VOL. 1WII-NO. 17,668. PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 9, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS. TEUTONS RETTY BABY GIRL DIES WHILE FISHING CHINESE REPUBLIC HEADS AT NANKING DENMAN ASKS FOR MORE WOOD SHIPS GERMANY ADMITS SHOOT TO PROTECT PROPERTY, IS ORDER CALIFORNIA HOME GUARDS TO WATCH OATER CROPS. TEACHERS "PLAY FOB DAY nu PATSY QTTIL.Ii, 5, FAIXS OFF SECOXD APPROPRIATION OF HALF BILLION PROPOSED. HOUSEBOAT AJTD DROWXS. FACING RUSSIANS GAINING HOOKEY CRISIS Von Hindenburg in Berlin, Says Statement. REICHSTAG TO MEET TODAY Candid Discussion of Parlia mentary Reforms Leading to Realignment of Parties. PEACE DEMAND IS MADE Social Democrats Want Holl weg to Enter Negotiations on Basis of Status Quo. BERLIN, July 7, via London, July 8. Unless all present indications fail in the course of the next few days, the German empire is on the eve of a momentous, if not historical, parlia mentary upheaval. Developments in the last 48 hours point to a significant realignment of various factions in favor of sweeping electoral and parliamentary reforms. Kaiser Calls War Council. Following hard upon the heels of the mass of plain-spoken editorial comment, based on the hair-trigger tension in the relations between the Reichstag and the government, comes the officials news that Field Marshal von Hindenburg and General von Ludendorff, his chief of staff, have arrived in Berlin for a conference with the Emperor. The Tageblatt names Mathias Erz- berger, a leader of the Clerical center, as the man who took the lid off the seething political kettle and paved the way for the discussion which resulted in a common meeting ground for all but the Pan-German faction in Fri day's session of the main committee. Candor Is Remarkable. Herr Erzberger's discussion of the internal situation is said to have been remarkable for its lucidity and candor. It was augmented effectively by the utterances of Social Democrats, who related the impressions they had gathered at the recent Stockholm con ference and in neutral countries. Their deduction was that affairs in Germany must be subjected forthwith to a thorough overhauling for the good of the German people and the German empire. The majority fac tion of the Social Democrats also is convinced that the government must make a positive declaration that it is opposed to all policies of annexation, either in the east or west. Internal Reforms Discussed. While all the criticisms of main committees are looked upon as con fidential, the Tageblatt reveals enough of Friday's proceedings to warrant the conclusion that the discussion covered the entire range of internal political reforms. The Tageblatt observes "that the progress of developments is irre sistible for right, reason and necessity demand these things, and 'the strong man' whom the conservatives are calling for would have little luck him self and would bring less to the em pire." Discussions Reach Boiling Point. Although the sessions of the main committee and the constitutional com mittee have been of an executive na ture, press comments permit the in ference that the discussions of vital subjects by governmental policy fre quently reached the boiling point. That they have been of gravely sig nificant import is indicated clearly by the sudden decision to postpone the Saturday plenary session which was to have marked the opening of the general debate and the expected speech of Chancellor von Bethmann Hollweg. The absence of the Chancellor from the sessions of the main and constitu tional committees in the last few days has caused general comment in parlia mentary circles, as exceptional in view of the confidential character of the discussions. Reichstag Factions in Session. Monday will mark the inauguration of what promises to be one of the most memorable parliamentary ses sions in the history of the empire. All the Reichstag factions remained in session in individual groups until late (Concluded on Fuge d. Column 3.) Child Iieft on Porch by Mother, Who Returns to Find Baby Gone and Polo Floating in River. Patsy Springer Quill, pretty 5-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Quill, was drowned yesterday about noon, when she fell from the railing of the boathouse in which she lived with her parents at the foot of Niles street. She had been fishing from the rati ng and her mother had . entered the house some time before. When the mother returned her daughter was gone and the fishing polo was seen floating on the water. Municipal Grappler Brady was noti fied and recovered the body two hours later. The internes from the Emer gency Hospital endeavored to revive the child with a pulmotor. but to no avail. Acting Coroner Smith took charge of the body. Mr. Quill is employed as salesman for Fairchlld & Co. They had pur chased the houseboat less than a month ago. KRUPP WORKS BOMBARDED Report Says Allied Airmen Killed Five in Esseii. AMSTERDAM. July 8. A frontier correspondent of the Handelsblad re ports that five persons were killed and everai houses were destroyed during the bombardment of the German city of Essen, home of the great Krupp works, on Friday night. A correspondent of the Telegraaf says bombs were dropped on the Krupp works and that reports of damage In flicted are conflicting. Estimates of the number of attackers vary from 15 to 40. MYERS TO BE REAPPOINTED Postmaster - General Recommends Portland Official. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, July 8. (Special.) The Post master-General has forwarded to the White House a commission reappoint lng Frank S. Myers as postmaster at Portland for another term of four years. The President, during the coming week, is expected to nominate about 300 postmasters and Myers name probably will be on the list sent to. the Senaia,. THEATER PROPERTIES SOLD Widow Disposes of Extensive George . B. Cox Interests. CINCINNATI, July 8. Theatrical property in virtually every large city in the United States was sold yester day by the widow of George B. Cox to Messrs. Lee, J. J. Shubert and Joseph L. Rhinock. The amount of money in volved was not disclosed. Mr. Cox, who founded the Shubert theatrical enterprises, was one of the largest theatrical owners in the coun try. TROOPS ARREST 14 I. W. W. One at EI Paso Said to Have Con fessed Plot to Blow TJp Bridges. EL PASO. Texas, July 8. Fourteen men, alleged to be Industrial Workers of the World agitators, were arrested by United States soldiers here late to night in the vicinity of a smelter near El Paso. Patrick Carmody. the first man cap tured, was said by Sergeant Wood, who made the arrest, to have confessed that he and two companions intended to blow up railroad bridges near here. LUMBER INSPECTOR NAMED Pacific Bureau to Have Say on Ma terial for Snips. OREGON! AN NEWS BUREAU. Washington, July 8. General Goethals, of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, has designated the Pacific Lumber In spection Bureau to inspect all lumber intended to go into the wooden ship being built for the shipping board on the Pacific Coast. The inspections will be made at the mill and will be final. SUBMARINE BASE ACQUIRED Government to Develop Station at Port Angeles. WASHINGTON, July 8. Acquisition of a submarine and aviation base on Port Angeles harbor. Wash., was an nounced tonight by the Navy Depart ment. The tract, formerly part of a light house reservation, was taken over through executive order, but It is ex pected the transfer will be made perma nent by Congress. TURKISH ARMY WEAKENED Epidemics and Starvation Cut Man Power in Asia Minor. SALONIKI, July 8. According to re liable advices from Asia Minor the Turkish army is In the most serious plight of any period of the war, on ac count of the depletion of man power from the ravages of epidemics and from actual starvation as a result of the failure of the commissariat. All classes of the gendarmerie are be ing mobilized to fill the saps. Ex-Vice-President Is Provisional Executive. YOUNG EMPEROR ABDICATES King - Maker, Disappointed, Resigns His Place. BOMBS DROP ON PALACE Chinese Republican Forces Hold Strategic Positions in Outskirts of Capital Legation Learns of Success. WASHINGTON, July 8. Offici al dispatches to the Chinese le gation here tonight said the republic had been firmly re-established at Nan king with Feng Kwo Chang, the form er vice-president, as president of the new provisional government. Republican troops were reported converging toward Pektn to drive out the Manchu forces remaining in pos session there in the name of the Im perialists. Premier Told to Form Cabinet. Tuan Chi Jul, whose appointment as Premier was one of the last official acts of President Li Tuan Hung before his retirement In favor of the "Vice-Presi dent, has been confirmed by Feng Kuo Chang with instructions to form a new Republican Cabinet, according to the dispatches. Premier Tuan assumed office July S and is now at temporary headquarters at Tien Tsin, but expects to be able to move to Pekin in a short time. Governors Against Monarchy. Governors of all the military prov inces, the dispatches said, not only re fused to join General Chang Hsun in his efforts to re-establish the monarchy. but requested Premier Tuan to take su preme command of the punitive expe ditlon against the monarchist forces. . Tuan mobilized the Republican troops and two armies already have been dis patched against Chang Hsun under command of General Tuan Chi Kwei and General Tsao Kuen, Military Gov ernor of Chi Li. Victors Sweep Toward Capital. General Tuan Chi Kwei, in command of the eastern expedition, after routing the monarchial forces under Chang Hsun at Lang Fang, is reported as ad vancing victoriously towa.-d the capi tal. General Tsao Kuen. commanding the western expedition, is said to have oc cupied San Kuo, Then and Luo Kml Chiao in his advance on Pekln. Assur ances are given as to the complete safety to foreign residents and prop erty. Legation oinclals tonight expressed (Concluded on Paso 5. Column 2.) A BEACON OF DEMOCRACY THAT HAS STOOD THROUGH ALL LIFE. !. '" .... ...J 1 Present Aim of Shipping Board Is to Build 5,000,000 Tons of Ships In IS Months. I WASHINGTON. July 8. Another ap propriation of half a billion dollars for shipbuilding probably will be asked of Congress immediately by the Adminis tration. Contracts already let and about to be closed, the Shipping Board announced tonight, have absorbed the first J500.000.000. Announcement of the intention to ask for a second appropriation was contained in a statement issued tonight by Chairman Denman. of the Shipping Board, which carries the Intimation that the second sum may be used large ly for wooden construction. "The vast resources of quick wooden construction," it said, "are still far from exhausted, and we believe more steel contracts can be placed. We need wooden vessels of both slow and fast speeds. The slower can relieve our coastwise congestion and our car short age. Many wooden ships can be built which are faster than the majority of the vessels now crossing the war zone." First estimates of 3,000.000 tons con struction within 18 months will be far exceeded, it was learned tonight, if the plans of the Shipping Board and Major- General Goethals, manager of the board's emergency fleet corporation. are carried out. The present aim is to build at least 6,000,000 tons dead weight of shipping in addition to vessels al ready under construction for private account, which will be taken over by the Government. DEAD MAN FOUND IN BATH Diver in Hot Water Tank Gets Corpse Instead of Nickel. STOCKTON, Cal., July 8. (Special.) When Joe Ballo dived into the plunge of the Stockton hot mineral baths after a nickel a spectator had thrown into the water he struck the body of another man, and. thinking him to be a swim mer after the same nickel, took hold of him and brought him to the surface. No sooner had he reached the top of the water than he discovered that his supposed competitor was dead. Life guards sought to resuscitate the man, who was later removed to ihe Emer gency Hospital. All efforts failed, how ever. The dead man waa Arnold Sallmlna, a machinist, . ... PORTLAND GIRL WAR BRIDE Paul Lynch and Lenora Hansen Obtain License to Wed. TACOMA, Wash., July 8. (Special.) Paul Lynch, of San Francisco, and Lenora Hansen, of Portland, obtained a marriage license here today. Both Mr. Lynch and Miss Hansen are well known in Portland, their engage ment having been announced during the Winter. Miss Hansen was formerly a Franklin High School girl, and lived at 703 Glisan street. Mr. Lynch is a member of the engineer corps, and is to leave for France almost immedi ately. New Offensive Closes In on Halicz Again. TOWN HOLDS KEY TO LEMBERG Prince Lvoff Points Way for Americans to Help. RAILROADS NEEDED FIRST Supplies Are Declared to Be Ample, but Transportation Difficult, Due to Neglect of Old Re gime Victory Predicted. BERLIN, via London, July 8. In a renewal of their attack at Stanlslau, south of Halicz, the key to Lemberg, Russian troops have gained ground, the War Office announced tonight. PETROGRAD, July 8. According to semi-official reports, the Russian of fensive is spreading to the north and south of Halicz, in Eastern Gallcla, which was virtually under the guns of General Brussiloff when the advance of year ago came to a standstill. Halicz Is important as the key to Lemberg, the capital of Galicia, and is about 60 miles southeast of that city. Vigorous attacks by Teutonic forces in an effort to recapture ground gained by the Russians in their new offensive in Eastern Galicia were defeated, the War Office announces. Russia Points Way. A staff correspondent of the Associ ated Press was received this morning by Prince Lvoff, Premier and Minister of the Interior, who made a statement for the information cf America on con ditions at the Russian front; measures whereby America can assist in the struggle against German domination; internal and diplomatlo problems and the Influence of the revolution and the war on world problems. Prince Lvoff began by declaring his unshaken optimism that notwlthstand ing grave difficulties to be faced, Rus sia is marching toward reconstruction and stability and that the war is de veloping toward victory. Greater Successes1 Expected. "Regarding the war," continued the Premier, "say that the latest action of our army inspires In me full hope. am convinced that the new advance is a prelude to much greater successes. The advance thoroughly confutes the pessimists who unanimously predicted that an offensive by our supposed dis organized troops was Impossible. "This is no gradual reconstruction of the army, but the first stage of a com piete process of restoration, which is almost miraculous, proving, in my judg ment, that the troops are infected with (Concluded on Page 2. Column 1.) THE YEARS OF THE NATION'S I. W. W. Band Is Reported to Be Well Organized and Marching on Contra Costa County. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. July 8. (Spe cial.) "Refrain from antagonistic ac tion, but shoot down the first man who lifts a hand to destroy any property." That Is the drastic order given by Sheriff R. R. Veale, of Contra Costa County, to the Home Guards, and his Deputy Sheriffs, in preparing to check any overt act on the part of the army of I. W. W. reported to be marching from the north to. Martinez and Bay cities. Sheriff "Veale, will further in struct 1200 men at a meeting at the Courthouse in Martinez tomorrow. Volunteers also will be available if they are needed, he said. The I. W. W. band is well organized, well sup plied with money, food and ammuni tion, and Is avoiding the big cities, ac cording to word he had received. Re ports that the army is bent on destroy ing crops were received with great excitement in Martinez. Special orders to watch for signs of outbreak, particularly in the Indus try center, were issued to p-itrolmen of Alameda today. Preparedness, then watchful wait ing, also will be the policy in other Bay cities and towns in regard to the ex pected invasion. No word of disturb ances in California had been received at Army headquarters today. Oakland will rely altogether on the police department to handle any I. W. W. trouble. Acting Chief of Police J. F. Lynch, announced. BRITISH RAID AIRDROME Bombs Successfully Ghlstelles. Dropped at LONDON, July 8. Royal naval air planes carried out a raid last night on the Ghlstelles airdrome, according to an Admiralty announcement today. Although heavily attacked by an enemy formation, bombs were success fully dropped on objectives and all the British machines returned safely. ORGANIZERS TOLD TO GO Attempts Made to Intimidate Gol- conda Miners. KINGMAN, Ariz., July 8. Several or ganizers for the L W. -W. have been ordered to leave Golconda and Chlorl da, near here, according to reports reaching here, following alleged at tempts yesterday to intimidate men working at the Union Basin mine at Golconda. VILLA IS NEAR 0JINAGA Merchants, Fearing Attack, Move Goods to Presidio, Texas. PRESIDIO, Texas, July 8. Francisco Villa, with several hundred men. Is re ported 50 miles south of Ojinaga, oppo site this place. Merchants in Ojlnaga today transferred their stocks across the Rio Grande In anticipation of an attack on the town. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 82 degrees: minimum. 56 degrees. TODAY'S Partly cloudy; southwesterly winds. War. Momentous events expected to arise from to day session ol Kelchstag. .Page X. London demand reprisals. Page 2. French capture three salients on Verdun front. Page 2. Camp plans being perfected by General Per shing. Page A. American fights with broken wine. Page 9. Germany admits Rusblans are gaining In ad vance on Halicz. Page 1. Foreign. Chinese Emperor abdicates and peace seems near. Page 1. National. Steps taken to control exports under espion age act. Page 2. Prohibition Issue prolongs session of War Congress. Page 8. Shipping Board to ask for second $500,000, largely tor wooden snips, page 1. Washington discovers Sweden's assistance to Germany Is great, page o. Provost Marshal-General orders registered men to prepare lor dralt. Page o. Domestic. Shoot to protect property against X. W. W. Is order to California Home Guard. Page 1. National Editorial Association to meet at - Minneapolis. Page 3. Sports. Pacific Coast League results: Portland 4-6, Salt Lake 3-9; fcian Francisco 5-9. Vernon 2-4; Oakland 6-1, Los Angeles 1-4. Page 10. Baby Beavers and Kenton win. Page 10. Pacific Coast League to play out Its sched ule. Page 10. Foursome tourney at Portland Golf Club Is close. Page 10. Pacific Northwest. Shipbuilding plant at Tacoma to cover 100 acres; 14 contracts securea. page 4. Belgian mission occupies palatial Hill man sion in Seattle, page 4. Portland and Vicinity. Teachers "play hookey" from church for day on highway and In woods. Page 1. Patsy Quill, 5. falls off houseboat and drowns. Page 1. Belgians will get Western welcome in Port land. Page 4. Citizenship convention meets Wednesday and Thursday In first presDyterian Church. Page 8. Volunteers In Company F, Engineers, visit in Portland. Page 1. Musical service Is treat to visitors. Page 8. Rev. Calvin B. Waller says farewell to White Temple congregation. Page 11. Portland women sign agreements to aid In food conservation, rage ii. Churches are well-filled. Page 1L Honor Guard Girls' camp is lively. Page 14. M. I. Marks, horse buyer, arrested at apart ment here, cnargea wun emDezziement. Page 14. Thrilling Antarctic films shown at Helllg. Page 14. Mawson pictures at Helllg tonight will be supplemented Dy taix 01 ur. istner pohl IxveJoy. page a. Weather leport, data and forecast. Pase 11. Church Deserted for Woods and Flowers. 1000 REMAIN FOR CONCERT Highway and River Beaches Are Popular Resorts. WOMAN MAY BE PRESIDENT Washington and Colorado Educators Are Mentioned for Office and Men May Give Way at This Election Roses Enjoyed. N. FU A. EVENTS OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED FOR. TODAY, I General Session, Auditorium T 2 and 7 P. M. J Affiliated Organizations 10 A. T 1 M., National Council of Education. ? T ballroom, Multnomah Hotel. J Announcements. J 10 A. M. Business meeting Na? t tlonal Council, ballroom, Multno- j I man Hotel. I 10:30 A. M. Annual meeting J I board of directors, ballroom, mes- I zanine floor, Multnomah Hotel. t 4 to 6 P. M. Collegiate alum- 4 nae and Mills College graduates 1 meet with President Reinhardt, of Mills College, at home of Mrs. Helen Ekin Starrett, 720 Sher wood Drive. 5 P. M. Meeting of active members to nominate candidates for appointment on committee of nominations, at various state headquarters, or for states not having headquarters, ballroom, mezzanine floor, Multnomah Ho tel. Exhibit of wild flowers of Oregon and roses of Portland, room B, Auditorium. The general public is invited to attend all N. E. A. sessions to day. Yesterday was such a lovely one, a sunny, smiling daughter of July. The Oregon wood was green beyond the city, and the trails were cool lanes of leaf and wild flower. And so, although, it was Sunday, no one will censure those many truants of the National Education Association who played 'hookey' when the church bells rang. Like Shakespeare's maid, the Oregon country in mid-Summer "hath a way" that brooks no denial. Many Attend Services. Yet It shall not be said that all went roaming of those educational delegates who are met In Portland to wrestlej with sums that total the Nation's dl-. lemmas. For a majority availed them., selves of the special services for Edu-. cational Sunday in many Portland churches, while the musical service at the Public Auditorium in the afternoon drew and inspired a thousand or so. Immediately after the musical serv Ice many delegates attended the recep tion given by his grace. Most Rev. A, Christie, archbishop of Oregon, at Su Mary's Academy and College. Highway Also Populous. Numerous parties enjoyed the Co lumbia Highway trip and returned la wonder at the grandeur of the scenery and with their arms laden with Strang wild flowers, dear for their beauty, but doubly dear to the botanist. Among the outing companies were) those who accompanied the Trails Club, of Oregon on the trip to Eagle) Creek, and the numbers who were guests of the Mazamas at Columbia Beach, where. long since, the traders bickered for furs. Noted Educators Arrive. The registers of various hotels, and. particularly at the Multnomah, where N. E. A. headquarters is established, bore the signatures of many arrivals from all parts of the country and the big cities thereof. Notable among those who came to Portland yesterday are Dr. D. B. John son, president of Winthrop Normal and Industrial School, Rockhlll, S. C, past president of the association; C P. Cary. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Madison, Wis., who was accompanied by a party of 60 educators from tho Beaver state; Carlos M. Cole, Superin tendent of Schools, Denver. Colo.; Al fred Roncovierl, Superintendent of Schools, San Francisco. Dean Bexell Hies to Woods. To revert to the subject of "hookey," at least two prominent Sunday-school workers are accused by their colleagues of desertion for the day. J. A. Bexell. dean of the school of commerce, Oregon Agricultural College, and Thomas E. Finnigan, of New York, were amonff the 4:30-in-the-morning party which, left for the Columbia Highway when the meadow larks were blinking in the dew. And Thomas J. Finnegan, amid his other educational honors, is president of the State Sunday School Association ot New York. Secretary Springer In Party. Other members of the party werei Durand W. Springer, secretary of the N. E. A., with Mrs. Springer; E. G. Gowans, State Superintendent of Utah, with Mrs. Gowans: Horace M. Cum- tConcludtd on I'atfO b. Column