D.VT. JANUARY- 1, 1918. c2 frr L - - . 5 4 . . .... , - :v x V 'U LW ' v V, - 1 A V id1 1 f 1 AOi.4VO J f5- il.rr yrrvV- V;-w:, -cV - -r.-rifr- . i' - 1 ' V ' A -if Jf 1 3.1 . . : aygrv i : ;r - '2;' ' .n- r : -V i'-' : M H -m ' T: ' t-lte?'Vv.; ! : : , m ' '"r 4? .,V--. "-Wit tBq '.I ; itti'i MM1 -T iiMi Mi TTtTtn i' r . Mir v ? f ? ill 1 ' - : t ' . J 1 T. Panorama of Camp Lewis, near Tacoma, Wash., giving a perspective of 1500 buildings in canton ment, where nearly 50,000 men are in training. It draws its soldiers from all states of the Western Department Major-General H. A. Greene is commandant. 2. Company II . of Oregon Coast Artillery, of Marsh field. (Stadden Photo.) 3. I Company, 1 62d Infantry (Oregon troops). Na tional Army, at Camp Greene, N. G, October 1 6, .1917. (Copyright by the Moons.) 4. E Company, Eighteenth Engineers, organized from Tolunteers at Portland, June 1,1917. : 5.; Officers of 1 62d Infantry, National Army, at Camp Greene, October 17, 1917. ' J WJi isauaon eVt JF1 UMiitnrmimuiHiiuiuiiitfj IIMlHlltHy j ( nmwJ:.Mr-i f fcfi tfhVti Til" r f tA