Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 12, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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Fight Expected to Break on
, Floor of Convention Over
V Proposed Request.
Feminine Leaders Suggest Men May
Be Excluded From, Voting, as
Flan "Would Apply Only to
K Them; Issue TTp Tomorrow,
A violent storm Is expected to break
n the floor of the National Education
Association convention tomorrow morn
ing over the question of asking the
Government to exempt teachers from
the military draft.
Anti-conscription advocates among
the delegates, headed by Katherine
Devereaux Blake, of New York, yes
terday Introduced before the resolution
committee a resolution asking that "all
teachers in our public schools be
exempted from conscription because
their work is fundamentally necessary
for the future welfare of our country.
The committee squirmed when the
issue came up, but did nbt consider it
formally. The committee will meet
again today, and probably will dispose
of the measure finally.
Committee Sure to Reject Plan.
It is certain that the committee will
turn it down cold.
Professor J. W. Crabtree, of River
Kalis, "Wis., chairman of the commit
tee, is openly opposed to it. Other
members, or enough others to form a
decisive majority,-stand with him.
Anticipating that the committee will
reject the resolution. Miss Blake and
her associates are circulating a peti
tion among the delegates and will try
to bring the measure onto the floor of
the convention over the heads of the
A number of women and only a com
paratively few men have signed the
petitions, although Miss Blake and
others are pushing their case with
Vigor and determination.
Because the proposed exemption,
obviously, would apply to the men
teachers only. Miss Blake proposes that
the men shall not be asked to vote on
the measure when it comes before the
convention. -
Exclusion of Men Illegal.
Erudite parliamentarians of the as
sociation declare that such a procedure
is entirely out of the question and I
would be illegal even were an attempt
made to carry it out. 1
It is probable that Chairman Crab- ;
tree, of the resolutions committee, and
other leaders at the meeting will take
the floor against the measure. Chair
man Crabtree says that "the teacher
can be spared as well, perhaps better,
for the front than the farmer, for the
reason that the women can assume the
duties of men teachers temporarily
without decreasing the efficiency of
the schools, whereas the women cannot
so well take the places of laborers on
the farm."
The body of the resolution follows:
TVhereas, He .who trains the future citi
zens of the Republic Is performing the most
valuable and patriotic service possible un
der the Government; therefore be It
Resolved, That It Is the solemn duty of
all efficient teachers to stay at their posts
during this crisis of our Nation.
Resolved, That we ask that all teachers
in our public schools be exempted from
conscription, because their work Is funda
mentally necessary for the future welfare of
our country.
Members of the resolutions committee
having ,the measure before them are:
President J. W. Crabtree, River Falls,
"Wis., chairman; F. L. Keeler, Superin
tendent of Public Instruction, Lansing,
Mich.; A, C. Barker, Superintendent of
City Schools, Oakland, CaL; W. M. Da
vidson, Superintendent of Schools,
Pittsburg, Pa. ; President E. O. Hol
land, Pullman, Wash.; M. R. Stuart, In
dianapolis, Ind.; E. E. Bassra, Green
ville, Miss.; Mrs. Susan M. Dorsey, Los
Angeles, Cal.; Francis G. Blair, State
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
Springfield, 111.; President P. L. Camp
bell, University of Oregon, Eugene;
Josephine C. Preston, State Superin
tendent of Public Instruction, ulympia,
Wash .; Mrs. Mary Bradford, State Su
perintendent of Public Instruction, Den
ver, Colo., and President C. A Duniway,
University of Wyoming, Laramie.
first vice-president. The other vlc
presldencies are distributed seograph
ically. Anbes E. Doherty, of St. Paul, Is the
member of the board of trustees whose
tein expires, while George B. Cook, of
Little Rock, Ark, Is the executive
committeeman whose successor must be
The secretary is chosen by the trus
tees for a four-year term. The term
of Durand W. Springer, of Ann Arbor,
Mich., the present secretary, expires In
October of this year. He Is understood
to be a receptive candidate for re-election.
The place of holding the next con
vention will not be selected at this
meeting but at a session of the direc
tors several months from now. Chicago,
Pittsburg, Cleveland and Asbury Park,
N. J, are among the principal contend
ers for the honor.
"Education as Usual"
Spite of War Urged by
Woman Educatbr.
Use Will Be Greater in Future, Says
Irvln C, Hatch.
Xeeds of Americans to learn for
eign languages will be greater In fu
ture than in the past, was declared in
a paper by Irvln C. Hatch, of the Poly
technic High School, of San Francisco,
at yesterday afternoon's session of the
modern languages conferences of the
N. E. A. at the Lincoln High School.
Language training in youth is essen
tial, for the study of one foreign lan-
Delegates to the N. E. A. con
vention are urgently requested
to call for mail or telegrams at
the especially arranged postoffice
in the southwest corner of the
Auditorium. Because the dele
gates are scattered around in
various parts of the city, it has
been impossible to make speedy
deliveries in many cases. Du
rand W. Springer, secretary of
the N. E. A., has made arrange
ments for the Auditorium post-office.
guage makes the acquisition of any
other much easier, even in later years.
Mr. Hatch dealt with the topic. "The
Downward Extension of the Modern
Languages and urged that the learn
ing of a language should be begun
early, while the organs of speech are
flexible and the powers of imitation
and memory are strongest. At the
high-school age. It was said, self-consciousness
is a hindrance and. memori
zation becomes irksome. The earlier
school years, about the age of 10, are
best suited to elenfentary study of
languages. It was also said the pu
pil's command of English may be so
greatly increased by the proper teach
ing of foreign languages as to Justify
devoting to- them the time usually al
lotted to English grammar.
E. J. Dupuy, of the Girls' High
School, San Francisco, Cal., and Ru-
berta Tanquary, of the Technical High
School, Oakland, Cal., were other
speakers at yesterday afternoon's ses
sion of the conference, the former's
topic being upward expansion of the
high-school modern languages curri
culum and departmental supervision
while Miss Tanquary spoke on the
place of a foreign language in an edu
cation. . Round-table discussion fol
lowed the presentation of the papers.
(Continued From First Page.)
mittee's slate.
If any serious attempt Is to be made
to elect Mr. Finnegan it probably will
manifest itself at the meeting of the
nominating committee. It Is improba-
ble that a man could be proposed and
elected from the floor of the conven
tion, which is composed, 75 per cent.
of women.
In addition to the president, vice
presidents, a member of the board of
trustees, a treasurer, a member of the
executive committee and one director
for each state are to be elected.
The retiring president, Robert J.
Aly in this case, invariably is chosen
Pimples Burned Like
Fire on Back. Itched
Terribly So Could Not
Sleep. SpreadAHOver.
Cuticura Soap and
Ointment Completely
Healed in One Month.
Above are extracts 'from a
signed statement recently re
ceived from Miss Alma Han
sen, Box 121A, Lakeview,
How much better to prevent
such suffering by using Cuticura
for evey-day toilet purposes, the
Soap to cleanse and purify the
pores, with touches of Ointment
now and then as needed to soothe
and heal the first signs of eczemas,
rashes, dandruff and pimples. You
will use no other once you try
them. Do not confound these
delicate, fragrant, super-creamy
emollients with coarsely medi
cated, often dangerous prepara
tions urged as substitutes.
For Free Sample Each by Return
Mail address post-card: "Cuticura,
Dept. H, Boston." Sold everywhere.
Soap 25c Ointment 25 and 50c.
Institutional Handling of Cases Reo
ommended by Speakers.
Socializing, or "institutionalizing,
of education "was distinctly the idea
to the fore In the discussions of the
department of special education of the
N. E. A., which held its session in the
Ladd School yesterday morning.
Dealing with the problem of the de
fective or abnormal child, most of the
addresses tended to recommend insti
tutional handling- of their cases, and
several of the speakers suggested the
advisability of the school organization
taking the children away from their
families and taking full charge of
Fred D. Merrltt. of the University of
Oregon, in his paper on "State Care
of Crippled Children," admitted the
danger of children so handled becom
ing "institutionalized," but expressed
the opinion that such results might be
avoided with exercise of due care.
Joseph P. Byers, executive secretary
of the National Committee on Provision
for the Feeble-Minded, Philadelphia,
likewise upheld the institutional ideal,
urging the Importance of the state es
tablishing "residential schools" on the
"same principle that has justified
parental and truant schools.
"The objection of parents," he said,
"is overcome when the benefits to the
child, school interests, progress and
happiness are made apparent."
K-ing Dykeman,- Judge of the Superior
and' Juvenile Court, Seattle; . S. Til-
linghast, of the School for the Dear,
Salem, and C. P. Cary, Superintendent
of Public Instruction, Wisconsin, also
were speakers.
Effective Aid Is Rendered In Amer
icanization Plan.
Tots too young to join the public
school classes come within the pur
view of the National Education Asso
elation and yesterday morning the de
partment of Kindergarten Education
considered their needs. The outstand
ing feature of the session was the pa
per of Caroline Hedger, Americaniza
tion committee worker, Chicago. She
spoke of the fitness of the kindergart
ner for effective work among foreign
ers. She attacked the problem of the
foreign child from the angle of the for
eign mother.
Susan M. Dorsey,. of Los Angeles,
spoke on the kindergarten as the foun
dation for school work and E. O. Hoi
land, president of the State College of
Washington, Pullman, gave a discus
sion of the whole general subject.
Anna L. Force, principal of the
Lincoln School, Denver, spoke on "The
Kindergarten as an Organic Part of
Every Elementary School."
"Kindergarten practice extends
through the grades," she said. "All the
teachers and pupils believe in the
work. It is the make-believe world,
the fairyland of the school. Every
child In the building considers it a
privilege to be invited to take part.
Older children want to watch and as
sist the teacher and children when it
is necessary."
Dr. Suzzalo Xot to Appear.
Dr. Henry Suzzalo, president of the
University of Washington, will not be
able to appear on any of the pro
grammes of the N. E. A. at which he
was scheduled to speak. Information
has come from Seattle that he is tem
porarily unable to travel, owing to a
minor surgical operation on his knee.
It is probable that some of the papers
which he was scheduled to give will
be ready before the meetings, anyhow.
and substitute speakers may be ob
tained to fill in other engagements.
So-Called Patriotic Measures In
TJ. S. to Put Defectives to Work
In Factories and to Confis
cate Playgrounds Rapped.
made poorer by the destruction of art
treasures of the fighting cations.
A travelogue of much Interest with
slides and motion pictures was pre
sented to the teachers last night by W.
C. McBride, of Portland, who described
Mesa. Verde National Park.
As & diversion last night. A. J. Gant
voort. of the Cincinnati College of Mu
sic, brought a chorus upon the stage
and sang "Canning the Kaiser." in
which the big audience joined and
seemed to like the latest contribution
to war music
The general session of the National
Education Association at the Auditor
ium last night resolved itself into a
plea for education as usual" and the
preservation, in spite of the war, of the
playtime of life for children and their
chance to get an education.
Kate Devereux Blake, principal of
public school in New York City. In
speaking of "The War Danger to Chil
dren." warned that the world strife was
reaching "for the world's children; not
yet for cannon fodder, but to lav uoon
them the workaday tasks of the world;
to roD tnem of their olavtime of life
and to take away from them their
chance for education," and her plea that
the right to be educated must not be
taken from them, was seconded by
others on the programme and In the
Protect Children, Is Plea.
"There are no children In Poland
under 5 years old." said Miss Blake.
"The younger ones have starved to
death. A considerable percentage of
our own school children are under
nourished and within six months the
teachers may be seeking food for their
"It is in passionate entreaty for the
children that I appeal to you to pre
vent the laying of the heavy stone of
war upon their heads. I hope a strong
resolution will be put through that
will declare against child labor, for
the education of the children and for
"This Is our duty. It is not enough
to say that we are loyal, but we must
show we are loyal and stand In defense
of the children. Incomes in Europe are
cut in half by the war, and who suf
fers when Incomes are reduced? The
children always.
Educational SyMtems Ruined.
"The educational system of England
is a ruin. If the war were to end today
it would take 20 years to rebuild the
German educational system. Juvenile
crime has increased In both England
and Germany.
The vicious Interests at the begin
ning of the war seized upon the oppor
tunity to coin children Into dollars in
our part of the United States. 1
feo-called patriotic measures sought
to put inmates of schools for defectives
to .work and measures were introduced
to do away with the compulsory school
attendance and child-labor laws. We
have had to fight these bills and others
n the East, where women do not vote.
and we do not know what will come
next year.
Portland Hospitality Wins.
"There is talk of using schools and
playgrounds in the East for barracks
and war hospitals, and this, too, in the
crowded districts of New York, where.
as one has said, the children now have
as much room to play as they will
have in their graves. You are fortu
nate, indeed, in this section of the
country. in that I understand there are
no such patriotic measures as yet con
templated here."
Miss Blake prefaced her address with
a happy note of thanks to Portland for
its hospitality to the teachers.
"Portland has been so perfectly
lovely to us in every way," Ehe said.
that I cannot help but speak of it.
The beauty of your flowers, the beauty
of your skies and the beauty of your
city and your hospitality has won us
F. E. Bolton Is Speaker.
F. E. Bolton, dean of the College of
Education, University of Washington,
spoke also for the maintenance of edu
cation during a world war. His subject
was "Maintenance of Standards In All
Schools as a Necessary Element in Pre
He said It Is more Important than
munitions and man power that diplo
mats and statesmen be developed and
statecraft is more essential than ever
before if civilization is to be main
tained. The highest patriotism, " he
said, will be sustained by the highest
preparedness, not industrial and mili
tary alone, but intellectual as well.
"School Hygiene In Relation to Na
tional Defense," was the subject of an
address by N. F. Coleman, professor of
English at Reed College. He spoke of
the plague of social diseases that
usually follow an armed camp.
Arthur W. Dow, professor of fine arts
at the Teachers' College, Columbia Uni
versity, New York, spoke on the topic,
'"Art Teaching in the Nation's Service."
He said a nation's art Is part of a na
tion's wealth, and, although much is
being done to cultivate the fine arts,
the country Is seriously lacking In ap
preciation of painting, sculpture, archi
tecture and design.
The speaker said fine art is a Na
tional asset, and the world has been
Education of Soldiers and People
Urged by Dr. C. W. Eliot.
An Inevitable Increase of the destruo
tiveness of the evils against which the
social hygiene associations of the
country are arrayed will follow the
entrance of the United States Into the
great wax, in the opinion of Dr. Charles
W. Eliot, president emeritus of Har
vard University, whose paper was one
of the features at the conference of
the American Social Hygiene Associa
tion at the Auditorium yesterday morn
ing. Dr.' Eliot was not present, but
his paper was read before the as
sembly. Dr. Eliot declared that the principal
means of defense against these evils
Is through education of the soldiers and
of the people.
"A world safe for humanity as well
as safe for democracy ought to be one
of the results of the war, through the
elimination of much of the aangers
arising from social diseases," accord
ing to Dr. T. D. Eliot, of the State
College of Washington, who also was
featured on the programme.
Walter Clarke, of Chicago, field seo
retary of the association, pralaed
highly the provisions that the United
States Government has made to protect
its soldiers against such diseases.
"The stand that has been taken by
the United States Government with ref
erence to the health and morals of
soldiers and sailors is the most ad
vanced position 'that any government
has ever assumed, he declared. '
Professor Charles E. Rugh, of Berke
ley; H. D. Sheldon, of the University
of Oregon, and other prominent educa
tors participated in the discussion.
President W. T. Foster, of Reed Col
lege, president- of the Oregon Social
Hygiene Society, presided.
Noted Speakers Show Importance of
Better Care of Pupils.
How to care for the hygienic phase
of life as related to the school system
was told from various angles by speak
ers before the department of child
hygiene of the N. E. A. yesterday
afternoon. That the physical care of
pupils is of paramount Importance was
emphasized by all of the participants.
The session was held in the Shattuck
That poison from a decayed tooth or
tonsils may break down a child and
incapacitate it for school work was
one of the facts pointed out by Ira C.
Brown, chief medical inspector of Se
attle. This, he declared, must be looked
after if the best work la to be done
with children.
N. K. Foster, medical director of the
Oakland,- Cal., schools, declared that
the fact that a large number of young
men cannot pass the physical exami
nations for entrance into the Army
and Navy Is proof sufficient that we
stand in need of Increased efficiency
in the administration of the physical
needs of the youth.
Edwin A. Layton, director of health,
of Tacoma, said that it Is absolutely
necessary that a child shall be prop
erly nourished and physically able to
stand the strain of study, if the best
results are to be obtained.
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at Oak Portland, Oregon
Ella Flagg Young Is Expected to
Address Meeting Tomorrow.
A suffrage symposium, at which
practically every prominent women's
rights worker among the delegates to
the N. E. A. convention, will be pres
ent and speak briefly, will be held
Friday at the Multnomah Hotel, Just at
the conclusion of the school patrons'
luncheon and discussion, which will be
probably between 2 and 3 o'clock.
It is expected there will be several
hundred women at the luncheon, at
which Ella Flagg Young, of Chicago,
will preside and the object is to ex
change views between the Eastern and
Western women, especially those In the
teaching profession. The public is in
vited. Inasmuch as the women attending
are almost all interested In- suffrage
work, the symposium has been ar
ranged. It is proposed to have Mrs.
Young speak briefly on the equal suf
frage movement and to have short
talks of from two to five minutes by
other prominent women, including
Kate Devereux Blake, of New York;
Mrs. O. Shepard Barnum, of Alham
bra, Cal.; Mrs. Mary C. C. Bradford.
of Colorado, and Josephine Corliss Pres
ton, of Washington, likely candidates
for the presidency of the N. E, A.; Mar
garet McNaught, state Commissioner of
Elementary Education of California,
and numerous others of the many prom
inent women, here for the convention.
400 Sit atX. E. A. Luncheon.
A nickel-plated steel triangle here
after will summon Robert J. Aley, pres
ident of the Is. E. A., to his meals.
This attractive and serviceable In
strument was presented to Mrs. Aley
at the Multnomah Hotel at noon yester
day by O. M. Plummer, of Portland
head of the association's department
of school administration, following
feast in which precisely 400 ot the
leading educators attending the con
vention participated.
The speakers were: Governor James
Wlthycombe, Salem; David B. Johnson,
president Wlnthrop Normal and Indus
trial Institute, Rock Hill, S. C: Mrs.
Susan M. Dorsey, assistant superin
tendent of Los Angeles schools; Thomas
E. Elnegan. assistant commissioner of
education. New York; Mary C. C Brad
ford, State Superintendent, Denver; Jo
sephine Corliss Preston, State Superin
tendent, Olympia; Nathan Jixstein,
Board of Education. Seattle; Aurella
H. Relnhardt, president of Mills Col
lege: La R. Alderman, Superintendent
of Schools, Portland; George L. Baker,
Mayor; Alan Welch Smith, president
Board of Education, Portland; Jessie
McGregor, president Portland Grade
Teachers Association: Frank Irving
Cooper, school architect. Boston; Edith
K. O. Clark, State Superintendent,
Cheyenne, Wyo.; Ethel Redfield. State
Superintendent, Boise, Idaho; E. O. Hol
land, president fatate Agricultural Col
lege, Pullman, Wash.; Caroline Hedger,
Chicago: P. J-u Campbell, president
State University, Eugene, Or.; J. W.
Kerr, president Oregon Agricultural
College. Corvallis: J. H. -Aekerman,
X. E. A. Cafeteria Is Success.
The Collegiate Alumnae Cafeteria
which is being conducted each noon
at Lincoln High School, Broadway and
Market street, for N. E. A. visitors and
others, is proving a success. It has
become a luncheon place and rendez
vous for friends between sessions. It
ill continue until the close of the
I cc
2! S""SSB
rp R AVELERS' Cheques,
be had at
.Northwestern .
Bdhh Building
which may
The North western
National Bank in denomi
nations of $10, $20, $50
and $100, reduce the pos
sibility of accidental sepa
ration between a man and
his money to a negligible
Carry Travelers Cheques
on All Business and
Pleasure Trips.
nraetAnt RfntA Nnrniftl Srhool. Mon-
Carroll G. Pearse, president State Nor
mal School, Milwaukee; Rooen j. Aiey,
president National Education Associa
tion and president State University.
Orono. Me.; Walter T. Sumner, bishop
of Oregon.
Influence of Fraternal Organiza
tions Is Discussed.
The doctrine of "college first" In
stilled into the members of college
sororities and fraternities Is coming to
do away with many of the abuses that
have arisen in the past through
fraternal . organizations, according to
Anna Ij. Tannahlll, whose paper on
"The Fraternity for Women In Its Re
lation to the College" was a part of the
programme of the conference of deans
of women at the Multnomah Hotel yesterday.
"Collectively through the agency of
the National and the college pan
Hellenics, the fraternities today are
preaching the doctrine of 'college
first, " she said.
nity organizations to place their own
interests aoove irnwo v. llD & .
which was one of the grave faults of
the past. Is gradually giving place to
a spirit of service, and the speaker
cited many cases In which sorority
chapters and nationals have come for
ward with Important financial help to
colleges In wbich they had established
Anna 1. Tannahlll 1b dean of women
at the State Normal School at Lewis
ton, Idaho.
The afternoon session was devoted
to round-table discussion, in which the
influence of fraternal organizations
was an Important topic. The resolu
tions committee will report Friday
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