Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 12, 1917, Page 11, Image 11

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Managing; Editor
City Editor
Sunday Editor
Advertising Department
Composing Room
Superintendent building. .
. .Main 7070, A 6095
.Main 7070, A 6095
. .Main 7070, A 6oy5
. .Main 7070, A 6UH5
, .Main 7070, A 60-.5
. .Main 7070. A 6095
MULTNOMAH FIELD (entrance on Stout,
near Morrison) Portland Round-up, axter
noon and night.
HEILXO (Broadway at Taylor) Motion pic
tures and color photography of Sir Doug
las Mawson's expedition to the Antarctic.
continuous 11:30 to 10 P. M.
PAXTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Un
equaled vaudeville. Three shows daily.
2:30. 7 and 8:05.
HIPPODROME (Broadway and TamhlU)
Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to 6;
:45 to 11 P. M. Saturday, Sunday, holi
days, continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M.
STRAND (Park. 'West Park: and Stark)
Vaudeville and motion pictures continuous.
OAKS PARK Open-air amusement resort
on Willamette River.
ment resort on Council Crest. Take Port
land Heights cars.
BASEBALL. (Recreation Park, Twenty
fourth and Vaughn streets) -San Fran
cisco vs. Portland, weekdays 3 o'clock.
Sundays 2:30 P. M.
............. .........
Subscribe -with the following
agents, at your Summer resort,
to secure the most prompt deliv
ery of The Oregonian. City rates.
Subscriptions by mall are payable
in advance:
Barview. Or R E. Jackson
4 Bay .City, Or O. E. Sheley
Brighton. Or W. A. Kowe
Carson. Wash Carl B. Smith
Columbia Beaoh, Or. V. A. Davidson
t Ecola, Or 1 W. Crone
T Klavel, Or ...T.W. F. Jones
J Garibaldi. Or D. C. Ellis
4 Gearhart, Or W. 1. Robinson
Long Beach. Wash.. ..J. H. Strauhall
Manhattan Beach. Or.Frank Miller
Manzanita, Or E. F. Kardell
I Nahcotta. Wash ..H. C.Brown
Newport, Or O. F. Herron
. i Ocean Park. Wash
t Florence Leekley
Pacific Beach, Wash
t M. W. rougrlas
J Rockaway, Or Frank Miller
4 Seaside, Or Herman K. Jones'
i Seavlew, Wash H. E. Perrin
Tillamook, Or J.S.Lamar
Tokeland, Wash Joe Johnson
Wheeler. Or. R. H. Cady
Harrt W. Hicks to Hold Meetings.
Harry Wade Hicks, of New York
City, the general secretary of the mis
sionary education movement, is In
Portland and will hold two meetings
today; one will be at 3 o'clock In the
parlors of the First Congregational
Church. Park and Madison streets, for
women who are officers or mission
tuny class leaders In any of the
churches; another meeting will be held
at 8 o clock for dinner at the T. M.
C A. for officers and missionary su
perintendents of the young people's so
cieties. All persons Interested in mis
sionary education and In ' the confer
ence at Seabeck, Wash., are Invited to
meet with Mr. Hicks.
Narrow Walks Proposed. One-half
slzed sidewalks In residence districts
unable to pay for the full width walks
are to be proposed by City Commis
sioner Barbur. He would allow the
construction of cement walks three
feet in width so constructed that an
additional three feet could be built
later. This is Mr. Barbur's method
of accommodating districts needing
walks, but unable because of low as
sessed valuation to finance full width
J. F. Shea. Lowest Bicder J. F. Shea,
sewer contractor, submitted the lowest
bid yesterday for the construction of
the Fiftieth street and Thirty-first
avenue sewer system, a system which
will drain a large area in the vicinity
of East Fiftieth and Division streets
and Powell Valley road. The bids as
received are: J. F. Shea, $23,631. -48;
John Keating, $25,810.88; Jacobaen-Jensen
Company, $25,486.60: Azar & Co.,
O. Lauroaakd Takbu Omen. O.
Laurgaard is now Portland's City Engi
neer. The City Council yesterday ac
cepted the resignation of Philip H.
Dater and confirmed the appointment
of Mr. Laurgaard. Mr. Dater's resigna
tion was made effective yesterday at
noon and Mr. Laurgaard's appointment
took effeot at the same hour. Mr.
Dater will be allowed to pay for the
vacation period to which he Is entitled
for this year and last year.
Citt Codncil Accepts IwvrrATioi. -The
City Council yesterday agreed to
aocept an invitation of the Retail
Grocers' Association to attend the an
nual grocers' picnic at Bonneville, July
25. If possible all members of the
Council will attend. The association
alBO asked that the Police Band be
permitted to attend. This 'question
was referred to Mayor Baker for con
sideration. Bots Wanted. Messengers of 16
years and over, with bicycles, are
making $40 to $90 per month. Motor
cycle messengers guaranteed $2.50 per
day. Arrangements to secure bicycle
on time; payments can be made. Clean,
healthful work. Call at Western Union,
main offloe, corner Third and Oak
streets. Adv.
County Sited roa Lost Trees. Be
cause her property was damaged by a
road crew. Alma Zaterfelt yesterday
started suit against Multnomah Coun
ty for $500 damages. She says in her
bill of complaint that a road crew cut
down a number of ornamental trees
and that It damaged a running spring
on her farm.
Asked $3500 for Httrts in Wreck.
Milton Taeck yesterday started a per
sonal Injury action against George
Tuerck for the recovery of $3500, which
he says Is due him because of Injuries
sustained May 21, last, when an auto
mobile in which he was riding collided
with a machine owned and driven by
Jar. 'luerck. t
One op Principal Dancers in "Sultan
of Sulu" will give personal lessons In
modern dancing to men and women in
private ballroom, exclusive instruction
producing excellent dancers in few
hours' practice. L 465, Oregonian.
For Sale. Gearhart bungalow, five
rooms, partly furnished, hot and cold
water, electric lights, etc. This is
modern place and will be sold at
bargain, on very reasonable terms.
Marshall 6100. Mr. Hanson. Adv.
Ambulance Corps to Drill. Ambu
lance Corps No. 19. organized by Dr.
E. H.- Strelt, will drill at jrxlll Military
Academy tomorrow night at 7:80
o'clock and again on Sunday at 10
Lowest Bid Is $1093. Roy O. Powers
was awarded a contract yesterday for
construction of a public comfort sta
tion In Terwilliger Park. He was the
lowest of several bids, his price being
v Troopers" Relatives to Meet. The
fathers and relatives of Cavalry
Troop B will meet in the Imperial
Hotel tonight at 8 o'clock, where mat
ters of considerable Importance will be
submitted for consideration.
Dance Bjvbrt Evening, Cotillion Hall.
N. E. A. Visitors Welcome. 25o.
Ball-Bearino Sprino Floor.
Deliohttullt Cool; Excellent Must a.
I Chickek Dimnsr at the Claokamas
Tavern, management by Mario Erick
son. Adv.
McMasov, chiropraotorj 81. $15t Pert-
Fewer Firemen III. Portland's Fire
Bureau had less sickness last month
than during any month for several
years past. At a meeting of the board
of trustees of the firemen's relief and
pension fund there were only three
sick claims in, totaling $150. Usually
there are from 10 to 20 at each meet
ing. Yesterday's session was the first
since the change of administration
July 1. Accordingly Mayor Baker was
elected chairman of the board replac
ing ex-Mayor Albee.
Colleges in Session. The National
Federation of Colleges is holding Its
sessions during the National Educa
tion Association convention, in the
ballroom of the Multnomah Hotel. At
the opening meeting yesterday morn-
ng", the delegates were welcomed by
Mayor Baker on behalf of the city and
Ida B. Callahan, of the Oregon Agri
cultural College, responded for the
convention. The topic .to be discussed
at 10 o'clock this morning is "Solar
Magnetics," by Mrs. E. J. Keid.
Asks $12,600 on Timber Contract.
Because of the alleged breach of con
tract on the part of Sullivan &
Forbes, timber dealers, John L. Alcock,
of Baltimore, sustained a monetary
loss of $12,500, according to his com
plaint filed yesterday. It is Bet forth
that he entered into a contract to pur
chase a quantity of spruce timber
which the defendant firm later failed
to deliver. As a result he was forced
to pay his Maryland client $10,500 In
damages, he alleges.
Countt Clerk Gets Attorney. A.
C. Dickson, an attorney in the law
office of Frederick V. Holman, has been
appointed cashier in the office of
County Clerk Beveridge. Mr. Dickson
will succeed William Richmond, who
resigned this week following his ap
pointment as Clerk of the District
Court Mr. Richmond succeeds Frank
Hennessy; who tendered his resigna
tion to the district judges two weeks
ago. Mr. Dickson takes charge as
cashier Monday morning.
Oregon Delegate in East. Will A.
Knight, president of the Knight Shoe
Company, of Portland, Is acting as the
official representative of the .state of
Oregon at the shoe style show being
held for a ten-day period at the Powers
Hotel, Rochester. N. Y. Mr. Knight,
who is studying the new and late
styles for Fall and Spring, reports to
his Portland friends that he is parti
cularly impressed with tho beauty of
the new models.
Wants $20,000 for Logger's Life.
Annie Johnson, whose husband, KmlL.
was killed by a fall from a logging
train while employed by the Benson
Timber Company, April 22 of this year,
yesterday started suit for $20,000 dam
ages from the timber concern. She
sets forth that he was the sole sup
port of herself and two children and
that his death was due to the negli
gence of the defendant company.
California Principal Likes Citt.
One prominent educator in the city
for the convention Is William Leon
Glascock, who is principal of a high
school at San Mateo, Cal. Principal
Glascock likes Portland and intends to
motor north next Summer, with his
family, stopping off In Portland for
several days and then continuing on
to Glacier National Tark.
One of the most exclusl-e homes
on the heights for rent, furnished, 14
rooms; long lease preferred. AG 363,
Oregonian. Adv.
Call up the Star Ice & Coal Co. and
keep cooL B 1444, East 46. Adv.
Dr. George F. 1-oehler has rj'.urned.
Dr. Walter Spencer has returned.
Antarctic Pictures Recom
pense Sacrifice of Life.
Animal Life That Cannot Be Du
plicated In Any Zoo Caught by
Cameraman Mariners As
tonished at Hurricane.
The motion pictures and tricolor
photography, with a descriptive talk,
of the Sir Douglas Mawson expedition
to the South Polar regions, which are
the attraction afternoon and night at
the Heilig Theater this week, in a
Services Held at Swiss Hall Under Aus
pices of Portland Grnetll Society.
Body Is Cremated.
The funeral services of the late R.
Buetikofer were held yesterday after
noon at the Swiss Hall under the aus
pices of the Portland Gruetll Society
in strict accord witn tne instructions
of the deceased, expressed during his
lifetime. The auditorium of the hall
was well filled with friends and busl
ness associates of Mr. Buetlkofer, who
expressed their sympathy both by their
personal attendance and the many
floral pieces surrounding the casket
and placed upon the dais, which had as
a background a landscape or scenes in
Switzerland, the land of Mr. Buetlko-
fer"s birth.
The Gruetli Maennerchor sang open
ner and closing lieders. Adolph Rleder,
president of the society, made a short
address upon the life and character of
the deceased and his intense honesty
and scrupulous punctuality. He was
followed by the deceased's friend and
legal adviser, Charles J. Schnabel, who
spoke along the same lines in both the
German and English languages. The
speaker brought out the fact that in
all contracts In which Mr. Buetlkofer
was a party he gave the other side the
benefit of every doubt and the best of
it. Emphasis was made of the de
ceased's utmost care in giving full
weights and measure and which had
attracted attention.
Herman Buetikofer, a brother, post
master at Stillwell, Wash., arrived In
time for the funeraL
The services at the crematorium were
private and the incineration took place
while the organ softly played bars
from "Wllhelm Tell." In strict accord
with his wishes, his ashes were spread
to the winds along the banks of the
George Rossman Xot to Take Bench
Cntil August 1.
George Rossman is to become Mu
niclpal Judge on August 1 instead of
on July 15, as previously-announced.
Mayor Baker yesterday conferred with
Mr. Rossman, and it was agreed that
Judge Stevenson should remain on th
bench until August 1.
It is said Judge Stevenson will sen
in his resignation to take effect on
August 1. The resignation has not.
however, been received.
Charge of Disorderly Conduct Made
for Following Women.
Kan Boris and G-us Vasis were fined
$25 each in Municipal Court yesterday
for disorderly conduct.
It was charged by Mrs. A. E. New-
comb, of 474 Woodward avenue, that
the two men had followed herself an
another woman from Second and Mor
rlson streets to their home last Sat
urday night.
Boris and his companion gave no
tice of appeal to tho Circuit court
$3.50 Gets a Splendid Pair,
This is extra pants time too early
for the new suit and the old ones need
brightening up.
Go to the Brownsville Woolen Mill
Store. Third and-Morrtson streets, and
ri-aa vnnras f -Ilia tVia ne wci nrH
t I J. BO- AdTk
received yesterday by Mayor Bakar,
isrned by 67 Portland boys who have
enlisted in the Marine Corps and are
now stationed at Mare Island. The
letter. In part, follows.:
There le a good representation of Port
land lads In the Marine Corps. Some have
left the island tor various places, but thore
still remains a goodly number, drilling dally
that they may come noma victorious.
If in any way you can get in touch with
the mothers of the boys, tell them not to
worry, for we are well taken car of here.
Although wo get lonely at times, we make
the- best of it. Write to us, for a word from
home means more to us than words can
If the ones left at nome wish to send tie
anything; I assure you cigars and candles
would be greatly appreciated, as we don't
get many luxuries.
The letter is signed by tne following:
Fred K. HolUster, H. C. Engfer. I. H.
Fawkes, M. Wambold, C. T. Day, Leo
Hirschfleld. Norman T. Byrne, J. Lloyd
Crandall, E. W. Carver, J. K. Earl. E. H.
Becker. P. G. Gabel, J. L. Zenov, W. E.
Kellogg, John H. Booth, Reed Elklns, Harry
D. Latimer, Robert L. Cox, Edwin J. Stan
ley, B. J. Durkara. W. F. Grlgsby, C I.
Barry, Paul I. Mears, Ancle L. Bonham,
Francis I. Fercy, j. x. Harris, ieo K
Conly, Dan C. Conly, Guy J. Lee p era nee, D.
E. Lesperance, L. D. Portaer, W. J, Rooney,
Simeon Davis, H. A. McAllister, Walker
Jackson. J. C. Clark. O. R. Allen. S. C
Park ens, J. N. Hartman, D. Leland Spaul fl
ing. E. vv. Hutcneson, waner urosa, jeck
M. Slack. Herbert B. Woodruff, huru van
Axnburgh, J. F. Orennan, Jack C. Bell, Bob
M. Evans, Ed H. Free, William U. Kern.
Hugh Tackrell, N. M. Buford, Jaclc Havens.
G. Beaty, 11. je. Leurman ana reaenc-t
Paul Auerbach.
- X
sZ&?x2fx.eirif SVt'rt i-x t -p
CsVM K . . V IV. , M
; .
Lieutenant Xlnnle Dr. X. Merti, Who
Gave Their Ltvee for Scientific Film
Now at the Hell Ik.
broad way answer the oft-repeated
question, "Why sacrifice human life
and spend thousands of dollars on
polar expeditions?"
The Mawson motion photography
records ror ail time scenes on a new
continent in the Antarctic which, the
xpeditionary party discovered, is rich
in copper, iron and precious metals,
and when man conquers the climatlo
conditions and devises means for work
ing the vast deposits, this continent
will supply raw material and Increase
the wealth of the world. This new
land explored by Sir Tougrlas and his
party was until 1911 believed to be a
vast waste.
The pictures also show animal life
that can never be seen in any too, for
the reason that some of the animals
would perish or die from heat In the
most Improved modern refrigerator.
A wind storm and its effect, such as
probably occurs only in the South
Polar region, was photographed and
these action views in the pictures have
caused hundreds to marvel during the
week. Mariners who have been on
some of the stormiest courses at sea
expressed open astonishment at the
hurricane and ocean storm action pic
tures taken by the Sir Douglas party.
Lieutenant Ninnis and Dr. X. Mertz,
of the expeditionary party, gave their
lives in the interest of science and
educational photography. On the last
lap into the heart of the actual polar
region. Lieutenant Ninnis lost his life
by failing through a crevasse, many of
which are shown in the pictures, and
Dr. Mertz died from exhaustion and
repugnance of the only available food.
Sir Douglas himself was a member of
one of Shackleton's expeditions and
Shackleton on viewing the films said:
They are the best pictures ever
Hazel Kranae Also Asks Decree, Al
luring; Crneltr After Remar
msrrtBSe to ex-Hnsbsnd.
"Tour mother ought to have hung-
before you were born!"
These axe the words winch Eaia
Rhoads applied to her spouse, accord
ins to the allegations contained in his
divorce suit which was filed yester
day. The husband charges other acts
Hazel and Herman Kraus wer
marrled once and divorced and again
remarried May 17 last. Herman, how
ever, started his cruel course of treat
ment a few -days after their second
marriage, complains Hazel in her suit
for divorce- The husband owns real
estate valued at about I30.00O. which
the plaintiff wants divided so that
she may receive one-third. She also
wants him ordered to pay alimony of
$70 a. month for the support of herself
and child.
Olenn Howe charges Belle Howe with
cruelty. She alno wants tho custody
of their child. Minnie Earley alleges
that Dashiel Karley spent a greater
share of his time and money in gam
bling and helieves she should receive
her legal freeaom.
The romiiUmt of Catherine renton
states that Herbert Denton on one oc
casion burst in on a sewing bee which
she was attending and threatened to
disrupt proceedings by his abusive lan
"A cheap bathing suit breed
doubt, suspicion and unrest."
Don't take a chance.
Take a good bathing
suit such as we have
for men and women at
$2.35, and "what a
grand and glorious feel
ing" after the dip to
don one of our cheerful
homespun suits that
will look as good as you
A special showing of
three assortments con- v
taining many styles of
this season's production
including those swag
ger military belted
models at $14, $17, $20.
Palm Beach and Air-O-Weave
hot weather
suits that keep their
shape special at $8.50.
Morrison at Fourth St,
Gus Kuhn, Pres.
Feet are made happy in Ral
ston shoes, sold only in Port
land at this new way special-
ty store. S. & H. Stamps
, are good for cash discounts.
Start saving them now for
ChrlntniBB funds.
giiage. She wants a divorce and $60
monthly aJimony. Anna Goodwlne wants
a divorce from F. S. Goodwine and alt
mony in the lump sum of 11290, which
Bhe says her husband has already
agreed to pay. She charges cruelty.
Red Cross dives Coin to Italy.
ROME, July ll.About $10,000,000
will be used to organize American Red
Cross hospitals and ambulances on the
Italian front. This Bum will be taken
from a fund of $100,000,000 which
American headquarters in Paris have
at their disposal for Europe.
I Hazelwood
Creamed Asparagus
New String Beans'
New Peas and Potatoes
Fresh Spinach
Bread and Butter
Tea, Coffee or Milk
The Hazelwood
388 Wsusbtngrton St.
Broadway Hazelwood
127 Broadway.
Hazelwood Coffee Shop
128 Park St.
Childless Caesar Is Given
Lineal Descendant.
Classical Association Auxiliary
Mean of Inaccuracies In Roman
History and Mythology.
ALTHOUGH Caesar died childless, the
younger Marcellus Is repeatedly
styled his lineal descendant.
This is one of the numerous inac
curacies constantly creeping; Into his
torical notion, said Frederick. S. Dunn,
of the University of Oregon, before the
classical association of the United
States an auxiliary of the N. E. A-
at the Lincoln Hish School yesterday
""Roman nomenclature. he added, "is
grammatically and historically Jumbled
and un-Roman names clumsily manu
factured r ancient customs are garbled
and confused; Jupiter and Jove are
coupled together as if two separate
dieties, and poclcets are given a nomas
Mr. Dunn'a U the principal address
of the session, which was well attended
by educators from various parts of the
country. Dr. A. P. MoKinley, of Lin
coln High School, presided. Jullanne
A Roller, secretary of the northern
section of the association, acted as sec
retary. Other Instructive papers were given
by Lieda H. Mills, of Lincoln High, and
by Stephenson Smith on "Tho Correla
tion of Lingrulstio and Scientific Classes."
Slarinee at Mare Island Hope Most
to Receive letters.
"Tell our mothers we are well taken
care of. If the ones left at home wish
to send us anything, cigars and candles
wonld he greatly appreciated, as we
don't get many luxuries."
fiuea, la the mala portion- f a letter
ty ifi in iii !
Just press the button and you
have those cool mountain
breezes right in your home or
office. Now why suffer from
heat this Summer, when you can
purchase an
at such a reasonable figure.,
Menominee, 8-inch $6.50
Northwind, 8-inch $8.40
Other Sizes in Proportion
Divide the Price by the Years They Last
One G. E. Mercury Arc Rectifier suitable for charging
storage batteries or electric vehicles.
You Can Find No Better and More Appropriate
Portland Souvenir Than
The Columbia
Cascade Mountains to the
Kst - ' T
Oouvlttna Hilkmr KnartmeeT.
A beautiful book, the highest ex
pression of the art of color photog
raphy, engraving and printing. A
true history of a great work In a
great state. "With thirty-one color
plates and other Illustrations;
twenty-five of them by the new
process of color photography, firet
photographed on glass direct from
nature, and afterward reproduced by
the four-oolor process.
Kilham Stationery & Printing Co. 3
Cor. Fifth and Oak Streets. Portland. Oregon.
"Handkerchief No. 15"
A Great Comedy Sketch
A Mysterious Novelty "Animal Funology"
ARNOLD & PAGE Gruet, Kramer & Gruet
Piano and Song Conceptions "Circus Day in Georgia"
RODWAY & EDWARDS Baby Marie Osborne
Songs, Patter and Dances "Sunshine and Gold"
All Children Receive a Balloon
Portland's First Great Western
Today at 2
Tonight at 8 and All Week
Only event of its kind ever given in
this city.
Tickets 50c Grandstand 50c Extra
Children Under 10, 25c
Down Town Ticket Office, Sherman-Clay Music Co.
it ' a j. - C
legaatly appointed hotel. puitaeaaiDg
na nf the mini lit-uutiCui Cor iitir lolV- i
bl in th Ncrthweit. JocAted S
10xh and Alder 8ta.. opposite Old
W ortmaa A Klnc bis department!
ur, la beart at retail and theater I
strict. Rates, 91 and up. Bna
sneeta an trains. ' w car aiao runm I
trom Union pot direct to UOTGUI
SeaMD tseMiris asikMis1' IkMiMcaf
9 New Arrivals 2
in Portland
First Find
Way to
C. W. Cornelias, President
II. K. lletoher. Manager.
Park and Alder, Portland, Or.
Special rates by the week, or month
M Another of Amerlct'i Exception-
ml UoteUM
Multnomah Hotel
550 Rooms, with bath, from
1.50 day.
GARAGE operated by the hotel
for convenience of tourists.
GRANT SMITH & Co, Owners.
Erie V. Hsnsrr, Jrs.
H. B. Cluutier. Msr.
Phone Your Want Ads to
The Oreeronian
Main 7070, A 6095
828 Wamliliisrtoii St.
Hear Slxtk
T-Bom BOc, Tenderloin 0s.
Small Club. 20c. Email Blrloln 15c
Select Roast Beef or Baked
Sugar-Cured Ham. 15a.
Rich Waffles or Xlotcaltea All
Bow. lOe.
Pies. Pas
tries and
A Modermte-Prfced Bote! ( M ertt
Bsust HDiTisw U near tiraaa A-rsk.
T5e, n 1 Pes Ws Mlta sau, s1.2S
Wanted Chairs to Cane
by School for Blind
i r i v n r.. a i4
tgs'S, .. sy 3&i-tS-5m Ti
Tl- ihitnuni'irrtfii ,-itfttaimaiam
Phone Your Want
Ads to
CEhe )regonia?i