J :lteiikf viii.. i.vil- NO. 17,669. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1917. PRICE FIVE- CENTS. EDUCATORS OPEN JAMES W. GERARD NATIONAL GUARD TQ BE DRAFTED AUG. 5 FLIERS TO LEARN IN THIRTY HOURS GERMANY ON BRINK OF GREAT UPHEAVAL N. E. A. VISITOR, 102, TEXAS MURDERER QUITS DIPLOMACY SEES U.S. IN 5 WARS IS CAPTURED HERE EX-AMBASSADOR TO BEKLDf FIRST STUDENTS. TO REACH NORTH ISLAND MONDAY. HENRY HILL WATSON TRAVELS RETURNS TO PRIVATE LIFE. FR03I OSWEGO, NEW YORK, A CONVENT 0 Delegates Welcomed to Portland. HIGH OFFICIALS ARE PRESENT Noble Ideals for Teachers Are Kept Ever in Foreground. PRESIDENT ALEY IS HEARD Important Part Instructors Play by Inculcating Patriotism and loy alty Into Hearts .of Tonng Americans Emphasized. HIGH LIGHTS IN N. 7E. A. C05 VENTIOS PROGRAMME . ' TODAY. 9 A. M. Committee on resolu tions, general headquarters, Multnomah Hotel. 9:30 A. M. National confer ence extension education, room 31S. Lincoln High. 10 A. M. National conference state educational associations, Shattuck School. 10 A. M. Department meetings as scheduled on page 6. 12 noon College and univer sity presidents" luncheon, with President Foster, of Reed Col lege. 2 P. M. General session at Au ditorium. 4 P. M. Romance language teachers, room T31 Multnomah Hotel. , 6 P. M. ReceptldTi National executive committee and admin istrative women. Multnomah Ho tel. 7:80 P. M. The "Pied Piper" and band concert. Peninsula Park. ', , Resignation Handed State Depart ment Some Time Ago, After Dif ficult Season In Germany. "WASHINGTON, July 9. James W. Gerard, former Ambassador to Ger many, has resigned from the diplomatic service and returned to private life. His resignation was accepted some time ago,- although the fact was not allowed to become known until today. The resignation terminates an , am bassadorial career regarded by the State Department as one of the most Important In American diplomatic his tory. Assuming the post at Berlin but a year before the outbreak of the world it, Mr. Gerard was called upon al most from the first to air his abilities to maintain friendly relations between his government and Germany, at the same time that he was caring for the vast diplomatic Interests there of the allies. Mr. Gerard and his staff returned to the United States March 12. He has not intimated to officials here his plans for the future. A peculiar situation exists es a re sult of Mr. Gerard's resignation, with officials in doubt as to whether It leaves & vacancy In the diplomatic service. The general opinion seems to be that termination of diplomatic rela tions with Germany automatically ter minates the existence of the American Embassy at Berlin and with it the need of an Ambassador. StandingasU.S.Troops to Be Unquestionable. MILITIA DISCHARGE ORDERED Mobilization Still to Be Made in Two Increments. OREGON CAMP AT PALO ALTO Calls Will Be Made on July 15 and 5, Men and Officers to Hold Similar Rank in Regular Army, Says Proclamation. BONE-DRY LAW IN DANGER Additional Names for Washington ' Referendum to Be Counted. OLYMPIA. Wash.. July 9. (Special) Washington's bone-dry law Is prob ably held up by referendum as the re sult of a Superior Court ruling today that 390 signatures not Included in the petitions first filed must be counted. They were brought to the Secretary of State after the assembled petitions had been accepted, but still within - the 90' day limit. It is admitted that the original bone. dry petitions lacked only about 100 of legal sufficiency to Invoke a referen dura and the 390 additional names are regarded as a safe margin. NAVY TAKES SITE FOR BASE School opened In Portland yesterday for the National Education Associa tion, when the first meeting of the general sessions of the 55th annual con vention assembled in the Public Audi torium. The instructors were all educators of prominence. Their great, com posite class was some thousands of men and women from all parts of America, whose duty is the exacting task of turning out a superior product the young citizen. And the lesson, broadly speaking, was that of loyalty end liberty. The duties of the new patriotism. the Inculcation of higher Ideals and the conservation of resources, with respect to the school systems of America and the opportunity thereby . afforded to further those principles, were eloquent ly arrayed by each speaker. Ideals Are Expressed. It was Dr. 'William T. Foster, presl dent of Reed College, who voiced the sentiment that prevails In the mind and hearts of the N. EX A. delegates and which Is to be found in a hundred topics of their programme. "It Is the function of the school, as the conservator of Ideals, and It must therefore be the controlling purpose of this convention, to keep the vision of these, our noble National aspirations, unblurred; for where there is no such vision, the people perish!" declared Dr. Foster. The opening number, which was en cored beyond refusal, was by the Trlole Singers, of the Portland Grade Teach ers" Association, who sang "The Beau tiful Willamette" to harp accompani ment. Sam L. Simpson's revery to the mighty river is printed in the official programme, and had been selected for preservation by many of the visiting teachers, even before the Trlole Sing rs charmed them with Its musical set ting. Psalm Stills Audience. The Innate poetry and philosophical beauty of the 100th Psalm, as read by Minnie Richards Blance. of the College of Speech Arts. Denver, Colo., quelled the stirrings in the big auditorium to the silence of prayer. With the song and the Psalm the general sessions of the N. E. A. opened. They cheered the introduction of Mayor George L. Baker as he stood before those many guests of the city, and they laughed at his sallies, the spice of that very cordial welcome he gave them. His had been the scan tiest of educations, said Mayor Baker, as he was compelled at the age of 9 to leave school and take up the busi ness of livelihood. "A man with $13 worth of education speaking to the educators of the United Ftates has a pretty big crust." the Mayor admitted, to an accompaniment of laughter. Mayor Pralaesi Oregnsu Tet he spoke on and, while denying that it was his Intent to dwell upon the manifold beauties of Portland and Oregon, slighted none of them, and flourished statistics to prove that the city and state are without peers. L. R, Alderman. Superintendent of Public Instruction, of Portland, in his j welcoming address, talked briefly of 4 the '.local school system and directed attention to the value placed by it upon the personality of the teacher, which is Action on Submarine Station Mouth of Columbia Delayed. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. July 9. The Navy Department today announced that the Ediz Hook submarine bas"e site near Port Angeles has been transferred by Presidential proclamation to the Navy Department. This was one of the submarine bases recommended by the Helm Board. There has been no action yet on the Columbia River site. BLOW MAY PROVE FATAL R. H. Mason Injured While Fixing Pump at "Wood burn Home. WOODBURN. Or., July 9. (Special. R. H. Mason, former resident of Port land, yesterday was injured probably fatally, while helping fix a pump at his home near Woodburn- A large piece of iron fell from above. striking his head. Hopes are held fo his recovery, although he is in a semi. conscious condition. FIELDS GET FARM LOAN First Federal Funds for Agriculture Placed in Lane County. EUGENE, Or July 9. (Special.) The first Federal farm loan in Lane County was completed today, when Jo. seph E. Field and Kate Vanduyn Field, of Coburg, received money from the Government. It Is expected other Lane County loans will be completed in the near future. WASHINGTON, July 9. The last step necessary to make the entire Na tlonal Guard available for duty In France was taken by President Wilson today with the issue of a proclamation drafting the state troops into the Army of the. United States on Aurust 6. To make certain that the purpose of the National defense act is carried out, the proclamation also specifically declares the men drafted to be dis- harged from the old militia status on that date. In that way the constitutional re stralnt upon use of militia outside the country is avoided and the way paved for sending the regiments to the Eu ropean front. Many Already Federalized. Prior to the application of the draft, regiments in the Northern and Eastern section of the country are called Into the Federal service as National Guards men in two Increments to be mobilized on July 15 and 25. Many units already are Federalized and presumably they will be mobilized with the other troops from their states. The guard from the other states will be mobilized on the day of the draft. The arrangement was necessary to provide for movement of the regiments to their concentration camps without congestion. The operation of the draft law was delayed until August 5 so that all regi ments can be taken into the Army sim ultaneously. Fourteen camp sites for the 18 tactical divisions into which the guard will be organized -have' been selected already and the militia bureau is preparing the railway routing of the troops to the camps. Oregon Guard Goea to Palo Alto. Seven of the sites selected are In the Southeastern department, five In the Southern and two In the Western. The two others will be in the South eastern department and until they are approved assignments of regiments to camps and divisions cannot be fully worked out. The only two divisions positively assigned are the Nineteenth, including the California guard, which will go to Linda Vista, Cal.. and th Cadets Will Be Sent to Moblllza tion Camp at San Antonio After .They Have Proved Ability. SAN DIEGO, July 9. Additional plans for the training at North Island of aviation students from the University of California were announced today. .. The first squadron of 25 cadets Is expected to report to Colonel Alexan der Dade at . the aeronautical academy next Monday. Each- "ground school student will receive 30 hours flying In struction under the supervision of Cap tain H, J. Damm. chief . flying In structor. Every cadet Is expected to fly suc cessfully for his license as reserve military aviator within two months after he reaches Ndrth ' Island. The cadets, as they are licensed, will be sent to the ' aeronautical .mobilization base at San Antonio, Tex., for assign ment to squadrons. What, happens to them after that will not be divulged except in the publication of Army or ders. ........ Officers at the North Island camp said today that" by the end of July the total enrollment at all Government and civilian schools of aviation would reach approximately 2000. On July 8, it was announced, there were 1004 ca dets . under aeronautical Instruction In this country. ..neiuded on Page 3, Column 1.) Clerical Party Swings Against Government KAISER GALLS IN NEUTRALS CHAMBERLAIN NOT ASKED Postmaster Myers Was Reappointed Without Consulting Senator. OREGON! AN NEWS BUREAU, Wash lngton, July 9. Senator Chamberlain said today that he bad not recommend ed the . reappointment of Frank S. Myers as postmaster at Portland; in fact, he has not been asked to make any recommendation. It is his understanding that Mr. Myers Is to be reappointed solely on recommendation of the Postmaster- General, this being In conformity with department policy of retaining Presi dential postmasters whose records are satisfactory. CROPS IN NEED OF RAIN Central Oregon Thermometers Above Ninety Degrees. Are BEND, Or, July1 . (Special.) The highest point reached this season by the mercury at the local weather sta tlon was recorded on Sunday, when the thermomter registered 94. Today's max lmum Is 90 degrees. As It has not rained here for nearly two months, crops are badly In need of moisture and are suffering from the heat. GERMANY HAS FOOD STRIKE Demonstration in Largo Cologn Factories. Is Reported. COPENHAGEN, July 9. Food trou bles gave rise to a demonstrative strik In large factories at Cologne on Satur day. Both Socialist and Catholic unions took part in the movement. An official report says the unions decided to resume work the following day. hreat of Reprisals if Food Is Cut Off Is Suspected. HOLLWEG SEES EMPEROR Chancellor and Others Again Are Be fore Committee Investigating Po litical Affairs Austrian Cab inet Sends Resignation. COPENHAGEN. July 9. A Berlin dispatch to the Fremdenblatt, of Ham burg, says the entire Clerical party in the Reichstag, with the exception of three members, voted Saturday night to support the stand taken by Mathias Erzberger, who made a sensational speech in the secret session of the main committee, attacking the Ad miralty and Pan-Germans as the great obstacles to peace and advocating peace without annexations or Indemni ties and the introduction of a Parlia mentary form of government. Hollweg Expected to Quit. This action was taken, the dispatch says, under - the presumption that Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg would retire. The Clerical party is the largest In the Reichstag. Hitherto it has worked with the Conservatives in giving the government a majority. . Any such move as is Indicated by the foregoing dispatch would amount to a political overturn of the first magnitude. This dispatch bears out advices cabled from Berlin on Saturday that unless all in dications failed, a momentous up heaval was at hand.' LQNDON, July 9. According to re ports reaching Rotterdam from Berlin and forwarded by -the -Exchange Tele graph, Emperor, William .Invited the neutral Ambassadors and Ministers to a conference on Saturday. WASHINGTON. July 9. Conjecture here as to the purpose of the confer ence between Emperor William and the neutral Ambassadors and Ministers ranged all the way from new peace proposals to threats of drastic action against the North European neutrals in the event that they should yield to the United States and refuse to con tinue to supply Germany with food and raw materials. Threat Made to Neutrals. The general belief is that the Em peror is making It plain to the Scan dinavians that if they allow their terri torial waters to be patroled or mined by the entente "allies or refuse to con tinue to exchange goods with Germany he will regard the action as a breach Centenarian Expects to Live at Least Part Way Through Euro pean Conflict. 'I lived through four of the wars of the United States and I didn't expect to see another, but it looks as If I were going to live, at least part way, through a fifth." said Henry Hill Wat- son, of Oswego, N. T., 102 years old. who arrived In Portland last night, comparatively little fatigued by his journey across the continent. Mr. Watson la on his way to Astoria, where he Is to make his home with his son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. F. C Johnson. They "were at the Byron Hotel last night and will leave by boat for Astoria today. Mrs. Johnson accompanied her father on his Journey from Oswegor N. Y., to Portland, and they were Joined at Spo kane by Mr. Johnson. Although physically feeble, Mr. Wat son is of keenly active mind and it was while discussing the present war on the train yesterday that he made the remark about the number of wars through which he has lived. The Seminole War, Mexican War, Civil War and Spanish-American War are all within his memory which is remark ably keen, not only upon events that happened in his youth, but upon things right up to modern dates, a rather un usual quality of memory In an aged person. He is the head of five generations now living, and his son, at Watertown. N. Y., is 76 years old. Rufus Coates Walks Into Police Net. ALSO IS TAKEN Youth of 18 Confesses to Kill ing of Swetheart. OREGON TROOPS ARREST 30 I. W. W. at North Yakima Seized by Gnardsmen. Are NORTH YAKIMA. Wash., July 9. Oregon troops, who arrived here today to assist In dealing with the Industrial Workers of the World situation, to night took charge of the Industrial Workers of the World hall and ar rested 30 members of the organization. Including several leaders of the aglta tion that has been carried on here. The men were placed temporarily In the City Jail. Some of them, it was stated, will be released, but Federal charges are to be placed against the others. who will be arraigned before the United States Commissioner here. The arrests were made so quietly that comparatively few people knew of It. Allies to Confer Over Balkans. LONDON. July 9. The Entente Allies have decided to hold a conference in Paris for the consideration of ques tlons of military and political interests in connection with the Balkans. (Concluded on Page 2, Column 8.) BELGIUM NOW. KAISER. TAKE SOME ONE YOUR SIZE! FOREST FIRE CONTROLLED Blaze Near Bend Destroys 40 Acres of Timber. BEND, Or.. July 9. (Special.) One of the worst forest fires to occur in this section this year was put under control yesterday by a crew of men working under John Ryan, of the Tules. Before the work was done about 40 acres of timber was destroyed. (Concluded oa Pace. Column a.) CHAPLIN COSTS $1,075,000 Film Comedian Signed for Eight Pictures by Exhibitors. NEW YORK, July 9. Charlie Chap lin, moving picture comedian, has been signed by the First National Exhibi tors' Circuit for a series of eight pic tures, for which he will receive II. 075,000, according to an "official an nouncement" given out here last night. BROTHER AND SISTER MEET New Yorker Greeted in Eugene After 48 Years' Separation. EUGENE. Or, July 9. (Special.) C. H. Pinkham. of New York City, and Mrs. James Fullerton, of Eugene, brother and sister, met here today for the first time in 48 years. Mr. Pinkham and his wife are mak ing a tour of the Pacific Coast. CRIME IS MOST SHOCKING NDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 74 decrees; minimum. 05 degrees. TODAY'S Fair; moderate westerly winds. War. Russians take several towns and chase re treating enemy. Page 8. Major-General Scott sees battle and says Russian army mar be counted on to con tinue fighting. Page 2. Germany on brinlcf great upheaval. Page 1. Lloyd George answers attacks on efficiency of force guarding London, page 5. Foreign. Manchu commander Quits and republicans are again In control. Page 3. National. Food crops will make new records. Page 4. Ex-Ambassador Gerard leaves dlplomatlo service lor private life. Pago 1 Limitation of debate on food bill asked in Senate. Page 4. Guardsmen to become Federal soldiers Au gust 0. Page 1. Domestic German plot suspected in explosion that kills six at Mare Island Navy-yard. Page 5. Students to learn to fly In SO hours In air, Page 1. Rocks hurled at I. W. W. in Arizona mining camps. Pago 2. Emma Goldman and A. Berk-man convicted, sentenced and are on way for two-year terms in prison, page 4. Sons of famous men attend Plattsburg train. Ing camp, page a. Sport. Seals plug along without Wolverton. Page 9. Roy Lincoln visits Portland with George Walsh. Page 8. Women's handicap tournament on Multno mah Club courts is under way. Page 8. Directors of Northwestern League vote to suspend next Sunday. Page 8. Pacific Northwest. Chautauqua opens at Gladstone Park today. Page 18. Lumbermen to oppose demand for shorter working day. Page 14. Commercial and Marine. Oregon crop report indicates more barley but less wheat and oats than last year. Page 17. Three billion bushel corn crop is estimated by Government. Pago 17. All grain prices weaker at Chicago. Page 17, Oregon shipbuilders Interested in talk of building ocean barges. Page 14. Hogs are higher and cattle lower at local yards. Page 17. Portland and Vicinity, rnblio naturalization hearing to be conven tion feature. Page 18. Belgian mission due this mornlnr. Page 3. Third Oregon, owing to exemptions, needs 60 good men to make full war strength. Page 18. Women to have Inning today In N. E. A. Page 6. Delegation from Clarke County coming to Insist upon two-fltths division of profits. Page 11- Charles R. Van Hlse blames huge profit for high food cost. Page 12. Mrs. Mary C. Bradford mentioned for presi dency of N. E. A. Pago 6. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 17. Celebrities attend K. . A. convention. Page 6. Opening session of N EL A. convention held. Page L Rufus Coates. Texas murderer, and com panlon arrested In Portland- Page L N. E. A visitor, 102, sees United States In five wars. Page 1. Thomas N. Strong and C. L. Mead receive bulk of Mrs. Xarifa J. Paling's estate. Page S. Programme outlined for convention of col lege women. Page 2. Great N. E. A. audience moved by patriotle address. Pago 6. Society enjoys educational firms at Bslltg and fond tor euxxrags creases. Page 14. ellfaac Is la- Ylctim's Head Is Crushed With Club and Throat Is Slashed. Prisoner Tells Police He Was Insanely Jealous. As they strolled coolly down Morri son street yesterday afternoon, little suspecting that City Detectives Hellyer and Tackaberry, Hyde and Abbott were waiting, one on each corner, at the In tersection of Third street, Rufus Coates. of Fort Worth. Tex., self-confessed murderer and perpetrator of one of the coldest-blooded murders recorded in the crime annals of the United States, and Clyde Tucker, said to be an ac complice to the crime, walked into the police net and before they were aware of their1 danger they were surrounded and placed under arrest. Coates, who is only a boy of 18. mur dered his 18-year-old sweetheart, Zella Faulk, at Fort Worth, while in a rage of Jealousy. He called her from her home and asked her to walk with him into the woods near her home. Without a word of warning, he picked up a club from the ground and struck her on the head. Complete Confession Made. Leaving her dying on the ground he went to the home of his friend. Clyde Tucker, aged 22, and, unperturbed, told Tucker. "'I have done It-" Taking his friend with him he led the way to the scene of the murder- and pointed out his sweetheart lying on the ground, breathing her last. They bathed her head and when they were unable to revive her Tucker is said to have told Coates to "finish" the Job. and left the scene. Taking a knife from his pocket be cut the girl's throat, completely severing her neck. Coates made a complete confession of the crime yesterday afternoon. His own story in his own way follows: "On the night of June 2. 1917, I was drinking with several fellows at Fort Worth. Later, I was passing the house of the girl's aunt and heard Zella cry ing. Knowing that a man by the name of Levy Hudo was with her, I thought maybe he was doing her harm. Drink Aids) Jealousy. I went to my home and obtained an ax. Intending to cut Hudo up. When I got back to where they were I found that Hudo had not harmed her, and I went away without hurting him and . without saying anything to them. T had another drink and went to the house of the girl again. I called her from the house and asked bar to go for a walk with me In the woods. We did not quarrel, but I was mad; crazy from Jealousy. The man with whom she had been before was a married man, and It kept making me madder and madder. "We walked for some distance Into the woods, and without saying 'any thing I stooped down and picked a club up from the "ground and hit her In the head with it Body Shown to Clyde Tucker. "She fell and I stood and looked at her for a minute. I then went to the house of Clyde Tucker, and when I found him I told him: 'Well, I have done It." He asked me: "You've done what?" and I said: 'Killed Zella." He wanted to see her, so I took him to the woods where I had left her lying on the ground. She was barely breath ing when we got there. We both bathed her head with water, and after we saw there was no chance of saving her. Tucker looked at me and said: "Why don't you finish the Job?" He then turned and walked away. I knew she would die, and thought I might as well finish her then. I took hold of her hair and with the knife which Tucker had given me a couple of days before when I lost mine. I cut her throat across the front. "I then left her lying there and went , to find Tucker. When I found him I told blm to take the knife and I would meet him In Oklahoma City the next day. I didn't try to sleep any that night, and left at once for Oklahoma City, 200 miles away. Xhtvo for Girl Declared. "I met Tucker In Oklahoma City the next night and we started straight for this part of the country. We arrived In Portland last Saturday night. Now 1 have "come clean' and all the way across, you have the truth. "Did you love the girl?" Coates was asked. "Yes, sir, I did, and Intended to marry her as soon as I got money enough. But I was very Jealous of her and got awfully mad that night." Coates Is nothing more than a mere boy, but the manner in which he re cited the Incidents of the night of June 2 was as If be were telling a story of ' some minor adventure which he had Just experienced. Working on a tip from Fort Worth that the murderer might be headed (Ooaeludod. m Page 4, Column a. h