Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 11, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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French and Germans Lose
Heavily in Bitter At- .
tack Near Filain.
Fighting Is so Severe Few Prisoners
Are Taken Germans, Confident
of Success, Bring Material
to Reconstruct Trenches.
tied and brought Into play, the Ameri
can producer will face a slump in
wheat, and in any event the price of
export wheat will be dictated by a
single agency and the American con
sumer will be faced with the situation
that a large part of the essential bread
stuff has passed into the hands of spec
ulators; for someone must buy and
hold not only the normal flow from
the farmer, but this probable glut.
"4. With great reduction in the con
sumption of wheat bread now fortu
nately in progress, the employment of
our mills must be greatly diminished,
and with the reduction of domestic
flour production our daily feed from
wheat residues will be greatly cur
tailed. Therefore, we must induce
foreign buyers to accept flour Instead
of wheat.
"5. In order to do Justice to the pro
ducers who have shown great patriot
ism in a special effort to increase pro
duction in 1917, and to further stimu
late the efforts of 1918. it is absolutely
vital that we shall protect the farmer
from a slump in price this year due
to a glut as above or from the un
controlled decisions of any one buyer.
I am informed that most of the allied
countries have fixed the price of wheat
to the farmer at $1.80 per bushel, and
many of their producers believe that.
. (Delayed.) Tne French troops hold
ing- the sector of the Chemin Des Dames
to the south of Filain, although
drenched to the skin and covered with
mud from heat to foot, were full of
confidence and cheerfulness today
when the correspondent went among
them. They had Just repulsed an at
tack of the most formidable nature in
which the Germans sustained shocking1
josses without obtaining1 more than a
temporary foothold in the constantly
contested positions.
The sector in question compromises
the Pantheon farm, astride the Chemln
Des Dames, and Is menaced at all times
because of the ancient P'ort De Mal
maison, which is in the hands of the
Germans. Early this morning the
Germans opened a most intense bom
bardment of the French lines and while
the hurricane of shells was still falling
a German force comprising- from 10
to 12 infantry battalions made a sud
den rush into the French positions.
Germans Br ins Supplies.
A brigade of the famous Chasseurs-,-Pied
had occupied the sector and was
holding the line firmly. The French
men, however, were forced to fall back
before the overwhelming numbers
which followed on the heels of the
German shock-units brought especially
from other points of the line to lead
the attack. The Germans apparently
considered their success certain, as
they brought with them quantities of
barbed wire, trench mortars, boxes of
Krenades and flame throwers and every
thing necessary to the rapid reorgani
sation of the captured positions, which,
it held, would give them command of
a large section of the Chemln Des
They failed, however, to take the
French spirit into their reckoning.
Immediately after a slight recoil, the
French chasseurs, aided by engineers
and reservists employed in road mak
ing In the rear, organized counter at
tacks and despite the most desperate
resistance ejected or killed most of the
German interlopers, capturing large
quantities of their material and re-establishing
the line almost entirely.
1 land-to-hand fighting with grenades
and bayonets was still proceeding when
the correspondent left this evening,
while the shell craters and communi
cation trenches were encumbered with
many dead.
Ijossea on Both Sides Heavy.
Many of their wounded were en
gulfed in the waist-deep mud caused
hy the recent extremely heavy rain.
The French losses were severe, but
nothing to those sustained by the Ger
mans. Six Frenchmen who were captured
find taken to the second German line
attacked the sentry who was guarding
them and returned to the French lines
after their escape. In the course of
the fighting a young German, who had
raised his arms in token of surrender,
threw two grenades which he had hid
den in the palms of his hands among
his would-be captors as they ap
In general the fighting was so des
perate throughoat the action that few
prisoners were taken by either side.
PARIS, July 10. The Germans re
turned to the attack on the Aisne front
last night and again met with defeat.
the War Office reports. A strong as
sault on the French positions at Hur
tebise Monument and the Dragon was
repelled. The attacking waves suf
fered severely and were unable to
reach the French lines.
Local attacks at Laffaux Mill. Allies
Corbeny, Courcy and Auberive were
unsuccessful. The French took pris
DONDON. July 10. "Last night we
advanced our line slightly east of
Oostaverne (one mile northeast of Wyt-
chaete), says today s official an
nouncement. "South of the Tpres
Comlnes Canar we carried out a suc
cessful raid. "VTe captured some pris
Every Shell Falls AVlthln 50 Yards
of' Objective, Six Miles Away.
IN FRANCE. July 10. Operations
against Lens on this front, especially
Around Avio and Lievin, are still, for
the most part, an artillery affair. In
fantry patrols penetrate the area of
ruined houses immediately ahead .and
occasionally blow up a house in which
Germans are believed to be sheltered,
but the greater part of the task at
present falls to the guns.
In counter battery operations for the
destruction of the enemy's heavy ar
tillery, very remarkable results recent
ly have been obtained by groups of
"Canadian heavies." Within a period
of 24 hours more than a dozen enemy
battery positions were put out of ac
tion. Many direct hits on gun pits
were noted and virtually every shell
fired fell well within 50 yards of an
enemy gun. although these guns were
four to six miles distant aand com
pletely out of sight of the gunners.
ContInued From First Pajre.)
Because of the number of out-of-town
delegates to the annual
N. E. A. convention, considerable
difficulty has been experienced
regarding the receiving of mall
and telegrams. In many Instances
the messages and letters have
been sent to the Multnomah Ho
tel, the official headquarters of
the N. E. A., but as many of the
. addresses are scattered around
In all parts of the city, quite &
delay has been caused In the de
livery. As a result, Durand W.
Springer, secretary of the N. E.
A., has arranged for an official
United States postofflce on the
main floor of the Auditorium,
Third and Market streets. Dele
prates are requested to ask for
their mall there.
as allies. It Is our duty to rrtraisn
wheat at a price which delivered to
them will not exceed their domestic
price. In other words, about J1.50 per
bushel Chicago.
Neither their responsible officials
nor I hold this view because I consider
that the stimulation to production, if
no other reason, is in the long run In
the Interest of the allies. There Is.
however, a limit to prices which so
trespasses upon the rights of the con
sumer as to defeat its own object
through strikes, rises in wages and
social disturbances in the country. It
Is with the view to finding a solution
to these problems, filled with the great
est dangers to both our producers ana
consumers,, that legislation has been
proposed and pressed for speedy enact
Investigation Is SwerplnB-
6. The proposed food administra
tion has conferred with many hundred
patriotic men engaged in production
and distribution and has Investigated
the condition of the consumers In many
centers as well. Many plans have been
tentatively put forward and abandoned
and others have developed, but in any
case none has or can be settled, until
legislation has been completed. Three
facts stand our plainly enough from
our Investigations:
First, that in this situation, the
farmer will need protection as to the
price of wheat; and. second, that large
masses of people in the consuming
centers are being actually under
nourished today due to the exorbitant
cost of living; and that these condi
tions, unless some remedy be found.
are likely to repeat themselves in even
more vicious form at this time next
year: third, the speculator, legitimate
or vicious, has taken a large part 01
the money now being paid by the con
"7. It seems to be overlooked In
some Quarters that the marketing of
this year's wheat is surrounded with
circumstances new to history and that
the old distributing safeguards are torn
awav by isolation from the reciprocal
markets abroad and the extinction of
a free export . market and free export
Speculator Has Place.
"The harvest has begun to move and
from these very causes the price of
wheat has begun to drop, and if the
farmer is to sell his wheat, either the
speculator must return to the market
to buy and carry on not only the nor
mal flow from the farmer in excess of
domestic and foreign requirements but
also the glut due to the restriction
upon the outlet to the latter.
"He must necessarily charge his toll
to the producer and the consumer and
this latter probably upon a more ex
tensive scale than last year, as his
risks will be greater.
"Practically the export buyer must
fix his own price for export wheat from
the sole outlook of his own clients and
In execution of his duty he will In all
normal circumstances follow the mar
ket down by buying only his time-to-time
requirements, as he cannot be ex
pected to carry the load of our domestlo
"Or, on the other hand, the Govern
ment must buy the surplus wheat at
some reasonable minimum price, allow
ing the normal domestic trade of the
country to proceed with proper safe
guard against speculation. Nor would
the services of the speculator be neces
sary. for the Government should be able
to stabilize the price of wheat without
his assistance and can control the price
and quantity of export wheat. We are
practically helpless to safeguard either
the farmer or the consumer until the
pending legislation Is passed.
'I remain, your obedient servant,
stances. United States and Canadian
wheat is moved to Europe largely in
the Fall months, such shipments aver
aging about 40.000.000 bushels per
month and relieving a corresponding
flow from the farms into the interior
terminals. This year, owing to the
shortage of shipping, the allied sup
plies must proceed over a large period
of the year and will not, during the
rail montns. apparently average over
10.000.000 to 23,000,000 bushels per
"We must therefore expect a glut In
our interior terminal? during a con
siderable period. The financial re-
sources of the grain trade are prob
ably insufficient to carry this extra
load wtihout the help of speculators.
and, moreover, the consolidation of
practically all foreign buying in the
hands of the- allied buyer has further
tended to diminish the resources of
capital available by putting a number
of firms out of business, and limits
the financial capital available In ex
jtort trade.
1 Capital Is l"eeary.
"The net result of this Rituatlon is
that unless some strong and efficient
Government action is Immediately set-
iffiiilif .
feJ!8J20 i::
Jocond floor . ' NtllV,
Lsnoniscridl fourth'
Break With Germany Not to
Be at U. S. Suggestion.
General Carranza's new schedule of ex
pert taxes on crude oil and Its deriva
tives, on which the British fleet large
ly depends for fuel. The United States
conducted a voluminous correspond
ence with the Mexican government
after protests had been made to the
state department by oil operators, but
Mexico's determination not to repeal
the decree resulted in a suggestion
to the oil men by the department to
pay the taxes under protest.
It is not believed by American offi
cials that any serious crippling of the
oil industry or supply will result.
Alarm at Prevalence of Teuton
Machinations Is Allayed by
Reports to State Department.
Neutrality Yet Retained.
Washington; July 10. Reports that
Mexico is about to break with Germany
led to the authoritative statement to
day that any such move would not be
based on advice given by the American
It was stated that no suggestion of
an. active indorsement of the position
of the United States has gone to Mex
ico City from "Washington except the
general note addressed to all neutral
governments upon the rupture of rela
tions with Germany in March. It was
made clear, furthermore, that while the
American Government would welcome
a friendlier attitude by Mexico, many
high officials believe the best interests
of most of the nations concerned will
be served If the southern republic !
maintains neutrality in the world war :
Ambassador Fletcher, who came here
to report in detail to Secretary Lansing
on conditions in Mexico; has told the
State Department that, despite some
improvement in Mexican affairs gener
ally, much remains to cause concern
to the American Government. This cir
cumstance is considered important be
cause a break with Germany would
give Mexico anr opportunity to get
money and place the United States un
der certain obligations.
Wlrele-m Not Vned by Gcraaitfi.
Late reports to the State Department
have served to allay the alarm preva
lent at one time that German machina
tions in Mexico might prove embarrass
ing. Although there are 16 wireless plants
In Mexico, American officials are con
vinced that none is being used, and that
none can be used for transmitting news
to Germany or to her correspondents.
Those officials who have not been
eager to see Mexico join in the war do
not object to seeing General Carranza
supplied with money, but they believe
that without contributing much real aid
to the allies, Mexico would make it
hard for the United States, France,
Great Britain and other nations with
grievances against her to assume a
stern attitude after the war. That
Mexico may not by that time have
straightened out her troubles is admit
ted as a possibility, and it might be
awkward to take the proper step re
garding a recent ally.
Mexico Still Iff TS'entraL.
Mexico's present position has been
defined by her foreign office as
one of "strict neutrality," but It is In
fact a benevolent neutrality, since she
is permitting American warships to lie
in her harbors without protest. They
have been there since the days of
Huerta, the patrol being most con
stant at Tampico because of the big
oil interests in and near the port. 9
Today was the operative date of
Greater Speed In Decline of Freshet
Is Indicated.
Although high temperatures pre
vailed yesterday from the mouth of the
Columbia River to ita headwaters, no
part of the great watershed escaping,
there is no immediate prospect of the
freshet increasing, in the opinion of
Alfred H. Thiessen. meteorologist at
the Weather Bureau, who says that for
at least four days the Willamette will
continue to fall here.
There has been a slight Indication of
greater speed in the decline of the
freshet, the average being about three-
tenths of a foot every 24 hours, while
a week ago It was about two-tenths of
a foot a day. The official river readings
yesterday were:
"3 SO
ton -2. ki?
Eg. " 5
Stations. m Z
: s a
Wenatchat .......... 40 8S.0 02
Kamlah 2r. 0 6 0.2
lewl.ton ............ 10.8 0.2
Umatilla 25 19.B 0.3
The Dalle, -40 33.0 0.4
Eugene 10 4.0 1)1
Albany 20 4.3 0.1
Salem 20 3.3 0 1
Oregon City 12 4.2 0.2
Portland 15 20.1 0.3
been wearing a khaki suit until a day
ago. when she came up town to look
around she hid the khaki suit in the
jungles. When she returned she found
someone had stolen it. so she had to
play hobo in her skirts. "
Decoration on Street Destroyed
Spark of Electricity.
In an effort to save the Stars and
Stripes from being destroyed by fire.
pedestrian at Broadway and Morrison
streets last night turned in a fire alarm
and all the downtown apparatus was
called to the scene. The light fabric
was destroyed completely before the
firemen arrived.
The flag was suspended over the
street. A breeze carried it against the
Morrison-street trolley wire just as
streetcar passed below, and the blaze
Longshoreman, 'With Whisky, Held.
Leo Van Avery, a longshoreman, was
arrested and charged with violating
the prohibition, law last night by Pa
trolmen Tully and Morris and Deputy
Sheriff Akeyson. The police reported
that Van Avery, who is helping to un
load the steamer Beaver, had three
pints of whisky in his possession when
he left the boat. Van Avery said he
found the liquor In the hold of the
Ernest G. Quist Laid to Rest.
Funeral services for Ernest G. Qulst
were held yesterday from the chapel of
J. P. Kinley fc Son. Rev. A. V. Anderson
To Nearby Mountain, River,
Ocean and Valley Points
Daily July 10 to 15
Round trip to the Seashore Resorts may be made in. a day,
giving all afternoon on the beach
Gcarhart and Seaside, Clatsop Beach $3.00
Astoria 3.00
Columbia River and Cascade
Mountain Range Points East
of Portland
Camas $1.00
Cape Horn 1.40
Cascades (superb mountain gorge and rapids of the Co
lumbia) 1.95
Carson (Mineral Hot Springs) 2.50
White Salmon (resorts on river bluffs) 3.00
Willamette Valley Points
Eugene (University Summer School) $4.80
Corvallis (O. A. "C. Summer School) 3.50
Salem (State Capital) 2.00
Albany 3.10
Forest Grove 1.00
Information and Folder Maps, etc., at
Fifth and Stark Sts.
10th and Hoyt Sts.
officiating. Dr. Stuart McGulre sang
"Abide With Me," and "It Is Well With
My Soul." The pallbearers were: Earl
Blakney. Harry Battln, J. Managhan,
C. B. Lance. George W. Fultz and N. T.
Smedlev. Interment was in Riverview
Cemetery. Mr. Qulst is survived by his
widow. Mrs. Lucy Quist, ana two sis
ters, Hilda E. and Lillio C. Qulst. of
this city.
Cars Roll Down Embankment Near
Foot of Fourteenth Street.
A switch engine and three freight
cars loaded with milk turned over and
rolled down an embankment at the foot
of Fourteenth street shortly before
midnight last night, scattering milk all
over the landscape. Early reports to
the nollce said that no one was hurt.
The cars were being transferred
around the railroad yards, and it is sup.
posed that the accident was caused by
a closed switch.
Hundreds of persons were roused
from sleep by the whistle on the en
gine, which was fastened open by the
Loan Bond Rumor Denied.
WASHINGTON. July 10. Published
reports Betting September 15 as the
date of the next liberty loan and the
amount at $3,000,000,000 drew a formal
denial today from Secretary McAdoo.
He said:
"T have not yet determined when the
next offering shall be made, nor what
the amount shall be. and I desire to
warn the public against recurrent, un
reliable reports of this character. When
the amount and date of the offering
have been determined, official an
nouncement will be made by the Treas
ury Department."
TN-ad Th? Oregonlen classified ads.
Call of the Times
Visit the
Nortonia Dining-Room
Eleventh Street Near Washington.
Coolest dining-room in Portland,
food selected and cooking super
intended by women.
30c and 40c Luncheons
40c, 50c, 75c Dinners
Also Club Breakfasts. Our cooking
is different come and see. We
cater to families. .
Summer Rates American and
European. Less than keeping house.
Rancher From Bend Is Undergoing
Treatment Here for Rabies.
A story of a desperate fight with a
cougar, in which he choked the animal
into insensibility and then killed It with
a Btone, Is told by J. Donovan, a ranch
er near Bend. Or., who Is undergoing
the Pasteur treatment at the offices of
Dr. David N. Koberg, secretary of the
State Board of Health.
Mr. Donovan says that he was work
ing In a stony field on his ranch about
a week ago, and that the cougar leaped
upon him from behind a rock. The
animal weighed more than 100 pounds,
and being afflicted with hydrophobia
was especially ferocious.
Youth, 22, and Companion,
Held at Vancouver.
10, Are
VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 10. (Spe
cial.) When waiting In a hobo camp
In the railroad yards here today,
George Etrell, 22 years old, and Miss
Moore. 19 years old. both of Albany. Or.,
were taken In custody by Sheriff Ble
secker. It Is -understood the young
couple, unmarried, were waiting for a
freight train tonight and were going
Eastward. The lad Is in the county
jail and Miss Moore is being cared for
at the home of Miss Hadley, matron.
Etrell -said that his companion had
F. S. Alkna Discovers Address and
Gives Information to Police
In the North.
SEATTLE, July 10. (Special.)
William Stevenson, an ironworker, 47
years old, was arrested tonight and is
held for a Portland officer to take him
to that city, where he is wanted on a
charge of forgery. Stevenson denies
that he is the man wanted.
F. S. Alkus, local manager of the
Burns National Detective Agency, ac
cidentally discovered Stevenson's resi
dence by long-distance telephone last
Monday night, and telephoned the in
formation to the Seattle police. Steven
sonson has been wanted for the past
month on a charge of forging three
checks totaling $100.
Mr. Alkus was dissatisfied with the
progress the Seattle police had been
making in the case, and telephoned to
the home of one of Stevenson's friends,
hoping to elicit information concerning
the fugitive's whereabouts. To the de
tective's surprise Stevenson himself
answered the telephone.
"I hear that you have a boat for
sale." Mr. Alkus told him, giving a
fictitious name to lull Stevenson's sus
picions. Stevenson said that he had
no boat, and hung up the receiver.
Every packag
Aspirin bears
' The Bayer
very tablet of Genuine
of Parity"
There Is
has been
Only One
True Aspirin
i m sr
k i A
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The trade-mark
""Aspirin (Reg. U. S.
Pat. Off.) is a guar,
antee that the mono,
aceticacidester of
salicyticacid in these
tablets and capsules
s of the reliable
Bayer manufacture.
Outlasts Them AH !
Just think! With all its other
advantages the Willys
Knight motor outlasts any
and all other types of auto
mobile motors.
For thousands of miles
beyond the useful life of
any other type, the Willys
Knight motor continues
to deliver at its highest
A more powerful motor for
its size, to begin with
smoother, too, and quieter
the Willys-Knight motor
improves with use, steadily
maintains its high level of
efficiency and rarely re
quires any adjustment or
. repair.
Nor is there a single disad
vantage to offset in the
slightest degree its time
proven advantages.
This season's Willys-Knights
are the best and most beau
tiful the factory has ever
built. Order yours today.
Overland-Pacific, Inc.
Broadway at Davis. Phone Broadway 3535.
The factory will issue a new price list affecting certain models possibly
during July and certainly not later than August First
3T1 109.0