fall since September 1, 1017, OSS Inches.
Sunrise, 7:53 A. M. ; sunset, 4.39 P. M. ; total
sunshine, none; possible sunshine, 8
hours, 46 Minutes; moonrise, 12:34
A. M. : moonset, 11:02 A. M. Barometer
reduced sea level) 5 P. M., 80.11 Inches;
relative humidity at noon, 91 per cent.
Plate of
The ordnance students are all of draft
ago. They have been expecting to be
appointed sergeants in this department.
It still is believed that they will get
this appointment.
The fact that they are ordered to
Rock Island comes as a surprise, ss
they had supposed they would be or
dered to San Antonio, Tex.
G. C. Jeremiah, in Charge of Ord
nance Class, Is Second Lieutenant.
Jan. 4. (Special.) Professor C. C. Jer
emiah, who has had charge of the ord
nance instruction work at the univer
sity for the last three months, has
been commissioned a Second Lieutenant
in toe Ordnance Reserve Corps of the
United States Army and assigned to
active duty at the university.
This means that Lieutenant Jeremiah
will continue in charge of the ordnance
training work here after January 14,
when the courses will be placed on a
military basis. A new class of 75 men,
recruited from all parts of the Pacific
Coast, will report at that time.
Members of the new class will be
enlisted before they begin their work
I .... 4i
Boise .....
Boston . . .
Chicago . . .
Ies Moines
Duluth ....
t Juneau
Kansas City
Los Angeles
Marshfield .
Medford . . .
New Orleans
New York . .
North Head
North Yakima.
Phoenix .....
Portland . . . .
Koseburgr . . . .
St. Louis . . . .
Salt Lake . . .
San DietfO
San Francisco.
Tatoosh Island
Walla Wall .
Washington ,.
Winnipeg . . . .
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Rain '
5H0.10( 4iSW ICloudy
tA. M. today. 'P. M. report of preceding day.
Portland and vicinity Saturday,
strong southerly winda.
Washington and Oregon Saturday,
strong southerly winds.
Idaho Saturday, rain.
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