Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 11, 1917, Image 18

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daily from 10 A. M.
to 12 M., and from 2 to 5
P. M. Bring the children
to visit him Sixth Floor.
Toytown on Fifth Floor.
War Savings Cer-.
tificates and U.S. Thrift
Stamps issued at our
Accommodation Bu
reau, Basement, Sixth
MEIER & FRANK Merchandise or Glove
Bond solves the gift problem. Issued in any
amount, $1 or more. Redeemable lor merchandise
in any department at any time. Booth, Main Floor
Promise Made Tentatively in
Response to Pressure From
Taxpayers of County.
a2T3?2lt& EST. 1837
J&VsAw The Quality Store of Portland
OMtroff -To wi Readers Order by Mai
.Point Made That Refusal of E. B.
. MacXaughton to Indorse Road
Budget for Year "Was Because
Fear of Impending Change.
John B. Yeon probably will not re
sign as County Roadmastcr, as was
announced several weeks ago. Instead
of turning over the county's extensive
road work to other hands ho will un
doubtedly consent to remain at the
helm of the 1918 road programme.
This decision, while not definite, was
indicated yesterday by Mr. Yeon. Ever
since he announced his intention of
retiring fro mthe office, delegations of
prominent business men and taxpayers
have pleaded with Commissioners Hol
brook and Muck, asking them to use
every possible influence in an effort
to have Mr. Yeon remain as roadmas
ter for another year at least.
So insistent have been the petitions
of Portland business men, that Mr;
Yeon has practically assured the
County Commissioners that he would
remain for another year. This decision
was announced yesterday by Commis
f loner Muck and confirmed, in part, by
Mr. Yeon.
Pressure Brought to Bear
"While I had hoped to retire at the
end of this year, and had previously
announced my intention of so doing, it
is possible that 1 may stay with the
work for another year at least," said
Mr. Yeon yesterday. "I have the mat
ter under consideration, but will not
make any definite decision until later."
"Many of the most prominent busi
ness men and taxpayers have come to
us and urged us to use every influence
and bring every possible pressure to
bear in an effort to have Mr. Yeon re
main as roadmaster," said Commis
sioner Muck yesterday. "And, although
we know he is making a big personal
sacrifice in continuing this work, we
are hopeful that he will remain for an
other year, at least."
Mr. Yeon has been roadmaster of
Multnomah County for the past four
years, during which time he has served
the county without compensation of
any kind. During his regime Multno
mah County ha3 made rapid strides in
its road work. When he first took
hold of the work four years ago there
were only 2 miles of paved road in
the county, outside the city limits. To
day there are more than SO miles of
paved highway.
Political Preferment Distasteful.
"I have never sought political hon
ors of any kind and would not take a
political office if it were handed to me
on a silver il: tter," Mr. Yeon yester
day, in explaining his position. "How
ever, I am a firm believer in the gospel
uj. gooa ruaas ana am wining to maKe
personal sacrifices that Oregon and
Multnomah County might advance in
this all-important work.
"To speak frankly if I had tendered
Multnomah County a check for $25,000
four years ago instead of taking over
this road work, I would be better off.
financially, today. However, I made
what money I havs in this community
and. naturally, I am at all times ready
to do whatever I can to help it ad
vance. Good roads mean a lot for Ore
gon as well as for Portland and Mult
nomah County and we should all de
velop this community interest if the
best results are to be obtained."
Faith of Mr. Yeon Shown.
In connection with Mr. Yeon's evi
dent consent to remain at roadmaster
for another year, in "compliance with
the urgent requests of scores of citi
zens, it is recalled that E. B. Mac
Naughton, chairman of the citizen's
advisory budget committee, who signed
the minority report objecting to the
road budget of JiiOO.OOtk publicly stated
at a meeting of the committee that he
would have no hesitancy in approving
the half-million-dollar appropriation if
he could be assured that the handling
of this fund. would be under the direc
tion of Mr. Yeon as roadmaster. At
the. time Mr. MacNaughton declined to
approve the road budget it was gen
erally believed that Mr. Yeon would not
accept the post for the coming year.
Mr. Yepn's appointment for another
year will likewise mean the saving of
several thousands of dollars a year to
Multnomah County, inasmuch as the
'Commissioners admitted they would
be unable to find a successor for the
office who would work without com
pensation as Mr. Yeon has done dur
ing the entire time hehas held the office.-
If Mr. Yeon should refuse to re
main for another year it is understood
the Commissioners would have to ap
point an engineer, who would com
mand a good salary.
Chin Jung Ilin Second Accused of
Complicity In Murders.
Chin Jung Hin, president of the Suey
Sing tong, was placed on trial yester
day before Circuit Judge Bingham,
charged with complicity in the murder
of Chin Hong, of a rival tong,- June 2,
last. The selection of Jurors to de
cide the fate of the prominent tong of
ficial probably will not be completed
until late this afternoon.
This is the second of more than a
eoore of similar cases arising out of the
tong warfare which raged in Portland
during the first six months of the pres
ent year. Gong Woo, secretary of the
same tong, was tried several months
ago, but was freed in a directed ver
dict for acquittal ordered by Circuit
Judge Gatens.
Three Big Sacks Delivered to Your
Home for $5.00.
Continuance of Frank L. Smith's sale
of home-grown high-land potatoes,
three big sacks for $5, delivered to
your home. Come to 228 Alder street
for these fine potatoes. Adv.
Methodist Flag Has 19 Stars.
PENDLETON, Or.. Dec. 10. (Special.)
A service flag containing 19 stars,
one for each member of the church,
has been unfurled by the Methodists of
this city. An enthousiastic patriotic
demonstration followed the unfurling.
Judge S. A. Lowell delivered the address.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian.' Main 7070. A 6095.
Beginning a Most
Important Sale of
Velvet dresses "for street
and afternoon wear in navy,
brown, green and taupe.
Long satin collars, also
Georgette collars and or
gandy collars with novelty
vestees. Some of the reduc
tions follow:
$20.00 Dresses $15.00
$25.00 Dresses $18.75
$27.50 Dresses $20.65
$30.00 Dresses $22.50
$35.00 Dresses $26.25 '
Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor.
A Few Good Holiday Suggestions From
Our Embroidery Shop
Visit our" big Embroidery Shop on the Main Floor, Fifth
Street, and see what it has to offer in the way of embroideries
for holiday sewing;. You will be surprised at the uniform low
ness of prices.
Semi-made night dress yokes, hand-embroidered. Mod
erately priced, $2-$2.50.
Imitation hand-embroidered night dress yokes. Priced at
only $1.25.
Semi-rade corset covers of
broidery. In attractive boxes.
Semi-made baby dresses of
hand-work. Sizes 2 to 6 years.
batiste lace with dainty em
Priced $1.19 and $1.50.
batiste and voile. Imitation
Priced $1.75 to $3.75.
Embroidery Shop, Main Floor.
We've Just Received Many New Arrivals in
Women's Gift Aprons
59c to $1.98
Many new styles in women's aprons
that are ideally suitable for Christ
mas gifts. These are especially adapta
ble to sewing and knitting wear.
Made of fine quality organdy and
lawn. Prettily trimmed with lace
edgings and insertions, beading and
ribbon. Very specially priced at 59c,
75c, 98c, $1.98. One illustrated.
Others 59c to $2.50
Other styles with and without bib or
straps. These for maids. Of good quality
lawn and cambric Neatly trimmed. Spe
cially priced at 59c, 75c, 98c, $1.25 to $2.50.
Nurse Aprons 98c-$1.98
Regulation hospital and nurse aprons,
with and without bib. Also surgical and
Red Cross aprons with sleeves. These are
moderately priced from 98c to)$l.&8.
Apron Shop, Third Floor.
Billie Burke Dresses
Of Fine Quality Cotton Crepe
Special at $3.47
Billie Burke house dresses, beautifully de
signed and styled, made of best quality cot
ton crepe. .
Yoke dresses with box pleats. In plain
colors and fancy striped effects. x
Made with deep white sailor collar, cuffs,
belt and pockets. Very special at $3.47.
Third Floor, Sixth Street.
S6.50 $7.50 Mesh
Bags $3.98
A timely holiday offering. Fa
mous Whiting and Davis ' mesh
bags, bought from a prominent
jobber at an advantageous price
concession, hence the reduction.
Bags with the appearance of
sterling silver, made of fine
nickel silver in machine-wrought
mesh. Every . link - soldered in
such a manner as to be prac
tically indestructible. Plain and
fancy engraved frames, 4 and
4 inches long. Limited quan
tity. Jewelry Shop, Main Floor.
Buy Inexpensive
From Our Big New
Toy Store in the
Lower Price
Parents nd children will find
in this section plenty of good
Toys, Dolls
and Games
of every description at these
three prices
5c 10c
and 15c
Basement Balcony.
Will Be Keenly Interested in This
Sale of Washable
Cape Gloves $1.49
And men and women will show their appreciation
of the extraordinary glove values offered in this sale
by purchasing these finely serviceable washable Cape
gloves for their personal use as well as gifts for their
Every pair of these gloves is new and perfect Every
one is a "Cape," and you know how splendidly Capes
fill the bill for gloves that are dressy, good looking and
at the same time most serviceable. They're warm and
comfortable, and WASHABLE could anyone ask for
more in a glove?
The men's gloves are, in tan. The women's in brown, tan,
gray and white. Both have Spearpoint stitching on backs. One
clasp style, outseam sewn (for strength). They're good for
street, dress, automobile or, in fact, any occasion that calls for
an all-around serviceable glove.
And; though this last may seem superfluous to those familiar
with the glove market Cape gloves at $1.49 are a powerful
A Wirthmor Waist Makes a Most
Acceptable Christmas Gift $1
The four pretty models in women's Wirthmor waists as
pictured above have just been received -they will be on
display and sale for the first time today. Each waist carries
with it an attractive Christmas seal with gladsome Yuletide
greetings-r-and strange as it might seem, in these days of
rising costs, these popular waists are priced, as always, at
just $1. Here only in Portland.
Waist Shop, Fourth Floor.
Large Size Cans Tomatoes 10c
Full standard pack. Limit 6 cans to customer. None
delivered. This special from 9 to 12 o'clock only.
Coffee, Superior blend, freshly
roasted, our popular 35c 07
grade, pound ti
Kellogg's Krumbles, fresh "1 fj
stock, package J-VrU
Cherries, Del Monte, best quality,
large 27-oz. bottle, special ftQg
at only
Jiffy Jell, all flavors, doz,
$1.30, package
Brussels Sprouts, Del Monte, the
dozen $2.20, large can, "J Qp
special at Xl
Soap, Fels Naptha, 5 bars OQ.
priced at C
Ninth Floor, Fifth Street.
Pendleton Blankets & Robes
Make Gifts of Beauty and Utility
This Label Is a Guarantee of Quality
Visit the special department on our big Second Floor
devoted exclusively to the display and sale of fleece wool
products of the famous Pendleton Woolen Mills. Choose
acceptable Christmas gifts from our most complete stock
of the following articles:
Second Floor, Fifth Street.
Dainty Evening Scarfs
Evening scarfs of dainty silk net with
gold and silver thread. Embroidered bor
ders in maize, flesh and white. $2.50 values
for only $1.89.
Evening scarfs of silk net with spangled
borders. Black," ' white, rose and other
wanted shades. 2 yards long. $5 and $5.50
values $3.95. Also $6.50 to $7.75 values
at $4.93.
r& 1
Gauze Fans at
Fancy gauze fans with spangled designs. .
Some have pearl handles. Many hand paint
ed, others combined with lace. The regular
prices range from $2 to $6.50. ALL AT
$4.00 to $6.00 Neckwear $3.29
20 different styles in this sale of "dressy" neckwear.
Included in the assortment are organdy roll collars, hand embroidered.
High neck satin vestees with black satin trimming. Filet , lace jabots
with satin stocks. Crepe collars, hand embroidered. Net models with
hand work and Filet and Val. edges. Net collars with Cluny lace finish.
$4 to $6 values in this holiday sale at $3.29.
Neckwear Shop, Main Floor.
For Christmas Gifts A Special Lot of
Stamped Novelties
We have taken many attractive articles, such as lamp shades,
bon bon dishes, vanity casco and many other attractive pieces
of needlework to be embroidered, and divided all into four
great lots to be sold at the following special prices:
Lot 1 at 19c
Lot 2 at 29c
Lot 3 at 49c
Lot 4 at $1
Art Needlework Shop, Second Floor.
Coming at a Most Opportune Time This
Sale of Picture Frames
This offering of gold picture frames
comes at a most important time the
time when one is selecting Christmas
gifts. We planned this sale for the
particular holiday shoppers take ad
vantage of the savings it affords in
gift frames today. Divided into three
groups :
68c 73c 79c 83d
Antique gold or greyish gold toned
frames on a stand. Complete with glass.
Sizes 5x7, 6x8, 7x9 and 8x10. Your picture
fitted free of charge if desired.
LOT 2 AT 43
Antique and gold toned picture frames
complete with glass. In sizes 6x8 and 7x9.
Your picture fitted free of charge if de
sired. LOT 3 AT 57d
Antique gold picture frames in two styles
of moulding. With glass. Sizes 6x8. 7x9
and 8x10. Your picture fitted free of charge
if desired. Picture Shop, Fifth Floor.
I." All
Turkish Bath Setsgs
A beautiful line of Turkish bath sets, neatly . boxed for
gift giving.
One particularly fine set consists of two bath towels, two
face towels, two wash cloths and one heavy bath mat with
space for monogram. This at $4.75 for the set.
Other Turkisri bath sets moderately priced at $1.75, $2.00,
$2.25 and $3.75.
Turkish Bath Towels
These make practical and most inexpensive gifts.
We have a splendid assortment and show as many as 50 different de
signs and colorings, including jacquard weaves and fancy colorings.
These range in price from 35c to $1.75 each.
Linen Shop, Second Floor.
Two Gift Specials in Our Housewares Section
$2.00 Old Hickory Nut Bowls
Here is a gift that every woman will en
joy possessing one of genuine practicabil
ity, usefulness and attractiveness.
JAj . "Old Hickory" nut bowl
and hammer. Good-sized
durable and well-made hammer. The regular price is
$2 Meier & Frank's price today $1.49.
This Fine Old Hickory
Smoking Stand $2.37
No need to hunt for a match or a place to put ashes
if a smoking stand is at hand.
The one illustrated at left is in the popular "Old
Hickory design with cigar holder, tobacco jar, match
holder and ash receiver.
A very attractive gift that any man will enjoy re
ceiving. Buy one today at the low price of $2.37.
Housewares Section, Basement.