Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 12, 1917, Page 15, Image 15

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Portland Ship Company Asked
to Enlarge Another.
achoolhouses win meet (or luncheon
and election of officers at the Mult
nomah Hotel. Several short speeches
will be made and President Robert J.
Aley will make an address. Dr. Charles
C. Kelsoe, director of social center ac-
1 tlvities for the high schools of Lo
Angeles, will preside. All interested
are invited to attend and take part in
the discussions, which will deal par
ticularly with the scope of the activi
ties desirable to be undertaken by the
schools and the problems of the rural
Colombia Plant Considers Plans to
Increase Steel Vessel Work for
Government Shop Addi
i, tlons Proposed.
Shifting the plant of the Portland
Shipbuilding Company, which is con
cerned in the construction and repair
of river vessels, from the foot of Meade
street to a point south of the yard of
the Coast Shipbuilding Company, so
the Columbia River Shipbuilding Cor
poration may lay down six additional
ways for steel ship work, is a plan be
ing worked out in connection with the
latter plant's programme for turning
out Government vessels.
The Portland plant adjoins that of
the Columbia River yard on the south,
having occupied that location for years
under the management of Charles Nel
son. After the Northwest Steel Com
pany expanded last year and estab
lished a shipyard In connection with
Its business. It was followed by the
organization of the Columbia River
Shipbuilding Corporation.
More Shops Proposed.
The latter located Its plant on prop
erty adjoining the Northwest Steel
Company and between that yard and
the Portland Shipbuilding Company's
property, but with the need for much
more space for Government shipbuild
ing, the river frontage of more than
600 feet held by the Portland yard was
In the rear of the Portland yard the
Columbia River plant has ground, and
part of Its shops are there, and It is
the plan to put in more, as the space to
be taken over includes more than is re
Quired simply for ways.
The Portland yard recently closed t
new lease for its holdings, so the prob
abilities are it will be moved by the
Columbia River Interests at the tatter's
Frontaec Already Surveyed.
Surveys have been made of the front
age and quick work will be made of in
stalling the facilities as soon as final
word comes from J. R. Bowles, presl
dent of the Northwest Steel Company,
who is at Washington.
The Northwest yard has four ways
and the Columbia River three, so tti
additional ground will provide space
for twice as many building berths as
the Columbia now has, while the North
west Steel has applied for additional
fill on its land from the Portland, so a
fifth set of ways can be built.
Ships turned out by the Northwest
are contracted for Jointly with th
"Willamette Iron & Steel Works, the
latter installing machinery and fin
ishing the vessels after the Northwest
launches the hulls. The Columbia River
yard will turn out completed vessels,
machinery being constructed and In
stalled there as well as the hulls.
Higher Temperature In Interior Not
Followed by Higher Water.
Temperatures over the entire Colum
bia River basin region, which have
been above normal of late, were higher
yesterday than during the previous 2
hours, and the fact the Clearwater
River fell six-tenths of a foot in -4
hours is regarded by Meteorologist
Thiessen, of the Weather Bureau, as
a good indication that all snow is gone
from the lower levels and thai there
will be no further rise here. While
the decline is not rapid, it will con
tinue here for at east four days.
uiuciai river reaaings yesieruay
Six Buildings in Huntington
Wiped Out; Loss $28,000.
1 3J O
Stations. na -.2 "
? 8 "
: 3
Kamiah ....
Lewiston ...
Umatilla ....
The Dalles .
L.UKen ....
Albany .....
Oregon City
Portland ....
ST. 8
32. S
Master Mechanic of Ocean and River
Lines to Help Build Ships.
W. T. Lovell, for more than three
years master mechanic of the San
ITrancisco & Portland Steamship Com
pany and the river fleet of the O.-W.
R. & N., has tendered his resignation.
to take effect as soon as he can be"
relieved. Mr. Lovell has accepted I
berth with the Columbia River Ship
building Corporation.
After experience covering a wide
range In mechanical engineering Mr.
Lovell has risen to the post of first
assistant engineer of the steamer Bear,
under Chief Enginer Jackson, veteran
of the San Francisco & Portland line,
and, the steamship fleet being turned
back to the O.-W. R. & N. when the
Pacific Mail left the Pacif'c, Mr. Lovell
was named to look after the dual re
sponsibilities of ocean and river lines
here. Because of his work at sea he
has been deeply Interested In the
building of new steel vessels here and
decided to enter the construction field.
Front-Street Houses Clear Away
Debris From Freshet.
Since the Willamette River has
dropped to a point below the stage
of 20 feet above zero. Front-street es
tablishments are returning goods to
basements. In all localities it is not
possible to reoccupy the lower section
yet, but some are restoring wire fenc
ing, rolls of paper and such stocks
and in others the labor of cleaning
away sediment and general debris col
lected is under way.
The aftermath of the freshet will
necessitate a considerable outlay in
repairing dock decks and driveway
platforms, though most dockowners
took precautions in the way of placing
weights on roadways, even loads of
gravel being dumped in places to with
stand the lifting of the buoyant timber
by the pressure of water from below.
At the present rate it will be two or
three weeks before the water recedes
sufficiently to enable all repairs to
be undertaken.
Government Considers Adding More
Quarters on Sailing Vessels Here.
Through the fact inquiry has been
made by representatives of the United
States Shipbuilding Board as to the
probable cost of providing 20 berths on
one of the vessels here that formerly
flew the German flag, it is believed
along the waterfront that the Govern
ment plans to carry a large class of
apprentices on the vessels as the first
step in teaching Toung America the
life of the sea, with the hope of ulti
mately swelling the list of officers for
the merchant marine.
Apprentices commonly were carried
In British ships for years, and in line
with the system It is expected those to
be signed on American vessels will be
principally youths well under the draft
age. As to when the additional quar
ters may be provided is not known, as
all work has been stopped on the ships
through an order from Washington
more than a week ago.
Joint Meeting to Be Held at Lincoln
High School at 10 A. M.
The kindergarten department will
hold a Joint session with the depart
ment of elementary education this
morning at the Lincoln High. School at
10 o'clock.
Mrs. Ella Flagg Toung will speak on
"Teachers' Problems of Maintaining
School Standards at the Present Time.'
There will be motion pictures illus
trating various kindergarten activities
in classes In New York and Pittsburg.
Stereopticon slides of garden work
excursions and outdoor games will be
The programme will be followed by a
luncheon under the auspices of the
National Council of Primary Education
at the Benson Hotel.
The public is invited to both the pro
gramme and the luncheon.
Grlswold-O'Donnell Copmany Gets
Vancouver Waterfrontage on Lease.
Lease of 1200 feet of waterfront
property at Vancouver, Wash., from
B. C. Mathews and George A. Whipple,
has been closed by Grlswold-O'Donnell
Company for shipyard puposes. The
tract is west of the bridge of the
Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railroad
and a fill is to be made there by the
Port of Vancouver by dredging.
E. A. Griswold, president of the cor
poration, was formerly with the Wes
Oregon Lumber Company and the Falls
City Lumber Company. M. J. O Don
noil, vice-president, is a constructing
engineer and was with the firm of
Stone & Webster. Clarence Eubanks,
an attorney of this city, is secretary.
Government contracts for wooden
ships are expected to be closed.
Blaze Is Believed to Have Origi
nated From Overheated Pipe
In One of Stores Destroyed.
Dry Weather Adds to Danger.
BAKER. Or.. July 11. (Special.)
United efforts of the citizens of Hunt
ington today saved the city from de-
struction when a fire wiped out I
block In the heart of the business
section with a loss of nearly $28,000.
The people fought the blaze, which
was fanned by a stiff breeze, for two
hours, and were able to check the
spread when the wind died down at
30 o'clock. Most of the buildings
in the city are wooden, and the tem
perature has been hovering near the
100 mark the last few days, bo tnat
everything was -exceedingly dry, mak
ing the danger of wiping out the en
tire city Very great.
The fire was discovered In the
Crlmmlns' barber shop and made rapid
headway. The fire department and
every available man turned out to
fight the flames, and after over two
hours of heroic efforts succeeded In
subduing the conflagration.
The fire destroyed six buildings in
the heart of the town, including the
stores of the Huntington Mercantile
Company, H. H. Mack, George Adams,
a vacant building formerly occupied as
restaurant, Crlmmlns barber shop.
Dewltt's cigar store and W. J. Woods'
real estate office.
The heaviest losses were sustained
by the Huntington Mercantile Com
pany. H. H. Mack and George Adams.
The loss to the Mercantile Company is
said to be covered by Insurance, but
Mack and Adams had no insurance on
their stocks and the others had only
partial insurance.
It Is believed that the fire originated
from an overheated stovepipe, which
ignited a bunch of old clothes hanging
near by.
Cast Slders Caustlo in Spit of Ef
forts to Stop Smoke.
It has been repotted that residents
of the East Side, north of the Broad
way bridge, in a sector over which Is
wafted soot from the funnel of the
Port of Portland dredge Tualatin, have
complained because the residue from
the furnaces bespeckles beds on- sleep
Ing porches.
All of which reached the ears of
Fred Pape, peneral superintendent of
the Port. First of the remedies he
has applied was to change the brick
work in the furnaces. No results. Then
sawdust and cut fuel used was wet
down. Small advantage. Following
that dampers were closed as far as
possible. Net gain nominal. Spark
catcher have been affixed. Still the
Kast Slders are caustic
"We can't change the wind and we
can't give up dredging in the Interest
of the port," said Mr. Pape yesterday.
"Also the cut fuel must be used as the
best and most economical, particularly
since the price of fuel oil has attained
such heights."
Motorship Construction and Oregon
Shipbuilding Cmpanles Made One.
Construction of Hfebjats and other
email vessels is to be conducted on a
large srale at Vancouver, "Wash.,
through the consolidation yesterday of
the Motorship Construction Company,
which recently established a plant
there, and the Oregon Shipbuilding
Merrill T. Reed, president of the
Motorship Construction Company, re
mains head of the enlarged plant, with
W. M. Umbdenstock, president of the
Oregon Shipbuilding Company, secre
tary of the new organization. J. "V.
Dougherty is treasurer, having for
merly been secretary and treasurer of
the motorship corporation.
The company has contracts for 82
of Astoria Commission
Government to Help.
- ASTORIA, Or.. July 11. (Special)
The Port of Astoria Commission and
tha Chamber of Commerce are to unite
in requesting the Government to aid
in deepening the channel in Young's
Bay to 40 feet.
Two shipyards and a paper mill have
been established on Young's Bay re
cently. Numerous other sites for manu
factories are available. The Port Com
mission has purchased a 20-inch
dredge which It plans to put at work
there this Fall, but it believes the
Government should assist.
The Ewart Electric Company is In
stalling lights in the new bunkers.
ftsancti for Social Center Advocates.
At noon today the department for
the promotion of the wider use of
Motor Vessel Is Reported to Be Tak
ing Water at Stern.
TACOMA, Wash., July 11. The motor
vessel Wahena, with a cargo of freight
from British Columbia to Taooroa, went
aground near the dock at Brown's
Point at the entrance to Taooma har
bor early today, and is reported to be
taking water at the stern.
Officers of the Border Line Trans
portation Company are making an in
vestigation. The Wahena is owned by
the Clatskanie Transportation Com
pany, of Portland, Or.
Marine Notes.
Pan Francisco sources have It that Cap
tain G. P. Jessen, of this city, at present
master of the steamer Breakwater, is
retire from the Emerald Line service. He
Is about the oldest navigator on the Coast
of those now in the harness, having started
1 ntlie early 60s, and has not had a serious
Captain Hunter brought the turbiner
Northern Pacific into Flavel yesterday from
the Golden Gate, carrying a number of trav
elers. Captain Rankin had a fair list of passen
gers and almost a full cargo when he
started the liner Beaver for sea yesterday.
Captain A. B. Graham, of the Yellow Stack
fleet, was among the travelers, bound on
a round trip down the Coast to watch deep
water operation again.
Since the O.-W. R & N. steamers have
vacated Ash-street dock more than one of
the river companies have sought the loca
tion and proposals have been made to the I
O.-W. R, & N. interests for leases. It Is j
rated among the most desirable locations j
on the west side of the harbor.
Convoyed by the tug Wallula, the new
auxiliary schooner Astri. which was sold
early in the season by A. O. Anderson &
Co. to Norwegians, arrived In the harbor
last night and went to the Port of Portland
dry dock. It is planned to do some finish
ing work here, also lift the vessel to give
the hull a final coat of paint.
Her lumber cargo being aboard, the
steamer Tamalpais left Inman-Poulsen's mill
last night for San Francisco.
Paul Watson, of Seattle, attached to ths
special agent's bureau of the Treasury De
partment, was In the city yesterday on busi
ness having to do with the amount of duty
to be "drawn back" on sugar by canners,
they being allowed a refund for the sugar
used in preserving and canning.
In command of Captain L. P. Hoeford,
manager of the fleet, the Harkir.s Line
steamer Undine left yesterday morning for
Astoria on a "tramping" trip, cleaning up
freight that has accumulated. Frank Smith
was assigned to the berth of purser. She
will return today so as to leave out tomor
row In place of the steamer Georgians,
Among the vessels to be hauled out this
week at the yard of the Portland Shipbuild
ing Company are ths Joseph Kellogg, Nes
tor and Relief.
Three" Scotch marine boilers, of 21 con
tracted for with the Willamette Iron A
Steel Works by Moor A Scott, San Fran
cisco shipbuilders, will be shipped in a few
days aboard the steamer Johan Pouisen,
which will carry them lashed oa her deck
load of lumber.
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
ASTORIA. Or., July 11. (Special.) The
British steamer War Baron, en route from
Portland, sailed during the night for Puget
Carrying freight and passengers from
Portland and Astoria, the steamer F. A.
Kilburn sailed for San Francisco via Coos
Bay and Eureka.
The steam schooner Klamath sailed for
San Francisco with a cargo of lumber from
St. Helens.
Coming to load lumber at Prescott, the
steam schooner Tiverton arrived from San
Carrying a full cargo of lumber from the
Hammond mill, the steam schooner Santlam
will sail for San Pedro.
The new motor schooner Astri, that was
built at the McEachem shipyards and late:
bought Dy Ivulver & Co., of Norway, was
brought from Young's Bay and left for
Portland under her own power, but con
voyed by the tug Walluia, She will go on
dry dock to be painted.
The steam schooner Ryder Hanlfy Is flu
from San Pedro to load lumber at Stella
and Kalams,
Bringing freight and passengers, th
steamship Northern Pacific arrived from San
The motor schooner Astoria, which took
a cargo of lumber from the Columbia to
Australia, Is to return with a cargo of
Bringing fuel oil for Astoria and Portland,
the tank steamer Atlas arrived from Cail
fornia. ComlDf with freight and passengers for
Astoria and Portland, the steamer Break
water arrived from San Francisco via .Eu
reka and Coos Bay.
The catch of fish during the past two
or three days, especially by the trollers op
erating outside the mouth of the river and
the gitlnetters drifting in the lower harbor,
has shown a considerable improvement.
While the hauls being mads are not large,
they Indicate the presence of bjg schools
of salmon outside that may be expected to
enter the river as the water falls.
To Nearby Mountain, River,
Ocean and Valley Points
Daily July 10 to 15
Bound trip to the Seashore Resorts may be made in a day,
giving all afternoon on the beach
Gearhart and Seaside, Clatsop Beach ...$3.00
Astoria 3.00
Columbia River and Cascade
Mountain Range Points East
of Portland .
Camas $1.00
Cape Horn 1.40
Cascades (superb mountain gorge and rapids of the Co
lumbia) ; 1.95
Carson (Mineral Hot" Springs) 2.50
White Salmon (resorts on river bluffs) 3.00
Willamette Valley Points
Eugene (University Summer School) $4.80
Corvallis (O. A. C. Summer School) 3.50
Salem (State Capital) ... 2.00
Albany 3.10
Forest Grove 1.00
Information and Folder Mapstetc., at
TT" f T " TT a ' M W
T?lU C -ls- 0
10th and Hoyt Sts.
Oregon's Finest Beach Resort
326 Chamber of Commerce) Building, Purtland Oregon. Pbone Main 7270
Completely furnished small residences,
equipped with toilet and everything: to
Insure comfort and convenience. Elec
tric-lighted, water, fuel, linens, silver
ware, dishes free. Two beds. Rates, by
week, 10; two weeks. $18; four
weeks, $30.
Overlooking the Pacific Superb view
from every window. Hospitable ud
quiet. Parlors, billiard room and a.
table par excellence. Make your reser
vations now. Rates $2.50 per day and
up. Special rates for two weeks. Ad
The Natatorium, finest on Coast. Tank 50x160 feet. Warm sea water. Deep
aea fishing. Mountain climbing. Clams and crabs.
Splendid boat service from Garibaldi, where there are three garages to ac
commodate motoring people.
No Difficulty at Border
Tourists art meeting- with no difficulty whatsoever In crossing; Into and
oat of Canada. Plan now for a tour of the "Island of a Thousand Allies of
Wonderland, tha gjateway of which la
Right at your door. Wonderful Scenery; Magnificent Roads: Motoring; Fish
In: Bathing;: Camping; Golf. Kxcellent Hotels. Moderate Prices.
Write today for free Information t Fl'lJLlClTY COMMISSIONER, VICTORIA, B. O.
The Shelburne
A quiet and restful Summer hotel Justly famous for its service and appoint
ments. In sight and sound of the ocearu Long-distance phone in hoteU
Special rates for families. Buy your tickets to Shelburne Station.
Address T. J. HOARE, Prop, Seaview, Wash.
morrow from Portland, with rreigni ana
The gasoline senooner 'I ramp saiiea tooay
for the Sin&loa wreck and will call at Ban
don for wrecking material.
ABERDEEN, Wash., July 11. (Special.)
-The recently launched steamers Banta
Crlstlna and Santa Isabel both commenced
loading cargoes for San Francisco today, tne
former at the Hoquiam Lumber & Shingle
Mill and the latter at the E. It. wooa mms.
Both vessels will be towed to San Francisco
In about & week and at that city their
new engines will be Installed. They are sis
ter ships and were Dullt tor w. xt wwi
& Co.. of San Francisco. Each Is a double
deck cargo carrier. The Santa Crlstlna was
built at the Aberdeen Knipyaraa on mo
Wlshka and the Santa Isabel at the Mat
thews Tarda In Hoquiam.
The steamer Chehalts arrived from Ban
Francisco and Is loading at the Northwest
ern Mill In Hoquiam.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND, July 11. Arrived Steamers
Atlas and Johan Pouisen. rrom Ban ran
clsco; motor schooner Astrl, from Astoria:
steamer Breakwater, from San Francisco.
Kureka and Coos Bay. Sailed Steamer
Beaver, for Can Francisco ana ban rearo.
ASTORIA. July 11, Left up at 12:80 A.
M., steamer Tiverton. Sailed at 1 A. m..
Bteamer Klamath, for San Francisco, osn
Pedro and San Diego. Left up at T A. M-.
motor schooner Astrl. Balled at 0:80 A. M.,
steamer F. A. Kllhurn, for Coos Bay. Eu
reka and San Francisco. Arrived at it. aw
and left up at 2:R0 P M., steamer Break
water, from San Francisco and way ports.
Arrived at 1:15 P. M., steamer rsortneru -
clflc, from 6an Francisco.
SEATTLE. July 11. Arrived: Steamers
Valdes. from St. Michael: Dolpnin. rrom
Southeastern Alaska: i-rlnce nupert visrii
lsh). from Skagway; barge Fresno, In tow
of tug Goliath, from Akutan. Departed:
Steamers Despatch, for Southeastern Alas
ka: Queen, for San Francisco; Prince Ru
pert tBrltlsh). for Prince Rupert.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 11. Arrived at
3 p M. . steamer Great Northern, from
Flavel; Bteamer Willamette, from Columbia
River, for San Pedro.
HONOLULU. July 10. Sailed Schooner
Mlndoro, for Columbia River.
ASTORIA. July 10. Arrived at and left
up at 11 P. M., steamer Atlas, from San
Francisco. Arrived at 10 P. M.. steamer
Tiverton, from San Francisco.
Hazel wood
In Scenic Packages
Adds greatly to the pleasure of a
vacation trip.
Bent by Parcel Post or Express
anywhere In the United States or
Satisfaction and Delivery Guaranteed.
new L.w hurts dairymen The Hazelwood
prlatlon for irrigation development In
Oregon was voiced at today's meeting
of the Bend Commercial Club. The
club also voted to aak the other mem
bers of the Oregon delegation to as
sist In obtaining the appropriation and
to call on other state commercial
bodies for aid.
Cost of State Inspection May Close
Out Email Herds.
LEBATOK, Or., July 16. (Special.)
Many email dairymen in Linn County
who milk from three to half a dozen
cows expect to go out of the business
this Fall owing to the heavy expense In
complying with the Inspection law en
acted by the last Legislature.
The expense to get a state inspector
to these remote places to Inspect
small herd will take all the profit out
of the business, it Is said.
Confectionery & Restaurant
Washington St. at Tenth,
Portland, Or.
On your trip over the Co
lumbia Hltrhwav do not foraret
Thlft attractive Inn in locat
ed at the most ecenlo rmlnt on
the entire higrhway; from lta
dining-room and veranda may
be seen Rooster Rock, Cape
Horn, Crown Point. Beacon
Rock, Lone Rock, Mount Hood
and the Columbia River Gorge
for seventy miles.
A breakfast, luncheon or
dinner at CHANTICLEER will
be one of the pleasures o
your trip. v
Phone Long Distance.
CHANTICLEER via Corbett.
SEATTLE. TV ash.. July 11. (Special.)
Arrivals at thii port today included the
steamer Valdez, from St. Michael and way
ports; Bteamer Dolphin, from Southwestern
Alaska ports ; motorship Seaborn, from Ori
ental ports via Vancourer, B. C and the
barge Fresno, from Akutan, in tow of the
tup Goliah.
The departures Included the steamer De
spatch, for Southeastern Alaska: steamer
Queen, for San Francisco; steamer Prince
Rupert, for Prince Rupert, B. C, and the
barkenttne S. G. Wilder, for tha West Coast
via Port Ludlow.
The motor schooner Seaborn, which
reached here today from Vancouver, Is com
pleting her first round trip voyage across
the Pacific. She was built at Tacoraa and
is under charter to H. E. Ostrander.
Contracts for four auxiliary schooner ves
eels were closed yesterday with the Elliott
Bay Shipbuilding Company, one of the new
est construction organizations In this city,
Involving th expenditure of $1,400,000 by
the New York Marine Corporation. Delivery
to be made at the earliest possible date.
The Elliott Bay Company is the first
shipbuilding concern to start operations on
the west side of the Duwamisn.
The expiration of the contract on the old
Lake Washington w aterway company,
throueh the refusal of the State Land Com
missioner to grant an extension, has opened
the wav for the improvement of several
hundred acres of tfdelands that can be filled
at a cost far below the price quoted by the
old company.
The Elliot Bay Shipbuilding Company was
Incorporated a few days ago with C. A. K 11
bourne, O. O. Morrow and I. Setzieck as incorporators.
SAN FRAXCISCO, July 11. (Special.)
An entirely new service out of San b ran-
ciaco has grown up quietly during the past I
few months and has assumed such pro-1
portions that from two to six vessels fly
ing the Dutch flag were here at one time.
This is the service started by the Java
Pacifie llti- For the first time in the his
tory of the port it is brought in direct
touch with the Straits Settlements and the
East Indies by those vesseis.
More Japanese steamers are arriving and
departing from the port of San Francisco
than ever before. Within 43 hours this
week four ships came in from the Orient
and three sailed for various ports on the
Asiatic Coast. Only one vessel was a pas
senger carrier.
COOS BAT. Or., July 11. (Special.)
The tug Gleaner arrived from the Umpqua
River at 8 A. M. and will tow the tug
Powers to the Columbia River, leaving to
night or Thursday morning.
The steamship F. A. Kalburn Is due to-
T A POM A- July 11. Arrived -Steamers
Nome City, from San Francisco; Brunette,
tug towing North Bend, from British Co
lumbia; Talthyblus Britlsh), from Seattle;
Sado Maru, (Japanese), from Seattle. De
parted Steamers Admiral Watson. North
western, for Seattle.
- TJ. S. Naval Radio Itoports.
Francisco. 275 miles north of San Fran-
ADELiyB SMITH. Ban rrancieco xor joob
Krv. 40 miles north of San Francisco.
WAHKEENA, tan uiego ror uoiumma
Elver, five mlla south or San Francisco.
WILLAMETTE. San Francisco ror Ban
Pedro, 20 miles south of San Francisco.
Tides at Astoria Thursday.
II I irh. Low.
T:25 A. M. .5.9 feet I 1:80 A. M. .0.9 foot
7:29 P. M....S.S feet 1:04 P. M....2.3 feet
Columbia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD, July 1L Condition of
the bar at 6 P. M. Sea, smooth; wind,
northwest SO miles.
Senator McXary's Action Approved.
BEND. Or., July 11. (Special.) Ap
proval of the action of Senator McNary
in attempting to obtain a larpre Appro-
Man Accused by Stepchild Jailed.
EUGENE. Or.. July 11. (SoeciaL)
Joseph Perkins, Sr., 70, and a veteran
of the Civil War, of Do re no, was ar
rested today charged with a crime
against his 16-year-old stepdaughter,
Anna Sharpe. He was taken before
Justice of the Peace Joseph Younx.
of Cottage Grove, and bound over to
the Lane County grrand jury.
champions choose
Jantzen rib stitdi
bathing suits
Tie foaooi rtnfltTft jfife tni
pair voa) yJtrw mete titem
re&E&r superior nineais
Portland Knlttlue Company
Hotel Moore
Seaside, Clataop Beach, Oregon. Ameri
can plan. Moat attractive spot on th.
south shore of Clatsop Beach. Four
hour, from Portland, via S., P. & S. Ry.;
fifty minutes from Astoria, where con
nections are made with all boat lines.
Finest beach this side of San Diego.
Excellent bathing, boating, fishing,
golf, auto trips, walks to Tillamook:
Head and many other interesting spots.
aea iooas a specialty. Ask for booklet.
-n in toiumnia rtiver Hig-hway. If you
want to see the most soenlo Dart of th for.
famd Columbia River district come up to
nuuu niver nnu epena a lew aayg lOOKing; 1
over me wonaerrui j-iooa reiver valley. Tour
ists. Bisrhtseers, ansicrs and mountain ell m ti
ters make the Hotel Oregon their headquar- j
iera. i ne noiei uregon win neip to make
your trip enjoyable. Plan your auto trip
'rum ruruituu m stop overmgnt nere.
r. w. .niniuna, rrop.
Leaves 7 A. M. dally, except Friday, Sun
days 7:80 A. M. Returning leaves Astoria
2 P. M. Arrives Portland 9 P. M.
STR. LCKLINE leaves 7:45 A. M. dally
except Sunday. Returning leaves Astoria
T P. M.
Main 1422 Washington St. Dock A412S
Locksley Hall
SEASIDE, OREGON Overlooking the ocean.
Large, airy and comfortable rooms, with or I
without private baths. Celebrated for the I
excellence of Its cuisine. For rates, address I
LILLIAN M. PLYMALE, Seaside, Oregon.
A bit of Switzerland In America.
24 hours from Portland. Accom
modations the best. Illustrated
booklet free. C. XV. 3. Reckers,
Host, Wife Salmon. Wash.
The Taylor Hotel
Ocean Park, Washington.
A family hotel, located on the world
famous North Beach, close to the ocean and
only one mile from Wlliapa Bay with Its
line ristiinff ana Doatinf?. Home-grown veg
etables and home cooking:. Ocean Park li
one of the most attractive of the North
Beach resorts. For rates, address XA1LOK
HOTEL, ocean lark, Wanli.
Round -Trip Tickets $6.00
To Arrah Wanna, Welches, Tavrney'a,
Rhododendron and Return su.
Government Camp and Return 98.50
Daily stage from Rout led ne aeed Co,
145 2d. near Alder. Main 695S. A, 3811,
or Anderson Bros. Main 331.
Illustrated Pamphlet on Request.
Be view, Wafthlngton.
Located on North Beach, unlversallv con
ceded to be the finest beach in the Pacific
Northwest. Splendid surf bathing within a
few hundred yard of the hotel. Kxcelient
table. Airy and comfortable rooms. Rea
sonable rates. For rates, wire or write
JAVKS HACKNEY, Scavlew. Wnphlncton.
The Jewett Farm
The Jewett Farm Home la just across the
Columbia from Hood River, on the bluffs
of the Columbia; 340 acres of beauty,
choice of rooms In cotages or mala dwell-
lng. A charming place to spend a lew
weeks. It has a distinctive personality.
Cool, healthful, scenic. The best of food.
h?aH entile i &nd daintily and aDDetizlnsrlv
served. Address Jewett lanu Home, White
I Salmon, asu.
s. jsilSJs. Jl MMn
oacK i
cursion Days
July 6-7-13-14-20-21-27-28
Return limit 3 months. You can stop over.
Later excursions in August and September.
Shipherd's Hot Springs
A mountain resort for health, rest and
recreation; not mineral water eatns;
general pleasure attractions. Including
swimming pool in Summer season.
Engage your hotel accommodations in
advance wnen posaiuie.
Csnon. Wauls.
J. E. Reynolds. Proprietor. Guler. Washing
ton. in the 1'ictureeaue xrout uik auey.
tide trips by auto or horseback to Lava and
Ice Caves, Indian Race Track. Steamboat
Lake. etc. Ml Adams auto road to Morrl
son Valley, at the base of the mountain.
Good trout fishing, tennis and croquet
erounds and swimming pool in connection.
Amusement Hall with dancing, bowling and
1 billiards, near the hotel. Kates: Room ana
Board, S2 per day. $10 per week.
Via California
In one) direction
If rect Route
via Denver.
$ 85.G0 Denver
$ 90.60 Kansas City 1? 67.50
$103.10 Chicago $ 80.00
S141.30 New York S118.20
Other places too.
Take advantage of these low fares
Let us plan your trip.
Rhododendron Inn
Beautiful mountain resort, between Hunch
back and Zigzag; Mountains on Zigzag- River
and 6tlll Creek. Large cemented swimming
nonl. modern dance hall. saddle horses.
tennis and croquet grounds. Headquarters
1 for f ishinir. Kates K3.50 Der day. 15 to 18
t per week. For auto stages, call Kast 135 or
Main 331. alts, emu x nuueui, jaitsas;, ur.
see Grand Canyon,
Petrified Forest,
Yosemite Valley,
and enjoy Fred Har
vey dining service on
your way.
Phone Main 1274.
H. IT. Francisco,
GelL As;t.
K. XV. Tamiow,
Trm-r. Pass. As
122 Third St
Portland. Or.
Overlooklnc the Ocean
The scenic beach of Oregon. Surf
bathing; deep-sea fishing:; big game
hunting; sea iooas a specialty; auto
stage meets all trains.
91. S. WABRGN, Prop.. Ecola, Oregon.
Films Developed Free!
when prints are ordered.
We pay return postage.
Five-hour expert service.
Largest Photo Supply House
' in the Northwest.
Woodard, Clarke 8c Co.
Wood-Lark Bldg., Alder. at W. Park
MountHood Auto Stages
Fifth season of reliable service 8 A. M.
dally to Welches, Tawney's, La Casa
Monte and Rhododendron, $6.00 round
trip. Government camp, J8.B0.
lickets, lnlormatlon and reservations
IlEAl. 116 Third St., corner Washing.
luii, iiiarsnau 19, or It. v l I yj
Snrad. Pres. East 135, C. 816K. Cast 14th
and AJroadway.
mountain linonK lv.
Near Mount Adam, and Ice and Lava Cares.
An Ideal vacation resort. Good fishing,
tennis and croquet. Home cooking.
Products from our farm served. Ex
cellent table. Train leaving Portland
at 8:55 A. M. meets auto at White Sal
mon fdr Trout Lake. For particulars
inquire of M. Billings, No. 509 McKay
Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Phone Main
1390. Rates $2.50 per day. Weekly
rates $12 to $14.
Tawney's Mountain Home
Ideal spot. Hunting, fishing-, camm
ing privileges, saddle horses, home
cooking-, etc. Hates reasonable. Special
Sunday chicken dinner. larg- inde
pendent bungalows for those who pre
fer them.
K. II. TAW" NET. Prop.
Welches. Or.
The Hood River Valley
Mav be viewed in comfort from the rail
automobiles operated on frequent sched
ule between Hood River ana upper val
ley and connecting with O.-W. R. & N.
trains. All the pleasures of motoring
without the bumps and dust. For par
ticulars Bee O.-W. R. A N. office, Port
land, or write Mt Hood R. R. Co., Hood
River, Or., for illustrated booklet.
Breakers, Wash.
Every recreation for the guests. Bil
liards, pool, tennis, golf, fresh and salt
water fishing, hot and cold salt water
baths. The cuisine is the best.
Ocean I'laygxound of the Aorthwest.
The Hotel Elmore &rEk,mo"
European plan, restful beach home.
The most popular moderately priced
hotel on Oregon coast. Magnificent
ocean views. Large, comfortable rooms
with real beds. Wilson, Taft and Roose
velt cottages for rent. For rates, cir
culars, etc, address. The Hotel Llmore,
Kockaway. Or.
PACIFIC VIEW H0TELfnIn tSe nat .""f'o?
housekeeping. Facing the ocean. Ad
dress L. P. llAUKtSCHOl', Prop, bra
slue. Orrjon.
Phone your want ads to Th. Orego-
nlan. Main 7070, A 0S.
La Casa Monte Inn
The most attractive reaort In the moun
tains, 45 miles from Portland, io a National
Forest on the Zig-Zag River. Inside and
outside sleeping; quarters. Our own dairy
and garden. All mountain pastimes and
recreation. Daily mall. Telephone through,
Zig-Zag Ranger Station. Rates reasonable.
For daily stages call East 135 or Main S3i.
John 8. Greenwood, Welches. Oregon.
Overlooking Ocean.
A charming, restful home among; flowers.
Sandy Xieach, Home Cooking. Home Com
forts. M1S2 K. jjtmann. Seaside. Oregon.