i ENGLISH lady, practical nurse, would like . .re 01 invalid Ht nome or going Bout ji in i rr, rnone jjain uo, between A. M. and 4 p. M. 1KAI.NLD nurse desires refined patrons for iiii niMBiieiic ana massage treatment. oi. ranama OK!?., ThirU and Aider atM. lIoue k ee pers. KEKINKD yount widow, with daunhiPr fiv years old. wishes position aa housekeeper Koou cook ana neat housekeeper. 1 au. V1-1 vapaoie young widow wants po Bttion as housekeeper; has one amall child. -rw rwvir.iu owemsn Kin wants gen era. nousork, wafts 3o-$4u. x 750, TJ V , - . , . . . .. . vuiik upi wnnout cniiaren, man fe-MitriiL ui api. or rooming-house; ex iciu-fii, rnonc jast ::;s. apt. 41. POSITION as housekeeper by a middle-age eoiorea woman wants V. ' preierrecl. East 0690, -1 r w. onrau, Miscellaneous. VAM;hU Place to take care of childre evenings while mother is away; refer- vin-t-. vv ooci i a w n Hi 1 1. , a PiaHy of darning stockings " - i , i. ik in iu io weekaay Position as clerk during Xmas uaii. viiu year s experience. O OH, ore tronlan. PJ-A4X 5S70, Bowinp cheap, apt. us. C33 Morrison. iLain yOUXG a d y wants 1 1 for room and board. ' act a Li 7.10, s companion uregonian. l'AY work anted, V -". Oregon inn. Saturday and Monday, IlIoH school girl wants any kind of work r - r. m. t. au, Oregonian WANTED To cook by the day or do lauu dry work. Tabor 471... tAPAbLh young woman wants day work. mope i-incom rtotei, room It. rcmatu. capable woman wants w orK aa cnamoorniaid. Marshall 2'Jijo. .Khi.IAiJLh woman wants work by day or GIRL, wants cleaning, by day. Kast 44!ttf. washing and Ironing HAND laundry; prices reasonable. 3080. WANTKO TO RENT. Houses. PORTLAND'S LARGEST RENTAL OFFICE. r TTO . RENTS COLLECTED. LET US LOOK AFTEK YOURS. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Cham- ci ut commerce Jiug.. 4th & Stark Sts. Y ANTED Vurniiilied bungalow or smai house by family of adults; furnace neces sary and parage desired; give full partic ulars 'noluuing location and rent, il tSl7 Orr.h'ffMan. H2C-x'Li furnished house, closo in, or on car iii.e . immediate possession. A 20, Orc- Rooms. l gentleman wishes steam-heated housekeeping room; must be neat and hi. v i.i, uregonian. Rooms With bdarrt. WANTED Room and board in private fam i oy giri employed d urine th rlav. it Tabor distric ineicrreu. j y, oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL KAMAPO, 14th and Washington Sts. A moderate priced hotel, first-class icrr ice. large lobby, elevator, private-public 1 ,lD lu"'" xugn-pricea hotel. Room, per day, 73c up; with private bath. 5 u U-p; by wedk 3 UP' with Private mi ii, g up. j,iigyr?ction win convince you. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St. and East Sixth Hotel Clifford is the principal East Side ""'ci ana is a note, or dignity and refine ment. Rates per day, for one person, 7o to 1.50; lor two persons, $1 to v wtiy n a u a .t.ou ana up. THAT cheery comfort and kindly service you have been longing for at HOTEL EATON'. West Park and Morrison, quiet downtown corner; attractive rates daily, weekly, monthly. . HOTEL lOXRAI)lT 10th st., at Oak. Desirable downtown lo cation, respectable and strictly modern : nreproor building. elevator and large u.-uj . Miuniw. ct.,u wees up. ANSON1A HOTEL. 124 14th St., at Washington. -reproof, large, attractive spotless rooms, individual phones, continuous heat & hot water service; 7oc day up; 3 wk. up. STAN DISH HOTEL, 54SH Washington SC. Cor. 17th. Modern, steam-heated rooms $1.00 to S3 per week; free phones and .bath. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Washington st. Down town location; respectable and strictly modern ; free phones in all rooms; steam heat; rooms large and clean. PRINCESS HOTEL. East 3d and Burnside. Steam-heated rooms, fireproof. $2 week up, good Winter home. HOTEL CORDOVA. 209 11th St. Strictly modern, private baths en suite; rooms Sd up. Main 9472, A 4783. HOTEL ST. PAUL. 4th and Alder sts.; mod ern conveniences tor permanent guests: homelike, cosy ; a Winter home for you. HOTEL OCKLEV, Morrison street at 10th Rates o0c per day up; weekly. $2.50 up; running water; free phone and baths. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 20th and Wash Fireproof brick, steam heat, hot and cold water; $2 week and up: transients 50c up. FURNISHED room for rent with breakfast and dinner. Tabor 271. Hotel Broadway, 22 N Broadway. Low rates to permanent guests; Bteam heat, phone. THE PENROSE firAnri n va Belmont; 454S. choice single rooms for men. E. HILLCREST HOTEL, bath, phone. $15 mo up; without bath. $11. 733 Washington. ttorEL NORRls. B;i3Vi Alder st. modern; $1.50, $2 and $2.u0 week. strictly Furnished Rooms In Private Family. x -i r. l. lurnished rooms, reasonable rent . walking distance, private family. Mar shall 1257. IN 1RVIXGTON Elegantly furnished room Tor two. with board and home privileges ' on Broadway carltno. Phone East lhii ROOM for gentlemen or lrlie in private family. Phone Broadway 1782. 2GJ 14th, near Jefferson; choice rooms, mod- ern conveniences. Main 3!S03. $1.75 COSY, steam-heated room, for gentle man, close in; p;i-lor. 533 Morrison. Rooms With Hoard. HEREFORD HOTEL. 785 Hoyt St Phone Main 8305. An American plan residence hotel at tractive rates to transient or permanent guests. Excellent table! 1 THE MARTHA WASHINGTON, 3S0 Tenth st. For business girls and stu- dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. ROOM and board for business girls- all modern conveniences; walking distance $3.50 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st PARKVIEW tarniiy hotel. 3S6 Montgomery . St., in South Parkway; walking distance; excellent table, reasonable rates. M 3783 fctfHy IbAiT YoO ASK. 10 jstLOMir, scEALlrtY, )fa . if's A -I -Tut I . , SJ ii . , iil O -. Copyright, 1917, by Newspaper Feature Service, Inc. Great Britain THE WEAVER. 710 Wash, street. Marshall 31 P Residential hotel, reasonable races. Private phone and bath In every room. Rooms With Board In Private family. HA E opened my home at 591 Hawthorne ave. to a few select guests. A choice southwest corner room with open fireplace, also a single room. M. H. Allen, recent manager of M. & F. tearoom. MODERN home, heat, phone, bath, music, lare room lor two men, good table board. losii Garfield, near Union and Alberta. Wood lawn 2t"J5. EXCELLENT board and room for two gen tlemen. ;V.-4 Trinity Place. Walking dis tance. Main 1 401. NICE room. In modern home; board op tional. Marshall 4410. 41 W. Park st. ROOM, food ; with meals; no other boarders; sleeping porch. Main Oil. good EXCELLENT room and board, young men. East 4010. one or two Furnished Apart men is. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sta. . Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and o-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors andiaiconles. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR THAN SIENT. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined, safe. TJIE WHEELDON ANNEX, popular. luth and fealmoa Sts. well known. of highest standing., A house of quality, comfort and service. VILLA BT. CLARA, Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. PENROSE APARTMENTS. K. W. Corner Belmont and Grand Ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building; white enameled interior; large kitchen; service first-class; walking distance. East 4048. MADISON PARK APTS. Park and Madison. Modern 2, 8 and 4 room furnished apartments, close in, walk ing distance. 3-ROOM furnished apartment. East or West Side, walking distance or good car service, at once. C 17, Oregonian. NEW furnished apts., concrete block, $13 Union ave. N. Wdln. 220. and $15. 112 THE STELWYN A few bachelor rooms for nice young men; ref. req. Marshall 2830. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th. ern ; warning distance. THE WEN'TWORTH. lL'th at Main; a p ts.. moil e r n ; re as o n a l 1 e . CLEAN newly furnished, steam - heated apartments. $s to 22. 1M Sherman st. I nfurniwhed A partnients. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE. 440-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 67T. BRUCE APTS. 25th and Northmo mi modern 6 rooms and sleeping porch, bard- wooq iioors. iuast .References. JAEGER APARTMENTS. 701 Wash. st. J ar.d 4 roonr?. Modern conveniences. White maple floors, electric ranges. ROSE-aRIEND, 283 Broadway, comer Jef ierson; modern unrurn. apts., walking dis tance, uesi service. Aiarsnail 141U. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21i : and Flanders, Main 7516. O and 6-room, reasonable. 401 10TH ST. Four rooms, reasonable rent. walking distance. Main 40o. WEI ST APARTMENTS. 9 N. 23 D. Furnished or C pfurnhdied Apartments. HIGHLAND COURT APTS 4 s nd 5-room furnished or unfurnished apts., sleeping porches, walking distance. Marshall 31S1. LUCR1'1A COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details Lucre t la St. Marshall 1313, A 3C37. 49 THE BUEN A VISTA, llith and Harrison Mrictiy modern, all outside apartments; ideal location; references. Phone Main 1001 and 1052. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2, 3 and 4-rm. furnished and unfurnished. $1S up. W car to Northrup. Marshall 227. Flats. MODERN 5-room flat, porcelain bath, gas and electricity; 10 mln. walk from ship yards. E. th and Yamhill. $10; 4-rooin flat. S.5Q. Phone East 3408. FOR RENT Flat. 004 Lovejoy st.. be 22d ; modern Improve Tei. Broadway 303. tween 21st and ments; rent $13. 5-ROOM flat. 173 Green ave. and Washington; gas. heat. FLAT of G rooms and bath. 731 Iloyt IL Inquire 130 6tb. Phone Main 6278. ROOM flat, gas range, linoleum, etc." In quire 215 East 10th, cor. Salmon. Furnished Flats. OUR rooms, sleeping porch and bath, front porch, fine view, walking distance; .$23; reference. 464 Hall st. Housekeeping; Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nisher!, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from Cth and Morrison sts., $14 up. 201 Co lumbia st., near 5th. til EAST MORRISON Furnished on and two-room housekeeping apts. Reasonable. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent: steam heated, .ilo Flanders. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. NEAT, comfortable, homelike --room fur nished housekeeping apts. for business girls or adults. No children. Lights, phone, water, heat: reasonable. Delmonte. 1 20th. st.. near Washington. TWO or three light, cheery rooms with sleeping; porch, in new modern home, well located, best of car service. 113 E. Taylor. Tabor 55ol. FOR RENT 2 or 3 large H. K. rooms, fur 5SO East Alder. nlshed or unfurnished, near 14th : cheap. ONE or two roo s light hiiusekeenlnp. mod ern private home; reasonable. Woodlawn 2128. URN1SHED BL iC ulta Xt ai - ..Knott st. ANTED Small H. K. room and sleeping porch; close In. Call Main 0130. 7 I1. M. -ROOM suite, first floor, modern, clean and convenient; walking distance. G7 N. 2th. ROOM. $0 mon th. cooks tove, gas. free elec- trif ity, phone, bath. 3'.L' 4th. Ft. COSY housekeeping suite, S month. 5SS Petty grove st. Broadway 3423. LARGE front furnished room, with kitchen ette; heat fur.; $15 mo. 17 13th st. $4 YOU'LL like this pretty, steam-heated, 2-R. suite. Close in. 533 Morrison. S-ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 6278. MODERN 7- room house. Phone B 2478. 625 E. Ankeny. PORTLAND HEIGHTS i mornings or evenings. .-room cottage. Call Mar. 4425. 5-ROOM unfurnished house, 622 North. Main 3s34. 407 Clay Uni on ave. 7 OR 8-ROOM house, best location, close in, garage or without. Broadway 2471. $15 1135 E. 34TH N.. most up-to-date 4 bungalow in Al berta. East 0201. VMCLt UJCSZ fiooj OLE MlStPL XJOThiaJ DON'T LOSE ANY RENT List your renting property with us be fore the tenants move out. We deal in all parts f the city. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th & Stark St. RENTAL OFFICE: ENTIRE MANAGEMENT OS PROPERTY SMALL MONTHLY CHARGE PERSONAL INTEREST TAKEN J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. NO. 7 CHAMBER OF COM. 1TH AND STARK WHY PAY RENT? $50 DOWN. $15 A MONTH. WILL BUY A NEAT BUNGALOW. 4 rooms and bath, full lot. 5uxl00, good neighborhood ; a pleasant, cheerful home on rental terms. Mclnnes, 210 Oregon bldg.. Tub and Oak. Phone Broadway 633. AT MOUNT TABOR C-room house, 10J0 E. , Stark. $J5 month; 7 -room house, t5 E. (th. $Iiu month; 5-room cottage. 1700 Belmont. $5 month. McKenzie &. Co., 515 Orllnger bldg. WHEN YOU MOVE ' Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC llfht service. Broadway 50, A 6747. LAURELHURST HOMES. Classy 6-room bungalow in park section, close to car, $o0; -story 7-rooms, same section. $30. Paul C. Murphy, 270 Vs Stark st. .Mam 1700. A 1515. 1KVINGTON. 409 E. 14th st.. 7 rooms, fireplace, fur nace, attic; rent $25. f. ,e. bowman & co Main 3020. 213 Chamber of Com. G ROOMS, modern, furnace, fireplace, con venient, full lot; 1028 East 10th st. Nort.i. s block south of Alberta car, $10; owner will be at hou?e Sunday bet. 2 and 4 o'clock. Main 3787. East 5t02. MODERN 7-room nouse. 005 Davis, bet. 21st and 2:M sts.. 1 block from Washington. low rent, long lease. Hroauwny lti. S ELL 0-room house. 2 lots. 4 fireplaces, line view, mi a,. .Morrison, corner u.in M t. Tabor ; rent reasonable. Key at iiltJ lioard of Trade. Main 74.2. PIEDMONT Strictly modern 0-room bung low, 1281 Wms. ave. ; hot water heat, fire place, every convenience, $30. Key at 127 Wiiih. ave. Phone Woodlawn 15. -ROOM modern bungalow. 877 Long ave nue, wooastocK car, 15 a month. Cail Main U-KuOM modern home, R75 st., 1 b!ock from car, $30 Main Ksu. East Yamhill a. month. Call DA ND Y little 3-i ooin cottage, partly mod em, ;u. i-cott car. ror i a month, lnclud ing water. Call Main hMJ. WEST SIDE home, close in, furnace, fire piai'e, splendid neighborhood, $30. Main FOR RENT West Side home. 8 rooms, fire piace, furnace, electricity, yard, gas. 0MJ r.verett si., near lst St. Alain 5(136. Farms bed House. WANTED 0 young ladies, business or pro fessiona 1 preferred, to take rooms In f beautiful home in the Nob Hill district; can oe had lor this purpose at very ra sonable rent. Those interested call Mar shall 230 before 10 A. M. PIEDMONT Strictly modern 0-room bunga low. 12.M Wms. ave.; hot water heat, fire place, every convenience, . $30. Key at 1275 ma. ave. Phone oodlawn 105. MODERN S-room house, close to shipyards and school, $25; large garden space. Phone Alain 143d or call at 124 Nebraska st. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, walking dis tance. 407 East Ash St.. near bth; $14.60. Open 2-3. Broadway - P."7. C O M PLKTEL furnished modern house for tne w inter; b rooms and sleeping porch i rvmgton. w . h. w aiiace. u4 Front st. EXTREMELY well furnished R-room house, witn sleeping porcn. at Irving at., rea sonable rent. Marshall 4 53. FURNISHED house in Laurelhurst for rent. Call Tabor 2047. 5-ROOM furnished Marshall 1705. cottage. $l$.5o. Phoue SMALL furnished house, garage, places for cnn-Kens. iu month. bt East 34th N. h-ROOM parity furnished house, piano. a so i;a ra ge. i no. Hire i-;ast 1441. fftore FOR A UTO business, fine corner for rent uispiay room, or i ice, storage and garage quarters, casement heating plant, e tanks, etc. Floor space up to 12.000 square feet. See this opportunity at Sixteenth and Alder streets. None better in Portland for auto business. Call 1025 Yeon building. Offices. OFFlc ES, storerooms and halls, also rooms suitable for light manufacturing; office ouiiuing accommodations; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co., 815 Dekum bldg.. oi ttiiu vv asiMiigion bis. FOR RENT Furnished offices and desks, cheap. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Halls. LODGE HALLS for rent. Foresters of America Hall, 1'2'J 4th St., fourth floor. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ESTABLISHED, going business, with great iuture tor party devoting time. Will sell or accept good clear property; value $25u0. Other interests compel sacrifice. Call 429 Kail way Exchange bldg. RELIABLE man with $U5 can buy equal nair interest in a good paying restaurant; want you to be cashier, etc. ; owner finds help unsatisfactory, so prefers a. reliable partner. c an .U4 uak st. WANTED A man who thoroughly under stands the suit and cloak business who has some capital to invest In a good pay ing proposition. This Is something that will filiow big profit M 822. Oregonian. FOR SALE GENERAL mdse. Store, with P. O., Wells Fargo and S. P. offices; 2 acres land. 7-morn house. Write W. E. M a.rsh;i M . Spri n g urook. Or. WANTED Partner to back me for hog and cat tie ranch. Have the ranch and range, but need thi stock. Will do the work; can give best of references. K 300, Oregonian. WET WASH laundry, complete, capable of handling u) bundles; ideal location, at a bargain. AD 3lO. Oregonian. WOOD and coal business; a good opening for industrious man; pay $JOO to $25U month. Call 3i4 Oak at: WANTED To sell all kinds of second-hand barber chairs at sacrifice. Kemp Barber Supply Co., 271 Washington St. SALE or trade Modern equipped wood yard and coal plant; trackage, clear, perfect title; will sacrifice. R 725, Oregonian. STEAM laundry, fully equipped, $7ou per week; ideal location; $; 316, Oregoiian. capacity :soo. AD A CASH utoro business ; sell butter, eggs, etc. ; $125 day. sales alt cash and no de livery ; a bargain. Call 304S Oak st. $2iO BUYS a business paying $17.50 per day; must be a good mechanic. 531-2 Lum ber Ex.. 2d and Stark sts. CLEANING and dyeing shop, doing good business: furnished living-room In conner. tion. Owner leaving city, lliorie Main 3255. BLACKSMITH shop for sale In good Valley town ; good busineps. AV 872. Oregonian. PoOL HALL for sale, in good sawmill town. L. Elkins, Falls City, Or. BARBER shop for rent; ness ; prop, leaving. C doing good busl 24. Oregonian. WANTED A proposition. vutcanizer with outfit ; good 4-6 N. Broadway. MARBLE stand, four-chair shoe shine par lor. for sale ch e ap. AV 945.- Oreg onian. rmAi5C4xiCE. lyiiiT r... r- . iMCLt bJCt. HOW 7 Lv I IJC? tfOOUAl'A 5- A BOX fFL U 'BtCOMt, A rights reserved. Registered io U. S. LESSO.V ISO. 1 IS SHORT A.VD SNAPPY FOH PA. BY CL1FP STEHRETT. 7M Saturday Is the closing hour for accepting Classified Ads to run under proper classification la THE SUNDAY Ads received later than this will be run under the head ing "Too Late to Classify" 8:30 o'Clock Is the Closing Hour Other Evenings BCS1XES8 OPrORTCXITIE8. BRAINS OK TOAST are palatable, but not profitable. Bralna on capital are. I represent an Inventor with bralna. Served with email capital, our proposition will beat the world. Some thing you have all heard about, the taut est growing field In the whole wide world. Ask for our propoultlon. Be first 1 H 78. Oregonian. THEATER. Picture and vaudeville theater equip ment, very modern, complete and beau tifully arranged, for sale at bargain. Nicest town In state. Inquire promptly. Liberty Theater. Roseburg. Or. Al GROCERY BUSINESS. CLEAR STOCK. 2-3 THOUSAND DOLLARS: BARGAIN FOR CASH. NO TRADE. REASON FOR SKLIJN(i. ILL HEALTH. WALKER'S UliPT. STORE. 18 SANDY BLVD. FOR SALE First-class newspaper plant, Including country t'ampbcll press. Chand ler & Price Job, paper cutter, type of al most all kinds; bargain If taken &t once. AV 9-47, Oregonian. NICE DRY GOODS BUSINESS: TWO TO THREE THOUSANDS DOLLARS; FINK FOR MAN AND WIFE; BARdAIN FOR CASH. NO TRADE. WALKER'S DEPT. STORE, 2H SANDY BLVD. CAUTION.. BUYERS. Before cloning deal of so-called Inter est in established real estate business get aavtce or rortland rtealty Board. PAUL COWUILU Secretary. 200 Henry Bldg. IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see A. J. DE FOREST, 20ri-2U7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED From t30i) to 10i) to assist in placing a household commodity on the market; should pay 25 to .ill per cent on money invested. Fur particulars write AD oregonian. FOR SALE at invoice, a good little plumb ing anu heating Duslnese on coos nay, Oregon; owner has Interests In other local. Ities requiring his attention. Address AV H4. oregonian. RESTAURANT Splendid West Side location clearing $15o month; will sacrifice. H ti'.in. Oregonian. HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOl'SFS. HERE IS A BAROAIN. 36-room hotel, private baths, hot and cold water, brick building. only 9100 monthly rental, lease, close in. Price $-.0. only $1750 rush, balance $35 mo.. tVo interest. i his La a money-maker; clean and desirable. MARY E. LENT. Hotel and Apartment-House Agent. 524 N. W. Bank bldg.. tith and Morrison. Phone Main S5CO for appointment. IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchange a Hotel. Rooming or Apt. House, sea A. J. DeFOREST. 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. WE have a client with $1000, also one with S.iOO in the market for a rooming or apt house. If you have a good proposition we can sell it for you. Geo. T. Moore & to.. Ablngton bldg. FOR best bargains in rooming or apartment- nouses see members or the Realty Board, Yates Realty Co.. 249 th st. FOR SALE Klamath Falls. A-l paying ho tel. Aauress u. v anuegeer, iviamata Falls. Or. FOR SALE 24-room lodging-house. In livest small town In Northwest. Add. A. W.. box 204. Pendleton. Or. BI SIXKSS OPPORTUNITIES TTAJNTED. WILL guarantee t finance any mining. logging, milling or other business of mer it, incorporated concerns preferred. No advance commission required. Y 2G4. Oregonian. ' tOST AND FOUND. LOST A purse between RuHsell and East olst and Belmont; owner's name Inside: contains some money and several articles valued as keepsakes. Finder please call Tabor 10. Reward. GOLD PIN with garnet set. between l.-.th and Everett and 4th and Stark. Finder please leave at L. Shanahan's with Miss Orth and receive reward. LOST Gold necktie pin, two wishbones with amall diamond setting; lost the 12th. either in Ir-ington or Alameda Park district. Call East 6776. Reward. LOST From auto on Broadway, suitcase containing kodak and album full of cater pillar pictures. Main 702. Daus. Wilcox bldg. Reward. LOST Lady a bright blue plush hat with orange-colored wing. near Springdale. Marshall 24't. LOST Platinum pin set with diamonds. Liberal reward. Phone Main 5410. LOST Fur nick piece, bet. 10th and Everett and St. t laire mi.: reward. labor 721. FOUND Llewellyn setter, female. Phone E.t 21:1. LOST .Blue long-haired cat; reward. phone any Information. East 227. POLLY AND HER Patent Ofnce. Evening OREGONIAN tOST AND FOOD. lMt. following article, have been found on 1 - - v. me x-oniana rcallway. Light .V Power Co., Nov. la. mi 7: 1 purse. 1 ring. f papers. 1 iiioie. 1J umbrellas. I watch and chain. 1 pearl necklace. 1 iiunaie phonograph records. 1 bundle furs 1 music roll. 2 keys, a suitcases. 1 basket and package. 1 roll papers. 2 lunch boxes, 6 packages. 1 sack thread. 1 fountain pen. 1 glove.' 1 pin. 1 valise. 1 handbag. 1 basket. 1 roll paper. 1 bundle keys, own ers may obtain property at 1st and Alder- -' ' nation. THE following articles have bee .... wl; t-ortiand Hallway, Light A Power Co.. Nov. 14. 1U17: packages. 1 Jar milk. 1 pair gloves. 1 shovel, t Jumper. .1 purses. 1 valise. 1 grip. lunch boxes. 1 book. 1 coif link. 1 spectacle case. 1 handbag. 1 bag fruit, 1 stocking cap. 1 ounuie cloth. Owners may obtain prop- i ani Aiuer-sl. station. J"7 Saturday. 10. between Sifton and ancouver via Mlllplane road, black hand bag, containing man's suit, with keys and letters; notify or deliver Matthews. Van couver, or Hocklnson. receive reward. Oregon-Washington Truck Co., Wm. Josay prop. ' LOST Probably on Yamhill, near Library, a black handbag lined with plaid silk containing silver lorgnette, bunch of keys' tic. Liberal reward If returned to the Library office. LOST 120. bills, yesterday, between Owl Lru !:tor "n1 -. Finder pleuse. call E. ...iltu. Reward. , LOST Cravenette overcoat on East Side N. Return 141 i 0th at. Main 721.-.. SPECIAL NOTICM. Propoeala Invited. HIE undersigned will receive sealed bids at his office. No. 740 Morgan Building. Port land Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday. November 18. 1917. for a stock of merchandise located at Grants Pass Ore ??.'. f""1""" Principally of groceries. .t07. .8. and sundries. 11(17.47. or total inventory valuation of :(.;75.25. together with fixtures. amounting to $11121 40 Terms cash. Certified check for 10 per ceni P' amount offered must accompany each bid Right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock inspected at Grants Pa"-. , - R. -L. SA BIN. Portland. Oregon. November P. 1!I7 LUIS will be accepted for the construction of a schoolhouse 0xtS4 feet, one story with basement, all concrete. A. D. Smith. Went la nd. Or., will turnlnh Information Miscellaneous. NOTICE. To the voters of School District No 1 Multnomah County. Oregon: You are hereby notified that the Board of Directors of School district No. 1. Mult nomah County. Oregon, has called a pub lic meeting to be held at the office of the Board, room 81(4 Courthouse, on the first day of December. 11117. at the hour of 10 A. M.. at which time the Board will adept a budget of estimated receipts and dis bursements of the district for the ensuing calender year. Such sums of money as are deemed necessary for the purposes of the district are set forth In the copy of the proposed budget, which is appended hereto. Any legal school elector of the district may attend the meeting and will be accorded a hearing on any Item of the budget, BUDGET FOR 1H1S ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS Outlays Betterments $ fl.ni 00 Portables n.n 10 Improvement of grounds 13.500 00 Total a Public Improvements Streets, sewers and sidewalks. S Equipment Cooking s lira wing i Jeneral Janitors Manual training ............. Physical training Sewing Music 28.256.00 9.000.00 2.100.00 2.".o.no 80.750.00 2. 7oo.no 2. 000. on l.OI 10. 1 to 1.600.00 2.050.00 Total Instruction Free text books .1..... Graduating exercises Library and reference books. 01.450.00 2.000.00 l.ooo.i 5.O0O.00 Totals $ 8.0O0.00 r-aiaries. princtpaia and teachen bv $000 1.2OO.O0 1.,'too 00 ut $6.o . $7oo . Ot $750 . r $S00 . W $H25 . $S50 . 2.SOO.OO 1. 500. 00 MHI.IIO 825.MS 851 1. IIO 3.50O.IIO .. 1oo.no ? S7. . $'.MM( . sor.o . 5.70O.OO 1 1 1 T..rt .... 12 l $075 . 15 st $1000 1 ill $1020 46 (it $1050 NO In) $111)0 36 t $1150 55! It $1200 15.ono.oo 1.020. 00 4s.300.ou fH, IMIO.OO 41. 400. OO 310.KOO.O0 25.OOO.O0 1. 275.00 46i.:tni.oo 32.4IHI.OO HW.4O0 Oil 1.425. OO 24.O00.OO 0.3O0.00 lm,K(Mi.no 97.200.00 2S, OOO.OO 13. 2111. OO 6.7.VI.O0 36.000.00 15.O0O.00 10.500.00 20 $1250 1 $1275 301 24 71 1 t $1300 6' $1350 $14O0 $142.-. 16 r $l."oo 6 tv $1550 118 r $16l( 54 W $100 14 ii $20110 6 ti $2200 3 fr $2250 , 15 it $2400 5 l $3000 8 if $35t0 PALS MUIOM "Bov, IF I HADif 1 'sposl. J ; :- v Oother schools ............. Substitutes ................ Extra help Total Principals' secretaries 8 fj !i7 50 , 5 175.00 '. ii U2.i0 Total Supplies Maintenance Upkeep of grounds , Repairs and replacements..., .. 4S.43S.OO 20.ooo.O0 ' 1.200 00 ..$l.tk;s.io.oo . 7.260.00 875.00 450.00 .$ R.53.00 .$ 50.500.00 .$ 2.1B5.00 47.430.00 total j Operation of school plants Freight and drayage $ Fuel . Janitors" salaries .11111X1111 Janitors' supplies ............ Light and power Rent Telephones Water Total Administration Attorneys' fees and litigation. Census . . Elections .'' n ' " Rent. .I. 40.625.00 3.100.00 75.000.00 12S.tMMl.00 7.2OO.O0 21.00O 00 1.400.00 l.l'.OO.OO 1 6.OO0. 00 253.300.00 5.O0O.O0 2.7O0.0O 1.6O0.OO 2.200.00 Total Salaries " 1 Superintendent of Schools.. $ 1 Asst. Supt, of Schools 1 Asst. Supt. of Schools 1 clerk and business manager. 1 truant officer 2 Asst. truant officers $000. 1 supt. of properties 1 purchasing agent Other employes 1 cashier 3 bookkeepers and office as sistants $1500 1 statistician 1 shipping clerk 4 stenographers and bookkeep ers igi 10N0 3 office and storeroom help fix $1020 1 foreman telectrlcal) part time 1 stenographer 3 office and storeroom help & Sl'OO ..7. 3 stenographers $S40 ....X 1 stenographer 1 telephone operator 2 storeroom help if $075 (nine months each) 1 office help 2 draftsmen and electricians & $500 t one part time) 1 supt. of construction (part time 1 heating, ventilation, engin eering assistant (part time. Extra help 11.500.00 5.O0O.1 3. 750. till 3.5O0.00 3. OoO.OO l.H.-.O.OO 1.SSO.00 3.600.00 1. bOO. 00 l.SOO.OO 4.500.00 1.320. 00 1.2O0.00 4.320.00 S. 060. 00 l.nno 00 W6u.uo 2.700.00 2.520 00 7!2. 00 72U.OO 1. 950.00 O00.00 1.000.00 '300.00 200 00 3.7N2.00 Total Automobiles Equipment Telephones Supplies Total ' Miscellaneous Interest Exhibits, conventions, etc.. Liability Insurance ....... Teachers' retirement fund. Insurance fund Contract ba lances Unpaid bills ...$ ...$ 57.004.00 4. Mn. 00 1.000.00 1.000 8. OOO.00 15.3O0.00 4.000 00 1.O00 no 5. 0011 ol 12.ooo.lio 15. Ooo. 00 Zlo.011tl.nu 25.tH)O.00 , T".,al 272.000.00 Total amount required to oper ate, support and maintain the schools $2.4S3.000.00 Debt account Interest on bonds, commission and exchange $ 37.147 04 Sinking fund 5o.llllO.u0 Total Receipts estimated State school fund County school fund.... ... ...$ b7.147.0i on. ooo. oo 400,000 no S.OlMl.OO lo.tioii.titi 10.5O0 00 200.000. 00 County high school tuition fund Delinquent taxes Interest on bank balances.... Probable balance on hand.... Total s 71S.500.00 To be raised by special levy to operate, sopnort and main tain the schools 1.764. 500. 00 Total $2.4S3,000.O0 To be raised by special levy for sinking fund and Inter est on bonds in addition to the levy to operate, support and maintain the schools... $ 97,147.04 Published by order of the Board of Di rectors. District No. 1. Multnomnh County. Oregon. ALAN WELCH SMITH. R. H. THOMAS. Chairman. Clerk, ted November 9. 1017. EXPERT LAND EXAMINATION. 8pecial reports on lands for individuals Or corporations in Pacific N. W. A. H. McLAlN. ONTARIO. Or. I WILL not be responsible for anv bills contracted by my wife. Mrs. T. W. Mc Arthur. (Signed) T. W. McA RTHT'H. FINANCIAL TWO thoroughly competent financial men. laminar with r.astern and Coast busi ness, are prepared to entertain a propo sition of refinancing a sound, going In dustrial that needs additional capital for legitimate expansion. .o promotion con sidered. Want only season industrial. Al! correspondence strictly confidential. C 1. oregonian. FIRST and second mortgages, also seller's interest In contracti Wash. H. E. Noble, Interest In contracts purchased, Oregon or J.umoermens bldg. LOANS City and farni, industrial and pub lic utilities bought. A. W. Payne, 717 Corbett bidg. Main 1388. LOANS, .notes, contracts, mtgs. purchased. Lewis &. Co.. 4 Lew s bldg. .Main 6h8. Money to I-oan oa Keal Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYABLE BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. WM. MacMASTER. 701 COR BETT BIDG.. PORTLAND. MOKTCA'lE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1RRELL Sc CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bide Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6- 6 7 UNION' ABSTRACT CO, Corbett Bldg. MORTGAGE loans. 5 years, with repayment Srlvileges. 5 to 53 per cent on business, to 7 per cent on residence property. Pacific Title 6r Trust Co.. 264-8 Stark st. EDWARD E. GOl'DET CO. 5. 6. 7 Loans On Mortgage Security. Northwestern Bank Bide. MORTGAGE LOANS. VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACT. NEW WORLD LIFE INSURANCE CO, 2o2 STEVENS BLDG. 6 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm loans; no delsy: no commission. Deveresux Mortgage Company, 6U7 Con cord bldg, 2d and Stark sta $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit: building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 215-216 Falling bldg. 1'hone Main 34Q7. $50,000 TO LOAN In amounts to suit on city property at 6 and 7 pen. cent. McKENZlE g CO, 515 Gerllnger Bldg. I HAVE $1000 to $45. OU0 to loan on city or farm; no commission. P. O. box S73. SEE US today. LOANS, any amount, 6-7Se. CELLA RS-MURTON CO, 825 Yeon bldg. LOANS on city and farm property. 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS. C AND 7 PER CENT. LOU IS SALOMON & CO, 40S Selling bid g. MONEY to loan on farm and Improved city property. K. K. Baxter. 704 Spalding bldg. I .-- Ol'R installment plan 4s the beat and sure metnou ot paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for t0 months, or $15.17 lor 96 months pays a $1000 loan and interesu Otheife. amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission chargeii. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSPrT, 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. IN BO PER CENT of the towns in Oreg. Washington, Idaho, we make loans on ii proved real eatate or for building pu poses. In any amount ; our loans are pa off same as rent, with privilege of pavli off balance at any time. R. I-;. Chaawlt 822-23 Northwestern Bank blag. $500. $1000 AND upward on improved re estate, favorable terms; no delay, no br kerage. John Bain. &Q7 Spalulug bidg. $5o0, S'r, $1500. 7',c. on lu.proved real e tale. V 767. Oregonian. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. IF TOTJ NEED MONEY BEE US. SALARIES CHATTEI Loans made to persons on salary or fix Income: on household furniture, plant diamords and oilier personal propert legal rates. Business confidential: private office PORTLAND LOAN Co. (Licensed.) SuU-307 JUekum Bldg. FVIA1IJV'RB EALAR LOANS. LOANS. WE LOAN MONET To salaried people ou their own note.- uieiii. sincuy conliaeniial. ABSOLUTELY Nn KEi im-rv We also loan on household lurnltorq piauua. tt., vwLiioui removal. Call and see us. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED.. 317 Falling Bldg. LOOK FOR THE BIG RED SIGN. Loans at legal rates on diamond watches. Jewelry, guns, pistols, kodaks t anything else of value. Special rates on large amounts. PANAMA LOAN OFFICE. 4 Third St.. near Oak. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estal llshed by Portland business men to prote. borrower. Carrie Myers Herman. Mg: 3U4 Stark st. Money loaned on diamond Jewelry, pianos, household furniture. MoNEY to loan on diamonds, jewciry; leg. rates, ail artic.es heia one year; cstabllsiit since !;;;. Dan M:irx. 21 Wsslilng-.on Loans Wanted. WANTED To borrow from pnate Individ ual $1000 to $15011 on good residence a Gearliart: good security. X .Ou, ores. $50O WANTED frbm private party oa gut edge security. . s 2ul. Oregonian. $2S.OOO WANTED on modern hotel and stor building worth $so.Uoo. V 71u. Oregoniar PERSONAL. II AIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 30-hich wavy svtilch. 2 Sep $1.5 24-inch wavy su-iwi. 3 so. ........ . 1.0 All-around transformation 1.4 Hatrdressing. auaiupooiug. tace massagr hair bobbing, manicuring. 25c liair re moved by e.eclric needle, suilch made c combings. loc. e buy your comoinga oduii.ij i hi jurs, e'u-.i. JeKum blag.. and Washington. Marsnall LOU1S& .NLTbl. Xralued nurse and maa seuse. gives treatments for rheumal.sm lunioago. neura.gia. ulc. tun Oatlis. m sage and electric biaiiKetli lady assistant. irsnaii ji.u l.,i!i. near Jelleraon. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE by graduate mas seuses: electric cabinet, apur and tuol oaths, iruuaiue, J.-2tf 1'iilocs; block. Hours v to p. buna.jr iu to 4. FEBVE I & llANEllLT, leading ig an toupe makers. I. mat stock ' human h.i: gooua. nairuressiu g. manicuring. lace anc, scaip treatment. ji!i Atuer. jualn ..40. al'iullLAi.l3.I .Mrs. M. L. l.A MAR. 2o otli St.. cor Main, teaches palmistry an card reauing: aisu .essons ia science 01 health ana success. FoR SALE one se en-.nou: hs ureo, course in Link's Business College, includ ing 5 worm of books; 20 per cent dis count, liroaoway y0. c. K. csgood. REV. MR. AND MRS. J. C. SCHoRI. 4u0i Jefferson St. Circ.es 'lues, and Thurs. Sua day meeting. W. o. V. Temple-, 12S 111! street. & 1". M. DRESSfcJS. If you can wear a 10 or IS size in silk or wool you can s.ie money, t-alesmau selling samples, itoom Ho. Oregon riot MRS. STEVENS. 24 years in Portland, 20th century science In palmistry taught; spir itual reauings tiaily 010 lay lor st. Ml.-Df.D CL.A I. iv. massage, baliis and electric treatment, riothcin.u blug.. 2! Wash. Otllce 21 1. (I'en Sunaays and eves. BE&SIE WAVUA.NU has r. turned to hi piiice of. business Jo Si -Morrison, office 202. DIAMONDS reset while you wait; mountings anu jewelry to oruer. A. c. Myers Co., .u. Swet.and bldg. MKS. HEKNES Spiritual card reading tuugut. hours iu:,u a. m. to 8 1'. Al. ui Morrison, ui noyai .Annex uiug. SXEAM baths, cuiropractic, light, heat, ciec trie and vibratory massage. Dr. Margare Haynte. 517 brt-eilano. b.ug. Main I't u. C. J. HASSELS 1 Ko.u, Swedish masseur and sick gymnast; the Kjellberga system useo. Hi. Liertum oiug. jisio u 1 u. SUP&KF1.U0IJS hair, moles. Harts removed by tcn-neeaie tuelnou; trial si. 00. Josis Finley. 014 Ellers uulg. ,1. SC1C..N I'iFlC face massage, dandruff and llcning scalp prompkiy lei.eveu. nio.es re moieu. HoU 'iieii!ier ulug. roadiay UAKlel DE llAHli, UleUieaLcd steam balii grauuate masseuse, oilice u. -J 1 i3 Morri son st. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mtuul, spiritual science. I. Dally. 4Ud journey oiug, .u anu jlayior sis. Circles Weanesday a 1. M. Alain ossd. DR. MARIE J011NS0N. chiropodist, sweats, baltia. e.ectro-iiiagnetic. 513 N. VV. blug, am aud Wash, open Sundays and evenings. J111U. AZA IL K1BRECKE. lace and scalp specialist. i'allois, 12Ua lath St.. hear Wash. -Tel. Mar. 326Q. Kurt to oroer. remodeling, lowest prices. 606 Swetland bids, 5th and Washington. ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation, rneumalism. lumoago. lace, scalp; su.pliur. steam ana salt bains. 426 Clay. .Main bb5'J. CUKKl.NNi JOHNSTONE, meulal. drugless and magnetic electro, ii 21.15. Hours 10 to 4. 546 c: Aiadisuu. cor. ljlh. J1A1 IRWIN, eiectnc and vibrator inasaage. 211 W Morrison st, office 7. SCl'Eo-FLUOLS HA1K destroyed forever oy Multiple Neeuie Metiiod. 5Q4 Swetland bldi. MARIE NEV1NS. massage and electric treatments. 4U4 Northwest bldg. Main loos AMERICAN boy 7, girl 5. for adoption; weil-to-uo people only. R 72. oregonian. SAOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. la. D. Hill. 421 i-'iieaner bldg. Bd wy 3473. BODY MASSAGE and bath given by trained, nurse. 30a 3d st. Main 1Q49. FRANCES DE MAYO. SCALP SPECIALIST. 3.V1 MORRISON. i tr I ILK 21o. PR1MEDA BALM, formerly called Balm og Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213. mornings. MKLINDA LAMB, write to your sister. Viola Brawer. 21o3 N. 31st st, Tacoma. Wash. WANTED To adopt a littio girl. Y 21U. (iregonlan. ALMA S. JOHNSON, facial scalp; Franco- American toilet articles. Mam 1451. BODY massage, ladles only, at your home. Dy appoinimeni 1 none jaoor uts. 1 f