Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 31, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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LET FOR $271,133
Five Awards Made by State
Highway Commission Are
on Columbia Highway.
members of the younger set shared In
the pleasures of. the evening.
AH AVheai
Readjrio Eat
Mrs. Herman A. Pollts Is 'visiting
her mother-in-law. Mrs. G. Politz. at
IIoteLDel Monte, California, during the
After Conference With District For
ester Cecil, Decision Is Arrived
At to Build Only Such Post
Roads as Are Needed.
Five contracts, aggregating $271,
123.15, for the grading- of 17.6 miles of
. the Upper and Lower Columbia River
Highway, to make It ready for paving
next year, were awarded by the State
Highway Commission at a meeting In
Portland yesterday.
Three of the contracts, totaling $216,
952.65, were awarded to A. D. Kern.
The "Warren Construction Company
won one contract, for $42,300, and to
A. I Clark was awarded a contract
on his bid of $11,S80.50.
All were low bidders on the Jobs
awarded them. Mr. Kern's bids on his
three contracts were regarded as espe
cially low. He not only underbid his
competitors, but did not count In the
cost of slashing and grubbing out
sumps necessary on much of the right
of way before grading work can be
started. This time alone was esti
mated by some of the other bidders at
as high as $8000.
Mr. Kern was lowest by about $32,000
on the three bids taken together.
Mr. Kern Win, on tipper River Road.
The contracts awarded Mr. Kern were
one of $71,033, for grading three miles
in the Viento section of the Upper Co
lumber River Highway, east of Cascade
Locks: $39,988.75, for grading two miles
at Ruthton hill, on the upper highway,
and $105,930,90, for grading 8.2 miles
on the upper highway near Cascade
The contract awarded the "Warren
Construction Company on Its low bid
of $42,300 was for grading Goble hill.
1.8 miles, on the lower highway near
. Goble.
Mr. Clark's contract of 111.880.60 was
for grading two miles at Rainier hill,
on the lower highway.
v The bids on these Jobs were as fol-
Goble hill. In Columbia County, L8
miles: A. D. Kern, $42,492.50; "Warren
Construction Company, $42,300. Con
tract awarded to "Warren Construction
"Viento section. Upper Columbia River
Highway, 8.6 miles: A. D. Kern, $71,
033; E. T. Johnson & Son, $S7,490.50;
"Warren Construction Company, $7,
989.15: Reliance Construction Company,
$87,369.80. Contract awarded to A. D.
Bids Vary Greatly.
Ruthton hill, on Upper Columbia
Highway, west of Hood River, 2
miles: Sloan Bros., $55,340.50; "Warren
Construction Company, $46,936.15; K. T.
Johnson & Son. $54,274.50; Montague
O'Reilly Company, $48,987; A. D. Kern,
$39,988.75; Transport & Livery Com
pany, of Hood River, $55,958; "Wolf &
Gibbons. $49,728.75. Contract awarded
to A D. Kern.
Rainier hill, in Columbia County, 2
miles: Sloan Bros., $16,428; "Warren
Construction Company, $12,408; A. D.
Kern, $12,538.40; A. L. Clark, $11,880.50.
Contract awarded to A. L. Clark.
Cascade Locks section of Upper Co
lumbia River Highway, 8.2 miles: A.
D. Kern, $105,930.90; "Warren Construc
tion Company, $116,216.65; E. T. Johnson
& Son, $137,064.65. Contract awarded
to A. D. Kern. t
Mount Hood Road Deferred.
After a conference with George H.
Cecil. United States District Forester
at Portland, it was mutually agreed, in
connection with the Joint state and
Federal forest road programme, that
work this year should be confined to
roads the building of which will be of
real economio value. Scenic roads will
be delayed until lifter. The Mount Hood
loop road was eliminated from further
consideration this - year, as it is a
scenic road only.
The commission decided to pave Im
portant trunk roads 16 feet wide In
stead of 12 feet, as provided in con
tracts awarded a week ago. The con
tractors will be paid the same as ar
ranged under the contracts, but the
length of road paved will be corre
spondingly less.
The loss of paving mileage caused in
this manner will be made up for the
present with gravel, which will make
a good foundation later on for pave
A delegation from Tillamook County
made the proposal to the commission,
which accepted it, to pay for the addi
tional four-foot width if the commis
slon would authorize 16-foot pavement
there instead of only 12 feet.
Judge Gatcns Succeeded for
malnder of Vacation.
Circuit Judge Tucker will sit as pre
siding Judge of the Circuit Court dur
ing the next two weeks, during the ab
sence of Presiding Judge Kavanaugh
Judge Gatens has been sitting as the
presiding Jurist during the past two
As presiding Judge Judge Tucker will
hear all criminal matters which arise
during the next two we-ks and will
also handle all other criminal and civil
business in that cnvr-
And it's handsomer than the one
Edith paid $40 for. True, I bought mine
at CHERRY'S on a reduced sale. Th
former price was $40. Yes and th
best part of it, I got mine without pay
lnir all cash a little down and the re
malnder on Easy Payments. They also
have a special sale of Jersey Suits,
values up as high as $42:50. for $20
Doubtless you know that they are ;
389-91 Washington St., Pittock block.
Adv. Purifies
Highly antiseptic.
Used as a curative
agent for all extern;
skin troubles. Conceals
permanent blemishes
and reduces unnatural
color. Ideal for correcting
greasy skins.
Brisnta! Cream
Send 10c for Trial She
mm M a
f - ; - i ,
1 i ! ': ' ' - 4
i'li. - i - :- -
- ' Si 1 I r
i4 t26
PORTLAND Is looking forward to
the big benefit lawn fete that Is
being planned by Mrs. A. A. Mor
rison for the relief of the little chil
dren of Italy who are suffering from
the ravages of the rapidly-spreading
disease, tuberculosis. The fete has
been set for Tuesday, August 7, from
4 to 6 o'clock.
It will be a public affair, a society
affair, a patriotic affair, one that Is
meant to appeal to every loyal citizen,
every friend of the allies. The lawn
in front of Trinity Rectory will be the
scene of the fete. Mrs. J. D. Farrell
will be assistant to Mrs. Morrison, who
is chairman of the committee.
One of the great attractions of the
day will be the programme. Tom Dob
son, heralded from New Tork as one
of America's most gifted singers, will
sing a group of songs. lnis- will De
his first appearance in Portland since
is return from the East. Mr. Dobson
heard the plea for help for the little
ufferers of Italy and decided to set
aside all rules and regulations and
ng notwithstanding the fact that he
is here to rest after a busy and bril
liantly successful seerson.
Another feature of the programme
will be some solos by Miss Leah Cohen,
whose splendid voice has won her rec
ognition in New York City. Mr. Dob
son will play Miss Cohen's accompani
ments. Mr. Dobson when a young boy
was a member of the choir at Trinity
Church and for several years carried
the cross at the head of the proces-
onal. The announcement that he and
Miss Cohen both will appear, the com
mittees feel sure, will be sufficient
charm to attract a large gathering of
loyal Portlanders eager to hear the
home folk who have made good.
The interest of Mrs. Morrison was
Inspired by a letter received from Miss
Susan N. Clark, a former Portland
girl, now residing In Italy. Miss
Clark's father was president of the
North Bank Railroad and the family
lived here for several years and the
young woman has many friends. Mar
coni, the great inventor, has donated
the use of his offices for the cause of
the tubercular children and the money
will be sent either to him or to Miss
Clark. "Villa Le Lagore, Levanto.
In her last letter to Mrs. Morrison
Miss Clark speaks of the "higher duty
that has come to Americans, to fight
and work for coming generations and
the future of all civilization.
Miss Clark speaks of tuberculosis as
the "terrible disease that Is the ruina
tion o the country and a new prob
lem to be faced immediately. "I have
taken upon myself the task and priv
ilege of appealing to the cities of the
West," Miss Clark writes. "I know
these cities and it was my privilege
and pleasure to witness and appreciate
their greatness." She tells how all the
headquarters have been given over to
soldiers and the little sick children
have no place in which to receive care.
It is the cry of these little ones tnat
has reached the hearts of the Port
land friends of Miss Clark and It is
for their sakes that an all-ally lawn
HEXEVER there Is big work
to be done, -the leading
men of the country rely upon the
loyalty and Integrity of the women."
So said Dr. Esther Pohl Lovejoy yes
terday when she received a telegram
asking her to serve as chairman for
Oregon on the women's committee for
the disposal of the next liberty bond
issue. Dr. Lovejoy accepted the honor
and says she will work hard and knows
that the women- of Oregon will stand
by her to keep up the record of pa
triotic interest that, so far, belongs to
this state. Mrs. Antoinette Funk is
National chairman. Each state will
have a representative.
Camp Lewis Field Hospital Auxiliary
will meet on "Wednesday night in room
A, Central Library. All members are
requested to attend, as business of im
portance will be discussed.
At the recent meeting of George
Wright Relief Corps, Mrs. Maude C.
Gllman was appointed secretary to fill
the vacancy caused by the departure
of Mrs. Arleta Long, who has gone to
reside in the East. Mrs. Margaret Reed
was appointed third color-bearer. Mrs,
Long was given a surprise party by
party Is planned. Young girls who
will assist will be dressed In the cos
tume of Italy and, maybe, of some of
the other allied nations.
An Italian and a French table will
be presided over by prominent
matrons. To make the fete right
up to date and practical there will be.
Instead of a candy booth, one at which
attractive bunches of radishes and
other vegetables may be purchased.
Mrs. Peter Kerr will have charge of
the vegetable booth and will be assist
ed by some of the prettiest of the
younger girls. Mrs. Ralph Matson will
preside at the fruit booth and Mrs. W
D. Wheelwright and Mrs. Arno Roth-
well will have charge of the flower
table. Mrs. J. D. Farrell will have
charge of the table at which fruit
punch will be dispensed. The general
committee will includ6 Mrs. Morrison,
Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Warren Keeler, Mrs.
William Alvord and Mrs. Wheelwright.
Several other women have been asked
and have signified their willingness to
There will be the regulation tea
table with its patronesses and assist
ants. One dollar admission will be
St. Rose's parish will give a lawn
social on Wednesday night on the
grounds surrounding the church at
East Fifty-third street and the Ala
meda. Refreshments will be served
and there will be an attractive musical
programme. The proceeds will be for
the parish fund.
A benefit tea will be given by the
members of the First Oregon Cavalry
auxiliary Thursday from 2 until 5
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Edward
Dunn, 652 Tillamook street.
In the receiving line will be Mrs.
George A. White, Mrs. John L. May,
Mrs. C. E. Dentler, Mrs. M. B. Marcel
lus, Mrs. McDonnell, Mrs. C. L. Hogan,
Mrs. C. E. Gjetstead, Mrs. F. Maguire,
Mrs. Joseph Wackrow, Mrs. J. D. Riiey,
Mrs. George L. Baker and Mrs. Dan
Presiding In the dining-room will be
Mrs. H. R. Albee, Mrs. William Mc
Murray, Mrs. J. T. Peters, Mrs. J. J.
Panton, Mrs. F. I. Fuller, Mrs. E. J.
Swindells, Mrs. Calvin S. White, Mrs.
John Manning, Mrs. Jessup, Mrs. Rob
ert T. Maguire, Mrs. William F. Wood
ward, Mrs. L. B. Roberts, Mrs. A. S.
Mrs. H. A. Moser Is general chair
man of the1 committee. A musical pro
gramme has been arranged for the aft
ernoon under the direction of Miss
Ester Hogan.
Scout Young Auxiliary No. 3, United
Spanish War Veterans, will dispense
with their regular meeting tonight to
enable the members to attend the
dances for the benefit of the ambu
lance fund for the Third Oregon Regi
ment. The members of Scout Young
Auxiliary are taking an active part in
this benefit.
Mrs. Sam C. Tevis gave a dinner
party at Forest Hall Saturday night in
honor of her daughter. Cornelia, Eight
nor co-workers shortly before her de
parture. .
Miss Velma Cook, of Drain. & teacher
in one of the Douglas County schools.
is visiting Mrs. Josephine R. Sharp.
Mount Scott. Mentat Culture Club will
meet Thursday with Mrs. F. Armstrong,
5338 Ninety-second street. Miss Avis
Lobdell will speak. The club is busy
wun itea cross work.
Holman Parent-Teacher Association
has arranged for a picnic in Terwilliger
far today. There will be games
and contests lor the children and
band concert in the evening.
Brooklyn W. C. T. U. will meet today
at z:su P. M. at 329 East Sixth street.
All members of the Charles Dickens
Club are asked to meet in the Lipman
& Wolfe Red Cross headquarters at 2
o clock today to sew.
Brooklyn Mothers' and Teachers Club
will meet today with Mrs. Gilbert Hor
ton, 821 East Eleventh street.
Central W. C. T. TJ. will meet at
o clock Wednesday in the Library. Ira
portant business will be discussed.
Albina W. C. T. TJ. will meet today at
2:3u o'clock with Mrs. Christensen, 883
JbSortnwicK. street.
August 10 has been set as the date
for a benefit performance and patri
otic entertainment to be given at the
Eleventh-street Playhouse. Jotg Fast
ing, Norwegian dancer; Miss Valdien
Weatherwax. of Aberdeen; Mme. Lucie
Valair and a number of others will
appear. The fund, after expenses are
paid, will go to a patriotic cause.
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wheel
wright have returned after a month's
absence from Portland. They have
been enjoying a delightful trip in Can
ada. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Panton and daugh
ter, Marcile. have leased their cottage
at Seaside to F. T. Burke, of the Ken
ton Bank. The Pantons will remain
In Portland for the Summer.
Mrs. Irving Stearns and two children
and Mrs. Rowland Chapman and daugh
ters have gone to Cannon Beach for
the week. Mrs. Chapman came from
San Francisco to pass the Summer with
her mother, Mrs. J. F. Shea.
"Keep on a-danclng" will be the rule
tonight. There will be dances in all
parts of the city and no excuse can be
offered for a lack of interest in the
cause that Inspires this round of fes
tivity. The dances are planned for the
benefit of the Third Oregon ambulance
fund. A city-wide effort is being made
and the Army and Navy Auxiliary's pet
scheme which means protection for the
boys of this regiment, should make ap
peal to every loyal citizen. The Honor
Guard Girls will have charge of the
dance at Council Crest. The complete
list of halls includes: Council Crest
Pavilion, Fremen's Pavilion, Tremont
Station; G rebel's Hall, East Eightieth
and Stark; Artisan's Temple, Ports
mouth; Moose Hall, Royal building
Modern Woodman of America, Eleventh
and Burnside streets; Women of Wood
craft Hall; Woodmen of the World.
Eleventh and Alder streets; Cotillion
Hall, Fourteenth and Washington
streets; Hibernia Hall, Russell street
and Rodney avenue; Neighborhood
House, Second and Wood streets; Rose
City Park Clubhouse, Bohemian Hall
and Christensen's Hall.
The benefit entertainment given for
a patriotic and philanthropic cause in
Ainsworth School last night was one
of the best of the season. Mrs. Helen
Ekin Starrett, gifted authoress and
educator and patron of the arts, gave
some of her famous readings, and Mrs.
Helen Howarth Lemmel sang a group
of her cleverest child-songs. Mrs.
Martha S. Glelow, noted Southern edu
cator nd lecturer, told stories of the
South In her most fascinating manner.
Campbell's Band to Plays "Uncle
Sammy's Army" at Concert.
"Uncle Sammy's Army," a march. com
posed by Miss H. el M. Dolph, of Port
land, now Mrs. Edward Clark III, of
Philadelphia, will be played tonight by
Campbell's American Band at the Mu
nicipal Park band concert, Terwilliger
The complete programme follows:
March, "Uncle Sammy's Army" (H. M.
Dolph); overture mllitaire, "To Arms"
(Clement) ; (a) intermezzo, "Sempre Giovlne"
(Ellin Brooks), b) fox trot, "Hawaii, I'm
Loansome for You" (J. H. Remlck & Co.);
Errand selection, "Faust" (Qounod); Inter
mission; overture, "Poet and Peasant"
(Suppe), by request; waltz. "The Skater"
(Waldeufel) ; popular melodies, "Sky High"
(Taylor); patriotic selection, "America"
John M. Scott Says Southern Pacific
Is After Tourist Travel.
John M. Scott, general passenger
agent for the Southern Pacific, re
turned yesterday from a four weeks'
stay In California. He passed most of
his time In attendance at a meeting of
Southern Pacific traffic officials at the
Del Monte Hotel.
"The upshot of the meeting," said
Mr. Scott, "is that we are going to con
tinue our advertising campaign next
year on a peace-time basis. "We find
that travel this year is Just as heavy
as usual, so we do not feel justified in
economizing In our advertising appro
priations, but the Southern Pacific
system as a whole Is going to give
more attention to advertising Oregon
Chinese Seeks Marriage License to
Wed Negress.
It was nearly 5 o'clock and "Cupid"
Caldwell, of the marriage license bu
reau, was just congratulating himself
on Issuing an even dozen licenses on
the first day after his vacation, when
the telephone at his side clanged
Say. came a high-pitched voice.
which was unmistakably that of
Chinese, "can a Chinese boy get license
to meily colo ed lady?
Not If I see you first, replied Cald
"All lite, all lite," said the unknown
voice over the wire, and "Cupid" closed
his books for the day. thankful that
wise law forbade him taking any part
la marrying a Chinese and a negress.
Biographies Given of Men and
Women Known in Northwest.
Volume 2 of "Who's Who In the
Northwest," a biographical dictionary
of men and women, has Just come
from the press. It is published by the
Western Press Association and is espe
daily compiled for library and busi
ness reference.
It Is edited by Dr. C. W. Parker, o
Portland. The volume contains more
than 400 pages and lsNne of several
volumes Intended to cover the North
west west of the Mississippi River.
contains also photographs of many of
the men and women whose biographies
are given.
Religious Society Honors Recruits
HOOD RIVER, Or., July 80. Spe
ciaL) The Christian Endeavor Society
of the First Christian Churcji, of thl
city, has honored the members who
have enlisted in different branches of
the Army and Navy service by inscrib
Ing their names on a big honor roll
tl at is now swung In the Endeavor
room of the church. The following
names are on the roll: Henry Blagg,
R. Paul Strahl, Curtis Abbott, Rosell
Portland Colony Told Not to Follow
Dr. Carlo Vlaettl Because He la
Traitor to His Land.
That all Italians In the Portland
colony should forget their personal dif
ferences and harmonize for the pur
pose of uniting in an effort to assist
their native country in the war and
that all who will not do so are losing
great opportunity for good, is the
gist of a statement by Albert B. Fer-
rera. representing Consul Paula lirenna.
of Seattle. The latter authorized an ln-
erview in a telegram.
Announcement of an opposition meet-
ng or Italians, led by Dr. Carlo
Visetti, to be held next Friday night In
the Plaza blocks while a banquet to
Consul Brenna is in progress else-
here, caused the issuance of the state
ment through official channels.
Consul Brenna wishes me to com
municate to the people of Portland
that the purpose of the banquet is to
help the Red Cross and not to protest
gainst any one, said Mr. Ferrara.
The purpose of the Visetti campaign
only revenge and should not be
participated in by patriotic Italians;
they cannot afford to attend his meet
ing or to be identified with it because
nly deserters or enemies of the war
can sympathize with Visetti, as he is a
real traitor to his country.
This is no time to foment trouble
or to inject personal hatred into the
affairs of the Italian people of Port
land, and it Is the wish of Consul
Brenna, whom I represent, that differ
ences be dropped and harmony prevail.
to the end that the war may be suc
cessfully prosecuted."
Acting National Park Director An
nounces Decision.
(Special.) A new trail down to the
water's edge from the Crater Lak
caass s2232s- c
peals especially to
ose who
coffee f Savor, but wish
to avoid its harmful
effects. Postum satisfies!
"There's a Reason"
KRUMBLES is true food econ
omy. It is the whole of Durum wheat
with every particle of this wonderful
grain retained all of the protein,
phosphates, mineral salts and bran,
cooked "krumbled" and delicately
has a delicious flavor that has been hiding in
wheat for thousands of years. Children love
it because the more they chew it the sweeter
it tastes.
llSir 2sz '
Lodge on the rim is to be completed
this year at a cst of between 86000
and 87000, according to Acting Director
of National Park Service Albright. The
new trail is to be broad and easy so
that aged persons can make it.
The travel to Crater Lake this year
surpasses any previous season, accord
ing to official records. More than 700
registered at Crater Lake Lodge In
less than two weeks and a large num
ber of visitors are campers who do not
go to the hotel. Mr. Albright esti
mates that 100,000 cars will come West
every year with the completion of the
roads across the Middle V est now
being built.
Husband at Officers Reserve Corps
Camp When Spouse la Stricken
at Hood River Home.
Mrs. C. TJ. Gantenbein died early yes
terday morning at the Good Samaritan
Hospital, after an Illness of less than
a week. Mrs. Gantenbein was the wife
of Judge Gantenbein, of the Circuit
Court, who is now in training in the
Officers' Reserve Corps at the San
Francisco Presidio. He Is expected to
arrive from the south today.
Mrs. Gantenbein had been spending
the Summer on their country place at
Hood River. A few days ago she suf
fered an attack of heart trouble, and
was removed to the Good Samaritan
Mrs. Gantenbein was the daughter of
Judge Finley Watson, a prominent at
torney of this state, and a niece of Mrs.
A. M. Crawford, wife of the former Attorney-General
of Oregon. She was
also a cousin of Mrs. Rufus Holman, of
Five Drivers Rejected After Investi
gation by Surety Companies.
Five drivers of for-hlre automobiles
were put out rf business yesterday by
crave the
tea I
action of their bonding company giv
ing notice to the city of cancellation
of the bonds. The five are August
Zahn. C. H. Hedgpeth, Albert Gruman,
Clara A. Schlatter and H. A. Tyler.
The bonding company issued the
bonds with the understanding that they
would be cancelled if, after investiga
tion of the drivers, they were found to
be undesirable risks. The company can
cancel bonds on five days' notice.
Marseilles, France, is the great cen
tral market for peanuts, more than
120,000 metric tons of peanuts In the
shell and 240.000 tons of shelXed nuts
beiner crushed there in a single year.
HowTo Overcome
Foot Troubles
Unless a person has actually suffered
with tired, aching, burning feet or
painful corns or calluses, they cannot
appreciate the misery that such afflic
tions bring.
Reports now show that over 90 per
cent of the American people suffer
from some form of foot troubles and
modern footwear Is said to bo causing
an alarming Increase in this percent
age. Therefore, the following should
prove of special Interest to readers.
Recently In the treatment of these
foot troubles by patients using Ice
Mint, these distinctive features were
noticeable. Tired, aching, burning and
swollen feet invariably become cool,
easy and comfortable after the first
application, while in the treatment of
corns and calluses, it was noticed that
after a few nights' application, the
corn or callus had a tendency to loosen,
and in a short time could easily be lift
ed out with the fingers root and all
leaving the surrounding skin in nor
mal, healthy condition.
This, together with the fact that Ice
Mint costs little and is so easy and
pleasant to apply and is absolutely
harmless is no doubt responsible for
the high endorsement given it by Spe
cialists as the surest, safest and most
efficacious treatment for distressing
foot troubles.
When you stop to consider that the
simple, pleasant process of rubbing a
little Ice-Mint on the foot at night will
shortly rid one of every painful corn or
callus, and will keep the feet cool, com
fortable and rested even on the hottest
days, it is easy to understand Its great
popularity and why it is now used in
nearlv every American home. Anyone
suffering from foot troubles Is advised
to give Ice-Mint a trial. There is noth
ing better. Adv.
Apply Q-Ban Simple, Safe,
Healthful and Guaranteed to
Restore Natural Color.
Q-Ban Is all ready to use. It is guar
anteed to be harmless and sold under
the maker's warranty of satisfaction or
your monev back. At Huntley Drug
Co. and The Owl Drug Co.. Portland,
and all good drug stores, a large bottle
for 60c. or send direct to Hesslg-Ellis
Drug Co.. Memphis. Tenn.
"Hair Culture," Illustrated interest
ing booklet sent free. Write for it to
day. Try Q-Ban Hair Tonic: Q-Ban
Toilet Soap; Q-Ban Liquid Shampoo:
also Q-Ban Depilatory for removing
superfluous nalr. aov.
Remove the Roots
of Superfluous Hair
(Entirely New Method.)
"Seeing is believing!" When your
own eyes see the roots come out, you
know the entire hair is gone, not mere
ly the surface hair. You know that
hair can never return.
Yes, It is really true that the new
phelactlne method removes superfluous
hair completely root and all with
out the least injury, leaving the skin
soft, smooth, hairless. You do the
work in a Jiffy, in your own home,
without assistance. It does away with
numerous and expensive visits to the
electrolysis expert. Does away with
depilatories or shaving at frequent In
tervals. Nothing like It ever known
before. Perfectly harmless, odorless,
non-lrrltatlng. Get a stick of phelac
tlne, follow the easy instructions, and
if not entirely satisfied the druggist
will refund your money. Adv.
Krohn and Alva Hardman.