Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 11, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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Meetings Starting at 7 o'clock
.Today Will Be Held Un
til Late Tonight.
Important Social Functions AI90
Arranged O. M. Plnmmer to
Preside and Talks Will Be
Limited to One Minute.
Today will be a busy one In N. E. A.
circles. From 7 o'clock this morning
until late tonight there are meetings
ec.heduled in the various gathering
places of the convention, and there Is a
wealth of good things that will make
fi strong appeal to delegates and vis
itors. Departments will be running In full
ewing today, with Interesting pro
grammes at the various meeting places.
Affiliated organizations, too, have a full
day in prospect, with cessions at in
tervals all day long.
Socially, the day will be Important
ps well. The luncheon to President
Aley, to be given at the Multnomah at
12:15 by the school administration de
partment, is one of the big things of
the annual convention. Attendance is
limited to 400.
Six EiPrelditi Invited.
Six ex-presidents of the N. K. A. and
tofncials of the organization now in
office will be invited. The utmost for
mality will prevail, and there is no set
programme and no talks of more than
one minute each will be permitted.
O. M. Plummer, president of this de
partment, will preside. Last year Mr.
hummer startled New York by using
a. cow bell in lieu of a gavel when he
was toastmaster at the annual lunch
eon, which was staged in the gold ball
room of the Waldorf-Astoria-There
is only one general session
on today's programme, and this comes
at 7 P. M. in the Auditorium.
Attractions Are Announced.
The attractions are -as follows:
"Mesa. Verde. National Park" (Illustrated
lecture), W. C McBrlde. Portland, Or.
"The War Danger to Children," Kate
Tevereux Blake, principal Public fichool No.
6, New York. N. Y.
"Maintenance of Standards in all Bchools
ps a Necessary Element of Preparedness."
P. E. Bolton, dean college of education,
University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
"Social Hygiene In Relation to National
- Tefense." N. F. Coleman, professor of Eng
lish. Reed College, Portland, Or.
"Art-Teaching and the Nation's Service,"
Arthur W. Dow, professor of fine arts,
teachers' college, Columbia University, New
York. N. Y.
The department of kindergarten edu
cation has a meeting at Lincoln High
School auditorium at 10 o'clock today.
Speakers are Dr. Henry Suzzallo, pres
ident of the University of Washington:
Albert Shields, Superintendent of
Schools, Los Angeles, Cal. : Anna Laura
Force, principal of Lincoln High School,
Denver, Colo.; Caroline Hedger, Amer
icanization committee worker, Chicago;
Itudolph Acher, State Normal, Valley
City. North Dakota, and E. O. Holland,
president Washington State College,
Music Education to Be Discussed.
Music education generally is the sub
ject of the addresses to be given before
that department at the First Unitarian
Church at 10 o'clock this morning.
Herman E. Owen, M. Teresa Finn,
Glenn H. Woods. Mrs. I. V. Sweesy. su
pervisors of music at San Jose, Cal.;
St. Louis. Mo.; Oakland, Cal., and Mills
College, Oakland, respectively, will
Kpeak, and Lucy H. Cole, former super
visor of music at Seattle, is also on the
The Shattuck School will house the
meeting of the department of rural and
ngricultural education at 10 o'clock.
Speakers are: Thomas E. Finegan, Dep
lity Commissioner of Education, New
York; Z. M. Smith, department of edu
cation, Lafayette, Ind.; W. G. Hummel,
department of agricultural education,
1'niversity of California; W. H. Camp
bell, chairman committee on education.
Farmers' Educational and Co-operative
Union. Central City, Neb.
The department of educational publi
cations will meet in room C at the
Auditorium at 10 o'clock. The general
topic is "The Textbook," and a sympo
sium is promised with the following
ppeakers: R. H. Wilson, State Super
intendent of Oklahoma: E. Morris Cox,
Assistant Superintendent of Schools,
Oakland. Cal.. and Edward C. Elliott,
chancellor of the University of Mon
tana, Helena.
Arts Talks Are Scheduled.
The department of vocational educa
tion and practical arts will meet at 10
o'clock at the First Methodist Church.
Various phases of vocational work will
te discussed by Lester W. Bartlett, vo
cational adviser of the Pomona, Cal.,
(schools; Mary Schenck Woolman. man
perer National Association for Promo
tion of Industrial Education, Boston,
Mass.; Alice Ravenhlll, former lecturer
on hygiene. University of London; Cree
T. Work, supervising: principal Union
2olytechnic High School, Venice, Cal..
find Agnes Houston Craig, director
department of home economics Wash
ington State College, Pullman.
The department of school adminis
tration will meet at 10 o'clock in room
A. Auditorium. General administration
will be the topic. Speakers will be O.
M. Plummer, Mrs. Ella Flagg Toung.
Chicago; E. Shorrock. president Board
of Education, Seattle, Wash.: D. W.
fcprlnger, president Board of Education,
Ann Arbor. Mich.: Carroll G. Pearse.
president State Normal School, Milwau
kee, Wis.; Mrs. O. Shepard Barnum,
vice-president State Board of Educa
tion. Alhambra, Cal.. and Rt Rev. Wal
ter T. fcumner, bishop of Oregon.
The department of special education
ll If w ' :tJ' 1 - " I (CA
' i ,- - .?'tN ftpl'i v-4As'
it , - - vtvvit-ts J ' ;
--v r V f , . X
sfH ' i : HiN -:4 ;
1 i M u uprr .,iew- - i
-f x:r ' JH' sir W
g- .- .r
1 Baro
Cbtef of the Special. MImIoh to tne United
of tne Military M lf Ion. 3 Major Om terrletn.
Statea. 2 Ueutcnant-Gcneral
4 Lieutenant Count d'L'rael.
Use Cocoanut Oil
for Washing Hair
to keep your hair In
De carer ui wnat you
If you want
pood condltioa
wash it with.
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. This dries the
ccalp, makes the hair brittle, and is
ery harmful. Just plain mulsified
cocoanut oil (which is pure and en
tirely gTeaseless) is much better than
the most expensive soap or anything;
else you can use for shampooing, as this
can't possibly injure the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with water
end rub it in. One or two teaspoonfuls
will make an abundance of rich.
creamy lather, and cleanses the hair
and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses
out easily and removes every particle
of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive
oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly,
and it leaves it fine and silky, bright.
: fluffy and easy to manage.
if You can get mulsified cocoanut oil
at most any drug store. It is very
cheap, and a few ounces is enough to
last everyone In the family for
months. Adv.
will meet In Ladd School at 10 o'clock
this morning. Speakers are: King
Dykeman, Judge of the Juvenile Court,
Seattle; Joseph P. Byers, executive sec
retary committee on provision for the
feeble - minded, Philadelphia; O.
Tillinghast, School for the Deaf, Salem,
and Fred Merrill, UniVersity of Oregon,
Eugene. ,
The department of elementary edu
cation wilt meet at the Ladd School at
2 P. M. The general topic is "Democ
racy in the Making." A number of
eminent educators are assigned to this
The department of normal schools
will meet at 2 o'clock in room B,
Auditorium, with Carroll G. Pearse,
John E. Finegan, and. other well-known
educators as speakers.
Other Departments to Meet.
The departments of child hygiene,
library, classroom teachers, science In
struction, school administration and
school patrons will meet at 2 oclock
today In the following places, respect
ively: Shattuck School. Library Hall,
Unitarian Church, First Methodist
Church, room A, Auditorium and Audi
Affiliated organizations will meet
throughout the day. The National con
ference for extension education will
meet in room 315, Lincoln High School,
and the National conference of deans
of women will meet at the Multnomah,
both at 9:30 this morning.
The following gatherings are sched
uled for today at 10 o'clock A. M.:
Modern languages conference, library,
Lincoln High School; Classical Asso
ciation of the Pacific States, room 217.
Lincoln High School; American Social
Hygiene Association, Auditorium; cit
izenship convention. First Presbyterian
Church; League of Teachers Associa
tion, room D, Auditorium; National
Federation of College Women, ball-
room.Multnomah Hotel.
Gatherings Are Announced.
The National conference for exten
lon education will convene again at
1:30 in room 316, Lincoln High School,
and at 2 o'clock the following gath
erings are scheduled: tochool Garden
Association of America, First Congre
gational Church; modern language con
ference, library. Lincoln High School
citizenship convention. First Presby
terion Church; National conference of
deans of women, Multnomah Hotel, and
National Federation of College Women,
hal l mom. Multnomah Hotel.
Announcements for today include the
following special events:
12:00 noon Luncheon. Deans of Women,
Multnomah Hotel.
12:15 P. M. President Aley luncneon. ue
partment of School Administration. Aiuit
n rm n H Hotel.
12 :30 P. M. Luncheon. National Council
of Teachers of EnKllsh and Classical Asso
ciation of Pacific States. University Club.
2 00 P. M. Muitnoman ana inameuc
Chapters of D- A. K. complimentary auio
trio over Coiumoia nignway ior vmiiiug
t-. a r TTiombArs. Visit to Oregon City.
. V. M. UlllOnCU UUftOOUV, octinvuu
400 P. M. raniomimB y ict, wuuib-
ton Park.
4:00 to 7:00 P. M. i anu" a rcuiuwa rc
Waah nsrton CarK.
fi .()() P. Ski. u inner, .uuc ..-
rt-an P. M. Liarn i nivxiBu aiuiuu.
dinner. Imperial Hotel grill.
N. E. A. Delegates Give Mem
bers of Mission Ovation.
Ella Flags Young and Other Educa
tors to Xoto Dwell on Wide In
Iluence Teacher Wields by
Moulding Children's Views.
(Continued From First Page.)
Pacirio Coast Association Conven
tiop Opens at Taooma.
TACOMA, July 10. (Special.) Port
land will be represented at the loth an
nual convention of the Pacific Coast
Association of Nurserymen, which will
meet here for three days, beginning: to
morrow. The programme will be one
of the most interesting the association
ever has had.
A special effort is being made to
bring landscape engineers and nursery
men together for the better planting
of trees in order that trees in the fu
ture may be planted their proper dis
tance apart and In proper places. Ore
gon, Washington, British Columbia and
California are Included in the association.
session was given over to addresses by
women educators of wide prominence
and to an address by Mrs. Alexander
Thompson, of The Dalles, Or., a member
of the Oregon Legislature.
In an address on "Women and Pre
paredness," Josephine Corliss Preston,
Superintendent of Public Instruction
for 'Washington, described two types
of women, the one who holds back her
tears and bravely smiles as her son
marches away to war, and the. other
woman, whom she termed "the woman
in the hammock."
"Citizenship Beina; Tented."
TVe wpmen who are here today rep
resent the great army of women edu
cators of this Nation," said Mrs. Pres
ton "who are counted as next to the
home in influence and responsibility
in the training of the youth of our
land. We, many of us, cannot give
sons to the war. They are not ours to
give. But we have an important part
to play in this great life-struggle,
nevertheless. Our country needs us.
A great world of humanity needs us.
The test of our citizenship has come.
None may carry a Keener edge to
satire than does Mrs. Alexander Thomp
son, member of the Oregon legislature,
who spoke on "Preparedness, a Veneer
or a Fundamental; Which Will Our
Schools Give Our Children?" Ueclar.
ing that the title was a very fair ex
ample of glittering generalities and
vague phrases, common to present day
patter, Mrs. Thompson discussed things
as they are in the school world.
Klla FlaKE lounK Greeted.
"If mothers had been taught to
think," said she, "the expensive cam
paign now being financed by Con
gress to teach economical management
of the household would be unnecessary.
The criminal waste of food and the
speculation in food materials would
not be a national disgrace, had we been
given a proper reizytct lor these things
which make for honesty and thrift."
A greeting in accord with her hon
ored place in education's ranks was
accorded Ella Flagg Young, pf Chi
cago, who spoke on "American Edu
cation and the Inner Life."
"The Inner life of which I shall
speak has its foundations in the emo
tions," said Mrs. Young. "It Is the
unseen power initiating our Impulsive,
unreasoned, insistent acts. Our acts
usually seem to take their coloring
and tone from the intellect. This is
due to the custom of adults of cap
ping the emotional experiences of chil
dren with a truism or a principle in
Emotions Are Discussed.
"This tendency to force feeling into
the mould of intellectual expression is
the outgrowth of a theory that early
in life the human being must learn to
repress strong emotions. Instead of
leaching repression to the child and
For Summer Comfort
Hart S chaff ner
Dixie Weaves
Cool, comfortable, light-weight woolen fabric3, skeleton
lined, patch pockets, pinch and belt backs.
Palm Beach and Cool Cloth
in cool, airy fabrics, everything that makes comfort these
warm days.
They're Priced $8.50 to $20
Straw Hats Reduced
Including all Panamas, Bankbk, Leghorns, Sennetts and
Split Braid Straws all the newest styles.
All $2 Straw Hats' $1 35 All $5 Hats. S3.50
All $3 Straw Hats S2.00 All $6 Hats ' . .4.00
All $3.50 Tokio Hats 2.30 All $8 Hats S5.50
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Store for
Quality and Service
Southeast Corner
Fifth and Alder
Mrs. C. C. Bradford May Be
Next N. E. A. President.
the youth, we should help them to
sense of the value of the feeling of
"The value of an emotion of Joy or
grief, of anger or pleasure, to a child
or youth lies In its inducing him to
think of the feeling of pleasure or sor
row until it reveals the self of the
happy or sorrowing one to himself.
"Of all the problems that confront
the parent and the teacher this is the
most intricate.- To many it is unsolv
able. The intricacy is not in the con
sciousnesa of the boy or girl; it is in
the differences in temperament of the
child and of the adult.
'Unsympathetic or hard natures in
men and women are usually the results
of atrophy of emotions of Joy aris
ing from generous giving or doing.
These emotions in childhood or youth
were too often coldly formulated for
them by another, thus depriving them
children of visions of lives made
brighter and happier by their deeds.
If America develops in her homes.
schools and colleges that inner life on
which generous, sympathetic, sincere
character is founded, she will be pre
pared to carry forward the fruits of
the triumphs of lives sacrificed In the
present war for democracy." .
Declaring that the conservation of
children, as future citizens of the Na
tion, is more necessary than ever be
fore, Anna Laura Force, principal of
Lincoln School, Denver, Colo., spoke on
"The Public School: The Laboratory of
"The school has more and more
taken over the responsibility of the
home," said the speaker. "The child
belongs to the state. No longer may
the parent say: 'The child is mine: I
will do with him as I please.' Under
the compulsory attendance law the re
sponsibility of the school is increased.
It is obliged to concern itself with
the health, surroundings and activities
of Its pupils.
"Our forefathers laid the foundation
of freedom and Justice. In the build
ing of the great American Nation the
school Is the laboratory for citizenship
and Its safety and well-being depend
upon the intelligence of its citizens.
It is their duty to place the welfare of
the Nation above selfish greed and
personal ambition."
An address that realized all expecta
tions was delivered by Julia C. La
throp, of the Department of Labor,
Washington, D. C, entitled "Shall the
Country Economize for or Against Its
"The ultimate treasure and resource
of any people Is its young life," said
the speaker, "the only surety of the
continuance of the race. Slowly we
have arrived at certain measures of
protection for those "under 16 by com
pulsory education laws, by child labor
laws, by mothers' pension laws and
now by a National child labor law.
English Example Praised.
"It is not too much to say that the
first effect of war Is to threaten aU
such standards, but it Is especially
noteworthy that England has not per
mitted any lowering of the age limits
for factory work. Its exemptions for
farm labor by children have been con
siderable in some localities, yet con
tinually opposed in others, and in some
districts no exemptions have been al
lowed. "Today as never before it is certain
that the public school teachers of
America have an unparalleled power to
guard the Nation's children and to
mould public opinion so that this coun
try will insist that the schools shall
gather momentum during this period
of war In order that they may better
cope with the inevitable disturbance of
orderly life which war entails.
Washington Superintendent Is Not
Active Candidate and Objection
Arises on Score It Might
be Thought Vnfair.
Although politics is a forbidden sub
ject In N. K. A. circles, the name of
Mrs. Mary C. C. Bradford, State Super
intendent of Education for Colorado, is
the one most frequently mentioned by
those "in the know" as leading in the
race for presidential honors at this
No avowed campaign for Mrs. Brad
ford is being made, but it is hinted
that certain delegates are active lu
her behalf. It is conceded this is
womans' year for the N E. A. and that
a woman will be chosen president. Mrs.
Bradford right now is the favorite.
Her chief rival, if the word rival can
be used in this case, is Mrs. Jose
phine Corliss Preston, State Superin
tendent for the State of Washington.
Mrs. Preston has made it known that
she will not make any sort of cam
paign for the position. High as the
honor is, she says it must come to her
unsought if she is to have it.
Perhaps a slight advantage Mrs.
Bradford enjoys is the feeling that the
three Pacific Coast states delegates
will hesitate to place Mrs. Preston in
the highest office In the gift of the
N. E. A. while the convention is held
in Portland. This might, it is felt, look
as If advantage were taken of the
visit here of the annual meeting to
win a sectional victory.
The best advance information Is to
the effect that Mrs. Bradford is more
than likely to be named as the choice
of the nominating committee, which
will meet Thursday at 9 A. M. in the
tea gardens at the Multnomah Hotel
to make its choices" of officers and
will report to the business meeting at
11 o'clock Friday morning.
Continued From First Page.)
Goloied Masons Lay Cornerstone.
NORTH YAKIMA. Wash., July 10.
Delegates attending the grand lodge
of colored Masons of the state and the
colored Order of the Eastern Star to
day took part in the laying of the
cornerstone of a new church of the
African Methodist Church. 'Tacoma
probably will be selected as the place
for next year's convention. Officers
will be elected and installed tomorrow.
commission were Lieutenant - General
LeClercq, chief of the Belgian military
mission; Lieutenant Count d'Ursel, Sec
ond Regiment of Guides, and Major
Osterrieth, First Regiment of Guides.
The Commissioners were accompanied
by quite a large party. Among those
In the party were Hugh Gibson, special
representative of the Department of
State, who formerly was with the
American Embassy in Belgium; Captain
T. C. Cook, United States Army, de
tailed as military aide to General Le
Clercq; James C. Whlteley, of the Bel
gian legation at Washington: D. W.
Fisher, of the Department of State;
Thornton Smith, Associated Press cor
respondent; M. D. Thonnart, aide to
Lieutenant-General LeClercq: E. Dan
golsseo, aide to Major Osterrieth;
James O'Connell, special . agent from
the Department of State; William
Houghton, of the United States Secret
Service, and last, but a very important
member of the party, nevertheless.
"Nellie," Major Osterrieth s war dog.
So very much at home did the mem
bers of the Belgian Commission come
to feel In the course of the 11 busy
hours they passed as guests of the city
of Portland that before their departure
they were using American slang in ex
changes of repartee.
"The Kaiser was after the scepter of
the world," said the, ordinarily dignified
Baron Moncheur, smilingly, at a dinner
In honor of the commissioners given at
the Benson Hotel shortly before train
time last night.
"The Kaiser was after the scepter of
the world but Uncle Sam will hand
him a lemon!"
Train Hurries Dinner.
The Baron proved his command of
slang in reply to a previous remark by
Mayor Baker that the Belgians and
their Portland hosts had got aflong so
famously during the day that the Bel
gians had picked up slang.
Owing to the inexorability of train
schedules, the dinner was Just as in
formal as the other events on the day's
programme, for the Belgians had to
leave for the depot before the last
course. Baron Moncheur was the only
member of the Commission who could
be beard in the short time available.
As the Baron arose to respond to
addresses of warm welcome by Gov
ernor Withycombe. Mayor Baker and
Henry L. Corbett, president of the
Chamber of Commerce, under the aus
pices of which the dinner was held, the
nearly S00 diners present cheered hlra
enthusiastically and stood In his honor.
'Your kind and very eloquent words
fill me with confidence and hope," said
the Baron, pronouncing the words In
clear English. "They would warm the
hearts of every Belgian, could they
hear them.
tell the Amerloan people of the grati
tude of our Klne and of the whole Bel
gian Nation. But we are especially
glad to express these thanks to you
here in your beautiful and hospitable
"I have learned with great pleasure
and satisfaction that many of your
young fellows here nave already joined
the colors to go to Kuropg ana ngnt
for in."
American Speed Surprise.
After speaking briefly of th situa
tion of the Belgian people and the
cruel hand of Prusslanism, Baron
Moncheur continued:
"I want to tell you how very deeply
we are touched with the delightful
reception we have been accorded in
this city a city that really commands
admiration for its location and beauty."
The Baron aroused a hearty laugh
when he concluded:
"You are very speedy here. You go
so fast in this age of progress that I
am almost tempted to say it Is in the
West that the sun rises."
His allusion was to the terrific speed
with which the Commissioners were
whisked along the Columbia River
Highway on their return from a trip
to Horsetail Falls. The party were
late, so to get them to Portland on
time to keep a speaking engagement
at the Auditorium, the chauffeurs of
their machines drove them back over
the highway, around turns and above
precipices at the actual speed of 50
miles per hour.
"Whew!" breathed Baron Moncheur.
"It was very, very speedy."
Lumber Mill Inspected.
The trip up the Highway was begun
about 10 o'clock yesterday morning,
following a visit by the members of
the commission to the Eastern & West
ern Lumber Company's mill, where
they inspected the plant with the
greatest Interest and appreciation.
After viewing Horsetail Falls the
commissioners and their escorts of the
Portland reception committee stopped
at Multnomah Falls. Members of the
commission expressed unalloyed delight
at the spectacle. It was at their re
quest that the cars were stopped so
they might climb to the high bridge
Just below the upper fall.
Somebody remarked that they would
be late to dinner.
"Oh, why must we eat when there
is such a thing as this to see," pro
tested Baron Moncheur. The other
commissioners were equally enthusi
astic. From Multnomah Falls they went to
Forest Hall, where they had dinner.
It was considerably later than per
programme when the start back to the
city was made. The commissioners
were to appear before the National
Education Association in the Auditori
um at 3 o'clock, and to attend a recep
tion in the South Park Blocks at 3:30.
Highway Gets Greatest Praise.
But it developed that they wouldn't
reach even the Auditorium before din
ner time if they didn't break a few
speed rules, so, at a suggestion from
Mayor George L. Baker, as chairman
Idle Buildings Declared Oppo
site of Conservation.
of the reception committee, tne arivers
''let their machines out." It was prob
ably the fastest time that any distin
guished party ever has made around
the curves of the Columbia River High
way, but the Commissioners seemed to
enjoy even that, too.
"I have seen all the beautiful drives
of Europe all of them but never have
I seen anything that for beauty, for
grandeur, for scenery, could equal your
Columbia River Highway," enthusiasti
cally commented Baron Moncheur on
the highway trip.
"It Is magnificent, wonderful. The
engineering is particularly impres
sive." '
Even at B0 miles an hour, the com
missioners were about an hour late in
reaching the Auditorium, which was
packed with an . immense throng. In
the meantime Mayor Baker announced
to the people gathered on the plaza
blocks that owing to the unavoidable
delay in their return, the commissioners
would be unable to appear at the
plaza, and he asked all there to go to
the Auditorium.
Commission Met at Train.
From the Auditorium meeting, where
Baron Moncheur and General LeClercq
were the speakers, the commissioners
went to the Benson Hotel for a brief
rest before dinner.
Mayor Baker was chairman of the
reception committee which so success
fully arranged for the reception of the
Belgian commission.
Members of this committee who met
the commissioners at the train were:
Governor Withycombe. Mayor Baker,
City Commissioners Mann, Bigelow
and Kellaher, County Commissioners
Holbrook, Muck and Holman, John B.
Yeon. Henry L. Corbett, president of
the Chamber of Commerce, and W. D.
B. Dodson, executive secretary; W. F.
Woodward. Guy W. Talbot. O. M.
Clarke, Drake C. O'Reilly, Samuel Hill
C. Henri Labbe, Belgian vice-consu
Thomas C. Burke, Dr. O. J. Goffin
Joseph Van Hoomissen, S. L. Eddy,
Charles F. Berg, W. B. Ayer, Henry
L. Plttock, C. S. Jackson. John F. Car
roll. Fred L. Boalt. Adjutant-General
George A. White, Colonel C. E. Dentler,
Colonel Young, Colonel John L. May,
Dr. J. P. Tamiesle, P. E. Sullivan, Eric
V. Hauser, R. H. Atkinson, Rev. Father
Thompson, Dr. A. I. Hutchinson and
Many of the committee also made the
trip up the Columbia River Highway,
Governor Withycombe was unable to
go on the trip, but Adjutant-General
White accompanied the commissioners
President Crawford, of University
of Portland, Proposes Inclusion
of Junior College Course and
Municipal Universities.
"Still stands the schoolhouse on the
hill, an idle beggar sunning," might
well have been the shibboleth of a con
ference held yesterday morning at the
First Presbyterian Church by the de
partment for the promotion of the
wider use of schoolhousea of the Na
tional Education Association.
While various other departmental
meetings of the morning attracted
large attendances, this one, admittedly
vital to the conservation of learning's
resources, had but a scattering quorum.
Yet those who did attend made up in
vigor of presentation and clarity of
vision for the absentees.
The public school plants, in vacation
time and evenings, were discussed
from many angles. The education of
the adult, the schoolhouse as a labora
tory for citizenship, the schoolhouse
and recreation, the schoolhouse as a
place for political meetings, as a musi
cal center and activities in the school
house illustrating democracy were
angles of discussion.
Presiding at the meeting was Charles
C. Kelso, vice-president and director
of social center of high schools, Los
Angeles, who dwelt upon the import
ance of civic education through the
schoolhouse as a civic center.
Detailing various projects for the
employment of the schoolhouse as
tested in Utah, D. W. Parratt spoke
briefly, answering several questions.
'In the old days when they built the
city of Athens," said Edgar Crawford,
president of the University of Port
land, "they dedicated-a temple, a great
educational institute, to an old maid
school teacher1 a Danish girl, they
called her Athena."
Such was President Crawford's In
troduction to a plea for the broaden
ing of the local school system to in
clude a junior college course, a project
that is now blocked by state statutes,
which provide that no district school
funds shall be paid for teaching beyond
the four-year high tchool course.
President Crawford pointed out that
the use of school buildings and equip
ment, idle now for a considerable por
tion of the time, was not prohibited
and declared that the meeting would
do well to consider the matter of es-'
tablishing municipal universities.
Mr. Peterson has been engaged by
the California State Normal School at
San Francisco to co-operate with the
faculty In the extension of rural school
T. J. Gary, superintendent of the
Brooklyn School, Portland, Or., spoke
upon the advantages to be gained by
wider use of the schools and school
The department will hold a luncheon
at the Hotel Multnomah, Thursday,
when officers for the succeeding terra
will be elected.
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