Tin: 3IORXIXG nT?T?r!nvT "V iTrTiTrrci i w . L , " """ Thl ,4 - - ... , - .. .. stole thsri.Jf . i7 information to uu i7 ,' , i uumness wnicn tne average person may find occasion h . ," '""U9 wnicn cannot by Phoning Main 7070 or A 6095. House ACCOKUlu.N PLLAXLNU. "iS11' 5 A YARI. PLEATING. FlTv Si"1 "TH-ES. EASTBKN NOV- 05 AKliSM, oTH st- between . OAK STARK STS. BROADWAY 20O0. BltrHAN, hemstitching, .callnnin. - "'r P.lear, button. covert; Ill ASSAVEKa AND ANALYSTS. ?3AN.A ASSAV OFFICE. 14 J Second . old. stiver and p.atlnuin bough t. AGATE CtTTtBS AND MFGT.KWELKBS. A'tTHS cul. "d polished; Jewelry and atch repairing. Miller's. 343 H Wuh. st- ATTOitNEVS. K..?ulrAI-ulf' 61 Pitiock block. Jo charge tor consultation. "AKBtK SUPPLIES. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO. We buy and sell all kings baroer iuppiie. A 250 3d. CANCER. s-w" i-'ES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. ai.i Morgan Oidg. Marshall 6143. CELLULOID BUTTONS. ta? 'HW1.V-HODSO.V COMPANY. 8S7 Washington. Bdwy. 434. A 1234. CHIROPODISTS. - William. Esteiio and William. Jr.. Devenev. i.,,y scientific chiropodist m the city. J- Gernnger biog.. aoutnweat cor . ner ta and Alder. Phone Main 130L CH1KQPKAC11C PM V SlCiANoT iuo. -fOPL; ,Dr- Mcilahon, Portland, i.T,5. cilropractlc specialist. That's why i Si w .' employ orugs. operations. y.-ifftorl t1o1 rays. electricity, beat ligat and other Joss House stunts. I re move the causes of disease Quickly, surely fhf a MtPen'vely. Daily convincing w : ivm. lhh, write. CHRISTMAS h i ORE. IT PAYS TO VISIT THE f'H kl.-i ry 1 C crroc We have all kin.tM r,r iannn- . ties, silks, chlnaware, basaeu, lacquer ( , emoroaenes. direct irom o Z.a Clearance sale. B. BAN CO.. Wtsnington near 15th St. CIKCtLAK LETTERS. CJAE BETTER CO.. 610 N. W. bldg. Mar. 100 letters multlgraphed. (1.50. COLLECTION AGENCIES. v- TT ' "orcester bldg. Main 1706. a No collections, no charge; established 1000. DANCING. IV' .bel- Stark and Oak. 4 private lessons (Z A. M-, P. M., Eve. Latest dances guar anteed. Class Thurs. eve. 7 to 8:30. Bdy. 2160 MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and stage dancing, private instruction; classes z?.:' o to iv. tua 2d su. bet. Wash, and Stark. Maiu 2100. THr. BECKETT-HEATH SCHOOL Dan cing taught in all its branches, private, day or eve. classes, Tues. and FrL 8-10. . , - uqq v uo. juain auo. ALISKY Dancing School. 3d and Morrison second floor; 4 private lessons (2. ELECTRIC MOTORS. FOR SALE. TRADE OR RENT A. WALKER ELECTRICAL WORKSL 413 Burnside. Broadway 5674. EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Ir,pF,i.C""d,lyi treatment: glasses fitted. 700 E. Burnside. cor. 20th. B 1303. E. 4734I FH'FF KLGS AND RAG RLG8. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Sa,i,n, Bruel- Smyrna, Axminster. rag Aiii4-5? ma" OI"ders prompt; booklet. CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. xU rugs cleaned and steamed S1.00 u LC1F BUG toy P4-Q8 Union ave. N. East 6516, B 1475. FERTILIZER. ' C 2274. aorsa manura. East 181, WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AND BL'GGY TOPS. DTJBRTJ1LLB BUGGY TOP CO.. th Oak. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Pacific Grain Co, Board of Trade Bids. DRY GOODS. L. DiNKELSPJEL COffiSSSST- . j . GROCERIES. WADHAM3 A CO, 60-i 5 front St. HATS AND CAPS. THANHOC5EF. HAT CO, 53-05 Front St. HIDES, WOOL, CASCABA BASK. KAHN BROS, 101 Front St. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER CO., 12t h and Davis Sts. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMCSSEN & CO.. 2rt and Taylor. NEW TODAf. MORTGAGE LOANS n Funds on hand for srood farm and I I city loans at close lntcrewt rates. f Prompt, Reliable Service. A. H. BIRRELL CO. X17-219 North estern Bank Rnilding;, Marshall 4114. A 4118. Mortgage Loans Insurance funds. Shi ser cent on busi ness and 6 per cent on residence, in ir-ortiana; prepayment privileges. PACIFIC TITLE & TRUST CO, 266-8 Stark Street. MORTGAGE LOANS OX BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE: PROPERTY. ROBERTSON EWITO, 207-8 Northwestern Bank Bids;. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. REAL sacrifice for cash; quarter block. near Union ave. and Broadway, for which an offer of (15.000 has been refused sev eral times. Can now be bought for $SOOO casn. xnis is splendid business or apartment-house site. See Mr. Steele, with the prong t-o.. zoiii uaa St., today. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden into income. we aesign and build anything, furnish tne money if desired; eight years in Portland. L. R. Bailey Co., contracting .i i:mici:Lg, jonnweaiern fsana Diag. WILL sacrifice $1100 lot for $850; nonresl- nent; on benuyter st. improvements In and paid; ciear of incumbrance. AV 122. Ore' gonian. OLMSTED PARK 9000 sq. ft., corner Brycs and 32d. $1850. subject $400 st- lmprov.- inctii- rnanq Aaoor 1 -t la. For Sale Houses. MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Two blocks to car. on paved street splendid home environment: new, modern ana very aesiraoie; a ilreplaces, hardwood floors. Price only , $390o, including all street Improvements. It's a mighty good i'u.y. vvty casjr terms. u. v. croasiey, Main 1700. A 1515. $3050 IRVINGTON HOUSE $3050. bit-room, -story nouse. on paved street, good carpets and linoleum, all improve ments paid; easy terms. If you want an jrvington noma see tnis at once. Phone for appointment, mornings from 9 to Li. $050 WAVBRLI BARGAIN I2S50 6-room bungalow, paved street includ ed In price; good as new. on rent-like f?rms; an exceptionally good bargain. Phone owner for appointment mornings. ivio i, evenings .o to s. r.. si 04. LAURELHURST. Before buying elsewhere obtain onr list exquisite homes for sale on easy terms in i-aureinurst. t.le snow place of Port land. LAURELHURST CO.. 270V4 Stark St. Main 1700. A 1515. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Homes and sites In this h!gt-cltss, beau tiful and healthful district. BROOKE, 641 Montgomery Drive, corner of Elm St. Marshall 4827. A- 3830. Call mornings. MODERN 6-room home with sleeping porch, hardwood floors; full cement basement. 2 fireplaces. Al furnace, etc.- choice loca tion in Irvington; price $5000, terms. Phone East 7516. JiiooO NEAR shipyards, stockyards, 6-rm. house, small payment down, bal like rent. 1S22 Boston, near Lombard. Lewis, Main 688. $5000 50x100 MODERN rea. 7 rms, WascoT West 19th, among Irvington's nice homes, $2500 cash, bal. time. East 8889. HUBBELL &-SON. 1421 Sandy, oldest' firm ROSE CITY PARK, can sell you a good house cheap. See us first. Tabor 2161. FINE bungalow. 6 rooms, furnace, modern, on earllne. 1352 Hawthorne ave.; $3200 terms. Apply 1350 Hawthorns ave. ' or the public, to give u far as pos- be found Here will 40. be gladly furnished GOITRE. DR. FLORA A. BROWN, goitre and diseases x wumen. iop uurniiaft. cor. zutn st- GRINDING CCTLEBY. THE Portland Electric Grind hop grinds 7iuioK- mat requires an eage. tfOA Stark, bet. Broadway and Park. JCNK. JUNK AND HARDWARE. The Oregon Junk Co.. 274 Front sr. Main 5230. We buy all kinds junk, metals, pay highest prices. See us before you selL MUSICAL. SCHOOL, OF MUSIC STAFF OF TEACH ERS. O. C. M., 2451, Wash. St.. Portland. PARKER School of Popular Music Term. 5 to 20 lessons. 401-2 Eilers bldg. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 207 Fliedner bldg. Bdwy. 1629. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. WHY PAY MORE? A SAVING from aO to 60 per cent. 0)f' Promptly fitted glasses as low as $1.50. 4000 satisfied custom ers. Satisfaction guaranteed. Unas. W. Good man, optometrist. 2u0 jlomson. Main 2124. PACKING. MOVING. STOBAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO 105 Park st. Main 51S&. A1051- PATENTS. R. G. WRIGHT 2 years" experience, U. S. snd foreign pateun. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. UU5 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, temale aisoraera, sain trou Ales. stomach. liver. kidnevs. bowels. throat; goiter; scalp; high booa pressure. PLUMBING SUPPLIKS. PLUiIBl.Su supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 3d st. Main 787. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeih. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100H Front St., corner star. Aiatn or A X4XS. THE IVY PRESS. 882 Stark St. Broadway 408. A 4088. PRINTING f. W. BALTEd A COMPANY, st nd Oak mlM. Main 166, A1165. KAL ESTATE DEALERS. CARL. R. JONES, 404 Wilcox tide. RUGS. NORTHWEST DRUG CO.. established 1903. r iuie rugs ana rc rugs woven ail sizes. 2ast oca ana rayior. -ast aosy, n io. STORAGE A'D TRANSFER. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists; s to race, packlns. ship ping; ana moving:; norse ana auto vans; special fretsht rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. za ana iine sts. uroaaway a iya. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Giiaan t. corner 13th. Telephone Broadway 1281 or A 1169. we own and operate two large ciass a warenouses on terminal tracas lowest insurance rates in the city. CUT freight rates to all points on household goods. Manning warehouse A Transfer Co.. ma and Hoyt. Broadway 703. MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE!. Office loo Madison, ueneral merchandise and forwarding agenta Phone Main 7091. TEDDY BEARS. 24-INCH Teddy bears, value $3.50. cut to yzu; aous zu per cent orr. mai Dooauets at half price. 144 Second st. WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL, CO.. EL 2041. E. 2d and Oregon sts.; f laowood, X3.7t delivered. Al cord wood and blockwood delivered promptly. INSIDE block wood, big loads, prices right. Shipyard Wood Co., Broadway 986. GREEN AND DRV SLAB WOOD, blockwood. Panama Fuel Co.. East 72. B 2880. WOOD AND COAL. BRIQUETS, $10.50 per ton. 3-ton lots $10 ton. delivered. Phone Broadway 2339. MANUFACTURERS PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-b Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING. M. L. KU.iJ, 84-B6 Front St. PROD LIE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVbiliJi.Mi Sc I'AKhttL, 140 Front st. itOFE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Corflage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. OOO KS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. lzth and Davis sts. SILOS. NO hoops, no nails; antl-freeze garages "uourDin nouses, btay Roun emu i-o.. ip.6 ttotncniia mag. WALI.PAPF.R MILLER Wall Paper & Pt. Co.. 172 1st st. morgan wallpaper co.. 230 2d st. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE!. Modern equipped 7-room house, two large steeping porches, large two-story ga "se "I'th servants' quarters upstairs, lot in one 01 largest cities in South T. Oregon. Also two lots on Portland Heights, full view of city, lot 177x100. property clear. Will sell on easy terms ecnange tor tarm or Portland prop erty. Owner. 323 Northwestern Bank bldg. THE HOME BEAiiTirm. n. oeautirui west Side home, large "J uiuwa tioors, artistic fixtures, furnace, fireplace, choicest dis Jh1Ct" Inoney w" spared in making . X " ' "wu-reHiuent. jost live ?ea 5 910.: Price $4750. easy terms. v- ia 1UM, oow t;n- of Com Snhnrban Horns Property. PARKROSE--ACRE TRACT ON SANDY BLVD. u:nl,h tji.v. wsy) paved street, no assessments, ground 1 1 . aanay view ot mountams. very .av tehrmm T I I, . ti-i-. . . . . ..... . No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th IS ACRES, South Portland, near Ryan eta lion. o. azo ner srr, K vu tic For Sale Acreage. 40 ACRES $725. 4 miles from Portland. 314 miles from .Uw .nu eicL-int une; on county road; cordwood enough on the place to pay for . welli A1 BO"- 325 cash, balancs t.v pmv. puiiuy. tii tienry bldg. Homes teaqa. xon HALt one-fourth section of lanri good homestead. 2.000.000 feet of yellow " nanu novel, city, azter noons. For Sale Farms. MODERN WHEAT AND STOCK RANCH for bargain. 00 acres. 400 cultivated. 100 acres to break, 140 acres bunch grass PMture: fenced in five fields, hog fence ..w-wuDiim lull . targe oarn. good bungalow house, granary for 5000 bushels: hog houses and other Improvements; spring stream on place, water piped to all parts; good orchard: six miles east of El gin. Or.; good roads one of the good ranches of Union County. For quick sale at $50 per acre: worth $75: easy terms: no l'dld .r. x . A.enenaaii, r reewater. Or. YOUR CHANCE IS IN CANADA RICH anus ana Dusiness opportunities offer you independence; farm lands. $11 to $30 iiiiBdieu tanas, ado to soo; twenty years to pay. $2000 loan In improvements. " iwuj-m.uB xarms; loan oi livestock; taxes average under 20 cents an acre: no taxes on improvements, personal prop erty or livestock; good markets, church, schools, roads, telephones; excellent cli mate crops and livestock prove It; spe cial homeseekers fair certificates. Write for free booklets. Allen Cameron, gen eral superintendent lands branch. Cana dian Pacific Railway. 64 Ninth ave., Cal- 6000 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, npon essv terms and low prices, $5 per acre and up. Write 2.r,J7l?S showing location, terms, etc. WE1ERHAUSER TIMBER COMPANY Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma. Wash.. A fine farm; 190 acres, close to good val- y wwu, x i cres in cultivation; run ning water; modern house; hot and cold water, etc.; 2 good barns; an elegant farm for $100 an acre; terms. Western Land Co.. 80414 Oak st. B ACRES, new 8-room bungalow, barn, etc. i u-, whsuu. naca. small tools, or chard, small fruit, good well; price $2800, terms; suitable for chickens. AD 373, Ore gonian. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. xt trm.i x lj 1 1 1 Him , 1 10 . Li'j per acre; easy terms; best soil; farms for sale, all sixes. McFarland. 603 Yeon bldg.. Portland. FOR SALE By owner, 50 acres, close to town, gooa roaas, partly improved; a bar galn; no agenta Main 6353, apt. A. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre np: running . v. j . ? n 1 1 a di. , vmpioyment; easy terma. Jesse R. Sharp. 831 3d st. 5 ACRES, cleared, good cottage and spring. t .iia.i,ijii, .o euo xnontn. Jesse R. Sharp, 83 U 3d st. REAL ESTATE. 1 FOK KAir 1 f T "7" s . i.i - -ii I I a va m - i Pf) R A if rr Farms. I Pianos, Oraans uid Mndl ln.tnin,.... I " i i...r I mi n I THINK BIO THINGS? 240 ACRES OF WHEAT LAND WITH EQUIPMENT 31 PER ACRE. IN ADAMS COUNTY. WASHINGTON. ONE MILE TO SHIPPING POINT. 1080 ACRES READY TO SEED. 1200 ACRES IN STUBBLE. . ' 300 ACRES READY TO PLOW. ACRES VIRGIN PASTURE. 1 SELF-PROPELLED. NEW, COMBINED HARVESTER. 1 45-HORSEPOWER CATERPILLAR. 8 HEAD OF HORSES PLENTY OF FEED. 2 SETS OF BUILDINGS PLENTY OF WATER. EASY TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PAR TIES. A BIG MONEY-MAKER. MacINNES, 210 OREGON BLDG. $300 CASH, baL J1300 payments, secures 10 acres. 1-3 cleared, house. welL Main 8672. McFarland. 603 Yeon bids. WASTED REAL ESTATE. WANT EQUIPPED FARM FOR Clear 7-R. bung, worth (4000, business block worth (12,000 with (2500 mtg. Will not assume. BADLEY, 404 N. W. Bank bldg. RELIABLE party wishes to purchase mod ern 6-room bungalow or house with ga rage. (50 down, (25 per month; Waverly dlstrlct preferred. R 77. Oregonian. WANT SMALL acreage, house, barn, poultry houses, 250 hens. Close to Portland. L 634. Oregonian. WANT vacant lots for a fine modern houM in Westmoreland. Western Oregon Trust Company, lluo N. W. Bank bldg. WANT modern residence; will trade lots or acreage ana assume. W. li. Ross. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED To buy 6-room modern bunga low in or near Kicnmona district, all cash. Gray, 813 East 30th EC HOUSE In Rose City Park, half cash and nan trade. Phone Main 7141. FOR SALE: TDIBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS . BOUGHT AND SOLD. O. J. McCHAKEN. 304 McKAT BLD9. BOUGHT AND BOLD Timber. lumber. sawmills ana logging chances. Fred W. anapp, 815 stock Exchange bldg. SAWMILL, for sale. 40.000 to 60.000 feet capacity, well equipped. AV 88, Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. I WOULD like to get In direct communica tion with owners of timber in T. 6. S. R. 7. 8. 9 West; also in T. 8. 9, 10. S. R. 11 West; give full descriptions of land, kind and amount of timber and your price in iirst letter, j. w. oregg. 3X5 B enton bldg.. xr vi li a ii li, jr. SHIP KNEES and hewn ties wanted. 507 oernnger Diag., -a ana Aider. FARMS WANTED. WANT small acreage, house, barn, poultry houses, 250 hens. Close to Portland. L oregonian. FOR KENT FARMS. 2tK ACRES, near Woodland, Wash., 200 acres ciear, gooa Duiidings, plenty of water, a miles irom town, rent $1000; have for sale 42 eood rnw. 14 rnlv,. bull, 25 pigs, 2 horses, all farm machinery imu ieeu. f rice S4UUU. See H. M. M ALONE Y, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 15 ACRES, In Washington County, good set of farm buildings, orchard, 2 horses and tarm macninery; rent .160 per year. See H. M. M ALONE Y. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. SEVERAL thousand acres of wheat land. stoca rancnes, iruit ana diversified farm ing and timber lands. All of our prop- i Lie are ciear ox incumorance. will sell on easy terms or would consider good Income property in Portland, San Fran cisco or Seattle. Owner, 32a Northwest ern Bank bldg., Portland, Or. 40 ACRES, very best unimproved land. 2 miles east Battle Ground. Clarke County. Wash. Value $4000; mortgage $1200. Will trade equity for good auto or clear Port land lota Call .20 Railway Exchange bldg. Phone Main 1757. LARGE ranch. Southern Oregon, 400 under irrigation aitcn, water rignts paid, large outrange, fine for alfalfa: price $60,000, clear of mtg. Consider good income prop erty; might assume if attractive enough. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. 8-ROOM house and 2 lots, near O. A. C. grounds. Corvailis. Or., worth X25no tn exchange for small bungalow on East Side. Address room 18. 4-2 Is Morrison st. WHAT have you to exchange for 640 acres . logged land near Aberdeen. Wash. M 30. Oregonian.- WANT larger house for modern 5-room bungalow; must be in good district. BADLEY. 404 N. W. Bank bldg. LOT on street-car line, on Portland Heights to trade for a house equity. Roes. Main W37. WILL trade Portland residence property for Spokane residence. Box 558, Spokane. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. IF you have a silent piano and would like a phonograph for this Xmas visit our phonograph rooms and hear the famous "Sonora," the Victor and Columbia. We will accept your siient piano as part pay ment, or trade even. Bush & Lane Piano ' Co., cor. 12th and Washington sts. Phone Broadway 2756. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. SPAN of very closely-mated biacks, mare and gelding, 5 and 6 years old, free of blemishes and sound, wt. 24O0 lbs.; $250. Span of blocky-built, bay geldings. 8 yrs. each, sound and true workers, wt 2400 lbs : $200. Span of gray mares, both with foal, 7 and 10 yrs. old and true, wt 2850 iba ; $100; also several head of young horses and mares which we would be pleased to show at Model Stables, 5th and Davis. 10 SETS of double harness, 5 farm wagons, 14 horses and mares for sale cheap. 462 Flanders st. Broadway 607. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Call Wood lawn 20. - DEAD stock and old horses bought. Call us for service and best cash results. Milwau- Kie DELIVEHW wagons and horses for sale, cneap. 03 r.. itn.su iNortn. DEAD stock taken quickly. We pay the most for dead and crippled stock. Ta-bor 4203. DELIVERY horse, wagon and harness, gro- ceijr Mora lutiures. xaoor BUi. Pianos. Organs and Musical InatrumentsT $5 SENDS a piano home for Christmas. sio sends a player piano home. No in terest for 21a years, provided you buy be- zore jul 1, io, wnen no interest discontin ued. Schwan Piano Co, 111 Fourth st. NEW MUSIC ROLLS EDISON. EDISON. EDISON. Edison phonographs advance in price -at. least $5 to $15 Jan. L Buy now and save; new stock Just received; easy pay ments. Hyatt Talking Machine Co, 331 Morrison. Northwestern Bank bldg. Bring your old rolls and lOo each gets sv new selection.' WAKEFIELD MUSIC- CO. 427 Washington 6treet. Broadway 498. NEW $165 mahogany victrola and $16 in gooa recoras; axoo casn or siod terms, or will accept liberty bonds. Phone Mar shall 4000. room 125. before 10:30 A. M. BUY $5 In records and we will deliver a $30. -. or Sbo taiKing macnine now or for Xmas. balance 50c, 75c or $1.00 week ly. Schwan Piano Co, 111 Fourth st. VERN L. WENGER. Phonographs and records bought, sold, exchanged, rented, expert repairing. 142 in Second st, upstaira Main 7244. PIANO WANTED. Will exchange fine new victrola, graf onola or Edison and-records for piano. Hy att Talking Machine Co, 331 MorriBon. STORY & CLARK upright piano, $475 style. late style, small case, line new, will sell at a bargain and give terma Call 149 6th st. BRUNSWICK phonographs play all records; no neeaiea to etiange. r none lor catalogue. Ararey piano luring to. oenwooq si53. PHONOGRAPH wanted, hornless, with rec ords; pay casn; no aeaiera need answer. East 6014. $900 KNABE parlor grand, beautiful mahog any. years oiu, t i -. ntx njr xtsxxixa. 3.arold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill. RENT a piano, most reasonable terma in Portland; no Bquares or thump boxes. Harold S. Gilbert. 884 Yamhill st. PIANO wanted; will pay cash for bargain East 5014. from private party. PIANO, standard make, cost $450; sell verv PIANO wanted from private party; cash qeaL, An 103, oregonian. ALMOST new $80 Sonora cabinet phono- graph. $10 recoras. ror $65. Kenwood 3153. FULL VALUE IN CASH for phonographs PAY CASH for used pianos. Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill st. Harold a $160 BUYS $375 modern upright. Security storage Co . 109 4th St.. at Washington. FINE Kimball upright piano, cash or terms. jiam 01 pi. PHONOGRAPH, $200 size, wis, 40 records; sen cneap, casn. juaun Bill. CLOSING OUT THIS wit tr in security Storage Co- Christmas Pianos. Joo btar upright piano ( 5 cash 275 Boudoir, small upright 45 cash tio uecKer & son's upright.... 145 cash CjO Gerhard player piano ...... 265 cash S''2 AoJelu' Player 25 cash 850 Stein way. old model........ 60 cash loO Loring & Blake organ 20 cash xva routtn oL, at Washington St. BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS Are Detter. They play all records, nave an all wood sound chamber like a violin tone modulater. Compare this uuuuBiiiiJu ua you win nave no other. Prices conalaerably less than other makes. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO. Broadway 4U2. .427 Washington Street. b OR aALE Grafonola and records, in good toiiuiLlun, useu one year; (ou cash. Mar- uau wvu, room o t . Dogs. Bird and Pet Stock. LARGE selection extra fine canary birds. suaranteea singers, cali East 5167. BEAUTIFUL orange St. Andreasberg Roller singer manrwji. HA car to 41a East ooth. BOSTON puppies. Just right for Christmas. xaoor 43&d. Furniture for Sale. E-PIECE parlor suit In mahogany finish, neat, plain desisrn and Imiha vlnnr mxh. Jons, cost (40, for (17.50; a splendid suit iur little money. MISH FTJR. CO.. 184 First St. FOR SALE Used office furniture, oak and manogany, 01 all Kinds. KILHAM'S, Fifth and Oak sts. Poultry. TURKEYS, young and -fat. 12 to 17 lbs., 85c iugi pam. o. jr. Wilson, cariey, wash. LIvesUMrk. PIGS for sale. Geo. Sievers. Portland, Or. not tit. aii laDor OttTa. HAl mare for sale or trade for good milch cow, liuii iM. .e. 24th st. Wdln. 1683. Typewriters. It-W Remington rental plan, rent applies 1 l, purcnase. visioie moaels. Remington Typewtiter Co.. &S Broadway. Phone WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters: send for our illus- iraiea xoiaer. rtetan department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. St. WILL exchange victrola, grafonola or Edi son for good typewriter. Hyatt Talking muLiniig v.o., 001 jHurrison. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. w. pease Co.. 110 6th. .w. reoullt. second-hand rentals at cut rates, f. XJ. uo.. zji atarlc st. Main 1407. Automobile. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. PRICES $150 UP. USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS ST AVER CO... East First at Morrison St. East 7272. B 121C SANTA CLAUS IS HERE. You can find him at Covey Motor Car company, ana he has many useful pres ents, sucn as: 1817 Dodge Brothers' touting car. almost new ...$825 1917 Ford, extras 873 1916 Ford 313 1917 Dodge Brothers, like new.... . 775 1916 Dodge Brothers 625 1916 Baby Grand Chevrolet 400 1916 Overland, like new 500 1916 Oakland Six 625 1916 Chevrolet roadster, first-class.... 400 We have 1915. '16, '17 Cadillac eights just HKe new. we also have a Hudson super six speedster at bargain prices, and many, others from $200 and up. See us before purchasing elsewhere. COVEY MOTOR-CAR COMPANY. Main 6244. Washington St.. at 21st. XMAS SPECIALS IN USED CARS. TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. Late model Reo, 6-cylinder ........ .$900 I -rjuica o-cyi., roaaster, snap. Cadillac, 1914. roadster 850 Cadillac 1914, touring 375 Urant 6. 1917, touring 773 Auburn, touring, runs good. ........ . 175 Saxon roadster 200 THJS OLDS CO. OF OREGON. .- Broadway and Couch. Broadway 1640. Broadway 1880. YOUR Ford will "CLIMB THE HILLS ON lilOH- ir equipped with Woodward's "fOUK 1'UKWA llxJ HP!:;;! TRANSMIS SIONS." Exclusive agencies open. Pratt & I Williams, distributors, ban Francisco. tt.u. -cyiinaer. o-passenger. s tires prac-1 ticaiiy new. tire covers, seat covers elec- ; trio lights and starter, bumper; never been off the pavement. This car Is a bargain at $9O0; will take $750. Phone Main ISO. $283 WILL buy the best Ford for the money in rorii.nu. just tnorougniy overnauled, new parts wherever needed, and newly painted; looks like brand new 1917 car. I nave placed it at the usea car Exchange. :t wasnington. fnone Alain 040a. 1917 FORD touring. A-l mechanical condition. aemountaoie rims, oattenes, nantier snocK absorbing springe, generator, speedometer. 3 good tires, other extras. 347 Market St. Phone Marshall 720. 917 BUICK Light Six, B-pasenger; looks like new: 2 new cord tires 3 fabric: h; been driven 2380 miles; 3 months' free service. If you want a good car see this one, pnone rranK amitn. uroaaway 1130. 1916 Ford. demountable rims, 5 tires. 4 shock absorbers, full tool equipment. weed chains. trunk rack, circulating hump, hand klaxon; a buy at $325. Phone I Frank Smith, Broadway 1130. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes ot cars and sell their parts at half price. Auto wrecking Co, H9-91-93 jvortn jsroaaway. MODEL S3 Overland roadster; want to price nr cash; can be seen any time at 54 Nortir Broadway. FIRST-CLASS Chevrolet, 1916. 6-passenger, electric lights snd starter, fine tires; price s.too, soo aown, so montmy. m. 11. Hyatt. 331 Morrison. 1917 FORD touring car, demountable wheels, snoca absorbers, several other ex tras: like new; very reasonable. Palace Garage. l"th and Stark sts. K. A E. GARAGE under new management: storage, $4.50 month. Hawthorne and 87th St. Phone Tabor 2885. E. W. Barnum. ROADSTER, electric lights, self-starter, ex change for Buick 6, 5-paas.; pay cash ditterence. u bo, oregonian. WINTER STORAGE Very reasonable. Union ave. and Wasco st. Phone East 44D. 1914 4-cylinaer uuica, mecnanically per fect; looks like new, runs better. Phone Main 1 WILL pay spot cash for your Ford. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, East 3770. E. 13th and iHawthorne ave. FOR SALE Ford touring car. 751 Ganten- bein ave, or 711 Vancouver ave. Phone Woodlewn 28i. MUST SELL my 1915 Maxwell; $375 takes it.- If you want a car ror service it s snsp. T. E. Oliver.' Woodland. Wash. PARTY has left with us good Chalmers car. starter ana electric lights. Price $250; terms. 01 Aiaer st. GOING to Cal. ; will sell my Buick runabout at a sacniice: no reasonable oiler refused. T 1'48, oregonian. THREE 1917 Velles. $850 and up. These cars will move fast at these prices. Call I early if you want ope. Main 780. 1017 FORD touring car. with $150 worth or extras, very reasonaoie. mono Broad -way 1572. CHALMERS 7-passenger touring, fine condi tion, 'szou: mignt taae smaller car in trade. Phone Columbia 9. 8-TON White truck, good mechanical repair, siuou, terms. 10, oregonian. 1916 FORD, perfect order, for $273 cash; owner drafted. R 798. Oregonian. WANTED Work for 3-ton truck in city. 12, Oregonian. 5-PASSENGER. 1915 model auto body for Bale at canton noiei. WILL sacrifice my 1918 Ford; no reasonable orrer reiuaea. rrincenouse. 014 Alder. FORD 1-ton truck, sell or exchange for touring. .11 waBningioo. Alain 3718. ROADSTER, with electric lights and. self starter, $375. 404 Davis St. SLIGHTLY used tires, $3 to $15 each; vul canized, L25etirerepalrljig. 207 Madison. 1912 E. M. an offer. F. In good condition: Main 780. make me FORD touring car. with good tires, extras $250. Palace Garage Co, 12th and Stark. I CAN USE your Ford If you can use my 1918 .-viets. r-riiicenouse. 01 Aiaer. Alain 3966. FORD for sale by owner; cash. Marshall 636. or 803 Lewis bldg. Inquire 1918 METZ car for sale; the biggest bar gain in Portland. 614 Alder st. 1918 FORD titEk sar body, never used. Cheap. Tabor 7T0T. WE OFFER. THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS Df .USED CARS: 1913 Cadillac. 7-pass spare tire, bumper 1350 Maxwell touring. 5-pass 375 Chalmers 6-cyl.. T-pass 475 Iranklin 6-cyL. 7-pass 450 Winton 6-cyL, 7-pass 275 Auburn 6-cyl., 7-pass. ; ....... . 250 1013 Studebaker touring: ...... 150 1013 Buick touring 125 THESE CARS ARE ALIi I.N FINE CONDITION AND ARE TRULY WON DERFUL BARGAINS- PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 10th and Burnside Sts. Broadway 021. Open Sundays. FORD touring, overhauled, repainted. dem. wheels $350 Ford delivery. overhauled and re painted, suitable for meat market, metal side body 300 1915 Ford roadster, good condition.. 250 Ford roadster, overhauled and re painted 350 1916 Ford touring. Al shape, dem. wheels, all good tires, storage bat tery, al electric lights, repainted. 350 Ford bug. a dandy.:..., W. H. WA.LLINGFORD. Sixth and Madison. 350 WONDERFUL MID-WINTER BUYS IN HIGH-GRADE USED CARS. Buick roadster, overhauled.........'. .$250 Chalmers 36. overhauled , ... 200 Auburn, small car. jrood Urea 150 Reo bug. newly rebuilt ....... 150 onaimers BO, runs f Ine. ............. . 150 Ford 'Bug, a beauty 285 Franklin, small car 200 High-speed bug 200 Light delivery, panel body 250 1014 Overland, elec. L. and S 300 1913 Hupmobile, perfect 350 1917 Ford. Just new 400 1917 Maxwell. 5 tires 575 1916 Dodge, disc clutch 65.0 $6000 Chadwlck 6-60, perfect all over, 80 miles per hour 250 Many others to select from, all sizes, all makes, all prices. Open Sundays and venings. CONLErS USED CAR CENTER. Cor. 15th and Lownsdale at Wash. st. Phone. Main 3S43. SPECIAL TODAY. EXCELLENT BARGAINS EASY TERMS. SEE THEM. 4s AND 6s, 191T MODELS. ' Buick 5-passenger, 4-cyllnder. Dodge 5-passenger, 4-cyllnder. ' Oakland o-passenger. 4-cyllnder. Studebaker S-passenger. 4-cyllnder. Oakland 5-passenger. 6-cyllnder.- Oakland 3-passenger roadster, 6-cyllnder. Year's guarantee of service. The above cars include extra tires, bump er, xxogiare lights. Liberty bonds are good here. MOTOR BALES CORPORATION. Oakland Six Distributors. 844-346-84 8 Burnside St.. near Broadway: Phone Broadway SO. 101T JEFPERT, 4-CYLTNDER. 7-PASSENGER, NEWLY PAINTED, NEW TIRES. CONVERTIBLE FRONT SEAT, OTHER EXTRAS, $800. 1 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, loth and Burnside Sts, Broadway 621. Open Sundays. WE HAVE positively the best and largest stock of good usea automoDiies in tne city, consisting of bugs, roadsters and touring cars: some exceptional bargain on easy monthly payments. Al AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO, 525 Alder st. DEXBT TRUCK BARGAIN. One-ton' truck, run under 400 miles. Cost S1754 two months ago. In perfect condl tlon. Price $1450. Good terms. C. W- Nlemeyer. 544 state st, saiem. FOR SALE A first-class 7-nassenger auto mobile, 1916 model, practically new, gooa tires all around, run approximately 12,000 miles: cost originally $3000; price $1000 cash. Garage, cook ana union aves. FORCED SALE 1817 FORD, LIKE NEW. OWNER, MAIN 2118. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED To trade 1911 Cadillac and cash difference for 1915 Hupmobile or other good car. Adcox. Union and wasco, WANTED Late model 5-pasa car, $700 equity house, 8 lots. Just outside city limits, oau or write oiz n.. t,ariton ave. WANTED Second-hand car; best buy for cash. A. J zau. oregonian. Automobiles for Hire. AUTO 3 WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE. 7-pasa. car with driver. LONG A SILVA. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Phone E. 6840. SEVEN-PASSENGER Studebaker. tourlnar. calling, shopping, highway and funeral. Tabor 3908. NEW 5-pass. Dodge for hire, touring, call lng, shopping, highway. Main 743o. AUTOS without driver for hire. City Ga rage, 10th and stark. Broadway 840. NEW SAXON 6. highway, depots, funerals. calling, shopping, reasonable. East 4582. Machinery . RAIL and two logging trucks, as good as new. we nave o miles 01 ua-10. rails. splKea -and fishplate and two logging, all prac tically new. Also have boiler, planers, carriage, log pullers, shafting and pulleys and engine. For sale by Owl Furniture Co., 241 First st Phone Main 4267. Miscellaneous. I BOOKKEEPER'S desk. 3 filing cabinets. 1 T. w. desk. 6 chairs. 4 roll -top - desks. also safes. Busnong dfc Co, Ml Haric st. . NO. 1 FIR cordwood, on hard-surfaced road. 2 miles from city limits. $4.o0 per cord. Clyde Transfer co. ast ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent: expert repairing, walker Elecf-ic Works. 413 Burnside st. Phone Broadway 5674. DRY oak wood delivered to customers or in carlots. .ast bide Slaowood Co. Phone East 2226. WHISKY barrels, new and second-hand kegs for sale. Panama Cooperage Co, 212 Front st. MUST HAVE money for Christmas. Will sell 50 sacks of potatoes at $1.10 a sack. 862 Union ave. North. GENUINE mink neckpiece for sale cheap. jno traaea oaii oiu &ast outn St., 2 blocks scuth of Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Or exchange; a heavy wood wagon. labor 2492. I VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex- cnangea. Doirgnt. uentiey Co. Main S582. FOR SALE Duck lake on Sauvle's Island. can nun. uj.-i alter o:au p. M FOR SALE 4 pool tables. 41s x9. reasonable; also rixtureg. Ar 764, Oregoniaa. AVIARY that cost $75. also entire stock of canary Diras. can .ast 0167. BUY your Xmas trees at 244 Wash, near 2d st. Main oiuo. v e aeiiver. SMALL fireproof safe, practically new. 401 itoyai Diag, rsroaaway ana Morrison. FOR SALE Evening dresg suit; siz. JO: slightly worn. AD 356. Oregonian. - SEVERAL good second-hand safes at th. right price. 46 Front St. Broadway 1966. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at the right price 46 Front st, Broadway 1966. HOOD RIVER t-TftxlZB. $1.00 a box, 110 2nd street. FOR SALE Second-hand safes, all slzea KILHAM'S. Fifth and Oak sta HEATING STOVES TO TRADE. WHAT HAVE YOU ? MAIN 4493. $13 ROCKING horse for $6. Call Wdln. 2713. FOR SALE FAMOUS ROGUE RIVER PEARS; HALF BOX COMICE AT $2.50 PER HALF BOX; HALF BOX BOSCS AT $2 PER HALF BOX. NO MORE ACCEPT ABLE CHRISTMAS GIFT. SEND YOUR ORDER AT ONCE TO THE ROGUB RIVER FRUIT & PRODUCE ASSOCLA TION. MED FORD. OREGON. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, sold for less; no agents em ployed: machines repaired and rented. $3 per mo. .6?JWnf MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d. near Yamhill st. A 3626. Main 9431. EDISON home phonograph, plays 2 and 4 minute records, and 50 records. only $lo.50, $5 down, $2 monthly. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 331 Morrison (.exchange SLEDS SLEDS. FOR BOYS. HALF PRICE. GERBER AUTO SHEET METAL WORKS, 55 9th St- N. Broadway 1873. LIBERTY BONDS WANTED. We allow you full value on your liberty bonds for victrola, grafonola or Edison. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morri son. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting cuatiiva, an amus macninery, rails, cars Railway Equipment Co, 235 Stark at. Main 2363. WILL sell two solitaire diamond stickpins, one about karat, one a little over 1 karat. Price offers saving over store price. VICTROLAS AND GRAFON'OLAi icw snipment just received; easy pay ments. Hyatt Tlaking Machine Co, Morrison. 331 BILLIARD and Docket billia rd to hi.. cases and wallcases, cash registers, fix- tr -;,?, """"- wuigiey. 7 1st. Main a3L49. SXAP-i-For sale, 50 shares Peoples Amuse ment Co. stock, par value, $10: price $5 per share, $100 down, $15 monthly. E. B Hyatt, 331 Morrison. FURNITURE WANTED. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-houses, of fice furniture, furniture stocks. Nothing too big 01 too small to nandle. Prompt attention and courteous treatment. PHONES MARSHALL 5981. A 3224. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 185 to 191 First St.. near YajnhllL BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE SEE US. We will pay cash for all kinds of fur niture, stoves, ranges, carpets, rugs, office furniture of all descriptions; nothing too small or too large for our consideration. A phone call will bring our buyer at any time. Call Marshall 587. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 205-207 First sr THE LEVIN- HARDWARE & FURNITURE tu. Duya xurniture, notel and restaurant outfits and tools of any description; full value for them assured. 221 Front. Main 9072. A 7174. MUST HAVE USED FURNITURE. Spot cash for your second-hand furniture, car pets, stoves, rugs, etc. Call us lor one article or as house full. Phone and a corteous, buyer will call. Main 4773. LOP MARKET price paid for used furniture also the old taken in exchange on new ,furnlture. ranges, etc M. H. Calef, 540 Williams Avenue East 6417. PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR USED FURNI- lurt-c, ULUltlllMi, liTU. PORTLAND CLEARING HOUSE, MARSHALL 4783. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni ture; we must nave tne goods. Michigan Furniture Co. Mar. 1S22. 164 1st et. DO you want good pay for your household gooas. it so, call up Marshall 0321. 165 r irst st. . HIGHEST prices for your furniture. Feld- stein's Furniture Co, 166 First st. Main WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash Phone today. Main 4627. or 204 First St. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 8332. BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main 8951. 101 2d st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $7.50 AND UP $7.50. Call Marshall 1229, or 229 Madison St. iu sen your castoit ClOtning. J. Meyer. The Tailor, n.-i v. st so .n up for second-hand suits. He pays more o .uvea aiio otner ciotning. we call any where in the city day or evening. Call Marshall 1229, or 229 Madison. PHONE MAIN 4776. ID'HAND CLOTHING WANTED. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR, PAYS niuiiBSi rtliuas r OK MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHING. SHOES, ETC WE ALl. A.M r-AR 1 t.l H THE CITY. PHONE MAIN 4778. 246 FIRST STREET, BETWEEN MAIN AND MADISON. OUR specialty is buvlnnr ladies' tnH mnt.' cast-off clothing. Highest cash price paid. iii can uay ur .llgnc PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225 or 209 Madison St. WANTED Several double-team, heavy dray . i (i i uror.-, ix n xu gooa conaiuon ; state cojin price. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. Salem. Or. WANTED An electric generator with low voltage ana high ampere; must be Irj good condition. Apply to W. J. Sullivan, o ij,rana ave. THE GLOBE PAYS HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S AftU LAUliia- 2U-HAND CLOTHING, pno&j, n,t.c. BU J lai . MAIN 2080. JUNK. .rmir We pay best prices for everything you ui.co.ru; doming, turniture, stoves, man iis. ruofla Main liS4. HIGHEST cash prices paid for kodaks an Anastigmat lenses. Main 85S1. Hochfeld v -i ii i i-i a exenanae. aa .in rcr BEST cash prices paid for used offl- tnr. mture. uesKS, cnatrs, riles ror sale or rent, r u , - i -1 r r-. ,v je. i , . i , , m .i j WE BUY - and sell new and second-hand Buiirares ana trunns. Main 9072. WANT ACCORDION OR CONCERTINA xr o-y Kza-asv or traqe, iuain 449a, 1V8 1st. "AMUlj. diamonds for cash. 14 to 2k. Old um. piatinum, silver, zia oregonian bldg. CASH for furniture, musical instruments and igvuiuq. main myo. WAisih-u to buy 500 sscks of potatoes. " ojiuuu oc orgs., 2a ana Alder. 1000 PHONOGRAPH RECORDS WANTED. .dou ymu. main tB p irst. Si will repair your watch at Relnsold's. - - - . x.- .ii in. near wasnington. HELP WANTED MALE. HAVE room for only two more canvassers ror a real live-wire proposition, guaran teed salary and commission. Jewel Tea vv. , hi vii txii ii ave. FOUR MILLWRIGHTS. APPLY AT 1117 YEON BLDG. BOY wanted to assist in shipping depart ment and learn wholesale business; good uHfuiiuiiiii, oinia age ana salary. V 817, VI CSUU14I1. wAAxcij lrst-class shipping clerk for wnoiesale house; state wages. V 816, Ore- WANTED Timber falters, piece work; can y mgn -vagea western Cooper- . -' ' .. i.iui la, - r i . WANTED Colored young man to do porter iwuu wumj, Bicuny position. Apply 1 m iiaaiiiuswu til. EXPERT, experienced bookkeeper with A-l reierences- ior tew nays' work. M. Barde gc oon, iw r rant Br. nmi man wno can miiK lew cows, on my i aucii miles irom town. A 1. Shank Scotts Mills, Or. BOY 16 years of age or over, with wheel; s- ouiiu.j -i n. Kuaiaitm tov per mo. Can earn more. Apply 127 11th st. eAftiKiiS.MLiiD washer wanted: stead v suuu iaj. opera-nouse Laundry, 231 Everett. WANTED Man experienced in cost ancnnni. mg; give experience, rererences and wages . n.i... A I.- T.M "I ; WANTED First-class stenographer: young man preferred; advise age, experience. K 403, Oregonian. BOY wanted on farm, from 15 to 20 years i-iii , on LUBl can mux a lew COWS. A. C Lohmlre. Gaston, Or. WANTED Man to drive truck; middle-aged ii i ii jj , -ii i rr ii. iwuo neimoai at- Jttlver vlew Dairy Co. WANTED High school boys. Apply at Strand Theater. Mr. Gordon. WANTED First-class barber, steady Job. 612 Main st, Vancouver, Wash. THOROUGHLY experienced Janitor. rtowiana. zui rourtn. BOYS to learn trade, also experienced print ing salesman. F. W. Baltes 4 Co. WANTED All around baker at $25 rier week. City Bakery. HUlsboro. Or. WANTED First-class wood turner for Vlaning mill In city. 607 Oregon bldg. BED MAKER wanted, and Glisan. Park. Hotel, 8th BOYS wanted to learn business. Lowengart at Co. Apply COMPETENT DRUGGIST, evenings. Haaek Bros, 351 Alder st. WANTED Hall boy, $40 a month, room and board. Campbell Hotel. HELP WANTED HALE. HOSMER & WHITE. 24 N. 2D ST. WANTED IN CITY. 3 carpenters. $4.50. 9 hours. Laborers, construction new mill. $3. 9 hours. 4 yard laborers. $3.25. 5 laborers, around big plant, pay ones a week. $3. 9 hrs. Teamster, woodyard, $3.25. Assistant boom. $4. 5 laborers. $2.75, 8 hrs. WANTED. -Man and wife, waiter $10o. and waitress. Man and wife, cook and helper, small crew, $90. . . . Band resawyer, $4.50, S hours. Millyard men, 40 cents hour. 8 hours. New work coming in all the time. Call HOSMER A WHITE. 24 North Second St. MAN, OVER 30 years of age to take out slde territory to advertise and demonstrata nationally advertised lines, which is now in great demand. Guaranteed salary or commission. Man with canvassing exper ience preferred, but this is not essential. Good opportunity for advancement. See Mr. Guerin. 522 Irving street, Portland. Or, immediately. WANTED Several young men with wheels. $50 to $90 per month, steady work: learn trade and advancement. L. A- Mollen hour. 253 Oak st. SALESMAN wanted for territory In Oregon, handling standard specialty; earnings $3000 to $4000 may be expected; right man can arrange for suitable guarantee: prefer man with car, though car not necessary. Give age, experience, telephone number and full particulars. Box L 797. Orego nian. WANTED Married man to drive small auto truck and also deliver goods and make self useful around hardware store, references required; must be able to re pair machine and know streets, freight houses and docks, and able to read and write. Apply J. Leve, 1S9 Front st, be tween Yamhill and Tavlor.- WANT a young man with auto to learn the real estate business. You will be put to work with men of 10 years" experi ence and have the co-operation and as sistance of an old established and reliable firm. See Wickman, with FRED A. JACOBS CO, 104 5th St. THE Meier & Frank Co. desires the serv ices of additional experienced salespeople in all holiday sections. All former em ployes are requested to report for duty at once. Apply - at superintendent's office. Basement Balcony. - WANTED South, for J. W. Sweeney Con struction Company, laborers, teamsters, we have a good portion of good station work. Good camps, all Winter's work. Re port at our offices. Rice Hill Isadora, Oak land, Or. WANTED Newspaper man, not over 40. who is good news writer and who under stands advertising soliciting, for perma nent position on daily paper . In Oregon, outside of Portland. Write AV 86, Ore regonian. LABORERS wanted for both inside and out side work (some employes out on strike; good wages and permanent employment. For full information apply 509 Oregon bldg. YOUNG MAN who can write copy and has had catalogue experience. A good per manent position to the right man with an opportunity for advancement. State age and experience. AL 701. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced lumber tractor operator; must understand making own repairs; night watchman for sawmill plant. $75 per month. Apply West Ore gon Lumber Co, Llnnton, Or. WANTED Experienced man with" family to run dairy ranch. Ferndale Creamery Co, Astoria, Or. Phone 377: $75 per month, with everything furnished except clothing, provisions and bedding. - REPORTER Permanent position on after noon dally. Write, stating age, experience, salary wanted and give references. Yak ima Republic, North Yakima, Wash. A SPLENDID opportunity for a young man who wishes to study: attend office even ings tor room and some cash. Tabor 1208. B 2546. WANTED SALESMAN. . Man ot good appearance' to solicit busi ness people and sell high-class securities. S 272. Oregonian. ' DELIVERY BOYS and wagon boys. Apply superintendent's office, 9 to 10 A. M. Must be 16 years . or over. Olds, Wortman & King. YOUNG man, between IS and 20 years sf age, wanted to operate telephone exchange and to act as page in private club. Apply to A 291. Oregonian. SANDER man. one who has had some ex perience operating 3-drum sander: 8 hours. Apply at once. Oregon Chair Co, 1100 Macadam St. WANTED 20 men in shipbuilding plants to buy new victrola. grafonola or Edison on easy payments; open evenings. Hyatt Talking Machine Co, 331 Morrison. FIRST-CLASS machinist for lathe work; - must be quick and accurate: steady work, good pay. Fred Dundee, Broadway and Flanders. WANTED Boys to deliver Christmas pack ages. We furnish bicycles and motor cycles if necessary; good wages. Main 1808. A 2404. 15 N. 12th. WANTED At once, open shop, all-around machinery blacksmith who can handle steam hammer work. Apply 520 Oregon bldg, 5th and Oak sts. ' WANTED Young man to repair Victrolas: gooa permanent position; chance for advancement- Sherman, Clay & Co.. 6th and Morrison. WANTED High-class book salesman. New proposition from Roycroft Shops. Card leads. Write W. ' D. Harney, Cornelius Hotel, for appointment. Help Wanted Agents. AGENT wanted; big money. Room 208 Ab- ington bldg. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos- pitai ticaets.- uoi oara or xraae. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMEN Experienced or inexperienced. city or traveling, send for our free book "A Knight of the Grip," and list of open ings. Immediate employment service ren dered members. Address nearest office. Nat'! Salesmen's Training Assn., dept. 311. Chicago, San Francisco, New York. SPECIALTY salesman wanted by a local manufacturing concern. Only ambitious man, willing to travel, need apply. Choice territory; liberal commission. T 220, Ore gonian. SPECIALTY men: Come and see your op portunity, can, 2 to 4. 7i2 Spalding bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 3 or 4 ladles of education and culture, to interview mothers on the moral training of children; will pay $25 a week to those who quality; preference given to ladies over 25. For particulars call be tween 2 and 5. 311 Rothchlld bldg. ATTENTION Ladles residing anywhere out side Portland, desiring permanent, profit able home work, can hear ot splendid opening by sending self-add. envelope to Dept. E-5. 170 11th st, Portland, Or. WANTED SALESWOMAN. Woman of good appearance to solicit business people and sell high-class securl- ., ties. S 270, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced laundry marker and distributor at Multnomah Hotel. .Apply at Ash-street entrance. PORTLAND Stenographic School Colum bia building. Prepare for position in three months Day, evening. Main 1114. ANY girl in need of a friend, apply to the baivation array rtescue nome, jasc 15th st. N.. or phone East 123. STENOGRAPHER, $75; stenographer. $65. Professional intelligence Bureau, 3ui r. W. Bank bldg. GIRL or woman to assist with housework In small ramily. Call Main 2821. F. -R. Ramsey. "227 Sherlock bldg. WANTED A middle-aged woman for cham bermaid ana light housekeeping ror a small rooming-house. 201 li Grand- ave. COMPETENT woman to serve hospital travs. Portland Surgical Hospital, Brwy. 1206. TWO experienced waitresses, $30: maids. helpers. Howes Agency, room 435, 270 1 Washington. GIRL wanted to deliver invoices and help with ornce work, pacific stationery & Printing Co, 107 2d. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements, no traveling. Apply Casino Theater. WANTED Undergraduate nurse to take- care of a private patient. Apply Nlsbeth Sanitarium. PRIVATE home for children 8 to 12 years old: 15 years exp. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. WANTED Chambermaid 1751 Derby. Wood- lawn 2915. AN experienced collar girl wanted at Pa cific Laundry. GIRL to work tn grocery store. 87 N. 6th. can 8 to 9 A. M. WANT BID A good 000k. Apply Nlsbeth Sanitarium. WANTED Elderly woman to help for room ana board; permonent home. Tabor 6719. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Main 2647. WANT housekeeper on my ranch. A. E. Shanlc. Scotts Mills, or. AN experienced waitress wanted at X43 Park. WANTED Dishwasher, 222 Washington st