THE aiORXING OREGOXIAX. THURSDAY. JUNE 2S, 1917. 1 CITY TRAFFIC CLUB NEUTRAL ON RATES Decision Not to Take Sides Follows Discussion of Railroads' Request. CARRIERS' PRESENT CASE Secretary of Association Gives Fig urea Showing Increase of Net Earnings of Western I tail ways in Past Tear. ?he Portland Traffic and Transpor tation Association declined yesterday to go on record on the railroads' pro posed 15 per cent increase in freight rates. After listening for half an hour to the words of the carriers' representa tives and hearing- the opposing con tentions of J. H. Lothrop, secretary of the association, and of individual mem bers, the meeting decided to leave the entire question of increasing the rate to the "fairness of the Commls Bion." Frank J. Miller and H. H. Corey, members of the Commission, were present, but did not take part in the discussion with the exception of an explanation by Mr. Miller of the plans for conducting a series of hearings in various parts of the state. The case of the carriers was pre sented by Prank W. Robinson, traffic manager for the O.-W. R. & N. Com pany; W. D. Skinner, traffic manager for the North Bank, and II. A. Hin ehaw, general freight agent for the Southern Pacific. Operation Cot Increase.. Mr. Robinson pointed out how the expenses of operation have Increased within the last three years, particu larly in the last year. "Tou, as manufacturers and mer chants," he declared, "can do the ob vious thing when your expenses in crease. You can pass the cost on to your patrons add it to the price of Jour goods. "But with the railroads, we cannot Increase the price of our goods our transportation without the consent of the commissions. "The present rates were fixed on a basis of what it cost the railroads to do business and earn a reasonable in come six or eight years ago. It is not necessary to go into figures to show how the cost of doing business has advanced in that time." Mr. Skinner and Mr. Hlnshaw fol lowed with similar presentations, each speaking for the carriers in general, but of his own road more in particular. But when the shippers took the floor they attempted to make light of the railroads cry of "high costs. Mr. Lothrop presented a series of fig ures to show that the carriers really are not in need of an Increase that they are earning a heavier net return this year than in any year in their history, with the exception of last year. Surpluses Are Accumulated. "In 1916," he said, "the Southern Pa cific, after paying Interest of 6 per cent dividends on stock and making other appropriations, shows a balance of $34,500,000, which, added to the ac cumulation of previous years, gave a credit balance of over $177,000,000. The estimated increase in expenses for 1917 was a little more than $15,000,000, about $1,500,000 less than 15 per cent increase in revenue based on 1916 busi ness. "The Union Pacific, after paying 4 per cent on preferred and 8 per cent on common stock, and appropriating large sums for other purposes, had a surplus of over $17,000,000 to add to its former balance, making a total of nearly $139,000,000 surplus accumulated. "In this time cf emergency, however, when carriers want higher rates to meet the increased expenses, the Union Paclflo is paying extra dividends on Its common stock. In December, 1916, it declared an extra dividend of 2 per cent, payable in January, 1917. In January, 1917, it declared an extra one half per cent, payable in April, and in April another one-half per cent, pay able next July." A. H. Devere. I. Lang. W. B. Me Pherson, L. Allen Lewis and others ad vised against going on record on the question, so the decision to allow the case to go to the Commission entirely on its merits was unanimously adopted. has left him suddenly and without any cause, according to his story as told yesterday to Presiding Judge Kava naugh. Andrew's last matrimonial venture was in 1909, when he married a woman 26 years younger than him self. They lived together for about three years and then his wife went to visit her mother. He avers she is still there, so far as he knows. A decree was awarded to him. Domestic strife was frequent in the nome or William and Rosle Schenk. ac cording to the divorce complaint of the nusDand, which was filed yesterday. They were married in 1902 and have three children. He wants a divorce decree and the custody of the children Sadie Tobias accuses Frank Tobias of both cruelty and desertion in her suit Tor divorce. They were married in 1911. She asks that her maiden name of Sadie Engel be restored to her. Married -in Vancouver in 1915. Theressa Fleck is now repenting two years later in the divorce courts of Portland. She started suit yesterday for a divorce from Augustus Fleck. one demands alimony of $30 a month, claiming that her husband is employed as a timekeeper at a salary of $85 a momn. MARRIAGE FAILS TWICE Wife Deserts Each Time Without Cause, A. Brasen Tells Court. Andrew Brasen has been married twice and on each occasion his wife Appetite Finicky and Fussy? Tempt it with a light, nutritious food that helps you to shake off the shackels of a Winter diet. Eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit with berries and cream or milk. Two or three of these Biscuits with fruits and green vegetables make a nourishing, satisfy ing meal at a cost of a few cents. Ready -to -eat no cookery, no kitchen worry. Made at Oakland, California. Safemiic Infants end Invalids HORLICEi'S 77r ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. For infants, invalids andgro wing children Pure nutrition, upbuilding ike whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers uri the aged. Mora nutritious than tea, coffee, etc Instantly prep red. Requires no cooking. Substitute .Cett TQU Suae Pries SMfiERS, 1919, IS HOPE NOBLES WILL. GO TO ATLANTIC CITY REIT YEAR. Social Features Were Eliminated From 1917 Session at Minneapolis Because of War Only 00O Attended. Portland seems assured of the Im perial Council session, Order of the Mystic Shrine, in 1919. A telegram to Al Kader Temple yesterday from G. W. Stapleton. one of Portland's delegates to the Imperial Council nor being held in .Minneapolis, advises that the 1918 session will go to Atlantic City and tnat there is no opposition to Portland in 1919. Because of the war the current ses slon was made a much less Imposing garnering- than It would otherwise have been. All social features were elimi nated and the business session only was held. Instead of several thousand delegates and their friends attending. Minneapolis was host to not more than 900 Bhrinera. Portland had Intended to send 100 Nobles to urge Portland's claims for 1919, but because of the changed con ditions now prevailing, only four dele gates were sent. They were G. W. Stapleton. H. . Hutchinson. Thomas 5. Kay and A. W. Orton. Because next year's session has been fixed for Atlantic City, It is thought the Pacific Coast will have an espe cially good claim upon the 1919 gather lng. Portland has made a consistent campaign for the convention, and the Pacltlo Northwest delegates have been most helpful In aiding local delegates. PERSONAL MENTION. J. IL CMalley Is at the Perkins from Seattle. C. M. Keep, of Washougal, Is at the Oregon. E. J. Lyle, of Klamath Falls, Is at the Seward. C. E. Lelbig. of Pasadena, Is at the Portland. J. P. Rhodes, of Spokane, Is at the Imperial. R. II. "Wager, of New Tork, is at the Multnomah. J. W. Howard, of San Francisco, Is at the Perkins. Mrs. Mina Brooks, of Redding, Cal., is at the Ritz. Rev. Jj. L. Loomis, of Brownsville, is at the Carlton. F. N. Robinson is at the Oregon from Pomeroy, Wash. C. J. Traugott is at the Carlton from Rochester, N. Y. D. H. Stegman, of Centerville, Wash., is at the Perkins. - Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Clements, of Salem, are at the Seward. D. Burdlck registered at the Rita yes terday from Salem. Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Greeter, of Frlne ville, are at the Rltz . Mrs. Rudy Ackerman, of West Wood burn, is at the Ritz. C. E. Brim, of San Francisco, Is regis tered at the Nortonia. G. W. Parman, of Condon. Is regis tered at the Cornelius. Mrs. Emily E. Roberts Is at the Port land from Indianapolis. F. E. Fletcher and wife, of Redlands, Cal., are at the Seward. E. J. Adams Is a Eugene visitor reg istered at the Imperial. From Duluth, Minn., Is C. W. Nelson, registered at the Carlton. L R. Rutherford, of St. Helens, Is registered at the Imperial. S. E. Savage and wife, of Houston, Tex, are at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rogers are at the Seward from Walla Walla. C. E. Skidmore, of Berkeley. Cal., Is registered at the Nortonia. L. V. Perry registered at the Portland yesterday from Lynn, Mass. E. T. Tuller is an Oakland visitor. registered at the Multnomah. George Evans Is registered at the Multnomah from Brownsville. T. J. McDonald registered at the Carlton yesterday from Seattle. C L. Mullen Is In the city from Kerry, Or., and Is at the Oregon. . Mrs. Dan J. Moore, of the Moore Hotel, Seaside, is at the Portland. W. L. Thompson registered at the Im perial Wednesday from Pendleton. Mrs. William Thompson, of Aberdeen, was a recent arrival at the Seward. Mrs. O. E. Brown, of Los Angeles. was a recent arrival at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wagoner are regis tered at the Perkins from Frinevllle. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Dailey, of Omaha, are recent arrivals at the Multnomah. Mrs. Jeff Nelll and daughter, of Heppner. are registered at the Carlton. J. J. Kenney and family registered at the Oregon yesterday from Leona, Or. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sidney, promi nent Hood River people, are at the Nortonia. Mrs. A. Mathison and Mrs. E. P. Johnson are Boise visitors who are at the Cornelius. T. Meyerhardt, a prominent business man of Fort Soott, Kan., is registered at the Nortonia. CHICAGO, June 27. (Special.) The following Oregonians are registered at Chicago hotels today: From Portland. at the Blaekstone, Mr. and Mrs. Will- am MaeMaster: at the La Salle, IL A. Cushlng. From Corvallis, at the La Salle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Zlefle. StkaM BtrRHS Facs) and NKt Harry Nelson, age i3. - of T91 Kast Salmon street, was burned about the face and neck yesterday afternoon at the Columbia Engineering Works at Linnton. A hose to the boiler be come disconnected and the steam struck him in the face. His injuries are only skin deep and it IS thought he will be able to leave St. Vincent's Hospital in a few days. " Idaho State Land Sold. ORANGEVTLLB. Idaho. June IT. f Special.) The state land sale con ducted Monday by State Land Com missioner Smoot resulted In the trans fer of approximately 1200 acres, mostly In small tracts of 40 acres and less. The first payments In land sold, on a basis of 10 per cent of the purchase price, totaled approximately $2400. All Charge Purchases Made Today and Remainder of Month Go on July Bill, Payable August J S. & Hi, Trading Stamps on Purchases Manicuring and Hairdressing Parlors, Second Floor Trunks, Suitcases and Bags, Fourth Floor Rest Rooms and Telephones, 2d Floor The Coolest Store In Portland Complete change of air through out the store every few minutes. No matter how warm the day, you will always find this a very pleasant place to do your shopping. The Standard Store of tlie Northwest s 9 Wortman & Kin : Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Bathing Suits Second Floor Now is the best time to choose your new Bathing Suit, while as sortments are at their very best. -r-Headquarters for Bathing Suits, Shoes, Caps, Bathing Suit Bags. $22.45 for Women's Suits of Silk or; Wool Jersey -A Notable Suit Sale! Second Floor For women who buy Suita of the better grades, this sale - wva bumbj vuuvod xxif,u umuuiui uiu-vuuia ouits at a great r price-reduction. All are garments from our regular stock this season's smart est styles for sport, street and dress wear, made up in Norfolk or Russian blouse effects and many novelty styles. All have the latest sport collars and cuffs some have belts, others with belted ties. Imported Shantung silks in combina tion of plain colors with stripes or figures also taffeta silks and 00 A tT wool jerseys. Excellent assortment of light and dark colors. Now !5e4D Millinery Clean-Up Sport Hats, Street Hats and Dress Hats A rousing Clean-Up Sale of Mil linery for Thursday at prices far below regular worth. Hats for outing and sport wear Hats for street and dress occasions in pretty Jap braids, Leghorns, Milans, etc. Double brim and two-toned Leg horns, black Milans with drooping or straight brims and many other fashionable shapes with very latest trimming. Department Second Fir. 4 Big Lots Lot 1Hats at $130 Lot 2 Hats at $330 Lot 3 Hats at $5j00 Lot 4 Hats at $630 WW Coverall Dresses Special 79c Center Circle, First Floor Women's" Coverall Dresses of fancy striped ging hams or plain percale with striped trim ming. Front or side fastening. Square or V neck. Belted waistline. On sale Thursday at special price of av Novelty Waists $4.49 Second Floor Fancy and tailored styles in white, flesh and novelty effects. Georgette crepe, nets, crepe de chine, taf- fl A A Q ' feta and Jap Bilks. Priced special Jr Women's Silk Dresses $25 Suits For Men & Young Men Unusual Values In style, workmanship and fabric these Suits we feature at $25 will" come up to your high est expectations, for there are no better clothes to be had at the price. Just now we are showing many exceedingly smart models in Summer weight Suits for men and young men in a wide range of materials and patterns. All Men's Hats Reduced Main Floor Here's real economy for the man who has a Hat to buy. Our entire stock of Men's Straw and Felt Hats reduced as follows: All Men's $1.75 to $2.50 Hats special $1.50 All Men's $3.00 Felt and Straw Hats -.-" All Men's $4.00 Straw Hats special $2.75 All Men's $5.00 Straw Hats priced $5.75 All Men's $5.50 Panamas, Bankoks $4.25 All Men's $7.50 Panamas, Bankoks $5.50 On Sale Thursday At Special Only $11.95 Second Floor Women's and Misses' Dresses of taffeta silk, Georgette crepe, crepe de chine, satins and combinations of serges taffetas and crepes. High waistline effects with full skirts, also popular Russian blouse style. Good range of colors. Dresses formerly selling at a much higher price grouped into one special lot and marked for C- - Qf? quick selling in this great bargain event at only, your choice DJ-J-rJ All Refrigerators Are Reduced Third Floor All Refrigerators now at special low prices don't delay, get yours now and have the benefit of the full season's use. $18.60 Refrigerator C- A Qf priced special now at UJ-a " All Garden Hose $22.80 Refrigerator J- O fA priced special now at OXO.irt $27.00 Refrigerator QOfl OCT priced special now at $42.00 Refrigerator QOI Pf priced special now at UOX.tJv at Reduced Prices Coffee Day Model Grocery Fourth Floor OWK Imperial Roast OQ Coffee, special, the pound OWK Cocoa in bulk, Oi. priced special, a pound Loganberry Juice Fourth Floor Jones' Loganberry Juice, a delicious, wholesome bev erage for warm days. Try a glass at the demonstration booth. On sale .Thursday at spe- Of cial low price, the bottle VU Large size bottle, special 39 3-Day Sale Hair Goods $ 730 Switches, Special at $438 . $1230 Switches, Special at $8J89 Second Floor Natural Wavy Hair Switches made up in three separate stems. $7.50 QA QQ values, special 0x.VO Special Lot of 3-stem Switches now at only $1.08 ROYAL HAIR RESTORER Restores gray hair to its natural color not a dye acts directly upon the roots of the hair. Also gives strength to the hair and keeps the scalp clean. Used with great success by hun dreds of our customers. On sale in the Beauty Parlors, Second Floor. N a t u r a 1 Wavy Hair Switches in three separate stems. $10.00 to $12.50 values, special- JQ QQ Iv nriced now uOtOi7 Manicuring and Hair Dressing by Experts Very Reasonable Prices. Muslinwear At 98c Bargain Circle, First Floor Wom en's Envelope Chemise with lace and embroidery trimmed yokes in four styles also dainty Crepe Nightgowns in plain white and flesh-colored floral designs. See these attractive garments QQ on sale Thursday at only iOl EXTRA SPECIAL Women's Combination Suits, open-drawer styles, lace and embroid- C?- JO erv trimmed. S2.50 vals UX.V I ELKSPRESENTDPERA "Sultan of Sulu" Revided for Charity's Sake. FUND ALL FOR DEPENDENTS Services of Several Professional and Amateur Flayers Are Do nated and Fromlnent Men Will Aid. For the benefit of the dependents of the men at the front, the local Elka Lodge la g-lvlng four performance of The Sultan of Sulu" at the Eleventh- street playhouse beginning tonight. The "Sultan" has not been seen In Portland for many years, but the llnea of George Ade'a must cuccesaful omlc opera are still aa sparkling as when they were first written. The Elks make this explanation of their present effort: Everything that has been done since the beginning: of the war has been for the soldiers. The Elks are trying to remember the peo ple whom the soldiers have left be hind. A great part of their charity Is to preserve the self-respect of the people to whom they extent aid peo ple who might otherwise uffer be cause their pride did not permit them to appeal to publio charities. Font Alt for Dependents. One hundred per cent of the pro ceeds of this performance will go into the fund for dependents. Several of the best professional and amateur play ers in the city have donated their serv ices. Waldemar Lind Is musical di rector, Cary Houseman is stage direc tor, George Hctchkiss Street appears in the leading role of Kiram. Mrs. Herman Polit and Miss Fays Ruddick alternate in the leading woman s part. Warren Erwin apoears aa the Lieutenant, W. H. Frost, bass singer of the Ad Club quartet, as Colonel Budd; R. ri. KoDert on as Jones. Mrs. Herbert G. Reed ai Pamela, Miss Grace Dawson as Chi- quita and Charles Klngler as iiaaji. Miss Prances Hanrahan. Montrose M. Ringler and Miss Wllberta Babbtdge appear in dances; Miss Helen Drain sings an interpolated number, "Ching Chong," and the Norwegian Society. Columbia, and tne eweaisn singing, so ciety have furnished voices for the men's chorus. Prominent Men Aid. Mayor-elect George L. Baker, Judge William Gatens, Judge Arthur C. Day ton, J. E. Werlein, Plowden Stott, "Will iam Adams. City Treasurer, and other prominent men will sell oandy during the performance, and uovernor vviiny comb. will attend on Friday night. There is an orchestra of IS pieces and a cBt of 60 people, in addition to the Elka' band, which will be a feature of the performances. Steamer Brings $800,000 In Gold. SEATTLE, June J7. The steamer Victoria arrived from St. Michael to day with $800,000 of gold from Tukon River camps. TWO OF THE PARTICIPANTS IN "SULTAN OF SULU" BENEFIT BY THE ELKS AT THE ELEVENTH-STREET THEATER TONIGHT.. v ' . ' ' J, - 'U - . I V ' . ," i ' ' -m r i CIVIC FORUM READY Dedication of Portland's New Auditorium Planned. R0SARIANS HAVE CHARGE Tentative Programme Prepared In Which Retiring Mayor and Xew Head or City Are to Play Important Parts. With a programme of music and speeches of a patriotic nature. Port land's beautiful 1600.000 Public Audi torium will be formally dedicated to the publio on the morning of July 4. The Royal Rosarlans, who were dele gated by Mayor-elect Baker to take charge of the dedication, have worked up a tentative programme which will combine into one affair & Fourth of July programme and a programme suitable to the dedication of the build ing which is to play a big part in Portland's civic activities from now on. A committee comprising E. A. Clark, W. E. Finzer. William McMurray, H. J. Blaeslng and F. M. Case was named yesterday by the Rosarlans to take charge of the ceremony. This commit tee will decide on the definite pro gramme. Dean Vincent, prime minis ter of the Rosarlans, will preside, and will have general charge. The Monday Musical Club and the Daughters of the Confederacy will be on the programme for musical numbers of some sort. Tentative Programme Given. The tentative programme calls for music from the Rosarian band and the Rosarlan quartet, patriotlo music and songs to be sung in unison by the au dienoe. Invocation, presentation of the key of the building to Former Mayor Albee by the contractor, Hans Peder son, reading of the Declaration of In dependence, oration of the day by Mayor Baker, and muslo. While Mayor Albee haa been asked by Mr. Baker to participate and accept the key, inasmuch as tne Dunaing nas been constructed under his administra tion, he may not be able to attend. He la out of the city at present, but may return for the affair. It la planned to have the stage ar tistically decorated and to have repre sentatives of various clvlo organisa tions and persona who have played a Dart In the Auditorium movement and construction seated on the stage. The entire lower floor will be open, ar rangements having been made for the seating of 5600 persons. A large foree of men Is working hard to get the building In shape and Mayor-elect Raker, who haa ohrge, saya It will be ready for the opening except for a few details which will be hardly noticeable. Unfortunately, the $25,009 pipe organ, which is being In stalled, will not be ready, The hour Tor the programme has not been settled but probably it will begin at 10:30 A. M, This will give ample time to rinish the programme and al low thoae who attend to get dinner In time to attend the parade of soldiers at z P. M. Frank Richard, who haa served aa city marshal of Lebanon nine years, re signed to take effect July 1. Mr. Rich ard becomes night watch at the Leba non paper mills. The city vacancy, for which there are a number of aspirants, will be filled at a special meeting of the council. In France before the Summer la over. Dr. Abrahams holds the commission of First Lieutenant. OREGON DOCTOR HONORED Dr. V. R. Abrahams One of Five to Go to France at Once. HOOD RIVER, Or- June 27. (Spe cial.) In a letter received by his wife today. Dr. V. It. Abrahams, formerly of Forest Qrove, but who has been prac ticing here for a number of years and who was County Physician at the time he was recently called to report, tells that out of 600 physician officers at Fort Riley, Kan., he was one of five chosen to leave first with an ambulance company for Franca. Dr. Abrahams eaya he expects to be BIG SAWMILL IS LEASED Plant, Business and Ships Are Val ued at Half Million. SEATTLE. June 27. The Port Blake ly Mill Company, owning a great saw mill at Port Blakely, near Seattle, has leased fta plant for & long period to Comyn, Mackall & Co., large exDorters. who will operate the mill under the name of the Pacific Freighters Com pany. The Skinner & Eddy Corpora tion, owner of most of the mill stock, is withdrawing from the lumber busi ness to devote itself to shipbuilding. The lessee has orders that will keep the mill running day and night, and owns .hips to carry cargoes all over the world. The lease was made on a valuation of $500,000. Lebanon's City Marshal RckIctiis. LEBANON, Or, Juna 27. (SpeclaX) via 4 Eiti'l 1-5 M i FACTS A Model Plant; a Perfect System of Operation; Best of Materials Obtainable; Highest Quality Throughout; an organization of Piano Experts .masters of the science of piano construction. Why should it not be a FACT that the BUSH & LANE PIANO is the ideal in strument of the higher class. A call will convince you. Wholesale Manufacturers Retail PORTLAND STORE 433-435 Washington Street, Corner Twelfth