THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER, 1, 1917. 13 HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestic. .WANTED A young woman for chamber work: must be experienced and have city reference. Alexander Court. 53 Ella street. WANTED Every day from 4 to 8 P. M., woman to care for small apartment and prepare dinner for family of 2; wares $1 per day. Phone Main 6262. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Girl for general housework : must assist with care of two children; wages S35; no washing. Mrs. Kenneth Beobe. Main 2730. WANTED Experienced girl, good cook, for jreneral housework: no laundrv; couple with two children. $30. 430 East 24th N. Broadwav tar. WANTED Woman to do cook inn: and hounework tor family of 2. Apply 75j Hoyt. WANTED Girl for general housework. 3 in familj ; good wages. Mrs. C. J:'. Berg, 1124 Franklin st. Main 7u2s. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework; no washing; good salary. Apply 741 Irving st. WANTED Immediately, nursegirl for two children. with city references. 670 Thompson st. East 5003. 11 RL for general, housework and cook ing; experience not necessarv. 5ti2 Myrtle St.. Portland Hts. Main 30H5. WANTED Girl to assist with general house work and cooking: no washing. Apply 2t5 East loth BL No. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the barber trade In eight weeks; tools free; scholarship and diplo mas given ; paid while learning ; position guaranteed: tuition reduced. 233 Madison. NIGHT class for automobile repairing will start next Thursday night, Oct. 4. 7:30 P. M. For full particulars inquire Hemp hill's Trade Schools. 707 Hawthorne ave. E. 6068. SPECIAL course in automobile, gas tractor, electrical and stationary engineering and vulcanizing automobile tires for $50. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. liOHLER BARBER SCHOOL teaches men and women the barber trade in S weeks, giving a diploma, scholarship and tools; pays while learning. 234 Couch st. ORIGINAL JIOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Founded 1893; 30 schools in U. S. and Canada: Summer rates ; paid while learn -tng. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnslde. LEARN EXPERT ACCOUNTING. ' ' LOW COST AND EASY TERMS. ' 1A SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, P. O. BOX H48, PORTLAND, OR. WANTED Immediately, names men, wom en wishing to become Government clerks; 75 month. AV 084. Oregonian. HINSDALE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Broad way-Yamhill building; individual Instruction; positions when competent. HEN and women weavers; also loom fixer and dresser. Golden State Woolen Miils, Long Beach, Cal. 24ISS MATTLNGLVS Shorthand. Typewrit ing School. Day and evening sessions. $5 Tno. 269 14th. near Jefferson. Main 3393. LEARN to be own optometrist and optician. The De Keyser Institute of Optometry. Columbia bldg. Also evening classes. fcMALL family, close in on West Side, good wages: none but capable person need ap ply. F 590, Oregonian. OREGON LAW SCHOOL opens October 6. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Main 977. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Day and evening. 122 n Grand ave. East 427. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, ALISKY BLDG. HELP WANTED MTCriXANFOrS. AlGRE men wanted. War causing vacancies. Opportunity open to eligibles desiring P. O. clerk-carriers, R. M. clerks, customs, exams. Call today. Pacific Stated School, McKay bldg., city. WANTED City men with farms, conserve tire ood supply. Learn scientiiic agricul ture through sure, easy home-study meth ods. Free soil analysis. Call International Correspondence Schools, 604 Yeon bldg. uncalled for, tailor-made; a little money here goes a long ways. Orpheum Cleaners, 856 Stark at. TELEGRAPHY Steno. bkpg.; board, room, tuition may be earned. Catalog free, ilac kay Business College. Los Angeles. WANTED Name men wishing to become Portland mail carriers. Commence $67 month. AV 985. Oregonlsn. RAGTIME piano playing positively taught beginners In 10 to 20 lessons. Practice room free. 411-12-13 Columbia bldg. SPANISH CLASSES. Marshall 2209. SITUATION'S WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. STENOGRAPHER, several years' experience engineering , and construction work, chief clerk and cost keeping; permanent posi tion desired with moderate salary. AO 460, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady with best ref erences, desires stenographic position. Capable taking charge of office. Tabor 2054. EXPERIENCED office man and bookkeeper desires position ; expert stenographer. J 93, Oregonian. "YOUNG man, 19 years of age. high school education, wants office position; some ex perience. Phono Sellwood 1133. WANTED Position as draftsman; have had some experience. D 642, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. CHEF A competent, steady, family man, allround cook, understand cutting meat, make pastry and bread; can take full charge of kitchen; would like position in city. BP 625, Oregonian. JAPANESE men wants position general housework; can do cooking, alao experi ence butler job: wages $45 up. George Santo. Main 6S03. EXPERIENCED piano and accordion player isces enca gem ems, orcnestra or dances, or other entertainments. Tom Guttenberg, 629 Pettygrove st. YOUNG married man, 26 years of age, with S years' clerical experience, wants work evenings. E. F. F. Main 6953. FAPERHANGING, tinting and painting; good, neat work, prices the lowest. Wood lawn 1400. MAN wants work as a dishwasher, is will ing to work; no Sunday work. Tabor 2970. Edward Hart. WANTED Chance to learn auto repairing; have about 1 year eip. AM 113, Ore Ku ril an. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanging ; first cla?s; reasonable. Sell. 1393. EXPERIENCED soda dispenser and ics cream man, city; ref. Mar. 9SS. BOY wants work after school and Satur days. 325 14th st. EXPERIENCED Janitor desire position" good references. AM 117, Oregonian. WINDOWS cleaned and polished, first-class office and residence work. Phone, Mar. 423. PA PE R H ANGING. painting Ind tinting. Good work; right prices. Marshall 2493. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer a. YOUNG lady, experienced, desires clerical work. AE 112, Oregonian. YOUNG girl wishes stenographic position. Call WoAdUwn 54rt5. fcoTt This I AiAiTX Copyright. 1917. by New.p.p SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. COMPETENT stenographer, assistant book keeper, office man, now temporarily em ployed, seeks permanent position ; six years railroad, legal, general business ex perience, locally; well educated, adapta ble, exempt; age 27. F 615. Oregonian. WANTED 3y competent business woman, position as bookkeeper or manager of piling camp; 10 years' experience. C 663, Oregonian. YOUNG lmly desires position as stenogra pher, office manager and system at izer. Can give best of references. AL 506, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires perma nent position. AO 46S, Oregonian. Tel. Main 6953. room 23. Dressmakers. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and designer wishes more engagements: $3.50 per day; no pattern required. Phone Main 6394. FASHIONABLE dressmaking. reasonabie, home or day. 649 Thurxnan st. Bdwy r.363. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants to ex change sewing: for room rent. M 713, Ore- gonisn. INVALID or elderly person can have room, care. ntirse'H home. Tabor 2213. Housekeeper. PLACE to keep house for two or more men or man with small child; modern house or apt. Good cook; neat. East 7922 or call at 337 Fargo. WOMAN with boy 6 wishes position as housekeeper in widower's home. Phone Mar. 2239. Mrs. Dixon after 4 P. M. REFINED, intelligent woman with daugh ter wishes position as house Keeper; ref erences exchanged. B S03, Oregonian. Domestics. COLORED COOK wants work by day or week. Good references. East 3517. M lsrellaneons. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, Monday and Thursday. Phone Woodlawn 2138. COMPETENT laundress wishes work at home ; ladies fine clothes preferred. C 2844. Call evenings. WANTED Place to take care of children evenings while mother is away; references. Call after 6:30 P. M., Woodlawn 1611. LADY of refinement will care for children evenings, during parents' absence; French conversation. Part iculars, M artihall 349. YOUNG lady would like position filing or Joing general office work. Mar. 1 466. WANTED Chamber work or office clean ing. Phone Marshall 5540. WANTED General housework by Swedish girl. Phone East 2322. WANTED TO KENT. House. PORTLAND'S LARGEST RENTAL OFFICE. PROPERTY RENTED. RENTS COLLECTED. LET TJS LOOK AFTER YOURS. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg., 4th Stark Sts. WANTED Furnished or unfurnished small house near Sandy boulevard, close In; will remain year or more ; write rate. Frank Morita. 54 N. 8d (Japanese). WANTED TO RENT Small furnished house or bungalow. North Side; careful tenant. AM 107, Oregonian. Apartment". WANTED Furnished 3 or 4-room apt. or flat, Hawthorne or Burnslde district in the coming weelt. Give rent and details in answer. C 655, Oregonian. FOR KENT. Furnished Itoon FURNISHED ROOMS for young men in all f i arts of the city; also in Y. M. C. A. butld ng. Fireproof ; telephone In each room ; shower baths; single rooms, $2.50 to $4.75; double rooms, single beds, $1.75 to $2.75 per week. Including full association mem bership, gymnasium, swimming pool, hand ball court and many other club priviiiges. Information at Y. M. C. A, business ofiice. HOTEL RAMAPO, 14th and Washington Sts. A moderate priced hotel, first-class serv ice, large lobby, elevator, private-public baths; comforts of high-priced hotel. Room, per day, 75c up; with private bath, $1.50 up; by week. $3 up; with private bath, $5 up. Inspection will convince you. A. Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD, East Morrison St. and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford Is the principal East Side hotel and is a hotel of dignity and refine ment. Rates per day, for one person, 75c to $L50; for two persons, $1 to $2. Weekly Ratea $3.60 and Up. HOTEL MARYLAND-VIRGINIA. 211 Vi 4TH ST. Modern, fireproof bldg. of 165 rooms, centrally located. Electric and Southern Pacific lines pass door. Rates 5uc, 75c, $1 per day; $2.50 per week and up. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th st., near Morrison. A clean and quiet place, with eery modern convenience; rooms with or with out private bath, by the day, week or month, at reasonable rates. ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14th St., at Washington. Fireproof, up-to-date hotel. Large, at tractive, spotless guest rooms. Individual phones, every modern service; 75c to $1.50 day; $3.50 week up. HOTEL CON R A DINE. 10th st.. at Oak. Desirable downtown lo cation, respectable and strictly modern; fireproof buildings, elevator and large lobby; rooms $3.oO per week up. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Washington st. Down town location ; respectable and strictly modern ; free phones in all rooms; steam heat , rooms large and clean. BEAUTIFUL new furnished room, walking distance, electric light, hot, cold water, lovely home for laay or gentleman. 434 Main st., cor. 12th st. LINCOLN HOTEL. 11th and Morrison : new management ; etam ha.t, strictly modern; raLOt reauon ble. LINCOLN HOTEL. 11th and Morrison sts. New management, team heat, strictly modern. Rates rea sonble. STANDLSH HOTEL. 54SH Washington St., Cor. 17th. Clean, cool, comfortable rooms, $1.50 wk. : $6 mo. up. Special reduced Summer rates. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison street at 10th. Rates 6c per day up; weekly $2 up; run ning water, free phone cd baths. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 20th and Wash. Ki reproof brick, steam heat, hot and cold water, $2 week and up; transients &Qc up. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 lith st. Strictly modern, private baths en suite; rooms $J up. Main 9472. A 473. H1LLCREST HOTEL, bath, phone. $15 mo, up; without bath. $11. 733 Washington. Unfurnished Rooms. LOWER, modern, sunny 5-room, sleeping porch, yard; 232 Nurtllla st, opposite Mult. Club; walking distance. Main 2179. FnrnUhed Rooms In Private Family. FURNISHED roomv, $1.50 per week up; also nice housekeeping. 1 89 West Park. TWO furnished rooms. $9 per month. 5S8 Pettygrove. Phone Broadway 3423. 269 14TH, near Jefferson ; choice rooms, walking distance. Main 3S93. ROOM for rent. 525 East 27th. N. Phone East 7162. VIPLmaa, 7aYs T'Shooc Sh'5 IAllSHfcD CroT- Ftr. S. rrvica. Inc. Great Britain FOB KENT. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. ELEGANT furnished front sitting-room, with extra dressing-room and excellent sleeping porch; walking distance. Broad way 4329. IF one or two gentlemen are seeking de sirable rooms at a reasonable price that will surely please them, write box W 542, Oregonian. FOR RENT Nice, large alcove. steam heated room. Xezendorf apts., 208 16th st. Mar. 12H. PLEASANT room 3, $1.50 and $2 per week; splendid location; walking distance. 32U West Park. LARGE, well furnished front room, fireplace, piano, modern. 327 6th st. ROOMS in beautiful home; shower bath, running water. 655 Everett st. Rooms With Hoard. NORTON I A HOTEL, Portland's downtown, high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for fam ilies and business men and women, our roof garden is delightful in hot weathe;. We give you all the comforts of a home; reasonable rates. HEREFORD HOTEL 735 Hoyt St. Phone Main 3305. An American plan residence hotel, at tractive rates to tmisient or permanent guests. Excellent table. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. Modern rooms; American and European plan ; special rates to permanent guests KARL HOTEL, Broadway at Taylor. THE MANITOU 261 13th. Open, airy rooms, steam heat; also large connecting family rooms, open grate. ROOM and board in private family to one or two; sleeping porch if desired. Opposite Irvlngton School ; reasonable. Call E. 5715. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON, 380 Tenth st. For business girls and stu dents; reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. ROOM and board for business girls: all modern conveniences; walking distance; $3.50 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st. THE WEAVER, 710 Wash. St., Marshall 5170 Residential hotel, reasonable rates. Private phone and bath In every room. PARKVIEW Family hotel, 386 31 ntgmery st., in South Parkway : walking distance ; excellent table, reasonable rates. M. 37b3. Rooms With Board In Private Families. ATTRACTIVE home in Irvlngton, 2 meais. vlctrola, piano and fireplace, tiled bath and shower. East 5116. WANTED Gentleman to board ; reasonable, home privileges ; Scandinavian preferred. Woodlawn 4327. EXCELLENT room and board for 2 young mt-n; walking distance. 59 Trinity Place. Main 1461. PLEASANT room ani board for 1 or 2 young men; home privileges. 732 E. Davis. E. 906. PLEASANT room, with board, one or two young men; walking distance. 306 1 4 Park. ROOM and good board, close to Public Li brary. 430 Yamhill st. ROOM and board iu elegant, refined home. 469 Clay st. CHILDREN to board in private home. East 2446. Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store ; gooa surroundings ; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSI EXT. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined, safe, THE WHEELDON ANNEX, popular. 10th and Salmon Sts. well known, of highest standing. A house of quality, comfort and Bervlce. STELWYN APARTMENTS. HIGH class: Beautiful apartments, 5 rooms, sleeping porch, 14 windows, front top floor, ele gantly furnished in blue, willow, Chinese furniture, siivcr, linen, piano, very com plete and choice, also 3-room and bachelor apt. Mar. 2S30. Ref. required. VILLA ST. CLARA, Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. PENRCSE APARTMENTS. N. W. Corner Belmont and Grand Ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building; white enameled interior; large kitchen; service first-class; walking distance. East 4548. 250 N. 19th, near Marshall, finely furnished large front room-apartment with kitch enette, modern, steam heat .desirable home for refined party; references. Phone Broadway 2722. Rent $15. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, bet. 20th and Ella fits. Furnished three-room apartments, with or without sleeping-porch; walking dis tance; references. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ftOOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS.. $16 TO $25. WALKING DISTANCE. GAKAGK CONVENIENT. MADISON PARK APTS. Park at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close In, by week or month. DIE L APTS. 790 E. Ankeny St.. modern, comp. fur. 3-room apts.. large, light, sunny, clean, electric lights, steam heat. etc. E. IHok, WANTED Youpg couple to share furnished apt. and one-half expenses; walking, dis tance. B 1221. aftr 6:30 P. M., and Sun day A. M. References. FINE 3-room apt a in fireproof brick bldg.. with steam heat, laundry and lookers for each apt. 140 Killings worth ave. Phone C 2S2o or Woodiawn 29ni. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2. 3 and 4-rui. furnished and unfurnished; $18 up. W car to Northrup. Marshall 227. MILL APTS. Nicely furniwhed 2-room apts.; alr-o 1 -room and kitchenette ; reasonable. 328 Mill. WASHINGTON GRAND APTS., 2 and 3 room apis., $10 up; heat, light, bath, clean. respectable. 91 Grand ave., cor. Wash. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th St.. near Taylor. Marshall 128; 3. 4 and 5-room nicely turn, apartments. CAHLOTTA COURT, Everett and17th.2 and 3 rins., new, modern, 5 mln. from bus. center; free phone each apt. ; ref s. NEW furnished apts., concrete block : $10 and 12. 1162 Union ave. N. Wdln. 229. II ADDON HALL, 414 11th Modern . and 4-room apts., rates reasonable. Mar. 1163. THE LEONARD. 3-room apts., modern, out side rooms. 665 East Main. Unfurnished Apartments. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 440-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 677. UOSB-FR1KND, 285 Broadway, corner Jef ferson; modern, unfurn. apts.. walking dis t a nee, best service. Marshall 1410. FORDH AM Good view, modern, best of service ; choice 4-room unfurnished apart ments at moderate rates. Marshall -18S1. THE MARLBOROUGH. 24st and Flanders. 5 and 6 room, reasonable. Main 7516. KINGS HILL APTS.. 171 King st. One 4-room apt., unfurnished, $40. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS, 597 Mont gomery Urive, near Vista Ave. OUT Vfefxr right reterrcd. Registered in U. S. POLLY HAS LBAK.VEU A 1 S OUT VfeRjX ' in aaii fc I f ' "j I TOR KENT Unfurnished Apartments. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. CORNER 19TH AND ELM STS. Fine 5-room apartment, $65. F. E. BOWMAN A CO.. Main 3026. 213 Chamber of Commerce. VERT desirable 7-room unfurnished apt., 785 Irving st, near 24th.; one 4-room furnished apt.. 164 X. 24th. Inquire Dr. D. H. Rand. Main 375 or Main 858. Furnished or Tn furnished Apartments. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2, 8 and 4-room; rates moderate; good service; spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2961 and 2964. Walking distance. 21st and Irving. THE IRVING. Furnished and unfurnished 3. 4 and 5 rooms, ail outside, laundry, garage, good service ; rates to permanent tenants : ref erences ; walking distance. 6&U Irving st. Marshall 2748. Mala 9239. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista, near 23d and Washington; large, sunny outside rooms; private balconies, su perior service; unsurpassed view; walking' distance. Main 3883 and Main 6537. WELLES LEY COURT. M E L C H F F E COURT. REX ARMS. Phone East 657T. Punnyside carllne; close In; 2 and S room; desirable and reasonable. THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison Strictly modern, all outside apartments; ideal location; references. Phone Main 1091 and 152. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details Lucretla st. Marshall 1513. A 3637. 49 AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished modem, 4 room apts. Nearest Union Depot. 2 65 Ross st. Phone East 1967. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch sts. Marshall 2559. Mod ern new bldg., shower baths ; references. 401 10TH 2 and 4 rooms; all conveniences; moderate. Main 4!80. W EST SIDE Strictly modern flat, hard wood floors, gas range, fireplace, etc 254 N. 25th. Apply 875 Northrup. MODERN C-room upper flat, fireplace, fur nace, gas, electricity. 266 N. 19th st. TeL Marshall 1215. Rent $18. UP-TO-DATE lower 5-room Hat for rent. 673 Glisan st., near 21st. Phone Main 4U68. 5-ROOM upper, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, iarge porches. E. IUth and Davis Woodlawn 4373. UNFURNISHED U-room upper flat. West Side, in good condition; rent $20. BF 828. Oregonian. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath, 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 6th. Phone Main 6278. FLATS Modern 6-room: best location. In quire 175 16th, corner Yamhill. MODERN 4-room flat, near City Park Main 898S, A 2676. FOR RENT Lower 5-room modern flat, also upper with attic, $15 and $17. East 6294. Furnished Flats. 5-ROOM flat, beautifully furnished, walk ing distance, no children, reference re quired. $25. Call after 6:30. 273 S 14th st reet. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 501 Davenport st. Corner of Pation Rood. Nicely furnished upper and lower fiat, very reasonable; larpe grounds. WILL rent my home, strictly modern, new ly furnished, 6-roo:n flat, reasonable to reliable people. East 500. MODERN 4 or 5-room. clean, well-furnished flat; gas. electricity. 914 East Morrison, near 30th. Adults. LOWER flat, 4 large rooms, bath.' gas. elec tric, modern. 226 Cook and Ganttnbein. Housekeeping Rooms. WH Y pay carfare, water, fuel and light bills? Unfurnished single rooms and en suite. Goodnoush bldg.. Fifth and Yamhill, opposite postotfice; free gas for cooking .and light, steam heat, elevator service, cheapest qudrters In city. Inquire of en gineer in basement. ON E room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts., $14 up. 29l Co lumbia st. near 5th. Til E JbUSilMARK 1 and 2 rooms, modern, $3 per week up. Including steam heat, gas, electricity, telephone. 505 Vs Washington. $9 MONTH Two nice H. K. rooms, hot and sold water, steam heat, electricity. Phone Broadway 2642. 245 N. 17th. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and tw o-room housekeeping apts. Reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms la Private Family. $12 BEAUTIFULLY located, 3 first-floor housekeeping rooms; separate entrance, porches, yard, lights, phone; walking dis tance; adults. 504 E. 6th st. Seiiwood 1 1u9. Call Monday. Houses. 518 3-ROOM modern house, 3 blocks from Sunnyaide car, furnace, fireplace. $s 5-room cottage in Montavilla district. f0x.l0o lot. See Mr. Hammond, Bulfum & Pendleton Co.. 127 6th st. FOR RENT 1 5-room house and 1 6-room house, 697 and 611 Second street, bet. Sherman and Caruthers. Telephone Mar shall 1J.V.H r'OL'H-KOOM house for rent, free for three months. Call Main 514S, mornings from 8 to 11. 7-RoOM house, fireplace, bai h and toilet: 3 bedrooms, lurpe lot. fine garden spot, fruit trees, $10 month. r . ani'uyn. jviain i:,a. SIX rooms, six large closets, bath, attic, fur nace. Fast Wash., between 12th and 13th. East 17lo. GOOD se ven -room house. E. Sth and Bel mont, $15; live-room flat, same location, $10. Tel. E. 3 198. i O J.I'Ahh. fl-room house, Willamette Heights. fARRLSH. WATKINS & CO.. 106 2d St. FOR RENT Modern 7-room flat, first-class ronoition. 2.9 stout St.. corner Madison, Phone Broad w y 982. 6-P.OOM house, Clinton Kelly district, fur- n uc, hardwooa xioors. o. out wrou way bldg. , 5-ROOM cottage, in good condition, rent $9 month. 26th and 1 nurinan. pnone morn inns. Marshall 1254. NICE 6-room mdern house, furnace, gas. electricity. 8 liast 28th St., cor. Ash. 17. Tl. East 669; GOOD 0-room house, 697 Everett, between 21st and 22a. Phone Last 8. 7-HiiOM noun. 4oU Broadway ; gas, bath. $2 9-ROOM house, 163 N. 16th st. Marshall 4494. MODERN 5-room house, cheap, 1610 East Daviu. near 61st st. Call Seiiwood 28H2. 8-KOOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy, near zzzii. inquire j.ju otn st. Mam t a. MODERN 6-room house at 30 E. 11th st. N. Inquire st 73 E. lot h N. East 6h2. 6-HOOM corner house, nice yard, space; rent $15. East 6507. garden 5-ROOM house with garage, 961 Glenn ave., near Alberta. Main 16H9. FOR RENT In Rose City Park, a mod ere 7-room house. Call Tabor 6223. NICE, 6-room house northwest corner 29th and East Davis. Kent reasonable. Mar. 12S. IRVING TON Modern, corner, 6 rooms, ga rage, yard; 495 Tillamook. East 4076. 670 E. OAK ."-room modern bungalow, clean. Eas t 776. , 8-KOOM modern house, corner, Hawthorne ,,A Ti u in oi n- POLLY AND KER UJD HOW MAY Patent Office. GOOD DEAIIX A. SHORT WHILE BY FOR KENT. House. PORTLAND'S LARGEST RENTAL OFFICE PROPERTY RENTED. RENTS COLLECTED. LET TJS LOOK AFTER YOURS. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Cha mber of Commerce Bldg., 4th fe Stark Sts. 12-ROOM house, close-in, convenient to car lines, modern. excellent residential dis trict, especially adapted for boarders and roomers or suitable for private home. Mr. Crain. Main 208. NEAT 5-room bungalow, 1 block from Richmond-Woodstock carllne. No. 53 J E. 20th st.; wash trays, Dutch kitchen, etc, $14.50 per month, including water. Phone Main OOTS or Tabor 3270. WHEN TOTJ MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 680. A 674T. MODERN 7-room house and garage, large grounds, opposite Twohy Bros.. 233 E. &Mh N., $12, Including water. Phone Tabor 4353 mornings and evenings. 7-ROOM house, good condition, well lo- cateu. 40 E. 24th st. North, near E. Couch st. ; rent $ 15. Parrlsn, Watklns A Co.. 106 2d st. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Modern nous of s rooms, pleasant neighborhood, fireplace In living-room. furnace, newly tinted. Further particulars, phone East 2330. 7-ROOM house, batn and toilet, large lot. gooa garacn spot, iu montn; Marguerite ave., near Hawthorne. F- Vanduyn, Main 1955. 515 Chamber of Commerce. DESIRABLE 5-room bungalow with garage. can at nz? t;. 4th St.. near Hawthorne ave.; completely furnished, $27.50; unfur nished. $20. A LARGE 6-room house In the country, at uigniand, or. Rent $4. write ELI FELLOWS. Estacada. Or. Furnished Houses. COMPLETELY furnished, clean 4-room apartment, 2 bedrooms, private bath, in modern home, all conveniences; phone, gas, electricity and heat furnished; rea sonable ; close In. 94 N. 16th st., corner Flanders. Weat Side. VERY desirable modern 12-roora residence with spacious grounds on Portland Heights; furnished or unf urnlshad. D 639, Oregonian. ATTRACTIVELY furnished 10-room house In Irvlngton, sleeping porch, garage, tiled bath and shower, instantaneous gas heater, 2 fireplaces and furnace; in perfect con dition, $t5. East 5116. IRVINOTON Fine home, 10 rooms, ele gantly furnished, to lease 2 years or more, corner 109x100 and garage. 4o3 E. 15th st. N. STRICTLY modern nicely furnished 6-room House, hardwood flours, fireplace, sleeping porch. 113 Hassalo at. Tabor 664S. COMPLETELY furnished Irvlngton home. piano and garage, tine location, $4U. call ttso Schuyler st. Phone E. 7217. ATTRACTIVE modeTn furnished bungalow ana garage. 1U46 H. 3Jd st. js. woodlawn 1:578. COTTAGE. 2 rooms, bath and kitchenette; also 6-room cottage with attic. Marshall 4887. FOR RENT Furnished fine 10-room house; responsible parties. 455 Market. Mn. 137. SMALL furnished house. East.. Apply 211 Wash. st. Main 3716. MODERN 7-room house, beautiful location, piano. $40. 1640 Hawthorne. Tabor 2734. 6-ROOM, modern, furnished house. $15. 309 K. 9th St. South. E. 5235. Bdwy. 427. $13 COTTAGE. 3 rms.. modern. Kern Park. Vain 3672. McFarland, 505 Yeon bldg. $15 4-ROOM comfortably furnished house. 26S Mill, corner 4th; water paid. Offices. OFFICES, storerooms and halls, also rooms suitable for light manufacturing ; office building accommodations ; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co., 815 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington sts. FURNISHED private office, deskroom. In cluding phone service ; also suite ar rangements; low rent to permanent tenant. Stuck Exchange bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FARMING ON A LARGE SCALE IN CANADA MAKING MEN IMMENSELY WEALTHY. Several Oregonians are buying large tract wheat land on easy terms for Im mediate improvement and production of crops. Enterprise will be co-operative farm ing under joint expert American labor and management. Each to hold individual title to land. No stock selling. Simply a Joint productive enterprise. Does 50 bushels to acre interest you at wartime prices from $15 per acre land? Small sum controls 160 acres. Write today for particulars. O. H. SKOTHEIM. Eugene. Or. CASH business, non-perishable goods, doing $1000 a month, est. nearly 2 years, prof its 35 to 40 per cent, no credits, no de liveries, best locat ion on Yamhill mkt.. between 3d and 4th; low rent and a good lease. Can be operated by one man and a clerk. Gwnur leaving Oregon reason for selling. A wonderful buy; no agents. S 1 20, Oregonian. FOR SALE A good, clean stock of new furniture and housefurnishlngs In a live valley town of 3000 population, surround ed by the best farming community in the valley. Located in a fine building, with cheap rent. AV 664, Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL, Secretary. 302 Henry Bldg. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see A. J. De Forest, 203-207 Board of Trade Bldg. FoR sale or trade, wooa and coalyard; mod ern equipment; trucks, waponi. saws, elec tricity, trackage. Sacrifice. H 59S, Ore ponifin. BLACKSMITH tools and stock for salo at Trout Lake. Wash., 25 miles from any shop, fine point. A. Schofleld. Trout Lake, Wash. FOR SALE Machine shoe repair shop; pop ulation 6500. .Take Ford on part. Trial given. Full particulars. Own or, 71 Nona Main St., Ashland, or. LAU NDRY FOR SALE 6 wsshers. 60-H. p. boiler ; all machinery in good condition. Write AV 754. Oregonian. POO R H E A LTH ; good cash business, busy corner; living-rooms; wiii invoice. Phone Tabor 6-V 3-CHAlR barber shop for sale; cheap rent; doing good business. A. J. Maricle, box 27, Woodburn. Or. SMALL restaurant. 2 mln. from Wash St., doing rood business: will sell cheap for cash. M 714, Oregonian. 3-CHA1K SHOP, doing good business. Will sell on any kind of terms. Box 74 Forest Grove. Or. FOR sale or rent, restaurant; fine fixtures; best location in city; low rent. Jellison & Son, Camas, Wash. Phone 673. WANTED To aell all kinds of aecond-hsnd barber chairs at sacrifice. Kemp Barber Supply Co., 271 Washington st. SHOE repair shop for sale; latest machin ery ; doing a good business; leaving city ; part cash. 391 E. Morrison st. CLEANING and dyeing shop at 242 5th st., Portland ; busy season Just starting. Make offer. M. 7322. RESTAURANT, transient trade, cheap rent, big trade, cheap; terms. 24 N. 6th. RESTAURANT doing good business. Just the place for man and wife. 765 Thurman st. PALS V'GbrtrtA L CXIFF STERRETT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. COOS BAY OPPORTUNITY Complete plant of Twin City Laundry, doing $300 weekly; population 12,090 and growing, and only one other laundry here; price $4000. some cash and terms on balance; a rare bar gain. Address E. L. McClure, attorney, Marshfield, Or. HOTELS AND ROOMINO-HOCSES. IF" YOU WISH To "Buy, Sell or Exchange a Hotel, Rooming or Apt.-House, sea A, J. De FOREST, 20n-207 Board of Trade B!dg. 26-ROOM apt. -ho use, corner location. West Side, steam heat, running water; $S5; $500 cash, balance to suit. Broadway 2042. FOR SALE 10-room rooming-house, good location ; rent reasonable. Price $275. Apply 302 Court st.. The Dslles. Or. FOR best bargains In rooming or apartment bouses aee members nt the Realty Board, Yates Realty Co., 249 4th St. HOTEL, good Valley town, doing good busi ness, for trade. Mar. 6976. BY owner, 15 rooms, good business, one floor, brfck bldg. Columbia 268. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposal Invited. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Sealed bids will be received by the Idaho State Highway Commission until noon, Thursday. October 11, 1917. at the office of the Secretary of State, Boise. Idaho, for the construction of approximately 16 miles of the north and south highway In Adams County. Idaho, between Fruit vale and Price Valley, or mile 23 to mile 3S. inclusive. Separate bids are desired on the grading work and installation of corru gated iron pipe culverts, the construction of seven reinforced concrete and two steel bridges and for furnishing corrugated iron pipe culverts. Bids will also be received for the con struction of nine concrete and two steel bridges between the Washington County line and Council. Plans and specifications may be seen and proposal forms obtained at the of fice of the State Hlghwuy Engineer. Boise, Idaho. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on some bank in the state of Idaho In favor of the State Highway Commission for five per cent of the total amount of the bid. The commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids. W. T. DOUGHERTY. Secretary. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Sealed bids will be received by the Idaho State Highway Commission until noon, Thursday, October 11, 1917, at the of fice of the Secretary of State, Boise. Idaho, for the construction of approximately 60 miles of the Iost River Highway in Cus ter County. Idaho, between Mackay and Challis. Separate bids are desired on the grading work and installation of corru gated iron pipe culverts and the construc tion of 17 reinforced concrete and three steel bridges. Bids are also desired for f urnishinr corrugated iron culvert pipe. Plans and specifications may be seen and proposal torms obtained at the office of the State Highway Engineer, Buise, Idaho. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on some bank in the state of Idaho in favor of the State Highway Commission for five per cent of the total amount of the bid. The commission reserves the right to reject any or ail bids. W. T. DOUGHERTY. Secretary. BIDS will be received from contractors re garding dismantling of the portage Rail road, between The Dalles and Celilo, at room 410 The Dalles Hotel. The Dalles, Or., up until October 3. 1!1". STEINBOCK A SAMUEL. 197 S. Commercial St.. Salem. Or. Miscellaneous. MY wife, Mrs. Christine Cclorie. has If t my bed and board and I will not be respoa- sible for any debts incurred by her. O. J. CELORTE. TO whom it may concern ; I will not pa,y any bills run by Mrs. O. B. Bittner after September 28, 1917. O. B. BITTNER. COST AJID FOOD. LOST Gentleman's combination card case and pockutbook contaiqtng currency, pa pers and check. Finder please return to Pcttls-Grossmayer Co., 304 Wilcox bldg. Reward. LOST On Sunnyside car about 5 Is. M. Sat urday, a ludy's hand purse, containing sum of money belonging to poor girl. Finder call Tabor 2135. LOST An a met hyst pin surrounded with pearls, in the vicinity of Covey Motor Car Co., or Couch School. Liberal reward. Apt. 304. Everett- Apts. LOST Reward $5. Bar pin, carved faces at each end; small pearls between; no money valuu to finder. Phone Marshall 7u2 evenings. LOST Gold Hamilton watch in leather wristlet. Liberal reward. Gertrude Loom is. 2125 N. both St., Seattle, Wash. PE RSON keeping fox terrier dog. license 3U1. owner's name and address on collar, send dog home and avoid trouble. LOST In downtown district, gold watch in lea t her wristlet. Please notify Imperial Hotel. -Liberal reward. WILL party who took f us neckpiece Sa t. evening In Seward Hotel Restaurant, please return at once to clerk ? LOST A bundle of laundry. 802 Tenino st. Sellwood. FINANCIAL. Residence property, 6 to 8 per cent. Business property, 5 to 6 per cent. Farm property, 6 to 7 per cent. WH ITME R-KELLY CO., 711 Pittock blk. FIRST and second mortgages, also seller's Interest in contracts purchased. Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bids. TWO well secured mortgages; one for $5u0 and one for $1000. both bearing 3 per cent. Address AV 632, Oregonla n. LOANS, notes, contracts, mtgs. purchased. Lewis A Co.. 4 Lewia bldg. Main CSS. Money to Loaj on Real K state. LOANS on city and tarm property, first and second mortgages bought, also seller's Interest In sale -.ontracts. O. A. P:arce, 615 Oregonian bldg. No commission. MORTGAGE LOANS " VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACT. NEW WORLD LIKE INSURANCE CO.. 202 STEVENS BLDG. MORTGAGE loans. 5 years, with repayment privileges. 5 to 5 Vfc per cent on business. 6 to 7 per cent on residence property. Pacific Title & Trust Co.. 264-8 Stark St. $500, $1000 AND upwards on improved real estate; favorable terms; no delay; no brokersge. John Bain. 597 Spalding bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 215-210 Failing bldg. Phone Main 347. MONEY TO LOAN uN CITY OR FARM PROPERTY; WILL CALL IF INTER ESTED. PHONE TABOR 262H. $50.Oo0 TO LOAN in amounts to suit on city property at 6 and 7 per cent. M'KENZIE A CO.. 515 Gerljnger Bldg. $1090 TO $150O, private party, to loan on improved property, interest 7 per cent. Phone Marshall 5522. Sundays Tabor 30;0. PLENTY of money at 6 and 7 per cent. Goddard A Wiedrlck. 243 Stark. SEE US today. LOANS, any amount, 6-7. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon Bldg. $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm; no commission. P. O. Box 873, city. MONEY on city property, 7 per cent. Also farm loans. 502 Dekum bid?. MONEY to loan on Improved city and farm property. K. K. Baxter. 1Q4 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENtT LOUIS SALOMON A CO., 40 Selling bldg. Well, f REaC ASUUQ. rlAlf (foT Aft? HAAlUtGud VETOES - y FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pay a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on Improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commisaiou charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN" ASS'N, 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRRELL & CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg Marshall 4114. A 113. EDWARD E. GOLDS Y CO. 5fr. 6. 1ce Loans On Mortgage Security. Northwestern Bank Bldg. .MORTGAGE LOANS. 5 66 7 UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bldg. 6 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley fa rm loans; no delay ; no commission. Devereaux Mortgage Company. 607 Con cord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. Money to tonn Ohntteis and Salaries. FURNITURE LOANS. SALARY LOANS. All that Is necessary to establish credit with us is that you either own furniture, pianos or that you are working el thsr will do. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO LICENSED. 317 Failing Bldg. IF YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. SALARIES ------- CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed Income ; on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Business confidential ; private of flco. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed.! 306-307 Dckum Bldg. LOOK FOR THE BIG, RED SIGN. Loans at legal rates on diamonds, watches. Jewelry, guns, pistols, kodaks or anything else of value. Special rates on large amounts. PANAMA LOAN OFFICE. S4 Third St.. near Oak. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to protect borrower. C, Myers Herman, manager, 394 Stark st. Money loa ned on diamonds. jewelry, pianos, household furniture. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; lega! rate, all articles held one year; established, since 1SS&. Uan Marx. 23 Washington. Loans Wanted. WILL pay 10' 0 for $2ont, quick loan, on $20,000 value, to take up mortgage. 405 Merchants' Trust bldg. Phone Main 675. $100 ON Income property valued at $5o0U 613 C of C. bldg. Main 1166. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. AO-inch wavy switch, 2 sep $1.5n 2 4-inch wavy switch. 3 atp , l.0i All-around transformation 1.45 HairdreMsmg, suampooins. face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 25c. Hair re moved by electric neeuie. switch mude of combings. 95c. We buy your coinbinjts. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekum bid., 3d and Washington. Marshall 172. LOUISE NETZEIv- trained nurse and mas 3 use, give treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc., tub baths, mas sage and electric blankets; lady asistanu Marshall 5033. 26 & 13th., uear Jelfer&on. FEB VET & HAN EBUT. leaulnKT wig and toupee makers, iiuet stock human hair goous; hairurestditg. manicuring;, face and scalp treatment Removed to 349 Alder, near Rroadw ay. Main 546. REST for tired nerves, "highly improved" druglesa methods. Dr. Margaret Haynie licensed chiropractor, steam baths, mas sage. 517 Swetland bldg. Main 1765. G. S. S. FOOT POWDER One box guaran teed to cure sweaty, smelly feet; price $1. Send stamps or currency to G. S. S., box C54, Marshfield. Or. SPIRITUALISM .Mrs. M. L. La MAR, 285 5th st.. cor. Alain, teaches palmistry and card reading ; also lessons iu sciuuco of health and success. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by teu-needle method; trial $L Joal Finley. 614 Eilers bldg. M. 636h. HERB and mineral steam bat lis. scientific, organic nerve massage ; lauy attendant. Prof. C. N Smidt. 424 Jefferson. .Main 6544. MRS. STEVENS. 24 years in Portland, 0tn century science in paim y taught; epUr Itual readings daily. 375 Tayior su TRAINED, nurse uesir-s refined patrons for light magnetics, matin ge, sweat and tub baths. Office 170'- 2d, room 4. GolTRE. enlarged glands: cute yourself. Address Kemed. Kouie 5. Box 17, Hllls bo ro. Or. MILDRED CLARK, inaasaga, baths and electric treatment. Kotnchild biug., 2bVs Washington, office 211. Open Sunuays. AZA H. K1BBECKE, graduate dermatolo gist. Hair and blemisiies permanently re- moved. 129 12th St., nr. Wash. Mar. S2ii. WAN TED To adopt a bi own -haired boy from 2 weeks to 4 months oid. AL 525, t rj;onian. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHoRI teaches truth ; readings daily; circles Sun., 'lue.. Thur., P. M. 4Q0 Jefferson bu Phone A 3M2. MRS. HEUNES Spiritual card reading taught; hours lo;3o A. M. to S P. M. oiuv Morrison. 513 Koyal Annex bldg. byt'rilA B. SE1P. mental, spiritual science. Daily. 4tl Tourney bldg.. 2d and Taylor st. Circles Wednesday 8 P. M. Main GHatf. THE FUR SHOP. Furs to order, remoueiing, lowest prices. 60 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Washington. ELECTRIC trea ments for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumbago, face, scalp; suphur, steam and bait baths. 426 Clay. Main c359. COitKINN E JOHNSTONE, mental, drugles aud mannetic electro. B 2335. iiour J.0 to 4. 546 E. t a d iso n . cor. 12th. S C 1 E N T 1 F 1 c lace mahati, dandruff and iiithmg 8-a!p promptly tdived, moles re ni'jved. 230 r'lieuner bldg. Broadway 1685. ELECTRIC-CABINET AND TLB BATHS. Scient.fic massagu by graduate masseuse. 327-29 Pittock blouK. open lo to S Sundays. MAKIE NEV INS, mire-ase and electric treatments. 4H Northwest bldg.Maln 9Q6i. VIBRATO It massage by trained nurse. Ap pointments by phone on y. Marshall 2442. MA KlE DU HA KK. uraduate masseuse. Of fice 6. 2911? Morrison. 11 A. M. to S P. M. PIANO teacher. private instruction; les son s1Tc-CllJaxHhs SUPERFLU US HAIR destroyed forever by Mult lple Needle Me thod. 504 Swenand bl a. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs, AL D. Hill. 429 bldg- Bdwy 8478 MAY ANDREWS teaches phrenology and card reading. 282 Park st. Main 7548. LA DY BARBERS Shave 10c, haircut 15c. face massuge 35c. 325 Glisan st. BODY MASSAGE and bath given by trained n urae. 3QS O 3d st. M aln 1 04 9. LAW Y ER, experienced, prompt, freo consul tatlon. 224 Fleidner bldg- Bdwy 2S5Q. PR1MEDA BALM, formerly called - Bit lm of Fig- 8 44 E. 33d. Sell. 223, mornings. toCALP. massage and shampooing, room 1, 35n Yamhill st. Marshall 5263. ALMA S. JOHNSON, facial, scalp; Franco Amerlcan toilet articles. Main 1451. MAY IRVIN, electric and vibratory ta Ing. 291 H Morrison at., office 7. m That a I 3dPft?2fc, III haJe.)