REPUBLIC STARTED 111 WHITE Legislative Body Assembles at Minsk and Independence Will Be Proclaimed. PETROGRAD BANKS SEIZED RUSSIA Jiranch of National City Bank ot m 'ew York Taken, by Bolshevlkl m ' and H. II. Stevens, Manager, Is Arrested for Keeping Keys. " ' I,ONDON. Dec. 2S.Th establishment - of a republic In White Russia- has been . announced, according to Petrograd ad ? vices today. A Rada, or legislative r body for the territory, has been assem- bled at Minsk, at which place a decree Z will be Issued proclaiming the inde ' pendence of the state. PETROGRAD, Dec. 27. Soldiers act- tig under the orders of'-Finance Com . missioner Menshifisky today surround " ed and seized all prrvate banks in Pet- rograd, including the branch of the Na- - tional City Bank, of New York. The manager, R. R. Stevens, was arrested . and detained for a short time. Many bank directors were arrested, i Several surrendered the keys, to the t bank vaults, but Mr. Stevens refused. ' J. B. Wright, counsellor of theAmer- lean Embassy, called upon Mr. Stevens i during the afternoon. At the time for the opening of the - banks detachments of the Red Guard gathered in the streets ajnX barred the entrances. Later the- banks .were en T tered, under the leadership or Men- shlnsky. Orders' were given that work cease, and that the banks surrender their papers and the keys to their - vaults. In most instances no resistance J, was offered. . Mr. Stevens declared his bank had no vaults, but only small safes. After his arrest he was permitted to returp to the bank, which was placed under f guard. The bank directors who were arrested -were accused of "sabotage." 1 Telephone service throughout the city was stopped for an hour. 7 In explaining the seizure of the bank. M. Menshinsky said: "We let it be known long ago that T private banks should send reports - weekly to the state bank. This was done, but the reports were incorrect. It was then decided to occupy the banks, revise their activity and then ' see -that they resumed business prop- - erly. The keys are in the hands of rnmmteilnnirhnlan1rv rx Ha Rank, an are the tinnkn an A ilnrnmitnlc which have been seized." NEW YORK. Dec S8. The National , City Bank, of this city, whose Petro- grad manager, R. R. Stevens, was ar rested in the bank's branch there, will 7 look, to the Government of the United - States to protect Its interests ' and no doubt all necesnary steps -in this re gard will be taken, it was said by an omciai or me DanK Here today. Mr. Stevens, it was said, has been Jn ' charge of the Petrograd branch since It C was opened in January. No direct .. word has been received from him n re gard to his 'difficulties. m The National City Bank of New York was granted a license lasC January to " begin business in Russia, with particu lar reference to the financing of rail- t, road construction. The license given - It was the first granted to a foreign bank to do business iiu, Russia since - 1879. - MEXICANS DRAFT MORMONS Colonists Forced Into Army Ac '. cording to Report Just Made. SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 28. Pressed Into the service of the fighting forces .of the Mexican government and forced to fight side by side with the Mexican "peons is the fate of scores of young men, members of the Mormon Church, living in the vicinity of Mexico City, according to A. V. Ivins. who has charge of the church colonization work 1 n Mexico. - - Mr. Ivins reports to the church au- ,'lhorities here that several of the Mor- rnon young men in the church colony of about 1000 persons have been killed and many of the homes have been, de "ptroyed by Mexican outlaws. He also " reports that several of the chapels and - schools of the Mormons have been de- t etroyed. - Ray L. Pratt has been sent to Mexi ; '. co to intercede with the Mexican gov- . eminent for the colonists and he is at present in Mexico City endeavoring to t. oDtain tne protection or the govern ment :; AMERICAN WOMEN HONORED ' purses Serving on Western Front Are Given Special Mention. LONDON. Dec 28. Field ' Marshal J Haig, the British commander-in-chief, .has submitted a list of names of per ; eons serving on the western front as J! deserving special mention. -The list, which was published today In the Lon- i'don Gazette, contains the' names of many Americans attached to the Amer- I'ican Army Nursing Corps. . , The names of the women mentioned are: '. Miss B. M. Alexander. Chicago unit - Miss S. Briggs. Lakeside unit, Cleve land: Mrs. J. Christie. Presbyterian ,. j-iospitai unit. New York: Miss C. Cud paldge. St. Louis unit; Miss M. Dunlop, , . university or Pennsylvania unit. Phila -'delphia; Miss G. M. Gerrard, Harvard University unit; Miss C. Hall. Harvard .unit; Miss H. G. McClelland, Phlladel- -pnia unit; Miss X. McKee. Lakeside unit j.Miss L. Marsh, Presbyterian Hosnltnl . unit; Miss J. C Stemson, St. Louis, and , ,juiss u. Area, or the Chicago unit. , , Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days. . , Druggists refund money if PAZO OINT , i MENT falls to cure Itching, Blind. Bleeding i - or Protruding Piles. First application elves ,rM-f riOf Artv -Not Unite Dm aa Out, - Many a man feels that he is down and out when aa a matter of fact he aull has In him many year of good ' service that can be brought -out by - proper treatment. Stomach trouble of t- en makes one despondent, it hits him where he lives, saps his strength and energy and makes him feel like giv , ing up. Give him a few doses of Cham berlaln's Tablets to improve hla dlges 'tion and invigorate his liver and bow - els. and in most cases recovery Is ' prompt and effectual. Adv. .-Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists :: refund moneyJiLiLf ails.. 25c MEMBERS OF NATIONAL BOARD TO MANAGE OPERATION OF RAILWAYS. f " 7 -a V ' " - I W - " i " - . tit Top (Left) Samuel' Ray, Rig-at) Me Hale Holden. Julius Kruttackultt a nd Fairfax HarrUoa. NI'ADOO IN CONTROL Nation's Railroads Pass Into Government's Hands. UNIFICATION WORK BEGUN McAdoo Issues First Order to Speed Vp Freight Movement and Full Co-operation Is Pledged by Various Executives. (Continued From first Panel Government, in assuming control of the railroads, is only superimposing its authority on them and "that, as the roads are owned now as before by their stockholders, railroad employes are till employes of .the owners of the roads. Not only did members of the war board assure the director-general of their fullest support for the Govern ment under the new arrangement, but hundreds, of telegrams reached the Treasury Department today from railr road officers throughout the country promising co-operation. Railroad- finances were touched on slightly at today's conference. Legis lation to guarantee- the railroads pre war revenues has been drafted by the Interstate Commerce Commission along the lines suggested by the President's pioclamatlon. This will be introduced In both houses of Congress when the President goes to-the Capitol to out line his recommendations for financial arrangements.-. : ' There was considerable speculation tcday as to the Government's policy respecting the means of raising funds to .reimburse the roads if operating revenues under Government control fall off. This can be done by paying the deficit out of the treasury or by raising freight rates. The roads are anxious that rates be raided. The dis7 position of Government officials appar ently is favorable to a rate Increase, OoTeraaieat Freight Problem. It is considered unlikely that there will be any strong sentiment for trans porting Government freight free of cost as is done in England. Officials hold that if Government freight is paid for as it is hauled the Government will be in a much better position to deter mine accurately the exact financial ef fects of Government operation. The Interstate Commerce Commis sion is held to lose its standing as an Independent agency deciding on their merits requests for rate -increases, and the subject of increases will become a matter of government policy to be decided probably by the President. Some railroad officials today ex pressed the belief that once the rail roads are run .as a single unit It will be impossible after the war to go back to the old system of competition. Lifting anti-pooling restrictions, they hold, will disrupt elements of organi zation necessary under a competitiv system and at the same time demon strate that competition is wasteful and uneconomic. McAdoo Assumes Dotlea. The text of Mr. McAdoo'a order fol lows: "Having assumed the duties imposed upon me by and in pursuance of the proclamation of the President, dated December 26, 1917. you will until other wise ordered continue the operation of your road in conformity with said proclamation. You are requested to make every possible effort to increase efficiency nd to move traffic by the most convenient and expeditious routes, I confidently count on your hearty co-operation. It is only through united effort, unselfish service and effective work that this war can be won and America's future be secured." Although Mr. McAdoo does not be lieve a complete unification of all rail systems can be brought about over night, even with legal restrictions lifted, he fully expects measures taken under Government control will remove some of the obstacles that now prevent the rapid movement of freight. Mem bers of the war board were requested to study the situation and report on any measures to relieve congestion they think might wisely be put into force. Transfer Without Formality. The railroads, passed under Govern ment control without any formality At 12 o'clock the director-general and the members of the railroad war board were so deeply engrossed in the discus sion of measures to relieve congestion that they did not note the passage of time, and it waa not until half an hour later that someone, glancing at the clock in Mr. McAdoo s office, called- at tention to the fact that the roads were out of the hands of their directors. OHEGOX COMMISSION WAITS No Word Received aa to Govern ment's Taking Over Railroads. SALEM. Or.. Dec. 28. (Special.) Until it receives definite information as to the plana of the Government in I -r V. - .881 -x-u . r ', II 1 ik il ward Elliott. Belovr (From Left) handling the railroads of the country. the Public Service Commission will pursue its accustomed course in all matters- coming before it pej-taining to railroads. This Is the belief of Commissioner Buchtel, the one Commissioner who was here today. So far the Commission 1 without information, save such as has appeared m the press, relative to the Govern ment's proposal to take over control of the roads," said the Commissioner. "It is my understanding that existing laws will not be interfered with. WAR WlLIj SOLVK PROBLEMS Question of Management Will Be Settled, Says C. A. Prouty. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 28. The war ill undoubtedly precipitate a solution of the problems which so long have confronted the Government and rail road managements, in the opinion of C. A. Prouty, director of valuations of the Interstate Commerce Commission, one of the speakers today before the American .Economic Association. He predicted that within the next 10 years there will either be Government own ership of railroads or at least a fixed National policy to determine the value of railroads and to facilitate harmo nious co-operation, looking to adequate service and uniform rates. Mr. Prouty said that the valuation of the railroads of the country now be ing made would cost not more than S40.000.000, of which the Governments ahare would be about $20,000,000. ' . Professor John- Bauer, of Princeton University, stated that the cost would approximate J75. 000,000. and he ques tioned the wisdom of spending so much money for the proposed valuation. RETRENCHMENT IS ORDERED Railroads Centering In Chicago Will Curtail Service. CHICAGO. Dec. 28. Immediate cur tailment of the luxurious passenger service equipment was among the first steps taken today by some ol tne rail roads with headquarters in Chicago when the Government took charge of the Nation's rail systems. " The Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul announced that it would eliminate both observation and buffet smoking cars from its trains. The-change will be made between Chicago, Milkaukee artd Minneapolis at once, and on the lines to Kansas City and Omaha next Week. Officials said the discontinuance of this heavy equipment will result in a con Biderable saving of fuel. - IitTXCRY CARS TO BE CUT OCT Big Eastern Lines Will Switch Off All Non-Essentials. 'MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 28. The Minne apolis. St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie Rail road will discontinue the use of obser vation, buffet, smoking and library cars ahortly after January 1, accord ing to an announcement today. A simi lar announcement was made by the Chi cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. MR. SPROULE APPROVES RAILROAD HEAD COMMENTS ON FEDERAL CONTROL OP LINES. President of Soothers Paclfle Company Says Reliance Can Be Placed on Railroad. .William Sproule, president of the Southern Pacific Company, views the decision of President Wilson to take the railroads of the cduntry under Gov ernment control as a war move that is fully Justified and that should have beneficent results. Mr. Sproule's comments on the Ad ministration's action, conveyed to Port land for Information of the public yes terday through the local offices of his company, follow: "The public can rely on It that in the operation of the railroads, inter ference with the normal business of the country will be kept to the lowest point consistent with the purposes of the Government in the winning of the war. The fact Is, that in emergencies the Government can. without any aues tion, do things in the public interest that it would be unlawful for private ownership to attempt. It should be evident to everybody that it is the in tention of the Government not to lm pede Industry and its carriage, but to facilitate it, that the utmost facilities of the railroads may be put to the public use and the business of the country gain in dispatch. V "As to the financing suggested for the roads needing it, this can be ac complished directly when it is the Sec retary of the Treasury himself who has his hand upon the operation and conduct of the railroad systems of the country. -.'Reliance can be placed upon the continuing desire of the railrftads to do their part toward winning the war, whatever may be its duration." Read The Oregonian classified ads. TEUTONS' OFFER OF PEACE INADEQUATE British Newspapers Are Not Satisfied With Proposals Made by Czernin. WAR WEARINESS EVIDENT Sincere Desire to End War Is Con ceded by Some, but Terms That Would Vindicate Militarism Are Held Impossible. LONDON, Dec. . 28. a Newspaper opinfon here on the reply or the central powers to the Bolshevlkl peace terms follows two main lines. On one hand It seems to be felt that the central powers have made a perfectly sincere offer to end the war immediately, while on the other hand it is declared that they have set a cunning trap lit which they hope, although vainly," to catch the allies. The former view Is supported strong ly, for instance, by the conservative Daily Express, which stands uncom prisingly for victory over the central powers and. is an ardent apostle of anti-Prussianism. In all the papers taking this view the statement of the central powers is regarded as being addressed less to Russia than to the allies Collectively and the offer made through Count Czernin Is assumed to be an initial proposal which the Cen tral powers are prepared probably to modify in the course of bargaining, for nowhere are the term- of the central powers regarded as entirely acceptable in their present form. Terms Germany' First Bid. The Express says: "The terms may be taken as Ger many's first bid. The proposals are, of course, wholly inadequate, but it is significant that the idea of conquest has been abandoned completely. At the same time the demand of the allies for reparation is ignored totally. . . . There is no doubt that the negotiations are a form-of camou flage by which Germany is attempting to talk to the allies through Russia. It j is a general peace that Germany and Austro-Hungary want and behind Csernin's words there is, we think, a perfectly sincere Vdeslre to end the war at once. The offer, for what it is worth, is obviously genuine. . An authoritative allied reply' to Count Czernin might be a demonstra tion to the German people that the al lies have no wish to contrive their de struction, hinder their development or threaten their independence. When they once understand what the allies stand for and what really are their Intentions, the German people them selves will complete the destruction of that militarism which has set out to conquer the world." Proposal Is Significant. The Daily Chronicle says it is a striking fact that the central powers have accepted the formula of no an nexations and no indemnities, and con tinues: V . .: . .- I "Coming at the same time as threats and warnings of tremendous German efforts on the western front, .it is no doubt merely the forerunner of pro posals more formal in character. . . . The terms of the central powers offer no security whatever against a recur rence of the war, whenever the original disturbers of the peace are strong enough to fight again with a better prospect of victory." The Daily News, which Is regarded as being tinged with pacifism, con tends that Germany had to choose be tween , her extremists and her mod erates,' as no1 peace formula could pos sibly satisfy both Count Reventlow and Phillip Scfieidemann. . "If the alliea are appealed to by the Russians for their views, they should seize without hesitation the opportun ity Of making a candid and reasoned statement of their war alms and their peace terms' . . . On certain im portant questions, such as the repudia tion ot territorial ambitions and puni tive indemnities, there is. In form at least, a common ground between the German professions and the declared principles of the allies and it should be borne in mind that when a state ment of peace terms. Is framed under such circumstances as brought the present German proposals to birth, its demands may be assumed to repre sent, not an irreducible minimum, but a skillful negotiator's stock in trade. PEACE PRESSURE IS PROPOSED Germans Have Designs in Russia t Pending Negotiations. LONDON, Dec. 28. The Petrograd correspondent of the Times describes the effect upon the Bolshevik! author! ties of the rumored proposal of the German and Austrian delegates to the Brest-Lltovsk conference that In a certain contingency various strategio points in Russian territory should be occupied by the central powers. According to the rumors it had been proposed by the representatives of uer many and Austria that pending the re sumption of the negotiations Russia should mediate between the central powers and the entente allies with a view to bringing about a general peace. Should the attempt fail, the occupation of the several strategic points by the central powers was proposed so that pressure might be brought upon the entente. The proposal, says the correspondent. caused consternation at the Smolny In stitute, the Bolshevik! headquarters. Dr. Von Kuhlmann, the German For eign. Secretary, is reported as having replied to the Russian complaint re garding the refusal of passports to German minority Socialist by stating that he did not see any hindrance to peace in preventing communication be tween, the Russian and German Social ists. Reports of fighting and other military activities in interior Russia continue numerous, but they are so contradictory that it is Impossible to get at the truth of the sttuatiotr. - The Morning Post's Petrogra (corre spondent quotes from the newspapers there the report of the finance com missioner on the financial condition of Russia, in which It is stated that all sources of the state's income have been cut off. It shows the railroads entirely occupied! with moving troops and mem bers of the Red Guard, who travel free, there being, therefore, no receipts from passenger traffic. The correspondent says the only re source of the state is the printing of paper money and that the government is bankrupt. A field headquarters communique is sued after a Jong interval mentions only the western and southwestern fronts.' It ignores the northern front, but indicates that there is still a Rus sian front In existence along about two-thirds the length of the Russian line. points where they were needed. 'THE STORE THAT Great Cleanup Sale of Beautiftcl METAL LACES See Bands and Edges at 39c Yard Handsome Gold and Silver Bands' and Edges in the popular burnt-out effects 3 to 5-inch widths. Also Gold and Silver LaceB with net top. 27 -Inch Flouncings at $1.19 Yard High-class Metal Flouncings full 27 ins. wide. Gold and silver patterns to match the 18-inch width. There's an R. & G. Corset for Every Figure $1 to $3. 50, . a Pair tfo matter whether 4Burs is a normal or an unusual form whether certain conditions require a corset of unusual construction there is a suitable cor set for you in our selection of R. & G. Corsets. There's a corset that will build up and preserve the graceful figure lines; that will be perfectly comfortable though worn continuous ly for long periods. They come in all sizes and materials and at all prices from Sl.OO to, S3.50 a pair. Store Opens at 8 -.30 A.M. Saturdays at 9 A.M. The Victory First, Then Peace, Is France's Reply. TEUTON DESIGNS ARE SEEN 'An Ally JHas Failed Vs, but An other Has Come; From Other End of World Democracy Has Risen Against Austro-Oermans." PARIS, Thursday, Dec. 27. France will not accept a peace based on con ditions before the war, Foregn Minister Pichon declared in replying in the Chamber of Deputies today to the peace terms of the central powers outlined to Russia. He asserted that Germany was endeavoring to Involve France in the negotiations with the Bolshevlki. but that the war would go on whether or not Russia made a separate peace. The Foreign Minister said Germany was seeking to protect the negotia tions with the Russians, re-establish ing commercial relations In the mean time, believing that in this way the Bolshevik! might be checkmated later, Referring to the term which the cen tral powers offered to the Russians, as published today, he said: "Germany is trying to involve us in her Maximalist negotiations. After suffering as we have, we cannot accept peace based on the status quo. By agreement with our allies, we are ready to discuss direct propositions re garding peace, but this Is indirect. Another Ally Has Come. "Russia can treat for a separate peace with our enemies or not. In either case the war for us will con tinue. An ally has failed us, an ally who in preceding years, carried off great victories. It is a great success for our enemy, but another ally has come;. from the other end of the world a democracy has risen against Ger many's appetite for conquest. "At the conference In Paris a pro gramme was drawn up and in conse quence unity of action on the part of the allies will make itself felt, even to Macedonia. Germany and her allies have undertaken the impossible -task of conquering the world. The world will conquer them. "In this war France will have played a great role, for, as Roosevelt has said. she will have saved, humanity." Vraaiee Not Compromised. - M. Pichon declared that the secret treaties published by the Bolshevlkl have not compromised France. He said the German diplomats who were pre tending to show indignation were the very men who sought to negotiate a secret treaty with the old regime in Russia: who attempted to draw Mexico into war against the United States, and organized exploits In Argentina. ' After referring to the German decla ration that Alsace and Lorraine would never be surrendered, M. Pichon saidi "The question of Alsace-Lorraine does not affect France alone. It is a world question. It is not a territorial problem, but a moral problem. On its solution depends whether or not the world shall have a durable peace." PEACE TALK TO BE RESU3IED Trotsky Said to Be Drafting New Xote to Entente Powers. PETROGRAD, DeV 27. The dele gates, of the central powers to the peace conference at Brest-LJtovak have agreed to a 10-day recess in. the peace WAR MUST CONTINUE UNDERSELLS BECAUSE Our Third-Street Window Display 18-Inch Flouncings at 75c Yard Clever color combinations in Gold and Silver Metal Laces on fine silk nets. An unlimited assortment of . patterns. All in 18-inch width. 16-IncJi A Hovers at $139 Yard Both Gold and Silver Allover .Laces, full 16 inches wide. Shown-in the most beautiful new patterns. IVOR Y SOAP Five Bars for 25c Another eale of this well-known soap. None delivered except with other goods. Not more than 5 to each customer. Saturday Sale Drug Sundries Colgate's Tooth Paste at... Kolynos Tooth Paste atii.,i Pepsodent Tooth Paste at... Euthymol Tooth Paste at.... Pond's Vanishing Cream at. . Large jar Cold Cream at. . oempre uiovine.J priced at Woodbury '8 Facial Cream at... Woodbury's Facial Soap at...... ...220 Packer's Tar Soap at, ........,.. .200 Creme Oil Soap at 100 or S for........ ....250 Large bottle Cedar Polish at.; 350 Special Sale of Men's Union Suits Wool Mixed Garments at $1.69 One of the best known and most reliable makes fine, naturally Gray Wool Mixed Union Suita of seasonable weight and perfect fitting. All. sizes. Men's Cotton Fleeced Underwear, Shirts and Drawers at 75c Garment The best standard Cotton Fleeced Shirts and Drawers of sea sonable weight. All sizes. Special values at above price. JrZr,'1' JLfio J?J?S SON Most in Value The Best in negotiations, which will be resumed January 4 at a place not yet deter mmpd. - ' - . Leon Trotzky, the Bolshevlki-Foreign M-lhister. is reported to be draft ing a new note to tha entente allied embassies, again asking , them to par ticipate ' in the-, peace . ' conference. Trotsky Is also said to be preparing a new message to the peoples of the world. The Russian, delegates to the peace conference will return to Petro grad. tomorrow or Saturday. " An armistice i reported to have been Paramount and Artcraft trade-marks in a theatre announcement signify something. Something more than mere seating capacity and a ticket booth. Foremost stars, superbly directed, in clean motion & FAMOUS PLAYERS - jr sa. ' mm UZ?v Convenient) all Places of Interest 1 vate bath. and Am. nlmtnlrlc. FREE fffju si?'. I m i 1 lot l Jim IT SELLS FOR CAJSH' 23 .45? .180 ..190 s ...450 ...206 Store Closes at 5:30 P. M. Saturdays at 6 P. M. Quality reached between the Bolshevlki forces and the troops of General Kaledine's at Rostov, with a neutral zone between the opposing lines. i BaiUfOl1 Mld. for lif urder. ,. PEORIA, HI.. Dec 28. li. A. Strause, the bank president who killed his cashier, Berne M. Mead, recently, waa held without bail on a murder charge by verdict of a Coroner's jury today. Read The Oregonian classified ads. pictures LASKY CORPORATION LOS ANGELES if m 1 Southern California headquarters for many Oregon people. When visiting Southern Cali fornia you wilt find it to your advantage to sojourn at thla magnificently situated metropolitan hotel. Every dasired luxury Refinement and convenience. In heart of city. Almost opposite Central Park. Carllnea to Beachea, Mountains. Missions, but a few steps from hotel. 0o3 rooms. Each with pri Absolutely fireproof. Both Eur. plans. Tariff from S1.S0. F. M, AUTO BUS FROM DEPOT Mr