r VOL. LVII. XO. 1T,740. PORTLAND, OREGOX, MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1017. PRICE FIVE CENTS. J.W. HEN ARE LEAVING CHICAGO TRAIN KILLS 3 IN AUTO NEAR AUBURN T. R. FLAYS COUPLE, DIVORCED BY FATE, REMARRY WIFE OF SUPPOSED VICTIM OF LVSITAXIA GETS DECREE. BATTERS U-BOATS LONDON IS RAIDED BY AIRCRAFT AGAIN GERMAN HATE IS NO SMALL THING WITHIN OUR GATES LIGHT MACHINE STRUCK 0 0-MILE SPEED. AT TEX PLANES PEXETRATE DE FEXSES, FOUR REACH CITY. --co HUNS BRITAIN GERMAN Agitators Alarmed by Indictments. HAYWOOD IS STILL IN JAIL Men of Wealth and Influence May Be Involved. FOUR NOTABLES ARRESTED line of Best Known Members of i Organization Taken in Sew York on AVarrants Is: ued in the AVest. CHICAGO. Sept. 30. Many members of the Industrial Workers of the "World have fled from Chicago and other cities as a result of the returning of indict ments against a large number of their leaders by the grand Jury here Friday, according to Charles F. Clyne, United States District Attorney, but this was expected by the Federal agents, and careful track has been kept of all those who may be wanted. William D. Haywood and other lead ers arrested here are still in jail to night in default of bail, which, in the case of Haywood, was placed at $25,000. Mr. Clyne refused to state what fur ther arrests were contemplated by the Government. Influential Men Involved, One of the surprising features de veloped in the grand jury investiga tion was that many wealthy and in fluential persons have been brought into sympathy with the I. W. W. Mr. Clyne expressed the belief that pressure had been brought to bear in cases of this kind. It was said that in some cases action would be brought against these prominent persons on charges of accessory. The secretary of the Chicago I. W. W. organization taunted, officers today with this statement: "We've raised 1500,000 to fight your Government and j on haven't begun to stop us." A young man stood beside the leader. He cried: "Yes. and we can get, a lot more from the Kaiser, too. It has been prom" The leader swung around and clapped his hand over the other's mouth. ."Shut your d mouth," he yelled. Raids Stop Catherines. Government raids on the I. W. W. meeting places have stopped further gatherings. But unnamed officials an nounced . tonight members hereafter will be expected to come singly to the headquarters, bringing friends who are willing to "contribute" to the defense fund. Every member, according to the new I. W. W. proclamation, is expected to give as mucn as possible. The order went into effect today. At a late hour tonight $1.75 had been contributed. Four Notables Arrested. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Carlo Tres es, John Baldazza and Arturo Gio vanitti, active members, were arrested in New York City on indiictments is sued here. All have been prominent in labor disputes for several years. Miss (Concluded on Page 3, Column '1.1 ACTUAL COXDITIOXS IX RUS SIA TO BE GIVEN READERS OF THE OREGOIA BY FAMOUS WOMAN Rheta Childe Dorr has just re turned from Kussia, where she spent three months close to the people, gathering ma terials for one of the greatest news serials of the war. The Orego nian will begin 1 p Is publishing Mrs. Dorr's account of her observa tions and con clusions next Wednesday. T5Qf ' Rbeta Childe Dorr. Daily installments will follow for three weeks or more. Mrs. Dorr will answer the Questions that Americans are so anxiously asking: "What manner of man is Kerensky? Is he a strong leader?" and "Will he hold out? What about the wom en in the Legion of Death? What of the Bolsheviki, the visionary radicals, who are doing so much to handicap the new republic?" Mrs. Dorr will tell how sol diers gouge out officers' eyes; how workmen .exact fabulous wages and then refuse to work: how agitators from New York tell Russian mobs that America has a ruler that out-kaisers the Kaiser; how thieves loot at will, and how nearly the present gov ernment approaches absolute powerlessness in the face of the universal anarchy that prevails. Every American will want to read Mrs. Dorr's wonderful story. It points the way to our duty toward a distracted and demor alized ally. l Wreckage of Motor Strewn for 2 50 Yards and Bodies of Seattle Trio Badly Mutilated. AfBCRN, Wash., Sept. 30. Two women and a man were instantly killed at Pacific City, four miles south of here, at 4 o'clock this afternoon, when a Puget Sound Electric Railway train. running 60 miles an hour, struck the automobile in which they were rid ing. The dead are: .Michael Phillips, aged 26, a steeplejack employed by the Se attle Construction Company, and Mil dred Martin, 18, and Amy Martin, 24, sisters, daughters of F. E. Martin, of Seattle. Phillips and the two young women had been to Tacoma and were returning to Seattle. As Phillips drove his au tomobile toward the railroad crossing at 30 miles an hour, his view or the railroad to the south was cut off by the Pacific City station. The electric train struck the light automobile squarely and carried it for 50 yards before being brought to a stop. Wreckage of the automobile was so closely wrapped about the pilot of the locomotive that it took half an hour to untangle it. The bodies of the victims were man gled almost beyond recognition. BOND INTEREST TAX FREE Exemption Applies to Income on First $5000 Owned. WASHINGTON, Sept, 30. Secretary McAdoo, explaining the provision of the bond bill governing exemption of liberty loan bonds of the second issue from surtax, announced Saturday that regardless of the amount of bonds pur chased by a single individual or cor poration, interest on the first $5000 wcrth would be exempted from all tax ation. Where purchases exceed $5000 worth of bonds, interest on the excess will be subject to surtax. RAISE HOGS, SAYS HOOVER I'ood Administrator Wants Farmers to Treble Output. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 30. The ne cessity of 'encouraging the farmers to raise three tim1 as many bogs this year as they did last year was em phasized by Herbert Hoover Saturday in addressing a food supply conference composed of members of the Pennsyl vania committee on public safety and others interested in the food problems. "We are sending abroad more hog products at the present time than we produce," he asserted. MRS. GEORGE DEWEY QUITS Admiral's Widow Resigns as Xavy League Chairman. WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. Mrs. George Dewey tonight resigned as honorary chairman of the comforts committee of the Navy League. Mrs. Dewey is president of the Wom an's Naval Service, which recently changed its name from the Woman's Section of the Navy League, because of the controversy between Secretary Daniels and the league. FARM LOANS $1 1 ,072,395 Federal Land Bank at Spokane Does Mnch Business In Six Months. SPOKANE. Wash.. Sept. 30. Loans totaling $11,072,395 have been appraised and approved by the Federal Land Bank of Spokane during the first six months of its existence, according to a statement of President D. G. O'Shea, show'ng business to October 1. Charters have been recommended for 209 National farm loan associations in Washington, Idaho, Montana and Ore gon. FINNS BUYING FIREARMS Many Agents of Mj-sterions Move Arrested at Petrograd. ' FETR.OGRAD, Sept. 29. Many arrests have been made in Petrograd of Finn ish agents who were purchasing fire arms. The newspapers say the arrests re vealed mysterious arrangements for the arming of Finland and that some purchases were made openly in the streets and cafes, and even at arsenals. INSANE PATIENT ESCAPES State Ward Believed to Be Danger ous, so Close Watch Is Kept. SALEM. Or., Sept. 30. (Special.) J. D. Evans, committed to the State Hospital from Phoenix in 1909, escaped from the institution farm tonight. Close watch is being kept for him, as in some ways he is considered dan gerous. CHANCELLOR'S HEALTH BAD Michaelis Condition "Leaves Very Much to Be Desired," Report. AMSTERDAM. Sept. 30 A Berlin telegram to the Riminische Westfa lische Zeitung of Essen says that the state of health of the German Chancel lor, Dr. Michaelis, "leaves very much to. be desired." Men; tafollette Type Hit Hard. EX-PRESIDENT IN EARNEST Americans in Congress Who Serve Kaiser Scored. CANCER MUST BE CUT OUT Germany, Colonel Says, Has Re duced Savagery to Science and War for Victorious Peace of Justice Must Go On. JOHNSTOWN, Pa., Sept. 30. "Shadow Huns," "men who sit in our National Legislature and serve the Kaiser," and the "Huns within our gates," received another denunciation today from ex President Theodore Roosevelt in an address here at the Workingmen's Red Cross Sunday celebration. Departing from his set address. Colo nel Roosevelt brought to his auuience the need of true Americanism and the duty devolving upon every citizen of the United States in standing behind the young men who have enlisted or have been made parts of the National Army for the purpose of "cutting the German cancer clean out of the world body." No La FollrtteM in Germany. "You don't find any 'Shadow-Huns' in Germany," Mr. Roosevelt declared. "If in Germany any man acted as La Follette in this country they would put him to digging trenches. I would send him as a gift to the Kaiser. Let the 'Shadow-Huns' go back to their country." Using the disastrous Johnstown flood of 1889 as an example, the ex President drew a striking parallel as to the peril ' of the United States re sulting from its unpreparedness. 'ss. Savaiccrr Made a Selenee. He said that the owners of the South Fork dam here, which broke, causing the flood, had hesitated to strengthen it because of the cost, j" r as the lead ers of this Nation in the period since the outbreak of the European war and prior to our entry had hesitated to strengthen the Nation's defenses. "Until the German cancer is cut clean out of the world body," said Mr. Roose velt, "this great war for the victorious peace of justice must go on. Germany has reduced savagery to a science. 10.000 Atrocities Recounted. "There are official records of more than 10,000 separate atrocities com mitted by the German armies, not sporadically, but as a part of the de liberate plan of 'schrecklichkeit,' of horror, upon which the German gov eminent has counted." (-;;-' """" 1 -' I I ALAS j Rancher Returned From Trip to Sweden Finds Legal Tangle Had Compelled Divorce. LEWISTOX, Idaho. Sept. 30. John Nelson, of near Dayton, Wash., a pros perous ranch-owner, who was divorced on the ground of desertion, and his for mer wife, to whom the court restored her maiden name of Clara Wood, were remarried here yesterday by Probate Judge William Bollinger. Nelson and his wife are pioneer resi dents of the Dayton country and resid ed there as man and wife for many years, rearing a family. Finally Nel son, becoming well off, decided to visit his old home in Sweden, and left for Sweden Just before the Lusitania dis aster'. Shortly afterward an apparent ly well-authenticated report reached his home that he was among the vic tims of the submarine which sank the liner. ' Nelson had, however, reached Sweden safely, but through some mischance all his communications failed to reach his wife and family. Nelson believing the submarine activities and rigid censor shp of war times were the reason that no communication reached him from his family. To straighten a business tangle which arose as the result of his absence the wife secured a divorce. A few days ago Nelson returned home. The trip to Lewiston was arranged, and the parties are now on their second honeymoon. ARTILLERY NOW IN ARMY Major Greenongh Musters in Wash ington Men at Walla Walla. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Sept. 30. (Special.) The Washington Field Ar tillery was inducted into the Federal service this afternoon by Major A. C. Greenough, of the Western Division Headquarters in San Francisco. The muster was preceded by a battalion pa rade and review. The physical examination of the men has been completed and 30 of the bat talion were rejected. About 3S men are out for football practice daily under the direction of Lieutenant Langdon, a W. S. C. star. There are a number of ex-high school and college stars in the battalion. POPE WILL RENEW EFFORT Reply to Entente Allies Will Ask Them to State Peace Terms. PARIS. Sept. 30. A dispatch to the Temps from Geneva says that Pope Benedict, in transmitting to the entente allies the replies received from the central powers to his peace proposals will set forth in an accompanying note the theory Germany and Austria, have accepted a basis of negotiations satis factory to the allies and will ask the allies to state their conditions. Lnca Botta, Tenor, Dies. NEW YORK, Sept. 30. Luca Botta, for the last three seasons a leading tenor of the Metropolitan Opera com pany, died here Saturday, aged 35 years. HE KNEW HIM WELL. Thrilling Naval Actions Are Reported. SEYERAL SUBMARINES SUNK Torpedo Fired 800 Yards Hits Teuton. GUNNERY TRAINING PAYS Fire Directed at Diver Three Miles Distant Brings Smoke and Flames and Vessel Disappears. LONDON, Sept.. 30. Another series of thrilling reports of recent naval ac tions against German submarines, il lustrative of the manner in which the U-boat menace is being met, was given out tonight by the Admiralty. The figures are official and authenticated, but no dates are given. The statement begins by reciting how a torpedo gunboat sighted a peri scope 600 yards away and pursued it. When at a distance of 50 yaftls the periscope disappeared, and the gun boat passed oyer the submarine. The impact of the collision was felt and explosive charges were dropped astern. Oil Noted on Water. A seaplane reported patches of oil on the surface and a mine sweeper found an obstruction on the bottom at this point. A torpedo boat patrolling in the At lantic found a steamer torpedoed and sinking, rescued the survivors and cir cled about the locality more than an hour before locating the submarine. The torpedo boat dropped three sub marine bombs. Oil and air bubbles reeking of gasoline came to the sur face. J Hit Made at 80O Tarda. A British U-boat sighted a German submersible while both wr on the sur face. The British submarine dived and later picked up the enemy through the periscope. A torpedo, fired at 800 yards, caused a violent explosion in the German vessel. When the British arrived they found a patch of oil In which Germans were swimming. A flotilla of sweepers was engaged in Western Channel waters when an explosion occurred between a pair of them, the wire net parting. When the sweeping wire was pulled in two mines were found entangled, one on the ship's side and the other just under the surface. The slightest roll of the ship strik ing the mine's "whiskers" would have been sufficient to set off an annihilat ing charge. A second officer with vol unteers coolly cut the wire. The mines fell into the sea without exploding. (Concluded on Pas 3. Column 3. 1 Bombs Also Dropped in Kent and Essex and Three Enemy Ma chines Reported Dropped. LONDON,' Sept. 30. The London dis trict was again raided tonight by Ger man airmen. There is a circumstantial but unconfirmed report that three enemy machines were brought down. While there was a bright moon there also was a slight mist, and the raiders were Invisible to persons In the streets, but from the sounds of the anti-aircraft guns in action the indications were that the raiders were moving over various quarters of the district. Field Marshal Lord French reports that two groups of enemy machines. followed by others flying singly. crossed the Kent and Essex coasts be tween 6:40 and 8 o'clock tonight. They came toward London. About 10 pene trated the outer defenses, but only four or five got through to London itself. Bombs were dropped In Kent, Essex and London. No details of the damage or casualties have yet been received. In expectation of nightly raids, the streets of London were much less crowded tonight than ordinarily. A majority of the people went early to their homes and the services in the churches were held at 5 o'clock, instead of 7. Hence, when the warning was Issued, the etreets were quickly cleared. There were the usual scenes In the tubes and other shelters, but the po lice and special constables had less dif ficulty in handling the crowds than on previous occasions. STEAMSHIP GLEN0GLE SUNK Papers Washed Ashore; Entire Crew Believed Perished. NEW YORK, Sept. 30. News was re ceived here last night of the torpedo ing of the steamship Glenogle. flying the Chinese flag, off the Irish Coast by a German submarine four weeks ago. She had a crew of 100 men, all Chinese, with the exception of the offi cers and engineers. There were no survivors, apparently, and the sinking of the ship with her crew was discovered through the pa pers being washed ashore in Bantry Bay, Ireland. FALL FATAL FOR BANKER Isaac SeliRntan Dies as Result of Being .Thrown From Horse. NEW YORK, Sept. 30. Isaac Newton Seligman. a member of the banking firm of J. and W. Selisman & Co., of this city, died in a hospital here today from a fracture of the skull suffered in a fall from his hose this morning near his Summer home at Irvington, N. T. The banker was found uncon scious at the epot where he had been thrown. PERU SEIZES TEUTON SHIPS Naval Forces Placed Aboard Eight German Vessels. LIMA. Peru, Sept. 30. Peruvian naval forces yesterday were placed on board five German steamships and three German sailing vessels which have been laid up at Callao since early in the war. Parts of the machinery were miss ing. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 68 degrees; minimum. 50 degrees. TODAY'S Fair; westerly winds. War. London raided by aircraft again. Page 1. British Admiralty reports thrilling engage ments with German U-boats. Pago 1. Von Kuehlmann expresses real wish for peace. Pas4 2. American ambulances to be with Russia soon. Page -. Roosevelt denounces men who sit In Na tional Legislature and servo Kaiser. Page L Foreign. American banks said to have been involved In Bolo Pasha transactions. Page S. National. Five billion Is goal In second liberty loan drive which opens today. Page . lomestlc. Pensacola damage from hurricane Is slight. Page 4. Great Lakes seamen win strike. Page 6. Oregon troop visit Alamo. Page 4. Complete resumption ot work In the San Francisco shipyards announced for to day. Page 3. Many I. W. W. flee from Chicago. Page 1. Sport. Pacific Coast League results: Portland 3-10, Vernon 4-4; Bait Lake 3-3. Oakland 6-2; San Francisco 2-4, Los Angeles 8-L Page 10. Fans donate $858 to soldier bat and ball . fund. Page 10. Size of ball parks will limit world's series attendance. Page 11. Pacific Northwest. Train kills three in auto near Auburn. Page 1. Divorced wife of supposed victim of Lusi tania disaster reweds former husband. Page 1. Allen Eaton not to be dismissed from Ore gon faculty. Page C. Portland and Vicinity. Former Ambassador Gerard tells of Ger many's unlimited capacity tor hate. Page 1. Giving is on of the essentials of the Chris tian religion, says Rev. Mr. Oriffls at First Christian Church. Page 11. Public Safety Commission has new plan to curb recKless driving. Page 6. E. G. Andrews arrested for second desertion of wife. Page 7. Mary Carolyn Davles, now in Portland, has Just completed volume ot verse. Page 14. Orpheum opens new season with Interest ing bill of great variety. Page 14. Oregon begins big drive to raise 16.500,000 of second liberty loan. Page 0. Negotiations opened looking to settlement of shipyard strike here. Page 3. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 11. Dairy business in turmoil ss result of recent price changes. Page 11. Olive Drab Americans Warned by Gerard. PRISONERS LIKELY TO SUFFER Ex-Ambassador Tells About America's Worst Foe. MANY MEN WILL BE NEEDED Let Xo One Expect, Says Mr Gerard, Tliut Germany Is to Be Bcuten by Starvation or by Strife at Homo. When olive-Srab boys of the Ameri can troops go over the top in their first rush across No Man's Land, they will wield the bayonet with a full realization of the fact that to become a. Prussian prisoner is not the least of the woes that may befall a soldier ot democracy. Such is the opinion of James V. Gerard, ex - Ambassador to Germany, who will address the citizens of Tort land at a mass meeting in the Public Auditorium at noon today. Nor is any one more qualified to express such an opinion, for Mr. Gerard was one of civilization's witnesses to the brutal treatment that the first captured sol diers of England received in Prussian prison camps. tierman Hate Unlimited. "Germany has an unlimited capacity for hate," said Mr. Gerard yesterday. "Because the British came into the war. contrary to their expectations, the British prisoners were treated with great cruelty during the first few months of conflict. "For the same reason the first Ameri can soldier to be taken prisoner by the Germans will have a very hard time. Germany hates America, as she hates Britain, for this country's unexpected entrance as her foe." Far .removed from the wars of fic tion, the sheen of romance and the lure of battle, is the strife that the United States has undertaken, declares Mr. Gerard. Every resource of the Nation must be strained for victory If America is to be .freed from the men ace of Prussianism. "One thing I wish to impress upon all," he said with emphasis, "is that Germany still Is extremely strong, and that the only way she can bo beaten Is by an actual military effort in the field. Prisoners Number 3.O0O.000. "There will soon be, perhaps. 43,000 men In training at Camp Lewis. In this war such a number is nothing at all. It is negligible, save as the smallest of units. Germany alone has 2,000,000 prisoners of war. Austria, holds approximately 1,000,000. Such figures afford some Idea of the mag nitude of the war which America has entered. "Now, will the war end with peace? Even now Germany Is preparing for the war after the war, the struggle for commercial supremacy. She Is steadily building ships to capture the carrying trade when the conflict shall have been concluded. "Germany has been buying up Mex ico, and, unless they are thoroughly beaten, they will be more dangerous to us than ever. In that direction grave peril lies." Prussian Fat From Starvation. Not slow starvation, nor any pros pective military defeat, will operate toward the creation of peace sentiment in Germany, in the opinion of Mr. Ger ard. "While economic conditions have grown steadily worse, the Prussians are far from starvation and will remain so. "Realization by the intellectual classes of Germany of three prospects will render them anxious to conclude, peace," said Mr. Gerard. "Economic pressure, constantly increasing; the certainty that the losses of war will not be met by indemnities, and the heavy loss of trade during the war and the, permanent loss which will follow, will prove to be the determining factors. "Germans must be beginning to real ize that they cannot expect to pay off the expenses of the war by indemnities. The loss of foreign trade, on whicit Germany depended largely for her Na tional wealth, is heavy. And German manufacturers and foreign traders un derstand that they not only have lost profits during the war, but bavo lost the greater proportion of their trade permanently. Oerman Trade Must Lose. "Other nations, which before the struggle depended upon Germany for many things, are learlng to use substi tutes and to manufacture the hereto fore imported articles of German make. For Instance. American Imports of Ger man toys used to aggregate $30,000,000 each year. Now the American child has learned to replace the foreign toy with those that are not made in Ger many. When his smaller brother asks for toys, he will ask for the same kind, and will no longer be satisfied with tha Nuremberg toy. . "We are learning to make dyestuffs. as are England and Japan. Germany held a monopoly on these. They have but one thing that really was neces sary to us, and that is potash. But we are developing the vat deposits of Searle's Lake, In California. Potash la (Coucluded ua Taxe 4, Column