TITE MOKXIXG ' OKEGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JAXTJART 1, 1918. 19 roi U.E. rsEO ford bargains. Tt'i ! !)jn r ths t!ra of year la boor, buvt socoR4'bend Ford ca r i : fco fr m p-r. ctcl l 40 pr coat sr by raring ttoad ins fo. lowing list. Jl!i Frir-d delivery, motal side body. p.a..4 $0O l:4 firt touring. ttX'.r brakes, good cosd.cloa 2S0 13! Ford re-sds.r. Presto tights, good .--.p. :m J: Ford touring, hand starter i:ja IP'S re.-tl touring, m body. aow f.eda-s. comp.e'.c.y sveraau.ed and painted 323 1M Fi-4 !t-t. caw tiros re painted. sui:ar.s for meal market.. 173 I'M r-f da'lvery. saw tiros, newly l.-.'a.t fi.us,i far light usku r grocsry 300 TERM IT DSTED 4V. H. WALLlN-jfOriDk fcix'.b at a.J-soa, Mala 1101 A IMT. U PODO to"-'-I J3TS Cfcevro.et rio.-y Grand. (-9ul 4 o Res 4. 4-paaa. 75 A?9-v'S -vary S'.O !: Bvr D 41 touring. ......... '0 114 D 45 tour-.nc 1n Hu.c c 14 roalatar 14. T Bj -a D S3 taurini 710 1:4 Hs - B S4 ros'.sror T I S t alc a C : louring fi'.!. te eo'isr. 4J3 ecuUoooaer louring. ...... HOWARD AC TO rou 14ta and Davis. Buy. USO, A (24 L It DODOS towns . $J7$ C-urrrwiat Baby Grand, l-peea god Haw 4. S-paa) . 471 . Appanwa de Jery 134 . I'll Balck D 4$ t oaring $50 ltl B-lck D t Uartsc toe lflS Baick C 34 roadster $94 111 Bale D 13 t-rcrtag. .. TM - 1(14 Baick B 14 readstar . C04) H'.l S-lck C 33 lanrtng oo cadil-ad coap Ill 1911 Itsdebaksr toarlr.g .......... HOWARD ATTO CO. 14-. and lala, Bdy. I1H A 47 L CrrXR THE F!.towi(j BARGAINS I.X ViLO CARS. Hf-k toning. $.pM i4 Wiie.': lour.Rg. A. pea. ....... 37 r.-t T.rs -c? 7-eeea. ....... 4Z ri.. 4-ffU T-pase. 4. Wmi'A -y .. T-p.sa. ......... Auum. g-rvl . T-?e ......... . . . l-lt st'ad.bAker w-uring. ....... 1 111 aioick louring Hi THESE CARS ARK ALL is' fins r.Dm"X AND A Hi TP-U'-Y RO.V. 1E.Hr'L'L BARGAINS, PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, 10th sad Barasldo Sta. Bos1y n. Cpea Saadaya. PACKARD. a-cy:!-,4er. Model SI tsnrtnr. passenger, .n i.no mecnanical condition goai l. res. Taia is a god buy. lloou. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, 10th and Hameide i'a Broadway 32L Open Sunday Until Xoda. USED PACKARD Stx-cyltader. seven- passenger Packard. abeoluteiy as go.xl as new. This la not worn-out. antiquated model, bat a strict! xno-iem car. with every convenience an refinement. The flntnh haa not a aerate r dent. The upholstery looka ae If 1 never bad been us'L Mechanically thli car la In perfect shape. Am leaving foi She test and somebody la going to get tb'.m car thla week at a great big bargain. a I te owner st test XI . x. ACKARD. Mo! 3. -ey!!nder. T-psssen g.r tou g. good Ciree. la tine mechanical nap. 7SJ la a snap. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, lath and BuroaMe :a ' Broadway ML Cpea Sunday Until Nee a. laLNM a IILVVJ Asia Wroekieg Dept We have parts fir the following care at gl per cent La 2a par cent axi too lieu stuaebehera. Cha.mera. : cnisen. HiKlias. Ovvrad, t U F . Wnton, Pope-Hartford. Enainea. ftadlatara. W'.adahlelda Ma aetoa. Carbwratora. Lanspa, etc for ieea tasi price. ei Hietriorw ava Phowo E. aAsa .7 P'Sl'K light six $H4) 1917 baxea roaiiatsr 4e !: touring $ ra.1t..ac roadster f 1S1 Cadi ac tourtag 1T3 baxoa roaoecer Auairl four, runs fma. .......... .. 1:3 f o.-i. lae treole. a J OLrwoB:i.R CO. OF Ofox, Wralwv nl ie-ich llrai t4' LARGr.eT awaortment at goedl aw4 ear tn ine ctry: pr I. ee range from $.oa op. W'e make t.r-ns to eiit. A-l AUTO WriKKS PAINTTNO CXX, l.i Alder bt. tern Ford en -rt-fMB THB nruf or HI.'.H- if eoalp:l e'i Weo-lward s -f.t'R rORUtKU IPttD TKA.Nsatl. Eaeiusivo agenclea epea Pratt A Wt..laoxa. attribute's. Saa Fraaciacw. Jg.,:np.i gear, bear'.ace. wheels, sl'-xl we rt- a 1 maSee Ot carw nj ' ' ' at a., pr.ee. Auto eiaaws v.ev. t-rta h'lelvxr UjUi.I. aJ Over. and roadster, cn.se a eat-k ealo and will waat ta take low ?-u:e for case: caa e 4 Xor.t ki-oadway. leiT FO fl-st-c:aes condl'lon; g-od tlraa; g:nA aor-.b or aatraa: cheap for caa a. llaj ailet.jne ava t WILL py epct rash for your Ford. FHAN--.4 HurOK CAR EXCHANGB. Fart 177. E. Itth and Hawthorne ave. tjks 1'oC voar Ford If yoa caa u-e my 1H l t . Prlnehoti. 514 AV.er. Main SkV WlNTtH etoraee avenue and Wie vei iry reaaoaablo. Unloa st Phono t.eet T44. luRD 1-toa truck, eall or exchange (of t3unog 211 Vvashlcgtoa. Maia 1,14. BOADSTCR. e metric Ugh La. aalf -atartar. Il l 4-- Davta sc. a lel kCTI car far sale: Ike blaceat kevr gala ia Paruaao. 14 Aider ax. JORJ.lI.ts A ittw iobl le. C5ED automobiles. TERMS GIVEN. 191T Muwi!) sedaa. S-paas. 11T Mitchell. 5-paaa, f-eyL 4 , 191J JttUrr. 8-Paaa, s-crL 11S afltehslt. S-pasa. 4-cyl. 1913 MltcheU. 5-paaa, 4-cyL 1414 Oakland. 5-pasa. 4"-eyl llf Stndebsker. S-pasa., C-cyL 113 Merlon. J-psss, 4-crL 1313 Mitchell. S-pasa. 4-cyV. 1913 Mltchs!!, f-psaa. S-crL 1014 Ultchsil. l-paas. -yL 1914 Mitchell, l-pass.. 4-eyI. 11 Mitchell. T-paaa, t-cyl. 1914 Stndsbaker delivery. 11-paea hatal bua. 1-eyL Savara.1 aid aata bodlaa with top, cheap. 8 EVE RAX OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. Prtca 1130 bp. USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS A ST AVER CO. fcat Uornma at Flrat Ft. Zxt :72. fhoaea B 121. THB NEW TEAR IS HERB AND SO ARB WE with Urge line of used cars. All maaea. ail aiaes. all prices. very one reeuy to run. Th firm with a reputation mon.y cannot buy. The firm that baa sold rer one hundred and twenty-five auto moonee in tne iast six months and can ho haaJa with ovry oca who bought H'gh-rrsde bar f Higaspeed box. 40 H. P. Continental ho bug. newly rebuilt..., Chalmers 3o. ! new tlreex Auburn. Runnbus motor. PoscD.mag. H.lck roadster, overhauled llU Chaimere S4v overhsuled. . .. . 1V1J Hupmoblle. runs fine......... I'Jii Stoodsrd Dayton touring:. Vll Csdliiac, Ioias new ........... . 1:2 alit.heil In by bis Ii4 Overland, elec L. and 8. lvli American, elec. L and IhII Loster. 4-paseenser Ivl4 eitudebakec. 7-nsseenaer 1.-.0 l. 2.'0 2"0 a:.o 2- 0 4..0 2'.0 4..0 3'0 -.0 1-17 tirant MX. new e.J 111 Msxell. Just new eiO li17 Hupmoblle. run UOO mllea..... l.itio 1-14 Hudson fcu per-S' x. cord Urea... 110 lel Mitchell baby fix fui) MaxweiU new $44 storage tax... o 114 ftudebaWer. form five.......... 4.'0 'Ivld ftasoo mi. Just new............ 1I7 Kord. w xtaw............... 1.I4 Tord. perfect ................. . 1117 Hupmoblle. Just Irs. ......... t.u-.-O Cbadali-k -6o $h:"j aIco -o t.o frsnkiia Llmoualno.... ...... tgbt delivery wasoa Lfia of others to telect from. 4'K X.'3 4'H) 4 . CCM.HS USED CAR CENTER, brtr dulkling. Side Enirsoca 13th and Inxl'ie bu at Waao. St. Pnona Mala J4A Ws wish you all A Mappy and Prosperous New Tear. SOMETHING NEW. QUAUTT OX THE BARGAIN COUNTER. Sapor-Sis Hndona tlks sew. with ffuersntee. Trees automoMtea have been traded la on the new modeis. and here is I a cnaace for a person to get good, birjs cheep. $UO to gioo. a U BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. !J-eiT Tcsahtngtoa St .Portland. TWO ton trucks for ae ever been used. Call woooiawa sjei. Automobiles Wanted. IV vou want to sell your car ae ua. we condition without expense to you- Give us a rail and ta.k It over. A-l Auto Worka A Pslnttng Co.. 623 Alder St. Bl-OT CASH PAID FOR ALL MAKES OP OLD CAiiS. H r. b t nr. A.Mi or-e. co. autu beconstrictio.v co, third and gl1san. bdwt. a $l?rto El'ITT In a-room houae, newly pain tea ana orrorBim, mi iu.' -. w. K laa. Apply 604 Piatt bld(.. or Marshall 4-y WANT 1 or 7-paasenger used car: lata model. Will give unincumbered Portland lot I part pement. P i Oregonian. Ante Tlrea aad Arressortea. PARTS. PARTS. PARTS. For mostly every make of car at Ieea than ka.f once. Bring your old wora parte and we will duplicate them. We can furnish I new gears for a.most every make at car. Engines, every sise and style, at prices that wlil astonish you. Has us first. AUTO WRECKING CO.. fee-l-t3 North Broadway. WE cava Just taken off 130 tiros ot all styles of cars w a havs wrecked for their parts: you can buy them from 63 per cent to eJ per coot less than list pries. If In aeed of tlrea, a, us whi:e they last. AUTO WRECKING CO.. ".! -P3 North Broadway. PARTS. PARTS. All makH and models cent off list; englnea. PARTS, ao to so transmissions. I wnee's ete. ALTU RECONSTRUCTION CO. 81 and Gl.ian St. MOTORS, gears, boaringa w ha ia. axlss: w wreck a.i makes of cars and soil their farts st r -PI -PS N haif price. Auts Wrecking; Co., I ' orvh Broadway. Automobiles for II Irs. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE. 7-paas. car with driver. LONG A S1LVA. 443 HAWTUOK.M AVE. Pnone E. 8840. NEW s-paom. Dodgs for hire, touring. all- ing. snopping. n.gnway jaain T4J. NEW (AXON . highway, depots, funerals. calling, snopping. roaaonabis. East 40ei. Aufbs without drtvsr for hire. Fashloa Ga- rass. lota sad lamhlll. Mar. UA A 1234. Mwtsreyrles. M 0T0 RCTC1.E3 BICTCL1S A largs shipment sf asw bicycles Just arrived and ws srs prepared to taas care of your every i4 la this lias, also a largo stock of nd motorcycles, all kinds, a mode., all prices. A large stock of ns4 motorcycles, in. rTudtnc lfond.raons. Kan.eya, Indiana. Ex- ee alors. ail ftrst-c.aas shape, st lowsst prices. ll Hon'orson u en display. Call f . r demonsrra'ioa. Daytoa Ccus Co.. as ac tress, es ta st. loco in o rvoixra On Jl-14-tRt-h Mhlnitoa" ro4 fftD with ft-tlnch fclffh-prMur boU-ar and at.m f rirtion on mala drum. .-. Will-Inch "Wlllamotta wl6a drum ngrtr. with 4- rich boiitr. (ma lt la-Inch iiiarnaita" wlda dram .Una with b-t-incb bo tl ". una a-ilO-4 -inch "Saattla wlda tfrtim anc.na wit. 4-lnrb boiler. wira ropa. btocJ. a4 miaclanpua riffr1" r. B MALLOKT COMiVA.Nr. 0-acood ft-nd rina fciraaia. port ind. Or. 3-U14 R T. 1-ILEKA. 2 tV'ilS ft. T. 61. srs. 1 i'J-44 tiulney Corns on gin. 1 14x.1 A:. as sut. snglna. 1 Wxl3 Waao. Compound TsrTc 2 loxlj Wash. Ha.ord Tora. K. B. hENHV. Si s E. Sa'mon. It, 1S-TON Lima Shay, cboap. immeOlat. Ca ll, ry la-ies a. c- xta.uwia. Sva loafing sr construction work- AO Tea. Crogoaiaa. CONTINENTAL, motor. JO K. P.. with Bosch masn.to. st a bargain; in psriect conai tlon. Auto ReconstrucUon Co.. 121 N. Id SC BOAT .rginas. 140: 4-eylindor la parfet condition. Auto HacoosimcuoB m anl o.laan s:a SAWMILU tn stock, farm tractors, drag saws, sic Kelarann jtarnissry t-o-. a. MQ--K1 st Phor. Main IH6. MiLcli aJ-.t kood raiay rail, aoraral sts logging trucka. el coadiUaa. AO Too. Orsgaalaa. FOR AIJ Machinery. SAWMILU On ISxll-lncb "Atiaa" angina. Oni z!2-incb KntrprUV anirtna. On Ouilo-rt. 60-K. f. bonor with Dtt-h own. Includins SuO flro brick tod 7000 common brick. Ona 12-ft- iS-H. P. boiler. Ona il-lack Wlaland" tirlo ateam faed. Tnraa SO-rt. head blocka. atal r beam wttb ecrew and hand-aet aorka. 24-rt carriage track. One circular head rtg with three arbora. four fJ-iuch blmonda Inaaried tooth oawa ' Jour M-lnch Blmonda cutoff aawa with three arbora. Thirty 10x34-lnch live roola, Ona fi-aaw gang edger. One trimmer saw and arbors. Ona overhead log turner. Ona friction log haul. One eaer. filing outfit completa with em ery etand and wheels. . Three heavy lumber eagona. Nine lumber trucka. Three) ateam pumpa and all neoeasary belting, pulieya. ehaftlng. piping and team fittings of very kind for complete Taction. F. B. MALLORT COMPANT. Seoond and Plna Streets, ' Portland. Or. Mlarrllanroiis. CABLE. CABLE. CABLE. s oo feet H-lnch rT :-hand trip line. 'ha rii u.inrh Ax7 new trip line. 6.V0 feet -lo-lncb 7 Id-hand trip line. i o0 feet S-lneh Ml new inp line. k.'., 1 a. .'n..h KtI'i 2d-hand trio line. 34 0f0 fet S-lnch Id-band trip Una. 4 fet one-Inch xl new main llne. 4. Sfi feet 1-Inch xl 2d-hand main line. 1 Sun feet lS-ln. -! 1'd-hand main ilne. 14.-' .0 feel IS, -in. Ml ia-naau " l..i'i' fet IS-ln. iiiij -u-nuu Mm--. looHi feet lH-ln. 2i-hand ruy Ines. i -.. lu.ln Kill) 1-d-hsnd guy lines. aT.'i f-- l l .m etl -d-hand guy lines. 'naa woo ft lV-ln- 2d-hand blue I care Roebllngs extra sirong P. n. main I line." enosers. hooka, blocka and oLher lnveers' eaulDment. Write, wire or phone, at oar expense nriM rw It aulck If you want to aet In on some of this line. Wire rope Is praetica.ly' out of existence, ao don t ae lay. V. BARDE SONS. Th House of a lllillon ilargalns, 40-1:42 Pfunt St. Mala eoi. 13. STEEN'S. Tsed Sewing ilschlna Department. $ Kmcer, drop-head. dark wood sewing mschlnea .$20.00 1 Mngir. drop-head, light wood sew In g machines 13.00 3 W. W. drop-head, dark wood sew ing marhlnea S W. W . drop-head, light wood, He ine machlnee 13.00 1 White R. drop head, dark wood. sewing machlns .-.30 1 While R. drop-head, dark wood sewing machine 13.00 1 New Home, drop-bead, dark wood sewing machines 20.00 1 index special cabinet sewing ma chine isoo 10 drop-bead (stencil) aewlnc ma chines 1000 3 White R. drop-head (alt atralght) sewing machtnea 43 00 1 New Home. R. 43.00 1- tf.ncer. 6rt-l id drawer, cabinet endsl. sewing msrhlne 30 00 Abeoluteiy not connected with any other lore. A;l standard make of sewing ma chines rented st $1 per week. $.1 per month. Kewing machines all makes cleaned and repaired. bltEN SEWING HCHOU1 In connection. Dressmsklng taught In all Its branches. Bleek's aeif-ca:cuiatinc system of cutting and fitting taught. Patterns cut to meas ure. E. R. 6 TEEN. IMS Grand Ave. Near Belmont, rto-h phones. K SM9. H a7. STEAM SHOVEL. DERRICKS AND LOCOMOTIVES BOUGHT. SOLD AND RENTED. 1 Prto Mnnday rosder. special prlca 1 8-ton hay locomotive. 1 4J-ton tlhsy locomotive. 1 Msrloa Sj revolving track ehorel. 1 Thew A. O. traction shovel merry-go- round. 1 Ohio traction steam shovsL, lH-yd. 30 Duplex steam pumps. 1 American car derrick. 1 bu:..van 2-stsge lied cu. ft. belted com pressor. t lKitil; Fairbanks Morse fire pump. sets 10-ton stiff leg derrick Irons. 1 luxle Tscorrla logxlng engine. 1 lx2 Erie City engine. 6 Gyratory crushers from No. 3 to No. 5. IO.000 ft lS-lnch plow steel cable 3 7 .'1 IS return tubular boilers, liO lbsH 11 art f oril WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY, 29 N'RTrI F1KST ST. BROADWAT 1046, A 1040. EVERYBODT wanta the new. Send for Worlds latest and most wonderful calendar: for 10 cents, stamps or coin. I will send 5-year Yuaeda (yoa-aee-day) calendar: also miniature vest pocket 5 year calendar. 1118 to 1822: both In col ors: mention Oregonian: clip thla ad for reference. Joseph H. Johnston. Inventor. 72 Spalding bloc. Portland. Or. xifciAT SLIERS rHU J-K l'LTTEK3 COMPUTING SCALES ELECTRIC COFFEE MILLS CASH REGISTERS WHaon'e Auction House. 2d. near Tamhlll. SEWING MACHINES, new and second-hsnd. of all makes, sold for less, no agents em ployed: machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. IPO Id. near Taylor. A 869. Main 9431. TWO Cooper-Hewitt electric lamps or Northern llghta Eastman enlarging ma chine. 5x7 and 8x10 plate holders. Pan American Studio. 539 and 543 Vancouver avenue. " CASH REGISTERS. SECOND-HAND registers, like NEW. WHY NOT SAVE about 50 per cent on your next purchase?: WILSON'S AUC TION HOUSE. 2d. near Yamhill. FOR BALE or rent, logging and hoisting snsinea all kinds machinery, rana. cars. Hallway Equipment Co. 235 Stark st- Maln 233. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show-I raa-i ana weucasos, casn registers, na tures, susy terms. W. J. vjulgiey. 22T 1st. I Msin ftJW. EDISON horns phonograph and 50 two- minute record a price $9.60. $3 down. $2 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machlns Co.. 831 Morrison. (Exchange Oept.) F1K WOOD, biocawood, green and dry siab- wood a. so coal: prompt ae.ivery. Acme Fuel Co., ZtS and Ho.iaday. Call B 31o8 or Eaat a j.' 1 . STORE FIXTURES f all kinds Our prices srs RIGHT. WIL SON'S AUCTION HOUSE. 2d. near Yam- hllL . UIi.H-GRADE fur set, nsvsr worn, black fox and ons Blsoaed axons, at a real snap. 43 E. Ilia St.. near bturman. TODD PROTECTOORAPH Latest model BARGAIN. HIImiii Auction xiouss, -V. w. cor. 2d snd Tfsmniii. SHOWCASES Wilson's Auction House, N. W. cor. 2d and Tamhlll. LARGE AMERICAN FLAG. 10x20 HAKE BARGAIN. Wilson's Auo tion House. 2d. near YsmhllL TK ACTOR, caterpillar typs. l-5-I0-hor- Pw-r, ftrrit-c.tvBsfl conaiuon. j-tu. u. rfr. Cuofry. Or. " - S A FES. Two plendld FA Kd. CHEAP. WllMa's Auction Houm. 1M, near Yamhill. NEW tAJIor-mada Udr atyllah coat an raJn-roat cocnMnau. aiaa so. at a aacnnca. Wood. awn IS 13 SEXTANT for sale. i:o. cost ISO; will take watch la part. Ca.1 East .S48. apt. U4. rsnlnga I CORDWOOD WANTED. Aay amount. F. O. B. PoriianA. T !(-. Oregonian- Two fins sfflc dosha chairs, ruga typo wrlter. etc. 811 wood 8174. SHOEMAKEK'S nurhlnt and sowing ma- rhirs trir si'o Hroailwir in4. Iav!a tiuLBLt-FACE dlsp'.ay counters 8xs ft: mak. an otter, sl jewr-son. 3iain ijiiu. FOR SALE Two auts rugs. t2i. &S2 E. 4Ttn st. tjootn. OVEKCOAT. Importsd woolen: 1 Al wool. business suit, nargsiw. sise su. Main woo. WANT to exchang. store fixturea What hav. you? Phone Main ?7S1. POSTAGE stamps for collection bought and so:d. ol mckit diox. aiaia ini4. FOR 6ALET Pocond-hand safes, sll sixes. KILHAM 8. Fifth snd Csk sta VACUUM clean.rs sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co, Main 85b 2. SE.'ERAL good second-hand aafeat at the right pries. 44 Front St. Broadway 1966. 7S DOZEN Jslljr Stark st. cheap. Inquire 230 TO KENT Surreyofa traaalt. 410 par mo. i ilchUy bide FOR SALE. MlsUaneoua. 6000 ROLLS OF POOFIN'O PAPER AT BARGAIN PRICES. BARDE - MAKES ANOTHER Uia CAPTLKE. a THE REASON TTE MAKE THIS EXCEPTIONAL OFFER THIS PAPER COMES I.N" TWO PIECES TO THE ROLL. BUT IN NO WAV 13 THE (JUALH z 1 Mr AllitLi. w r. Atfair LLTELV GL'AKA.NTEE THIS PAPER. STANDARD. SANDED BOTH SIDES. 1- rly roofing. 95o roll. 2- p.y roofing. $1.20 rolL o-ily rooflnc. 1.40 roll. RUBBER SURFACE ONE SIDE. 1- ply roofing. 11.20 roll. 2- ply roofing. I 45 roX -p:y roofing, $1.70 roil. RUBBER SURFACE BOTH SIDES. 1- ply roofing. $1.45 roll. 2- piy roofing. $1.70 rolL - 3- p.y rooilns. $-.& roll. All with nails and cement. SEND TODB ORDERS TODAY. ROOF- TVli PAPER AT A SACRIFICE LlbU- THESE PRICES CAN'T LAST LONG. iL BARDE 4. SONS, The House of a Million Bargains. FRONT AND MAIN STS., PORTLAND. OR. STEAM HAMMER. Morgan Engineering Co. 1500-lb. steam hammer, good as new. Writs, phono or I wire us. M. BARDE SONS. The House of a Million Bargains. J40-242 Front St. FURNITURE WANTED. BEST CAFH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, stora fixturea. res taurant outfits, hote.s. rooming houses, of fice furniture, furniture stocks. Nothing I too big or too small to handle. Prompt I attention and courteoua treatment. piioNKS MARSHALL BUM. A 322. GEVUP.TZ FURNITURE CO 1S5 to IDl First st.. near Tsmhlll. BEFORE TOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE SEE US. We will psy cash for all kinds of fur niture, stoves, ranges, carpets, rugs, otiice furniture ot all descriptions: nothing too I s.-nkil or too large ror our consideration. A phone call will bring our buyer at any t;rr. Call Marshall 57. GEVURT2 I FURNITURE STOKE. 2U5-207 First st Mlr-H FURNITURE CO. will pay highest I cah price ever paid for used furniture. 1 carpets, rugs, stovea. ranges, omce tur- niture and fixtures. It win pay you to I caii us. You will be money abeaa. A1ISH FURNITURE CO., 184 FIRST. Mai n 668. I MUST HAVE USED FURNITURE. Spot cjri for your second-hand furniture., cer- pets. stoves, rugs, etc Call us for ons I ari.cle or a house tulL Phone and co-rteoua buyer will call. Main 4773. THE LEVIN HARDWARE at FURNITURE CO. buys furniture, hotel and restaurant outfiie and tools of any deacrtpuon: full va tie for them assured. 221 Front. Mala ; 2. A 71 T4. WE WANT FURNITURE. What have you to .ell? We Day soot CASH ana HIUH- L.-T PRICES. Wilson's Auction House, 2a. near lamhlll. WANTED Good, polished, golden oak buf fet, give phone number, jara. xaexian. gen. de.lvery. DO you want good pay for your household goods. If so. call up Marshall 632L Ida First st. WANTED Good, polished, goMon oak buf- fvt: give phone number. aire, xiexian. gen, oellvcry. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description: hsve the ready cash. phooe louay. Main 4627, or 204 First St. PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR USED FURNI TURE, CLOTHING. ETC. PORTLAND CLEARING HOUSE. MARSHALL 47S3. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni ture: we must have the goods. Michigan Furniture Co. Mar. lt4 1st st. WANTED To furnish office with 2d-hand I furniture, will pay cash. V 868, Oregonian. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. I WILL PAY CAS H. MAIN 8832. WANT RUG. RANGE AND SOME FURNI- TL'RE. MAIN 4495 OR TABOR 6798. BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main 895L 191 2d St. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $7.50 AND UP $7.50. Call Marshrall 1229. or 229 Madison L to sell your castoff clothing. J. Meyer. The Tailor, pay $7.50 and up for second-hand suits. He pays mors for snoes and otner clothing. We call any 1 where In the city day or evening. Call Marshall i a. or uaauoa. PHONE MAIN 4778. 2D-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PATS HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHING, SHOES. ETC WE CALL ANY PART OF THE CITI. PHONE MAIN 4776. 24J FIRST STREET. . BETWEEN MAIN AND MADISON. OCH specialty is buying ladies and grants . cast-off clothing. Highest casa pries paid. Will rill day or nignt PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 8223 or 209 Madison St. WANTED An elec trio generator with low voitage and high ampere: must do in V'LoZ'Z,'. TsuWva . , -, ,H - I THE GLOBE PATS HIGHEST FKlCi-S FOR Iff EN'S AND X-ADlttJ 2D-HAND CLOTH INC. bHoES. ETC 283 FlKriT. MAIN 2080. WANTED Heavy porlabla drilling rig euit m.Ulm for 10O0 or lifoO toot.- Stt male and (QuiDment. Wyominc taenia ciil U, u Hon. ltl Scat, tie. Wttti. Do.NKcsV enainea. boilera or itwmUI tna- cn.nery, It you have piling to aU or put la n rue me. x uregon.an. WANTED Tent, 14 by Id. In ood con-! di'ion, inuat ba cheap for caah. Woodlawn -5 ttiTKF.sTKR ini Rem in art on automatic and pump ahotfuns wanted. HocAXala oi Toird at. BEST caah prices paid for used offlca fur niture, urflka, c&a.ra, luea lor aaia or rant Pacific btaty fig. Co.. iuf aa a-t. WANT food aewlnc macb-lQa. Phono aat 4iJi WANTErwsrirobs trunk. CaU room 64 portian(J Hotel. CASH for furniture, musical Instruments and rwrorda Main lava. WANTED, diamonds for cash. H to 2-k. Old old. platinum. Sliver. -IB vreionin diue. BICYCLE WANTED PAT CASK. l- First, nesr Alder. Msin 44lr4. 1 WILD repair your Jews, are. l-'4 Fifth. our watch at Relngold'a. near Washington. Jl'XK wanted, highest prices for any kind Junk, clothing, turnuure. cast euos. WANTED A bycycls In good condition. Call Marshall 8134 arter e r. w. IF you hav. piling to sail or put la writs me. T 2H4. Oregontsa. KELP WANT TP MALE. MACHINIST wsnted: must be good laths hand: high wages paid. Northwest Process Co.. 308 14th St. N. EXPERIENCED tannery men wasted. Weber Tanning Co.. Portland. Or. FIRST-CLASS male stenographer and book keeper; rename rirra. A tv ant, oregonian. WANTED First-class pl-.or.s and reference. pastry cook; give cook: X 814. Oregonian. WANTED Night man al Huasell Garage, lOdo Hawthorns. HELP WANTED MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Largest on the Coast. 233-235 Burnaid Street. WE THANK OTJR CUSTOMERS. BOTH EMPLOYER AND EM PLOYE, FOR THEIR PATRON AGE DURING THE PAST YEAR. AND WE ASSURE THEM OF OUR HEARTY CO-OPERATION DURING THE NEW YEAH. WE ESPECIALLY URGE THE LOGGERS AND LUMBERMEN OF THIS DISTRICT TO RETURN TO THE CAMPS AND MILLS AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE OPPORTUN ITY AND ASSIST IN THE TRE MENDOUS DRIVE FOR SHIP AND AIRPLANT TIMBER AND LUM BER. GET ON THE JOB AND STAT THERE. WORK! WORK! 'EVERT SWING OF AX. EVERT CUTOF A SAW MAY SCORE AS HEAVILY AS A SHOT FIRED FROM THE TRENCHES: HELP THE BOYS IN FRANCE, HELP WIN THE WAR." WE ARE AGENTS FOR CAMPS AND MILLS CUTTING ON GOV ERNMENT ORDERS AND CAN PLACE YOU TO ADVANTAGE. WE WILL BE CALLED ON TO SUPPLY HUNDREDS OF MEN FOR OTHER-INDUSTRIES. FARMING AND DAIRYING, FISHING. RAIL ROADING, HIGHWAY BUILDING, SH1PMU1LD1NG. ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION WORK OF A T.I. KINDS. CALL AND REGISTER. OUR EQUIPMENT IS AT TOUR SERVICE. OUR READING AND RECREATION ROOMS. LUNCH COUNTER, ETC., ARE FIRST CLASS AND OPEN FOR YOUR IN SPECTION. WE CAN GIVE YOU INTELLIGENT SERVICE. PHONES: BROADWAT 238, BROADWAY 1784. A 1406. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANT. "Largest on the Coast." "Always at Your Service." 233-233 BURNSIDE STREET. J. P. COXON. Mgr. BOOK MAN WANTED. RHODES BROTHERS. TACOMA. WASHINGTON. announce that a position of manager and buyer for their book and stationery de partment .will bo opened after January first and that they aeek the services of a first-class man or woman to fill the vacancy. One of the very best positions on the Coast In this line Is open to the roan or woman 01 experience ana enter prise. The department handles books pictures, picture .framing, stationery, mag azines, etc. A splendid position with a good salary and satisfactory arrangements all around for the tight party, ine ap plication will be entertained either through correspondence or personal consultation preferably the latter. VICTROLA SALESMAN WANTED. RHODES BROTHBRS. . . TACOMA. WASHINGTON. require th services of a real. live, ener getlo salesman In their Victrola depart ment. Must be a real salesman In every sense of the word, competent to solicit and open up new business, close deals and fully satisfy his customers A splendid position and bright future for the right kina or a man. Apply at once preieramy In person to superintendent's office, fitlh floor, Rhodes Brothers, Tacoma, Wash. WANTED South, for J. W. Sweeney Con struction Company, laborers, teamsters. We have a good portion of good station work. Good camps, all Winter's work. Re port at our off ices. Rice Hill Isadora, Oak land, OT; WANTED at once, first-claoa, open-ahop. ali-arouna machlnlsta, here in city, wno can handle heavy lathe, planer and bor ing mill work. Steady work and good wages to competent men. 520 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak ets. WANTED At once, fli t-class. open-shop. all-arouno gray Iron founary moiaers on marine work; In city; steady and first- class wages to oompetent men. 520 Ore- gon bldg.. 5th ana oak sis. WANTED First-class, open-.iop machln- lets for floor, bench and viee work; also radial and drill press men: work in city. Steady and good wages to competent men. 620 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sta. LABORERS wanted for both Inside and out side work (some employes out on strike;; good wages and permanent employment. For full Information apply 509 Oregon bldg. BOYS TO RUN ERRANDS AND LEARN THE J E WELrt X MAN LiJr AC 1 UrLANU TRADE: BIG CHANCE FOR ADVANCE MENT. W. S. MEl'ERS COMPANY, SELLING-HIRSCH BLDG. WHOLESALE Implement house needs com potent salesmen, clerical neip ana sten ograohera Good wages and permanent po sitions to those who make good. S 280, Oregonian. BY LARGE wholeaale house, boys for office work: answer In own handwriting, stating age and give telephone number. JJ 022, Oregonian WANTED By gentleman, personal In structlon In mathematics, pertaining to surveying and engineering. AM Joo, Ore gonian. BOY for delivery and errand work: on desirous sf learning trade. Apply Wad. morning, ott Bros, fronting Co, us sec ond st- - MARRIED man on dairy farm; no objection ha children: waxes $60. furnished rooms. wood, milk, etc.. except bedding. Pjone Newberg 1602. WANTED - Exp.rl.nce deliver, man to UI lU WBgUUi UAUOfc ailV V-ll X I.J owllAll at People' a Market k Grbcery First and iayior. EXPERIENCED SHOE MAN wanttyd; muat be able to give aatisiactory reiarencea Splendid opening for the rlht man. Staiger Shoe Co. WANTED Middle-aged single man for Jan itor; one wno can oaten; goo-d. steady job to the right party; state age and wages expected. AK bVo. Oregonian. ADVERTISING solicitors, special editions; Dub Ushers deslrina: business lor special cumbers. Communicate Clyde Agency, 0 Stock Exchange. Established 1SU0. WANTED Competent man. for w&rehoiim work, wholesdje grocery. Apply iange & Co.. 1st and Ankeny. BOY to deliver after school and Saturday must be lb yeara oia ana nave oicycie; wages' y30 per month. Apply 127 11th at. WANTED Couple under middle age, steady work, gooa proposition, goo a aaiaxy, in .!- A R T11 Drarrnn an BOOKKEEPER; must b. a man with lota of experience and ability. Mr. McFarland. 100s Broadway bldg. EAPERIENCED accountant, opportunity In wholesale bouse; state age. experience and references. A-r Boa. uregorLlan, WANTED A boy as spprentlce tn architect's office, small salary to start. Ulvs tele phone. Al, 731, Oregonian. JANITOR, roust understand oil burner and havs his own tools for repair. Campbell Hotel. WANTED Timber fellers, piece work; caa make very high wagea western cooper age Co.. Astoria, Or. YOUNG man wanted for bellboy. Call be tween i uiriioAMii zo ota. EXPERIENCED cleaner wanted. Apply Cas cade Cleaning A uye worm, Bo4 K. oak: WANTED Man to do chores around hotel. Wdln 2915. Derby. 1751 Derby. EXPERIENCED flat work washer wanted. Pacific Laundry Co. BOY wanted, all day work. Apply Publlo Library. 10th and YamhllL EXPERIENCED tannery men wanted. -Weber Tanning Co.. Portland. Or. MAN WITH portable sawmill Government contract. $25 day net. BF 6, Oregonian. DRIVERS wanted at Paclflo Laundry Co. HELP WANTED MALE. A LARGE department store In the city has an opening for two high-class, experienced shoe salesmen: must be able to furnish the best of references regarding character, etc Give full particulars In first letter regarding references, salary, etc AK SsS, Oregonjan. WANTED Bookkeeper and office man for sawmill in small town about 80 miles fronr Portland; must have had experience lumber Dusiness, salary $100 per montn. Answer in writing:, giving reference. A(l dress G 742. Oregonian. BOTS TO RUN ERRANDS AND LEARN THE JEWELRY MANUFACTURING TRADE; BIG CHANCE FOR ADVANCE MENT. W. S. MEYERS COMPANY, SELLING-HIRSCH BLDG. liel p Vvantew Agenta. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos- pitai tickets. ;:tj corbett tsiae. Help Wantteo! Salesmen. TWO BIG SALESMEN There Is an oppor tunity in S.a.d...t? i!Sn prole lPn 'the" UfeCt1mee:Ctr1e0an: niei-ee. i-.nnn to xmniKil salesmen the most sonable success means $3000 to $10,000 per year; here la a firm seeking to de- veiop oig men tor nig positions ana Dig incomes; we must have men of earnest purpose who can see the main chance and grasp It. An organization In the very midst of an expansion programme looking tor material irom wnich to produce execu tlves or highest earning power. This re markable chance Is worth leaving anv or dinary position to undertake. If you think you mignt measure up to our standard, . aaaress x zoo, oregonian. SALESMEN See my ad "191 8" In this pa per under Miscellaneous For Sale": send today and get wise to world's latest cal endar novelty; big money; Yuseda. Us vueuuai mo vuu in uciiiauu. uvscpu H lnhntn lr.VAn.tor T2 Kno.Mlnw hM. Portland. ' ' FARM tmcinr .vneHncH uim,n Or.rnn 1 ana w&snington territory. x'none Aiain HELP WANTED FEMALE. 191S. 191S. 191S. POSITIONS. POSITIONS. POSITIONS. Happy New Year and a Good Year for 1918 We are very optimistic, as we are making plans lor ourselves ana earning enough to support a family. We will have enough surplus energy to help a number of others. The men have gone to war and ladles are In great demand tor po sitions. We have had positions daring the past 10 days ranging from $200 to $50 perl month, we have placed several people. We want to be successful during this year. You will want to go to the SOURCE for the best positions. Our employment I secretary will give you high-graae serv ice. Business men will call for people I of your ability. It is too bad to be pessimisltic when you can be otherwise. I Let s make one tiitj New leari reso lution. That resolution to be A better position for - the future. Better methods of securing positions. Better training, if necessary. THE PORTLAND NORMAL & COM MERCIAL SCHOOL will help yoa secure these positions. We will specialize in that line. If it is teaching, office or secretarial I position you wish, call MAIN 6816 and ask for Miss Shearer. She will give you I Information over the phone and will make I an aDoolntment with you. ie business like and do not take up too much of our I time. We shall De aoie to serve you in a high-grade way, but it requires co-op eration on your part. WANTED Rehearsals are now starting foi a massive production mcluaing aancing i and pantomime, if you have a fair amount of grace, previous experience unnecessary, long engagement with splendid remunera tion, have singing and modeling produc-1 tlnns a so: studios. Monsieur Marcel, Portland's only ballet master, premier I artist Imperial Russian Ballet. Wheeiaon Annex Apt. (No phones.) HOUSEKEEPER wanted: a respectable I Catholic woman to keep house in wia- owcr's home: good home and fair wages I to right party; must be neat, economical I end willing to leave Portland: state age, I and give references: one with children need not apply. AV lorf. oregonian. LADY BOOKKEEPER for well established and reliable merchandise store in country town. Permanent position. Apply Im mediately, giving experience and refer ences, and state salary expected. Knowl edge of typewriting desirable. AP 335. Oregonian. ATTENTION Ladies residing anywhere! outside of Portland, desiring permanent, nrniitahla home work, also those Inter ested In crochet, can hear of splendid opening by sending self-addressed enve.opo to Dept. E-5. no 11th St.. fortlana. or. WANTED Lady as cahler and bookkeeper I in w noiesaie .louse; one wnu nu nwi ri- i perience handling large affairs and who I Is familiar with stenograDhlo work 1 preferred; give age. references and wages expected. BF 14, Oregonian. GIRLS TO LEARN JEWELRY TRADE; I THOSE HAVING EXPERIENCE I.N ARTS AND CRAFTS PREFERRED. W. S. MEYERS COMPANY, SELLING- HIRSCH BLDG. WANTED By teacher. elderly refined woman as companion for child 10, con valescing from operation lor appenaicitis; small remuneration, good home. AK 593 Oregonian. WILL give woman who doea day work 2 unfurnlsnea rooms, use 01 pnone, d&ui kdu fuel for a few hours' work each week. Call 164 East 27th St., Sunnyside car. near Yamhill. SlIDDLE-AGED widower wants neat, clean. kind housekeeper; a good home to lady 01 I equal age and means, av 12s, oregonian. GIRLS TO LEARN JEWELRY TRADE; THOSE HAVING EXPERIENCE IN ARTS AND CRAFTS PREFERRED. W. S. MEYERS COMPANY, SELL1NG- H1RSCH BLDG. WANTED A lady of ability, amiability and adaptability for high-class traveling po- I sitlon with reliable concern; eiouu tne first war. For DartlCUliirs call at 3111 Rothchlld bldg. between 2 and 5. I WANTED Shlrtmaker. one who under stands buttonhole machine preferred. Apply Monday, inos. Kent., aio iiac- leay bldg. i.iDY to teach Grexg shorthand and type writing In small business college In state; give experience and state salary wanted. Address AV loi, oregonian WANTED Housekeeper, middle-aged; no objection to one child. Address 7Vi N. 3d St.. city WANTED Experienced feeders and folders on mangle. U. S. Laundry Co., ISO Grand ave WANTED Housekeeper not over B0, by elderly man; good home, small wages. Av 116, Oregonian WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and stenographer, good, . steady position for right party. O 777. oregonian. WANTED Combination stenographer and dictaphone operator; give reference. U 821. Oregonian- WANTED Elderly woman for general housework In small family; no washing. 1733 Newman St. bt. jonns car. ANY girl In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army rescue Home, ovz xuasi 15th st N., or pnone iaat STENOGRAPHIC work; may be only tem porary; give phono number and state sal ary expected. AL. 789. Oregonian. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, . long en gagements, ao traveling. Apply Casino Theater WANTED A first-class lady attendant for Turkish bath department. Address Med ford Sanitarium. Medford. Or EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER who can operate switchboard; state age, expenonc. and salary. J 845, Oregonian. CAMP cook. 150 a mo. Columbia Employ ment Co. GIRLS wanted to learn beauty culture; po sition wnen compieioa. ' inus wn. WANTED Laundress part of 2 days each week. 992 Council Crest drive. Main 2218. GIRL wanted, steady work, good pay. Apply Crystal Laundry lo. WANTED Dining room girt. Wdln 2915. 171 Derby. WANTED Chambermaid. Wdln 2915. 1751 Derby. EXPERIENCED mangle help wanted. Pa cific Laundry Co. WAITRESS wanted. 273 Burnslde. New- Eng land Rests urant. ' EXPERIENCED girl for confectionery and grocery. tall taoor otfoi Biier v a. ol WANTED Good pis baker. Bradford Depot Restaurant, 10th and noyi. WANTED Experienced waitress. Bradford Depot Restaurant, lutn ana noyx. PIANO lessons given for sewing or assist ance In housework, zptf istn. GIRLS from 17 to 25 wanted. Apply 82 First sf N. EXPERIENCED dining-room girL Campbell Hill Motel. WANTED Experienced feeders and folders. Palace LAunclry. r-. xutn ana cverett. MAID wanted at Sellwood Hospital. 575 Harney ave. Phone eenwood 347. GIRL WAITRESS wanted, 33 N. 2d st. Rose Rest. WANTE waltresa 163 12th st- The Norton. Main 941. EXPERIENCED shirt polisher. Apply Port land Hotel, laonory nept. . WANTED Young lady bookkeeper. 5S5, Oregonlan. WAITRES3 wanted. 225 Madison i HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. GIRL for general housework and cooking, country home, a few miles out, several children, parents in business; no laun dry; wages $25. Mention age, experience and phone number In first letter. - t WANTED Competent girl for general housework for small family In apartment house: will room in or out; good wages. Call Broadway Soil. EXPERIENCED maid for general house uvrk; two in family: good wages; no fur nace work; central West Side location. Ph one Marshall 47 SL . WILL pay $25 to $30 for experienced girl or woman take full charge of small flat; 3 In family. 073 East 8th N.. near Knott. WANTED Competent girl for general housework in apt.; referencee. Wlcker eham, apt. 4.. . GIRL for general housework; small family and good wages, uoo i-uin ia 7818. . $25 GIRL for general housework and plain cooking, 5 in family: washing out. Eaat Irvlngton. WANIZI-A woman to do light housework b?lp take car. of baby by the month, AP Oregonian. I GIRL for general housework. Arlington Heights: small family, most washing out. Marshall 198. WANTED An experienced nursemaid for two children, ages 3 and 414 years. Call Marshall 6039. WANTED Young girl in camp to help with one child and Uelp In kitchen. Call 222 Couch. WANTED Girl for housework, good home. 326 E. Multnomah, near E. 1st. GIRL FOR general housework, $20 a month. No washing. Call East 0904. WANTED Girl for general housework. T39 Overton Rf A n7 OVertOn St.. A QOg. I JAPANESE girl to assist in general house work. 794 Irving st. Phone A 1182. i jo-vLi-r. n.. i gin tor geueiai uuusowv" ana cootung. Oltl rianuers St. GIRL for general housework, no cooking; carfare paid, can aus r.. inn st. n. WANTED Girl to assist with general house work Phone Tabor 4H2. GIRLS for cooking ana general nousowora good home. 826 Kearney, near 2oth. GIRL for general housework, 3 adulta. Lovejoy. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. I THE PORTLAND NORMAL AND COM MERCIAL SCHOOL will give the highest grade training in Shorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeeping and Secretarial work and ex tend an invitation to thoe who wish to better their condition to enroll with us. We have added to our faculty and In creased our space so that we can accom modate an increase. Our Home Courses are proving attrac tive and teachers trfroughout the state are pleased to know that we can give them this training at home while they are earning a salary. Several ladies in Portland are takins our Home Course and find this more sat isfactory than the actual attendance. Ma ture pupils can master the business course at home. If you will write us, if you live outside of Portland, we will give you full information. If you live in Portland, our day or night school, with reasonable rates of tuition, will be satisfactory and you will be pleased with results. U. S. Government and iarge business concerns In general are applying for help. The open hand of success Is extended to vou. We' can help you on your way. PORTLAND NORMAL & COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Main 5816. WYOMING OIL MAP FREE. We drilled In the Kimball sand this morning at 500 feet with a showing of oil. We are now assured of a producer like the Aladdin at 1300 feet. Last night the Aladdin started gushing for the fourth time. Oil is knee deep several rods around the well. Salesmen and salesladies wanted: also branch managers. Salary or commission. S73 So. Main, Salt Lake City. Utah. Hoye Oil & Refining Company Agency. GOVERNMENT STENOGRAPHERS WANTED. Urcle 6am will employ every graduate of our Civil Service Course at salaries of from $1000 to $2000 a year. Position guaranteed all graduates. January term starts Wednesday. Jan. Z Enroll now. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 10th and Morrison, Portland. Or. Phones: Main 5083. A 3465. A GOOD POSITION Can be had by any ambitious young man or woman in the field of com mercial or railway telegraphy and station accounting. For full par ticulars call or write Telegraph Dept., Room 218 Railway Exchange bldg. I (50 WILL PREPARE you for the mechanl- i ii.nflrtmi-n!!i of tile U. S. Government. For further Information apply Hemphill's Trade Schools, 707 Hawthorne ave., at East 20th. MISS MATTINGLY S Shorthand. Typewriting SCHOOL, JJay. n.vemng, . .uuum. vf ... Near Jefferson. Main 3893. t TEACHERS wanted. We must have teach ers to fill vacancies. itea-rian xoau- ers' Agency. 901 Broadway building. RIVATE home for children 3 to 12 years old; 15 years' exp. 714 Everett- Mar. 2162. TEACHERS wanted; all kinds of teaching Dotations- M. 4bbo. ri3K ieacnera Agom-r. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEARN AUTOMOBILE TRACTORS, at the largest, best-equipped auto and .tractor school on tne r-acmc tui. - Francisco is right In the heart of the Western auto and tractor business. You l.arn hv actual nraCtiCO On aUtOS. ttilCkS and tractors; 39 expert Instructors. Write for free catalogue. HEALD S AUTOMO.BlL.Ei TRACTOR SCHOOL. 1220 Post St., San Francisco, Cal. iniTifiiriv a x-n fmpi nvrR"T DEPART. XIENT "y. M. C. A. w ..n ninnn vounz men with ability. Constant calls coming for the man who can deliver the goods. A Y. M. C. A. membership costing $5.00 guarantees you will secure employment or refund of fee. Also gives you 2 months' full privileges. 10 months" social and use of this depart ment for 1 year. See secretary, J. W. Palmer. WANTED At once, girls between 18 and 25 years, to learn comptometer aaoing ana calculating machine; you should be ready to fill vacancies made oy tne next uia.i. A.lr onv pnmnlnmMiir onerator if she bad any trouble securing a position and you will not delay another minute. We wane - bright, wide-awake girls. 313 iiorgan bldg. . PRACTICAL training In gas, electrical and steam engineering, mecnanicai orawins, machine shop practice, oxy-acetylene weld ing, automobile and tractor operaunx repairing. Write for catalogue. Seattle En gineerlng School. Seattle, Wash. ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Founded In 1SU3. Trade taugnt in eignx weeks; tuition earned during the course; set vou a position, furnish tools, schol arship transfer card. Write for free cata logue. 234 nurnsiae st. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, Union ave. and Wasco st. fall nr writ for frea bU-oaae catalOS-ua. It tells how we help you to a good po sition; day and night classea ORBfiOS BARBER COLLEGE will teach vou the barber trade In eight weeks; tools free; scholarship sad diplo mas given, paid while learning, position guaranteed; tuition reduced. 233 Madison. PORTLAND Government clerk examina tions Jin. o; sioo montn. anouaanus wanferl ftamnla Questions free. Franklin, Institute, a school Dept. 343. L, Roches- ter. N. Y. . UNCLE SAM . needs 10.000 stenographers. Enroll now for enortnana. typewriting, bookkeeping. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE) BUSINESS COLLEGE. Allsky bldg. MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL teaches men . nmr,n barber In 8 weeks, giving di ploma; earn tuition while learning. Posi tion guaranteed; tools free. 234 Couch st. OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime; be Indepen dent! Learn china painting; lessons free. 17010th St. TELEGRAPHY Steno.. bkpg. ; board, room, tuition may be earned. Catalogue free. Mai kay Business College. Los Angeles. HINSDALE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Broadway-Yamhlll building; Individual Instruction; positions when competent. UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suits and overcoats for sale, 13. CO and up. 355 Stark. EAST 8IDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Day and evening 122 V; Grand ave. East 427. SITUATIONS WANTED MAI. g. Bookkeepers and Clerks. MARRIED man, not subject to draft, wants position as stock clerk or timekeeper; give best of references; would leave city. Writs W 646. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER. 24. exempt from draft competent, wants clerical position; best of references. AK 577. Oregonian BOOKKEEPER, cashier, several years' ex perience, lumber and wholesale business; references. C 104, Oregonian. DRUGGIST, registered, years of experience. competent to nil any position in isregon. G 741. Oregonlan. MiarWlftne411fJl. TOTJXG MAN seeks position auto driving" or repairing. Address s. a. k. i-nion ave. and Wasco St., city: references. MACHINIST, middle-aged, open shop: light lata, work preierreo, al ou, uregomaa.