TIIE 3IOKXIXG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY. JULY 12. 1917. DISLOYALTY LAID TO LUTHERAN LEADERS Churchmen Declared to Be in League With Enemy and to J Have Threatened Bankers. REPORTS COVER NEBRASKA Council of Defense Also Accuses University Professors and Says lied Cross Work Has Been te Hampered by Activities, I.IXCOLX. Neb., July 11. The "con spicuous loaders of the Lutheran Church in the state and "certain pro fessors" of the University of Nebraska were denounced for "treasonable utter ances, disloyal activity and passivity that has tended to give aid to Ger many, an esiemy," in a statement Issued today by the Nebraska state council of defense "after the most Folemn and serious investigation and confederation." The statement. It Is explained. Is based upon reports and upon hundreds of letters from every section of the Mate and upon hundreds of letters from patriotic men, many of whom declare they have Lost thousands of dollars because they would not "'tame ly submit to pro-German influences." Banker! "Declared Threatened, Specifically it is charged that bank ers who invested in liberty loan bonds were threatened with withdrawal of deposits; that the sale of war bonds has been actively opposed; that Ked Cross relief work has met with an alarming antagonism; that the Lutheran Church has failed to take a single step toward organizing for war relief work and its "conspicuous rep resentatives" have shown marked partiality for the German Cause; that certain professors at Nebraska TTni- veraity have been guilty of disloyal utterances, and that there are com munities where the purpose of this war ia not understood and where the Bympathies of the "people are with Germany. The names of men asainst whom the charges are made were not made public, but George Coupland, vice chairman of the council of defense and liead of the food conservation division, eaid "conditions became such that the council could no longer repress the bitterness it felt." Evidence Satisfies Council. He said ample evidence to warrant Its assertions had been obtained by the council. Several Lutheran churchmen here eatd the council should have confined its denunciation to "German Lutherans," and asserted there was no cause to question their loyalty. German Luther ans who were alleged to be in sympathy with Germany would not discuss the charges. Chancellor Samuel Avery, of the Uni versity of Nebraska, who has been active in patriotic relief work and has even taken part in the campaign for recruits, would not be quoted, but it is known he has strongly disapproved of a number of professors whose pro German utterances have caused dis sension at the university. Home time ago students protested pome of their professors were saying, "this is not our war and we will not light, because we do not know what it Is all about." "When complaint was made to Chan cellor Avery it is understood there were eorne conferences with professors, at which the chancellor, who was then urging the students to enlist, let it be known in emphatic language such doc trines must not be heard in university classrooms. Half of Students Enlist. Half the male students at the uni versity of Nebraska have either en listed in some branch of the service or have volunteered and been accepted for work on farms in the Central Weat. Three university professors enlisted. Referring to disloyal Lutherans the Council of Defense in its statement vays: "Perhaps never In history has it leen deemed necessary by a public hody to single out by name a great church or organization and appeal to the patriotism of its members to off set and check the dangerous tenden cies of many of the conspicuous repre sentatives of that organization. "Because of the reliable reports that may be said to come from every sec tion of Nebraska and come in num bers by the hundreds it is necessary that the council make such an appeal with respect to the organization known as the Lutheran church. "Depending upon the American pa triotism of the men and women who comprise the Lutheran church mem bership, the council makes this appeal to them to put a check upon the un American activities of some of their conspicuous and- influential represen tatives. The council could have waited until great damage is done before making its protest. Perfectly aware that its protest is unusual, but con scious of the absolute necessity of such a protest, the council makes that pro test now that American interests may be faithfully protected. "Confident that it is useless to make further appeal to the conspicuous rep resentatives of that church, the coun cil addresses its appeal to the rank and file of the church membership, and hereby calls upon the membership to Snake known, on behalf of the Luther an Church, devotion to America the country that gives it protection and re ligious liberty." The council declares it will do all in its power to suppress in Nebraska any interference with the determination to push this war to a speedy and success ful conclusion. A report says of one community: "Many of the business men seem to he timid for fear they will lose busi ness if they engage in patriotic activi ties." The majority of bankers and other business men, even in pro-German communities, let it be known emphat ically they would not be influenced by threats, the statement says. The statement says it is "very gen erally reported that among the native- EPILEPTIC ATTACKS HAVE BEEN STOPPED FOR OVER 60 YEARS hr DR. KLINE'S EPILEPTIC REMEDY. It is a rational and re markably Buceessful treatment for fits. Epilepsy Falling McUegi) and kindred nervous derantfemen(.i tiet it or order it at any lrue Store ai.uu ana .uu. Send for oar valuable book on Epilepsy. It l FREE llr D II Hip N Dep.rtm B bAk. N.J. born, as well as many of the foreign born, and concerning whose loyalty there can be no question, there is gen eral misunderstanding as to the mean ing and the purpose of the war, and. -therefore, among these a general lack of sympathy with the war." To do away with this misunder standing, the council announces pat riotic meetings will be held soon in every town in Nebraska. BUSINESS CALLED TO WAR (Continued From First Pate.) velopment of industry are necessary for the great task, we have in hand. "But I trust that we shall not sur round the matter with a mist of senti ment. Facts are our masters now. "We ought not to put the acceptance of such prices on the ground of patriot ism. Patriotism has nothing to do with profits in a case like this. Pa triotism and profits ought never, in the present circumstances, to be men tioned together, it 13 periectly proper to discuss profits as a matter of busi ness, with a view to maintaining the integrity of capital and the efficiency of labor in these tragical months, when the liberty of free men every where and of industry itself trembles in the balance; but it would, be absurd- to discuss them, as a motive for helping to serve and save our country. Profits Out of Question. "Patriotism leaves profits out of the question. In these days of our supreme trial, when we are sending hundreds of thousands of our young men across the seas to serve a great cause, no true man who stays behind to work for them and sustain them by his labor will ask himself what he is personally going to make out of that labor. No true patriot will permit himself to take toll of their heroism in money or seek to grow rich by the shedding of their blood. He will give as freely and with as unstinted self-sacrifice as they. "When they are giving their lives will ho not at least give his money? I hear it insisted that more than a just price, more than a price that will sustain our industries, must be paid: that it Is necessary to pay very liberal and unusual profits in order to 'stimu late production; that nothing but pecuniary rewards will do rewards paid in money, not in the mere libera tion of the world. I take it for granted that those who argue thus do not stop to think what that means. Do they mean that you must be paid, must be bribed, to make your contribution, a contribution that costs you neither a drop of blood nor a tear, when the whole world is in travail and men everywhere depend upon and call to you to bring them out of bondage and make the world a fit place to live in again amidst peace and justice? Patriotism Is Broad. Do they mean that you will exact a price, drive a bargain with the men who are enduring the agony of this war on the battlefield, in the trenches amidst the lurking dangers of the sea or with the bereaved women and piti ful children, before you will come for ward to do your duty and give some part of your life, in easy peaceful fashion, for the things we are fighting for, the things we have pledged our fortunes, our' lives, our sacrea honor to vindicate and defend liberty and justice and fair dealing and the peace of nations? "Of course, you will not. It is In conceivable. Your patriotism is of the same self-denying stuff as the patriot ism of the men dead or maimed on the fields of .France, or else it in not pa triotism at all. Let us never speak, then, of profits and of patriotism in the same sentence, but face facts and meet them. Let us do o under busi ness, but not in the midst of a mist. Many a grievous burden of taxation will be laid to this nation, in this gen eration and in the next, to pay for this war; let u3 see to It that for every dollar that is taken from the people's pockets it shall be possible to obtain a dollar's worth of the sound stuffs they need. "Let us turn for a moment to the shipowners of the United States and the other ocean carriers whose ex ample they have followed, and ask them if they realize what obstacles, what almost insuperable obstacles, they have been putting in the way of the successful prosecution of this war by the ocean freight rates they have been exacting. Costs May Cause Loss of Mar. "They are doing everything that high freight charges can do to make the war a failure, to make it impos sible. I do not say that they realize this or intend it. The thing has hap pened naturally enough, because the commercial processes which we are content to see operate in ordinary times have without sufficient thought been continued into a period where they have no proper place. I am not questioning motives. I am merely stating a fact and stating it in-order that attention may be fixed upon it. "The fact is that those who have fixed war freight rates have taken the most effective means in their power to defeat the armies engaged against Germany. "When they realize this we may, I take it for granted, count upon them to reconsider the whole matter. It is high time. Their extra hazards are covered by war risk insurance, Law May Be Necessary. "I know and you know what response to this great challenge of duty and of opportunity the Nation will expect of you, and I know what response you will make. Those who do not respond, who do not respond in the spirit of those who have gone to give their lives for us on bloody fields far away, may safely be left to be dealt with by opin ion and the law, for the law must, of course, command those things. I am dealing with the matter thus publicly and frankly, not because I have any doubt or fear as to the result, but only in order that in all our thinking and in all our dealings with one another we may move in a perfectly clear air of mutual understanding. "And there is something more that we must add to our thinking. The pub lic is now as much part of the Govern ment as are the Army and Navy them selves. The whole people in all their activities are" now mobilized and in service for the accomplishment of the Nation's task in this war. It is in such circumstances impossible Justly to dis tinguish between industrial purchases made by the Government and industrial purchases made by the managers of industries, and it is just as much our duty to sustain the industrials of the country with all the industries that contribute to its life as it is to sustain our forces in the field and on the sea. We must make prices to the public the same as the prices to the Government. Prices mean the same thing everywhere now. They mean the efficiency or the Inefficiency of the Nation, whether it is the Government that pays them or not. They mean victory or defeat. They mean that America will win her place once for all among the foremost free nations of the world, or that she will sink to defeat and become a second rate power alike in thought and in action. This is a day of her reckoning, and every man amongst us must per sonally face that reckoning along with her. "The case needs no arguing. I as sume that I am only expressing your own thoughts what mut be In the mind of every true man when he faces the tragedy and the solemn glory of the present war for the emancipation of mankind. I summon you to a great duty, a great privilege, a shining dig nity and distinction. I shall expect every man who is not a slacker to be at my side throughout this great en terprise. In it no man can win honor who thinks of himself. ARMED GUARDS ARE ELUDED BY I. M U Agitators Deported by Arizona Are Returned and King man Is Being Patrolled. PEACE SEEMS FAR OFF General Tie-TTp of Freight and of Products of Farm Is Forecast by Workers XJnless Agree- -ment Is Readied Soon. fCoritTnned From First Tage.) their organization and union miners and mine operators. Several said they had been forced to leave claims they were working near Jerome and join picket lines during the strike called Kriday. One asserted he had been taken from his home four hours after his wife gave birth to a child. Many complained of the sum mary manner in which they were hus tled out of Jerome. Sheriff J. N. Cohenour telegraphed Governor Thomas K. Campbell at Je rome asking what disposition should be made of the remaining 42 prisoners. Meantime citizens held a mass meet ing at the Courthouse to decide the same questions. The Industrial Work ers of the World asked to be returned to Jerome. NEEDLKS, Cal., July 11. Citizens, armed with shotguns, received 60 men, mostly Industrial Workers of the World, upon their arrival here early today from Jerome, Ariz., whence they had been deported. A woman in the party escaped and search was insti tuted for her. Two men also got away. Party Itcturncd to Arizona. The newcomers were told they would have to return to Arizona. The car of men was picked up by an eastbound freight train two hours after its arrival and returned to Ari zona. It was intended to take the men to Kingman. GLOBE, Ariz., July 11. Settlement of the copper miners' strikes in Arizona, which have completely stopped produc tion in two fields and curtailed work fn a third, seemed remote tori ay. Ap parently both the mine owners and the strikers are unwilling to recede from their original positions. A alter fa. Douglas, president of the Phelps-Dodge Corporation, declared ast night that the mine owners could not treat either with the Industrial Workers of the "World or with the In ternational Union of Mine, Mill and bmeiter orkers. "Workers Eager for Conference. Members of the Internationa 1 say they are anxious for a conference to effect a settlement of the dispute, but leaders of the Inauatrial Workers of the World declared that they would not participate further in conferences of the state and Federal mediation boards. They said they would deal only with the mine owners direct, and have an nounced that, unless the copper miners demands were granted in all camps, the strike would spread throughout the Nation, until it involved harvest hands, marine and land transportation workers, and men in the coal and oil fields. 1500 Cars May Be Delayed. It was suggested that 1500 cars of freight, fuel oil and coal, which had been consigned to the mining compan ies of this and other strike districts, might be delayed without the neces sity of calling a strike as a sympa thetic move on the part of the railroad men and freight handlers. Fear of trouble over an order of Sheriff Tom Armer that only one pick et would be allowed within an area quarter of a mile square was allayed by instructions from Governor Thomas E. Campbell that the pickets' were act Ing within their rights, as long as they were peaceful. Reports from Bisbee Indicate that more men are returning to work there daily. The three principal companies operating in that district have served notice to their former employes that men who do not return to work by Friday will be treated as new app! cants. Picketing was resumed today at the copper mines of this district, with two men at each place, under a new rul The appearance of the mounted force of deputies, which yesterday carried the order to reduce pickets to the miners has caused much unfavorable comment among the strikers and their sympathizers, who say the new force acts as an irritant to the strikers. T-4e body will number 30 deputies when completely organized and is being called the Southwest Mounted Police. PHOENIX. Ariz., July 11. The Sheriff of Mohave County, at Kingman, today telegraphed Governor Campbell that h had 61 I. "W. W. detained there and asked what he should do with them Governor Campbell ordered that unless he has some specific charge to plac against them they should be released. Legal Action Impossible. Governor Campbell gave out a state ment in which he said that nothing i to be gained by deporting the Indus trial Workers of the World from place to place. "It only means that the I. W. W. will eventually land in some weak spot 1 the state, and then there will be trou ble," he said. "It is practically impos sible to handle the I. W. W. situatio legally In Arizona." UXIOXS WILL JOIX DEMANDS SUIngle Weavers and Timber Work ers Prepare for Strike. ABERDEEN, Wash., July 11. Execu tive officials of the Shingle Weavers' and Timber WorKers' unions, who have made demands, respectively, for an eight and nine-hour day, at a meeting here last night attended by E. P. Marsh, president of the State Federation of Labor, decided to make "common cause" of their several demands and pledged each other "mutual assistance." The shingle weavers have set July 16 (next Monday) as their day to strike if a settlement cannot be effected be fore. The timber workers have made no strike call as yet. The I. W. W. is combating the proposed strike. IDAHO TO ASK I. W, W. GAG Governor Alexander Thinks Spo kane Headquarters for Trouble. SPOKANE. Wash., July 11. (Special.) Discontinuance of 1. W. W. speaking in Spokane will be asked of Governor Lister, of Washington, by Governor Alexander, of Idaho. The Idaho execu tive requests a conference with Gov ernor Lister in Spokane in the near future, according to a report from Coeur d'Alene, Governor Alexander's "war headquarters." The situation in North Idaho is con trolled from Spokane, according to Uov- ernor Alexander, and he says the lead- rs are to be looked for here rather thf.n in the lumber camps. Besides hearing evidence from county fficials and defense bodies. Governor Alexander, in company with Sheriff T. L. Queries, of Koot nal Countv: W. T. Dougherty, Secretary of State for Idaho, and iu. barker, Lieutenant-Governor, yesterday visited some of the X W. W. camps near Harrison. The Sheriff, acting under the Gov- rnor's directions, ordered the camners to leave the country and directed three aliens to appear in Coeur d'Alene. Governor Alexander still takes the stand that the Council of Defense is not the proper body to ask for troops in Idaho, and that the civil authorities should deal with the situation. CONSPIRATOR FOOD IX UTAH Special Agent of Department of Justice Trails Men "Wanted. OGDEN, Utah, July 11. Mangu Ram, alias Munshi Ram, was arrested here today by Special Agent Leon Bone, f the United States Department ot ustice. Mangu Ram is charged with complicity in a conspiracy to set on foot and provide and prepare means in the United States for & military en- erprise against Great Britain in India. The Department of Justice declared ie Department of Justice declared 1 prisoner is one of 139 persons 1 ted in San Francisco charged un- : indictments returned there July 1 i th wanted er ind with plotting to procure secret treaties etween China and Japan and the Ger man government Jn aid of the Hindu revolutionary plot. Amm Chand Sharmn was to act as he intermediary between Germany and the conspirators at San Francisco. Mangu Ram's trail was followed to Utah, where it was lost in an interior town. By checking up the registration ards the Government agent was able to discover the fugitive on a farm near here, where he had hired out as a farm hand. He will be returned to San Francisco. GUARDS WATC1UXG TRAINS Hoboes Will Be Arrested and All Tunnels Will Be Protected. SEATTLE, Wash.. July 11. (Spe cial.) Special deputized armed guards and deputy sheriffs were dispatched from here tonigrht with orders to guard all mountain passes and tunnels lead- niar in and out of Kinpr County, and ar rest anyone found "beating his way on the railroads. The movement is the result of the congregating of members of the I. AV. XV. in "bo camps" near the towns, as railroads and Federal and state officials expect trouble. Railway officials say that hundreds of members of the 1. W. "V. have been beating their way from as far east as St. 1'aul to Puget Sound to destroy crops and cause other troubles. Prosecuting Attorney Lundln said to day that those arrested would be charged with a misdemeanor, with a penalty of SO days In the county Jail or a $250 fine imposed. The Great Northern, Northern Pacific and Chica go. Milwaukee & at. Paul Railways will be the roads of patrol. MR. KEAMliS AT MARSHFXELD I. XV. W. Situation In Mills Will Be Investigated. MARSHFIFLD. Or., July 11. (Spe cial.) United "fates Attorney Reames, accompanied by Mrs. Reames. reached here tonight from Lakeside, where they had been guests of AY illiam and Mrs. Coivig. Mr. Reames said he came here to investigate the I. W. W. situation. It is commonly known that com plaints have been forwarded from here regarding threatening letters received by the Smith-Powers Logging Company and others. The I. v . v . maintain headquarters in this city, and business men to some extent attribute the strike t the Smith mills to the influence of the Industrial v orkers. R. P. Bonham. representing the De partment of Commerce, is on the ground and came as mediator between the mill officials and strikers. He held a consultation today with the Smith company superintendent, Arno Merene. but there had been no advance made toward a settlement. 50 ARRESTED AT ELLESSBCEG Federal Troops Charge Interference With. Harvesting and Logging. ELLEXSBURG, Wash., July 11. Federal troops stationed in this county today arrested between 50 and bO In dustrlal Workers of the World, charged with interfering with crop harvesting and logging, in violation of the Federal statutes. The men were brought to Ellensburg tonight and placed in a stockade. Aviator Safely Back Prom Essen.' PARIS, July 11. Sergeant-Major Antoine Paillard, one of the French aviators who participated in the bom bardment last Friday of the Krupp factory at ISssen, Germany, and who failed to return, has, it is now learned. landed safely in Holland. Brazil to Send Officers to France. RIO JANEIRO. July 11. The com mittee on finance of trie Chamber or Deputies has approved a bill authoriz ing the sending of Brazilian army offl cers to France. Years Don't Count Years don't enter into the age of a man when clothing is considered. The alert, well - groomed man of today wants clothes that express his energy am bition the impression he wants to make on others. Mat his Quality garments are full of char' acter for this kind of man they fit trim are neatly de signed and well made throughout Cool comfort In every model. MatHis MEN'S WEAR Corbett Bid?., 5th and Morrison DOUBLE S. WITH -TOT E?U ' ft '": ft ' jp 1 j I j 3f 13c Colgate's All- OKn round Soap, 3 for.. OcJC 10c Hinds' Honey and Al mond Cream Soap, OfI 3 for AOl, 6 bars Vernon Gly- QJT cerine Soap iJZ 6 bars Jergen's Pumice Soap tOfZ 10c Rose City Gly- 1 ft cerine Soap, 3 for.. J-iU 10c Kirk's Cold OPT Cream Soap, 3 for Jt 10c Creme Oil OpT Soap, 3 for 10c Cologne Bou- OP quet Soap, 3 for... 0Z s fj ' :' fir!' '-J? g F T;- v Rwstx3" FILMS DEVELOPED FREE! when prints are ordered 5-HOUR EXPERT SERVICE Bl ALDZB STREET AJ1 WC.5T PAJSK MAE SHALL 7QQ -HOME A 6l7r i j-j TTiWIwnllMII Pll II IIIIWWJIMLLAaWllirffiilgl Always S- & H." Stamps First Three Floors g, BUTTE MINERS VOTE New Union Turns Down Pro posal for Affiliation. CHARTER MAY BE FORFEIT Possibility of Agreement Between Electrician and Operators Is Complicated by New Demands of Metal Trades Council. BUTTE. Mont.. July 12. The Metal Mine Workers Union yesterday voted down a proposal to affiliate with the American Federation of Labor through the International Mine, Mill and Smelt er Kmployes Union, of which Charles H. Moyer is president. Officials of the union, said that about 50UO votes were cast. At 1:45 oclork this morning the votes still were being- counted, with the ballot running- about 15 to 1 against the proposal. The Last announcement was that 1038 votes had been cast asrainpt affiliation and 128 for. It was said that the count ingr would not be finished before 4 or 5 o'clock this inorninsc- The electricians last night refused to accept the proposed agrree-ment as drawn at a conference between a. strike committee and the Montana Power Company. The committee was instruct ed to continue its negotiations with the power company. Objection was found to an arbitration agreement as to inter pretation of the contract And to a pro vision that tho acceptance of the con tract meant that all men now in the employ of the company should be re garded as "fair.' The prevailing fact in the union, it Is said, -.demanded the discharge of sub-foremen and others who have done emergency work since the strike was called. A new condition which may prove a barrier to settlement of the strike developed today in the announce ment of James O'Brien, president of the Montana Metal Trades Council, that this organization would present demands to the mining com panies here tomorrow which will in volve additional agreements concern ing the electricians, O'Brien returned today from the conference of the Metal Trades in Great Falls. The demands of the metal trades involving work of electricians, he said, will be made in dependently and separate from the agreement which is to be voted on tonight by the Electricians Union. The question of support of the Metal Trades Workers demands by the Engi neers' Union is also an issue discussed in labor circles today. Although once before put to the test, the engineers voted against a strike when metal trades workers engaged at the mines were called out in sympathy with the striking electricians. It was stated THE'P SANDWICH HAY PRESSES Make Money for Owners Because they are fast working have big capacity and are free from troubles. I & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS TODAY SOAP A REAL MONEY SAVING 10c Boehm's Water OCT Lily Soap, 3 for... -"Ot 10c Baby Bath Cas- OfT,, tile Soap, 3 for AOl 10c Washrag Cas- OfT tile Soap, 3 for iSOl 13c Colgate's Nat- QC ural Odor Soap, 3.. OOl, 10c Eutopia Soap, IQ 3 for IOC 50c bar Madero Cas- OQn tile Soap 0C 25c Packer's Tar Oft Soap for UC 25c Cuticura 1Q Soap IOC 25c Resinol Soap 22 C Germicidal Soap Mild A splendid shampoo Fine for cuts and wounds Boils won't spread when it is used and, though a germicide, is an elegant Toilet Soap as well. 25c cake. Always "S. & H." Stamps First Three Floors. lowyj u v.- V. .-1 - A' , - f Miss B. T. writes: ! am writing; for advice to cure myself of pimples and bolls. My skin seems too oily." Answer: The organs which eliminate waste matter need attention. Obtain three grain sulpherb tablets (not sul phur tablets) and take regularly as per directions for several months. Mrs. M. IX D. asks: "Do you think it is possible for me to increase my weight from 97 pounds to about 125 pounds?" v Answer: Yes, I believe that the regu lar use of a special tonic tablet will do this for you as it has for thousands of others. Ask your druggist for three grain hypo-nuclane tablets in sealed package with full directions. Take them for several months to get the full benefit. "Melville R. writes: "Should a man of forty-six find himself utterly in capacitated? Am weak, nervous, timid, self-conscious. lo not sleep well. Arise with a tired feeling, lame back and often have severe headactae in the back part of head. Fickle appetite, but when I do eat, do not get strength." Answer: To use a common expres sion, "you have exceeded the speed limit" and your nervous system needs the aid of an invigorating tonic medicine. Get a tube of three grain cudomene tablets. Take as per direc unofficially today that should the elec tricians fail to ratify the agreement with the Montana Power Company in dorsed by Its strike committee find, the international officers of the union, the charter of the local union will be re voked. tINGERS ARE AT TAC0WA Convention Draws Members From All Parts of Coast. TACOMA, Wash.. July 11. (Special.) -Two hundred and fifty members of FOR Horse, belt and motor mounted. Prices upon request. Portland, Or. Spokane, Wash. RESS f 'v l. ..rr .. s ri z -TT 7 'UWW . X'ipWi,. , ' - 7 ' " M 10c Olive Oil Cas- OP tile Soap, 3 for.... &OL 10c Maxine Elliott OFT Soap, 3 for AtOt 10c Shah of Persia OK Castile Soap, 3 for J 25c Pears' Soap C"l scented 18c, 3 for OJ-C 10c Kirk's Square - Q Toilet Soap, 3 for.. twC 10c American " Q Squares,, 3 for J-i7C 10c Kirk's Cocoa Hard Wa ter Castile Soap, 3 for iOK, 25c Synol 20 50c Synol 4t) 50c Palmolive Liquid Soap at 45 Ke JOCXORS. YlTdvicjU The questions answered below ara general in. character, the ttvmptoms or diseases are civen nrt th unsupr Hii apply in any cane of nimilar nature. nose wisning lurther advice. fre, i.y at.,Jros lr. Lewis Bakr, College Ohio. Piiclosiiig' Keif -addressed stumnci envelope for reply. Full name and ad-, dress must be given, but only initial or fictitious names will he used in mv answers. The prescriptions ;an h'e filled at any well-stocked drug store. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. tions and continue trpatmont stvt"il months if necessary. m m m "Uneasy" writes: "f am nneasv about my health. My kidneys and bladder are not well. Have snpll.s of depression, do not sleep well, have to arise frequently. Urine bad odor and color, very scant sometimes. My ankles puff and under my eyes I have "bags." Please pre scribe ?" Answer: Your symptoms indicate you need treatment to tone up the functions of kidneys and bladder. Obtain in sealed tubes balmwort tablet and take as per directions for several weeks, or until relief is experienced. J. It. G. writes: "When a person be comes uncomfortable from excess fat do you believe in reducing with medi cine treatment? Answer: The treatment of excess fat for reduction can be carried out safely with live grain arbolone tablets. 1 do not advise indiscriminate medica tion, but this treatment seems to be uniformly successful. NOTE: For many years Dr. Baker has been giving free advice and pre scriptions to millions of people through the press columns, and doubtless lias helped in relieving illness and distress more than any single individual in the world's history. Thousands have writ ten him expressions of gratitude and confidence similar to the following: DR. LEWIS BAKER. DEAR SIR: I have been taking Sulpherb Tablets" for constipation and liver trouble for two weeks, and find that they give me the most beneficial results of anything I have taken for the past 20 years. So pleased am I that I recommend them to all my friends. I enclose stamp and coupon for book, "Health and Beauty," and trusting 1 may receive more bene fits from reading it, 1 am Very truly vours, T. J. O'BXUEN". 24 Pine St.. Adv. Mittineague. Mas?. the United (Swedish Singers of the Pa cific Coast, of wh'ch Gustave Larsen, of Tacoma, is president, arrived in Ta coma today for the sessions of the bi ennial convention and concert in the stadium. The visitors will be the guests of the Swedish choruses of Tacoma, who have pla ined an elaborate programing for their entertainment. The conven tion draws members from Portland, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, Spokane, Kverett and Kutte. Tomorrow evening the concert will be given in the stadium, with Marie Sundelius, Metropolitan Opera star and soprano of world-wide note, as soloist. Read The Oreponian classified ads. Hi Big capacity is secured by means of these gears. There are two tilings thnt put th Pandwlch in an advanced position among hay presses in rei?a.rd. to ca pacity, speed and. durability. Thes are the methods of compounding power and the extra heavy construc tion. The Elliptical gearing employed on the Sandwich permits the press to operate at slow speed, gives a lone Ftroke of the plunger uncovering an exceptionally lurse feed opening and, make possible tho feeding of large charges. Th fly-wheeLis eliminated and by reason of the press operating at much slower speed than others, the life of evtry part is lengthened. Drop us a card today for our bit hay book, "TONS TCI-IV which, shows plainly why tho Sandwich, is the press to buy. 4 y t s 0 1 4