TITE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1917. 13 HELP WANTED MALE. AT THE PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Largest on tile Coast. Planer foreman .... rhip knee grubbers.. Laborers on chains Moulders, S hours.. Marker on rolls .Air trimmcrmaa . . ...S4.50 . .. 4.00 . .. -LOU ... 5.2.1 4. no ... 4.50 FARE ADVANCED. EAST. EAST. EAST. TO P.ENTD. OREGON. ' For young men to learn logging In the pine camps of the Shcvlln & Hlx on Company. Wages $3.75 to start, light riKging and sanitary conditions, board Jo per week- i'uu advanced. FARE ADVANCED TO BRIGHTON. OREGON. Mill and yard men $3.50 Spruce mill, board 5.25 SEASIDE, OREGON. Tard men to handle spruce, 3.50 per day, hotel board. Cooks, flunkies, dishwashers, bus boys, etc., and all kinds of hotel work found here. Employment insurance means guarantee. , PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Burnaide street'. WANTED SAWMILL MEN. Contract car loaders and pliers, car tal-leyman.- grader behind planer, trim saw, pond man, yard and miilmen. Call 70 4th street, Lewis building. Sunday, 11 to 1 o'clock; Monday. 9 to 11 A. M. WANTED Good vulcanlzer and tube re pairer to work in country town; will pay 3 per day through Winter; steady work guaranteed. Address Evert Smith, La Crosse, Wash. Must apply at once. Phone FIRST-CLASS gents" furnishings and dry goods man; must understand merchandise thoroughly; must be firet-claas salesman and buyer; state experience and salary expected; good position for right party. A 2S6, Oregonian. WANTED Married couple for Valley farm, separate house, garden, milk, fuei; man accustomed to general farm work, relia ble, honest and considerate to animals. AV 26, Oregon ian. WANTED :Experienced advertising solici tor and adwriter to solicit advertising for special New Year's edition. Address Advertising Manager, Oregon Statesman, Salem, Or. MACHINIST, must be familiar with Univer sal grinder, aiso lathe and bench work; must be quick, accurate; good wages; steady work. Fred Dundee, Broadway and Flanders. &H1PP1.NG clerk, familiar with typewriting, shorthand not necessary; good opportunity for advancement. Want man who can de velop into salesman or accountant. MainH ei2o, juonuay. SALESMAN for men's shoes, etc. Orfe with genera store experience preterrea; ref erences required! Lion Clothing Co., Mor rison at 4th st. WANTED Young man for night office work; must be able to use typewriter and write good hand. Apply Monday, 418 Mohawk bidg. WOHT WATCHMAN Intelligent and de pendable; city experience; wholesale dis trict preferred; reierences. Box 236. New berg. Or. WANTED - Young man to learn machine woodworking business; gooU wages to start. Give address and phone number. AH 382, Oregonian. CANDY.MAKER- for cream work In whole- f y. state age. who worked for, tc. Write- W. Carlton. 602 So. J. su. Ta-- .... - .i.aaeiii. work. BKItiHT young man about 20 years of age for clerical work requiring accuracy; chance for advancement. Apply In own nanuwrmng. AU 122, oregonian. WANTED An intelligent man about 30, capable of doing manual labor; state age, experience, address, phone. AN 231. Ore gonjan. SHOEMAKERS, lasters, number 5 operators. soleleather cutter and sorter; also other operators. Address Washington Shoe Mfg. Co., Seattle. Wash. WANTED Five Japanese as waiters and chamber boys for out of town. Call at Benson Hotel between 12 and 1 Friday, Dec. 7. WANTED Married man on dairy farm, no children; wages JS0; milk, vegetables, fur nished room except bedding. C. W. Alp man. Dundee, or. WANTED Stew a i for out of town. Call personally at Benson Hotel between 12 and 1 Friday, Dec. 7. UPHOLSTERERS wanted, permanent po sition, Washington Mattress Co., Seattle Wash. WANTED Boy. about 16. living with par ents. good character, willing, for bank work. M 833, Oregonian. GOOD night counter man, must also under stand snort-order work. Buffalo Lunch, 885 E. Morrison. BOIS as messengers, with or without wheels; can also use some after school Postal Telegrsph Co., 126 Third st. BOYS, at good wages, with opportunity to learn trade. F. W. Baltes & Co., Print ters. i.XP'D ad. solicitors, special numbers, re ligious publication. 30 years old. Quick cash commission. Clyde, 2U7 Stock Kxcb. DENTIST. Expert plot- man, good salary, steady. 284, Oregonian. WAN uuuu man over .'i ri varm ai1 to solicit, good proposition, good pay to mo lis in pai ty. Qju .Morgan Dldg. STENOGRAPHER, must have railroad ex perlenee and give references. Address H 117. Oregonian. WANTED A boy about 18 years. Allen . Drug Store. 221 N. 16th st. Apply Mon- day morning. WANTED Today, two men for outside work! 360 per month to start: advance menu L. A. Mollenhour. 76 8d St. WANTED Timber failers. piece work; can make very high wage. Western Cooper age Co.. Astoria. Or. WANTED Four young men over 16 for de livery work. S50 to $90 per month; rapid advancamenU L. A. Mollenhour. 253 Oak. JAPANESE wanted for chamber work,-one experienced preferred. K 3b3, Oregonian. WANTED Young man desiring to learn produce business. 151 Front. FIRST-CLASS piano player wanted. Main 59. YOUNG man for collector. stenographer preferred. V 795. Oregonian. TFAT,J?r)rrGood' steady boy to deliver. Call 295 N. 16th St. WANTED Experienced Janitor and wife for large apt. -house. Goc wages. Main 8233. YOUNG" men for wrapping packages. AjT- . ply Jones1 Cash Store. Front At Oak. WANTED Barber. 447 Washington street. Help Wanted a gents. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pltal tickets. 301 Board of Trade. (soOULpAiT MlxJD "ThE.. OCfe HAD JtaJOcXFh .Pyns n, by Newspaper Feature Service, Inc. II FT P WANTFO FEMALE. WANTED Girls from 16 to 18 age to do general Xactory work. person. AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE C Bag Manufacturers, 622 iioyt aired. Cor. 15th years of Apply In WANTED A few good solicitors to work part or all of the time; good pay for tnose wno can get results. prudential Hospital Association. 350 Morgan bidg. MARRIED woman, with pleasing personal ity, neat and attractive, as housekeeper in H. K. apt." house for 8-r. apt and small wages if satisfactory. AB 725, Oregonian. LUMBER stenographer, 80; two book keepers and stenographers. $75; one ste nographer and assistant bookkeeper, $60. 801 Northwest Bank Bidg. - HOUSEKEEPER to cook for 8 men; no ob jection to widow with 1 or 2 children. A. ii. Van Born, 417 Church st. Wood lawn 5101. STRICTLY first-class sales lady in dry goods dept.; must have plenty experience; will pay good salary right one. A 283, Ort gonlan. WANTED Experienced chambermaid, middle-aged, neat and willing to work. K 8S4. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced woman to manage rooming-house; no children. D. H. Welch. Astoria. Or. WANTED Young woman for chamberwork; must be experienced and have city refer ences. Alexandra Court. 53 Ella St. PORTLAND , Stenographic School Colum bia building. Prepare for position in three months. Day, eveujng. Main 1114. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements, no traveling. Apply Casino Theater. ANY girl in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. 392 East 15th et N., or phone East 123. WANTED Plastering, bricklaying or any kind of cement work. Address 1738 New man street. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and house work; small family. Apply Monday mum ing. 236 King st. Phone Main 2511. COOK.S, hotel maids, waitresses, helper. Howe's Agency, room 435. 27o',t Washing ton su WANTED Chocolate dipper, good wages. Tha Spa Confectionery. Salem. Or. PRIVATE home tor children 3 to 12 years old; 15 years' exp. 714 Everett. Mar. S162. WANTED Girl for general housework, 3 adults. 790 Lovejoy st. WANTED Experienced marker and sorter. Apply in person. Crystal Laundry Co. WANTED Experienced waitress, bakery girL hours 7 to 8. 229 N. 23d st. 'CAPABLE woman as all-around helper in restaurant. 2K8 Front St. WANTED Chamber maid. Wdln. 2915. 1751 Derby. EXPERIENCED waitress. 875 East Burn side street. WANTED Young lady, employed, to share apt. Call after 4:30 P. M.. Marshall 181. EXPERIENCED marker and sorter. Opera House Laundry, 2d and Everett. WAITRESS WANTED. 288 BURNSIDE. WANTED Counter girl Cafeteria. 125 6th st. at St. Nicholas WaFMr-o Domestics. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN. ERAL HOUSEWORK. IN FAMLY DF TWO; GOOD WAGES. PHONE MAIN 6105 WANTED Woman or girl tor general house work In family of three; washing sent out: $25 per month. Mrs. F. L. Stewart, Kelso, Wash. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 726 Patten road. Telephone Marshall 3328. - WANTED Girl to do cooking and down stairs work; references required. Call 74 20th St.. cor. Everett. Main 4581. WANTED Girl for general housework: must be good cook. 846 N. 32d st. Mar shall 3920. WANTED Refined woman for housework and care of 2 children; must have good references. Salary S4o. Broadway 3413. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework, family of 4. no washing; wages $40. Phone B 3326. WANTED- Two girls or mother and daugh ter to help with housework and 3 children. Wood lawn 3939 or C 2002. GENERAL housekeeper, small family, first- ciass wages. i.au ieuia iDlll St. GIRL to assist In housework; small family; no wasning. nso L,ovejoy st. WANTED Small family desires maid at good wages. Call mornings. Main 2925. GIRL wanted to assist with housework. 874 Northrup streeU GIRL wanted, to assist with housework. 230 N. 24th. Mar.' 1321. GIRL for general housework, family of 3 ttuuns. ivj i-uvcjoy st. CAPABLE girl or woman to assist with housework and children. 753 HoyU GIRL for cooking and general housework. aauus. 3o montn. ooo Taylor st. GIRL or woman, not over 30, light house work, small family. 444 Park su GIRL to assist In general housework. 511 Clifton. Marshall 5266. GIRL for cooking and general housework. $35 a month. No washing. Mar. 895. GIRL for general housework. Marshall 3102. IELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. In this school you actually do the work, learn by EXPERIENCE, and prove that you have learned the business before jou leave. It is not THEORY, it is PRAC TICE that makes you a valuable man. TEACHERS wanted; all kinds of teaching positions. M. 4835. Flsk Teachers' Agency. HELP WAXTE1; MISCELLANEOUS. vivuuvi -IJ n it u u I KKJLjLiIUKm Bi wilt teach you the barber trade In eight weeks : tools free; scholarship and diplo mas given, paid white learning; position Sum nuircu . iuiiiun i tUUlCU. O.J AiaUlBOn UNCLE SAM needs 10,000 stenographers. uitsun -" a v i Biiuiuianu, IJtWIUing, bookkeeptng. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Allaky bidg. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, 707 HAWTHORNE, COR. K. 20TH. TELEGRAPHY Steno.. blip.; board, room, tuition may be earned. Catalogue free. MacKay Business College. Los Angeles. RAGTIME piano playing positively taught beginners in 10 to 20 lessons. Practice room free. 411-12-13 Columbia bidg. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL- Day and evening. 122 hi Grand ave. East 427. UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suits and overcoats for sale, $3.50 and up. 355 Stark. Tee.'. Httl ThaaIu hDRj SST7 HELP WANTED MlSCELIAXWra. LEARN AUTOMOBILE TRACTORS. TRUCKS. at the largest, best-equipped auto and tractor school on the Pacific Coast. San Francisco Is right in the heart of the Western auto and tractor business. You learn by actual practice on autoa, trucks and tractors: 30 expert instructors. Write for free -catalogue. HEALD'S AUTOMOBILE AND TRAC TOR SCHOOL. 1220 Post St., San Francisco. Cel. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPART MENT. Y. M. C. A. We can place young men with ability. Constant calls coming for the man who can deliver the goods. A Y. M. C. A, membership costing $0.00 guarantees you will secure employment or refund of fee. Also gives you 2 months full privileges. 10 months' social and use jof this depart ment tor 1 year. See Secretary. J. W. Palmer. PRACTICAL training In gas, electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine shop practice, oxy-acetylene weld ing, automobile snd tractor operating and repairing. Writ for catalogue. Seattle Engl nee ring School, Seattle. Wash. ORIGINAL MOLKR BARBER COLLEGE. Founded In I4i. Trade taught In eight weeks; tuition earned during the course; get you a position, furnish tools, schol arship transfer card. Write for free cata logue. 234 Bumaide St. MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL teaches men and women barber in 8 weeks, giving diploma; earn tuition while going through school. Position guaranteed; tools free. 2H4 Couch Bt. ADCOX AUTO FCHOOL, Union ave. and Wasco mx. - Call or write for tree 60-page catalogue. Xt tells how we help you to a good, po sition ; day and night classes. MISS MATTINGLrS Shorthand. Typewrit ing School. Day, evening, $r month 2tii 14th. near Jefferson. Main 8813. SITUATIONS WAVTRI) HALL M iscell aaeotu. WANTED By man past middle life, posi tion in office where large experience in the law, a good library and notary com mission could be of service. K 7 bo, Ore gonian. SCOTCHMAN, 4., married, dependable, store experience, desires position with reliable firm, solicitor, salesman, warehouseman, or otherwise; references. AR 499. Ore gonian. YOUNG man with 30 years' actual expe rience in driving cars and trucks, wishes employment, driving or in garage. Ask for Dan Yarno. Del Ma Joe Hotel. Phone Broadway S755. WANTED Place for boy 13 to work for board and schooling; country preferred. 527 Kenll worth ave. EXPERIENCED, janitor, all or part time, or general work; best references. AF 714, Oregonian. WANTED Job driving a truck or delivery cart by an experienced driver. A 2b7, Ore go n i MACHINIST helper, can do blacksmithlng, wants job in machine shop or garage; Al references, 404 Park st.. apt. 1. PAINTING, all branches, first-class, reason able, prompt service. Sellwood 13m. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. FIRST-CLASS stenographer. bookkeeper;, good references. Main 0334. brvMtnakers. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by day; also expert-millinery. Tabor WS3 before 9. after d. Nurse. EXPERIENCED nurse, more canes, invalid or elderly, city or country. Marshall 25h2. PRACTICAL nurse wishes case, city or coun try. Phone Woodlawn 5257. NURSE with hospital training, references. Marshall 184ft. bomntici. AN active, elderly woman wishes to assist light housework, the cares of a home. Ad dress M. H. 11., 1016 E. 10th st. Call C 1504 COMPETENT general housemaid wishes po sition; no washing, wages $40. Call 9 to 2. Main 58 70. room Itt. Later call 533 Morrison st. FIRST-CLASS, saving cook wants position, hotel or cafeteria, city, beat reference. H 788, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman, good cook, house keeper, desires work ; Christian Science family pieferre d. R 792. OreKonian. Miscellaoeoua. FAMILY. Of 8, experienced cook, helper and waitress, want work In camp; man would do other work around camp; references. jl&73 Klickitat, at 7'Jth. WANTED Place to take care of children evenings while mother la away; refer ences. Woodlawn. 1611. BUSINESS college girl wishes housework for room and board ana wages, west blue pre ferred. A 2S5, Oregonian. COMPETENT, refined young woman wants office work, doctor or dentist preferred. AN 232. Qregoniaifr YOUNG lady wants housekeeping position, family privileges, city only. East 3737. GIRL wants work by the day, houseclean lng, washing. Ironing. Woodlawn 4960. WOMAN wants day work. Phone Tabor 2834. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. PORTLAND'S LARGEST RENTAL OFFICE. PROPERTY RENTED. RENTS COLLECTED. LET US LOOK AFTER YOUKS. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Bidg., 4th A Stark Sts. WANTED To rent from reliable party, house with small acreage In good locality, for work close to school; am practical or chardist; am also handy at any work. G. Brower, Aurora, Or. lit. 3. WOULD like to rent bouse, 7 or 8 rooms, unfurnished, on Portland or Wlllamete Heights; will pay $40 per month rent. Answer. AM 22 T, Oregonian. WoULD take excellent care of email fur nished home of party leaving city for time, pay small rent ; no children ; good refer ences. A Hh2, Oregonian. WANTED 6 or 6-room bungalow with fur nace and fireplace, with garage if possi ble. Call Main 2912. between 3 and 7 P. M. art men ts. WANTED By adult. a small furnished heated apartment or fiat, close In. with privilege of keeping small dog. Call Mar - shall 5525, between 1 and 3 P. M. Rooms. MPETENT piano teacher wants room in private home in exchange for musio les sons. Can give best of references. Mrs. Brown. Marshall 2.1K7. WANTED Large room, convenient to bath. Srtvate family, close In. use of piano. K , Oregonian. Rooms With Board. TOUNQ man wants first-class room anil board on or near 6t. Jolwis carllne. Pied mont or farther out; wining to pay well for a good place; give address and rate. K 882. Oregonian. , WANTED A good home in private family for two children under G years of age. Call Marshall r430. ID W 'ED T4ST- OF- v f. jr Great Britain right reserved. Registered in U. WH.irs PXEITSIOXIA COMPARED TO SUGARLESS COFFEEf BY FOB RENT. Furnished Kooma. THERE'S a bright wood fire burning in the big fireplace in the cheerful lobby of HOTEL EATON. There is room for you In the Circle of HOTEL EAJON' S happy guests. The mOFt lovable ffotel in Ore gon that's why so1 many come here again and again. Fair rates for a day. a week or a year. West Park at Morrison. HOTEL KAMAPO. 14th and Washington Sts. A moderate priced holt-i. first-class serv ice, large, lobby, elevator, private-pubc baths; comforts of high-priced hotel. Koom. per day. 75c up; with private bath. S1.5U up; by week. JM up; with private bath. $5 up. Inspection will convince you. A iloderate-friced Hotel of Merit! HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St. and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford Is the principal East Side hotel and -is a hotel of dignity and refine ment. Hates per day. for one person. 7Jo to $1.50; for two persons, $1 to IZ. Weekly Rates $U.50 and Up. HOTEL CON R A DINE, . 10th St.. at Oak. Desirable downtown lo cation, rcspectaole and strictly modern; fireproof buildiag. - elevator and large lobby; rooms. week up. PALACE HOTUL. 448 Washington SU Down town location; respectable and strictly modern; free phones in all rooms; steam heat; rooms large and clean. STAND1SH HOTEL. 548ft Washington St., Cor. 17th. Modern, steam-heated rooms Sl.uu to $3 per week; free phones and bath. PRINCESS HOTEL. East 3d and Bnrnside. feteim-heated rooms, fireproof, $2 week up. good Winter home. HOTEL CORDOVA. 26J 11th su Btricify modern, private baths n suite: rooms J up. Main t47i. A 47oS. HOTEL ST. PAUL. 4th and Alder sts.; mod ern conveniences for permanent guests; homelike, cosy; a Winter home for you. HOTEL OCK1.E1", Morrison street at loth Kates 50c per day up; weekly, up; running water; free phone and baths. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 20th and Wash. Fireproof brick, steam heat, hot and cold water; SJ week and up; transients 50c up. HOTEL NOKKIi, 333 Alder st. Strictly modern;, 1.5Q. fi and Su.uO week. HILLCREST HOTEL, bath, phone, $15 mo. up; without bath, til up. 7a3 Washington. Furniahed Kooma 1b Private) Family. ROOM Surny. heat, light, phone and bath. 7 per month; very quiet; also H. K. suite S per month; separate entrance. 411 stark: no sign. FURNISHED room, breakfast optional, musi cal family, near Multnomah club. Mara. 885. 448 TAYLOR Clean, warm sleeping-room; 42.25 week. COMFORTABLE front room in private home, use of phone and piano. Main 76SS. ROOMS in beautiful home, running water. shower bath. 655 Everetu Marshall 17H9. 269 14TH. near Jefferson, choice rooms. modern conveniences. Main HSU'S. Kooma With Board. HERSFORD HOTEL. 735 Hoyt St. Phone Main 3303. An American plan residence hotel, at tractive rates to transient or permanent guests. Excellent table. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 Tenth st. For business girls and stu dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. ROOM and board for business girls: all modern conveniences; walking distance; $3.50 per week. L. 473J. 12 E. 7th St. PARKVIEW Family hotel. 38U Montgomery . st In South Parkway; walking distance; excellent table, reasonable ratesi. M. 37H3. THE WEAVER, 710 Wash. streeU MiaSshall 5170 Residential hotel, reasonable rates. Private phone and bath in every room. Rooms With Board In Private Family. $t PER MONTH Fine. bright sleeping room, furnace heat, electric lights, bath and phone, to appreciative party; board If desired, walking distance. Marshall 349. NICE l-ooms. hot and cold water and sleeping- porch; home-cooked meals; reason able. 835 11th streeU ' DAXDT front room and board in beautiful home across from Multnomah Club, for 1 or 2. Main 7720. ROOM and board with Bleeping porch, two gentleman. 576 Laud ave. Laai. 233X A COUPLE have a room for a gentleman, wlt.l breakfast If desired. East 44U6. ROOM and good board in private family. 629 East Ankeny at. East 26MI. . Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL, Fifth, and Columbia Sts. "TMvs minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store: good surroundings; strictly modern 2 - and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR THANfilENT. . VILLA ST. CLARA, Twelfth and Taylor. Most molern apartments on ths Pacific Coast; furulsned complete. Root Garden In Connection. Walking distance. References. penrosk apartments. N. W corner Belmont and Grand Ave. New. completely furnished 2 and 3-room apta. olii brick building; white enameled Interior; large kitchen; service first-class; walking distance. East 4548 DIEL APTS., 790 E. Ankeny St.. modern, completely fur. 3-room apts., large, light, sunny, clean. elecjic ' lights, steam heat, etc. East 1S08. SHEFFIELD APTS., 270 Broadway; 1 fur nished or unfurnished 4-room apartment, private phone, walking distance. Phone Main 2506. MADISON PARK APTS.. r Park and Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close In., walk ing distance. STRICTLY modern furnished apU and sleeping room. Denniaon apta.. 34th and Belmont. t BANNER APARTMENT, 4S9 Clay St. Fur nished 3-room basement apt., $12. Mar shall 2074. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and lltn; modern; walking distance. CLEAN. newly furnished steam-heated apartments. $8 to $20. 180 Sherman st. NEW turtiished apts.. concrete block. $13 and $15. 1162 Union ave N. Wdln. 229. L'pfurnlshed Apartments. JAEGER APTS.. 701 Washington Su S and 4 rooms, modern conveniences, white maple floors, electric rangea. RCE-FRIKND, 285 Broadway, corner Jef ferson; modern unfurn. 'apts., walking dis tance.besl service Marshall 1410. BRUCE APTS., 25th and Northrup streets S Modern 0 rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors. Main 499. References. BRUCE APTS. 25th and Northrup sts.; modern 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors. Main 499. References. THE MARLROROUGH. 21st and Flanders. 5 and 6-room. reasonsble. Main 7516. WF.1ST APARTM ENTs7 69N? 23D. " Furnished or Vnfurnlahed Apartments. KINGSBURY Apartments. 186 Vista ave., 23d and Washington. . High class, best of serv ices. KINO-DAVIS, corner King and Davis 3 and 4-room. Main 2058. POLLY AND HER PALS I CAO THJlHlK. S. Patent Office. FOB BENT. 1 unii.lied or Unfurnished AparlmcuU. LUCRETiA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect in all details. 49 Lucretla BL Marshall 1518. A 8637. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2, s and 4-rm. furnished and unfurnished, 18 up. W car to Northrup. Marshall 227. HIGHLAND COURtTpTS. 4 and 6-room furnished or unfurnished apt... sleeping porches. Marshall 3181. ' Flats. ROOM flat and a 13-room lodging-house, both In Nob Hill district, on carllne; rent very reasonable. Call Woodlawn 4S3. room 225. Abington. $25 VERY desirable fi-room flat; sleeping rorch. gas range, linoleum, large yard, 2J4 HltU between Lovejoy and Marshall: mod ern. nice. Phone owner. East 3S99. FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat. 12a gas and steel range, prlvste basement, near car; adults. Wdln. 426. 7 so Williams ave. UPPER and lower six-room flats, all light rooms. furnace. fireplace, yard. 72 Johnson su Main 7H20. - MODERN 5-room flat, good condition: close In, 110. E. :h and YamhilL Telephone East 349S. MODERN, clean, light upper, (arn.ee. fire place, sleeping porch, adults; t-'O. 287 Vi K. 2lst. Hawthorne car. Tabor 1597. WEST PIDE Strictly modern fiat; hard wood floors, gas range, fireplace, etc. 254 North 25th. Apply fe"5 Northrup. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt SU Inquire 130 th. Phone Main 8278. Furnished Flata. CORNER lower fl-room furnished flat, walk ing distance. Couch School district, rea sonable rent. M 3020. 5-ROOM furnished flaU Nob Hill, reason able. Main 6773. MODERN 5-room fiat, well furnished, gas. electricity. H14H E. Morrison. Tabor 17US. FURNISHED flat, modern: adults, s. e. corner K. 12th and Belmont. Hoesekeepitu Rooms. One room wttn kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from fith and Morrison sts., $14 up. 291 Co lumbla st.. near Bth. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apta. reasonable. Houwekeeplng Rooms in Private) Family. 4 PARTLY furnished H. K. rooms, ail con- ,nectlng, electric light, phone, wood water. Plipne Main 3757. 65 Johns wood and WARM room, single. $2.50 weekly: phone, bath, cooking gas included: s.eeping porch, all privileges. $2. 855 Flanders. $3 COSY", steam-heated single H. K. room, running water, close in. 533 Morrison. FURNISH EL fcL K. suite. $2.25 a week.-2d? Knott St. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 215 loth st.. corner Salmon. Houses. 5-ROOM house at 535 Terrace Drive, 2 blks. to car. south front; good view, 015 Cham, of Com, bidg. NICE 5-room cottage. 2C1S E. 4tth st, $15. 618 Plttock blk. Broadway 5175. Bonis RENTAL OFFICE ENTIRE MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTY - SMALL MONTHLY CHARGE PERSONAL INTEREST TAKEN J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, NO. T CHAMBKR OF COM. I'l'H AND STARK HOUSE for rent. 1411todney avenue; A seven-room house, large lou fruit -trees and chicken park; stoves and some furniture for sale. Call Woodlawn 5247 not later than Wednesday of next week. WHEN TOT! MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIO light service. Broadway 580. A 6747 12-ROOM house, close in and convenient to 2 carllnes: gas, electricity, furnace, ex cellent residential dlatricU reasonable. Call Mr. Craln. Main 20S. PRACTICALLY new, modern 9-room houae for sale or rent by owner in the best resi dence district In the city. t72 Northrup street. . CORNER house. 434 Jefferson, - corner of ,12th; 8 large rooms; rent only $20; goow loratlon tor roomers. FOR RENT Modern 12-room house, ideal location for roomers and boarders; rent S3.- month. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bid g. 6-RoOM unfurnished cottage, close to car: fine location; newly renovated; white enamel, $15 month. Tabor 2509. WEST SIDE home, close In, furnace, fire place, splendid neighborhood, $30. Main l;012. $11 6 rooms and bsth. 939 Mallory ave.; electricity, fruit, etc. East 842. 8-ROOM home, walking distance, $16; two 5 -room, flats $10. B 161Q. Tabor 2143. 8-ROOM modern house. 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. Inquire 130 6th su Main 6278.. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Neat 5-rm. cottage. Call mornings or evenings. Marshall 4425. $12 MODERN 6-ro..m houae, yard, 963 Van couver -ave. Main 3629. f'arnlshed Hons NICELY' furnished 4-room suite, 2 bedrooms, private bath, in modern home; very de sirable: phone, gas. electricity and heat furnished; walking distance; no children. 94 North 16th at., corner Flanders. West Side. FURNISHED, modern, clean, warm home, piano, hardwood floors, gray enamel Dutch kitchen, nesr good school, lt blocks from car: will rent reasonable to responsible party. Alberta car to Alnsworth. 1279 lst. BEAUTIFUL, newly furnished modern six room bungalow, with garage. $35. Phone Broadway 4."25, East 30OS. FURNISHED 6-room house. 694 Market st drive. $25 per month. Inquire Wakefield. Fries Co., 85 Fourth st FURNISHED house In Laurelhurst for rent. Cull Tabor 2947. ' , Fl'RN'tIIF.I house, east approach Broad way bridge. Broadway 637 3-ROOM cottage. 54rt Columbia st., rent $10. Call Monday Main 67. stores. LoFTS any size, suitable for light manu facturing or merchandise display rooma Fine natural lighu steam heau electric light, elevator and all conveniences. Phoe nix bidg.. 5th and Oak sts.. 2 blocks from heart of city. Call owner. Main 4226. Offices. OFFICES, storerooms and halls, also rooms suitable lot light manufacturjng; office building pceotnmodations; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co.. 813 Dekum bidg.. ?.( and Washington sts. FURNISHED private office. $10: also desk room. Including phone and service, corner suite, t offices, low renu Stock Exchangt bidg. FOR RENT Furnished offices and desks, cheap. 723 Chamber of Commerce bidg. OFFICER Deskroom: name price; we can suit you. 803 Pwetlsnd bidg. BCBINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED To sell all kinds of second-hand barber chairs at sacrifice. Kemp Barber Supply Co., 271 Washington su SMALL grocery store for sale, good loca tion. 709 Mississippi ave.: rent $14 a month. CLIFF STEHRETT. BUSINESS OPPORTrNTTTES THEATER. Picture and vaudeville ' theater equip ment, very modern, complete and beau tifully arranged, for sale at a bargain; rent attractively low; nicest town in state. Inquire promptly. Liberty Theater, Rose burg. .Or. CAUTION. BUTERd Before closing tieal of so-called Inter est in established real estate business get sdvlce of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. 20O Henry Bidg. LUNCH and refreshment stand in heart of city, can be bought cheap tf taken be fore December 15. Kent reasonable. Other business prevents my personal attention. Any fair offer considered. L 783, Orego nian. GOING TO ENLIST. Must sell team, wagon and name", do ing business $2500 per year: also Stude baker automobile, 'if series, In good condl tlon. Apply 126 Front SU Marshall 1922. TRADE or sell wood and coal yard, gasoline and electric saws with conveyor and bins attached; building, wagons, harness, tools, etc., all for mortgage on it: trackage. O "i4. Oregonian. IF YOU WISH T Buy, Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see" A.'J. DeFOREST. 2Q3-20S-2OT Board of Trade Bidg. GROCERY BARGAIN. Dandy location, rent only $t; three furnished living rooms, worth $650; sm "lesving city, so will give away for $293 for all. Peters. 13 N. 3th st. A FIRST-CLASS ladies' and men's tailor shop for sale, doing $70iH cash business annually: I have to change climate; wnl sell cheap. Address Box 44, Uouuiam. Wash. ' DANCING STUDIO, fine location, splendid business, high-class trade; teacher leav ing city: sell reasonable; cash only. J 233. Oreeonlsn. RESTAURANT Fine Icoatlon, clearing $123 month: cheap If taken before lsu BiJ 6so. Oregonian. FOR SALE Classy grocery store, fine busi ness. In best residence district on Eaat Side, for cash only. K 3S5. Oregonian. FOR SALE Out-of-town garage and repair hop at s bargain. Good reasons' for sell ing. AV 30, Oregonian. BrBlNKSS OPTORTrMTIES WANTED. WANTED A dressmaking establishment with a trade, by a dressmaker. Y 281, Oregonian. HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES. IF TOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Hotel, Rooming or Apt. House, see A. J. DeFOREST. 203-201-207 Board of Trade Bidg. FOR best bargains In rooming or apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th su APARTMENT-HOUSES. Beautifully furnished: good Incomes. Zimmerman A Co., 311 Board of Trade. WANTED Roominghouses. customers wait ing. John H. Gibson, 912 Chamber ot Commerce bldg; 20 ACRES land, close to Tillamook, free and clear, to trade for rooming-house. Phone Broadway 402. APARTMENT-HOUSE. ' For sale. Particulars Main 1675. LOST AND FOPJiO. LOST Two Airedale dogs, female: return to 781 Montgomery drive and receive re ward. Any harboring the same will be prosecuted. WILLIAM FREDERICK ODEK1RK. please cell room 211 Miiton Hotel at 6 o'clock for your article found, if described. LOST A brooch pin, black enameled pansiea with garnet in center: reward. Main 4to7. LOST Blueish gray, long-haired cau 715 Hancock. East 227. Reward. LOST Child's white fur bonnet. Phone East 21. Reward. LOST Gold wrist watch, engraved Phone. Hruadway 202U. Reward. LIGHT brown silk umbrella, crooked handle, on S. P. train. 6 P. M. Sunday. Mar. 3250. LOST Gold watch fob initials H- 51 B. Phone Woodlawn 2642: reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Mioeelsaeuus EXPERT LAND EXAMINATION. Specisl reports on lauds for individuals or corporations in Pacinc N. W. A H. McLAIN. ONTARIO. Or. FINANCIAL. EDWARD E. UOL'DEV CO., NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDO. Mortgage loans and bond l&aues, espe clally ill the larger amounts, lowest rai-a FIRST and second mortgages, also seller's Interest In contracts purcnased. Oregon or Waah. H. E. Nobis. Lumbermens biug. LOANS City and farm. Industrial 'and pub lic utilities boughu A. W. Payne. 717 Corbett bidg. Main 1368. LOANS, notes, contracts, mtga, purchased. Lewis as Co.. 4 Leis bidg. Main bbb. Money to Loan on Real Kstate. MONEY to loan In most any town in Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, same as paid back monthly, like rent. K. E. Chad wlck. 822-23 Northwestern Bauk bidg. Marshall 3U29. MORTGAGE loans, 3 years, with repayment privileges. 5 to 5 per cent oi business. 6 to 7 per cent on residence psbperty. Pa ciflc Title Ac Trust Co., 264-8 blark su MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest. OTTO & HAMKsoN REALTY CO.. 413 Chamoer of Commerce. MORTGAGE LoaTS. 6y, 6 79i UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bidg. 6 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm loans; no uelay. no commission. Devereaua Mortgage Company, so J Con cord biug., 2usiid Stark ala. $30u. $4oo. 6u0. $750. loooanu"up at iow est rales, uulck acliuu. FreM W. Oorinan Co . 732 t h of Com. Main ti445. $500. $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate, favorable terms ; no delay, no bro kerage. John Bain. 6o7 Kpalulng bidg. $2uo.00u TO LOAN In sums to suit: building loans, lowest rates, w. (i. Heck. 215-216 Failing tldg. Phone Main u7. $50,009 TO LOAN In amounts to suit on city property at 0 and 7 per cent McKK.N.ilE CO.. 615 Gel linger Bidg. MONEY tci loan on larm and Improved city property. K. K. Baxter. 704 Spalding bidg. I HAVU iOOO to $43,000 to loan on city or farm; no commission. P. o. box 876. bEE US todaf; loans, any amount, 6-7. CKLLARS-AiURTON CO.. 25 Veon bidg? bEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO. Stock Exchange bidg.. 3d and Ya mhlll St a. LOANS on city and farm property! S per cent up. F. Fucha, 42U Cham, of Cora. MORTGAGE LOAN! ANrP T'PKR-CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 408 Belling bidg. CLIENT'S money, mtg. loans, only cost pa- pors. See me flrsU Ward. 407 Spalding. 65 MONET on modern residences. R. SCHWAB. 27 N. 5th St. MONEY to loan, first mortgage only. 629 East Ash sU East 113. GtAAi 1 P i n . hi wan rT ' U I FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR Installment plan Is the best And surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 86 montha. Or $21.24 per month for 60 montha. or . $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 N loan and tntereau Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark SU. PortlandOr. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN ORfcOON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. LOMI TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYABLE BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. WM. MarM ASTER. 701 COit BETT BLDG.. PORTLAND. MORTGAGE LOANS. Ax, amount, low rates, promptly closed Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1RKELL CO., 17 Northwestern Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. Money to Loon Chattels and Salaries. IF TOU NEED MONET, SEE t'S. SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persona on salary or fijeed Income; on household furniture, pianos. diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Business confidential: prliate office. Portland loan co. (Liceusedj. 806-307 Dekum Bidg. j FURNITURE SALAKT LOANS. LOANS. WE LOAN MONET To salaried people on their own notes; easy payments, strictly confidential. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY;. W'e also loan on household furniture pianos, etc. without removal. Call and see us. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMFA.NT. LICENSED, 317 Failing Bidg. LOOK FOU THE BIG RED SIGN. Loans at legal rates on diamonds, watches. Jewelry, guns, pistols, kodaks, or anything else ot value. Special rates on large amounts. PANAMA LOAN OFFICE. b4 Third u. near Oak. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to protect borrower. Carrie Myers Herman. Mgr.. S94 btark su Money loaned on uiamonua, jewelry. piano, household furniture. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rates, all articles held 1 year; established since 1&S8. Dan Marx. 2h3 Washington. Loans Wanted. FIRST mortgage, $7."o, 7 1 per cent. IT acres. 14 from Milwsukle on Carver line; no commission. Call Hale or Maaterson. Main 3517. IF YOU HAVE monev to loan on city prop erty. 1st mtg.. list amounts with us. Cellars-Munon Co.. 25 Yeou bidg. $500 FIRST mortgage, 5-room house. H acre ground, 7 per cent; no cotnmlssiou. Cull Hale or Masterson. Main 3517. SEE OREGON INV. 4b MORTGAGE CO.. Stock Exchange bidg.. 3d and amhlll Sts. PERSONAL, hair goods, lowest prices. 80-lnch wavy switch. 2 Sep $1.59 24-inch wavy swim, 3 Sep l.Oi) AU-sround transformation 1.45 Hlrorsing. snaiupooiug, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring. 25c Hair re moved by eiectric neeule. switch made of combings. 95c. We buy your comoings. Sanitary Parlors. 4O0-412 Dekum B!4g, 34 and Washington. Marshall 1.02. LADIES Takara Antiseptic Powder is a. soothing, cooling and cleansing antiseptic; Is endorsed by phsiclans; price 50c to $1 per package; teaspootliul to quart water. For sale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy. REV. MRS. AND MR. J. C."sCHoRlteach truth; readings uaily; circle Tues. and Thurs., 406 Jelferson su A 3S12. bunday lecture W. O. W . nail. 12s Ilia su. 6 P. M. Demonstrat Ions free. LOU1S& NE7ZKL Trained nurse and mas seuse, gives treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc.. tub bams, mas sage and electric b.anaets. lady assistant. Marshall 5033. VS8 liuh. near Jefterson. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE by graduate ma seuses; electric cabinet, vapor and lut baths. Ironside. 3JT-29 Putock block Hours 9 to s. Sunday 10 to 4. ft F , 14 . , V at UA.NfiJtiUi', leading wig and toupe makers, tiuest stock human hair goous; hairut e&aiag. manicuring, lace and scalp treatment. 3i9 Aluer. Main 546. bplrtl l UALlsil Mia U II LA UAH. 233 &th St.. cor Main, teaches palmistry and card reauing. also lessons in science of health and success. MRS. STEVENS. 24 years lu Portland. 20th century science in palmistry taught; spir itual readings daily. 373 Taylor su SCIENTIFIC face maksage. dandruff and Itch lug svaip promptly reiievea ; mules re moved. 20 t iieduer bidg. Broauaay lss5. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by ten-needle methou; trial sl.oo. Josie Finley, 614 Elleis blt.g. M. oJbs. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental, spiritual science, Uaily. 403 Tourney biug.. 2d and 'laylur. sts. Clrc.es eunesday & P. M. Main ua&d. 1R. LOSER, chronio diseases, constipation, rheumatism. inuiKesiion ; no drugs, no op eratious. 506 cwellalid bidg. MME. AZA H. ItlBUECKE. face and scalp specialist Parlors. 129Vs 12lh su. near waaii. Tel. Mar. iiiu. MANICURING, electric treatments. 422s Washington, room 55, top floor. Hours 10-9. ELECTRIC treatment for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumbago, lace, scalp, sulphur, steam alio salt uaius. --b Clay. Main baoU. .MILDRED CLARK. massage. baths and electric treatiueau Ruthchtld blug.. 267S Wtuiti. Otftce 211. Open Sundays and eves. 1 K A l .". L Jiuifee ueslles patrons tor iignt mattiit'tic iiiutme and s-eat oatns. 205 Kothchlld bidg., 287 Wasniugton st. CORRINNE JOHNSTONE, mental, dregless aud magnetic electro. - B 2335. liouis 10 to 4. 440 E. Mauibon. cor. 121.1. sAtT steam bath and massage in city, chiro practic, loratlon avia electric. Uir. Mar garet Haynle. 517 etland bid. M. 1105. kluOncll Cl-AltK. massage, baths and electric treatmenu Roliicliiiu biug., 2st i. v asn. oillce xi l. i. ii-n aauuays and eves. Lit. MARlbl JoHNSosT. chlropodutu sweats. baths, eiectro-maaaetic 513 N W. blug.. 6tn and N ash, open feundays and evemiifcH. MAivlal sn;lNS, massage sua en-ttrio treatments. 4Q4 Nortnwest bidg. Main 9o61. aftOLKS. superfluous hair removed. Mra M. Li. AAill. 42S r .leaner Dlag Bawy 3'3 koiV MAboAGal snd bath given oy traiasj nurse. 3Q3 C 3d st. Main 1049. SUPEKFLUoUS HAIR destroyed forever by Multiple Needle Methou. 504 Swetland buig- 'RACESDEMAYoTVcALPSPECIALlsiv ItoUSs MORRISON. OFFICE 215. PRItlEOA BALM, formerly called Balm J Figs. 844 E. 83d. Sell. 2218. mornings ALMA S. JOHNSoN. facial scalp: Franco American tnljet articles. Main 1451. BODY mMssage. ladles only, at your hams. by s ppolnt ment . Phone floor 2018. Bessie Way land Facia massage and scalp treatments. 350Vj Morrison. Offlcs 202. REV. BAXTER REYNOLDS. 431 Goodnouch bidg., 5th and Yamhill sts. Readings dally. MARIE DE BARR. medicated steam bath"; graduate masseuse Off. 8. 291 Morrison. MAT IRWIN, electric and vibrator mas sage 291 H Morrison St.. office 7. r4BOJT Htf2 r-lj 1 i JKy