Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 25, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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Jhat Country Is Waging War
for Self -Preservation,
Now Clear to All.
Submarine Warfare Held to
Direct Blow ' Aimed at Pros,
pcrity of American Farms
and Other Interests.
ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 24. Germany's
efforts to keep American ships off the
high seas through her ruthless sub
marine warfare was a direct blow
aimed at the prosperity of American
farms and American business. Secre
tary McAdoo declared in his Liberty
day address here today.
After reminding his hearers that
America went to war in 1812 to vindi
cate her right to the freedom of the
eeas and had steadfastly maintained it
since then, he continued:
"Why is that right so essential to
America's life and security? It is be
cause we have always produced more
than we can consume at home. And
the very prosperity of our people, their
very life, in fact, depends upon their
ability at all times to sell that surplus
in the open markets of the world."
(German Emperor Misled.
The German Emperor "had been led
"by disloyal people in this country to
believe that America never would
fight," Secretary McAdoo continued,
"and that any transgression of our
rights would be met simply by protests.
"Had America submitted and kept her
6hips off the seas, discord and discon
tent among American people would
have followed, Mr. McAdoo said, 'and
the German Emperor by one stroke of
his pen would have accomplished more
destruction upon American farms, in
American factories and business houses
and to American interests all over this
land than he could accomplish with all
the armies and navies of the German
The Secretary then turned to ruth
less submarine warfare, and recited the
stories of helpless men and women be
ing drowned at sea.
War M' Justified.
"Some man has said, or is alleged to
have said, that Amer'.ca had no Justi
fication for this war with Germany," he
declared. "If there be an American or
any man in this land whether he is an
American or not. who, knowing this
record, says that we did not have Justi
fication for war with Germany, then
yellow blood flows in his veins he
hasn't any red blood in him."
Mr. McAdoo denounced those officials
who would make peace with the
Kaiser's government and the alleged
peace societies in this country. The
latter are merely "German wolves mas
querading in the hides of American
traitors," he declared, "while some of
the former are simple people and some
Are in the pay of the Kaiser."
America Is Awake.
The Secretary, who has completed a
tour through the West and Southwest
in the interest of the liberty loan, said
his trip had convinced him that Amer
ica is awake to the fact that this coun
' try is waging the war for self preser
vation and knows that when the strug
Kle is carried to a successful conclu
sion the liberty of the United States
will never be imperiled again.
After describing the liberty bond
which the Government is selling as
having the entire country's guarantee
for the safety of the principal, the
money invested in it, the Secretary
"But America cannot assure her sol
diers of their principal their lives.
Duty Pointed Out.
"The soldier does not ask the Gov
ernment to guarantee him safety," said
Mr. McAdoo. "He expects to die if nec
essary, but he has a right to ask the
civilian population to do this much
for him to arm him with the best gun
mat American money and American in
Benuity can devise, a gun that will
shoot faster and farther than any gun
yet made, and give him the best bayo
net that can be forged by America's
skill and brain.
"It is the only chance he has for his
life. That is all we can do for him.
Isn't he entitled to it?"
The J5,000.000,000 to be raised through
the second liberty loan will be devoted
chiefly to this, the Secretary iH in
closing, and "we shall end this thing
forever, and America's liberties will
never ue imperiled again."
ADDITIONAL, individual subscrip
tions to the liberty loan are re
ported by Portland banks as fol
lows: 30 Vito Carlo. Dona to Joseph Carlo.
Francis Edwin Garflnkle, W. C. Ott, Pearl
Boyer. Samuel Kline. George P. Fullman,
Samuel J. Fullman, James Ryan, Alzamon
Ira Lucas, Murray B. Arnold, Mrs. Robert
Stewart, Robert Stewart. Jacob Edward
Hahn. James A. Ctni, Corlnne Daveluy, W.
H. Chapln. Russell R. Field, William Ed
mund Randall, Charles L. Norton, Ferdi
nand G. Logua, Joseph Blumberg, Edward
Walsh, James W. Webb, Elsie Log us. Thom
as Viggers, Michael P. Cannon, Annie R.
Moxley, Margaret M. Henderson. William
Ash, Roy M. D. Olson, Sidney Bell. Louis
Curlette. H. S. Reed, B. R, Nelson, Annie
Long, John B. Ivie. Otto Boehi. J. M.
Batcheller, M. E. McKitrick, J. K. Carr,
H. E. Hannum, F. M. Pftster. cash. Laurel
Belle Douglass, Dorothy D. Douglass.
Helen M. Douglass. Kyle Moore, Elmer W.
Hawkins. Charles K. Tooley, Joe Galloway.
Mrs.. Walter Owens. George Webster Mun
son. Joe Mahara, Louise M. Couch,- J. A.
Carter. Alda M. Overstreet. Charles O. F.
Holmberg. Frank L. Hatt. Michael K.
Fllckinger, Richard and Jack Couch, George
J. Hufford, Loyal C. Thurston, Martin M.
Larrowe. Edward Wilson. Otto Paul
Schwabe, Mrs. A. R. Davis, Ferris Devone
Swisher. Ross Walker, George Calley, Janet
I. Wood, Thomas E. Roberts, Tom N. Monk,
Pearl E. Davis, Violet E. Jones. Carl J.
Holmberg, Donald F. Cook, William J.
Flanagan, Miss C. Steede. Lucy E. Hitch
cock. E. F. Hitchcock. Mary E. Patterson,
Joseph E. Ransburg, D. J. Van Scyoc, Mrs.
Aimed a B. Ray, James F. Wray, Lawrence
Meriwether, John K. Bancroft. Ray Bark
hurst, William Ross Roberts, Anna E.
Coughton, Dorothy Roberts, Roy Rossclark.
Anabel Presbyterian Sunday School, Alice
G. Hurd, George L. Hurd, Alfred Chample,
Samuel Parsons, Olaf Moe. Elmer E. Bacon.
Franc J. Richardson. Marshall Ball. Gil
bert and Arthur Boeder, Wardee MacHenry.
Pearl My lander, Merrill B. Moores, Gladys
M. Giesy, Arthur L. Smith, Carrie A. Scott,
Martha A. Ruble. The Wardrobe, Charles B.
Henderson, V. Randolph Gaspard, Albert
Wesley, Mrs. Anna Gilmore, W. H. Zlmmer.
Herman Schlief. Joseph Justus. Richard W.
Faville, H. G. CMckering. Jr., D. P. Covey.
Henrietta De Francq, Martha E. English,
Gordon Falps, Harry Biizard, Jr.. Amelia
R. Parker. George "O. Hamilton. Carl Rus
terhok. William O. Chase, M. M. Blnford,
Virgil Clair Myers, F. E. Comstad, George :
Besaw. Elizabeth Wesley, Mary C. Mal
boeuf. Elizabeth A. Maiboeuf, Charlotte M.
Malboeuf, Joseph Patrick O'Connor, Millard
H. McClung. William E. Bird. Winifrled
Harper, Frances L. Hosford. Olin J. Hos
ford, .Charles F. Frederick. Guy Logan Bari
teau. T. J. Sklrtn, Sherman Conrad, D. A.
White, G. H. -Baldwin. Peter Barta, Joe
Barta. William M. Millar. Maude E. Page.
John G. Page. Lun Hing. Charles M. Van
Brunt. Mrs. Laura E. Van Brunt, m. .
Wilson, Harry A. Montag. Walter W. Mc-
Monies. Mrs. Sallie R. Hodder, William Her
man Braeger, Bay M. Bloomberg, Constance
M. Mattingly. H. Thyng. Howard B. Hutch
inson, Clarence A. Pearson, Thomas and
Sarah Fealy. William Zlmmer. William L
Howell. Fred W . Hosford, Lawrence v .
Pape, Mrs. L. M. Lamberson, Isaac M. Bates,
Reva B. Levy, John A. Peterson, Miss Mar
garet McKeath, Fredericka C. Newstead,
Fred Scholl, Margaret Purdy. Harry L.
Vorse. F. C. Haworth. Fred Kledner Glen.
Constantlne Sather. Florart F. Thiebau, John
and Ida Mates. Evelyn Frances Rockwell.
Ethel R. King, Lillian Frame Pierce. Hen
ery L. Markus. Mrs. Etna M. Markus. Dr.
H. A. Huffman, Miss Ruth Cutting, Mar
guerite Sen ul pins, Grayce Plummer, R. Al
phonsene Paranteau, Miss Sarah Smith. Miss
Ethel H. Arnold. Lizzie J. Beattle. Eliza
beth R. Jehn. Mrs. Elizabeth Hiatt Vejar.
Antonia Rafall Vejar, Albert Toothill, Fred
J. Brewer, Chester C. Houston, Portland
Elevator Company, James Miller Butter
worth, R. C. Cartmell, Grenn T. Howell, W.
M. Salisbury, Raymond V. McKalson, John
A. Goltz. J. H. Bradley, Howard M. Green.
Edith I. Phillips. T. G. Ryan (trustee), Lee
S. Wright, Margaret Blake. Edward W. Sil
cher, Etta Marshall, Caine V. Moores. El
mer Forell, W. S. Marshall. Ruth Hannaford
Lent. J. E. Updike, Franklin G. Fisher. Fred
E. Hogue. Herbert C. Peterson, Donald E.
Updike. Patrick J. O'Donnell, Shannon E.
Oliver. Mrs. Willard R. Wilson. F. J. Yannke,
Max M. Metschan. Sarah E. Newberry. W.
M. Evans. Clara E. Evans. Don C. Everts.
Danlet Charles Fisher. A- E. Sanderson,
Harrv Milne. H Wolf. Oscar Seltzer. Leo
Seltzer, Nina A. Wleneke, Mrs. Nettle Gal
lup, Clarence R. Miler. Archie B. C. Davis,
Adele A. Davis. Ralph Joplln, John Rich
ardson, Mrs. Ida B. Skinner. Edward H.
Goudy. Nell M. Goudy, Elisha A. Strong.
Samuel N. Kapischka. Mayme Katherine
Glaser, Grace Gutermuth, William Albert
Mllner. E. A. Osmon. Frank J. Walling
Philo F. Bogardus, -Mrs. Rtcka Johnson,
Mike Sukalac, Ear! F. Branden. Leola C.
Estes, George F. Euston. Bertha L. Moodie,
W. Lundy. Samuel Solomon, S. Leo Hay.
Georgia B. Howe, L. C. Fenn. Ted Ward
Becker, H. E. Cherry. William Marion Quick.
Katherine Alice Dukehart. Nester Seaman,
Emit G. Ammer, Clarence A. Bankhead,
Paul Edmund Overend, B. A. Vincent,
Henry F. Monnet. Harry E. Adams, Alice
M. Adams, Jgnacy Janowsky, Frank C.
Johnson. Howard Teel. A. M. Wheeler, Julia
S. Whiteford. Mrs. Cella Steinbach, Mrs.
Bertha Stall. Betty Ross, Mrs. Elizabeth
Shipley, J. G. Harter, Charles H. Jenkins,
Frances H. Townsend, Mrs. Minnie Hochfeld.
$lt0 Alex Peterson, L. D. Graham. Robert
Arthur Mehrtens. Charles L. Penrose, Mrs.
Margaret E. Stocker. Charles E. Cranflll.
H. J. Stoll. Harold H. Jackson. A. J. Stew
art. Floyd A. Naramore, A. M. Schubach.
George Davis Field, Mary C. Fenerty, Jesse
Evan Flanders. P. L. Cherry Company, F.
L. Slane, George Harry Curries, Ann Don
ovan. W. A. Gill, C. H. Cracraft, Mrs. Bertha
Anderson, Alice M. Graham. Merle W. Mc
Murtry, R. W. Wood. Wilhert S. Morrow,
Roxana I. Wilson, J. L. Gibson, Herman
X. Allen, J. F. Rice. Zeke Hendrlckson.
John F. Chrlstal, Mark F. Farrell, W. T.
Krebs. Ernest Harrington Coffey. Charles
O. Olson, Mrs. L. N. Carlson. Marjory Tay
lor Read, Joseph Hellerschmid, George Mc
Elhenny. Elbert G. King. Ruth Osburn. Mrs.
O. E. Leavens, Delphina E. Capling, John
wanton, Arthur Gaw, George W. Thomp
son. T. X. Newingham. Margaret E. Stipe,
Fannie Unna, Eugene F. Samuel, F. B. Sut
ton, Mrs. Susan B. Keene, Mrs. Mate Lyon,,
J.' A. Campbell. Sarah L St. Thomas,' Ar-;
thur William Butterworth. G. W. Butter-
worth, Frank Guitavui Englund. Frank E.
Ramsey. Florence C. Lynch. Swender Blue
Print Company, Harry Seltzer. A Garfield
Beattle. H. J. Langoe and .Clara Langoe.
George S. Cole. Irene Smith Fullerton, John
F. Enright, Peter T. Nelson. Mrs. E. C. Cook.
Julia E. Burrows, Frank A. Clark and Mary
C. Clark. S. J. Sletten. J. H. Oliver. E. F.
Howell. WlHlam Cahlll. Charles M. Red
field, Mrs. Amanda Elklns, Charles M. El
kins. James Crain. Perry B. Poindexter.
Ethel V. Cran. Marlon I.- Webber. Dorothy
Anne Prosser. Charles H. Adler. Steve Smith,
W. W. Hostetler. Edith P. Cook, David H.
Culp, Sallie c. Witzel. W. M. Anderson,
Emily C. Lumm. Margaret W. Goodwin,
Shannon Phillip. William Kennell, Fred L.
Kent, B. W. Hodges. W. J. Corcoran, J.
W. Ferguson. W. T.' Holland. Agnes Powell.
F. E. Plympton, Bennle Lovick, Edith G.
Rhodes, -Max Lamfrom. Frank T. Berry.
Edward C. Ashbaugh. Mrs. W. S. Bridges.
P. IX Boyd, Ira L. Riggs. Mrs. Jennie Robb,
Robert J. Stevens, Martha Elizabeth Stevens,
Jane Canning Stevens, Martin Peterson,
Phillip L. Kinerlin, Allan A. Doane. Ray
Langdon.. Catherine F. Milen. Henry Miley,
Alfred L. Stone. L. J. Schade. H. H. Wade,
Fred Westrach, Ernest John. Amelia fc..
Baum, A. W. Niblen, P. A. Binford. Anna
Parker, May B. Horrell. Walter L. Hannon, I
Frances R. Munro. Marlon V. Hosford. J.
D. Perry, Anthony Ardito, Leonard C. Hos
ford. D. Van Zante, Harry P. Coffin, Sara
P. Mullen, Ann Werstad, S. G. Stanton. Anne
E. Lawrence, George A. Lawrence. Sydney
Cosby Gibson, Lulu M. Nordenson, Oulda
B. Tomkins, John Champhe, Osmond T.
Smith. Elmer T. Lovering, W. N. Everett
and Carrie F. Everett, Marion Briggs Wes
ton. Anne E. Lee. Mrs. Soren Peterson. Ethel
May Coleman. J. H. Shambarker, Amelia
E. Wade. Constance M. Masslngly, Gretchen
Cormany, Harry S. Irvine. Margaret Cun
ningham. H. W. Brice, Martin Hammer.
Edwin Rudolph Peterson. Alexander S.
Scales, Ethel Beatrice Rundall, Emil N.
Walkerllng, Bertha C. Howlett. Matthiew
Roy Morrow, A. M. Campbell, Rlchford
Adam Thomas, William Anderson. Albert
W. Davis. Amelia H. Krueger. Henry Hen
derson. Milton C Plaskett. Thomas Welton
Trembath, Mabel F. Burghduff. C. B. Far
ley. W. E. Bridwell, M. J. Apt. J. R. Haight.
Edward Constant. Charlie Kaake. Ernest B.
Wright, Portland Review, No. 7. Woman's
Benefit Association or rtne iiaccaoees. i. u.
Murray, Silas N. Breck, Norman Louis Gar
flnkle. G. C. Nlckerson, Ernest C. Watt,
Georee Washington Hooker, William B.
Watt, Thomas B. Watt, Jr.. Mrs. Gustav
$730 Harry L. - Marshall, "William Corn
XSOO John Hannan.
1000 Charles Anderson. Cynthia B. Hen
derson, G. W. Cayes. Bankers Mortgage Cor
poration. C. A. Olsn. Edith Varney. Robert
S. Farrell, j.. Marion I- Farrell. Louis
Walt Rlaine Estate. Glenn E. Husted, S.
Gara. Kay Barkhurst. Henry E. Reed. Mar
garet Baker, George M. Cornett, the Benevo
lent 'League of Oregon and .Washington
Travelers, Hubert Dericks. G. E. Crow. Phil
Metchan. Jr.. Imperial Hotel Company. R.
H. Guthrie. John Scott. Willamette Equip
ment Company. Inc., George A. Sutherland,
Stephens-Smtth-Crane Company. -
f l,-iHi J. W. Fowler.
$17.-,0 Oliver Owre.
jtjoot Matteo Viganeo, William Stanke,
Christen Dahl. E. F. Day.
$250U Samuel Maxwell Mean, Bohemian
. ;tooo Mrs. Robert S. Farrell. George Har
vey. E. C. Atkins & Co., Frederick Town
send. $4000 Norman R- Lang.
$5000 Portland Seed Company. Phil Mets
chnn, Peter Autzen. Randolph Graden,
Clnike County Timber Company, Robert S.
Farrell. H. W. Hastings. Lowengart & Co.,
Portland Cordage Company, James T. Burt
clinell. t.utuo Tti J. K" Gill Company.
SI 0.0O0 R. M. Wade & Co., Independent
Foundry Company. Brighton Mills Company,
William A. MacRae.
$.", 000 Crane Company.
s.Mt.000 Benson.
$100,000 Doernbccher Manufacturing
Cn m no n vr
Sheriff Hurlburt and employes of Ills of
fice who hve subscribed through Ben eu
lng: T. M. Hurlburt. SIOUO; Martin T.
Pratt. 1 OO : Charles Rich ton. $10o ; E. S.
Huckabay. $100; M. Sehloth, $100; Harry A.
Chon, 100; Janet E. Wanner. $."0; S. S. La xioo- .1. J. Kennv. S100: R. F. Hack-
ett. $T0; H. E. Shipe, $50 ; H. Bennett. $."0;
Irene Drack, $."0; E. B. Martin. $ru; r.
Coffey. $50; J. L. Blood. $100; Claude Stott,
xr.o- rrari Maver. 2oo : Josephine H. Jen
kins. $50; Anne E. Dilllnger. $10O; C. Rich
mond, $50; Elizabeth Hendry. $50; E. C.
Flahertv. $400: W. S. Weets, $50; Eva
Johnson. $200; R. V. Phillips. $10O; C. A.
nirbmnn i.'.fl! Hov Ward. 1O0 : Oswald N,
Tn v :tOO! Rodnev A. Hurlburt. $50; P. V.
Rexford. $50; L. L. Scott. $100; Harry
Weller Smith, $50; Hoy Kendall, $.o; c. I.
Carpenter, $100; Lu-.-y Dougnerty, ...
r Mnrki X.-.Ot VT Christoffcrsen. $100; H.
G. Norton. $50; George W. Hurlburt. $150;
R. G. Montague, $.o.
Subscriptions from Brighton Mills Com
nnnv emnloves. Brinhton. Or.: Ray Adams,
$50; James M. Barker. $100; Helene Craig.
$1 00 ; G. L. Finch, f ru ; tieorge iagnon
literature and In advertising the lib
erty bonds. The officers of the three
forts have subscribed more than $20,
000. The leading1 companies at this date
are: Fifth Company, Oregon Coast
Artillery, Fort Canby, $11,800; Second
Company, Oregon Coast Artillery, Fort
Stevens, $10,800; Seventh Company,
Oregon Coast Artillery, Fort Columbia,
$10,550. -
Majority of Small Bond Buyers Arc
Xative-Born Germans.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 24. (Spe
cial With October 27. the closing day
Baar, Mrs. S. W. Herman, Arthur Phillips
Michener, Harvey C. Fullman, bawira w .
Fullman, Felice Leonettl, George G. W ent-
worth, Nora F. Tucker. Aiirea rucKer. a.
Mueller. Jesse A. Dilgman. W. B. Streter.
J. F. Reinhart, Hubert Petty, Joseph A.
$150 James P. Jensln, Alice Fisher,
Thomas Henry Boyd. William S. Turner,
Zanait Enrico. Earl A. Olson, Frances A.
Olson. Frances W. Warren. Mary Alice
Rockey. Jane Rockey. Charles G. Irwin,
Willie C. Kasch, John R. Maguire. B. E.
Witler. Edward J. Clark. Mrs. Minnie Hoch
feld, Otto W. Metschan, Frederick G. Greer,
Mllo and Katherine Hoadley, C. H. Palmer,
Leo F. Berhide. Marcia Romlg, John V.
Thomas, Mae Jefferson, John W. Jacques.
$200 Margaret V. Warren, Mary E.
Groung. D. D. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. E. O.
Lucas, Irene J. Kennell, F. A. Gaddls. Mrs.
Gertrude B. Fowler. Nancy C. Stevens. Chris
tian B. Murhard, August A. Benson. Journal
Carriers' Association, Henry Elton East
man. James H. Batty. John F. Enright, Glen
Officer, J. F. and Tilda Johnson, Kenneth
Beebe. Harry Delano Benner, Edith H.
Gladwyn. Fred W. Prael. Elsie F. Zuern.
Mrs. Winifred House. William N. Young,
Steve Hanna. George W. Simpson, Kenneth
Beebe. Lyle D. McCarthy. Mrs. W. C. Taylor.
Earl D. Curtis, Mrs. Anna M. Buck. A. J.
Thnm. H. E. Carr. Mrs. A. E. Dlgman,
Lawrence C. Butt, William K. Enderwles,
Frederick A. Kenney. Tom N. Monks, Julia
r Wright H. B. Stout and Addie Stout.
William R. Huckbody. Ellen S. Cherry, Will
iam n Dnimmoncl. Richard J. Morris. iew
man C. Jannsen. Edward S. Currier, Charles
L. B. Moss.
Si.-0 Fred H. Rothchlld, Maria Fulkerson,
iiuUHa F.8tman. Dorris A. Hursey. J. H,
Closterman & Co., J. R. Widmer, Charles
Sohwanz, C. L- Starr, Jaeger. Brothers.
Blanche Jeannln. J. T. Rogers, Ann Eliz
abeth Warren, Mary Jane aicivecnnie, Alex
ander Findlay Orr. Bernard S. Franklin, Ed
win W. McLean, Robert Maclntyre Mackin
ley. ion r:nvii T, Faulkner. Gustavus H
Jacobs, Ebon Officer, John O. Leslie, Jan
Kool. Henry n-nien, r-umouu
Mrs. Sarah L. Hogue. T. A. Williams, Mr.
and Mrs. Leventz Anderson. Mrs. Mary
iriio Wnidron- Frederick A. Kenney, Hjal
mar Otterson. Henri H. Cloutler. T. C.
Shankland. Otto J. Kamm, Mrs. C. E. Brous,
Alice H. Currier.
ci.'-.n W MrNaueht
J40O Mrs. Clara E. Gibson. Alice Carey
Rockey, John wamer ana rrantei mn ,
Edra Annie Reufert. Charles H.. Hamilton,
.T r Piatt. II. C. E. Wightman.
$450 Joseph F. Oswald and Nora H.
.-,oo Doric Lodge. Xo. 132, A. F. and
A J. A. Murohy. William T. Fletcher,
James F. Bell, Kindle C. Couch, Adele
Vernon Stearns. Paul N. Carlson. J. W.
Morrow, Oregon Moline Plow Company,
i.nnii J. Bader. Mrs. J. W. McCrea,
M'liss McC. Mason. Henry Mason. David
son Baking Company. Christen Dahl. Roblna
L Scott, Louis C. Davison, George Wlnchell
Herron, Mazamas. William Lewis Clark. S.
S. Montague. Lake Grove Anglers' Club,
Ratrice Jones Moody. Mrs. Aiaua 011
mn. R. C. McMillan. Ray Walker, John
Cyprian Stevens. August F. Brlnkman, Port
land Fish Company, jonn t-eierson, j. -Johnson,
A. C. Fisher, E. S. Cook, Joseph
l..Uunf. T. G. Robinson. D. w. sears, .Mar
garet W. Goodwin, Mary T. O'Brien. Carrie
Cohn, Thomas B. Watt, Sam L. Mackin.
Edgar C. Michener, Mrs. Lorene A. Good
man, M. Goodman,
Dollie Scanlon, S. G. Scanton, I. B
$000 M. T. Alger. Susannah S. Piatt, Rus-
sM & fnrfrt Co.. Milton I-.. (Jumhert
$150; A. E. Green. $."0: M. A. Gollon.' $."V0
N. J. Hudleston, $100; Charles H. Johnson,
mn- rhariPi F. Johnson. $."0: Frank Kee-
nan. $100; Alfred Lindblom, $-"10; Oils Law-
head. $; Alta MagTiuson.
Moore. $50; C. Earle Pickering. $JOO; Harry
Rentle. $00; Andrew Stam. $100; Lars
Snoravold. $30: Ed Winters, $30; Nick
Zelavic, $30.
of the liberty loan campaign, but three sembly brouftht together to hear Super-
days away, Vancouver has subscribed
little more than a third of her quota.
A. "V. Calder. secretary of the cam
paign committee, today said that 60 per
cent of the small bond buyers in Van
couver are native - born German). A
strenuous effort will be made to bring
the total up to the full quota by the
time the campaign closes.
A bonfire was held, at Ninth and B
streets last night. The infantry band
furnished music and a number of
speeches were delivered by men of
local prominence.
. Scappoose Schools Buy Bonds.
SCAFPOOSE. Or.. Oct. 24. (Special.)
A recular 'Wednesday morning ns
intendent Allen speak on food conserv
ation turned into an enthusiastic
scramble to contribute to the buyins of
a school liberty bond today.
The purchase of a J-"0 bond suggested
by Miss Jessie Martin, the primary
teacher, seemed & high and satisfac
tory goal until the first returns of
$70.75 swept a wave of enthusiasm over
the school that Drought the goal up to
the 1U0 mark.
Dee Team Heads Hood List.
HOOP RIVER. Or.. Oct. 24. (Spe
cial.) The Dee committee today re
turned $7000 subscriptions for liberty
bonds, which places this committee at
the head of local o?'cttinc teams.
Men and Officer of toat ueiense oi
Columbia Bay 164,00 Worth,
of Kenr Bonds.
wTtT STEVENS. Or.. Oct. 24. (Spe
cial.) Tomorrow will end the liberty
bond campaign for the second liberty
loan at the forts of the coast aeieiiueo
of the Columbia.' ' ....
A grand total of more man ioi,uuu
h been subscribed to date. The aver
age subscription per man for the en
listed of the tnree ions i .
$S5. Fort Canby leads In average sub
scriptions per man, with $112.91. Fort
Stevens is second, with average per
man of $71.90, and Fort Columbia third,
with average per man of $66.72.
Keen competition between organiza
tions and forts has made the campaign
now closing an Interesting one, and
the excellent showing made proves to
the world that the men at the mouth
of the Columbia do not stop at enlist
ing, but stand back of the Nation with
their money as well.
The success of the campaign has been
due to the untiring efforts of Colonel
Ellis, commanding officer of the Coast
defenses; Colonel Hammond, fort com
mander at Stevens, and a long list of
others who have spared no time or ef
fort in facilitating the distribution of
Infants Wad Invalids
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form
For infants, invalids aad growing children.
Pure nutrition, upbuilding the whole body.
Invigorates nursing mothers us the aged.
More nutritious than tea. coffee, etc
Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking.
Substitutes Cost TOU Same Price
William Mackenzie and J. Rosea Are
Invited to Defend "Closed" Shop.
O. V. Young Also Suggested.
O. C. Fenlason, of 209 Alma street,
who originally challenged William
Mackenzie, of the Metal Trades Coun
cil, to a debate on the question of the
"closed" shop, yesterday issued a state
ment in which he said he still prefers
to meet Mr. Mackenzie or some other
duly accredited representative of the
council, instead of J. Rosen, who of
fered to take Mr. Mackenzie's place.
Mr. Mackenzie, it had been stated, is
too busy to accept the challenge.
Mr. Kenlason said:
As Mr. Mackenzie has been verr active In
rringlnK and maim. lining the strike. I feel
11 is Ins duty to publicly tfll whv 1 thinks
the prim-iple of "closed simp" Is right.
Therefore I make this proposition- I will
tnke on botU Mr. Mackenzie and Mr Rosen
time to be divided equallv. and Mr Mac
kenzie to speak first. Mr. Rosen second and
I third, then Mr. Hoeen to have 1.1 minutes
for rebuttal, l think I need only one round
to put them both out.
However, if they do not desire to debate
the question. I sussest thm the union men
request O. C. Youn,i. general organizer for
the American Federation of Labor to de
late the question.
More Than $22 00 Is Subscribed in
Less Than an Hour.
WASHOIGAL, Wash.. Oct. 24 (Spe
cial.) At a liberty loan meeting held
here last night $2200 was subscribed by
local business men and farmers in less
than an hour. The meeting was held in
the Oddfellow Hill m r, ,t . v. . u t. .
. - " ' ' ' T )CVUS
assisted by delivering applications at
the- door.
Speeches were delivered by W W.
t'nins vj m. iv. jl'hvis. or Vancouver,
and G. T. Moody, of "iVashougal. Miss'
Goldie Peterson, of Portland, sang sev
eral solos during the programme and
patriotic airs were played by an or
chestra. Mayor F. C. Price; Postmaster C W
McClure and E. D. Clapp. of the Clarke
County Bank, compose the committee in
charge of the campaign in this vicinity.
The Oreg-onian can be sent to any soldier or sailor
abroad or at home, in the camp on this side or in the
trenches in France at the following- rates, post paid:
Daily and Sunday
Daily without Sunday.
1 Yr.
. 6.00
3Mos. IMo.
$2.25 $ .75
1.75 .60
.75 .25
Remittances must be accompanied by name of
soldier, the number of the company and that of his
regiment. Name of ship must be given if The Oreg-onian
is to be mailed to a man in the United States Navy.
Orders may be handed to Postmaster, R. F. D. Car
rier, Local Oregonian Agent or mailed direct to The
Oregonian, cash to accompany order for term desired.
The Oregonian, Portland, Or.
l:f '"SET'
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Young men like it
It's a double breasted sport suit
No wonder it's a favorite. There are lively
touches in every line. You see them from the
notch of the lapel to the cuff of the trousers.
Besides smart style, you get all-wool fabrics and
unequaled value.
Belt all-around models
You'll see several variations of these belt
all-around' models at the store where our
clothes are sold. Our label is your guarantee. . -
Hart Schaffner 6c Marx
Good Clothes Makers
Young men like the double-breasted models
and so do many older men; we have them,
Backed by the Hart Schaffner 6? Marx guarantee
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
Southeast Corner of Fifth and Alder Sts.