THE 3IORXING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1917. ?"EW TODAY. More than $50,000 worth of second hand Mining and other Machinery, Engines, Boilers, Compressors, etc. Vdt sale at a bar gain. J. A. GYLLEN BERG Baker, Or. 1916 Chalmers Light Six in first-class condition with Winter and Summer tops. Price 3SOO.OO Easy Terms. Covey Motor Car Co. 2lst and Wash. Main 6244 TO LEASE The six-story building- known as the "Northwest" Building, at northwest corner of Washington and Sixth streets. Propositions received for three-year terra. Possession given Jan. 1, next. PARRISH, W ATKINS & CO., No. 106 Second St. REAL ESTATE. Far Sale Lots. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Into income. We design and build anything, furnish the money if desired; eight years - in Portland. L. R. Bailey Co., contracting " architects. North western Bank bldg. TV7LL sacrifice two beautiful lots, Ala meda; a real snap. Robinson, $24 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. $505 LAURELHURST lot. facing N. on Irv ing St.. SO rt. E. of E. 33d. Main 1068. For Sale Houw. IRVINGTON BARGAIN $1500 BELOW VALUE TAKE SOME TRADE 7-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN HOME. CORNER 24TH AND MULTNOMAH STS.. V LARGE LOT. FIREPLACE. FURNACE. f FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. GARAGE. FLOWERS, ETC. IN FACT. EVERY THING TO MAKE COMPLETE HOME. "BEST OF REASONS FOR SELLING. SEE i.BL'RKITT,.UWNER, 201) SELLING BLDG. RARE LAURELHURST BARGAIN. Do you want to look at a really beau tiful Job In a nearly new 8 -room home, with garage, near car, where the main Idea was to create an artistic home, re gardless of cost ? For instance, the In side is finished In six-coat work, walls beautifully papered, hardwood floors "throughout, lawn, shrubbery, view of mountains; circumstances force immediate ale at big sacrifice. J. Delahunty. Main 1700. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW STRAIGHT CONTRACT NO MORTGAGE $2950, $250 down, $22.50 per month, total payment, beautiful exterior, hardwood floors in main rooms, full basement, plenty -of light, furnace, fireplace, up to date. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Ch. of Com Bldg.. 4ih and Stark. Main 2US. A 2050. ROSE PITY PARK BUNGALOW STRAIGHT CONTRACT NO MORTGAGES $3200 $300 down. 525 month; corner lot. 5 big rooms, breakfast-room, attic, full basement, furnace, French doors. big porch, beautiful lawn, flowers, shrubbery, big snap. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No.- 7 Ch of Com. Bldg. 4th. & Stark Main 2 0 S, A . 2050. EXTRAORDINARY BUNGALOW offer 3 Of them in ROSE CITY PARK MIOHTY BIG VALUE STRAIGHT CONTRACT NO MORT GAGES SEE OUR AD IN THIS PAPER J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, Main 208, A. 2050. - . . s-room house: ! ' rose city park $40 down, $40 month No mortgage, straight terms, no ln ". trest for 6 months; 4 bedrooms, gunroom. big cement basement, new furnace, 2 V. toilets, 5oxll O-it. lot. 1 blocks from -.- .Sandy blvd. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. '-" No. 7 Ch. of Com. bldg., 4th & Stark. " Main 20S. A 2 05 O. r- ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW STRAIGHT CONTRACT NO MORTGAGES - - $2650 $100 down. $20 month, total pay .. ment; 5 rooms, living-room. In center, big -attlc with extra room, fireplace, furnace. nice lawn, place for garden. J. L. HART- MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Ch of Com Bldg " 4th A Stark Main 203, A. 2050. iWH Y not buy a choice small apartment 4 house, located in the best residence sec T tion and have a cosy home and 10 per cent on the investment? We have them, f priced from $1S.o00 to $50,000. paying from $2000 to $0000 per year. F. E. Bow-5- man & Co.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. I Main 3026. X 3 B t N G A L O W S HOSE CITY PARK 7 $2950 $2".0 DOWN $22.50 MONTH V 53200 $300, DOWN $25 MONTH tr 2650 $100 DOWN $20 MONTH Straight monthly payments until paid. C J L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Ch of (- Com Bldg. 4th & Stark Main 2"3. A. 2050. THIS LAURELHURST BUNGALOW - will help you decide. Had to take over nearly new", modern. 6 rooms. In best sec-c- tion. near car. Have repainted inside and outside and will sell to responsible party for actual incumbrances, $3500. on easy terms. J. D E LA UL'NTY, Sunday, Tabor 3433; during week. Main 1700. x v: Mrvim' burealn that merits your lm- "mediate attention; a un- house of 6 large j -rooms, sleeping porch, enc.osed and heat ed, full attic, a'.l bul'.t-in etiVcts. thor oughly modern: ideal locaiion; biggest sHcrttice in this district. O. W. Bryan, Main 1903. 509 Chamber of Commerce. LAURELHURST. Before buving elsewhere obtain our list of exquisite homes for sale on easy terms in i aurelhurst. the show place of Port- lanri LAURELHURST CO., 270 Stark St. Main 17u0. A 1515. .LAURELHURST 7-room house and garage, strictlv modern, near park, for sale; price s v'oo " terms to suit. Will accept good muio as iirst payment, balance $-5 per month. A Oregonian. jWER must have cash and will sacrifice utu and 3 small houses In Portsmouth - for S4150. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade TOR SALE Modern 9-roorrY house. Sleeping . r..h nd service quarters in addition : ' uvsi Side: exclusive district, central heat. AE 52. Qresronlan. FOR SALE Finest and grandest new view home In city, on Hast Ankeny, Laurelhurst Tabor 6029. UP-TO-DATE houses for sale, ran in price from $300 to $25.0o0. All ranging price from $300 to j'JO.uou. All bar- " cams, easy terms. . . nu v. Bank bldg. :iiivr 2 new 5 -room bungalows; sell one helow cost, easy terms. ,v Oregonian. Owner. AM 404, a- soN. oldest firm In ROSE CITY PARK, can sell you a good house cheap. See us first. Tabor 21C1. '"'FINE bungalow. 6 rooms, furnace, all mod ern: $3300. terms. 1352 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 624. Cr7vFTv-R 5-room bungalow at sacrifice. from owner. Free from incumbrance. See v owner at 967 E. 20th, North. Cash or terms. vino LOT. five-room house; rV ft. off Bel mont L, at $1500; terms. Mala 5404. BEAL ESTATE. For ea J e H o uses. YOU WILL LIKE THIS MODERN BUNGALOW, located on a nightly corner lot 50x100. facing the east. 5 rooms and bath; living-room with fireplace; dining-room with built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen 2 bedrooms, full barement, concrete floor, stationary trays. We need the mony, m we offer this for $220o, just $S0 under value, with easy payments. Call -67 i Oak or phone Main 1745T. Suburban Home Property. $20 TO $30 PER ACRE. Logged-off land, rich soil, easy clear ing, creek water, close to school and em ployment; only 2 miles to station; 40 miles from Portland; any size tracts and terms to suit, fcee AKERSON. 514 Stock Exchange bldg. 120 ACRES logged-off, near Scappoose, 2 creeks, good road to place, fire went through tills Summer, cleared It good; $25 per acre. W. T. Moir, 545 E. 2b til. Sell wood 418. FOR SALE 4 h acres, close house, hard surface. J. C. Troutdale. In. 6 -room Thompson, CHEAP ACREAGE. Five acres, S2oi; $10 down. $5 per between month buys five acres of land Portland and Centralis- on the main lin of 3 railroads, I miles from a town of S00 population, sawmills and shingle mills; some of this land is partly cleared; run ning streams, some bottom and some bench; some of this land Is good onion land ; can give you any kind of a piece you want. $20 down, $10 per month buys 40 acres good land at $22.50 per acre 2H- miles from the Columbia River, between Port land and Astoria, in Cowlitz County. This land is free from rock and gravel; lies nicely, good soil and holds moisture. BELL REAL E .STATE CO., 31S Railway Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FREE OF ALL ENCUMBRANCE, nearly 10,0o0 acres of farm lands locate! in Oregon, Washington. Idaho and Mon tana; also $300,000 worth of city property located in Oregon,' Washington, Idaho, Montana and Minnesota. Will sell any of these properties on easy terms or wi;i exchange for good city income property and assume a reasonable amount or encumbrance ir necessary. Address owner, V 681, Oregon! an. MR. BUYER, look this over. 193 acres, m miles of little Valley town on electriu line, less than SO miles of Portland, nearly ail in cult, ana best or bottom land; boat landing on plae, good bldgs. Price $120 per acre, one-third casn. balance on crop payment plan, without int. for 4 years, than 6 rer cent on bal. unpaid. Bet ter look up. See Mr. Steele, with the Brong Co.. 2671 Oak et. 1 ACRE WITH 5-ROOM HOUSE FOR $1625 EASY TERMS. LEVEL, with a RICH, DEEP SOIL, well improved : with fruit trees, berries and productive garden. Fine for poultry. It is only 4 miles from city limits, with a fine auto road, and but 2 blocks from station on Mt Hood electric Just the place for a man with, a family. Call 267 4 Oak or phone Main 1743. Ask for Maclnnes. S ACRES, 4 miles from Portland Courthouse, suitable for a country home or a dairy ranch. J. Rosumny, 203 Stock Exchange. Main J'Joa. Homesteads. 70-ACRE relinquishment Tillamook Co.. 3 acres in cul., 3-room house, all furniture and tools, 25 acres fenced, good harness, huirev. plow: price $550. IriO relinquishment, 4 mile from Nc- halem River and Pacific Highway. Clat' sop Co. Price $250. 411 H. ry bldg. Factory Sites. WATER AND RAIL. Factory site of 6 acres, with "Willamette RiveV on one side and railroad on the oth er, above city, at bargain price. R. F. Bryan, 509 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale -Farms YOUR CHANCE IS IN CANADA RICH lands and business opportunities offer you independence; farm lands, $11 to $30 acre; irrigated lands, do to ou; twenty years to pay; $2000 loan in improvements, or ready-made farms; loan of livestock; taxes average under 20 cents an acre no taxes on improvements, personal prop erty or livestock; good markets, church schools, roads, telephones; excellent cli mate crops and livestock prove It; spe cial homeseekers fare certificates. Write for free booklets. Allen Cameron, gen eral superintendent lands branch, Canadian Pacific Ry., 04 Ninth ave., Calgary. Al- r-erta. WATERFRONT ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER. 125 acres close to Portland, partly cleared: will sell as low as 2V acres; can be reached bv auto or boat: boat lands on property; also have the finest wild duck pond on the Columbia River back of waterfront for sale cheap; will sell 5 acres $10 cash and $5 a month. Land sells from $7." to $125 per acre. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 31H Railway Exchange Bldg. COM E to the Judith Basin, of Montana. Wonderful farming opportunity; a com bination diversified farm; consists of 20O0 acres ; ideal for stock and grain; rine grass, splendid water, good buildings and well improved; included with this farm are 6oo head of cattle, many of them pure-bred; also horses and complete farm ing equipment; everything goes. Price, $1 25,000. Full information furnished on request. Farmers' Land Company, P. O. box 540. Lewiston. Mont. FOR SALE or trade, 120 acres 3 miles from county seat, one-fourth mile to school and three to R. R. ; 60 acres in clover and timothy; 30 acres in Fail wheat; 25 more ready for Spring crop; good buildings, some orchard. Route 1, box 67, Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. 5000 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices, $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. FARM FOR RENT. 85 acres, 40 cleared. 33 cultivated, 15 pasture; rent $350; hay $350. Will sell fitock and equipment to renter very cheap, or will dispose of it otherwise. Stock $t00. H. S. Goddard. "Vancouver, Wash., Route 5. ALFALFA and wheat ; have excellent 240 acres, win sell all or part on crop payment or time. No money required except for development. J. H. Strohm, Hermlston, Oregon. 29 ACRES, one lot cultivated, balance easily r eared : house, barn. etc.. aDout 13 miles from Portiand on good county road; price $2.oo; $4nO down. Daiance terms to suit. Hummel! A Rummell. 274 Stark. 15.000 DAIRY and hog lancn; v. A take lli.OOU lor tne same unui ume excirea for purchasing liberty loan bonds. Par ticulars phone Tabor 355. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE 500 acres, half mile from State Normal School. Mon mouth; will divide; any size tract. Frank Lucas, Uo 4th st. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland; s5 to s.'uu per acre, easy terms: best soil; farms tor sale, all sizes. McFarland, 505 Yeon bldg. Portland. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil. tiliabie; employment; easy terms. Jesse rt. fanarp, fed tu St. KNAP Chicken, fruit, vegetable ranch, close Portland. Address u. Bossertnan, iortn- wood, la. & -ACRE farm, level, cleared, fenced, good house, near w mamma, -o uown, u month. J. R- Sharp. b3 w 3d st. 60 ACRES wheat land at Hat ton, Adams County, Washington. r foou, oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF YOU have farm or city property for sale or trade, call or write me. l nave a num ber of customers ready to do business. Leon Smith. 610 McKay bidg. Main 6229. WILL pav $2000 for 5-room modern bunga low; oou casn, monm; nose -ity or Hawthorne car. L 604. oregonian. WANT $3000 residence immediately; give improved acreage. Owner. Chauncey Bar ney. Oregon 1 1 y. FOR RENT FARMS. 132 ACRES. 100 In cultivation, near Forest Grove, some good bottom land, will grow anything. Rent $S00 per year; cows. horses, grain, implements for sale re a sonable. 80 acres Albany. good soil, buildings, well fenced, rent $300; euuipment for sale at $15j0. SEE H. At. MALONET. R1TTER, LOWE & CO.. 2O5-207 Board of Trade Bldg. good full IRRIGATED 160 acres. 22 A. cleared, bal ance easy; near Deschutes; will take im provements as rent; good opportunity for man with a little money to start, no bldgs. Write owner, E 656. oregonian. 120-ACRE farm for rent; personal property for sale; 60 under cultivation ; 7-room house; or will sell farm at a bargain. A. W. Smith, owner, Carrols. v ash. FARMS WANTED. I WANT 40 acres., mostly tillable; have no objection to 5 acres timber; from 15 to 50 miles from Portiand. on a good stream stocked with fish. Wotild like to have it on good auto road. C. E. Hubbard, Tensed, Idaho. FOR RAI-E TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. McCRAKEN. 304 Me KAY BLDG. TIMBER LANDS, FOB SALE TIMBER LAM)S. BOUGHT AND SOLD Timber, lumber, saw mills and logging chances. Fred W. Knapp, 315 Stock Exchange bldg. WANTED TIMBER LAXDfl. WANTED Small timber suitable for ties; give full description, sire, distance from switch, price and terms. AL 514, Orego- nlan. SHIP KNEES and hewn ties wanted- 507 Gerlinger bldg. 2d and Alder. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE, or will trade for small improved farm, 10 to 13 acres within 10 miles of Courthouse, Portland. Or., or a Portland residence, my general blacksmith and shoeing shop; equipped with power, good tools and well stocked; 2736 feet of floor space and residence and lot at Clatskanie, Or. I want to retire from business. This will bear Investigation If you are looking for a good business. HENRI" DOERR, Clatskanie, Or, CLIENT has 1914 Oakland 5-passenger auto. line condition, nne motor, speedometer, clock, etc. Owes $175 on machine, pay able $25 per month. Will trade this ma chine for clear Portland vacant lot or will trade for small house and lot and assume small mortgage. Gordon, 732 Chamber of Commeae. HAVE large wheat and stock ranch; owing to litigation place is run down : sola at one time for $75,000; mtg. $15,000. Owner will consider $30,000 worth of clear prop erty for equity. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. FIXE, modern home on the Heights, large fireplace, best of hot water heat, large grounds, natural trees and shrubs, price $17,000. Consider part in other good prop erty, bal. easy. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. I WANT liberty bonus in exchange for $540 equity in two lots. S. E. corner 4Sth ave. and 75 th st. at Flrland station, on Mt. Scott line. There Is $270 to pay on these lots yet, payable $ per month. Make oiler. P. O.- box 1100. Main 1G11. BEAUTIFUL farm. Hood River Valley, 150 acres, part in alialfa and clover, remainder bearing fruit, buildings cost $8000. Price $50.0oo, clear of mtg. Consider good Port In nd income ; will assume if right. L. K Moore. 317 Board ol Trade. ' FOR EXCHAN. S1S00 enuity in $3Sio Hatvthorne house. $13n0 equity in $2300 Irvington lot, and $1000 equity In $1800 Portland Heights lot, ior ciose-in acreage or larm. owner, AP 201. Oregonian. GOOD corner. 10O by 125. paved street. 3 mile limit, good house, near school and car; want liberty bonds, $4000. J 107, Ore gonlan. EQUITY In modern 8-room house. E. 31th, near Holsrate.- mostly furnished, cor. lot. mortgage $1600. equity $2000; trade for land. V oregonian. 75 PORTLAND suburban acres for Im proved city property. Owner, AL 550, Oregonian. 320 ACRES. 280 acres tillable, fair buildings, water, for sale or trade. Wheat farm. M. Fitzmaurlce, Condon. Or. FOR SALE or trade. 40-acre farm. Address W. H. Haughey. 417 Union ave. If.. FOB SALE. Horse., Vehicle. Harness, Etc. FIVE good farm teams from 32 to 24 hun dred Doundi. sound and the best of work ers, must sell at once; can be seen at the Columnia tetanies, au r ront. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away free; $0 paid for cows, crippled and p!ayed-outs. Portland Rendering Co. Call wooaiawn -u. DRAFT TEAM and wagon for sale. Will sell singly or complete. J. G. Mack & Co., bS-70 otli St., near Oak. BARGAIN Oak dining table, chif foniere, sewing machine, gas range. 1241 East Yamhill. ; HEAVY bay team for sale. 3300 lbs., sound and true. Williams Avenue Fuel Co. East 35 7 6. WILL trade square Stelnway piano for good sound horse, light farm wagon and har ness. 1241 East Yamhill. DEAD stock and old horses bought. Call us for service and best cash results. Mllwau kle 0-J. DEAD stock taken quickly. We pay the most for dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4 2 "3. DELIVERY WAGONS for sale cheap. 8S E. 7th st. North. I'ianoH, Orgunrt and Musical Instrument. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $350 Koehler & Campbell piano, cash $135 $500 Bennett upright grand cash 190 $475 Kroeer upright grand. . . -cash 145 $350 old model upright cash S3 $275 old model upright 45 $250 old model square 25 Pianos stored for 50 cents a month. 10t 4th St., at Washington. $5 CASH. $5 monthly, no interest for 2 years, buys $350 Singer upright piano for $195. $5 cash, $6 monthly buys $375 1917 model for $230. and $10 cash, $8 monthly buys $550 Primatone Player piano for $340 during factory clearance sale at Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth st., at Washington. S90 CASH buys $350 Kohler &. Campbell mahogany upright piano tomorrow Security Storage Co.. 109 4th at. Washington. at $90 cash buys $350 Kohler & Campbell mahogany upright piano tomorrow at Security Storago Co., 109 4th C, at Washington. WILL pay cash for phonographs, records ana musical instruments. nan at sasiaj, 126 1st st. Main 709S. DECKER & SON. good tone. $9S; $90 talk ing machine outnt. oau, au. naroia e. Gilbert. 364 Yamhill at, RENT A PIANO Most reasonable terms in Portland; no squares or tnunip Doxes. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 3S4 Yamhill St. PAY CASH for used pianos. Gilbert, 3S4 Yamhiil St. NEARLY new Columbia phonograph, $100 model; must pay taxes, t b4, oregonian. --' Furniture for Sale. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE SEE US. We will nav cash for all kinds of fur niture, stoves, ranges, carpets, rugs, office furniture of all descriptions; nothing too small or too large for our consideration. A phone call will bring our buyer at any time. Call Marshall 5S7. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205-207 First st. IT will pay you to"see us before buying your heating stove, we nave a splendid tine oi new and used heaters at very low prices. Let us prove it to you; we will surely save you money. MISII FURNITURE CO.. 1S4 1st St. FOR SALE SiUKle or in lots, 200 single beds, springs, mattresses ana cnairs; also oxer loou icet chicken wire. 44 N. 1st st. IVORY enamel partition 6-ft. high, brass bed springs, hair mattress, other house hold goods. Jiain jeiierson st. FURNITURE SACRIFICE Everything from Irvington home. Like new. .f none owner, East 6256. COLONIAL RANGET almost new, cheap. East 6425. 381 Wheeler. FOR SALE Used office furniture of all kinds. Kilham's. 5th and Oak ats . Dogs. Birds and Pet Stock. FOR SALE Imported canaries, a singer and female ana cage, vv in exenange tor chickens, wooaiawn 4iyo. CHOICE AIREDALE (WAR) PUPPIES. LUCY E WALT, A l KUKA. UK. ENGLISH pointer bird dog for sale. E. Russett. Price $10. livestock. FOR SALE First-class fresh cow. Call Woodlawn 29 before 8:30 A. M.. between 12 and 1 or after 6:30 P. M. TWO Jersey heifers, sale or trade. A-l stock. ll'Z oivision et. Ponltry. HAVE some pullets and older chicks, will tiade for infant's clothes or cash. H 629, Oregon lan. Typewriters. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our IMus trtM fnlrler. Retail department WHOLE PALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash, st. FOR SALE Typewriter, number three Un derwood, good condition, tan ti -fit tock block. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona Dealers. E. W. r"ease to.. i otn. NEW. rebuilt, second-band rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark St. Main 1407. Automobiles. 5-PASS., 1&13 model, Willys-Overland auto mnhii. to hiehest bidder for cash Thurs day. Oct. IS, at 10 A. M., at the front door of the Courthouse. Vancouver, wash., by E. S. Biesecner. &nenit. 1 917 HU P M OB I LE. Practically a new car, beautifully equipped ; will consider spot casn only. Phone Broadway side st. 23 or call 3SS Burn- I WILL pay spot cash for your Ford. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX.. East 37 E. 13th ana Mawmorne atm BY owner leaving city, 1913 Chandler road ster, excellent condition. B 836, Orego nian. 6-CYLINDER Hudson. $750; private party. Sellwood 1501. East 6193. LATE model Ford touring, also light Ford truck. 211 Wash St. Main 3716. . SLIGHTLY used tires, $3 to $15 each; vul canized. 25c; tire repairing- 207 Madison. 6TTJBEBAKER. 5-paw.. A-l condition; ch or terms. 475 E. Everett, cor. dth. FOR SALE. Automobile MAXWELLS. All Summer long you have been looking for good small mu to mobiles that were com plete with electric starters, that were up-to-date and that could be sold at bargain prices. We have them, a half dozen to select from. $435 and up. C. I. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 615-6-17 Washington Street. Portland. STEP INSIDE AND LOOK THESE OVER, 1916 Dodge touring $ 1916 Cadillac Eight 1S0 1W16 Chevrolet, - 5 -pass 425 1!15 Ford, 5-pass 325 1913 Ford, 5-pass 2.-5 1914 Ford one-ton truck o.0 1010 Overland. 5-pass. S-'5 1!17 Chevrolet roadster 400 1916 Chevrolet Baby Grand 4M l'.Utt Dodge roadster 600 1U17 Srriniim Rnnrh ........ 00 11 1 Rnick roadster 40U 1918 Studebaker Six, used very little; will sell at big discount; and many others. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington fats. Main 6244. WHY is our price on used cars lower than the rest ? Because our overhead expense is a mere trifle. 1916 Chalmers Little Six $750 1917 Saxon Six, cord tires .0 1916 Grant Six, just like new 650 117 Studebaker. light car 6'0 1914 Buick Six. Just overhauled 6O0 High-spued roadster 200 Packard roadster 400 Ford roadster 275 For touring cars from $300 to $375. 50 others to select from. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. 15th and Washington, Brick Building. Phone Main 3S43. Open Sundays and Evenings. WHY PAY MORE? There are numerous ways In which you can save money, and among them is in purchasing a car. Our used car depart ment has a great variety of cars in which you can save money and the car will an swer your purpose just as well as if you had paid twice the amount. THE NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, Broadway and Couch. USED AUTO BARGAINS. TERMS GIVEN. 1917 Ford, 5-pass. 1916 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl. 3915 Mitchell. 5-pass., 4-cyl. 1914 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl. 1912 Mitchell. 5-pass., 4-cyl. Several others to select from. Used Car Dept. MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVE R, East Morrison and East First Sts. East 7272. B 116. OAKLAND 1917, brand new ar, at a sac- " Veiie 1017, touring. like new, with wire wheels. Dodge touring, fine condition, good tires. Studebaker 1917, touring, like new. Overland touring, overhauled and re painted. Cadillac touring. Jeffery, 5-pass. Terms if Desired. ' MITCH EL St, WALLING FORD, Premier and Liberty Six Agency. Q22-526 Alder St. Main 24U2. COME QUICK Owner leaving city will sacrifice 1916 Overland touring car; looks and runs like new; good tires all around; a snap you can't afford to miss. East 1300, B 1114. 717 Hawthorne avenue. 1916 FORD New-style radiator, eloping hood, shock absorbers, new tires ana in good mechanical condition. Will sell for S375. terms. Broadway Garage, East 24th and Broadway. E. 2556. IF you are looking for a real bug. I have It; best eouloment money can ouy, low price and terms of $25 per month. See It at 121 N. 3d., corner Gllsan st. 1917 FORD touring, best of mechanical shape, cheap for casn; nave eniistea ana must sell. Wolfe Auto Supply Co., 410 Stark. motors i eeam. bearlnES. wheels, axles; we wreck all maices ot cars ana icn mci parts at half price. Auto Wrecking Co., t;i North Broadway. BRAND new Saxon touring car, extra equipment, only run aoout iou panes; win sell. Main 1UJ. CHEVROLET roadster, 1917. new tires. Call Tabor 705 forenoon weanesaay. GOOD late 1917 Ford, must sell today. Broadway Hotel omce. Automobiles Wanted. $1200 EQUITY in $3200 Hawthorne house $1300 equity in $2300 Irvington lot for auto. $1000 equity In $1800 Portland Heights lot ior auto, uwner, At- zw, vrgsuuida, WANTED Runabout auto, must be in good condition, pay cash. See F. Giselman. Mat- thiesen Hotel, toaay. WANTED To trade clear lot in Errol Hts. for Ford or otner car. laoor .xa. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE. 7-pass, car with driver. . , LONG & SILVA. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Phone E. 6840. tt a ca rnfRINfi PAR FOR HIRE. Touring, calling, shopping, weddings and funerals. Reliable Auto Service. Main 7730; A 2532. YOUNG MAN, with Bulck Six roadster, de ire unliable companion for Immediate trip to California. Share expenses. Address or telegraph 1. I, ureea. uiympia, waso. r-ARa for rent without drivers; new cars. G. N. Smith, 3d and Glisan. Broadway 262f. NEW 5-pass. Dodge for hire, touring, call lng. Shopping, nignway. jaain iwo. AUTOS without drivers for hire. City Ga- rage, loth and Stark. Broadway B40. NEW SAXON" 6. highway, depots, funerals, calling, shopping, reasonable, iast -ua-. Auto Tires and Acces-orie. Tines an nn: tubes. 75c uo. Vulcanizing, retreading; tires bought. Portland Motor Wrecking Co.. 535 Aider. Main i. ONE U. S. vulcaniser for sale cheap. Lan caster Tire Supply Co. 335 Ankeny. Machinery. crwi KAT.JT rino 50-H. P. boiler with equipment, passed by Hartford Insurance Co. Inquire tne J. v. armiuj -u., eouver. Wash. Van 25-a p. return tubular Ke wanes boiler; portable, firebox tyae. J. C Butcher, Hood River, Or. H iseeilaneons. ii i u ntr nirea of cut srlass: cost $ party going away, will sell for. $25. Tabor 17MS. sale Second-hand safes. Kl'.ham Stationery A Pg. Co.. 5th and Oak sts. FOR SALE Boynton furnace In A-l condi tion. Phone t.ast. orao. FOR RENT Fine duck lake on Sauvies Island. p i-f oo-. urcgunnn. vinrw unnra soid. repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main 8582. TOMATOES cheap. 230 02d at car. Tabor 4213. ML Tabor FOR SALE at discount, scholarship In Rail way xelegrapn institute. cml xcvo. INVALID wheel chair for sale, street. " 325 Gasan BIG 5x7 camera, tripod, for sale cheap. 311 Panama xag. ai arena ii uu. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. COMPLETE furniture and fixtures. Includ ing space, adding machine, iiung cabi net, desks, typewriter; come early if you want a bargain. A. M. FERGUSON CO.. 614 Alder. Main 3960. SEWING MACHINES New and second hand, of ail makes, sold and rented for less. No agents employed and low rent. Terms $1 weekly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d, near TayKr st. A 3626, Main 9431. NATIONAL cash registers, store fixtures and safes, half price. PORTLAND CASH REGISTER CO., 74 1st st.. cor. Yamhill. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co., 235 Stark it. Main 2363. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases ana wail cases, casn registers, fix tures; easy terms. W. J. Qutgley. 227 1st. Main 331U. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent ; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside st. Phone Broadway 5674. 1 BOOKKEEPER'S desk. 3 filing cabinets. 1 T. W. desk. 6 chairs. 4 roll-top deks, also safes. Bushong A Co.,' 11 Park st. FOR SALE A Jewel gas Phone East 653 or C 1126. range cheap. FOR SALE Tools of well equipped tin shop, cheap for cash. B S64. Oregonian. FCRMTURE WANTED. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, ruga, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-houses, of fice furniture, furniture stocks. Nothing too big or too small to handle. Prompt at tention and courteous treatment. PHONES MARSHALL 591 ; A 3224. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 1S5 to 191 First St.. Near Yamhill. SPOT CASH PAID for your old furniture. We pay the very highest price of any firm In city ior your second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, rugs, ranges, etc. Just phone us. We will send competent and courteous buyer, who will cheerfully give you an estimate. Main 7685. SPOT cash for your used furniture. I pay the highest prices for furniture, rugs. stoves, ranges and all other household goods. Call us for one article or a house full. Phone and a courteous buyer will call.. Main 7714. 164 First street. FELDSTEIN'S FURNITURE CO., 166 1st St. Highest prices paid for your household and office furniture; any quantity con sidered; best allowance given on old fur niture in exchange for new. Be con vinced. Phone Main 4033, A 263S. IF you want to dispose of your furniture and other household goods, it will pay you to call on us. We will pay you every dol lar it Is worth and pay you spot cash. Mish Fur. Co.. 1H4 1st st. Phone Main 576S. THE LEVIN HARDWARE &. FURNITURE CO. buys furniture, hotel and restaurant outfits and tools of any description: full value for them assured. 221 Front. Main 9072. A 7174. PORTLAND FURNITURE HOUSE pays highest casn price ior secona-nana iurni ture. See us and be convinced. Marshall 4783. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description ; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627. or 204 First st. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. MICHIGAN Furniture Co pays legitimate prices ior usea furniture. Marshall i22. BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Alain l. mi a st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. JUNK. JUNK. A. B. JUNK A HARDWARE CO.. Cor. Front and Madison Sts. Main 2020. Be wise, gt the market price for your goods. We pay the highest price for Junk and. second-hand soods or all descriptions. Furniture, clothing, metals, iron, cable and machinery. See us before you sell. Call or write for prirea. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER, THE TAILOR, PAYS 7.5ll VP FOR 2D-HAXD SUITS. HE PAYS MORE F'R SHOES AND CLOTHES. WE CAI.L ANYWHERE IN CITY. DAY OR EVEN ING. CALL MARSHALL 1229. 22U MAD I SON. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR PAYS HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHING AND SHOES. TRUNKS. SUITCASES, ETC. PHONE MAIN 4776. 246 1ST. BRING us your used tools and we will give you a reasonable allowance towards tue purchase ol new ones. Or if not. we will buy them from you for cash and pay you more man anyone. J. LEvE. 159 Front St. CROWN CLOTHING HOUSE pays highest price for men a clothing, snoes. rnone us and we wllL call. Be wtbe and get the best market price for your goods. Mar shall 473. ' OUR specialty is buying ladies and gents cast -or f clothing, riignest casn price paiu. Win can day or ninu PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225. or 2o9 Madison St. WANTED Old false teeth; don't matter if broken. 1 pay to per net. oenu by parcel post and receive check by re turn mall. L. Mazer, 2007 S. Fifth IU, Philadelphia, Pa. THE GLOBE PAYS HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' 2D-HAND CLOTHING, SHOES. ETC. 285 FIRST. MAIN 20a0. KR'.r-ovn-H axn CLOTHING BUYER. BE WISE. GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR 2D-HAND CLOTHING. 2014 1ST ST. MAIN 734. WANTED 3-foot Dayton cream beater, gas candy furnace ana :;;:-incn copptr aetiie. Address AO 611, Oregonian. HIGHEST cash price paid for kodaks and Anastigmat lenses. .tiam ouai. nuunieiu Camera Exchange. 85 3d st. 231 FRONT. MAIN 47GS. PACIFIC JUNK CO. HIGHEST PRICES fof any kind of junk. BEST cash prices paid for used office fur niture. UesKS, cnairs, xiies ior eaie or reui. Pacific Staty. & Ptg. Co.. 107 2d st. BICYCLES. motorcycles and accessories Main 101. bought. 27Q '.rayior. cor, -in. WANTED Second-hand side car for Har- ley; must be A-l. qui, oregonian. DONKEY outfit wanted; trade for 10 A., Beaverton. At Bit, oregonian. WE BUY and sell new and second-hand suitcases ana trunKs. fliain 11 WILL repair your watch at Reingold s jewelers, i rum. uau. Wanted, diamonds for cash, 4 to 2k. Old gold, platinum, silver. is oregonian Plug. HELP WANTED MALE. DENTIST wanted to do mechanical work. good salary ior rignt man. ir. xs. x. Wright. WANTED Experienced men for engineering party on construction. Jipyiy i ruoiu 1208 Wells-Fargo bldg. WANTED First-class ad and make-up man for daily newspaper; able to handle cylin der press. Apply -ar- xu, vregonian. WANTED Driver for -grocery wagon; must be acquainted wun city. Aypiy x. aiajer & Co.. 166 5th at. WANTED Deck hands, firemen and log gers lor rl er steamboats. Apply 131 j Second street, upjtaira WANTED Experienced moulders, helpers and pattern makers. Peninsula Iron Works. foundry Address BOY to work iu Storage Battery Company's shop. Must oe on uio juu. Appiy o-o Couch st. WANTED Japanese pastry and second cook for out of town; steaay joo, vu a mourn. AV bl5. Oregonian. WANTED First-clans bushelman, steady position to rignt man. i- . tur-ia ac io.. Selling bldg. WANTED Experienced night clerk, local hoteL D 6tw, oregonian. WANTED A man to do small job in morn ing for a room. Call Mar. 1127. YOUNG man to take orders, deliver. In gro cery store and assist insiae. .Main wh. WANTED Watchman, engineer and fire man for planing mill. 50i Oregon bldg. DUCK SHOOTER luke. Main Sl3, wanted for first-class ROUGH carpenter. $4; raftsman. $4. Butts employment oincc, n vuu BOY to deliver for market on wheeL 1404 Hawthorne ave., anove autn. WANTED Experienced Menlo Hotel. night clerk WANTED A boy for delivery, good pay. Freeman Grocery. 413 Stark. PLATEN press feeder wanted. Burnside st. Good. 323 DISHWASHER wanted. California Kitchen, 230 1st st. iCACKSMITH helper 15th Bt. wanted. 34 North BOY WANTED. F w. Baltes ft Company. Printers. PRESS feeder on cylder and platen. 40 Vs First st. ' BOY to deliver on wheel for market. 1404 Hawthorne ave BARBER wanted, steady Job. 120 2d st. ERHAND BOY wanted. 3S7 Washington st. STEWARD and bus boy at 44-46 23d st. N. HELP WANTED MALE. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPART MENT. Y. M. C. A. We can place young men with ability. Constant calls coming for the man who can deliver the goods. A Y. M. C. A. membership costing $5.00 guarantees you will secure employment or refund of fee. Also gives you 2 months' full privileges. 10 months social and use of this depart ment for year. See Secretary, J. W. Palmer. STEADY MEN wanted to UKe exclusive control of good territory In Oregon and Washington. Money advanced weekly.' Outfit and special training free. Experi ence unnecessary. Our active men are making good money. Tou can do the same. Clean, hardy, guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Company. Toppen lsh. Wash. WANT party to contract operating shingle mill. 1 Sumner upright, Dutch oven, good bolts, in town, on R. R. ; also party to cut and haul bolts. 1 have team and tools and timber. Good show and liberal prices. Pacific Beach Shingle Co., Pacific Beach. Wash. WANTED Combination decorator, card writer, and advertising man ; references and experience must be very good : stats t salary wanted and how soon services would be available. Address D. J. Dono hue, president of the D. J. Donohue Co., Missoula. Mont. ONE more tingle .nan 25 to 30 for our southern sales and advertising oepan ment- Must leave town Wednesday after noon. Thorough instruction given right man. Good pay and advancement. See Mr Dawson Wednesday mo ruing. Hotel Carlton. CIVIL service examinations Portland soon. Men desiring uovrnmni positions, uw post of flee, railway mall, cus toms, write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard former Government examiner;, Kenois bldg.. Washington. WANTED Machinist-operator, within thirty days, for permanent eight-hour en lit on Model 8. In evening paper; one-machine shop. Want good machinist and fast op erator for $30. Albany Herald, Albany, Oregon. WANTED Tiemakers; 0 cents paid for 7x tie, hewed two side?. oarK peeled ana parked on road; no brush to pile. Address Standard Timber Company, Evans ton, Wyoming. Union Pacific contractor. WANTED AT ONCE, experienced dried fruit packer ior packing apples, .u-io. ooxes faced. Steady work. Give references and salary expected. Weiser Food Products Co., Weiset. Idaho. WANTED Salesmen of ability for city work ; opportunity for aavancemeni. Ap ply. 5 to 5:30 P. M., 103 Oregonian and ask for Mr. Slocum. TWO neat-appearing young men, high school graduates preferred, unaer i. io iravei to California on advertising proposition; experience not essential. AN 125, Orego nian. WANTED Bookkeeper; answer in own handwriting, giving age, experience, reicr ences and salary expected AF 489, Orego nian. t'A-TF.n Younir man about 19 years old. with fair education and gooo aaars. ior office work and sales work. Address, stating age, et-.. A V 490. Oregonian. WANTED Press er for cleaning plant out of city, permanent position; can nunoay or Wednesday between 12 and 1 or 6-7 at Imperial Hotel, ask ior w . it. v eooer. TAILORS wanted, coatmakers; also pants and vest maker; good snop. gooa prices, lots of work. Phone 4. F. Ryan, St. Hel ens, Oregon. '' $35 WEEKLY. Want steady man who knows something about, tne manuiaciuru ol aero pianes. F 047. Oregonian. WANTED Young man to learn machine woodworking business; good wages to start. Give ad iress and phone number. A B 3S2. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED solicitor to take charge of laundry route; good wages. U. S. Laun d ry Co. COAT MAKER wanted Must be first-class. Plain coats, 70.00 and up. Apply at once to J. Romer. Walla Walla, Wah. Y o L'N G MAN for store work, permanent position and good chance for advance ment. Routledge Seed & Floral Co. ONE meat wrapper, 2 sausage makers and one Ford delivery driver wan tea at Jones Market. 4th and Alder. WANTED Men to work in logging camp; no labor trouble; good wagus. 303 Con rord bldg WANTED Timber falters, piece work ; can make very high wages, western Looper a p e Co.. Astoria. Or. WANTED Boy in hardware store, age 16 to 20. See Mr. Minchin, isti Front street, 11 o'clock. WANTED Two apple packers at New berg. Call at 430 East Burnside for particulars. WANTED All-around cook. Wdln. 2915. Help Want ett Agents. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital tickets. 3Q1 Board of Trade. Help Wanted falesmen. SALESMEN City or traveling. Write for list of openings and how to obtain them. Address nearest office. Nat"! Salesmen"! Tr. Assn.. Dept. 311. Chicago, san rran ripco. New York. WANTED Lot salesmen; give full panic ulars in first letter. Address box 3K9, Poca tello. Idaho, and arrange for personal in terview. ITELI WANTED FEMALE. WANTED. YOUNG WOMEN. AGE 20 TO 26.. YEARS, GOOD TYPISTS. ALSO TYPISTS WITH TELEPHONE EXPERIENCE. OPPORTTTNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. WESTERN UNION TE LEGR A PH CO., 532 WORCESTER BLDG. f CIVIL Service Examinations In Portland1 soon. Women desiring clerkships, post- office. Government cepartnienta. stenog raphers A'rite for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (former Government exam iner), 74 Kenois bldg.. Washington. WANTED Stenographer; must be good In shorthand ana rapia in taKing aiciauon; salary $73, 8 hours. Saturday afternoon off; none but first-class need apply; chance for raise in salary to right party. E GjS. Oregonian. . . . VIMEDIO COMPANY wants middle-aged woman as local manager. ireier one ex perienced selling home treatment for wom en. For interview send address and phone number. Northwest Vimedia Co., Arcade Bldg.. Seattle. SIX volumes Balzac. containing world s most masterly description or moiner wve, also marvelous collection war news clip pings, dating August 1014. Sell for me, make nice commission. Address: Globe Trotter. F 63 S, Oregonian. LADIES, attention. We have a corking gooa proposition for laay representatives, x cent postcard will bring full details. Big op portunity. Don't hesitate. Write today. Div. W64. American Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Le mon t. 111. TWO experienced girls for general house work to fill positions next door to each other In small town 100 miles from Port land; wages from $30 to $45, according to ability; foreigners preferred. AV 627. Oregonian. AN experienced girl for general housework In small town ; must be neat and good natured ; wages from $30 to $45 ; refer ence. AV S28, Oregonian. wim a V. havintr a few hours a day take orders for Duchess combinations of toilet preparations; samples xurnisnea; liberal commission. 527 East Burnside WANTED Competent girl housework, plain cooking. 137. for general Call Marshall CHAMBERMAIDS, kitchen helper, wait- reaaes, housekeeper. Howe s, room 4iio, 270 V- Washington. WANTED Girl for cooking housework.. 5S2 Clifton Heights. and general it.. Portland WANTED Girl to assist in general house work, care 2 children: good wages. 149S E. Lincoln. Hawthornn car. YOUNG girls wanted on paper novelty work. Cell after 5 o'clock at 2W3 Sdfnear Co lumbia. SCHOOLGIRL can have board, room and carfare for services. 652 E. 56th st No. Rose City Park car. WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer for ship supply ; state experience, salary re quired. Apply J 163. Oregonian. ELDERLY woman to care for two children through day. Small salary. Call Broadway 502 between 5 and 7 P. M . ANY girl In need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, 392 East 15th st. N., or phone East 123. WANTED Woman to do day work, 25c an hour. 420 Hoyt streeL EXPERIENCED dishwasher wanted at 143 Park. PRIVATE home for children S to 12 years old; 15 years' exp. 714 Everett, Mar. 2102. WANTED Chambermaid. Apply Muller Ho tel. 6th and Burnside sts. WANTED-1 Experienced girl for general housework ; Sundays off. Sellwood 1868. W ILL gi ve room for assistance In house work. AP 265, Oregonian. - WANTED A woman to set up trays. Port land Surgical Hospital. 611 LoveJoy at. WNTED Middle-aged woman to wash dishes. 155 N. 6th. WANTED- A competent housekeeper; three in family. E 66&. Oregonian. GIRL to work In small restaurant; must be experienced. 4 N. 6th st, PIANO lessons for sewing or assistance In housework. AP 204, Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Permanent po sition for young women; salary paid while learning. Apply Pacific TeL A Tel. Co.. sixth floor. Park and Oak sta, between 8:30 A. M. and 5 SO P. M. WANTED 25 women to work on apples; report at once, canning dept.. Long Fruit Produce Co., E. 1st and Yamhill. WttPtH Domestlcs- KITCHEN help, country hotel. $25 end $30 a month, room and board; two experienced waitresses, country hotel. $25. room ami bottrd. Public Employment Bureau. City Hall. . GIHL or woman wanted for light- house work and care of children. Phone Tabor 7575 or call at 116 Clinton before noon Wednesday. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral nouseworK. two aauits; no rurnato fire. Apply 31 Kearney St., before 2 P. M. NEAT, competent girl for seneral house work in an apartment ; sleep home if preferred. Marsh:ill 2057. EXPERIENCED girl to assist with general nouseworK ana assist wun care ot chil dren. Main 6732. HOUSEKEEPER wanted ; small woman, about 40. cook for widower, one child. D 006. Oregonian. GIHL for housework; music lessons part pay. Phone Milwaukle SI M. Add. IL Marx. P. P.. Milw a uktc. Or. WANTED Young lady to assist In light housework in small family. Apply 320 Washington. GIRL to assist with light housework in a place where she is made to feel at home, ti.'i Hoyt. near 2lst. WANTED Girl. general housework and cooking, small family. 210 N. 25th, near Kearney. WANTED A girl in family; $25. 3207. for general housework: 3 711 Multnomah st. East WANTED Girl for general housework; f am ily of th ree adul t s : good wa Res. 735 Overton, or phone Marshall 1254. WASH INGTON High School girl to asslft in housework; small wages. Tabor 232. 11S5 E. Ash. WANTED Good girl, good cook, for general housework; no laundry; $30. 2 children In family. 436 E. 24th st. N. WANTED cooking. Hrl for general housework and Apply mornings. 210 N. 25th. near Kearney WANTED Experienced girl for general houstwork. family S adults. 5S1 Jackson st.. Portland Htihts. Main 2'.:7 WANTED Franklin High School girl to. assist with general housework; wages $S pet mo. B S52. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework and plain cooking. Apply 2ti5 E. 15th N. Phone East 3730. A GIRL for general housework; foreign pre "f erred : no children ; evenings free; West Side. 429 Yamhill st. COM PETENT girl for cooking and down- Ftairs work; no washing, biu lanaera. a. 1A44. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care ef child. 782 Kearney. GIRL to aasist with general housework, fam ily of 4; good wages. 650 Knott. E. 6349- WANTED Experienced A ins worth. Main 752. cook. Call Miss EXPERIENCED second maid. Can S17 Pet ty grove. GIRL for general housework, family of 3 adults. 792 Love.ioy. WANTED Experienced girl, Taylor. Small family. $35. 5S1 Eaat WANTED Girl for general housework; mod ern home, good wages. Phone Tabor 25SK. WANTED Good girl for general housework. East 1322. for housework and plain cooking Everett st. . WANTED Strong girl. 731 Kearney et HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEARN AUTOMOBILES, TRACTORS. TRUCKS, at the larppst. best equipped auto and tractor school on the Pacific Coast. San Francisco Is right In the heart of t.--Western auto and tractor business. You learn bv actual practice on autos. trucks and tractors; 30 expert instructors. Write for free catalogue. , HEALD'S AUTOMOBILE AND TRAC TOR SCHOOL. 1220 Post St., San Francisco. Cal. NUMBER young women and young men to prepare for the telegraph service to fill vacancies caused by unusual drafting of cinai i 't-t-. V? i tr iimsnd for tele graph operators. For full particulars call or write. Telegraph uepu, Panama bldg. ' Room 506. ORGINAL MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Founded in 1M93. Trade taught in eight weeks; tuition earned during the course; get you a position, furnish tools, schol arship transfer card. ' Write for free cata logue, 234 Burnside st. . MACHINISTS. tooimakers and designers wauted: steady work in ship plants at big pay : sure, easy home-study method; de velop inventive genius. International Cor respondence Schools. OQ4 Ycon bldg. WANTED A good girl to go to Seattle to do housework and plain cooking in family of three. Call Wednesday at 4 P. M., Mult nomah Hotel; references exchanged. Don ald Smith. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the barber trade In eight weeks; tools free; scholarship and diplo mas given; paid while learning; position guaranteed: tuition reduced. 2:3 Madison. WANTED Typist for billing department. implements ana macninery . curate and reasonably rapid. goniun. AE 51. On- MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL teaches men and women the Darner traae in o giving a diploma, scholarship and tools; pays while learning. 234 Couch st. MEN wanting firemen or brakemen posi tions, beginners $100-$150 monthly; expe rience unnecessary ; positions guaranteea. Rallwsy Association, care Oregonian. Portland Stenographic School. Columbia bldg. .Select attendance, private msruui ion. mod erate rates. Day and evening. Main 111 4. HINSDALE COMMERCIAL. SCHOOL. Broadway-Yamhlll building; individual instruction; positions when com peten t. MISS M ATTLNGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School. Day and evening sessions. $5 mo. 269 14th, near Jefferson. Main 3S93. TELEGRAPHY Steno. bkpg. : board, room, tuition may be earned. Catalogue free. Mackay Business College. Los Angeles. WANTED Names men wishing to become, Portland mail carriers. Commence $67 month. AV wS5. Oregonian. RAGTIME piano playing positively taught beginners in 10 to ao lessons. Practice room free. 411-12-13 Columbia bldg. COSMOPOLITAN Restaurant: clean, home like service, reasonable. 1Q1 Third St. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS. COLLEGE. ALISKY BLDG. . UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suits andi overcoats for sale. $3.50 and up. 355 Stark. EAST SIDE COM MERCIAL SCHOOL Day and evening. 122 H: Grand ave. East 427f SPANISH CLASSES. Marshall 2209. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPER, quick and accurate, with, 6 years' experience in banking; can fur nish best of references : country pre ferred. AV 816, Oregonian. EXPERT cost accountant and office man ager; best references and bond; age 3"J extensive office experience. Lock box 42. Portland, Or. YOUNG MAN wants pleasant room, prefer ably with late breakfast. Give detail, price, members of household- E 663. Ore gonian. ACCOUNTANT who is experienced as offica manager and correspondent seeks open ing with reliable firm; best of reference. H 2S, Oregonian: YOUNG man wants position In office, ac curate tn typewriter, law office experi ence, reteretieen. E 664. Oregonian. YOUNG married man. well educated, good t ft ire, rtrive Ford and repair am. or any posit ion witn ment. Woodlawn 5231 jnanco ot auvautc LOG SCALER Ex-Govt. ranger. want work. M E. 0th st. N. Phone East 1330. YOUNG man wants position In mill; gool worker. H5 E. Alder. L. Facke. MAN employed until 4 P. M. offers services for 3 or 4 hours, evenings. Bdwy I77Q. PAINTING Tinting. $1 room up; paper hanging $1.50 room up. Marshall 613ft. MAN and wife, experienced Janitors. wls apartment-house work. Phone Main 70S. WORK as janitor or night watch man. fiv years experience as janitor. East 33fS. PAINTING, tintinrf, paperhanging ; first class: reatonable. Sellwood 13- YOUNG man wants liffht work or janitor's assistant. H 634. Oregonian. STUDENT desires to work for board and room. Phone Broadway 423. PAINTING Tinting. $1 room up; paper lng $1.50 room up. Marshall 6130. BENSON Polytechnic schoolboy wants work for room. Main 7100. CHARLES I. NAG EL, landscape architect: tree sur.ery. loil E. Main. Tabor 40uti.