Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 05, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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Former Resident of Portland
Lectures Under Auspices
of Third Church.
Religion Declared Founded on Sci
entific Understanding of So
preroacy of Cod and Carry
ing Intelligent Optimism.
Before an Immense audience at the
Public Auditorium last night. Paul
btark Seeley. C. member of the
Christian Science board of lectureship
of the First Church of Christ. Scientist.
Boston. Mais, save a strong address
on Christian Science.' telling what It
meant to the world. especially In Its
application of the modern day needs
of humanity. Mr. Seeley Is a former
portlander and has a . wide circle of
friends here, and thus his lecture was
of added Interest to those who heard
The lecturer was Introduced by Er
nest Percy Morgan, first reader of
Third Church of Christ. Sciential,
under which auspices the lecture was
Mr. Feeler's lecture. In part, follows:
"The time. It seems. Is at hand when.
as never before, men and nations are
ready to stop and ponder, to listen,
aye. and more, to think on the su
premacy of good and the way to Its
present demonstration and accomplish
ment. Carlyle has said, and truly,
that 'A thinking man Is the worst
enemy the prince of darkness can
have.' Mrs. Eddy, with clear vision of
the present period's Import, says. Ths
time for thinkers has come. Truth.
Independent of doctrine and time-honored
systems, knocks at the portal of
humanity.' (Science and , Health,
page I.)
Rea-eel a ad Legla Beetle.
"TVith the assurance of that which
has been tried and proved. Christian
Science presents to the world, not a
new denominational dogma, but the
eternal truth about Cod. creation and
man. based on reason, logle and demon
stration. It asserts that there exists
an ever-operative law of good which la
superior to every phase of evil, that
R. and Mrs. Frank Kerr were
hosts last night for a charming
iformal dinner at their home.
Seated about the prettily decked table
were: Colonel and Mrs. Cornelius Gar
dener. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Kerr,
Judge and Mrs. C E. Wolverton. Mrs.
Dell Stuart. Rev. John II. Boyd and the
Mrs. Kerr's brother-in-law and sis
ter, Mr.'and Mrs.- Charles Haddon Man
ners, of Underwood. Wash., are en
route to Montrlair. X. J., where they
will visit Dr. Manners for the rest of
the Winter.
Mrs. J. O. Hornberger, of Seattle. Is I
spending several days at the Multno-1
man. Hotel.
Miss Reba Macklln will return to En- I
gene on Sunday to resume her studies
at the State University. She Is an
active member or Delta Gamma so-1
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nleml have re
turned from their weddlnc trip and are I
domiciled In their apartments In the
Multnomah Hotel. Their wedding was I
an event at the Multnomah early In
e e e '
Miss Hasel Laura Ralston made
charming bride yesterday morning.
when she pUahted her troth with Lieu
tenant Arthur D. Struble. of the United
States Navy, at the residence of I
her parent. Mr. and Mrs. L. O.
Ralston. The ceremony was read
at 8 o'clock. Dr. Joshua Stens
fleld officiating. Only relatives of
the couple were In attendance, about
0 betng present at both the ceremony
and reception which followed. Mis
Ruth Ralston wee maid of honor for
her sister, and little nieces of the!
bridegroom. Josephine and Jane Price,
were flower girls. Little -year-old
Lonner Owen Ralston III was most I
admired In bis full dress naval uni
form. He carried the ring on a tiny
pillow. Lieutenant Fred Buckley.
United States Army, stationed at Camp
Lewis, acted as best men.
Mrs. R. W. Price, sister of the bride
groom, played the wedding march, and
vocal solos were sung by Miss Ruth
Johns preceding: and following the
The bride was given lis marriage by I
her father, and she was attractive In. a
lovely gown of Ivory-white satin, used
as a foundation, and ovsr It was a su- I
perb gown of hand-embroidered lace I
and Italian and cut work In an elab
orate) design. It vu made short and I
full, minus a train. The tulle veil was
arranged li a semi-coronet, wreathed
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rhiVlaw may be nndlrVtood and ZZk -It orange blo-oma. snd the bridal
. 1 . I bouquet was of white roses, freeslas.
tSarm Syf,
br man to overcome every svll con'
ditlon with which he may be con
fronted. It recognisea the heart hun
ger of men and nations and supples
the one and only antidote for evil of
every kind. In Its teachings Is on
covered the modus of every evil work
and the way for Its destruction.
"These are bold claims, but Chris
tian Science Is proving Its assertions
to be as true as the law or ood wnicn
gave them birth and which baa brought! at Qulncy. Mass.
to this rellgtoue movement a vitality,
vla-or. power and frultrulnesa that is
giving it pre-eminence and merited
consideration among thinking men.
aeteaee Called Law ef Cos.
"Christian Science baa been defined
by Mrs. Eddy. In her work entitled
"Kudlmental Divine Science." as the
law of God. the law of good. Interpret
ing and demonstrating the divine prin
ciple and rule of universal harmony.'
Universal harmony la surely what the
world Is desiring, what you and I want
la our life and a.l Its relationshlpe, for
universal harmony excludes all evil,
discord, sickness snd woe. Christian
Selene presents. Interprets and dem
onstrates this law of good so that all
who will may presently enjoy Its un
limited blessing.
"Look Ins Into this mast of a world
confused, divided and discordant. Chris
tian Science places before men the un
varying standard of spiritual truth, a
lodestar and unerring guide to lead
them out from the turmoil of human
opinion Into the peaceful latitudes of
coascloosneea which are correlative
with true being. With the understand
ing ef the law of spiritual truth the
simplicity of good supplants the com
plexity of evil, order takes the place
of ehaoe. and man e conscious sense of
being lays hold of the verities of eter
nal life and spiritual law.
latelllgeaee) la Rational Coarao.
"Reason tells us that the cause of
man and creation must be Intelltsjent.
that Intelligence Indeed must be Its
primary quality. A moment's consider
ation shows us that Intelligence la
found only in mind. Is the native qual
ity and essence of mind. Indeed mind
and intelligence are Inseparable and
spray orrhlda and bouvardia.
Mis Raiaton'a gown was a charming
model of turquoise blue panne velvet
and tulle, and she carried a bouquet of
Ophelia roses.
A wedding breakfast was served Im
mediately after the ceremony, and
Lieutenant Struble and hie bride left
on the morning train for the East.
where the former will resume his duties
Lieutenant Struble la a graduate of
AnnapoIla and baa been In the naval
service for the past seven years. Both
he and hie bride are very popular In
this city, and during the former's visit
here with his parenta, Mr. and Mra, v
D. Struble, over the holiday season, the
young folk have been extensively en
e e e
Society Is planning on rrumeroua line
parties for the opening nlKbt of the San Mrs, M. L. T. Hidden and Mrs. Lucy E.
grammes. Home conservation essays
are being written by the children of the
school. The good literature committee
has been getting good results, but the
crowning work Is that done for the
Red Cross. The Arleta unit meets
every Thursday at 10 A. M. In the do
mestic arts room of the school, under
the direction of Mrs. Jeffries, Mrs. Win-
sor, Mrs. Carkeek and Mrs.- A. Mccann.
Willamette Chapter, D. A. R., sold
Wil li worth of Red Cross seals.
The regular Wednesday meeting of
the Coterie was held at T. W. C. A..
Mrs. Gus C Moser presiding. Two solos
were given by Mra O. F. Alexander,
Ashes of Roses," by Woods, and "Res
ignation," Caro Roma.
Mrs. Joseph Macqueen's paper on
Ea-ypt was full of interesting: facts.
Other features were table talks by
Carlo Opera Company, which will be
Monday at the Auditorium. The reper
toire will be replete with many of the
old favorite operaa. and the company
and chorus are well known throughout
the Northwest. The brief season of
grand opera Is but for five days, and
already Indications are for a most sue
ceseful on. Ia many Instances the line
parties for the opera will be preceded
with small and Informal dinner parties.
and will be followed by snipper-dance
at the various hotels and homes ox the
e e
Coming ae a great surprise Is the
announcement of the engagement of
Mlse Amy Gerstel to Ernest C Hy
land. of Eugene. The news was told at
a luncheon for which Mrs. Erie O.
Swanson was hostess on Saturday. Mlsa
Gerstel la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ausrust Gerstel. and comes from a prom
tnent pioneer family. The wedding will
be an event of early Spring.
e e e
The January luncheon of the Assoc!
ation of Collsgtate Alumnae will he
held today In the University Club. An
Interesting programme has been ar
ranged for the event, and all members
are urged to bring their donations for
the Red Cross Superfluity Shop, whence
Walters and bandage rolling In the
afternoon, at which time S. B. Huston
gave a short talk on "War."
Coterie and friends will meet next
Friday at 1 o'clock at T. W. C A. to
continue bandage rolllns.
The IS happy little children who
make up the personnel of the Webber
Juvenile Orchestra paid the boys of the
lower T. M. C A. hut a visit Nsw Tear's
day and provided a concert such as
seldom Is heard In or outside of
camp. The soldier boys had the time
of their Uvea, enjoying toe eongs by
Clifford Bird, aged I, and the dashing
lira played by the orchestra. Mra
Mlscba Pels played and sang some
stirring airs and the boys Joined in
the choruses. The children were taken
to and from Vancouver In autos pro
vlded by kind friends. The programme
was a iran -ed by a committee of patri
otio women.
e e e
Mrs. C W. Hayhurst has returned
from Corvallls, where she attended
Farmers' week convention. Mrs. Hay
hurst spoke highly of the addresses
given by Mrs. C. H. Castner. Mrs. Jen
nie Kemp. Mrs. Frederick Schllke and
Mrs. Minnie 3. Bond. Mrs. Castner
terday received a letter from Governor
Wlthycombe accepting the Invitation to
attend, and saying he would esteem It
a pleasure to speak. The general sub
ject will be "What Women Can Do To
ward Making Portland a Better City.1
Bishop Sumner will be present and
Mayor Baker and several other men of
prominence will be among the speakers.
DowEsnc Science
By Lilian Tingle.
synonymous, and It la intelligence, or I tney D, taken to the shop by one spoke on the war work of the federated!
mind, that Christian Science accepts as
the primal cause of man and creation.
"All that can truly have being must
then be conceived by and be the ex
pression of Intelligence. From this
fundamental and Important premise
Christian Science never deviates in Its
deductions or conclusions.
"To make God responsible for evil
at once gives It place as unending re
ality, thereby forestalling hope of har
mony, peace, and brotherhood, gives
sanction to eternal discord. Impugns
God's wisdom, power and love, en
thrones Satan, and damns mankind to
perpetual sorrow, discord and dismay.
Rellgtea Is Os of Jey.
"Such a belief ia the depth of pes
simism. Christian Science Is a re
ligion of Joy and gladness, for It pro
pounds an Intelligent optimism based
oa a scientific understanding of the
supremacy of good. Good does not as
sociate or collaborate with evIL Ood
doee not fraternise with the devil.
"Ia Hi. Just a bare half century
ago, Mra Eddy aftet suffering a se
vere accident which endangered her
life, and receiving no aid from med
ical attendance turned to her under
standing of Ood as best she then knew
and placed her trust In (he law of
rood as the healing agency. The heal
ing was quickly accomplished and with
It came a clearer realisation of the
modus of the law from which It re
sulted. "In 1STS she published the Christian
Science Textbook, which corroborates
the vital message of Christ Jesus and
lucidly explains the law of spiritual
healing, the law of God which Is the
world's one hope for certain salvation
from human woe."
of the member.
clubs. Mrs. Kemp of the W. C. T.
Mrs. Schllke of the Congress
Dr. Harry Flynn, of Chicago, la visit- I Mothers and Mra Bond of the Grantre,
tng bis sister. Airs. r J. eieeie. wno
has en
box part
his sister. Mrs. E. J. Steele, who
entertained for him at several din- fj r S7f 7 t'
p:.-rv2,s ( If omens CuAf)
ive event of the early week. J,
e e e -mmmmmmmmm'
ETTGEXE. Or, Jan. t. (Special)
Announcement Is made of plana for the
wedding of Miss Helen Rhodes, of
Eugene, to Clair Pennington, formerly
of this city, now of Washington. D. C.
Both are former University of Orea-on
students. Miss Rhodes, who Is a daugh
ter of Mrs. Cora Rhodes, of Eugene, left
for Washington Wednesday, where the
wedding will take place. Mr. Penning
ton is a son of Mr. and Mra Wesley
Pennington, of Eua-ene. He ia a mem
ber of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity.
The Northwest Steel Company em
ployes will give their annual ball to-1
nla-ht In the Multnomah Hotel, the I
ballroom being reserved for the danc
ing, and card tables will be arranged In
the tea gardens for those who desire I
to play.
Another event of Importance os to
day's calendar is the big dinner to be
given br the Southern Pacific Railroad
men. The dinner will start at o clock
In the goldroom of the Multnomah
Hotel, and about HO persons are ex
pected to attend It. An orchestra will
play Scotch and Irish airs during the
evening, and several short talks will be
made by the offlcals.
Association of Collegiate Alum
naeUniversity Club, lunch
eon. 11:30; A. E. Carter to
Clvlo League Multnomah Hotel,
luncheon at noon, Mr. Carter
to speak.
Lecture Mrs. J. D. Spencer.
Powers building. Third and
Yamhill streets, 2:30; free to
clubwomen, housewives and
Toung women of First Metho.
dlst Church to give programme
at Fourth and Burnslde
streets. Men's Resort.
Call Formed Jfrona Oregon Medical
School Faculty and Alumni.
By Edith Knight Holmes
E Irvington Red Cross Auxiliary
one of the units that la doing a
Monday night will occur the annual
meeting of the Mayflower Club, in the
Portland Hotel. Mrs. Helen J. Bang-
hart will preside.
The January meeting of the State
Woman's Press Club was held in room
A of the Central Library last Wednes
day evening. Miss Eleanor Baldwin
read an Instructive paper on "Realism
and Sensational Journalism: Should
We Cultivate or Shun It?" Mrs. Col Hot a
M. Dowllng gave a talk on "The Comic
Supplement. General discussion and
market reports followed. After eight
o'clock all women Interested In literary
work are Invited to attend the meeting's
of the Pre Club.
The Portland Woman's Union will
great work In helping the cause of de-I meet on Monday at 1:39 P. M. In the
Martna waanington. All members hav
been asked to be present.
I mocracy. This unit meets every frlaay
Major Robert C Tenney. director of I from A. M- to 1 P. M. in the Irvington
Base Hospital No. 4i. has Just received
official notification that thta organisa
tion has been taken over bodily Into
the Array of the United States.
The Red Croas authorities at Wash
ington have certified that the unit Is
ready for service In every particular,
and under their dlrectlor the complete
equipment contributed at an expense
of by the war council of the
Elks has been assembled and could be
on Its way to Franc In 41 hours.
This hospital unit has been formed
from the faculty and graduates of the
University of Oregon medical school.
It 1 equipped te take oar of to
Clubhouse. There Is a variety of work.
so that none may be at a las for oocu-patlon.
Through the generosity of the club.
not only the use. but the heating and
lighting of the clubbouss is donated.
Condition are Ideal for the work, and
to those who have not yet assisted the
call now Is made. Inviting them to be a
part of this busy group of congenial
Arleta rarent-Teacher Association Is
doing active work this season. It
meets on the second Friday of each
month. The programme committee has
produced, a-- sssaafeaUn pro
file Michigan Stat Society will meet
Monday evening In the assembly room
of Hotel Portland.
Mra J. D. Spencer will lecture today
at 2:30 P. M.. at the Powers building.
"Fish Leftover" and "Chowder" will
be the subject a All clubwomen and
housewives are Invited.
Great preparation are under way for
the big luncheon to be given January
24 by member of Portland Woman's
Research Club, who will entertain In
the Multnomah Hotel. Mrs. Lee Dav
, aaport. vho la general chairman, yea-
PORTLAND, Or., Dec. 11. Will yon
kindly five directions tor a food honey
cake suitable for Christmas? Thanking; you
In advance. MRS. A. B. I
Honey cakes are particularly good
for keeping, as the honey seems to pre
vent drying out. Therefore It is usually
a wise plan to. make several loaves at
a time and thus save both labor and
(ueL Following are typical loaf cakes:
Honey Spice Cake. Two cups brown
sugar, two cup honey, two tablespoons
water or orange Juice, five egg yolks.
two and one-half cup flour, one-half
cup cornstarch, one-half teaspoon salt,
one and one-half teaspoons soda, three
teaspoons ground cinnamon, one-half
teaspoon ground cloves, one-half tea
spoon ground nutmeg, one-half tea
spoon allspice, one cup chopped raisins,
one-fourth cup minced citron, and can
dled orange rind chopped, one cup
roughly chopped walnuts or blanched
almonds, white of three eggs.
Beat together the honey, sugar and
egg yolk until light and thick. Add
the fruit and nuts, then the flour sifted
with the apices, aalt and soda. Fold In
the stiff beaten egg whites last. Bake
in pans lined with greased paper. Have
the batter about one and one-half
Inches deep, push it well to the corners,
leaving a hollow In the middle, so as
to have a level surface when baked.
Bake In a rather slow oven.
This recipe calls for no shortening
and since more yolks than white are
needed, it 1 sometimes a convenient
"running mate for" whip desserts, or
nougat candies.
Old-Fashioned Honey Pound Cake.
One cup brown sugar, three-quarters
cup honey, three-quarters cup butter,
four eggs, one and three-quarters cups
flour, one-quarter cup cornstarch, one
half teaspoon powdered cardamon seed,
three-fourths teaspoon soda, one tea
spoon grated orange rind or one-half
teaspoon orange flower water. Cream
the butter and sugar, then beat In the
eggs, one at a time, beating very thor
oughly between each and adding Just
enough flour to maintain the creamed
butter consistency. When very light.
fold in the rest of the flour sifted with
the soda and cardamon seed, and beat
a little before putting Into a warm loaf
pan lined with greased paper. Be
sure the paper projects one inch above
the sides. Bake in a very moderate
oven about one hour.
I have riven you the "old-fashioned
recipe, but I would suggest that in
stead of the butter one-half cup of
well-salted crlsco should be used.
A cake better adapted to present
conditions is the following:
Plain Honey Cake One-third ' cup
well-salted crlsco, one cup honey, one
egg, one-half cup sour milk, one and
one-fourth teaspoons soda, one-half
teaspoon each cinnamon and ginger,
two cups white flour, two cups rye or
barley flour. Raslns and nuts may be
added at discretion. Warm the crlsco
and honey a little and beat together
thoroughly. Add the egg, well beaten
with one or two tablespoons of flour
to keep a smooth consistency, then beat
In the rest of the flour, sifted with the
soda and spices and the fruit. If any is
used. Or the fruit may be heated with
the honey, as In the following recipe.
Bake In a tin lined with greased paper.
Following Is a very rich fruit cake.
which, however, calls for neither sugar
nor butter, and uses comparatively lit
tle wheat flour. It gives an oppor
tunity for the use of home-dried fruits
and Jelly. The quantity given below
makes 10 to 12 pounds of fruit cake.
Rich Honey Fruit Cake one cup
white flour, one cup rye or barley flour,
three-fourths cup graham flour, one
fourth cup corn starch (or one and one
half cups rye or barley flour), two tea
spoons sods, three and one-half cups
honey, three-fourths cup crlsco, two
teaspoons salt, two pounds seeded rai
sins (cut), one pound small seedless
raisins (or currants), one-half pound
each finely chopped candied citron.
orange and lemon rind (the two last
may be home made), one pound dried
seedless cherries, one pound dried apri
cots, cut in pieces, one-half pound
grape Juice or other fruit juice (or one
class tart Jelly with water to make
one-half pint), two teaspoons cinna
mon, one and one-half teaspoons rin
ger, one-nail teaspoon cloves, gratea
rind and juice of one orange, fou
Put all the ingredients except th
flour, soda and eggs into a large kettle
and bring to boiling point. The aprl'
cots should be cut into small pieces
the large raisins should also be cut and
the almonds both blanched and sliced.
Other nuts may take the place of the
almonds if liked. If the dried fruits
are very dry, a little water may be
needed to give them the proper con
sistency. Let the heated mixture coo.
then beat In the eggs, previously beat
en . stiff, and the nour. rne consls
tency should be a rather thin drop bat
ter. Bake in tins lined with double
layers of greased paper or steam, as a
Christmas pudding.
Kitchen Economies
By Lsqbel Brands
How to Use Gelatine.
NE of the valuable results of our
attempts at food conservation Is
that we are constantly discovering
new methods of using old food sources.
For example, we have generally looked
upon gelatine as a dessert basis, oc
casionally using it In making aspics.
but we are finding out now that this
food accessory has many other val
uable everyday uses.
In the first place, gelatine should be
used more because It has a definite food
value. One tablespoonful of granulated
gelatine has 60 per cent more protein
content than an egg, and there Is abso
lutely no waste product to the gelatine.
It Is easily digested, and Is an ideal
food for children, especially as It helps
in forming bone and tissue.
Gelatine can be used in soups to give
richness to thin stock, and for thick
enlng sauces, syrups, meat or vegetable
jellies as well as puddings and other
desserts. With a basis of an aspic Jelly
cheap cuts of 'meat or vegetables, or
even leftovers may be added to form an
attractive and most wholesome dish.
Here Is a simple recipe for aspic that
may be used for any dish:
Asple Jelly.
Soak half a box of gelatine in
enough warm water to cover it for
half an hour. Heat soup stock to boil
ing, add the gelatine and stir until
dissolved. Then strain and set aside
to cool. If you desire to mould meat
or vegetables in the Jelly wet the bot
torn of a mould with cold water, pour
in a llttle-of the aspic which has be
gun to form, then add the meat or
vegetables, etc., and cover with the
rest of the jelly. Set on ice or In
cold place to harden.
A good seasoning for soup stock to
be made into Jelly is:
8 tablespoonfuls of vinegar.
2 bay leaves.
4 cloves.
1 lemon rind and juice.
1 teaspoonfjil of salt.
1 onion.
1 stalk of celery.
12 whole peppers.
These proportions are for about one
scant quart of stock.
Jellied Fish.
1 tablespoonful of granulated gel
2 tablespoonfuls of cold water.
1 cupful of boiling water.
.2 tablespoonfuls of lemon Juice.
Hi cupfuls of cold flaked fish.
2 tablespoonfuls of chopped capers.
1 hard-boiled egg.
Soak the gelatine in cold water for
half an hour, then add the boiling
water and stir until the gelatine is
dissolved. Add the lemon Juice and
salt to taste. Put a few slices of hard
boiled egg In the bottom of an earthen
mould, then add the flaked fish any
cold boiled fish, or canned salmon or
tuna flsb, etc, can be used. Pour the
Jelly carefully over all and set in a
cold place to harden. Serve garnished
with lettuce or thin slices of lemon.
Cold meats and vegetables may be
treated in the same way. It Isn't neces
sary to regard gelatine or Jellied meats
as a Summer food. It Is true that it is
always served cold, but there is so
much nutriment In a Jelly that makes
It an excellent Winter dish that It is
wise to get Into the habit of using it
oftener, even if it is necessary to have
other hot dishes on the menu to suit
the season.
The housewife with the problem of
feeding a group with finicky tastes
the kind of a family that wants Its
palate appealed to by attractive foods
and yet hasn't the income to provide
these constantly will find a great ally
in the more frequent use of gelatine
dishes. For It enables her to trans
form the cheapest foods or leftovers
Into something that Is at once whole-
ome and yet dalny to serve.
amir a ass si saeer
Average weekly temperatures of lea dine Cal ifornla resorts for week ending Saturday,
December is, ion.
Max. Min. Mean.
Max. Min. Mean.
Los Angeles 86 45 67 San Francisco 69 48 hi'.Z
Santa Barbara 81 39 60 Coronado 78 46 60 ;
Arrowhead 81 67 70 Santa Monica 87 44 68 ;
Ocean Park 88 43 68 Long Beach 87 44 68
Redondo 87 44 68 Del Monte 68 48 60
"Aa IToft
pitable as
tbe Nam
THE VIRGINIA possesses a peculiar and dis
tinctive charm which Is apparent from the
moment the truest enters its doors. It Is
center of the Southland's championship
golf, yacht races and tennis events. The so
cial rendezvous. It Is famous the world
over for Us excellence of appointments, serv
ice and cuisine. Army and Navy headquar
ters. American plan, absolutely flre-
prooi. write ior ioiaer
and reservations. Wm. R.
Nestle, Mgr.
W ' . ft. TT3g-i
. 9
' (American Plan.)
. California.
Completely Equipped With Automat
ic Sprinkler System.
Splendid 18-Hole Golf Course.
Motoring, Tennis.
Bay and Surf Bathing,
Fishing and Boating.
John J. Hernan. Manager.
ill! ' zr B il,il,l,tl y
Center ot Los Angeled, at Seventh and
Broadway, convenient to all shopping,
theatrical and business activities.
Three hundred beautiful outside rooms
with private baths. European plan,
rates $1.50 and up. Cafe service ele
gant and refined. Free automobile car
meets all trains. Wm. R. Flood. Mgr.
Superior Court
as the result of these
Pasco Wars on Bootlegging.
PASCO. Wash.. Jan. 4. (Special.)
An active campaign Is being waged in
Pasco by the Sheriff and Chief of Po-
lice against bootleggers and an effort
will be made to stamp out the evil.
Three men are awaiting trial in the
Astoria Men to Be Investigated by
Federal Grand Jury.
Assistant United States Attorney
Goldstein andi Deputy United States
Marshal Tlchenor returned yesterday
from Astoria with three alien enemies
who were held to the Federal grand
ury after a preliminary hearing before
United State Commissioner Carney in
that city. W. E. Seal, a plumber, is
charged with sending a telegram warn
ing his fellow craftsmen not to come
to Fort Steven for work, representing
that an excess of these laborers were
on the ground, when the contrary was
Fred C. Brlndllnger is accused of
writing and circulating seditious liter
ature. Frederick Wilhelm Rhelnhold
Loth, an electrician, is suspected ot
being a dangerous German alien, enemy
whose detention should be ordered un
til after the war.
Oregon Headquarters, SCO Cheer- ;
I u i rtooms. auu uatns. very com
fort and luxury. Convenient loca
tion, willing service. Splendid ta
ble. Am. Plan from $4. Eu. Plan
from $2. Gueets always return. !
Morgan Koss, Manager.
AMERICA'S MOST 3jmbamt&vih
Ideally situated on a beautiful estate
convenient to everything. All outside
rooms, each havine nrlvate lava tor v.
Three kinds of GOLF 9-hole links on
Mope .Kanch; links on own grounds;
Indoor golf. Inside hotel. Winter surf and
warm plunge bathing, tennis, horse baclt '
riding, motoring and dancing. Am. plan.
Flit proof. E. P. Dunn, Lessee.
Foremost Among tlie World's .NoteU Spaa,
Temperature ox sieaui caves 202 degrees Fahr.
Water, steam and mud radioactive. Splen
did Am. plan hotel. Altitude zuuu leet. Table
supplied from hotel's dairy, poultry and veg.
etable ranches. No tourist should fall to
visit thia interesting resort. Just 68 miles,
from Los Angeles. Finest motor boulevards;
splendid transportation facilities. Write for
interesting folders and other Invaluable data.
Arrnwhenn spring.. Southern I nllTornlH.
Shipyard Worker Hurt.
Thomrs Greer, BO yeans old, was In
the path of a falling chain at the
Grant Smith-Porter-Guthrle shipyard
Thursday and was taken to Good
Samaritan Hospital after the accident.
Hl nose, and elbow were broken. Mr.
Greer lives at 171 Curry street.
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
$1.75 to $5
Stetson $6.00
Silk .
. . . .3o0
A Few Suggestions for the Season Now On. We Carry a Large Line
of Useful Articles That Represent Quality and Durability.
Army Shoes $5. to $7.50
.Barrack Shoes $1.00
Rain Coats. .$16.50 to $21.00
Rain Slickers, up to $8.50
Sheepskin lined Trench
Coats .....$20.00
Sheepskin lined Corduroy
Coats $10.50
Corduroy Suits $18.00
Corduroy Coat and
Breeches $14.00
Rubber Ponchos $2.00
Army Ponchos . . .$4 to $4.85
Bed Rolls, waterproof, Jhia.UU
Duffle Bags, combinat'n, $6.75
Packsacks, 25 to $2
0. D. Sweaters $6.00
0. D. Sleeveless Sweaters
' .$2.50 to $5.50
O. D. Wool Helmets $1.50
Wool Mitts. . .$1.25 and $1.50
All-wool Blankets $2 to $12
Auto Robes, all wool.... $6.00
Logger Shirts $4.50
All-wool Work Shirt, heavy,
Flannel Shirts. . .$2.25 to $5
Leather Puttees $2.75-$8.50
0. D. Spiral Puttees $4.50
Stocks 15(
Eases Quickly When You Appltf :
a Little Musterole.
And Musterole won't blister like tM ;
old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just',.
spread it on with your fingers. It penee ; ;
tratea to the sore spot with a gentle) -tingle,
loosens the congestion and draws
out the soreness and pain.
Musterole is a clean, white ointment -made
with oil of mustard. It i3 fine iot ;
quick relief from sore throat, bronchitis,;;
tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neu..
ralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy,:;
rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of
the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, '
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet; colds on
the chest (it often prevents pneumonia).
Nothing like Musterole for croupy chile ; ;
dren. Keep it handy for instant use.
30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. -'
A Fine Value in Fur Overcoats $25.00
We invite your inspection of our War Curios
and Home Decorations.
Main 421S
Write for
Heal Shin Diseases
WAT paves the way to
a home in the beautiful
residential district of
Inquiries welcomed.
Stark at Second
It is unnecessary for you to suffer with
eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and
similar skin troubles. A little zemo,
obtained at any drug store for 35c, or '
$1.00 for extra large bottle, and promptly
applied will usually give instant relief
from itching torture. It cleanses and
soothes the skin and heals quickly and
effectively most skin diseases. (
Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, dis
appearing liquid and is soothing to the
most delicate skin. It is not greasy, ia
easily applied and costs little. Get it
today and save all further distress.
The E. W. Rose Co, Cleveland, a
Or Frost Bites Just Bathe and Rub
Them With
TJsers say i "Ifs Jnst dandy I We
grease. Win not stain. - There la
nothing like It. Yonr druggist has
It, or will gladly get it.
Use o Anno
A preparation of great merit fo
streaked. ladea or gray hair.
i You Can Make II Yourself
Get a boa of Barbs Csnraonmf era
p atara. Directions fas and nasi
itaeaeanoa. wssri itmsange