Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 29, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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Appalling Wreckage of Battle
Viewed Troops Live
American Officers Entertain Mem
bers of Congressional Party and
Give Them Mucli " Infor
mation of Activities.
After CDendinK the night at Chalonn-
ur-Marne, we started early the next
morning for what to me proved me
roost interesting spot in all France, the
citadel of Verdun. I have often read
of fortresses, but I never saw one be
"We were met at the entrance of this
mighty citadel by the commandant, a
tall ' soldierly Frenchman, wearing a
steel helmet and a very plain uniform.
We passed through the entrance into
eolid rock, and found- ourselves in a
long tunnel running tnrougn a en
of galleries to right and left. A wind
ing staircase led up to still more corri
dors, which, like those below, were
brilliantly lighted by electricity and
enjoyed first-rate ventilation.
Troops Ilve lifcrgrwd.
Thousands of men are housed in
these galleries and other underground
works, where there is a splendid elec
tric light plant and a bakery, which
eupplies the bread for the French, forces
on this front.
In a long room, many feet under
ground, we found a table set, surround
ed by chairs with red plush bottoms,
and other evidences of a banquet-room.
Here we were entertained at luncheon
by the .commandant, and I have as a
souvenir the menu upon which appears
his autograph. This I shall always
prize as a choice possession.
ForU Are Visited.
After luncheon we were taken In
cars to the outlying forts, Belfort and
Souville. On the way to these forts
I saw several cemeteries, in the largest
of which there must have been 15,000
graves, so close together that there
was no passing between them. At the
head of each grave there was a. simple
cross, marked with the name and the
regiment of the dead soldier. It being
near All Saints day, a rosette of the. tri
color adorned each cross. All of these
soldiers had been killed at the storm
ing of Verdun, when the Crown Prince
made his unsuccessful attempt to take
this key to the situation In that por
tion of France.
Fort Souville is a most remarkable
place. We descended through tunnels
and down rude staircases to a depth of
more than 100 feet, and as in 'the cita
del proper, there were numberless cor-,
ridors and galleries filled with sol
diers who manned the mighty guns
which formed the protection.
Afterward we were led- to the top of
this fort by the commandant, who, al
though lame from a wound "received
in battle, can tlimb like a mountain
goat, and ha tired most of the party
before the summit was reached. Here
he pointed to a stunted and riddled
tree nofr- more than 150 feet from the
top of the fort, and said Huns had got
ten that close before they were stopped.
They were Btopped because the French
haf planted guns outside the fort," in
trenches or . dden behinl little ob
structions and parapets, and they
turned loose on the German hordes, and
they say that the Boche dead lay five
deep. It Is estimated tha; 120,000 Ger
mans lost their lives in this fight. We
caw no crosses on the German graves,
no headstones or any other mark. They
. probably were covered up -where they
While we were on the summit of Fort
Souville, the guns from the German
lines were belching forth . shells at
regular intervals. These were replied
to from French battertes across the
valley. None of the shells came near
us, nor could we hear the whining, but
the noise of the explosions was quite,
Rains of Verdun Seen
On our return to the citadel we were
taken to an eminence and allowed to
gaze over the ruins of what had been
the beautiful city of Verdun. Not a
single uninjured house was left, nor
was there a house occupied, ;ae whole
place was a mass of r ins.
We then returnee to the fortress,
where the commandant again ushered
us. into the banquet-room, where cham
pagne and pastry were served, and
toasts in- honor of the "United States
and France were given and responded
. to. It then being alm,ost dark, and our
visit to the fortress having proved so
interesting that we had overstayed our
time, it became necessary to tear our
selves away just befora dark.
' As we speeded, down the roadt to
wards our next stopping place, we ap
proached a small town, and the French
officer in charge of the party told us
that we had better put on considerable
speed, as the. Germans shelled that
town every afternoon at 5:30, and it
was then 5:15. ' We hurried through and
could hear' the sheila exploding be-,
hind us.
Autos Carry No Lights.
It became pitch dark, and we were
allowed no lights on the autos because
of the fear that the airplanes f the
Boches would drop bombs upon us. It
is not a very pleasant feeling to drive
at a rapid rate at night without any
lights on your machines, especially
when you know that there are three.
machines ahead of you, and three be
hind ypu, making it reasonably certain
you will either run into, the machine
directly ahead of you. or the one behind
is going to run into you.
I think the narrowest escape I ever
had was when the machine" in front of
us came to a sudden stop, and our
driver Dy a quick turn of the wheel
threw us Into the ditch, only missing
the other machine by a hair's breadth.
However, we did not turn over, and in
due time reached the town of Bar Le
Due, so famous for its jams and jellies.
You will find no first-class hotel In
America without these Jams and jel
lies appearing upon the menu.
We arrived at this town about 10
o'clock at night, and as usual with' the
email French towns, the streets were
winding and narrow and it toofc us
come time to reacn tne onrtcers club,
where supper had been prepared for
us. I endeavored to secure on its native
heath some of these famous Bar Le Due
jams and jellies, but to my surnrise I
found that no resident of that city
had ever heard of the native product,
and we were served such condiments
us ima ucen niaue in .ngiana.
After supper we again started upon
" our way, and at 4:30 o'clock in the
morning arrived at the hotel near the
headquarters of the American Armv.
We stepped stiffly from our autos and
received the pleasant intelligence that
we would take up our journey the next
morning at 1 o'clock. This gave ua
two and one-half hours of much-needed
We left on time, and in due course
arrived at the American headquarters.
wmch are established in enormou
buildings which had been used, for
other purposes before the war. Here
we were met by the Colonels in charge
of the different departments, who in
turn lectured us upon the duties of
their departments and gave us a. great
deal of valuable Information. They also
inepirea us wnn xne Deiier. nay, tne
certain knowledge, that the American
forces were getting in to,, action and
were proving their efficiency.
Attack: Is DcseAhcd.
Just the oay before we arrived at
American headquarters had occurred
the disaster to the first boys which we
had sent into the trenches. Of course
these casualties were given out and. you
are familiar with them, but I will de
scribe the manner in. which the assault
was made and so successfully carried
The Huns desired to capture Ameri
can prisoners in order to obtain from,
them information regarding our forces
in France and information regarding
affairs at home. They located by air
plane thestrench in which, a very small
detachment of American troops had
been placed. They started a- intensive
artillery fire along the line for several
miles, then established what is known
as a box barrage; this consisted of the
dropping of shells on each side and
behind the trench in which the desired
men were. These shells were thrown
with the regularity of a person driving
nails into a board, making it impos
sible for those in the trench it inclosed
to. go backward or to the right or to
the left. The front only was open. Xt
also made it impossible for any person
to come to the rescue of those in this
inclosed tronch.
Trenc Is Isvaded.
When the box barrage was thor
oughly established the Boche went over
the top In force and invaded the trench
where our boys were. Three of our
boys were killed, one had his throat
cut from ear to ear. another had his
brains beaten out and one was killed
by gunshot wounds. Seven of our boys
were wounded and 12 were taken pris
oner and carried over into the German
line. When we were at American
headquarters the deepest resentment
was felt at the brutal manner in which
these men had been killed, and there
was expressed determination to get
even with the Huns.
After a stay of two or three hours
spent at the headquarters we started
for the American training camp, where
we arrived about noon, and were met
by General Slebert and hisyStaff. .The
American and French officers 'enter
tained the party at lunch, and at this
function a very interesting bit of in
formation was given. How much truth
there is in it I am not prepared to say,
but in discussing the battle of the
Marne, the, turning point in this war,
the reason for the disastrous defeat of
the Germans at that time was gien as
follows: The Germans had approached
within 15 miles of Paris. They out
numbered the French five to one and
tha success of their arms seemed as
German Army Gets Drunk.
They say that when the Germans
marched through the Epernay district
officers and men, alike indulged deeply
in tne neaay wines lor wnicn that dis
trict is so famous and when they
finally arrived in front of Paris the.
whole army was drunk, or felt the ef
fect of those wines. Von Kluck's offi
cers failed to co-ordinate, the Huns
massed their men on the right and, left
with scattering troops from the center
and thinned their lines.
General Foch, who is the hero of that
battler although Joffre was In com
mand, seized the .situation instantly. He
bqpught up 5000 auto loads of soldiers
from Paris and went through the Ger-
an line at its thinnest point, curling
it up and causing the forces of Von
Kluck to retreat a retreat which they
have kept up from that day, until this.
In passing through tne Bpernay dis
trict- the Germans passed through
Amiens, where there is a cathedral,
only second to that which formerly
existed in Klieims. but the Germans
committed no acts of vandalism. They
desired to preserve this beautiful
country for their own uses. iVhen they
went back through it they had no time
to commit acts of vandalism and the.
place was allowed o remain as it was
before the war.
(To Be Continued Tomorrow.)
Frederick: "WllUelm Reinhold Loth
Reported to. Said. He "ouI
Fit-tat for Kaiser.
ASTORIA, Or., Dec. 28. (Special.)
The first arrest locally for violation
of the" President's proclamation pro
hibiting a German enemy alien from
entering the barred, zone was made
this morning, when Frederick Wil-
uem. Reinhold Loth was taken into
custody by Deputy Collector Haddix
and Immigration Inspector Qooch.
He was committed to the. city Jail
to await instructions from the Fed
eral District Attorney and. he will
probably be taken to a detention
camp to be interned during the war.
Loth is an electrical worker and was
employed, at the Astoria Electrical Sup
ply Company's shop, which is within
the "barred zone."
. Loth is a native of Germany and has.
been in this country since 1902. He
took out his first papers in -1915, but
was never admitted to citizenship. He
is the man who is alleged to have told
a member of the legal advisory board
when filling; put hi draft question
naire that he was sorry he got his
first citizenship papers, that he would
not fight for America, but would will
ingly go back to Germay and join the
German army. If this accusation proves
to be well founded Loth will probably
face more serious punishment than
simple internment. The charge has
been filed. wi,th tha. Federal authori
Ex-Diplomat Anxious to Serve In Army
and Says Life of Private
Will Suit Him. '
AN ATLAKTJC PORT." Dec. 28. rCount
Grebe Bent Holsteln, a member of one
of the most distinguished families of
Denmark," haa,.ome to the . United
States eager to enlist to fight against
Germany. He arrived today on a Scan
dinavian steamship.
The Count for a number of years was
engaged, in the diplomatic service of
his country.
"1 want to fight against Germany be
cause 1 want to help France," said
Count Holstein, who added that he had.
no preference as to which branch of "the
service he should enter, "as long as
I can help," he declared.
Count Holstein. carried letters, of In
troduction from Dr. Maurice K. Egan,
the American Minister to Henmark. and,
several high governmental officials.,
"Until I learn enough to be fitted for
something better, a private's life will
suit me,", he said.
Read The Oregopian, classified, ad.,.
Hugh Gibson Tells of Pushing
Through Belligerent Lines
in White-Flagged Auto.
Belgian Outguards Almost Shoot
Occupants of Car, Saying That
Germans Mere in Habit of
Vising White Flag Foully.
Secretary of the American Legation in Brus
sels at tbe outbreak of thu. war. Copy
right. 1817. Doubleday, Page & Co.. by
Otis F. Wood.
When I aot to the office K found
that Villalobar had not sent over his
centribution of letters, so I ran up to
the Legation and saw him. He Dane me
farewell as .though I were off to cer
tain death, and loaded, me with a large
bundle of letters and telegrams.
When I got back to the shop 1 rouna
my fellow passenger, the Count de
Woeste.' waiting for me. He is a leader
of the Catholic party which has been in
nower In Belgium for the past 30 years.
and, although he is 75 years old, he Is
still a big figure in the little country.
He behaved very well on the trip, and
if I Vert a Belgian citizen 1 snouia
vote for him on 'account of his good
Armed Car Is Escort.
We bowled off " to headquarters.
where I was mightily pleased tq find
that Von Herwarth had assigned him
self to the duty of taking us up to the
outposts just for a visit. It was the
only satisfactory one J have had with
him since he came. At headquarters.
there were to many interruptions, ray
old traveling companion had a hard
time to keep himself in hand and, did
not enter upon a joint debate upon the
war, its causes and justification. He
did well, however, and my two passen-
gers parted on good terms, eyen going
to the extraordinary length of shaking
hands at the outpost. ,
A big military motor, filled with
armed men, was sent ahead to, act as
guide, and we followed, along cio.seiy.
behind in a cloud of dust.
From the outskirts of Brussels right
up to the German outposts, at Hofstade
the fle'lds were' filled with German
troops of every sort infantry, lancers.
heavy artijlery and even three or four
large detachments or sailors in Diue
blouses and caps. All the men. except
the sailors and a few of the landsturm
who wear conspicuous blue uniforms,
were in the new greenish gray, which
is about the finest, color that has yet
seen active service.
Field VWqrm Hard to See.
Frequently we drove several hundred
yards, beside a field before noticing
(.hat it was filled with soldiers. Sev
eral of the villages between Dieghem
and Hofstade were partially burned.
and there were evidences of shell fire
which to these peasants must be a
perfectly convincing substitute for
hell-fire and of fighting at really
close Quarters. Between Perok and
Hofstade the fields were covered with
deep entrenchments, and over some of
these were stuck dummy heads to draw
hostile fire. Some, on the other hand,
were fitted with Belgian caps picked
up on the battlefield, evidently for the
purpose of inducing Belgian troops to
approach for a closer look before firing.
Most of the big trees along the road
had been cut down, and many houses
rased so, as, to have a - cleaner
sweep for the artillery. At Dieghem
the German pilot par picked up a naval
officer who was to accompany us as
far. as the outposts and to inspect his
men on the way back.
. White Flat; Is Raised.
On the outskirts of Hofstade, under
a brick railway bridge, we found the
last German troops. They had some
hard fighting here at the time of the
last Belgian sortie, and the bridge and
the surrounding houses showed evi
dences of shell fire.
I was rather against putting up the
white flag, but both Herwarth and the
naval officer were, most insistent that
I should do so, saying that the coun
try between the lines was filled with
patrols, both Belgian and German; that
they felt that hostilities were to be
commenced at any moment and that
anyone who ventured into the district
between the lines would stand a fine
chance of being shot unless he carried
a. conciliatory emblem.
They rigged up a long pole on the
side of the car with a white flag about
si feet square, and. bidding a glad
farewell to the. representatives of
Hohenzollern and company, we started
out to. feel our way. into Malines. About
5(? 0 yard beyond the bridge we sighted
two Belgian ibicycle patrols who, on
seeing us. jumped off their machines
and ran into an abandoned farmhouse,
knowing that they were 'at high ten
sion, we crept up. very slowly so that
they might have a good . look at us
before trying their marksmanship.
They were peeking over the window
ledge, with their rifles ' trained" at us;
but 'after a "good look at the black
clothes and white whiskers ot M. de
Woeste they pulled in their weapons
and waved, us tp go ahead.
Belgians Ae et.
About a kilometer farther on we
came around a turn in the road and
nearly ran into the first Belgian out
post six men and an officer. As we
came around upon them they scurried
behind Btone walls and trees and gave
us the usual pleasant greeting of lev
eled rifles. As the most prudent things
to do under such circumstances, the
car was stopped, and I went ahead to.
parley. ihe officer proved to be
young Z . He turned quite white
when he got a-good look at me. and
remarked that it was fortunate they
had not had a sight of us farther down
the road, as we would certainly have
been filled with lead.
He said that the Germans had tried
MEMORY'S treasure chest holds none more
precious than the memories of the, home
and its wealth of happiness at this season of
the year, - ,
Such memories are treasured ip.
the fullest measure by 'those whosen- '
joy home ownership.
suggests itself as THE place for
your contemplated home. The
th opportunity for realization of
your desire.
Stark t Second
three times that morning to get
through the lines in cars flying the
white flag, in one instance at least
with a machine gun in tbe car. As a
result of this the outpostsvhad orders
not to take any chance for the rest of
the time intervening before the, attack
which was expected to begin at any
minute. -
Far be it from me to suggest that
our friends bad me put up the white
flag so as to offer proof of the Belgian
savagery in firing on the white flag.
After this little experience we took
in our white flag and made the rest
of our trip without trouble. We found
outposts about every hundred yards,
and were stopped at the point of the
rifle each time; but as we got farther
away from the outer lines the behavior
of the posts was noticeably less nerv
ous, and when we got into Malines the
mere sight of our papers was suffi
cient to let us freely through-
Since my last trip the Belgians have
been working steadily at their prepa
rations for defense, and have accorn-t
plished wonders. Their large tracts of
land, some of them forming natural
routes fon entry between the forts.
have been inundated with water from
the canals so as to be quite impassable.
Tremendous barbed-wire entanglements
form a broad barrier all around the
outer and Inner fortifications; they are
so thick and so strongly braced that
artillery fire would be. practically use
less against them, and cutting with
wire rippers would be-so slow that it
could not be accomplished without a
horrible loss of men.
, Zeppelins Pay Visits.
There are any number of huge
searchlights placed on the fortifica
tions to sweep the skies for geppelina.
Since my last visit one Zeppelin had
succeeded in getting over the town,
but was surprised, and dropped its
whole cargo of 13 bombs In a distance
of a few hundred yards, taking no
lives and doing little material damage.
Since then several big craft have ap
peared at night, but have always been
frightened away by the searchlights
and the fire of the small vertical guns
which have been ready for them.
All the villages which cluster around
the fortification have been razed to
the ground and the avenues of big trees
have been cut down; it is a pretty
dreadful sight,
I left M. de Woeste at the Grand
Hotel, where the Cabinet is staying,
and then made for the Saint Antoine.
Had" lunch- with Sir, Francis. Villiera
and Colonel Fairholme, and got my
first real pews since the Prussian head
quarters stopped issuing bulletins of
German victories..
Sir Francis showed me telegrams he
had received' about the German check
and retreat in France; and Prince
Koudacheff, the Russian Minister, who
joined us for coffee, vied' with him by
showing me his, Jelegrarns about the
Russian advance in, Eastern Prussia
and, a Austria,.
Messages Are Sent.
After luncheon I had, some pow-wows
on the subject that had brought me,
and went to see various people, for
whom I had messages. They are a lot
more cheerful than the last time I was
in Antwerp and '.ftre ready for "any
thing. From the Foreign Office I went to
the Consulate-General, where I found
a mountain of letters and telegrams.
Got off my cables and answered as
much of the other correspondence as
was absolutely necessary-no more.
On my way back to the hotel T ran
into General Jungbluth coming out of
the palace, -and was promptly hauled
inside for gossip. - '
The Queen, who has very properly
come back from England, walked in on
us and stopped to hear the news from
I got back to the hotel and found
all the colleagues .waiting for me to
hear the latest news from Brussels. I
piayea my part and was nearly torn to
pieces in their eagerness for news from
the town where there is peine. They
were all there excegt Papal. Nuncio.
wnq is most unnappy m tne midst of
the war's alarms and hardljf budges
frpm the episcopal palace. ;
Prime Minister Seen.
After dinner I was again asked to go
to the Grand Hotel to see (he Prime
Minister, ne naa -naming startling to,
say, but was anxious to" know what
was gonpg on, in Brussels. He showed
me his telegrams from France., Eng
land and Russia, and his maps with'
the recent movements, worked out with
little flags.
Monsieur de Brocoueville told me an
interesting incident tlta,t had taken
place at Ghent. It seems that
when the Germans arrived there they
sent in an officer and several soldiers
to arrange for requisitions, etc., a
promise having; been given that they
would not be molested. Of course, the
whole town was on the qui vive, and
everybody had been warned to refrain
from ipcurririg their displeasure. Just
as a' German motor passed in front" of
our Consulate, a Belgian armored car
came charging in from Antwerp, know
ing nomine? oi tne presence Of tne
Germans, and upon seeing the enemy
uniform opened fire, wounding the pf
ficer and one. of the men.. ,
That was enough to start things, and
(he town probably would be" in ruins
today but for the quick thinking and.
action pf Van Hee, the American Vice
Consul, who 'hurried to German "head
quarters with the burgomaster and ex
plained. that the attack had been made
by two men from Antwerp who knew
nothing of the agreement. On condi-.
tion that the town upply heavy requi
sitions the Germans agreed not to exact
reprisals. -
(To be continued tomorrow,) .
Forme? Pallas jeweler VJcUtu' of
. Full iu Sacramento.
COTTAQE QRO.VE, Qr., Pec. 28. :
(Special.) The funeral of William J.
Gardiner, t. ho died at the state hospital
December . was held at. Walker
Wednesday, Rev." Joseph Knot'ts, of this
city, officiating. Several years ago Mr.
Gardiner fell .n the hard, pavement at
Sacramento, Cal., while attempting to
board a streetcar and as a result suf
fered partial mental paralysis. He was
well aware of his own condition, which
had been aggravated by overwork, and
he went to. the hospital for treatment
voluntarily. Ke had been employed as
a jeweler at Dallas until recently,
Mr. Gardiner was bora in Iowa and
was 37 years old. He leaves a widow
aud one child. , '
Professor Feck tp. Speak.
The Audubon Bird Club will .meet
3 inn i h it pm jng tta.iv p
7 1 g Rift
5. A V- jfefl
Ml f.
1.: -1. .
Strop Safety
Oar 30-day trlnl
will convince you
the best, easiest
and cheapest
shnves spell
At- Ttt - S(ROP
Shsve for two
- in
At Reduced Prices
50c Ivory Pyralin Picture
Frames .39
$10 Toilet Set, Derby Silver
3 piece3-r-Jair Brush,
Mirror $nd'Comt. .6.49
$5,00 Military Brushes .
anJ comb...... -3. 89
$6.00 Ebony Toilet Set
r--3 pieces rr-r Comb,
Brush and Mirror $4.3$
5Qc Java Ris Powder 39
For All Uses
75 u
Extra Specials for Today
tonight at o'clock 1b h Storjt Hour
room. Central Library. Professor M. B.
Peck, of Wt'llamalte Vntversit. will
address the club in an Hlustrated, lec
ture on ''Oregon Birs." The public is
Private SchntldtXCftB't U Take
P-olitlcal Position. ' .
TACOJIA, Wash., Deo.'?8.T-r(SneciaVi
Priyate Schmidt, ono pt- Campbell
County. Kentucky and sow- a unit in
the 33d ' Infantry, Capip Levis. was
forced ta giv$ up his political ambi
tions to serve his country.
Schmidt became a candidate for
Justice of the peaoe before he was
HIRARPELLPS Ground Chocolate is
a properly proportioned food a perfect
blend of pure sugar and finest cocoa. CJhir
ardelli's is sweet enough just right. In rriak
ing chocolate do not waste sugar. When you
use Ghirardelli's aq additional sugar is needed.
Take Your Twenty
Extra Stamps Today
With the Coupon
years for $5,00
$2.25 Ivory Pyratfn Clocks
now.., 1,89
$X0 Ivory Pyralin Toilet Set
3 piece's IJair Brush,
Comb and Mirror,
50c LablacheFaee Pdr. 39.
50c Pozzoni's Face
Powder. . . 39
50c Hind's Honey
mond Cream. . . ... ,455
$1.50 Oriental Crn $1.25
50c Cameline .40
Simplex Alarm Clock
runs and alarms for eight
days with one winding.
Guaranteed to please
Only $3,00
$?.50 3-qt. Hot Water
" Bottle, two-year
guarantee, 1,98.
2rquart Combination
Hot Water Bottle
and Fountain Syr
inge, with flannel
cover . . , , SI, 59
AH Dolls and Stuffed Ani
mals at Vs OFF
VOld-Mill" Toijet Paper,
dozen ... ........ 77
"Skyline" Toilet Paper,
dozen , , . ........ 49
Always S- & H.n Stamp firat Thr Floor
drafted, and after he was taken into
the National Army and sent to Camp
Lewis he was notified that he had
been, elected. Ho called upon Major
Eugene It. West, judge adyocate, and
demanded that he be allowed to qualify,
Schmidt was informed that he could
not serve in both places, and as he
could not ret out of the Army he must
relinquish political ambitions for the
time being at least, lie has done sq. '
-r. . ' . .. .
Austrian. Subjects Detected Taking
Pictures Near Roseburg-.
BOSEBUBO, Or., Dec. 28.. (Special.)
-Fred p. Luhnin, pf San Francisco,
and brother Carl Luhman, of this city.
h i lb., 1 lb. and 3 It. fans; a
tabjcsfnful one eent nwth
Sxa Friocisco
"3. H." Trading
Stamps on your
first 1 cash pur
chase and double
on the balance.
Good on first floor and In,
basement today, Dec 9. .
Send Your Boy
Home Pictures
Every service flag should
mark th home of an
"Ansco," the simplest and
be tit of hand and pocket
Every child should havt
one; It is at once an ed
ucation and source of
healthy pleasure to all
within its eye.
We've sold cameras and
things photographic for
over fifty years.
FREE to every owner of
an An bco We give a
course of lessons in prac
tical picture-making. No
wasted films, no disap
pointments. $8.75
50c Robertine , , .... ,4Q
Cucumber and Elder Flower
Cream 25S 50S 75
5Qc Dickey Creme de ,
Lis -39
50c Odorono 39
50c Carmen Face Pdr.-45j?
For Cold Feet
25 to 75
both subjects of Austria, arrested las
night on suspicion of being spies, were
released this afternoon. They were
detected yesterday by railroad guards
taftpg- pictures in, Cow Creek Canyon,
and their actions aroused suspicion.
The camera used by the men was taken
by the officers and the pictures were
developed today. They showed nothing
of an incriminating nature.
Carl Luhman is a painter and has
lived in Roseburg- for a number of
years. Fred Whman produced ere-'
dentials showing him to be a member
of the California Camera Cluu. Ha
said he was taking views tor this con
cern when arrested-
, Soldiers Put of Quarantine.
CAMP LEWI Tacoma, pec. 88.
Companies " L and M, 3Md Infantry,
have been released from quarantine.