Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 12, 1917, Page 13, Image 13

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Organizations Rival in Hospi
tality at Picnic to N. E. A.
at Washington Park.
Fascinating Hostesses Dispense Joy
and Good Things to Eat Chil
dren in Pleasing Costumes '
Aid in Programme,
Seems to ine that the other states
besides Oregon must be just about
managing to get by. and that's all, with
the best portion of their best people
living right here amons our native
sons and daughters. Way. there's
enough fine folic from Indiana alone
out tms way to start a new state. I
promised to start with Indiana this
accounting of the grand get-together
meeting of the state societies yester
day at the City Park.
Aly promise was wrung from me by
n. committee or Hoosiers who were
holding their annual picnic at Wash
ington Park in conjunction with the
reception tendered the N. E. A. by all
the state societies. The aforementioned
committee waited upon me and placed
in my lap a pasteboard plate heaped
high with golden fried chicken, "lem
ming pie" and plenty of homemade
When the Hoosier committee did all
this, and stopped casually to mention
that 'I was to make myself right to
home, and that "maw" had a hunk of
angel cake for me when I had gotten
outside the above listed, and that if I
didn't have any particular society to
start off with why. old Indiana, etc.
Hospitality Is PleasingT.
I feel gladly. I feel for the food
and the hospitable spirit and "maw"
in her white apron, afraid I wasn't
getting enough to eat. Before the In
diana Society got hold of me and
bought me soul and body I had intended
to begin with the Iowa Society, where
I ran into a dozen affable folk who
"usta know my paw and maw, andi went
to school with my paw's sister Eliza,
who married one of the Cohagan boys,
I might have been persuaded to start
off with the Missouri Society, for I
ran into a bunch of natives who "usta
go to school with me" and wanted me
to be sure and put in the accounting
that the great joy of their day was
that-1 could easily have been lured to
give the Missouri Society first mention
if I hadn't run smack dab into a
hoydenish girl of 60-odd who insisted
she "usta go" to the old Kirksville
Normal with me.
In truth if only they had known it
any hostess standing smilingly behind
her state table, ladling alike hospitality
and loganberry Juice, could have had
first place. Each deserves it. Ge
ography is not my strong suit, but I
believe every state In the whole col
lection had a booth and a group of
Its loveliest representatives, all dolled
in lingerie things and picture hats and
Each society selected its own Idea
tion, and, while the prescribed rules
of the game were followed more or
less closely In placing them In a sort
of reception line, so you could shake
hands with Michigan and bow to a
neighbor In Kansas, there were a few
souls who braved the forpti n H
tablished camps of hospitality far off
the beaten trail of the reception line.
The Hawaiian booth was one of these,
a colorful spot, tucked in a clumn of
pines, where sweet music from ukuleles
and voices of young girls in song
rivaled the birds' call and the murmur
or the winds among the trees.
Hawaiian Society Donn't Exist.
There Isn t any Hawaiian Society,
really, you must know, but a group of
travelers, who love the island, acted
as hostesses, and bade "aloha" to N.
E. A. guests who knew of the wonder
Some tables kept tab on the N. E. A.
folk from their own home state, some
had a system of registration, others
passed the news of home folk arrival
around by word of mouth. They called
it the "Nation's grand reunion" and it
was truly that, a general get-together
social of all the local state organiza
tions to act as host to the visiting
teachers of the N. E. A. The teachers
came, too. In droves and dozens called
on their home state booth, had a drink
of loganberry Juice and wished to
heaven the Indiana society had held
Its rriea-cnicken. lemming-pie orgy
in Hongkong.
unless, or course, the In. E. A. was
a Hoosier. In which case he or she
and friends were called right into the
fold. Up on the hill the big Municipal
Band, under direction of Percy A
Campbell, played melody airs all
through the afternoon, and a dense
crowd sat about the stand. Mrs. Fred
Olsen sang "The Star-Spangled Ban
ner" with a wealth of sincerity and 1
flow of golden notes that brough
wildest applause. In another part o
the park a group of beautifully trained
little folk of the playground, under
direction of Miss Fay Armstrong and
Pearl "Hunter, presented a fascinating
pageant in pantomime of . classic
Grecian dance.
The children wore fanciful and
character costumes and entered into
the mood of the pageant, "Ceres and
Persephone," with joyous purpose.
In actual count there were 2 0 organ
ized state societies present with repre
sentatives presiding at booths, and in
addition there was the Daughters of
the Confederacy, representing the
South, and the Canadian Society. The
latter"s booth was besprinkled with the
colorful maple leaf and the American,
Canadian and British flags flew
The hostesses were Mrs. Gus C.
Moser, Mrs. Charles Bennett, Mrs. T.
W. Kirby and Mrs. Henry Kirk. The
table where reigned the Daughters of
the Confederacy was beautiful in its
color scheme of patriotic hues, splashed
with the soft white cotton bolls of the
Southlands. Here a group of women
of the chapter gave roses and other
flowers and served punch. The hostesses
included Mrs. S. C. Morton, Mrs. V. JJ.
Maxon, Mrs. F. Joplin, Mrs. E. T. Hed
lund. Mrs. L. R. Bailey, Mrs. Anton
Giebisch, Mrs. H. S. Hammond, Mrs. A.
M. Lee and Mrs. H. H. Duff. At the
Hawaiian table presided Mrs. H. R.
Burke, Mrs. G. H. Lamberson, Mrs.
George Guild, Misses Lambertson, Ar
mistead, Ogilvie and Hutchins. A group
of pretty girls. Including Vivian
De Lory, Elvera Anderson, Marie Simp
son, Mildred Green Bennett. Kainryn
Bowe, Dorothy Anderson. Ruth Crit
tenden and Virginia Owens, played the
ukulele and sung merry airs.
Rosea Cover Montana Table.
The Montana table, ablaze with roses
and college colors, was presided over
by Mrs. A. C. Holmes, Mrs. J. G. Ham
mer. Mrs. George L. Parker and Mrs.
T. A. John. Kansas was a symphony
in gold, its sunflower idea being car
ried out further by the appearance of
two little lads, Merrill and Philip Joss,
in blackface, with huge sunflower
petals encircling each smiling face.
This table was novel and original in
Made from choice wKolo
wheat and malted barley,
this famous food retains
the vital mineral elements
of the grain, so essential
for balanced nourish
ment, but lacking in
many cereal foods.
From every standpoint
good flavor, rich nour
ishment, easy digestion,
convenience, economy,
health from childhood to
old age Grape-Nuts
"There's a Reason"
Portland's Best Store Bids a Most Hearty Welcome to N. E. A. Delegates and Visitors
We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or Over Filled Books Redeemed in Cash, Fourth Floor
August Patterns and "Good Dressing" Fashion Booklets Now In Portland Agents for Gossard, Nemo, Bien Jolie and Bon Ton Corsets
For Best Lunch
in Portland
Come to our Tea Room on the
4th Floor. Service from 11:30 to
2:30 Afternoon Tea from 2:30 to
4:30. Prompt service. Reasonable
prices. Meet your friends here!
The Standard Store of the Northwest
9 Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Porch Shades
Third Floor
Equip your porch with the
celebrated "Coolmor" Shades and
enjoy Summer comfort at home.
Beautiful, effective and durable.
Shown in various sizes and colors.
Clearance Sale of Dresses at $10, $15 and $18.45
Lot 1 Dresses at $10
ts treatment, and was presided over by
Mrs. R. J. Brock, Mrs. W. W. Critten
den, Mrs. D. C. Joss. Mrs. H. G. Horton
and Mrs. M. K. DarnalL
Utah, a little table in Brlgham. Young
University colors, as well as those of
its agricultural college, cad as its
hostesses Mrs. J. A. Sanborn, Mrs. M. J.
Ballard, Miss Holling. Miss Elsa Hol
ling, Marjorie Derr Shepherd, Catherine
Sharkey and Emma Calder.
The blue and gold of Michigan's uni
versity gleamed in its table decoration
where Mrs. M. Gibbs, Mrs. T. P. Fahey
and Miss Alberta Smedley presided. At
the Wisconsin booth the red. white and
blue predominated in the decorations.
with a charming array of hostesses in
Mrs. Earl Else, Mrs. B. E. Mauro, Mrs.
B. A. Lake,, Mrs. Charles F. Carey, Mrs.
E. J. Kulin, Mrs. F. J. "West, Mrs J. C.
Neill, Mrs. D. Miller, Mrs. O. Winches
ter and M. W. Walte.
The Iowa booth had its colors of
white and yellow agleam in the dec
orations, with quantities of flowers.
The receiving group consisted of Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Rinehart, Captain and
Mrs. A. J. Crossley, W. A. Herman, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Lisle, Mrs. M. A. Doug
lass, Miss L Phillips and H. C. Ander
son. The Iowans, by the way, will hold
their annual picnic next Saturday at
the Oaks. The Mlnnesotans will hold
theirs on July 17 at the Oaks. The
Mlnnesotans' table was a dream of ma
roon and gold, with masses of sweet
peas used. The hostesses were: Mrs.
I. Peart. Mrs. George Seed, Mrs. L. Ol-
sen and Mrs. T. J. Baldwin.
Missouri Hostesses Attractive.
Missouri did herself .proud with a
group of attractive hostesses, a gor
geous table of ferns and soft mosses,
and as a sidelight an ornery mule
bearing a. small darky and a basket,
and which paraded about the grounds
all the afternoon.
The hostesses of the Missouri booth
were: Mrs. J. JK Thiehorr, Airs. J. rc
Morgan, Mrs. H. R. Lowe, Mrs. H. N.
Lacy and; Mrs. Middleton.
Nevada in sagebrush and nasturtiums
had as its hostesses Mrs. Paul Reyser,
Mrs. C. D. Ja-meson, Mrs. Leland John
Sparks, Mrs. John G. Collins and Mrs.
J. V. Ohmart.
A gorgeous table, marked by exqui
site taste in color and flower grouping,
was that of California, in a sheltered
nook, with hostesses in Mrs. Otto S.
Binswanger. Mrs. H. A. Sargent. Mrs.
F. H. Rothchlld. Mrs. I. Koshland, Mrs.
Forrest Fisher, Mrs. E. Slchel, Mrs. Ben
Selling, Mrs. H. Holman, Mrs. J. R.
Holman, Mrs. Julius Llppett, Mrs. Mo-
Pennsylvania's booth,- ablaze with
flowers and pennants had as its host
esses Mrs. E. H. Russell (chairman).
Mrs. W. W. Dugan, Miss Vivian Mlckle,
Mrs. Charles F. Fisher.
Illinois sponsored a beautiful big
table, colorful in blue and yellow, and
artistic with Hostesses in Mrs. L M.
Allhands, Miss Emma Kirkpatrick, Miss
Dorotny Wallace, Miss Hailie Bell. Mrs.
W. A. Dickson and Wilber Henderson.
Nebraska was flower-bedecked and
had as its hostesses Mrs. J. W. Dun
can, chairman; Mrs. L J. Brattle, Mrs.
A. P. Wolcott, Miss Alice Hughes.
Wyoming was marigold-crowned un
der a big umbrella, and the hostesses
were: Mrs. X. G. Pike, chairman; Mrs.
L H. Pederson. Mrs. M. T. Alsop. Mrs.
L. C. Phillips. Mrs. L. N. Burns.
A Northwestern corner of hospitality
was that where presided hostesses
from Oregon, Washington, Idaho and
Alaska, at flower-crowned tables. The
hostesses were: Mrs. A. H. Averill,
chairman: Mrs. D. A. Grant, Mrs.
Charles Rice, Mrs. E. J. Hadley. Mrs.
J. H. Brlstow. Mrs. O. M. Plummer.
The New England Society had as its
hostesses Mrs. Josephine Cox, chair
man; Mrs. Albert Stanton, Mrs. Fay
Lastman.and Mrs. Perry M. Baker
Which brings us back to the Indiana
Society, where the reception commit
tee was composed of Mrs. Clara B.
French, chairman; L. M. Lepper and
C. L Weaver.
Following the reception from 2 to 7
P. M. the organizations folded their
tents like good. Arabs and silently
stole away, all but the Indiana Society,
which had its festive picnic, with
speeches and toasts from big, promi
nent folk from back in Indiana, and
a reg'ly old-fashioned good time. Tes,
it was a huge success all around.
.00 High Boots
At $5.79
Main Floor Women's 8-inch White Laced Kid
Boots, pointed toe, imitation tip, turn sole,
covered half -Louis heel, with aluminum plate.
"High-top Boots of white nubuck, lace style,
narrow toe, no tip, enameled half -Louis heels
gray nubuck Laced Boots, covered half-Louis
heels 9-inch brown kid Laced Boots, covered
high heel and medium toe. $7.50 Cr rJQ
and ?8.00 Boots. Special, the pair J3J I J
White Kid Boots
Mam Floor 8-inch white washable Kid
Boots,, welt soles of Vaughn's ivory
leather, half-Louis- heels. Rather
pointed toe. Lace or button. fl2 QQ
Boots of $10 quality, pair wllitO
Bp. !
Use Instantaneous
A marvelous preparation guar
anteed perfectly harmless. Bleaches
the skin, relieves oiliness, reduces
pores, refines the complexion.
Treatment given and preparation
for sale In Beauty Improvement
Parlors on the Second Floor.
very effective clears the skin and
removes blackheads in one treat
ment. Ask about this treatment in
the Beauty Parlors on 2d Floor.
Eccles Interests Buy 27,323
Acres From John Dubois.
$4,000,000 IS PRICE PAID
Insurance Company Alleges Taxes on
Property Have Not Been Paid and
Wants Receiver Named
Mrs. Margnret Ainsworth, Lawrence
S.' Ainsworth and Mabel Ainsworth
Mays are defendants in an $S 5,04)0 suit
filed in the Circuit Court yesterday by
the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance
Company. Suit is brought under
promissory note for $85,000, dated May
1, 1911, at Los Angeles, and signed
by the three defendants.
The plaintiff asks for the appoint
ment of a receiver to collect mil rentals
from the Oregon Hotel Company
lessees of the property owned by the
defendants, and covered in the mort
Kagre given to secure payment of the
The property involved In the mort
gage and suit is the Oregon Annex,
and the Oregon Hotel Company
made a defendant in the action only
because it has this property under
lease from the defendants.
It is shown that interest had been
paid at regular intervals up to May
last, but no part of the principal ha
yet been paid. It is further alleged
that the defendants failed to pay th
1916 taxes on the property and th
plaintiff company was compelled to
pay these taxes in order to protect Its
Coffee Day
Model Grocery
Fourth Floor
Experienced telephone clerks at
your service 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Special attention given to filling,
packing and shipping of grocery
orders for the camp or the beach.
Coffee priced special, lb. Jk
OWK COCOA in bulk OAp,
priced- very special, pound
Duplex Fireless Stoves
$13 to $22
Third Floor New shipment of the
famous "Duplex" Fireles3 Stoves
just received. A wonderful help for
the busy housewife. Shown in vari
ous styles and sizes priced now at
$13.00, $19.00, $21.00, $22.00
All Refrigerators
Choose any Refrigerator in stock
and pay less during Clearance Sale.
Second Floor Beautiful Dresses for street, sport and party wear this
season's popular styles in loose-fitting effects, Russian blouse and novelty
effects. Made up in fine quality taffeta silks and Georgette crepe. Lat
est large collars and fancy cuffs. Many have plaited ekirts and loose
belts. Good selection of desirable colors, also black. Ex- Q"l A ffi
traordinary values in this lot of Dresses in the Clearance at wlUfUU
Lot 2 -Dresses at $15
Second Floor Dresses of high-grade taffeta silk in an excellent assort
ment of colors also models in crepe de chine and Georgette crepe. These
are alUfrom our regular stock and are desirable in every way. Many in
the popular Billie Burke styles with high waistline, large sport collars,
fancy pockets, etc. Beautiful Dresses for all occasions. They C" p AA
come in all the wanted colors. Clearance Sale special at only U-LJvf v
Lot 3 Dresses at $18.45
Second Floor In this special group we have included a number of Dresses
formerly telling at a much higher price. Wide range of styles to select
from. Some in jersey coat effects, others for garden, sport and dress
wear. Materials are pongee, taffeta, wa&h silks, charmeuse, crepe de chine
and white serge. This season's most popular shades. Sizes Q A J?
16 to 44. Specially priced for the July Clearance sale at only 0 J-0ttl
Sale of Middy Dresses
li ' rv.'l: fir !- -! fCfSfefl . vj.
Second Floor Women's and Misses'
Middy Dresses of pink and blue
chambray, trimmed in stripes and
plaids. Others of fancy striped
madras and plain percale. Large
collars, fancy belts and Q" QQ
pockets. Thursday special 01i0
Second Floor Several attractive
models in this lot of new Middy
Dresses. Made up in fancy striped
Japanese crepe, plain crepes with
striped trimming, fancy striped In
dian Head, galatea, chev- CQ ?Q
iots, linene, etc. Special DdiZr
Sale of Nava j o Indian Rugs
Original Indian Designs and Colorings
Third Floor This sale presents an unusual opportunity to get a
handsome Navajo Rug at a substantial reduction in price. Splendid
for gifts or for Summer use at the beach or mountain camp;
$ 4.00 Navajo Rugs at $3.25
$ 7.00 Navajo Rugs at $5.85
$ 8.75 Navajo Rugs' at $G.90
$10.75 Navajo Rugs at $8.45
?12.75 Navajo Rugs at $0.90
$14.00 Navajo Rugs at $11.25
$15.75 Navajo Rugs at $12.40
$17.50 Navajo Rugs at $14.50
$19.00 Navajo Rugs at $16.75
$20.00 Navajo Rugs at $17.50
Navajo Pillows to Match at Low Prices
Tub Waists
At $1.89
On Sale Thursday, Bar
gain Circle, Main Floor
Another special lot of dainty tub
Waists to be disposed of at a low
price. Attractive -styles made up in
plain and fancy voiles in white and
colors, organdie, linene, batiste,
ditaity and fancy ging- SZ QQ
hams. Priced verv snecial DJ-OJ
Holding Company Is Organized by
New Owners Plans for Operat
ing Made Logging Road
to Cost $1,500,000.
Oregon's largest timber land deal of
recent years came to a final termination
yesterday, when deeds were passed
transferring title to 27,323.50 acres in
Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook and
Washington counties from the Dubois
Lumber Company, headed by John Du
bois, of Pennsylvania, to the Oregon
American Lumber Company, a new cor
poration headed by David C. Eccles, of
The big pale was Initiated by an
option entered Into more than Blx
months ago. Both Jlr. Dubois and Mr.
Eccles came to Portland last week to
sign the final papers.
Just how the timber will be trans
ported to market has -ot yet been de
termined by Mr. Kccles Rnd Charles T.
Karly, manager, and Rey B. Early, sales
agent, who have charge of ths com
pany's office headquarters In Portland.
"For the reason that we have not
known for certain that the timber was
to become our property we have been
unable to negotiate definitely in the
logging road matter, but we know what
we want and what we are willing to
pay for 'the proposed road," said Mr.
Eccles yesterday.
"If we can get In right away we will
certainly do so, for we bought the
property to operate and not to hold for
speculation. Thus far we have not given
serious thought to a mill because the
logging road must come first. And, for
that matter, our proposition Is far too
big for any one mill, and mills are hard
to get Just now. Our plan will be to
operate on a logging basis, selling our
logs to various mills.
"The scarcity of labor Is one of the
serious problems which we now face,
but we are determined to get a rail
road into our property from some sec
tion and as soon as possible. Thus far
we have estimated $1,600,000 as the
probable cost of the road. Steel is hacd
to get at thiB time, but we already have
on hand a sufficient quantity to build
our road and are not worrying on that
The big tract acquired yesterday by
the Oregon-American Lumber Company
Ls conceded by tlmbermen to be one of
the finest timber propositions in the
entire Northwest. The cruislngs made
by the Dubois Company in advance of
the deal indicate a stand or approxl
mately 2.600,000,000 feet. Eighty-five
per cent of this amount la yellow fir,
the balance being spruce, hemlock and
The deal has been referred to since
Its inception cb a $4,000,000 proposition,
but the principals in the transaction
refused to state yeBterday the precise
amount of money which changed hands.
It Is understood generally among lum
bermen that the value of the holdings
has increased nearly 1.000,000 since
the taking of the option six months ago.
Under the corporate name, the Oregon
Lumber Company, the Eccles interests
already operate two bigs mills in Ore
gon, one at Dee, near Hood River, and
the other near Baker. A small mill at
Beaver Creek Falls, along the Lower
Columbia River Highway, will nnlsh
its work this year and suspend operations.
Indictment Against Emil Spranger
Is Dismissed.
Emil Spranger was freed of the
charge of murdering Henry Melster
when Circuit Judge Phelps, sitting for
Presiding Judge Kavanaugh, yesterday
granted the motion of Chief Deputy
District Attorney Collier that the In
dlctment charging rscond degree mur
der be dismissed. Mr. Collier made
short statement to the court in which
he said his Investigations had con
vlnced him that Spranger shot in self
defense. The widow likewise filed, an
affidavit asking for the dismissal of
the indictment, as did her daughter.
Melster was shot and killed by
Spranger, March 4 last, at the Audi
torium Apartments.
Compmeetlng to Open.
The Oregon Holiness Association
campmeetlng will open tonight at
7:30 o'clock on the grounds at East
Thirty-third, and East Mason streets,
where more than 150 tents have been
pitched. The camp site is at the end
of the Broadway carllne, on the East
Side. The meeting will continue until
July 23 and among the speakers will
be Rev. Joseph H. Smith, of Califor
nia: Rev. C. H. Babcock, of Pasadena,
"al., and Rev. Cecil Troxpl.
Ad Club Adopts Field Hospital Unit
About to Go to France as Spe
cial Fratece at Front.
The Portland Ad Club decided yes
terday to adopt the Field Hospital
Unit organized by Lieutenant J. Guy
Strohm, which is to go Into training
for the front at once.
An address by W. D. 'WTiTtcomb,
former president of the Ad Club, Just
returned from the officers training
camp in California and associated with
the hospital corps with rank or ser
geant, was a feature at the luncheon
at the Benson Hotel yesterday that
stirred enthusiasm and it was his sug
gestion that made the Ad Club decide
to ask the privilege of adopting the
hospital unit as its special protege at
the front.
Mr. Whttcomb spoke vigorously
against mature men declining to en
list and leaving "the younger men to
fight the war."
Charles R. van Hlse, president or
the University of Wisconsin, was the
guest of honor and speaker of the
day. He discussed food conservation as
war measure.
Frank McCrillis gave the report of
the on-to-Oakland committee, which
-, yTS .... '
Beef . 1
AVOID the discomforts
of hot weather cooking by
buying KtZZZH' ready-cooked
foods. Fine for home and outing meals.
The expert selection and scientific cook
ing retaining taste and flavor that
stands behind the popularity of ISEZSSf
Lnncheon Beef is repeated In a wide
line of appeasing tSZZSf foods. Add
variety to yonr table by choosing from
theee perfect delicacies In package fonn.
A Flanders Sta Portland, Or.
Phone Broadway 13SO
will leave for the National convention
Julv 21.
are the purest and best
food. We will stand
back of our declaration
that this product is
Made Clean
Sold Clean
Delivered Clean
Ask for It by name.
Your gYocer has It.
Log Cabin Baking Co.
Northern Pacifi c Ry.
jfORTH COAST LIMITED. Observation Car Train, ui ATLANTIC EX.
PRESS, t Ckieaco Via MlueapoUs-Bt. Panl. and
One Dally St. &ala.
Perfect Dining Car Service
Visit Yellowstone National Park Enroute
Eecnra full Information as to rates and trains
255 Morrison St, Cor. Third
Main 244 Phones A 1244
Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
TO CALIFORNIA, Via O. N. P. S. S. Co. Palatial Steamship "Nortbcra
Pacific and Great Northern.' Prom Portland, th
Qntclc and Pleasant Trip.
8 ns2T ' " a
nit ex saw - ,
nn 108.0