p VOL. 1A II- NO. 17,671. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, . JUlT 12, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS. RATIO IS FIXED FOR 1 t m GERMAN CROPS AS HOT WINDS BURN HALF OF WHEAT ED GUARDS ARE REV. ROBERT BOOTH ROOMLET FOB MB. FI1EGAN IS BEARD GOOD AS IN 1915' DIES AT AGE OF 96 ELUDED BY I. it W. DRAFTII1G FORGES FOOD COXTKOLLEB REPORTS LAST OF EARLY PIONEER MIN RANKER DECLARES CROP NEAR . SPOKANE WILL BE SHORT. SITUATION TO REICHSTAG. ISTERS OF OREGON' PASSES. BUSINESS CALLED FOR M SERVICE President Demands Un selfishness of Trade. ABM .9 UNDUE PROFIT INTOLERABLE Sacrifice Is Expected Not Alone From Men Who Of fer Lives in Battle. SHIP OWNERS ARE SCORED Excessive Freight Rates Held Most Effective Means to Aid Kaiser's Army, r WASHINGTON, July 11. Presi ident Wilson appealed to the country's business interests tonight to put aside every selfish consideration and to give their aid to the Nation as freely as those who go out to offer their lives on the battlefield. - In a statement addressed to the coal operators and manufacturers he gave assurances that just prices will be paid by the Government and the pub lic during the war, but warned that no attempt to extort unusual profits will be tolerated. Patriotism Must Be Self-Denying. "Your patriotism," said the Presi dent's appeal, "is of the same self denying stuff as the patriotism of the men dead and maimed on the fields of France, or it is no patriotism at all. Let us never speak, then, of profits and patriotism in the same sentence. I "I shall expect every man who is not a slacker to be at my side through out this great enterprise. In it no man can win honor who thinks of himself." High Ocean Freights Scored. The President declared there must be but one price for the Government and for the public. He expressed con fidence that business generally would be found loyal to the last degree and that the problem of war-time prices, which, he declared, will "mean vic tory or defeat," will be solved rightly f through patriotic co-operation. In unmeasured terms, however, Mr. i. Wilson condemned the shipowners of the country for maintaining a sched ule of ocean freight rates which has placed "almost insuperable obstacles in the path of the Government. War Prices Aid Enemy. "The fact is," he asserted, "that those who have fixed war freight rates have taken the most effective means in their power to defeat the armies engaged against Germany." Coal production and other indus tries for whose products the Govern ment has negotiated price agreements are not taken up in detail by the Pres ident, his appeal dealing only with the general principles involved in the determination of war prices. It fol lows in full: I Principles Are Outlined. "My fellow countrymen: The Gov ernment is about to attempt to de termine the prices at which it will ask you henceforth to furnish various sup plies which are necessary for the 4 prosecution of the war, and various f materials which will be needed in the industries by which the war must be sustained. We shall, of course, try to determine them justly and to the best advantage of the Nation as a whole, but justice is easier to speak of than to arrive at and there are some considerations which I hope we shall keep steadily in mind while this particular problem of justice is being worked out. "Therefore I take the liberty of stat ins: very candidly my own view of the situation and of the principles which should guide both the Government and the mine owners and manufacturers of the country in this difficult matter. Just Price Imperative. "A just price must, of course, be raid for everything the Government buys. By a Just price. I mean a price which will sustain the industries con cerned in a hiph state of efficiency provide a. living for those who con duct them, enable them to pay good wages, and make possible the expan sion s( their enterprises, which will from time to time become necessary as the stupendous undertakings of this great war develop. We could not wise ly or reasonably do less than pay such 4 1 Ares. They are necessary for the i,Tintenanee and development of in dustry: and the maintenance and. de iConeluUttti on raja 1. Column 2.) Frnit and Vegetable Harvest Ad mittedly Below Average and Grain Outlook Poor. COPENHAGEN. July 11. At the Reichstag session yesterday, Herr von Batockl. the. food controller, declared that the fruit and. vegetable harvest was far below the average, Berlin newspapers report. The outlook for grain production was characterized as being "as good as In 1915," which will be remembered as a year of great drought and a miserable grain harvest and potato crop. The yield, the controller said', would be "surely better than the serious crop failure of 1916." Gustav Hoch, Socialist member of the Reichstag, spoke of disorders In the Prussian town of Striegau, which have not been mentioned previously. T-T Raid thev tpta due tn thfs fact that Striegau had been almost an entire week without bread. Women who thus had been driven" to desperation were punished most severely, some of them I being condemned. to serve many I months In prison. STRANGE DEVICE OFFERED Mystery Surrounds Plan for Pro-1 pelllng Airplanes to Europe. WASHINGTON, July 11. favorable report on a resolution providing for test of a mysterious little machine which its inventor claims could propel an aeroplane from Washington to Eu ropean battlefields and back again without carrying fuel, was voted today I by the House patents committee. T. K. Giragossian, the Inventor, says I his discovery harnesses at trivial cost an untapped ocean of power. The com mittee's resolution would guarantee Governmental protection in case he demonstrates to five scientists the use fulness of his machine. MAYOR'S HANDS CALLOUSED Receiving of Congratulations Like Tnto Hard Work. It may sound like a Joke to say that a man's hand becomes calloused by shaking hands, but in the case of Mayor Baker it is an absolute fact. He displayed callouses yesterday as a re sult of having shaken hands so much in the last two weeks since his elec tion. The Mayor estimates that he has shaken hands with 5000 persons in two weeks. In addition he has talked on one subject or another in his office with approximately 1200 persona in the last 11 days. SEATTLE JITNEYS STOPPED Temporary Injunction Granted by United States District Judge. SEATTLE, July 11. United States District Judge Neterer today handed down a temporary injunction restrain ing drivers of 5-cent auto buses from operating on the streets of Seattle un til they comply with the bonding law or until their case is heard in court upon its merits. The Injunction was issued on peti tion of the Puget Sound Traction, Light & Power Company, which has been en gaged for a long time in a legal strug gle with the automobile drivers. COAL CARDS PUT IN USE Berlin Limits Supply of Fuel for Coming Winter. COPENHAGEN, July 11. Coal cards have been introduced in Berlin in or der to regulate the Winter supply. Apartments heated with stoves will be limited to a quarter of a ton per room and a maximum of a ton and a half for more than five rooms. Steam-heated houses will be limited to half of last year's supply. HARDEN MILITARY CLERK Berlin Socialist Mobilized After Die Zukunft Is Suppressed. COPENHAGEN. July 11. Die Zu kunft. Maximilian Harden's publication. now has been suppressed for the re mainder of the war, according to the Berlin Tageblatt. Herr Harden has been mobilized un der the auxiliary civil service law, and will be employed as a military clerk. WHEAT YIELD RUNS HIGH Kansas Farm Breaks State Record , With 50 Bushels to Acre. VALLEY CENTER, Kan.. July 11.- Two hundred acres of wheat in the Oren Smith farm here, now being threshed, are averaging 50 bushels of high-grade wheat to the acre, farmers say this is a Kansas record Seven measured acres yielded 6S bushels to the acre. FREE LUNCH ABOLISHED New York Saloons Cut Glasses of Beer. Size of NEW YORK. July 11. Free lunch and the large glass of beer have been abolished in this city by the Retail Liquor Dealers Association, it was an nounced. Present hish prices were given as the reason. Agitators Deported by ArizonaAre Returned. KINGMAN IS BEING PATROLED Workers Complain of Being Forced on Picket Duty. PEACE SEEMS FAR ' OFF General Tie-TJp of Freight and of Products of Farm Is Forecast by Workers Unless Agree ment Is Reached Soon. DAY'S RESULTS OP I. W. W. TBOIBLES OVER COUNTRY. Kingman, Ariz. Twenty es cape armed guards; town pa trolled. Globe, Ariz. Tie-up of crops threatened; mounted police or ganized. Phoenix, Ariz. Sixty-one ar rested by Sheriff. Ellensburg, Wash. Troops ar rest 50. Spokane, Wash. Idaho Gov ernor asks gag in Washington. Seattle, Wash. Guards watch ing trains. Marshfleld, Or. Mr. Keames Investigating strike. North Yakima, Wash. Com plaints drafted charging viola tions of espionage act. KINGMAN. Ariz., July 11. Twenty of the 63 men deported from Jerome es caped after they were unloaded here by the combined armed guards from Jerome, who had taken them to Needles, and by the shotgun squad o Needles' citizens that came to see th men safely back Into Arizona. The re mamder of the men were taken to the courthouse, where they demanded food. Immediately after the men detraine local authorities and home guards be gan rounding them up. The town I being patroled by the home guards to prevent disorder. Armed Men Meet Train. The 63 men were deported from Je rome yesterday as industrial woraers of the World, active there in the strike repudiated t. mine, mill and smelte workers. They arrived here today from Needles, where armed citizens met the car In whicn tney were neia prisoners and caused its return to Arizona on th next eastbound train a few hours late The deported men left the train here. Many of the Industrial Workers said they had been victims of unfortunate circumstances in the clash between (Concluded on Page 4. Column 3.) t i m Children Survived by Grandchildren and on at Grandchildren. E 'Or.. July 11. (Special.) Booth, pioneer minister, last Robert of those cldsely identified with early religious wf-rk in Oregon, died at the home 'of Ills son, R. A. Booth, In Eugene, tonight. He would have been 97 years of age August 4. He was born in Lancashire, England, in 1820 and came with his parents to America n 1830. when the family located in Westchester County, New York. Robert Booth was married In August, S45, to Mary Minor, in Iowa. In 1850 he was attracted by the gold excite ment'in California, but the following year returned to the East by the way of Central America. In 1852, with his wife and four children, he crossed the plains to Oregon. He became a min ster jpf the gospel early in life and joined the Oregon conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1855, serving many charges in Eastern and Southern Oregon, closing his active ministry at Grants Pass in 1895. Mr. Booth was the father of 12 chil dren, nine of whom survive W. A. Booth, of Alameda, Cal.-. Mrs. Sarah Hackett, of Eugene; Mrs. Jane Mee, of Ashland; R. A. Booth, of Eugene; Mrs. Viola Keyes, of Fossil; Mrs. Ida Belknap, of Monroe; Mrs. Cora Single ton, of Roseburg; J. H. Booth, of Rose burg, and Mrs. Bertha M. Peterson, of Eugene. He is also survived by 33 i grandchildren and 35 great-grandchil dren. Mrs. Booth died in 1900 and Mr. Booth remarried in 1902 to Mrs. Mary Bushong, widow of a Methodist min ister in the Oregon conference. His second wife died' in January, 1915. Mr. Booth had been active for a man of his extreme age. Last Friday he walked with his great-grandson to a photographer, where they had their picture taken. The body will be taken to Grants Pass for burial. FARMERS WIN VICTORY Non-Partisan League Elects Car toonist to Congress. FARGO. N. D-, July 11. John M. Baer, a Fargo cartoonist, was the vic tor in yesterday's Congressional elec tion by a plurality of 15U0, his oppo nents conceded today. Non-partisan Leaguers, most of them farmers, rejoiced today at the result of their first entry into National poll tics. Baer Is barely over the required age of 25, and is a nephew of the late James Whitcomb Riley. ELKS TO CARE FOR BOYS Grand Lodge Authorizes Fund of $1,000,000 for Relief Work. BOSTON, July 11. A fund of 11,000.000 for war relief work was appropriated by the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks late today. The "big brother" movement, de signed to look after "the boys of those who will go to fight our battles in the war," was indorsed by the grand lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks today. HOLD-UP. ather of 12 9, by 33 A i mmwmmmi ess One Will Be Taken for Each 150 Population. DUMMY ESTIMATES ARE MADE Oregon's Paper Population Is Put at 675,092. . CALL DELAYED FOR WEEK Failure of Many States to Complete Organization of All Exemption Boards Delays Plans of War Department. WASHINGTON, July -'ll.-rFostpone- ment until next week of the drawing of numbers of men who will be called for examination for the National Army seemed probable today, when it became evident that states are not completing organization of their district exemption j boards as rapidly as War Department officials had hoped. Only 21 states have reported their or ganization complete, although In most others only a few districts are missing. The drawine will not be made until the lists for the country are' complete. Census Estimate Made. A so-called revised census estimate for the entire country, compiled on the hasis of the draft registration, will be used for determining apportionments. Each city, county or state must fur nish two-thirds of 1 per cent of its paper population, according to the new estimates, which were made for the purpose of equalizing the draft rather than to represent accurate population totals. Thus New Tork City, with an esti mated population of 6,504.185, must give 43,382 of the 687,000 young men to be called on the first draft. A city with 25,000 population would be required to give 166 men. These apportionments would be subject to slight allowances for oien enemies, for men who have volunteered and for other causes. Munitions Town! Large. The population . estimates, far from attempting to show actual populations simply are Improvised figures reached by considering the number of regis trants in each subdivision as 9.32 pe cent of the population, since the total number registered. 9,659,382, was 9.32 per cent of the total estimated popula tion of 103,63a,300. The process resulted in large dummy nonulation showings for cities with war Industries when there has been recent Inflow of workmen without their families. Since the figures are based on the number of men available for mill tary service, however, officials consider the estimates fair as bases for appor tionment. Pleas for exemption of any man need not be made by him. but may be entered by a wife, other dependent, employe or any other third per ion, the Provost (Concluded on Page 3, Column t WW j Farmers Around Boise Commended for Keeping Sheep Because of Advance In Wool Price. SPOKANE, Wash.. July 11. (Spe cial.) Farmers throughout much of the Spokane country will have to be con tent with just about a half a normal wheat crop this year, judging from present prospects, according to William Huntley, of the Exchange National Bank, who returned today from a trip into Southern Idaho. i A similar prediction was made by J. P. Person, of St. John, Wash., concern ing his part of the country. Mr. Fer-r son was here today to market a car load of hogs. Lack of moisture and presence of hot wnds are inflicting great damage to most of the wheat of the country I have passed through," said Mr. Huntley. "It is not burning very badly on the heavier soil of the Palouse country, and It looks particularly good around Farmingtori nd adjacent towns, as well as up this side of Pendleton, Or., but even in some parts of the Walla Walla country the grain is looking pale. I believe that his hot weather without rain will mean about a halt crop in much of the North west. In the country around Boise I no ticed that most of the farmers of irri gated tracts have small bands of sheep , plan which will be adopted by the farmers of this Spokane country much more generally the next few years. "Wool is exceptionally high this year and those farmers with the little bands of sheep are going to enjoy a good profit, although many of them are try ing it out as an experiment." EX-CZAR WOULD BUY BOND Members of Romanoff Family De. sire Stock in "Loan of Freedom." PETROGRAD,. July 11. Ex-Emperor Nicholas has appealed to the provis ional government to allow him and the members of his family to acquire stock in the "Loan of Freedom." The former Emperor announces that the amount of their investment in the loan depends upon whether the Rus sian state intends to support his fam ily. He adds that of his own property he possesses now only 900,000 rubles, his wife 1,000,000. his heir Alexis 1,500, 000, his daughter Olga 3.000,000 and Ms other daughters between 1,000,000 and 2.000,000 rubles. Sweden Makes Formal Protest. STOCKHOLM. July 11. The govern ment has instructed the Swedish Min ister at Berlin to protest against the torpedoing of Swedisn fishing boats by German submarines. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TBSTERDATS Maximum temperature. So degrees; minimum, 59 degrees. TODAY'S Fair, continued warm; fresh northwesterly winds. War. Steamer Kansan sunk by German submarine. Page 2. British pushed back 600 yards tn Belgium. Page 2. German food yields below normal. Reichstag is told. Page 1. New Russian drive on capital of Gallcia wins old objective. Page 2. Ratio is fixed for Army draft. Page 1. German Ministers resign. Page 3. Foreign. Manchu king-maker surrounded In Imeprlal city. Page 3. National. President calls on business for unselfish serv ice. Page 1. Progress made In formulating food control bill. Page S. Domestic. Butte miners vote on affiliating with Na tional unions. Page 4. I, w. W. elude armed citizens in Arizona- Page 1. Federal secret service officers acquire evl dence against Hindus in California. Page 3. Alaska coal not to be available until 1918. Page 1. Leaders of Lutheran Church accused of treason by Nebraska Council of Defense. Page 4. Sports. Pacific Coast League results: Portland 2, San Francisco 1 ; Oakland 6. ernon Los Angeles 7, Salt Lake 1. Page 14. Miss Mildred Wilson wins women's tennis championship of Page 14. Multnomah Club. Ted Sawyer beats Robert Markwell In Mid lothian play on 42d hole. rage 14. Beals C. Wright, ex-tennis champion. arrive tomorrow, rage i. Pacific Northwest. Banker declares that half of wheat near Spokane is burned Dy not winas. rage l. Rev. Robert Booth, one of earliest pioneer ministers or Oregon, aies at Eugene. Page 1. Oregon pharmacists In session at Seaside. Page 8. Six buildings burned at Huntington. Page 15. Chautauqua hears lecture in verse. Page 8. Commercial and Marine. Government estimate of Northwestern crops may be revised, rage l'J. Stocks higher on stronger technical po sitlon of market. Page 19. Shifting of shipyard proposed so another may be enlarged. Page 15. Portland and Vicinity. Addison Bennett sees Roundup on Multno mah Field.- Page 12. Rich ore found on Antarctic expedition. Page 11. N. E. A. programme today calls for depart mental meetings. Page 7. N. E. A. delegates will witness naturalization of class. Page 7. Some women teachers want Government to exempt men from military service. Page 6. Police arrest J. Marshall for forgery. Page 20. Eligibles warned to Ignore ' draft rumors. Page 9. Oregon-American Lumber Company takes title to Xubois timber in Oregon. Pag 13. Upton Sinclair's "Canning the Kaiser tried by N. E. A. singers. Page 5. Thomas E. Finnegan mentioned as candi-' date for president of National Education convention. Page 1. Portland Field Hospital unit called to serv ice. Page 16. Teachers appeal for saving of children. Page 6. State societies hold big picnic for N. E. A. Page 13. Weather report, data and forecast. Fag 19. New Yorker Groomed for N. E. A. Head. MEN ARE HIS SUPPORTERS Masculine Delegates Said to Favor One of Own Sex. MRS. BRADFORD IN RACE Denver Woman, Who Is Chief Con tender, Declared to Have Main Support of Teachers Mrs. Preston Is Candidate. some: of the high lights in today's x. e. a. pro GRAMME. 8 A. M. Breakfast by National council of executive and admin istrative women, Multnomah Ho tel. 9 A. M. Committee on nomina tions, tea garden, Multnomah Ho tel. 9:30 A. M. National conference for extension education, 315 Lin coln High. 10 A. M. Department meetings as scheduled on page 7. 10 A. M. Citizenship meeting. First Presbyterian Church. 10 A. M. National Federation College Women, ballroom Multno mah Hotel. 12 noon Luncheon, National council primary education, crys tal room, Benson. 12 noon School Garden Asso ciation, at Fulton Park. 12 noon Luncheon, department for wider use of schoolrooms, Multnomah Hotel. 12:30 P. M. Special education teachers" luncheon, Benson Poly technic. 1:30 P. M. National conference for extension education, 315 Lin- coin High. 2 P. M. Department meetings t as scheduled on page 7. X 4 P. M. Reception for Mrs. Ella Flagg Young by Bishop W. J T. Sumner, Blshopcroft, Portland t Heights. ' t 4 P. M. Oriental tea, Portland j Hotel. 6 P. M. National Federation College Women, University Club. 7 P. M. General sessions, Au- t ditorium. T A mild little boomlet for the elec tion of Thomas E. Finnegan, of Al bany, N. Y., to the presidency of the N. E. A. was circulated through the corridors of the Multnomah Hotel last night and even penetrated the balls and lobbies of the Auditorium, where the Nation's biggest educators were assembled. The boomlet served somewhat to disconcert the forces of Mary Bradford, of Denver, and Mrs. Jose phine Corliss Preston, of Olympia. Wash., who until that time had been the leading candidates for the presi dency. After giving the Finnegan boomlet time to spend its force the Bradford supporters and the Preston supporters were undisturbed. Mrs. Bradford re mains the leader in the race and un less all present outward signs fail she will be elected at the annual business meeting of the association tomorrow morning. Mr. Finnegan Is Treasurer. Mr. Finnegan is the present treas urer of the association and also is president of the superintendent's sec tion, to which latter office he waa elected at the midwinter meeting in Kansas City. It is understood that Mr. Finnegan is in no sense a candidate for the place, but some of the male delegates from the Eastern states where they don't enjoy the sensation of universal women's suffrage could not counte nance the prospect of seeing another woman elected to the presidency, so trotted out the National treasurer as the most formidable possibility among the masculine forces. However, the sense of the conven tion seems to remain at this stage of the proceedings the same as it was at the beginning of the week to allow the honor to fall to a woman, and to a Western woman, preferably. There is an unwritten rule in the association that the president is not to be elee'ed from the state in which the convention is held, or else one of a number of eligible Oregon women might be in line for the honor. Nominating Body to Meet. The fact, however, that Mrs. Preston comes from Washington the sister of Oregon is regarded by the Brad ford supporters as a point against her. The real struggle over the presi dency will precipitate itself upon the nominating committee. which will meet today. The nominating committee's recom mendations are, as a rule, accepted by the convention. Only in the case of Ella Flagg Young's election five years ago did the convention break the com- CConciuticu oil Page ti. Culuuiu l.j