WANTED Light housework by middle-aged woman. A IBS. Oregonlan. M iMriianrous. LT liberty to theater managers, an exp. rfenced vaudeville or picture piano plaver, pipe organ. Wurlltser; piauo. union scale; Hum uin. mono iMam nui. A.TED Place to take care of children pciuugs wnne motner-ls tway: refer ence. Woodiawn 1611. BT AN experienced lady, an apartment house.' hotel or restaurant to manage. A L. SOI. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED Swedish srirl want. tt,i housework, cooking or second work; wages tO.f TST-W : EXPERIENCED waitress wants position Susie Collins. North 11th st. Bdwy. 2r,3. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work Marshall 6047. EXPERIENCED janitresa would like work evenings. AM 161. Oregonian. WIDOW. 2 children, wants place as house- ngP-r; smaii wages. Alain 41:04). room 28. DAT work wanted Saturday, washing, iron ing, t.icBiiius. an. HAND laundry, prices reasonable. Woodiawn o580. WASIKn TO RE?rf, Houses PORTLAND'S LARGEST RENTAL OFFICE. PROPERTY RENTED. - . . RENTS COLLECTED. LET US LOOK AFTER YOURS. J. I I1ARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg.. 4th & Stark St. WANTED Furnished or partly furnished house, about $15, best of care and ref Tabor B087. WANTED At once. 5 or 6-room furnished house; must be modern; give location, de scription and rent. BC BiS. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent furnished flat or house. West Side, short walking distance to town; good references. BO 67'J, Oregonlan. fcMALL furnished bungalow or apartment in Kenton. Call Main 3871. Apartments. WANTED A 3-room. partly or all furnished apartment, bv voune rnnnl.- r.r. rhllHn. no objection to private family; reasonable! B 23. Oregonlan. Rooais. 1'OUNG business man desires downtown room with piano or use of piano. A 167. Oregonlan. Rooms With Board. YOUNG man wants room and board, pri vate family, out of town about half time; prefer to pay for room and meals sn- arate; East Side only. BP 60S. Oregonlan GENTLEMAN desires board and room, prl vate home; terms. P G2. Oregonian. FOR BENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL RAMAPO, 14th and Washington Sts. A moderate priced hotel, first-class serv ice, large lobby, elevator, private-public baths; comrorts of high-priced hotel. Room, per day. 75c up; with private bath. 1.5U up; by week, (3 up; with private bath, $5 up. Inspection will convince you. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD, East Morrison St. and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal East Side hotel and is a hotei of dignity and refine ment. Rates per day. for one person, 7io to (1.50; for two persons, $1 to $2. Weekly Rates $3.50 tag lip. JiOKTONIA HOTEL. Portland'sdowntown, blgh-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you ail the comforts of a home; reasonable rates. HOTEL CONRADINE. 50th St.. at Oak. Desirable downtown lo cation, respectable and strictly modern: fireproof building, elevator and large lobby; rooms. $3.50 week up. ANSONIAi HOTEL" 124 14th su, at Washington. Fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms. Individual phones. Steam heat ana hot water service; 75c day up; $3 wk. up. STANDISH HOTEL. 549H Washington St., Cor. 17th. Modern, steam-heated rooms $1.50 to $3 Ter week; free phones and bath. I-ALACE HOTEL, 446 Washington su Down town location; respectable and strictly modern; free phones in all rooms; steam heat: rooms large and clean. HOTEL ST. PAUL. 4th and Alder sts.; mod ern conveniences for permanent guests; homelike, cosy; a Winter home for you. NEW PERKINS HOTEL, 0th and Washing ton sts.; all modern hotel conveniences; $3.50 week up.- HOTEL OCKLET, Morrison street at 10th Rates 60c per day up; weekly, $2.50 up; running water; free phone and baths. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and Wash Fireproof brick, steam heat, hot and cold water: $2 week and up; transients 50c up. PRINCESS HOTEL. East 3d and Burnside. Steaiu-heated rooms fireproof. $2 week up. good Winter home! HOTEL CORDOVA. 289 11th St. Strictly modern, private baths en suite; rooms S3 up. Main 9472. A 4783. Hotel Broadway, 22 N. Broadway. Low rates '" J' . ateam neat, ppone TH E PENROSE Grand ave. at Belmont; HILLCREST HOTEL, bath, phone. $15 mo up; without bath. $11.733 Washington. HOTEL NORRIS. 53314 Alder St. Strictly ' t- 1 wee. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. SLEEPING-ROOM in private family; school teacher preferred; electric lights, furnace -,bth' walk1" distance. Main 2309. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, walking Mar.nall ?257. Kln- Re' "Quired! BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In good home; references; Nob Hill. 738 John son st. NICE room in private family, full use of Eaate-8077eak " deaired- 400 Monroe. LAi?E furJistled front bedroom, walking distance. $1.50 a week. 431 6th st. AT!IACtIVE' suny rooms, electric lights, heat, phone; prices right. Mam 739S. S GOOD rooms on first floor for $14; good place for children. Main 7364. roo,mS n Private family for gentle - 128 14th. near Washington? 2i'iT2?T' -''ean' steam-heated room, run mng water, close in. parlor. 533 Morrison. Rooms With Board. T35 Hoyt St. Phone Main 3805. An American plan residence hotel, at tractive rates to transient or permanent guests. Excellent table. ' ' . E MARTHA WASHINGTON d.irJ. 21 st. For business girls and stu oents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. JtoOM and board for business girls- all modern conveniences: walking distance: $3.50 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th su THE WEAVER! 710 Wash il vrhn pVivTTi1"'1"1,"'' """"-b "- Private phone and bath In every room. i'ARKV-IEW Family hotel. 3S6 Montgomery IE.J'k, Parltwy i walking distance; excellent table, reasonable rates. M. 3783. Rooms With Board In Private Family? BOOM, hoard, with sleeping-porch. 2 gen- tlemen. 576 Ladd ave.. East 2,i3.t If- Y'DoAT ThaJV. MA6r6i'S 3TlLL A AADh.MAAilAC TWO middle-aged gentlemen desire to have another to share their fine large home in Irving-ton; If you wish a home with the finest furnishings, fireplace, steam heat and. shower bath, get the details. Write F 1 08. Oregonlan. IF YOU want a nice, home with congenial People, modern and htw tn-rin aAoM , laie living-room, piano, fireplace, good COMFORTABLE front room with- two beds, first-class 'German cooking. iiSl'A Mont gomery st. FOR RENT I clean, cosy, furnished rooms, first floor, fine location, near car. Tabor 2743. 'OR RENT 2 pleasant rooms In private home,-with board If desired. Phone Main 70S8. ROOM and board for 2; modern home, priv ileges, use of piano, 3 meals. S25 month. Phone Marshall 2654. or 675 Flanders. A WIDOW with the very best record will give children good board and care at her home. Tabor- 8114. FRONT room In modern home with board, walking distance, $23 per mo. 20o Halsey. CHILDREN to board in private home. Call East 2440. ROOM and board in private family, close in. Mar. 42H8. 322 Bdwy. Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier 4. Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outsiae, witn irencn door and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined, safe. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. popular. loth and Salmon Sts. well known. of highest stsodlng. A house of quality, comfort and service. ' VILLA ST. CLARA. Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N. W. Corner Belmont and Grand Ave. New. completely furnished 2 and 8-room apts. Solid brick building; white enameled interior; large kitchen; service first-class; walking distance. East '4548. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1S6 Vista, near 23d and Washington. Large, sunny outside rooms, private bal conies, superior service, unsurpassed view, walking distance. Main 3S83 Main 6537. IRVINGTON 1 or 5-room modern apart ments, hardwood floors, white enamel woodwork throughout, fireplace, sleeping porch, all modern conveniences. Phone Knst 7007. or Broadway 1180. Mrs. Hogue. MADISON PARK APTS. Park and Madison. . Modern 2. 8 and 4 room furnished apartments, close In, walk ing distance. COMPLETELY furnished two-room, steam heated apartment, $22. including lights; walking distance. BELKNAP APART MENTS. 1S7 17th. near Yamhill. CHEAP apartment, furnished, near Jef ferson High School. 1051 Kerby after S P. M. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2. 3 and 4-rm. furnished and unfurnished, ?18 up. W car to Northrup. Marshall 227. NEW furnished apts.. concrete block, $18 and $15. 1162 Union ave. N. Wdln. 229. CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th; mod ern; walking distance. $20 COZY 2-rm. apt., brick, private, phone. walking distance. Argyle, 341 14th. Unfurnished Apartments. 705 DAVIS. Beautiful 6-room apartment containing 2 bedrooms, servants' room, fireplace and other modern conveniences; fire-proof building. See Mrs. Raymond. 3 AND 4 rooms, $1S to $22.50; sleeping porches, hardwood floors, all modern, new building. Garfield apartments, 361 Falling. one block west Union ave. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 449-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 677. BRUCE APTS. 25th and Northrup sts.; modern 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hard- wood floors. East 4617. References. JAEGER APARTMENTS! 701 Wash. st. 3 and 4 rooms. Modern conveniences. White maple floors, electric ranges. KEELER APTS., 14TH AND CLAY STS. One of our best 3-room unfurnished apartments. ROSE-FRIEND, 285 Broadway, corner Jef ferson: modern unfurn. apts., walking dis tance, best service. Marshall 1410. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. 5. and 6-room, reasonable. Main 7516. $15 LOVELY" modern 3-room partly fur nished, newly painted. Phone East 89. WEIST. APARTMENTS. C9K. 23 D. Furnished or Cnfurntjued Apartments. BARKER APARTMENTS! Furnished and unfurnished 2. S and 4-room; rates moderate; good service; spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marsnail 2961 and 2904. Walking distance. 21st and Irving. BARKER APARTMENTS. "Furnished and unfurnished 2, 8 and 4-room: rates moderate; good service: spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2001. Walking distance. 21st and Irving. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 4 and 5-room furnished or unfurnished apt., sleeping porches, walking distance. Marshall 3181. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect in all details. 49 Lucretia St. Marshall 1513. A 3637. THE BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison Strlctly modern, all outside apartments; ideal location; references. Phone Main 1U91 and 1052. 401 10TH ST., 2 rooms, all conveniences, reasonable rent. Main 4930. Flats. MODERN 5-room flat in good condition; 209 H Halsey St., 3 blocks south Broad way bridge; $12.50, Including water. East 657. WEST SIDE .Strictly modern flat; hard wood floors, gas range, fireplace, etc. 251 N. 25th. Apply 875 Northrup. 6-ROOM flat. 173 V4 Green ava, near 23d and Washington; gas, heat. FLAT of 6 rooms and hath. 731 Hoyt su Inquire 130 6th. Phom Main 6278. 6-ROOM upper flat, gas range, etc.; walking diet. Call 215 E. 16th. cor. Salmon. Furnished Flats. FIVE rooms and bath, modern and strictly first-class, large basement with furnace and laundry trays, Dutch kitchen In white enamel with gas range and water heater furnished; fireplace, built-in bookcase and buffet, free use of vacuum cleaner. 253 E. 17th. bet. Main and Madison. Haw thorne car. Phone East 7222. FOR RENT 2 beautiful furnished rooms, with sleeping porch; walking distance 36ij Vancouver ave.. near Broadway. WESTONIA 171 W. Park, near Morrison": housekeeping room, also sleeping room. 5-ROOM modem flat, well furnished. 84 loth. Broadway 100. 3 lUJ rr-J 7 Mi Loo . rM.F TK,.jne. . weu Brun V a 0 Saturday 1 ' ' J 7: Is the closing: hour for accepting: Classified Ads to run under proper classification in .THE SUNDAY Ads received later than this win be run tinder the head ing "Too Late to Classify" 8:30 o'Clock Is the Closing Hour Other Evenings FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Moirlson sts., $14 up. 291 Co lumbia St., near 5th. THE BUSH MARK 1 and 2 rooms, modern, $3 per week up. Including steam heat, gas, electricity, telephone. 565 Washington. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 1, 2, 3 or 4. fur nace heat, phone, bath; separate entrance; gas and coal range. 411 Stark St. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts. Reasonable. FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. 135 14th su, coi-ner Aiaer. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. IRVINGTON Elderly lauy. living alone, will rent 2 H. K. rooms, furnished. 449 E. 12th North. LIGHT airy, steam-heated housekeeping rooms $1.75 week and up. 147 13th St., between Morrison and Alder. FUKMoilED H. K. suite $2.25 a week. 207 Knott st. 105 20TH, cor. Flanders, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. Bouses. LIVE IN YOUR OWN HOME ON RENT TERMS. You can buy, with the money you now pay for rent, a modern house of six rooms and bath, for $1950 that cost, when built, $2700. The lot Is extia large. 50x150. In a restricted section and close to carllne. Full basement with laundry trays: a living-room with fireplace; dining-room; Dutch kitchen, den and bathroom first floor: two nice bedrooms above; gas, electricity. You pay $50 down and $19 each month. It's a snap; with a trans ferable contract the equity is valuable. Maclnnes. 210 Oregon bldg. Phono Broad way 653. FOR RENT. $18 845 E. Kelly St. , $10 1102 Vernon ave.. 5-rm.. modern house. $10 7624 47th ave. S. E., 4-rm. modern - house, sleeping porch, ground 90x100 In berries. .$10 1136 Mall St., K-rm. modern bungalow. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., . 413 Chamber of Commerce. RENTAL OFFICE ENTIRE MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTY SMALL MONTHLY CHARGE PERSONAL INTEREST TAKEN J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, NO. 7 CHAMBER OF UOM. 4TH AND STARK WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 5S0. A 6747. FOR RENT 9 rooms, modern, nice lawn, garage, several kinds of fruit trees, over three acres for garden; splendid chicken park; near Woodstock School and carline. 628 Morgan bldg. ROSE CITY PARK 5 rooms and sleeping porch, fumiace, fireplace, hardwood floors, splendid neighborhood. 1406 Wisteria ave. Tabor 1594. IRVINGTON Modern home, three bed rooms ana sleeping porch, garage: well situated. Will lease to responsible tenant. 494 East 19th st. North. East 1640. FOR RENT 6-room modern home, gas, electricity, furnace and fireplace, some fur niture and supply of wood for sale. 335 E. 34th st. Phone Tabor 5551. FOR RENT West Side home. 8 rooms, fire place, lurnace. efcectnclty. yard, gas. 636 Everett St.. near 21st st. Main 5036. MODERN 7-room house. 695 Davis, bet. 21st and 22d st., 1 block from Washington. Broadway 1668. WEST SIDE home, close in, furnace, fire place, splendid neighborhood. $30. Main 9012. $30 931 Hawthorne, 8-room modern house; large corner lot. Main 6S69. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. 8-ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy. near 2'd. Inquire 130 6th St. Main 6278. FOR RENT. 7-room modern house and ga rage, Beaumont,. $30. Tabor 6137. 8-ROOM house, modern, furnace, fireplace, $16. Main 8787. East 5962.- 8-ROOM house, close In, clean, reasonable. East 4237. ROSE CITY' PARK 6-room modern house. .Main r271. FIVE-ROOM unfurnished bouse. 622 Union ave. North. Main 3&34. 407 Clay st. $12 5-ROOM cottage, modern. 1704 Morris, near oatn. Phone woodiawn 3:!7. MODERN Irvlngton Park, 6-room house. 1220 E. 31st st. N., $12.50. Key at A 2561. Furnished Houses. MODERN 8-room house, close to shipyards aiiu BcnoQi; large garaen space. Pnone Main 1436. or call at 124 Nebraska st. MODERN, completely furnished 7-room house. 3 bedrooms, furnace, at 966 Haw thorne. FURNISHED house. $20; 6-room home. 8 ,wuo ti. , ..i -tiDii c;-.. O r.H hi Utn St. WELL furnished house- for private family. low irving . oee Aire, waiters, 161 N, 23d st. A FURNISHED bungalow to responsible party; references required. Phone C 2633. $30 T RMS., comfortable home, with garage. Main 3672. Main 7757. 505 Yeon bldg. (3Miuy1- rights reserved. Res-Utered in U. S. THB "BVS" 11 KE TO TAKE THWR ?C!Dck Evening OREGONIAN FOR RENT. Furnished Hous NICELY furnished 6 rooms and sleeping Porch with fireplace in living-room, on East Burnside, near 20th; rent reasonable. Marshall 128. IRVINGTON 6-room bungalow house with fireplace, furnace and garage; furnished complete.-$42.50. Phone East 2369 494 Tillamook at. $- 6-KOOM modern house, furnished; pi ano, garage: close in. East Side. J J Oeder, Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. Phone East 61. FURNISHED modern 5-room bungalow Winter fuel In. for 1 year, $27.50. 116 Buf falo st. Kenton car. IRVINGTON 6-room furnished bungalow. 490 Tillamook. Winter's wood. East 4032. Stores. FOR AUTO business, fine corner for rent' display room, office, storage and garage quarters. basement heating plant, gas tanks, etc Floor space up to 12.000 square feet. See this opportunity at Sixteenth and Alder streets. None better in Portland for auto business. Call 1025 Yeon building. Offices. OFFICES, storerooms and halis, also rooms suitable for light manufacturing: office building accommodations; rent reasonable Sweeney Investment Co.. 815 Dekum bldg 3d and Washington sts. FOR RENT Furnished offices and desks, cheap. 728 Chamber of Commerce bidg. Halls. ARCANUM HALL Beautiful and centrally located hall, elegant maple, floor, every convenience, reasonable rent. 104 13th su Main 3380. LODGE HALLS for rent. Foresters of America Hall. 11:9 4th sU. fourth floor. TO I.F.ASE. A-l LOCATION for garage, south of City Hall; will build to suit responsible tenanu H 674. Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CONFECTIONERY and tea parlor and bil liard hall for sale; furniture nearly new; clean stock of candies and tobaccos. Doing lively business, all cash; good location; have been drafted and must sell at once. W. T. McCoy. Moro. Or. Write for terms. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see A. J. DE FOREST. 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE Physician's practice in good country village, near Portland; 9 insurance contracts, 2 railroads, 2 fraternal, no com petition; with or without outfit; nominal consideration. AO 657. Oregonlan. GROCERY stock and fixtures; will discount: Invoice for quick sale; closing out at ad ministrator's sale. W. E. Kelso, Milwau kie. Or. WANTED Partner In fuel business with $2500; will secure by first mortgage: have largo stumpage under contract $1 cord Room 17 Russell Bldg. ESTABLISHED, going business, with great future for party devoting time. Will sell or accept good clear property; value $2500. Other interests compel sacrifice. Call 429 Railway Exchange ldg. DANDY little restaurant clearing $125 mo., for quick sale, $350. Can't be beat for the money. BEERY", 1035 C. of C. Main 1415. ONLY bakery In good town. 5 living-rooms, good brick oven, good business; will sell cheap; best of references. AV 920, Orego- nian. A STRICTLY cash grocery with extra fine living rooms, profits $125 month. Call 304 hi Oak su FOR SALE: A dandy home bakery and lunchroom; suitable for man and wife. Tabor 7112. i FOR SALE Good paying garage, equip ment, plant, etc.; mild climate and good location. AV 9-23. Oregonian. HAVE opening for an active man In a solid wood and coal business; pay $200 to $250 month. Call 304 hi Oak su WANTED Partner In photo studio, with some means; good business to staru BD 705. Oregonlan. I HAVE nice 5-room house, lot lOOxTbo, and some money to trade for grocery. Call Woodiawn 1518. WANT salesman, partner, established man ufacturing business, large profits assured. H 681, Oregonian. WANTED To sell all kinds of second-hand barber chairs at sacrifice. Kemp Barber Supply Co., 21 Washington st. FOR SALE cheap, small cigar, fruit and soft drink stand and lunch counter, good lo cation. Inquire 115 North 3d st. MILLINERY stock for sale in good loca tion. Further Information write the Jef ferson Mllinery Store, Jefferson, Or. CASH " grocery for sale; modern living rooms In connection. Phone owner. Wood lawn 3782. SAFETY RAZOR BUSINESS If you are making less than $8 or $3 day. Investigate this. S 194. Oregonian RESTAURANT Partner wanted to be cashier, etc.; good pay. Call 804 Si Oak su BLACKSMITH shop for sale In good Valley town; good business. AV 872. Oregonian. 20.000 CAPACITY mill for sale, or partner with tlmbir. AD 263. Oregonlan. POLLY AND HER 5 Ail ThaMS (aIsideredI , - T I t y- )er? Itiftz. ft . TT.i- ts ' "'' " - J I vicVC-a S-l ........ w HE FWiAl'3 P. -,;- Id FOOD ISTERSALLT-BYCUFF STERRETT. FIXE opportunity for someone wishing to establish one or two-chair barber shop, with poolroom and billiard hall In con nection, in small town located 35 miles from Portland; sawmill and logging camp employing ftO men Just resuming opera tions. For further Information call or ad dress Haskell-Carpenter Co.. Cherry Grove, Or. MODERN, equipped meat market, with Ice plant. Ice sales $luoo per season, very moderate running expenses, good coolers, refrigerators, counter 14 feet long, two drawer cash register, money weight To ledo scales. Make me an offer. Geo. W. Wechter, 1800 State St., Salem, Or.. FOR SALE General merchandise -business. Including building, fixtures, etc.. 3 living rooms, dance hall. Postoffice In connec tion. Fine chance here; owner sick and must get out. A bargain at $3000. 30 acres of -land can be had also if desired. M. E. . Gardner, Sams Valley, Or. SHIPYARD OPENING OREGON BAY Grounds facing channel sufficient for up to 50 keels. Abundant Umber of best quality for shipbuilding tributarv. Large lumber manufacturer ready to put In plant and furnish material. Particulars, Scott Bozorth. 702 Spalding bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COW GILL. Secretary. -wwnenry 31ag TO LEASE One-man country paper and Job shop. On paying basis now; will lease for cash or per cent. Man must be capable of doing all the work in a coun try printing office; recommendation re qulred. F. Taylor. Cloverdale. Or. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WAM'F.l). WE have a client with $1000 cash in the mantel ior a rooming or apt. house. If jou ua.e a goou proposition we can sell bldg ytU" Ue' T- Moore Co- Abington WILL Invest $8000 or $10,000 in the best proposition offered; give particulars. AN WANT pool hall or small store: will give f??- Portland house, now rented for HAVE some money to Invest in a good prop osition. What have you to offer? AN 163. oregonlan. r- HOTELS AND ROOMIXG-HOCS ES. IF YOU WISH TTn.Toi,B,,3',.Se" or Exchange a Hotel, Rooming or Apt. House, see 205-207 Board of Trade' Bldg. WANTED Unfurnished modern apt.-house. about 20 or 25 rooms, close in. AD 252, Oregonlai. FOR SALE Klamath Falls. A-l paying ho tel. Address D. Vandegeer. Klamath Falls. SALE 24-room lodging-house. In :V'5J. small- town in Northwest, Add. A. W.. box 204. Pendleton, Or. 16-ROOM house, nice corner brick, close to u impounding, all full; want to leave city. 15314 Russell su FOR best bargains In rooming or apartment- - ""'uci a 01 me tteaity Board latea Realty Co.. 249 4th su I.O ST AND FOUND. 1Sgx,,irf'cl,!" were 'und on cars of Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.. uZVlm)?er 7-1817: i suitcase. 2 baskets. 1 lunch box. 3 purses. 1 bracelet, 1 milk tn- 1,BI.lp' 3 boks, 1 wallet. 2 misc. Pkgs., 1 fish rod. 1 sack. 1 glove, 1 pair shoes. 4 pr. gloves. Owners may obtain property at 1st and Alder-st. station. THE following articles were found on cars of Portland Railway. Light & Power Co." November 8. 1917: 3 grips. 8 misc. pkgs. S pr. gloves, 2 purses, 1 lunch box. 1 sur veyor's topi. 1 milk can. 1 ax. 4 um- tiou"' I books' -1 knlfe' 2 "loves. 1 book tickets. 2 magazines. Owners may obtain i-.nii, a l 111 anu Aiqer-st station. LOST Small black purse with strap across back, containing $10 greenbacks and $1 Sh"' i,1 allvr -and mail changed Phone Woodiawn 3257. LOST A black leather purse fitted with ""er,,to"t a"lcles. Small chained purse and Riverdale ticket book. Reward. Mar shall 4492. LS j ma'i- PP'in purse, containing $53 6131 y - lal- heward- Phone East LOST -Lady's watch, open-face. sliver chain, small leather purse. Reward. 009 Rothchlld hl.lg. Miss O'Connor. LOST -H a 1 f of gold fountain pen. near loth AtideIrn'yo't"el."R-ewMaVd.K " LOST Gold and pearl-handle umbrella monogram C. M. B. on top; reward. Tabor 5J30. LS.T.T-P.rL'1 Kold sd amethyst pin. Phone xaoor -i&7. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. ".F undersigned will receive sealed bids at i i?8' No- 740 Morgan Building. Port Vl h Or'?on' P to 12 o'clock noon of Monday. November 19. 1917. for a stock of merchandise located at Grants Pass Ore-f-?V.T 'onit'nK principally of groceries. $2907.78. and sundries. $467.47. or total UXe.ntor.v ,vala"on of $3375.25. together with fixtures, amounting to $1021 40 Terms cash. Certified check for 10 per SfSw 2anu15 'rerel must accompany Sin -Vi Kiitl,hf " re,erved o reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock Inspected at Grants - R. L. SBIN Portland. Oregon. November 9. 1917." M lscellaneone. NOTICE. To the voters of School District No. 1 Multnomah County, Oregon: You are hereby notified that the Board of Directors of School district No. 1 Mult nomah County, Oregon, has called a pub lic meeting to be held at the office of the Board, room 304 Courthouse, on the first day of December. 1917. at the hour of 10 A. M.. at which time the Board will adopt a budget of estimated receipts and dis bursements of the district for the ensuing calender year. Such sums of money as are deemed necessary for the purposes of the district are set forth in the copy of the proposed budget, which is appended hereto. Any legal school elector of the district may attend the meeting and win be accorded a hearing on any item of the budget BUDGET FOR 191H ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS Outlays - Betterments $ 9.690.00 Portables 6.000 00 Improvement of grounds 13.560 00 Tots! Public Improvements Streets, sewers and side Equipment Cooking Drawing ............. General ............... Janitors Manual training Physical training....... Pewlng ................ Music , $ lks.$ ...$ 28,256.00 9.000.00 2.100.00 250.00 89.750.00 2.7O0.00 2.0O0.O0 LOOK O0 1.600.00 2.050.00 Total $ Instruction Free text books $ Graduating exercises Horary and reference books.. 51.450.00 2.000.00 l.OOO.OO 6.000.00 Totals $ 8.000.00 Salaries, principals and teachers 2 $600 $ 1.200.00 2 O $650 1.300.00 i xiuo 2 $750 2.S00.00 1.500.00 PALS n7 1 1 g -i.Jmm.lttm''-A .The. Moliod1. t rJ ' 1 SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscelsneous, 1 ftt. $soo RorTofl 1 Hi) $425 " M'V M 1 ::::::::::: "sSIS I S gnS :::::::::::::::::: ffiSS J? 2 i5.ooo.oo 1 $1020 1 0 '0 00 it Vl 4a.Voo "2 !! '! SS.OOO.OO -S ? f I X 41.4O0.O0 n iJo-'S 3lo.soo.oo -? f 25.00000 1 to $12i5 j ..t 0() s!:i 1 f,1:1?0, 4n:5oo:,!? -T , iH- 32.40rt.00 f IWX'l 09.4OO.Ort 6 $l"o SVOIMUH) 54 tr $isoo j,ss S 2 Hr.i'i 13.2.1H.00 .5 f 7,r 6.750.O0 1'' f 36.OO0.0O 5 f: 15.000.00 ootner schools 4c ... An exT'," s:5So:So Extra help 1.2O0.00 vw'i .$1,669,180.00 Principals' secretaries 1 75.00 s7 im ns.oo ::::::::45oo .1,''a, $ 8.5R5.00 Sup,P1,le? $ 60.800.00 Maintenance Upkeep of grounds $ 2.195.00 Kepairs and replacements 47,430.00 .taI . : - 49,625.00 Operation of school plants Freight and drayage $ 3.100.00 t. e u." 75.000.oO Jan tors' salaries 12S.ooO.00 Janitors supplies 7.2OO.O0 Light and power 21.000.00 .e,n' ,. 1.400.00 iy.epnones 1.600.00 ater 16.000.00 i?i,.- I".-, 253.300.00 -..iini.nii a.i!uil uorneyr rees and litigation. $ 5.000 00 2.700.00 Elections 1.600.00 "ent 2.200.00 i,ta' $ 11.500.00 J. superintendent of Schools.. $ 5.000.00 1 Asst. Supu of Schools 8.750.00 1 Assu fcupt. of Schools 3.500 00 . - - 'JuHiut-SR manager. 8.600.00 ; otucer 1.650.00 - Assu truant officers $990. 1.9SO.00 J . properties 3.000.00 1 purchasing agent 1.S00 00 Other employes 1 cashier 1.800.00 J bookkeepers and office as- sistants lit $1500 4.500 00 1 statistician 1 309 u0 1 shipping clerk 1200 00 4 stenographers and bookkeep- r,f, 0 ao,Su 4.320.00 a orrire and storeroom help & , 120 8.060.00 1 foreman (electrical) part time 1.000.00 1 stenographer 060.00 d office and storeroom help & - ,uo 2.700 00 stenographers g $540 ' 2 5"0 00 1 stenographer 702O0 1 telephone operator 7"0 00 2 storeroom help a $675 (nine " " months each) 1.350.00 1 office help 60O.OO J draftsmen and electricians tp $500 ( one part time) 1,000.00 1 supt, of construction (part , "me 300.00 urauiiR, t-niiisiion. engin eering assistant tpart timel. 200 00 Extra help 8.7S2.00 Total . 57.O04.OO Automooiies j 4.K0O.00 jviiJImrai 1.OI1O.00 Telephones l.ooo.OO supplies 8.000.00 T,ola1,; $ 15.300.00 Miscellaneous Interest 1 4.000.00 Lxhiblts. conventions, etc l.OOo (Ml Liability insurance S.urtu 00 Teachers' retirement fund.... 12.tKH).00 Insurance fund 15.oo0.00 Contract balances 210.0oo!o0 Unpaid bills 25.000.00 , Total $ 272.000.00 Total amount required to oper ate, support and maintain the schools $2,483,000.00 Debt account Interest on bonds, commission and exchange $ 87.147.04 sinking fund 50.0oo.uu Total $ 87.147.04 rceceipts estimated state school fund $ 90.000.00 County school fund 40O.00O.oO County high school tuition fund 8.000 00 delinquent taxes 10.000.00 Interest on bank balances.... 10,500.00 Probable balance on hand.... 200.000.00 Total $ 718.5O0.00 To be raised by special levy to operate, support and main tain the schools 1.764.500.00 Total $2. 4S3. 000.00 To be raised by special levy for sinking fund and Inter est on bonds in addition to the levy to operate, support and maintain the schools... 87.147.04 Published by order of the Board of Di rectors, District No. 1, Multnomah County, Oregon. ALAN WELCH SMITH. R- H. THOMAS. Chairman. Clerk. Dated November 9. 1917. EXPERT LAND EXAMINATION. Special reports on lands for individuals or corporations in pacinc N. w. A. H. McLAIN. ONTARIO, Or. FINANCIAL. FIRST and second mortgages, also seller's interest in contracts purchased. Oregon or vv asn. ri. fc.. Noble. Lumbermen! bldg. LOANS City and tarn., industrial and pub lic utilities bought. A. W. Payne. 717 Corbett bldg. Mala 1868. LOANS, notes, contracts, mtgs. purchased. Lewis a k:o., 4 u.ew s Diag. Main 6S8. Money to Loan on Real Estate 6 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm loans: no delay: no commission. Devereaux Mortgage Company, 607 Con cord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. MORTGAGE loans. 5 years, with repayment privileges. 5 to 5t per cent on business. 6 to 7 per cent on residence property. Pacific Title at Trust Co.. 264-8 Stark su EDWARD K. GOUDET CO. 6. 6. 7 Loans On Mortgsge Security. Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACT. NEW WORLD LIFE INSURANCE CO.. 2o2 STEVENS BLDG. $1000 WANTED at 8 per cent. 5-room bungalow, paved streets. 514 Chamber of Commerce. $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. W. O. Beck. 215-216 Falling bldg. Phone Main 8407. $50,000 TO LOAN In amounts to suit on city property at 8 and 7 per cent. McKENZIE A CO., 515 Oerllnger Bl d g. I HAVE $1000 to $45,000 to loan on city or mrm. 11 u tuiiini lasiuil. c. u, DOX O I S. $5000 SUMS to suit; $1000; no commission, c 899. Oresonlan. WILL loan $6500 or less. M S04. Orego nian 6 MORTGAGE loans on modem residences. k, i vv .a. n. At in. otn su 6-79fc. dg. SEE US today. LOANS, any amount. 6-794. t.E.l.l,Arvn-jmuiv.-i K--i.r OJJ X eon Dldg. ' 1 si - m it Money to Loan on Keal Estate. OUR Installment plan Is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 lor 84 months pays a $1000 loan and interesu Other amouats in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purpose. Nn -rm m iuut n n - EQUITABLE RlVIiis' r.OAM AKI-IV.- I 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS 51x 1S1PROVFI) FARMS IN OREGON. WASH 1NGTOX AND IDAHO. LONG TIME IK DESIRED AND REPAYABLE BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWKR. Cl'KKEXT RATES. WSL MhcMASTKR, 701 CoK BETT PIDG.. PORTLAND. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaving privileges. A. H. B1RRELL & CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. 5 6 7V UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bldg. 9500, $1000 AND upward on improved reaj estate, favorable terms: no deLay, no hmO" keraye. John Bain, 507 Spaiaing bid. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 pr cent up. F. Fuchs. 4H0 Cham, of Com." MORTGAGE LOANS. 0 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON & CO., 403 Selling b Id. Money to Loan Chattel ami fcalariem. IF TOU NEED MONEY SEE CS. SALARIES ------ CHATTELS. Loans made to persons on salary or fixtsl Income; on household furniture, plano. dtamondi and oLher personal property: legal rates. business confidential; private office POKTUAND LOAN CO. (Licensed.) 30G-307 Dekum Bldg. furnTtuSS ealarx: loans, . loans. we loan monet To salaried people on their own notes, easy payments, strictly .confidentiaL ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc, without removal. Call and see us. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED.. 317 Failing Bldg. LOOK FOR THE BIG RED SIGN. Loans at legal rates on diamond a, watcties. jewelry, guns, pistols, kodaks or anything e.io of value, topecia.1 rates on large amounts. PANAMA LOAN OFFICE, 84 Third St.. near Oak. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estao. lished by Portland uusinvba men to protect borrower. Carrie Myers Herman. Mgr a4 Stark st. Money loa.ned on diamonds, jewelry, pianos, household furniture. MONEY to loan on duuionas, jewelry; leg! rates, ail articles heid one year; established since Dan Marx. Washington. Loans Wanted. ' LOAN of $;uo at S per cent, house and one ( at:re grounu. 4 blocks of station at Ti- 1 gard; alue su0. Call Marshall 15oS. AU ' GJS. Oregonlan. iOK SALE $5000 of guaranteed bonds la $o(u denominations, running for flva years, 7 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually AD I!?-. Oregonian. $ US, 000 WANTED on moaern hotel and stor building worth $so.wO. V 71V. Oregonlan. PERSONAL HAIR GOODS. LOvEaT PRICES, 30-inch wavy switca, m ii 4-inch wavy awnii, a sp l.oo Ail-around transioi'mation 1.45 Hairare-tsmg. snampooing. face massage, hair hoboing, manicuring, 5c. Hair re moved uy electric neeuie, swjtch maue of co tubings, tfic Ve buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 40-4U Dcaum b.ug. ana Washington. Marauall 1 . oii. LuUlbts NciTLL '1 rained nurse and mas seuse, gives treatments for rtitumau.ni lumoago, neuralgia, tic, tun baths, mas sage aud electric u.aoKeit, iaay assistant. Marshall itVSS. VHH irttn, near Jefierson. MlbS RAGNHlLD JollANSSuN. manage and me.icai gy tnuasuc , grauuate of Se atu: trauid auise. Te. Marshall Campbeii xiotel ; hours by appointment at your home. Ladies only. SCIENTIFIC MAfcSAGE by graduate mas atuHeb, electric cabinet, vapor and tut hatha. Ironside, ii!7-;w PitLock block. Ho u i s Ut ob . u n a a y10 t o4. TRAINED curse desires refined patrons for light magnetic and maaagu treatments, bunuays Jl-5. iilii Panama uiug.. Tmru aud, Aluer bl. A GRADUATE of California School of Uair areasiiig wisuea tew more patrons to sham poo, manicure ana absuae in their wa home, t-.au les on, y. pnotie t-eli wooa lot. Aiixvl'l LiAJuiaM Mrs. M. L. LA MAR. .i5 6th St., cor Mam, teaches palmistry aud card reauing; aiso lessons in science of health ana succeas. MRS. STKVENS. 24 year a In Portland, -utl. century science in paimiutry Laugnt. wpu -Itual reauing daily V7o Taylor sL Mli-DivsD ClakK, massage, batns aud electric treatment. Huiuunnu biug.. 2b t Wash. Quite -.11. open faunuays and even. S a us.-. --I oaLiia, end opractic. ng u (., lit-ai. etec tric ana vibratory massage. ir. jiAiga.et tiayme. 51 1 SwetlailU umg. -hiaiu 1 t. C. J. HASSELSTROM, Swedish masseur and sicK g uinast; the Kjuiioergs s stem used, ol- Deaum blug. Mam y0. ( SUPERFiCoCS hair, moles, warts removed by ten-neeuie metnoo ; trial i.OU. Josi Fin ley. bi4 Lileis o.ug. M. Uooa. SPECIALIST Femal complaints. goiter, obesity. Rellogg jcteigoiuw uiethod. Pour treated free Nov. U4-u Deaum bidg. Ciu.N T1F1C face inaage, uauui ult aud Itching scalp promptly leiieveu, moieS r moveu. Fiieuner uiug. biuau way ltis.'i. Dii. MakIE JunNaoN Chiropuuist. bian ket sweats, baths, electric, magnetic. Oitice N. West uiug. open bunuas. evenings. MRS HERNES Spiritual card reading taught, hours lo:au A. M. to a P. M. aoUVs Morrlaon. bl-t Royai Annex bldg. ai1. DE BAKK, meuicated steam bath; grauuate masseuse. Cilice t. blV Morri son st. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental, spiritual science. Daily. 4U lourney oiug., .u ana xayior sts. Circles Weunefeday & P. M. Main oobu. MME. AZA H. R1BBECKE. lace and scalp specialist. ranorn, a-w uia su. near ash. TeL Mar. 32uO. THE FUR SHOP. Furs to oroer, remodeling, lowest prices. 60o Swetland bldg.. oth aud Washington. Ki-EC'l itlO treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumoago, face, scalp; sulphur, steam ana salt batns. 4J6 Clay. Main CO KR1NNE JOHNSTONE, mental, drugless) and magnetic eiectro. B 23 Jo. Hours 10 lo 4. 46 E. Maaisou, cor. 12th. MILDRED CLARK, massage. Daths and electric treatmenu Rothchlld biog., 287 ta Wash. Office 211. Open Sundays and eves. MAY IRWIN, eiectrlc and vioraior massage. 291 Mo rrison SU. office 7. SUPEKFi-lJOiJS HAIR destroyed forever by Multiple Needle Method. 504 Swetland bldg. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. Bdwy 8473. BODY MASSAGE and bath given by trained nurse. 3US C 3d su Main 1049. PRJUEDA BALM, formerly called Balm ot Figs. 844, E. 33d. Sell. 2213. mornings SCALP, massage and shampooing. Room 1 350 Yamhill su Marshall 5263. ALMA S. JOHNSON, facial scalp: Franco- American toilet articles. Main 1451. I BODY massage, ladies aonly, at your home by appointment. Pho'ne Tabor 2018. 1 -4 lBll ' 1 I ' sL -KBS.V- . h, 1 V i A Ssl 1 1 u wjB2&sm