Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 02, 1917, Image 1

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    VOL,. L.VII. NO. 17,741.
Hffl MB. CM
Overflow Audience Galls
for Second Address.
starTu With jump
Reference, to Need of Loyal
Service by Labor in Ship
yards Cheered to Echo.
Mighty, Surging Throng Vents
Its Feelings When Case Is
Closed Against Kaiser.
Workingrmen of America must
do nothing that will lend en
couragement or indirect aid to
Failure to support the second
liberty loan will gratify the
Prussian autocracy and prolong
the war.
Full support of Federal food
administration in conservation
plan is plain necessity and pa
triotic duty.
Germany would deal with agi
tators of La Follette type by
"shooting them before break
fast." Danger of American invasion
asserted if Kaiserism is not
crushed in the present conflict.
Territory conquered by Prus
sia must expect serfdom as its
Full support must be ' given
President Wilson if autocracy
feels the force of America's en
trance as it should.
"You can't have peace and lose
your honor!''
This is the individual message that
James W. Gerard, ex-American Am
bassador to Germany, who knows the
beast of Prussianism, tooth, fang and
unarl, gave to Portland yesterday,
when he spoke before 11,000 applaud
ing patriots at the public Auditorium:
"I don't know anything about any
labor situation in this country, or
here. It would be presumptuous for
me to insert my thoughts into the
labor situation, but I sincerely hope
that the workingmen of America are
going to do nothing which in any way
will aid in the triumph of German
arms; in the triumph of an autocracy
that has always put down the work
ingman. Labor Believed Loyal.
"And I hope that it will never be a
reproach against the workingmen of
America, whom I believe are loyal and
patriotic, that by any act of theirs
they have caused a delay which may
in the end mean a disaster to the
American arms and the death of thou
sands of these brave young men that
we are sending to fight in Europe."
With the deftness of one to whom
his subject is familiar and with a
tense earnestness that carried con
viction and brought gale upon gale
of cheers, the diplomat who fronted
the Kaiser and his clique drew a mas
terful and shuddering picture of the
Prussian beast.
Realistic Picture Drawn.
They had read of it, as a matter of
course, those thousands of hearers.
Yet it seemed a far different matter
to have the story at first hand.
As Mr. Gerard spoke, clearl- and
deliberately, there grew befo. the
massed listeners a vivid realizat..i of
mothers and girls carried into cap
tivity and shameful slavery; of strong
men beaten like dogs because of their
very manhood; of slow starvation and
rabid hatred; of that colossal and
staggering crime that is debited to
German "kultur."
Audience Worked Up.
And with it came a fierce patriot
. ism, a rage against sedition at home,
a common unspoken pledge to hold no
goal more desirable than a part in
the combat against autocracy and the
nameless things for which it stands.
If any lurker doubted this he had but
(Conluded on Pace 6, Column 1.)
Fight to Be Made on "Hearst, II -lan
and H ohenzollern, Murphy,
Cohalen and O'lieary."
. NEW YORK. Oct. 1. John Purroy
Mitchel, Democrat, defeated In the Re
publican primaries for renominatlon,
announced publicly from the steps of
the City Hall today that he would run
as the fusion candidate on an issue of
straight Americanism. '
The large gathering of citizens who
came before him to demand that he
main In . the Mayoralty race heard
words of support expressed In Mr.
Mitchel's behalf by Theodore Roose
velt, Charles Evans Hughes, Henry
Morgenthau, ex-Ambassador to Turkey,
and many others.
Mayor Mitchel, in replying: to the de
mands of citizens who requested that
he run again, said:
"My answer is I will run. I will make
the fight.. one- against Hearst, Hylan
and Hohenzollern. I will make the
fight against Murphy, Cohalan and
Flock of 148 Produce $302 Net in
10 Months at Forest Grove.
FOREST GROVE, Or., Oct. 1. (Spe
cial.) Owing to the high cost of
chicken feed many poultry-raisers of
this locality have disposed of their
flocks and abandoned the work, but
J. M. Durham, who has been produc
ing eggs for market purposes, is not
among the discouraged class, by any
means, and thinks that if chickens are
properly managed they will bring good
returns, even if foodstuffs are high.
For JO months past he has kept an
accurate record- of his flock of 148
hens, and during that time he has
marketed more than J700 worth of
eggs. After paying for feed he finds
he' made $302 net for the 10-month
Imperial Edict Prohibits Chartering,
Selling or Mortgaging Ships.
TOKIO, Oct. 1. An -imperial ordi
nance promulgated today prohibits,
without permission of the government,
the selling, chartering or mortgaging
of Japanese ships to foreigners. The
edict, which contains 13 articles, ap
plies also to vessels building or con
tracted for.
The Minister of Communications is
given control over steamship routes,
passengers and cargo and rates and is
also .given authority to commandeer
shipping yards and material. The decree
will become effective Monday.
Official Opposition to Reichstag
Majority I? Apparent.
COPENHAGEN, Oct. 1. The Catholic
Germania, of Berlin, prints new evi
dence of official support of the Pan-
German agitation against the Reich
stag majority and a peace without an
nexation. It reproduces a circular sent with
the appeal of the head of the state
railways in the Breslau district to- all
railway officials and employes, calling
upon them to sign a monster petition
circulated by r conservative newspaper
in Breslau and headed, "An appeal
against the Reichstag majority."
Barbers' Union Decides 50 Cents Is
Living Schedule.
MARSH FIELD, Or.. Oct. 1. (Spe
cial.) The Coos Bay barbers' union has
advanced the price of a haircut from
35 cents to 50 cents, assigning as the
cause, the increased cost of living
and boosting of barber supplies by the
wholesale houses. Some other items of
tonsorial service have also been ad
vanced. Shaving, however, remains, as
before, at 25 cents.
Coos Bay has always been a high
priced locality for "barbering." The
new prices affect Marshfield and North
Lard Disappears From Market and
Butter Held at High Price.
STOCKHOLM, Oct. i, The govern
ment has issued a decree, effective
October 4. for the expropriation of all
animal fats except butter and all so-
called technical fats and oils. The last
few weeks have been marked by a
great shortage of fats. Lard has al
most disappeared from the market, and
butter is scarce at very high prices.
A decree, effective October 8. limits
the height of shoes to 18 centimeters
(seven inches), thus stopping the man
ufacture of fashionable high boots for
Physicians Advise Mr. Chamberlain
to Rest Remainder of Session.
Ington,' Oct. 1. Senator Chamberlain is
today reported to be much improved.
He expects to be out soon.
He has been advised, however, that
it would be unwise for him to attempt
further work this session, as it would
overtax his strength.
Bells Peal Summons
to Workers.
Bond Posters Blossom on
Walls and Windows.
Officials Hope for Average Subscrip
tion of 2 5 Million From Aver
age of 50,000 Persons Each
Hour of Working Day.
WASHINGTON, Oct. J. The great
Liberty loan drive started today
throughout the country with a rush.
Telegraphic reports to the Treasury
from every section indicate tremendous
enthusiasm on the part of tens of thou
sands of workers and a fair first day
volume of subscriptions toward the
$3,000,000,000 minimum, which has been
set as the goal of the four weeks' cam
paign. Flags were flown, whistles were
blown, acres of billboards bloosomed
into red, white and blue posters and
thousands of workers started the cam
paign with enthusiasm from New Eng
land to the Faciric.
Cities Hold Demonstrations.
Everywhere in postofflces, bank and
store windows, railway stations, street
cars and scores of other public places,
liberty posters with various slogans
were pasted up and workers began the
task of finding buyers.
Towns and cities from coast to coast
welcomed the beginning of the cam
paign with distinctive demostratlons.
Here in the capital, streetcars were
stopped for two minutes at noon and
automobile horns and sirens let loose
bedlam of noise as the field force
began its work.
Factory Whistles Let Loose.
Boston reported a chorus of . steam
whistles greeting the opening of the
campaign. Mayor Mitchel, of New
York, started it there with an ad
dress. Philadelphia let loose her factory
whistles at 10 o'clock and two hours
later gazed steadfastly toward a
squadron of six airplanes that circled
the tower of the City Hall, dropping
loan literature while 5000 Boy Scouts
started collecting contributions.
Secretary McAdoo opened his trans
continental speech-making tour in
Cleveland, where Tris Speaker, star
outfielder of the Cleveland baseball
club, purchased the first bond.
Rlrhmond Liberty Bell Peals Forth.
The liberty bell of St. Johns Church.
Richmond, where Patrick Henry uttered
his immortal "give me liberty or give
me death" led the bells of the city in
(Concluded on Pasre 5, Column 3.)
' ' ' ' ,r
Mustering Officer at Camp lye wis .Told
That to Succor Wounded Is
Against Faith.
TACOMA. Wash.. Oct. 1. (Special.)
Jesse Gordon Cover, Company E, Three
Hundred and Sixty-third Infantry, of
Modesto, Cal., today told the mustering
officer at the base hospital at Camp
Lewis that his religion forced him to
refuse to serve in the United States
Army, either In a fighting unit or with
a noncombatant organization.
"But you are under United States
Army regulations; you will obey the
law until your case is disposed "of T' he
was asked. "No," replied Cover, "I
must stay with my faith."
Cover was asked If he would object
to serving with a hospital unit and
succoring the wounded.
"I could not do that," he said. "It
would be helping war, and we of my
faith are opposed to war."
Cover says he is a. Dunkard.
George Mills, of Turlock, Cal., with
Company C, in the Three Hundred and
Sixty-third Infantry, a member of the
Church of God, also objected to serving
either in a combatant or noncombatant
branch of the service. He agreed, how
ever, to obey the law until the case was
Frank Classen, a Mennonite, and
William Schrader, member of the
Church of God, objected to serving
with combatant forces and asked to be
assigned to a hospital unit.
Force of Postal Clerks Soon to Be
Dispatched to France.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. To make
sure that American troopers abroad
get their letters from home, 150 postal
clerks will be dispatched to France,
and the War Department has given
orders that all transports bound toward
the battle front shall carry all the
accumulated mail available and thus
keep the service up to the last minute.
Appeals for letters, magazines and
newspapers have been pouring in on
Congressmen. Investigation disclosed
that the malls were far behind because
transports repeatedly were sailing
without them.
Chicago Archives Preserve Names of
Exemption Board 3Iembcr.
CHICAGOT Oct. 1. The names of the
members of the 688 exemption boards
in this city will constitute a roll of
honor In the city archives, according
to action taken by the City Council
today ' in ordering that their names be
engrossed on the roll of honor as part
of the city's permanent records.
A complete stenographic re
port of Mr. Gerard's Portland
speech, delivered in the Audi
torium yesterday, will be found
on pages 1 and 6 of The Orego
nian today.
l"rV (s y
Four Groups of Hostile
Planes Appear.
Roar of Battle Lasts for Near
ly Three Hours.
Theaters Continue Evening Perform
ances in Spite of Repeated Vis
its by Germans Bombs
Fall in East London.
LONDON, Oct. 1. The strongest air
attack yet attempted on London and the
ccast towns by the Germans was car
ried out tonight by four groups of hos
tile airplanes. Some of the machines
got through to London and bombarded
the southwestern district.
A terrific barrage wss sent up from
the defense guns and the roar of bat
tle lasted Intermittently for two hours
and a half.
Machines Penetrate Barrage.
The Germans bombed coast towns as
they passed over and proceeded toward
London. Two of the groups succeeded
in getting a number of machines
through the sky barrage. Numerous
bombs were dropped on the southwest
ern district, which is thickly populat
ed with the homes of the upper and
middle classes. The fire from the de
fending guns was longer and louder
than ever before. A rain of shrapnel
fell in all sections of the town and the
streets were virtually deserted.
The weather was perfect for air op
erations, as there was a bright full
moon with no clouds or wind. The
people of London expected a raid and
were waiting for signals. Soon after
7 o'clock motors of the volunteer corps
sped through the streets blowing their
sirens and displaying an illuminated
notice, "take cover" and. other meas
ures were put into execution to inform
the populace.
Andlrftei Iarnore Raid.
.Many of the theaters are continuing
their performances notwithstanding the
raids. At the conclusion of the per
formance in one of the leading Lon
don theaters tonight the manager came
to the stage and invited the audience
and etage-hands to vote on the ques
tion of continuing the night perform
ances. All voted, in favor of carrying
them on as usual.
Field Marshal Lord French, commander-in-chief
of the home forces.
Issued the following report dealing
with tonight's raid:
"A group of hostile airplanes crossed
the Essex coast at 7 o'clock this even
ing and proceeded across Essex toward
"This group of machines was fol
(ConcJuded on Page 5. Column 1.
Battleship Which Ran Aground Sep
tember 2 8 Is Floated by Strong
Pull at High Tide.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. An American
patrol ship on duty off an Atlantic
port was rammed and sunk early today
by an unknown craft.
The Incident, reported to the Navy
Department, was officially announced
as follows:
"A coast guard vessel . on patrol
duty off an Atlantic port was rammed
and sunk by an unknown ship early
today.- The work of raising the sunken
vessel will be begun at once."
battleship of the United States Navy,
which went aground in home waters
on September 28. -was floated today.
The sea was smooth and a large fleet
of vessels pulled the warship off at
high tide.
Train-Tired Soldiers Are in Good
Health and Uncomplaining.
GREENVILLE. S. C, Oct. 1. (Spe
cial.) The Third Oregon will reach
Camp Green tomorrow at 1 A. M. It
is a trainload of tired soldiers that
will detrain In the morning. The
health of the command was held
throughout the long trip. In spite of
the very strict discipline which has
been maintained, since we crossed the
Oregon line, the soldiers are not com
plaining. Today we stopped at Atlanta, but, as
usual, the men only got to see freight
sheds and switch tracks, negroes and
poor white trash. This trip will go
down in the history of Oregon soldiers
as one of many miles of travel and no
Vancouver's Marriage License Rec
ords for September Shattered.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 1. (Spe
cial.) Marriage license records for
September were shattered by the month
just past In Vancouver. One hundred
and ninety couples came to Vancouver
in the 'month and secured marriage
licenses, the vast malorlty of them
from Oregon. Fully 25 of the number
were "war-bride" ma-riages.
Last year only 153 couples were
wedded here in September. Only one
month on record has seen more mar
riages in Vancouver than were record
ed for the past month.
George Tobln and Mrs. Martin Derr
3Iect for First Time.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. Oct. 1. (Spe
cial.) George Tobln. 40. of Empire,
and Mrs. Martin Derr, of Antone, Or.
aged 38. brother and sister, are seeing
each other for the first time. The
family was separated while they were
Infants, and they never found trace
of each other until two years ago.
Mr. Tobln has lived on Coos Bay
many years and Mrs. Derr Is the wife
of a rancher in Eastern Oregon. Mrs.
E. A. McDuffey, of Powers, is a sister.
Mrs. Derr is visiting her relatives here.
The Weather.
TESTE BOAT'S Maximum temperature. 73
degrees; minimum, S. degrees.
TODAY'S Rain; moderate southerly winds.
Bipsest air raid of war made on London.
rage 1.
Germans take two outposts from British.
Tage 2.
Second liberty loan drive is on. Pas 1.
Senator Lewis would delegate Congress
powers to President during recess. Page 3.
Labor Adjustment Board to hold first hear
ing la Seattle Monday. Page 2.
Expulsion of Gronna. Stone a well as that
of La. Follette asked. Page 3.
War tax bill goes through House and Is
practically sure of passage, by Senate.
Page 4.
Mayor Mitchell decides to run for re-election.
Page 1.
Indictment of 1 I. VT. W. but beginning of
task. Page 3.
Beavers and Bees to play seven games here.
Page 8.
Huntera start 'drive" on pheasants. Page 8.
California eleven hopes to beat Oregon and
Washington. Page 8.
Evans still hunting men for boxing card.
Page 8.
Pacific "orthwest.
Drafted Dunkard refuses to serve. Page 1.
Tooze $20,000 damage suit now on trial in
Oregon City court. Page 7.
Judge Eakln, ex-Assocla te Justice of Su
preme Court, detid. Puge 4.
Course in morals outlined for Oregon schools.
Page 2.
Commercial and Marine.
Portland wheat receipts are largest of sea
son. Page 17.
All classes of livestock strong at North Port
land. Page 1 7.
Weakness of rails unsettles New York stock
market. Page 17.
Fear felt for schooners Manila, Slade and
Encore, all more than 1-5 days out.
Page 14.
Portland and Vicinity. .
Dairy Lesgue may distribute product on co
operative basis. Page 18.
Federal mediator has optimistic view of
shipbuilders strike conferences. Page 13.
Patriotism demonstrated at Mr. Gerard's ad
dress. Page 1.
War against food waste began in earnest.
Page 1.
Prussian perfldity s bared by Gerard in ad
dress to overflow meeting. Page 7.
White to go on active service with under
standing that he will resume duties as
Adjutant-General when he returns.
Page 5.
Budget estimstes total ",1S6,767, indicating
levy of 11 Vi mills. Page 14.
Fifty patriotic investors ready with cash
before liberty loan campaign managers
can sell bonds. Page 9.
Appointments of ministers try Oregon Metho
dist conference announced. Page t.
Twenty-five firemen, 8 horses and three
fire stations to be eliminated. Page 12.
Weather report, data and forecast. Per. M.
"Enlist With Hoover'
Will Be Watchword.
Plans Afoot to Make . Every
Kitchen Nation's Savior.
Housewives Arc rgel to Consider
Wheat, Meat, i'ats and Sugar as
Munitions Needed in De
fense of Their Country.
The vast problem of food control,
which requires the American people to
rival Germany in the distribution of
supplies and the elimination of waste,
was attacked yesterday in a conference
attended by representatives of Herbert
Hoover. National food administrator,
and delegates from numerous Oregon
and Washington communities.
Meeting; at the Hotel Portland, these
representatives of local and National
food administration organizations dis
cussed the measures necessary for
adoption throughout the country to ef
fect the savings urgently required for
success by the United States in the war.
Sonar Shortage Threatened.
The necessity of ration cards, which
were adopted in Germany at the be
ginning of the war, can be averted in
this country, said the food adminis
trators yesterday, if every household
is managed in strict accordance with
the Hoover food schedule. Extensive
savings must be effected In foodstuffs
of nearly every description, and house
wives must serve the country witli the
same patriotism that is required of
The most acute shortage with which,
the United States is threatened is in
the supply of sugar, according to
Charles Christ, who comes here as th
personal representative of Mr. Hoover.
"It the Nation keeps on using sugar ft
the present rate," said Mr. Christ, tha
available supply will only last until
December 10. The United States is
going to export sugar to France and
England, or otherwise our allies would
be totally deprived of this commodity."
-Enlist With Hoover."
The method to be pursued in cutting
down the consumption of foodstuffs, as
outlined at the conference, involves the
active and personal co-operation of
every housekeeper in the United States.
"Enlist with Hoover" will be the watch
word by which the attention of the Na
tion is to be fixed, and a. campaign is
to be conducted during the week of Oc
tober 21-28 which will terminate with
the complete enrollment of the Nation.
Enrollment cards will be signed in
every household, a pledge being exact
ed that food will be conserved and
waste eliminated along the lines that
are suggested by the National food ad
ministrator. The means of obtaining:
signatures to the cards are to be eo
thorough that by the end of the week
the name of every household food ad
ministrator will be enlisted and on file
In Mr. Hoover's office.
rootofrice Knlisted to Aid.
Co-operation with Mr. Hoover from
the time the cards are filed will hi
directed by personal communications
from headquarters in Washington. D.
C, and complete directions in Hoover
cookery and in the Hoover system of
household management will be Issued
through the United States postoffice,
which has been enlisted as a weapon
in the fight against waste.
As assurance of good faith toward
the food-saving policy of the United
States Government, every housewife
will display a placard, to be issued by
the local Federal food administrator
on receipt of the pledge cards. A handy
card outlining the principles estab
lished by Mr. Hoover will be issued
along with the placards, and these are
to be posted conspicuously in every
American kitchen. This poster sets
forth the daily creed of food saving,
and will contain guiding principles and
suggestions for every cook.
Four Articles Essential.
Four articles In particular are men
tioned in all of the food administra
tion literature as essentials of the sav
ing programme. These are wheat, meat,
fats and sugar, all of which are as im
portant to the armies of the United
States at home and In France as
weapons and ammunition. The house
wife is urged to consider these four
articles as munitions which are needed
for the defense of tne country, and to
utilize them with the needs of the
country in mlnd
Co-operative factors in the food con
servation programme will be utilized
to the fullest 'extent, a schedule for the
entire campaign week having been
drawn up by the National food admin
istrator for the guidance of the entire
Sunday. October 21. will be devoted to
the distribution of conservation propa
ganda through the churches. Sermons
on the topic have been suggested, while
Sunday school classes and special com
mittees will be enrolled in the cam
paign for the rest of the week.
Monday is to be Patriots' day, and
families which have already sent fight
ers to the front will carry on the work
of spreading Mr. Hoover's suggestions.
Concludet on Pi 2. Column 3.)