8 TIIE MORNING " OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JULY 31. 1917. PORTLAXD, OREGON. Entered at Portland (Oregon). Postofflce as aecond-clasa mail matter. Subscription ratea invariably In advance; (By Mail.) . - Dally, Sunday Included, one year. . . ?. . Daily, Sunday Included, alx months 4.2., Iaily. Sunday included, three montha... 2.j Iai!y. Sunday Included, om month . . . raily. without faundav. one year ?tr Daily, without Sunday, six montha 3-- Daily, without Sunday, three montha... !' Daily, without Sunday, one montn...... Weekly, one year .- J-J Sunday, one year 2.50 Sunday and weekly ..................... S.oO By Carrier.) Dally, Sunday included, one year 8.00 Daily, Sunday included, one month.... -J Dally, without Sunday, one year 7. SO Dally, without Sunday, three months... 1.1J Daily, without Sunday, one month 63 How to Remit Send postofflce money or der, express order or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at sender's risk. Give postoffice addreaa In lull. Including county and state. Pontage Ratea 12 to 16 pages. 1 cent: IS to 3 pages. 2 cents; 84 to 4S pages. 8 cents; BO to 60 pages, 4 centa; 62 to 76 pages, O cents; 78 to 82 pages, 6 cents. Foreign post age double rates. Kaatern Bmtinem Of fico Verree & Conklln. Brunswick building. New York; Verree & Conklln. Steger building Chicago; San Iran Cisco representative, R. J. Bldwell, 742 Mar ket street. rORILAN'D, TUESDAY, JULY 81, 1917. DOWN ON' HOOTER. Hoover Is a man of action aggres sive, constructive, direct and humane. No wonder the Senate doesn't under stand him and that some of the Sen ators have conceived a vast dislike for him. Hoover has not waited for the food control bill to pass, but has gone ahead and done what he could. The overwhelming need of his service is too plain for dispute except by some Senators. He has authority from the President. That is enough. But evi dently the dignity of the solemn Sen ate has been seriously hurt. And it has been proposed to de-Hooverize Hoover by putting food control in the hands of three directors instead of one. Why not three Commanders-In-Chief of the Amy? Or three Presidents? Or three Pershings in France? Sometimes we think that the only way that the Senate of the United States can elevate Itself in the public esteem is by abolishing the Congres sional Record. CONSERVED TO PERFECTION. Conservation in the United States is a complete success. The coal of Alas ka Is so carefully conserved that the Pacific Coast ports, where it is needed, cannot get it. Pacific Coast people might use water power in place of the coal which they cannot get, but that, too. Is admirably conserved. Or they might use much more oil as fuel than Is now used, and might get it cheaper, but all the oil on Government land is also conserved. The Government Itself needs that oil for use on Its warships and on the freight ships which it Is building, or in the shape of gasoline on the auto trucks, motor boats and aircraft which are to fight in the war zones, but it cannot get its own oil. The Nation needs to increase food production, phosphate would help amazingly, and the Government owns great beds of phosphate, but they, too, are conserved. The Government Is In the ludicrous position of a man who has locked a large fortune In a fireproof, burglar proof safe and then has lost the com bination. He is absolutely secure from fire and robbery, but he cannot get any benefit from his own wealth. It is equally safe from his spendthrift proclivities. The only satisfaction he derives from his ownership is the knowledge that it is in that safe, and that, though he cannot get at it, no other person can. This is the finest tribute which could possibly be offered to Gifford Pinchot as the conserver of our nat ural resources. ONE OF THE WAR VISIONS. A "perfectly feasible solution of the U-boat problem" Is offered to the al lies by Washington B. Vanderlip, of New York, who describes himself as a mining engineer. It is to block the Straits of Gibraltar, Otranto and Dar danelles with nets and thus "make the Mediterranean as safe as Lake Michi gan," then send all the allied ships through the Panama Canal to the Pacific Coast, send all troops ajid ex ports for Europe across the continent by rail, and ship them across the Pa cific Ocean and through the Mediter ranean to France. They would be hauled across that country by rail, and British supplies would cross the Chan nel from Calais to Dover. To do this he would "stop the building of useless wooden boats" and "put some of the appropriation into freight cars and locomotives" and "let General Goe thals "go ahead with the sensible proj ect of steel ships." Why did nobody ever think of this before? Why was this great but sim ple scheme to defeat the submarine left for Mr. Vanderlip to unfold? To him it is a small matter that the Afri can side of Gibraltar Straits opposite the great rock Is Spanish territory, therefore neutral, and that nets from the western end of the straits, where France rules the African coast, would also extend to Spanish territory. If it were practicable to rlose the Strait of Otranto to Austrian submarines, would not the allies already have done so? How could nets be maintained across the Dardanelles without control of the shores? At enormous cost the al lies held the Gallipoli side for nearly a year, but failed to gain the Asiatic 6ide, and ' finally were compelled to withdraw. Here are abundant rea- already been closed with nets. The ports of the Pacific Coast would rejoice to handle all the war traffic between America and Europe, if it were oosslble. but there are a few . flight obstacles. This traffic has con- " trested the well-developed railroads ' end ports of the Atlantic Coast: It track roads and partially improved ports of the Pacific. Before they could ' inrrpasA of trnfflrt thfl war wnnM hfi over. The world's shtps are already overtaxed, but a great fleet would be needed to carry coal and fuel oil to rv a tr:i en ui . n i f 1 tti nn im n cm nnrn n n n Aden, and the long voyage three would require at least three times as Atlantic. The French railroads" are . already overtaxed by their present traffic; they could not possibly carry - all that now passes between America end Europe. This is probably only one of many absurd schemes with which the Ad ministration is being bombarded It is discussed merely as a sam'ple. The Government doubtless seeks diligently ' tor the one brilliant suggestion which will defeat the U-boat. --In Its search for that grain of wheat it must have handled many bushels "of chaff. AN ALCOHOLIC MYSTERY. They were discussing prohibition the other day in the Senate. They were discussing it on numerous other days, but on the particular day we have in mind Senator Jones, of Wash ington, remarked that alcohol had "done more to weaken the arms of England and France than any other one influence." Senator John Sharp Williams arose with figures in hand. German sol diers, on the firing line, he showed, consumed about 70.7 grams of alcohol a day, while the soldiers of Britain consumed a maximum of 17.5 grams, the soldiers of France about 60 grams and the soldiers of Austria 40 grams. It is very puzzling. The booze impaired British and French have not yet whipped the Germans, al though the Germans consume much more alcohol than they do. . The bone-dry Russians are running away from the alcoholic Germans, but when given a free hand have no difficulty in whipping the Austrians, who get more alcohol than the British, who in turn are able to stand up before the tip pling Teutons. It may be argued, from the prohi bition standpoint, that If the Russians had not been denied their vodka they would have run away long ago; that the Austrians would be able to stand up and fight if they were deprived of wine: that the British and French would by this time have licked the Germans if they had not had rum every day, and that if the Germans had cut out beer and brandy the war would have been over seventeen months ago. As already stated, it Is very puzzling. We shall probably never know the answer, for who shall say at the end that something else would not have happened but for John Barleycorn? HARRISON GRAY OTIS. General Harrison Gray Otis, who has just died at Los Angeles after a distinguished career as soldier and journalist, was for more than thirty years in active charge of the Los An geles Times as editor and manager. Under him the Times grew from a small and uninfluential paper to be one of the important newspapers of the country. The Times has ever re flected the dominant personality of General Otis, and has thus been in a unique sense but "the lengthened shadow of a man." General Otis was long at odds with union labor, and the Times has been a foremost advo cate of the principle of the open shop. It has been besides an active force in all California and National affairs. The great quality of General Otis was doubtless his frankness and courage. What he believed he said through the Times and elsewhere; and he never failed to act when action seemed ap propriate to justify conviction. The sensational climax of the Times' long warfare with organized labor came In 1910, when Its building was blown up with dynamite, with consid erable loss of life. This incident, for which certain lawless labor agitators structural Ironworkers were con victed and sent to prison, seemed only to strengthen General Otis' purpose to carry on the struggle to the end. He was not any more to be dismayed by threats, or the fact, of violence than he was by loss of business. That the Times prospered when a weaker news paper would have yielded is standing proof that the respect of the public is the greatest asset a man or a jour nal may have. A great figure In the history of Los Angeles and California disappears with General Otis. A valiant soldier of the Union, too, has joined the Grand Army in its march through the shades. In his newspaper he leaves a fine monument to his worth, enterprise and fearlessness; and to his friends and the public he leaves the memory f one who played bravely always his allotted role. THE MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS. One who has not climbed a moun tain cannot quite enter into the spirit f the Mazama, or whatever the indi vidual may choose to call himself who has enjoyed the soul-stlrrlng experi ence of standing on the high places of the world. The glory of achievement and the immeasurable satisfaction of overcoming obstacles add to the thrill It is not a sport for the weakling, but it is not beyond the aspiration of the average healthy man or woman who Is willing to qualify for It by training n easy stages. That It is worth while is proved by the fact that there are few backsliders. The convert to moun tain climbing Is true to his colors. Mastery of the labors and even the perils of one tall peak only whets the desire for more. It is for such reasons as these that the members of the National Edoca tion Association in convention in Port and recently who made the trip to the top of Mount Hood were, we think, the most fortunate of all those who attended the meeting. There were some seventy of these elect, and they are to be envied In the impression they carried home with them of the true grandeur of the West. Nature did a service for the Northwest when she pierced its sky with snow-capped peaks, and man is doing well in mak ing them accessible. Some day we shall learn that it is not necessary to go to Switzerland or to South Amer ica to be thrilled. We have Alps and Andes of our own. It is well that mountain climbing Is not a solitary business. A good deal of the pleasure of it comes from Its social character. The links In the human chain serve to remind us of our dependence upon one another In all walks of life. The strong help the weak; the laggards are Inspired by example to put forth their best en deavors. And many eyes see more than the eyes of one. There is . such a thing as helping one another to see. Hence the growth of organiza tions like the Mazamas, and the in creasing popularity of their excursions into the lofty wilds. Baseball fans can look forward with confidence to a real "world series" in the years to come. The sinking of ship carrying among other things consignment of balls and bats to the American Young Men's Christian As sociatlon in France will not forestall the inevitable. The American Nation al game has taken a powerful hold on the British and French, and long be fore we have our million men on the line It will have been, firmly estab lished. The British, who" have been slow to accept baseball in the past be cause of their innate conservatism, have been greatly aided in modifying their views by the French, who have taken up the game with enthusiasm, and it Is sure to take the world by storm. At the same time, it is fore- told that there will need to be certain modifications of the rules, to make them conform to the new internation al psychology, ,"and the form these changes will take affords an interest ing and not unentertaining field of speculation. FATHER OF THE CREASE. It Is said that Herbert Kelcey will be remembered more for having set the fashion of creasing trousers than as an actor. That is to estimate him cheaply, though a man must have more than ordinary standing in so ciety to be able to set a fashion. Before he appeared on the stage with his trousers creased for their whole length, men wore theirs loose and baggy and called them pants. The change may have been due more par ticularly to instant recognition that creases added to the neatness of a man's appearance. But Kelcey had valid claims to fame as an actor. He retained public favor as a star for thirty-five years. He ap peared in society comedies which were in favor before problem plays began catering openly to prurient craving for tha lewd and before extravagant sal aries drew actors away from the spoken to the pictured drama. He was always a gentleman, on or off the stage, and was one of the last and best of a disappearing generation. THE APPLE CROP. Reports from the Atlantic states that the apple crop Is below normal, and may be only 60 per cent of that of last year, show the Importance of saving as much as possible of the coming crop of the Northwest. There should be a market not only for every apple of the better grades, but also for "C" grades, and even below. The dried apple is pretty good food. It was not held lightly In the times when our grandmothers festooned the attic rafters with long dried-apple chains, and there have been times when dried-apple pie was regarded as a luxury. It is only because we have become accustomed to better things that we have grown more finical. We could be quite happy. If we only knew it, with a lot of old-fashioned things. -There is strong probability that ap ples will be Included in the Army ra tion. Our allies will depend on us for their supplies, for the English crop is reported short, France will not be able to spare help enough for the har vest, and the apples of New Zealand and Tasmania, normally due on the market next May, will lack transpor tation facilities. It is probable that every apple that can be produced In the West will be In demand. Economy in distribution, care in storage and attention to proper and complete harvesting are important this year as never before. Harvesting at the right time does the double service of improving keeping quality and pre- entlng excessive loss from falling. It is also essential that none of the "by products" shall be wasted. Co-opera' tion will facilitate drying on a large scale, but this work can also be done in the home. The Department of Ag riculture has plans for home dryers that are Inexpensive and easy to con struct, and their use will conserve a valuable food. Dried apples are near ly five times as rich in carbohydrates as potatoes, and a pound of them con tains as many food units as three pounds of potatoes. Besides, they give variety to the diet, which is also es sential to good health. GERMANY PLAYS THE OLD TRICK. Evidently with the aid of a spy who obtained admission to the secret session of the French Chamber of Deputies, Chancellor Michaells plays the favorite trick of his predecessor, He represents Germany as ah innocent lamb of a nation which has been forced to transform itself into a lion in order to resist the attempt of the allies to dismember Germany by an nexing her territory and by destroying her military power for self-defense. He accuses France of having sought the assent of revolutionary Russia to an agreement made with imperial Russia for "vast territorial modifica tions on the left bank of the Rhine" and for other conquests, including Syria- He quotes speeches which his spy is presumed to have heard in favor of these annexations. He contrasts this alleged aim of France with the Rus sian policy of no annexations and no indemnities, for the evident purpose of driving a wedge between Russia and the western allies, and also of keeping alive in the minds of the Ger man people the belief that they are resisting a world combination which aims to destroy Germany as a nation. It is the same old lie with which Ger many began the war, dressed up in a new guise and supported by a new pretense of proof. Most convincing disproof of the Chancellor's case is furnished by the intervention of the United States in the war and by the purpose of our Intervention. President Wilson de fined those purposes In his dispatch to Russia. He said of America: sne seeks no material profit or aggran dizement of any kind. She is fighting for no advantage or selfish object of her own, but for the liberation of peoples every where from tha aggressions of autocratic force. He laid down the principles for which the United States fights and on which peace terms should be based when he said: No people must be forced tinder sov erelgnty under which it does not wish to live. No territory must change hands ex cept for the purpose of securing those who Inhabit it a fair chance of life and liberty. No Indemnities must be insisted on ex cept those that constitute payment for manifest wrongs done. In this manner Mr. Wilson construed the Russian principle. His construc tion agrees with the definition of their aims which the allies gave In reply to his inquiry of last December, for they declared for liberation of all nationalities and for reparation for wrongs done. Chancellor Michaells construes the Russian principle as forbidding sep aration from Germany of any subject people conquered prior to the present war Poles, Alsatians and Danes and gives no intimation that Germany is willing to surrender Belgium and other territory occupied during the war. In his message to Russia, the President said Germany was "seeking to obtain pledges that the war will end In the restoration of the status quo ante," though German statesmen have given no hint that this would satisfy them The President repudiated any such settlement, saying: It was the status quo ante out of which this iniquitous war issued forth, the power of the imperial Uerman government within the empire and Its widespread domination and Influence outside of that empire. That status must be altered in such fashion as to prevent any such hideous thing from ever happening again. Our European allies have not yet given any evidence that they may prove false to those principles of na tlonal right according to which the President says that the status quo ante must be changed and to which he is pledged. While Russia remained an empire, there was danger that, from motives of expediency, the western powers might betray those principles by yielding to the Czar's desire for aggrandizement, but when Russia be came a republic that danger passed away. , Intervention of the United States constitutes a stronger pledge of ad herence to the principles which lie at the foundation of our Constitution. The Nation which, after wresting the Spanish islands from Spain, made Cuba an independent republic and gave self-government to Porto Rico and the Philippines and which, so far from exacting an, indemnity from Spain, paid that country $20,000,000 for the Philippines, would not become a party to forcing any people under rule against which they protested nor to extortion of any indemnity beyond reparation for- Injury actually done. The revolution in Russia and the In tervention of the United States form double security for faithful regard to those principles which Mr. Wilson has defined and by observance of which alone can the world "prevent any such hideous thing from ever happening again." But the world cannot have security against renewal of attacks on free nations until the character of the government not only of Germany but also of Austria and Turkey has been radically changed. The root cause of the war was well stated by Secretary of State Lansing In his speech at Mad ison Barracks when he said: The evil character or the German rov- ernment la laid bare before tha world. We know now that that government is Inspired with ambitions which menace human lib erty, and that to gain its end It does not hesitate to break faith, to violate the most sacred righta, or to perpetrate intolerable acts or inhumanity. Those words apply with equal force to the government of Turkey and with only less force to that of Austria. The Hapsburga still cling to the divine right to destroy the liberties of the people, for their Premier said re cently In the Reichrsrath that "he could only stigmatize as erroneous the assumption that the Austro-Hungarlan government acknowledged the right of nations to determine their own fate." The dispatch which thus quoted him went on to say: The Austro-Hungazian government took Its stand on the constitution by which it was reserved to the Emperor to conclude peace. The monarch was thus entrusted with the safeguarding of the interests and needs, of the peoples of Austria. The spirit behind those words moves the governments of Germany and Tur key also. The American people fight to cast out that spirit, and they will not permit It to creep Into the acts of their allies. They will be in the position to insure that it shall not, for upon them the democratic league of nations relies for the last reserves of men, munitions and money. Every move and every word of Germany and her statesmen strengthens the allies' conviction that their battlecry must be: "Down with the Hohenzollerns." The American people see the need of censorship for malls passing be tween this and other countries and would more readily submit to It If the spying propensities of Postmaster General Burleson and his aides had not given cause for apprehension that it would be used for ulterior purposes. By causing the letters of Representa tive Tague to be opened for no appar ent reason other than that Mr. Tague had opposed him on the pneumatic mall-tube question, Mr. Burleson or his subordinates have supplied a pre text for opposing mail-censorship laws which are necessary for war. Similar stretch of authority by other officials has had like effect. Department and bureau heads have not used well, and have exceeded, the power they already have; that is considered a good rea son for not giving them more power. The presence in a local hospital for a serious operation of Tommy Rana han, of Idaho, is reminder that there are not left many of the scouts who fifty or sixty years ago helped to keep open the trail across the plains. Mr. Ranahan's later life has not been as spectacular as that of some of his partners', which is all the more as surance that he was there "with the goods" in the days of his youth. The Civil war has been over for fifty-two years and this Government has not learned that the South Is not the best place to send negroes in Fed eral uniforms. The negro makes a good soldier: nobody denies it; and in the North his "uppity" bearing Is tol erated, but In the South it is not. The old South Is not in mind, nor is the old negro: it is the present bitter gen erations of both. One must feel sorry for the 15-year- old boy who ran away from home to enlist In the Third Oregon and failed. If he were big enough, he might have been allowed to press the limit. To discourage youthful patriotism is dis tresslng as well as unwise. Elijah Coalman Is an emergency man, meanii-g that he is resourceful. No doubt, if there had been nobody to drag the rope he would have coasted. Sunday Is not the only day on which to go to one of the amusement parks, Lesser attendance on week days means comfort as well as pleasure. A cash register being impossible on the ice wagon, the dealers prefer the coupon-book system and so will cus tomers upon trial. The wheat crop may be 60 per cent of normal in some parts, but a mini mum of $2 a bushel is consoling. Welshmen have a way of their own of preventing a peace meeting. The man of Wales Is a born fighter. Settlement of the switchmen's strike In Chicago was swift. The strikers knew what was against them. It Is awful to be an Informer gener airy, but the man who knows a shirker owes a duty to the country. Those who are using parings for seed must not expect a bountiful har vest. The woman who. marries four times reaches the nth degree of comparison. All will agree that Harrison Gray Otis was a good f)ghter. It is Hoover or nothing, know the Wilson way. and all Dancing plenty. hours tonight will . be Gleams Through the Mist. By ricaai Collins. VACATION VAGARY. Kathleen, mavourneen. the gray dawn Is breaking. But we'll let it break over mount . and lea; There isn't a reason why I should be waking, So let the dawn come; It shall not worry me. . Hark, hark, the lark at heaven's gate sings. And Phoebus 'gins to rise; But It takes more than all those things To ope my sleepy eyes. For my vacation starts today. And glad and gay I'll snore away. And I will not arise. At midnight In my guarded tent I lay a-dreamlng of the hour When I should duck the next month's rent. Nor fear the landlord's power. In dreams through field and hill I went On mad vacation pleasures bent; I heard the little birdies sing. I sometimes shot them on the wing And roamed around like everything. And time In loafing spent. The hours passed on and I awoke. And I am not surprised To see those dreams of which I spoke Will soon be realized I Goodbye, false world. I'm on the run s To have my own vacation fun- Soon as I get this colyum done. Sir," said the Courteous Office Boy, And smiled beside by knee, 'Forgive me if I do annoy. But this I'd ask of thee Why will you spend your precious time In carving out a measured rhyme. When words and phrases neatly cast In free verse fill up Just as fast?" I smiled upon the C. O. B. And gave him a cigar. "I give my deepest thanks to thee! A clever boy you are! Why should I hack out such a volume Of rhyme to fill this lengthy colyum. When words and phrases, neatly cast In free verse, fill It Just as fast?" We went and hired ourselves a band And marched along the street And played a brazen march and grand And bade the bass drum beat. "Hi-lee!" we sang, and eke "Hi-lol Soon on vacation we shall go. Soon as we fill this colyum long With wild free verse lnstaed of song! I got myself a flowing beard And on my chin I wore Until my aspect stern appeared Like the well-known Tagore, Or made an Imitation good Of Pound or else C. E. S. Wood; And then I 'gan to spur and scourge The wild and snorting cosmic urge. And thus I started on the run To get this pesky colyum done. OPUS 1, VACATION FANTASY, The sky over these streets Is heavy; The sky over these streets Is hard; It lies on the roofs of the houses And presses down the air in the streets Presses it down until I stifle; My head bows; I cannot stand upright. must go away. Creeping like an old man Into the places of Infinite sunlight. Where life spouts out of every clod And green things hurl themselves up ward. The earth chuckles and lifts a shaggy shoulder; The trees laugh and fling up their green bucklers; I feel about me a vigor that cannot be weighed down. That the burden of no sky can humble. The sky Is flung upward; The great shoulder of the earth heaves It, The laughing trees fling it. Tossing It from their green, upreared shield arms. Up, so far that its blue turns misty. And it can press down the air upon me no more - I fling the burden from my shoulders I stand up and walk lightly; am straight as a tree. And, like a tree, I can sing And taunt upward at the receding; sky. INTERMEZZO. "How's that?" I asked the C. O. B.. Who was hunting for tackle To fish the Spoon River. Strong stuff!" replied the C. O. B. Keep it up and you soon will have enough To fill the colyum And you and I can go And enjoy our vacation." OPUS 2, MORE VACATION FANTASY, I am neurotic and also neurasthenic. And. besides, my liver Is not working, As It should work, In a well-regulated system; Therefore I will hop Into the breach; I will take the bull by the horns; I will take my torpid liver And my neurotic disposition And flee to the far forests. Where the mosquitoes never cease from troubling. But the weary are at rest nevertheless, And when I have been there a few weeks. No doubt I will be less of a mlsan thrope. And ventually I will come back. Robed in smiles and sunshine. And feel so good that won't even Feel like asking the boss for a raise. And won't that be nice? "It will said the C. O. B. PROLOGUE. And I handed him the colyum and said "Here it is, all done, and maybe too long For Dave Foulkes to get into a slngl uoiyum; in wmcn case piease tell Mr. Callvcrt And him to lift out a hunk somewhere From the free verse, so that the col yum will fit; And the Gen. Pub. will never know th difference. And this, dear reader. Is the Joke on you You will never know. No matter how many times you read over this " ' Colyum, whether It fitted or whether they Took out a hunk of linotype metal And threw it In the hell box. With all Its priceless treasures of song. Which the world shall never hear. I wish you all a pleasant vacation. WHAT ABOUT THAT HOME GARDEN Keep on Hoeing; and Planting; Ilecard- leaa of Money Profit. Says Writer. PORTLAND. July 30. (To the Edi tor.) In recent years and up to a short time before we entered the war, we heard a great deal of the word effi ciency. Since our entry into the con flict this term seems to have become more or less a stranger in our land. Why? This term, which In this country em bodied the entire formula for gettng the maximum result at the minimum effort and expense, in the ambitious section of Europe meant and still means to get the maximum result no J matter what the effort and cost. 1 It may be that when we saw we had the wrong acceptance of this term we decided to let it slide. It was one of those handy words that meant great deal, as long as George did the work and you and I got the result. Now the cussed word seems to mean that you and I have to work right be side of George. Now the contemptible thing seems to have gone outside of the science of business and means more particularly actual work. I shall not attempt to tell Just what it means to you in your pursuit, whose business perhaps does not permit you to get as near to the producing end s many people find it possible to get. I find it possible to get. So I hall confine my remarks to the pur suit I know most about, outside of my business. I am going to talk about fflclency as applied to farming and gardening. I am not going to try to ell you how to treat the different kinds of soil to make them produce the maximum of a given grain or vege table, for in my 49 years I have learned what a big subject that is and how much it applies to abnormal times like the present. It Is Just as foolish to talk about scientific farming at the resent time as It Is to talk about the beauty of the landscape while a hostile rmy Is attacking you. The thing to do now Is to get results. matter what the work or cost. The thing to do now Is to see to it that we are alive to the fact that the out come of the war will depend as much on the production of food as on any thlng else we do. The thing to do now is to see to it mat we Keep ngnt on 1 being alive to that fact. This is no j time to bemoan the fact that the acre I of garden you planted la not going to I net a profit on the outlay. You may I soon be thanking the Lord that you eot what you did eret off of It. This Is rather the time to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning and cultivate to make it produce at least some thing. If your potatoes or corn are sickly or scattered, cultivate Just the same and sow rutabagas and turnips. f you do not like them, maybe some one else may need them and their cul tivation will greatly help prepare your ground for next year. You will more than likely need the garden more than ever next year. The big thing Is to see to It that the garden shall be ready to plant on time next year. If your garden has been a loss to you this year do not count It so. for the experience you have gained there by may make your Investment for next year a splendid bargain. J. A. CLEMEMSU.N. SPELLING CONVENTION WANTED Correspondent Would nave Editors Get Together on Simplified forms. PORTLAND, July 80. (To the Edl- tor.) A few years ago The Oregonian used simplified spelling for a while. then dropped It entirely. Why did it do that? I believe a great Improvement could be made in our mode of spelling If some concerted action were taKen by the united efforts of the American pub lishers If they would only do it. The publishers and editors of tne whole United States might organize Into a National convention and shape a system of simplified spelling that would do away with some excesses that are commonly In use. You will prob- ably say that anyone can do as he chooses about the use or moamea at tne stroke of twelve at night, .and words. I know that, but that would no conscience stings disturb our peace only be individualism, and Individual- fui rest. Oh, you bet your filthy lucre. ism Is very slow in a great ana useiui movement. .. It is excessive to spell programme when "program" Is all we mean; ana the Bame thing is true with "although." when "altho" is sufficient. The affix ue-h" has neither sound nor meaning In our present-day speech. The words that should have their spelling mod ified are too numerous for tnis space. They can all be easily seiectea it an organized attempt should be made to simplify them. If the publishers of all of the large .1 , --..4 m era .71 n ,a aHnulri mndern- ua.iu39 ------ lze In their orthography inrouguout (thruout), it would not Only be og (treat economy to the publishers in tne snvlntr of Ink and paper, but It would give the American language a stronger individuality. CHARLES BAKNETT. The, correspondent Is mistaken. The "Ktvla card" wfci-h governs spelling In The Oregonian has not been changed in 15 years. The additional time and space required to print "programme" and other words which have both a loneer and shorter form Is trivial. So choice between accepted forms of spell ing resolves Itself largely Into a ques tion of mere taste or preference Changes of spelling In a large publish ing establishment result In confv-ion. annoyance, tad proofs and expense for a long time thereafter. But If these drawbacks should be Ignored by pub lishers and editors convened to re vise spelling, probably so many con flicting preferences would be encoun tered that their deliberations would come to naught. "When Anto TB Are Borrowed. DALLAS. Or.. July 29. (To the Ed itor.) This Spring I bought a dealers' auto license; have been using tags on new and second-hand cars that I have been buying and selling. The other day a friend of mine came to me and said. "I have traded my old car for a new one in Portland and want to take your tags with me and put them on my new car and drive It home: then I will send to Salem and get my license." I let him have them. Have I done wrong? SUBSCRIBER. Apparently the law provides no pen alty for the one who lends motor ve hicle license tags to another. The one who borrows them, however, violates a prohibition against operating a ve hicle over the public roads with num ber plates displayed that were not as signed to him by the Secretary of State. The maximum penalty Is 50 fine for the first offense. Swimmers Should Know "Drenks." PORTLAND, July 29. (To the Ed itor.) Permit me to criticise your edi torial note, to-wlt: "If all teachers of swimming would teach their pupils what not to do when a rescuer from drowning comes," etc., on the obvious ground that a drowning person Is In a state of panic and has lost all sense of reason. Every swimmer should be familiar with the simple, scientific "breaks" for loosening the holds of drowning per sons. This system was ab!y demon strated by W. E. Longfellow, of the National Red Cross, who was here last Summor. The swimming Instructors in the'schools and city pools are famil iar with these "holds" and "breaks" ana will be glad to demonstrate or-explain them to anyone. R. E. 8. In Other Days. Half a Century Ako. From The Oregonian of July 81. 1667. London Much caution la manifested by business men from a feeling that war is Immiment between France and Prussia. Private advices from Berlin give the opinion that war is certain It is added that Prussia Is actually forwarding preparations for such an event. Paris Admiral Farragvft has been received at the Emperor's state dinner, especially given in honor of the Ad- miral. Several members of the Im- perial Cabinet were present, also Gen- eral Dlx. Oregon Summer apples appeared In market yesterday. They are Immense ly superior in size, quality and appear ance to anything yet sent here from California. At the present writing there are In Portland six organized baseball clubs heard from. The returns are probably not complete. We are informed that a number of gentlemen who have not hitherto been suspected are about to organize another club. A match baseball game, played be tween the second nine of the Clack amas club and the first nine of the Highland Club resulted as follows! Clackamas 75, Highland 67. Twenty-five Yeans Agro. Prom The Oregonian of July 81. 1892. Berlin The Standard Oil Company. of the United States, now has a com plete monopoly of the oil trade of Ger many, its Russian competitors having been shut out by the cholera epidemic at Batoum. It Is a pity that the races of the Multnomah Driving Association at Riverside Park yesterday afternoon were not more largely attended. The day was perfect from a horseman's standpoint and the horses did splendid work. The National Guard encampment of last year brought forth such cood re- suits that, notwithstanding no appro priation Has been made for a similar encampment this year, two companies from this city have arranged to go Into camp for eight days and endeavor to perfect themselves in the practice that quarters In the Armory will not per- I mit. The attention of United States At torney Mays was called some time ago to the fact that several Warm Springs Indians at The Dalles had been sold a liquid which purported to be whisky, and after drinking it had become dead ly sick, three of them dying. London Numerous unauthorized pro grammes of Emperor Wilhelni's visit to England during the coming week have been published, but nothing Is yet known exactly, as his Imperial majesty is averse to cut and dried plans when he Is not traveling In his political capacity. No Longer Wild and Woolly. By Jamrs Barton Adams. We are cultured to the limit In this glorious Western land, progressiveness ! upon us has a cinch; we are full up to the scuppers of the high-grade nervy sand, and from goaheadativeness never flinch. As an ornament the pistol Is completely out of date, very rarely do we have a schutzenfest; we aro up with the procession and we mean to hold our gait In developing this great and peerless West. Not a blessed man among us wears his breeches in his boots, and the old wool shirt Is but memory now, and we look with dis approval on the tenderfoot galoots who are wearing big sombreros on the brow. e are seen at church on Sun- Qay dressed in toes olum out o" sie-ht. with-the Christian spirit warm in every breast, and we're always in our couches we're refined to beat the band, we have culture to distribute to the birds. land the stock of sit-there enterprise we aiways keep on hand cannot be described in rhymester's Jingling worQa. we In every moral attribute ara Etrictlv re-sher-shav: our morals som() of them are Df the best, and we love the peerless country Into which we've come to stay; it no longer is the wild and woolly West. SHIP DEMAND IS NOT TEMPORARY. j ti. r:,.. 1-. time center iiciore PORTLAND. July 30. (To the Edl- tor.) The world's curse of the ruthless Teutonic submarine is the potent factor in the marvelous shipbuilding commer cial activity which now centers about Portland, our state metropolis. Started on the Columbia but yester day, grown over night, local shipbuild ing Is stupendous. Even now, over $5,000,000 In plants, nearly 15.000 men encaged, and a daily payroll of J60.000. It Is but the beyinnintr. Shortly It will be double'!. An entirely new field for thousands of laborers and skilled men for the supply of lumber and other resources Is opening all along the Col umbia. Shipbuilding and ship owning are rapidly becoming the drawing macnet for the employment of experienced workmen and for the Investment of capital in this city, the commercial cen ter of our wonderful resources. The British and French governments and the neutral people of other nations and our country at large are now all calling for ships to be built on our coast. Submarine destruction elsewhere Is the main cause for the demand In Port land. Ships are going to the bottom, and ships, throuRh strenuous force in overcoming time and wave, are rapidly wearing out. The demands are for more vessels for the world s transpor tation, and the curse of the submarine is a main cause. The opportunity Is here for helping our country In this war, and furnish ing transportation for times of peace to follow for the cry for ships and more ships will continue for years. Portland is destined for a great ship building and ship-owning future. M. C. GEORGE. Shipment of Glassed Eggs, DTJNSXIUIR, Cal., July 29. (To the Editor.) Will you kindly tell me if eggs put down In water glass now can be taken out this Winter and shipped from Portland to Dunsmulr, Cal . C. F. J? Such eggs probably would bear ship ment if carefully preserved In the first Instance. To obtain best results eggs chosen for preservation should be In fertile and the containers should be kept In a cool place. . Water-glass eggs do not keep so well as fresh eggs, but under the best conditions ought to be good for several days. Measurement of Water. MOL'NT ANGEL. Or., July 29. (To the Editor.) Suppose someone nan used a continuous stream of water run ning through a one-half-lneh hose for the time of one hour, ow many gal lons of water will the person have used at ths end of the time soeclflert? it. t It would depend on the pressure at tho lntuke. The- answer car.not b given unless one knows how fas: the water was running-.