Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 01, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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    OCTOBER 1,
Rochester Man, Arrested in
Idaho, Accused of Deserting
Wife for Another Woman.
More Popular
Than Ever
Tiling or Suit for Divorce Gives
Mate First Intimation of Resi
dence in Portland and He
Effects Reconciliation.
Tn the arrest late Saturday night at
Big Meadows, Idaho, of E. G. Andrews,
alias Ezra Gager, civil engineer and
shipbuilding promoter, there was writ
ten another chapter in the romantic
career of this former Rochester, N. Y.,
business man, who has admitted de
serting his wife at their New York
home and eloping to Portland with
Frances Early, a pretty trained nurse
with whom he had become infatuated
at Rochester.
After having been indicted May 28
last for a statutory offense, and the
subsequent dismissal of the indictment
upon the pleading of his wife, with
whom he had effected a reconciliation,
Andrews is said to have reverted to his
old habits of becoming infatuated with
other women, and he will be returned
to Portland from Idaho to stand trial
on another similar charge. A District
Court information was tiled against
him Saturday by Deputy District At
torney Dempsey.
Andrews first came into the lime
light in Portland when he was arrested
here upon complaint of his wife, Mrs.
Margaret Andrews, who had located
him in this city while he is said to
have been living in the Irvington dis
trict with Miss Early.
Reconciliation Is Shortlived.
After an investigation had been made
the grand jury returned an indictment,
and Mrs- Andrews remained in Port
land to press the charge against her
husband. Later their son arrived in
Portland from Detroit and brought
about a reconciliation between father
and mother. After Andrews had made
a promise to forget the Early woman
and provide a good home for his wife.
District Attorney Evans consented to
the dismissal of the indictment the day
the trial was to have started before
Circuit Judge Gatens.
Following his release Andrews took
his wife to a small town in Eastern
Oregon, where he worked as a tele
graph operator. The reconciliation,
however, was shortlived, and within
a few weeks Mrs. Andrews returned to
Portland with a story of alleged cruel
treatment at the hands of her husband.
She told District Attorney Evans that
her husband's abuse had become in
tolerable, and she sought to have the
old indictment resurrected in order
that he might be compelled to stand
trial as the result of his alleged elope
ment with the Early woman.
Financial Affairs in Court.
Mrs. Andrews first arrived in Port
land during the latter part of May,
and immediately after her arrival she
charged her husband with embezzle
ment of $8000 from Frank Gebbie, his
former business associate. The records
show that Andrews purchased $5000
of railroad bonds after coming to
Portland, which he later transferred
to Mr. Gebbie after he had been found
here living with the Early woman.
He later attempted to have this trans
fer of the bonds set aside and a suit
against Gebbie is now pending in the
Circuit Court.
Andrews' apprehension and arrest in
Portland came about when he started
divorce proceedings against his wife.
These divorce papers were forwarded
to Mrs Andrews while she was visit
ing in Denver and she at once came to
Portland. Despite the apparent sin
cerity of Andrews at the time of the
reconciliation with his wife, those ac
quainted with the couple thought it
etrange that he had never dismissed
his divorce suit, which is still pending
in the Circuit Court.
Trollers at Sea All Night.
ASTORIA, Or., Sept. 30. (Special.)
On account of a thick fog and a heavy
swell running, several trollers who
were fishing outside yesterday after
noon were compelled to anchor near
the lightship until this morning, when
they were able to cross in. A rumor
was current that one boat was lost, but
the rumor could not be verified.
Cured a "Grouch"
By Internal Baths
Mr. Joseph A. Weis writes Br. Charles A.
Tyrrell, of New York, as follows:
"On the 15th of June, 1015, I purchased
si "J. B. Lu Cascade.' The results it has pro
duced are Bimply marvelous. For 20 years
J used cathartics, but have used nothing
but the Cascade for almost a month. I feel
like a new man: I want to be pleasant to
everybody. Before I used the Cascade I
was a grouch. Did not like anybody and
could not be pleasant."
If you bathe Internally with the "J. B.
X.. Cascade" you will find yourself always
bright, confident and capable. Poisonous
waste in the lower intestine makes us
bilious, blue, dull and nervous. Internal
baths are Nature's own cure for constipa
tion Just antiseptic warm water prop
erly applied. Drugs force Nature the
'J. B. L. Cascade" gently assists her.
It is produced by Chas. A. Tyrrell. M.
X.. of New York, who has specialized on
Internal Bathlncr for 23 years, and will be
shown and explained to you by Woodard
Clarke & Co.'a drugstores, Portland, who
will also be glad to give you free on re
quest an interesting booklet called "Why
Man of Today Is Only 50 Efficient." which
covers the subject in a very thorough way.
Clip this out as a reminder, and ask for
the booklet the first time you are in the
neighborhood. Adv.
va.s'fc difference
in 3&.H:
is wonderfully pure
cons ejuen of
. J, S fH- ' .'-A 4'; 'sV
iftrf-rti-hwrtllniiianMf " 'tft'tWAtfr Tm - ''f " i "islisfaMsSr .w:oJ6 .: , - t
At Top Aircraft Gnn in Action In the British Official War Picture. "The.
Battle of the Somme," at Majestic Theater. Bottom Dorothy Phillips),
Beautiful Star of the Sensational WeMern Photodrama, "Pay Me," at
Peoples Theater.
table. The plant of The Oregonian Is
shown in the picture.
Majestic "The Battle of the
Columbia Bushman and Bayne.
"Their Compact."
Liberty William S. Hart, "The
Cold Deck."
Peoples Dorthy Phillips, "Pay
Sunset Marguerite Clark, "Wild
flower." Circle "The Fatal Ring."
IF Jewel Productions can maintain
the pace established In "Pay Me,"
the first photoplay to be staged in
Portland, there's going to be a new pro
ducing name perilously near the top of
those catering to the film public. "Pay
Me," which opened an engagement at
the Peoples Theater yesterday, is a
picture destined to be unusually popu
lar, for it tells a colorful tale reeking
with dramatic or spectacular moments,
boasts of the presence of the beautiful
and magnetic Dorothy Phillips in the
stellar role, and is featured with a
dancehall fistic combat that ranks with
the most thrilling of screen man
The keynote of "Pay Me" is action.
There is a murder and a fist fight in the
first reel, -where the spectator is intro
duced to the comparative calm of a
small mining town. Then the action
shifts to another and larger camp, a
saloon, gambling and dancehall called
"The Nugget." and there the incidents
of the drama are unfolded to the finale.
Two fights to a finish are staged in
this resort, with a general fracas in
volving miners, with chair weapons,
against gamblers and saloon hangers
on with bottles.
The story opens with the accidental
killing of a woman by her husband's
partner, the bullet intended for the
man striking his wife. The murderer,
deserting his wife and child to steal
away with another woman and the
infant child of his victim, goes to an
other camp, assumes the name of White,
and soon becomes known as "The
Killer," owner of the N'igget resort and
boss of the town. Marta, the girl he
stole, is a young woman when the sec
ond phase of the play begins to unfold.
The superintendent of the big mine is
attracted to the girl but he believes her
bad. Their love affair is an interesting
incidental part of the production which
brings the wronged partner, Curtis, to
the camp. Comes recognition of White
by Curtis, White's effort to get rid of
his foe, and finally the intensely dra
matic scene where Curtis clutches
White by the throat, holds a crowd
back with brandished pistol, and de
mands that White pay him for the
crimes of years ago.
The conclusion brings about the
restoration of Marta to her father after
the death of White at the hands of the
woman he had eloped with so long be
fore, and the promise of happiness for
Marta and her stalwart lover.
"The Making of a Newspaper" is an
unusually interesting two-reeler show
ing every step in the manufacture of a
newspaper from the time spruce is cut
in the forests for paper pulp to the
reading of the paper at the breakfast
Jack Pickford and "Freckles," that
popular Gene Stratton Porter story,
form a photodramatic combination
which insures high class entertain
ment for fandom. Add to the Pick
ford histrionics, who seems to have
the faculty of looking any part he
plays, the presence of pretty Louise
Huff, Hobart Bosworth, and other
Lasky players, and yet another pic
turization of a successful novel be
longs in the same classification in
the realm of the silent drama.
"Freckles" furnishes Jack Pickford,
Mary's talented young brother, with
the best role of his career. He can
look the most sorrowful, the most
bored, the most stupid and a galaxy
of other "mosts" as occasion may re
quire, and "Freckles" does require
numerous variations of registrations.
Young Mr. Pickford, whose engage
ment to that Ziegfeld Follies' beauty,
Olive Thomas, was announced re
cently, plays the part of Freckles, a
one-armed boy, in the photoplay of the
same name. He runs away from home,
falls in with a lumber baron, John
McLean (Hobart Bosworth), and is
made a timber guard. In the forest
he meets Angel (Miss Huff), whom he
worships desperately.
In an encounter with lumber thieves
Freckles is all but killed and taken to
the hospital. There he is nursed back
to health by Angel, and during con
valescence love develops. In the mean
time his father, an English nobleman,
dies, and his uncle traces Freckles to
the hospital, where the boy learns of
his noble birth. This enables him to
declare his love for Angel, whom he
ill ha:
And at
packed this big, beautiful theater to
the limit played to enthused thou
sands. He's simply great as "On-the-Level"
Leigh, gambler and gentleman
of fortune. There's enough sensa
tional action in "Cold Deck" to take
you off your feet, and no Hart drama
would be complete without a bit of
tender romance. It's all here.
Smart Gowns
from the Eastern
displayed tonight
And Our Big Fashion Show Living Models
had felt was far too good for an un
known such as he believed himself to
Bill Hart, his pinto pony, brace of
six-guns, dance-hall girls, stage hold
up, and all of the paraphernalia which
go to make up those Hart wild and
woolly "Westerns" is at the Liberty
Theater in "The Cold Deck."
If you think it is'nt a regular fron
tier affair, take a squint at the title,
which smacks of wide open gambling;
"On-the-Level Leigh," the name of the
leading character; "Hellangone," the
name of the town; "Black Jack," the
holdup king, and sundry other places
and characters which struggle through
the photoplay in the wake of Hart.
Rough riding, swift shooting, a tri
angular love affair, a holdup, jail
break, near-lynching, and biggest of
all, a chase with a horseback leap
from the cliff as its climax, are fea
tures of the production.
"The Cold Deck" is Hart's last Tri
angle picture. He is cast in the role
of "Level" Leigh, on-the-square gam
bler of Hellangone. He considers his
profession a legitimate one until the
arrival of his sick sister from the
Bast. He is befriended by a dance
hall siren, Coralie (Alma Reubens),
but when he slights her she frames
against him and Leigh loses his all
via the "cold deck" route at the gam
ing table.
Leigh is desperate for funds to aid
his sister in going to a health resort
and holds up the stage. Black Jack
also stages a holdup and gets away
with the messenger box full of gold.
Leigh is charged with both crimes, as
well as the shooting of the driver,
and is locked up. He is freed by a
friend, and escapes from a pursuing
posses by a daring leap down a steep
grade. The play ends with the cap
ture of Black Jack by Leigh, the resto
ration of the treasure, and promise of
future happiness for the ex-gambler.
"Wildflower,"that highly successful
early Marguerite Clark picture, pre
sents an unusual player combination
to fandom. Miss Clark, of course, is
more of a star, or at least more popu
lar, than when she made that four
reeler. Harold Lockwood, who has
since developed into one of the popu
lar young stars, is leading man, while
Jackf Pickford, now a twinkler in his
own right, and soon to be wedded, plays
a boy role.
"Wildflower" is a story of innocence
vs. sophistication, a little woodland lass
whose beauty and charm are respon
sible for her introduction to hectic met
ropolitan life, with consequent heart
aches for the girl.
Miss Clark is cast in the role of
Letty Roberts, a child of nature, in
this Sunset Theater offering. Arnold
Boyd, society man from the city, meets
the girl in the woods and they soon
become fast friends. Then comes
Arnold's brother, Gerald. He pays
marked attention to the girl, conducts
a whirlwind courtship, and persuades
her to elope. Arnold, pursues the pair
to the city, but arrives after the wed
ding ceremony has been performed.
He steals Letty away from Gerald and
takes her to the old Roberts home in
New York, so dominating the girl that
she permits him to introduce her as his
Unable to understand the situation,
but cowed by Arnold and the unusual
surroundings, Letty's life is a miser
able one. Then comes the denouement.
Gerald's marriage to the girl was il
legal as he already had a wife, and
Arnold, to save the girl's reputation,
spirited her away and assumed formal
possession of the girl. In the mean
time, he has fallen in love with Letty,
and she, realizing the worth of her pro
tector, finally finds happiness in his
"The Betrayal of Maggie," an up
roarious two-reel Mack Sennett-Key-s-tone
comedy, with Charlie Murray
THE Fatal Ring is the
best motion picture ser
ial on the screen today. You
can't beat this combination:
PEARL WHITE, the star;
villain; RUBY HOFFMAN,
the vampire; HENRY
GSELL, the hero; EARLE
FOXE, the juvenile; FRED
JACKSON, the author;
GEO. B. SEITZ, the direc
tor; ASTRA, the producer.
Every one of these notables
has put forth their best
effort in The Fatal Ring.
The result is The Best
Motion Picture Serial on
the Screen Today full of
thrills, mystery, suspense,
daring, romance and re
markably beautiful scenes.
Read the SynopnlM Every Vek
In 'I he
Portland Oregonian
See it in Vivid Motion Pictures
X, Vi. if Mr a-' j
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7f -
.V &. Vr.v.-.v.i? . 'V--.'-'
Jr. -n .
ft v: ; v
Of y - -au-ji
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and Louise Fazenfla heading the cast,
and Sunset Tours are also exhibited.
Francis Xavier Bushman, the screen
Apollo, essays a Bill Hart role in his
latest Metro picture, "Their Compact."
"What is more to the point, Francis X.
gets away with it.
"Their Compact is a seven-reeler.
the first production co-starring Bush
man and Beverly Bayne since they
signed a new Metro contract. Evi
dently determined to give the public
its money's worth, the producers have
fairly revelled in melodrama, present
ing a picture with one big idea in view
cram as many dramatic climaxes into
the footage as possible. The result is
a picture that will please much more
than the average Bushman-Bayne sub
ject. Here's the story of the "Westerner"
of fist fights, gun duels and other vio
lences: James Moore (Bushman) goes
West to forget Verda Forrest, a woman
who has deceived him. He starts to
Good News for the
E. A F
A NEW HEARING DEVICE being demonstrated
the Globe Simpla-Phone. Look at it and you see
the simplest and smallest device made for this pur
pose. Use it and you feel that you have the most
effective hearing device on the market.
Free Demonstration
At Our Store Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Three Days More
The Globe Simpla-Phone is the newest of hearing
devices and is a great help for the deaf. Each in
strument is adjusted to the individual's personal
requirements. An expert from the factory will an
swer all . questions and make a test privately and
give expert advice without charge. Each instrument
Call and test this WONDERFUL LITTLE IN
STRUMENT. Special price during this demonstra
tion. Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Wood-Lark Bldg Alder at West Park.
If you cannot call, write for booklet.
develop a mine, runs afoul of Horton,
a camp bully, and is only saved from
him by Mollie Anderson (Miss Bayne).
There is a pitched battle between Jim
and Horton's thugs. Jim is wounded
and recovers under Mollie's ministrations.
What Came From Reading
a Pinkham Advertisement.
I it; :
Paterson, N. J. "I thank yon fot
the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies as they
nave made me well
and healthy. Some
time ago I felt so
run down, had pains
in my back and side,
was very irregular,
tired, nervous, had
such bad dreams,
did not feel like eat
ing and bad short
breath. I read youz
advertisement in
the newspapers and
decided to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. It worked
from the first bottle, so I took a second
end a third, also a bottle of Lydia E.
Pinkham '8 Blood Purifier, and now I am
just as well as any other woman. I ad
vise every woman, single or married,
who is troubled with any of the afore
said ailments, to try your wonderful
Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier
end I am sure they will help her to get
rid of her troubles as they did me."
Mrs. Elsie J. Van der Sande, 36 No.
York St, Paterson. N. J.
Write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine
Co., (confidential) Lynn, .Mass, if you
need special advice.