16 THE MORNING OREGONIAN. Til LI USD AT. JUNE 21, 1917. prrrATTONS wanted male. M I el laneoa a. WANTED By couple with child, 3 to 5 room house furnished; would prefer good sized yard, fenced, and not too far from car. Will take good care of same and take possession at once. T 438, Oregonian. Ft'RMTUHE man of ability, wide experi ence and highest references, desires posi tion in any capacity, retail or wholesale; small salary to commence. AK 332, Ore gonian. GAKDENI.N'G, hoeing, weeding, lawn work, etc.. r.y- competent, reliable man. "Will wrk by the day or 25e per hour. V 552, Oregon in n. "WANTED By a young married man, en gineering position or fireman's job. E. W. P., 4320 43d el. si. E. Sellwood 2GS3 at 6 P. M. JOt'NG man wants position of any kind: experienced anto driver and mechanic. T 441, Oregonian. AN all-around auto mechanic, machinist and salesman, wants situation. Tabor 52u6 evenings. HOUSECIjEAXING, window washing, floor polishing and odd jobs of all kinds by the hour. Call janitor. Main 7100. EXPERIENCED young man, 38 years of age, desires work in garage driving cars. AH 381. Oregonian. PAINTING, paperhanjring and tinting by exoert mechanics, day or contract, low eat prices. Main 1CT6. COMPETENT Japanese wants position as janitor in store or wholesale house. It 420, Oregonian. GOOD printer, ad and job. wants work; go anywhere. G 3S9, Oregonian. POSITION as night watchman or horseman; beft reference. Main 7252. SITUATION IV ANTED FEMALE. PRACTICAL xiurse would like confinement cases or slight operations: will assist with household duties; reliable references. Phone Marshall 2S. REAL private place for confinement cases; midwife. 426 Burnslde. Broadway 720. RELIABLE nurse girl wants position. G2 r. naneston st. H o uftekee pera. A STYLISH and up-to-date lady would like to keep houe for two or three men, a bachelor or widower. Home more than money. A J 333, Oregonian. COMI'ETENT seamstress, who can make herself generally useful, wishes position in refined household. P 344, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED housekeeper. 32. with girl 4, wants permanent position; will go out of town. Tabor 7259. Tabor 2705. Domefllli-t. MIDDLE-AGED cook wishes position; would go to beach. 193 West Park. Mar. 64Pft. Miscellaneous. YOUNG WOW, employed during day, . would like to help in home after 4 P. M.. or care for children evenings in exchange for room and dinner. (East Side.) T 440, Ore gonlan. TOUN'O lady attending Summer school wishes place to work for room and board. Call room 410 Karl Hotel, after 1 o'clock P. M. iv'ANTED Position by experienced woman in delicatessen or small bakery. Phone A 2274. WANTED TO RENT. House. WANTED To rent at once, by two ladles, no children, a small, fully furnished hmiM. linen and silver included, for two months and possibly longer; house must be in SECLUDED country location, prefer ably high, with several acres we shady land, not on carline, but within easy wai king distance of same and not more than 12 miles from Portland. Anything not meeting these requirements not want ed. Answer by mail to Mrs. Ward Wilson. Hotel Benson. Portland, giving FULL de scription and price per month, sending photos if possible, whlfh will be re-turned. FOR RENT. FurnMied Room. PALACE HOTEL. 44B Washington St., at Twelfth. Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, clean, free phone, hot and cold water, steam heft t. fireproof, large ground floor lobby, private and public baths, elevator service, theater and shopping district; strictly first-clHsn accommodations. mod erate prices, inspection will convince you. 50c per day and up; special weekly rates. F V UN I S H ED ROOMS for young men. In all parts of the city; also in Y. M. C. A. build ing. Ki re proof, telephone In each room, shower baths: single rooms, S?.5) to $4.75; double rooms, sin pie beds, $1.75 to $2.75 per week, including full association mem bership, gymnasium, swimming pool, hand ball court, and many other club privileges. Jnfornnitton at Y. M. C. A. business office. HOTEL KAMAPO, 14th and Washington Sts. A moderate-priced hotel. with first class service, with all comforts and con veniences of the high-priced hotels, at lower rates; rooms with and without pri vate baths from 75c to $2 per day; weekly rates $3 and up. iiOTEL LIL-MER, under new management. Mrs. Lilliana Merry. Transient trade solic ited, rates reasonable; hot and cold water in every room. 27cii Fourth St., corner .Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phone Mar- shun r:t.-r. HOTEL CONRADINB. 10th St., at Oak. Desirable downtown lo cation, respectable and strictly modern; fireproof buildings, elevator and large lob by; rooms $3 per week up. " STANDISH If OTEU MStfc Washington St., Cor. 17th. Clean, cool, comfortable rooms, $1.50 week. $1 mo., tip. Special reduced Summer rates. ANSON I A HOTEL. 124 14th st., at Washington ; fireproof, up-to-date. Large, attractive, sunlit, spot less rooms, individual phones, every modern service; $3 week up, 50c. to $1.00 day. Bl'CK INGHAM HOTEL, 20th and Wash. Fireproof; cool, clean, modern rooms, $2 week up; transient, 50c day up. KEDJCED rates for the Summer. Rooms are clean, well furnished and cooL Palace Hotel. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison street at loth Rates ric day up; weekly, $2 up; running water, free phone and baths. HOTEL CORDOVA. 200 llth st. Strictly modern, private baths en suite; rooms $3 ' up. Main 0472. A 473. HOTEL NORR1S. 533 Alder st. Strictly modern: $1.5Q. $2 and $2.5Q week. NEWLY furn. single room. walking disu Highland Court Apts. Marshall 3182. THE WARREN TON. 4Q2H 3d st. Nice room reasonable. M. '7771. LARGE front room for gentleman In mod ern apt., close tn. low rent. Marshall 1714. RATES reduced for the Summer. Come and see our rooms. Palace Hotel. LARGE front room and kitchen, first floor; close In. clean, homelike. o!2 Columbia. Furnlwhe d Rooms In Private Family. FURNISHED room, with sleeping porch, for the Summer. For particulars telephone East 4473 during forenoon. $ln BAROA1X Cozy sleeping room, run ning water; walking distance; worth while. 37j 6th st. NICE f-w td attic room. veniencev .easonable. 147 near Hoyt modern con North 17th. PLEASANT furnished rooms in private Ir- vlnetun home. Phone East 14o2. Copyright. 1917. by N MDO&l. AUgpOSi lT 5otdlCcMiTo Look. L, a rjA AVamEa nipj4 C&V&lTidfa VoSTed Ha&z 01 odd CZuiSofeAiCLs). FOR RENT. Famished Rooms in Private Family. CHOICE outside rooms, private porch, kitch enette privileges. 269 14th, near Jeffer son ; references. 1 OR 2 nice rooms in beautiful home, run ning water, shower bath. Mar. 17 US). 605 Everett. Rooms With Board. ALEXANDRA COURT. - 03 Ella St. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 0211. Marshall 170. HEREFORD HOTEL. 735 Hoyt St. Phone Main 33Q5. An American plan residence hotel, at tractive rates to transient or permanent guests. Excellent table. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 2)S3. A 0628. ROOM and .board for business girls; all modern conveniences: walking distance; $3.5( per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st. THE WEAVER. 710 Wash. St., Marshall 5170 Residential hotel, reasonable rates. Private phone and bath in every room. PARKVIEW Family hotel. 386 Montgomery St.. in South Parkway: walking distance; excellent table, reasonable rates. M. 373. THE WHITEHALL, 253 th American plan. Very convenient and reasonable. Rooms With Board in Private Family. NICELY furnished rooms with board; also sleeping porches; twin beds, two dressers, parlor, piano, home privileges; $5 and up. Main 6381. Cudahy Family Hotel. 414 Mill. EXCELLENT meals, steam heat. hot and cold water, reasonable; new management. 332 10th. Main 27U6. ROOM with best of board, bath attached ; large sleeping porch, suitable for 2 gentle men only. 201 W. Park. ONE or two children to board in private family: best of care; $15 a month. Call Sellwood U14. LARUE front room, modern, very home like, central, re lined, private family. Main 37Q2. 411 Mill. BOARD and room with German family, suitable for two; reasonable. 3316 Mont gomery. NIELY furnished room. Irvington home. piano and home privileges; 31 47. meals, i-ast ROOM, with board, in elegant, refined home. 4j uiay. st. ROOM and board in private family, all mod ern conveniences. 46S Market st. ROOMS, with or without board. 654 John son, corner 17th st. ' LARGE front room, suitable for two. with breakfast, homo privileges. E. 3879. NICE furnished room, good board, or board without room. 081 Glisan. Mar. 1249. Fnraished Apartment a. IRVINGTON. BOWMAN APTS. BEAUTIFUL JTW BUILDING. 21ST AND bAyCOCK STS. 6 large rooms, mnrooms, tile baths, sleeping balcony, hardwood floors through out, fireplaces, large grounds, steam heat, janitor service, mahogany and white en amel finish ; references required ; uppers $75, lowers $6.Y F. E. BOWMAN A CO.. 213 Chamb-r of Com. Main Rn2, VILLA ST. CLARA, Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Paclflo Coast; furnshed complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N. W. Corner Belmont and Grand Ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building; white enam eled Interior; large kitchen; service first class; walking distance. East 454S. CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th New, modern, 5 minutes' walk from busi ness center; save carfare; 2 and 3-rooms, private bath, laundry, one-party phone free each apt. Excellent neighborhood; references. MONTGOMERY APTS., corner 3d and Mont gomery, strictly modern, brick building, all outside 2-room apts.. furnished com plete, private bat h, phone n nd automatic elevator; best service; close in, $14 to $25. Main P4H0. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, bet. 20th and Ella Sts. Furnished three-room apartments, with or without sleeping porch; walking dis tance. References. AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished modern 4 roora apartment; also 3-room furnished apt., nearest Union Depot, corner Clacka mas and Ross. Phone East 3172. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS, $16 to $25. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. MADISON PARK APTS. Park at Madison. Modern 2. 3 and 4 -room furnished apartments, close In, by week or month. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. Three -room apartment for Summer; newly and completely furnished. Call Apt. 2ft. DiKL APTS.. 700 East Ankeny st. Modern, light, clean, 3-room. com p. fur. apt., rales reasonable; lawn. East 1S0S. FORDHAM, 170 Vista ave. 3 and 4-rm. un fur. apts.. both very choice; rent only $30 and $40. Marshall lbhl or A 7254. EVELYN APARTMENT, 207 N. 21st St.. 3 room furnished apt.; modern, low rent. Marshall 1323. HA RR I MAN APTS., 164 N. 24th St., two very large, airy 4-room apts. ana 1 u-room, References. NICE UDDer apartment of 4 large rooms, bath and fine sleeping porch, 768 fc East Burn side st. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $10 per month, Marr Apts., 380 Morrison St., opposite Outs & King s store. ARGYLE APTS., 341 14th; nicely furnished, clean, airy 2-room apts. ; private bath, phone; $16 up; new management. THE Hammersley Court, 250 12th st. Two and H-rooin apartments; close in; prices reasonable. Marshall f).-. THE DEZENDORF. SOS 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 123 3, 4 and 5-room nicely fur, apartments. MEREDITH 3 rooms, $23; 2 rooms. $20 walking distance. 22d and Washington. M. 7134. WASHINGTON GRAND APTS., 2 and 3 room aDts.. $10 ud: heat, lisht. bath, clean respectable. 01 Grand ave., cor. Wash. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished. 91i up. "W" car to .ortnrup. jiarsnan L'Y. 3. 4-ROOM furn.. $25 and $30. The Bjelland 1 Apts., 10th and Lovejoy. Broadway 4ML CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3-room apts., rent $10 to $25. Marshall 2017. 1-2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas. light. $3 up. New Hart. ltU!i 2Q st. NEW furnished apts., concrete block; $10 and $12. 1102 Union ave. N. d:n. 'JL'U H ADDON HALL, 414 llth Modern 3 and 4-room apts.. rates reasonable. Mar, ntvt. SERENE COURT, 250 E. First N., 2 and 3 rooms, close in. Desirable. East 30J. GRAY GABLES, 2S 10th St.; 2 rooms, light clean, close in ; reasonaoie. AHDMAY TERRACE. 303 12th street, large, light 2-room apt. rent reasonable. OA MAR, 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3-room. apts., rent $16 to $25. Marshall 2017. 0 AIRY, well-furnished i August. No children. rooms July Phone East eper r.tui-e Sarrice. Inc. Gre&t Britain FOB RENT. Furnished Apartments. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined. safe. ' THE WHEELDON ANNEX. popular, loth and Salmon Sts. well known, of highest standing. A house of quality, comfort and service. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Colubla Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store, good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. LnfurnUhed Apartments. IRVING APARTMENTS. 4 and 5-rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service: low rate to permanent tenants; reference required. tSSU Irving street. Phone Marshall 2748. IMPERIAL ARMS APARTMENTS. N. W. Cor. 14th and Clay. Most modern 2, 3 and 4-room apart ments In the city. Rentals reasonable. Conveniently located for cars and walk ing. MEREDITH 3 rooms, $23: 2 roos. $20; walking distance, 22d and Washington. M. 7134. ROSE-FRIEND, 283 Broadway, corner Jef- ieron , moo em. uniur. apts.. Walking ais tance. best service. Marshall 1410. ELEGANT 5-room apartment with sleeping porcn ana all modern conveniences. Mar shall 173. KEELER APTS., 14TH AND CLAY STS. Beautiful 3 and 4-room suites, unfur nished ; references. Marshall 5753. 3-ROOM apt.; harwood floors, large closet. oatn, ground floor, beautiful ne'ghbor hood: $10. 78Q Irving st. Marshall 1758. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup -Modern nign-ciaes j-rm. apt. Phone Marshall Hi'U. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson 3. 4. 5 """". reasonaoie. Marshall :t3t5t. THE KING-DAVIS One very desirable 4- mom. .viain COLLEGE. 3 rooms, modern, sleeping porch. vmn w-u, ja ana uonege. -Mar. r.i.u. FnmUhed or Vnf urniheI Apartment. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4-room: rates moderate : -good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2O01 and 2104. Walking distance. 21st and Irving. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista, near 23d and Washington; large, sunny outside rooms; private bal conies, superior service; unsurpassed view; walking distance. Rates by day, week, month. Main 33 and Main G."37. WELLESLEY COURT. MELCLIFFE COURT. REX ARMS. Phono East 6577. Sunnyslde carline; close in; 2 and 3 room ; desirable- and reasonable. THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison mrictiy modern, an outside apartments, ideal location; references. Phone Main jvwi ana io.2. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details. 49 turret la st. Marshall 1513, A 3037. SUMMER RATES. Modern 3-r. apts.. $15. fur. and unfur nished; phone, gas range, hardwood floors. 37th and Hawthorne. Tabor 3788. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 44!-f7 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL HOI. HIGHLAND COURT APTS., 22D AND GLISAN STS. 3, 4 and 5-roorr furn. and unfurn.. sleep Jng porches. Marshall 3181. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 270 S. Broad way; 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments: on first floor; private phones; wal king distance. Main 2506. WELLINGTON COURT. Furnished and unfurnished apts.. $15 to $22.50; free phone, heat, hot and cold water. oroaaway J J4.. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. ISth and Couch sts. Marshall 2550. Mod ern new bldg.. shower baths; references. C58 FLANDERS Modern 4-room furn. and unturn. apts.; low rent. Main 8251. 4-ROOM. heat, fireplace. Bleeping porch. y ii .wawr. n.i r. jntn, corner Yamnill CUMBERLAND APT.. 301 West Park; best location in city, racing the park. M. lo. ROSEN FELD ibrlck). 14th and East Stark 3 and 4 rooms, $17, $20, $22.50, $25. THE GILES 6-room unfurnished. also -" mi iLisncii. in hup rn . ,nn inn St. $1 MODERN 3-r. fnrn. or 4-r. unfurn., $15. very nice. Phone East 89. Flat. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 6-room flat, lo cated between Couch School and Good Samaritan Hospital. Fireplace, private basement, varnished floors. French win dow and modern throughout. A perfect home for someone. Call Main 7070, ask for rental dept. 553 TAYLOR, near 17tli Large apt, finely furnished with Circassian walnut and fumed oak, upholstered with Spanish leather; also piano; very desirable; only $27.50; also 4-room flat, piano, $20. Mar shall 3295. FOR RENT Irvington flat. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, all in excellent condition : rent reasonable. 415 East 17 th North Phone East 1701. NOB HILL, strictly modern flat, 5 rooms and maid's room, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, gas range, etc. 254 North 25th. Apply 87. Northrup. ELEGANT 7-room lower flat, with large sleeping porch, breakfast-room, hard wod floors, garage, yard. 305 Klickitat. Main 1 32. 6. PETTYGROVE 4 unusually pleasant rooms, porch, fireplace ; reasonable. Main 21 oa TWO modern flats. 7x0 rooms. $16. 68 and 70 Cornell st., off 23d and Washington. Main 1839. NICE modern 4-room flat. L. K. Moore. Main 8667. 6-ROOM modern, beet location. Inquire 173 10th, corner Yamhill. FLAT of six rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt at. Inquire 130 Gth. Phone Main 6278. MODERN 4-room flat, near City Park. Main oi88. A 2676. FLATS 6 rooms, upper and lower, E. Mor rison corner 15th. East 1619. VTurnisned Flats. FOR RENT 6-room completely furnished flat, strictly modern, bedding, linen and dishes ; water and garbage service free. Call Marshall 5081, or 803 Water st-, near steel plant. ELEGANTLY furnished 5-room lower flat, with shower bath ; rent reasonable for 6 months to right party. 335 West Broad way, cor. of Market. 6-ROOM upper flat, partly furnished, new gas stove, heater. Main 1737. 3-8 13th. NICE clean Summer flat, modern, reasona ble. Adults. Woodlawn 3219. $19 5 rooms, new, modern, clean, sleeping porch; completely furnished. 572H Mill. Housekeeping Room. DANDY. cool. modern room, complete, housekeeping, $2.50 week, free linen, light and cooking gas. Dennison Apts., 34th and Belmont. THE BUSHMARK, 1 and 2 rooms, modern. $3 per week up. including steam heat, gas, electricity, telephone, 505 H Washington. 401 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts. Reasonable. POLLY rijhU reserved. RecUt.red in U. S. Patent Office. ASHVR'S WORK. IS A. 1.1 ITI.E TOO FIXE BY CLIFF FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water. phon in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.. $14 up. 2U1 Colum- bia st.. near 5th. NO KOMI S ANNEX Nicely furnished front H. K. rooms. $lo month and up. including hot and cold water, eiectricity, telephone. Phone 2642. 245 W. 17th. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites. Walking distance, both phones. $2 per week and up. Newly renovated. Main 7771. The Warrenton. 402 3d st. Housekeeping Rooms trt Private- Family. IRVINGTON 4 rooms on carline, large yard, roses, piano, fireplace, etc., $25. includes water, phone, garbage; adults. East 4384. $1 TO $2.50 a week; furnished H. K. rooms; free heat, laundry, bath, phone. East tt03tf. 4QQ Vancouver, near Broadway. LARGE rooms. kitchenette, first floor, single rooms. lots hot water. fr. Flanders. 2 LARGE H. K. rooms and pantry; pleasant, facing park and hills. Marshall 45."is. MODERN, furnished, housekeeping rooms in private family. $12. 736 Hoyt su FOUR unfurnished H. K. rooms. lower floor, private family. 7( N. 15th. DESIRABLE furnished rooms, with or wlth out housekeeping. 4i4 Taylor, cor. Lnadle. $3 TO $;;.5tt Come and see these immacu late rooms; running water. 372 flth. llous- HA VE Just On i shed redecorating and re painting my modern H-room house at 16 North 17 th St., between Johnson and Kearney sts., at an expense of $200; place has rented Tor $30; wiil rent to light party who will take care of place at $20 per month. Q't key at 4Q4 Piatt bldg. ONLY 5 blocks from Shattuck School; very cheap. $10 month; walking distance; la story. 7 -room, good house: gas. bath, basement. 432 13th St.. bet. Hall and Col lege. Key at 4u liall at. phone Main 74H5. VERY fine 8-room bungalow, located st 2S2 East 3tth St.. one block from Hawthorne ave.; long lease and reasonable rent to right pa-ty. Box 1, Forest Grove, Or. FOR RENT 7-room house with furnace, fireplace, large lawn, fruit trees, good garage. 972 Belmont St. For particulars phone Tabor lOO'j. UNEXCELLED VIEW 6-room houne. newly renovated, bath, furnace, Huud heater, sun porches. 507 Montgomery drive. Main 301. A 28LS. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored free; expert movers, packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., 0th and Hoyt sts. Broadway 7o3. 10-ROOM house for rent, suitable for house keeping: rent reasonable. 609 Everett st. Phone Marshall 4477. 7-ROOM house, 742 Irving st., near 23d; newly tinted, choice location, low rent. Main 5724. FOR RENT Unfurniued modern house, 7 rooms, close in; $15. Phone Sellwood 1511. 12-ROOM modern residence, suitable for roomers and boarders. 57 Trinity place. Owner. Fritz Abendroth. 146 Broadway. MODERN 5-room house. 64 U East Broadway, near 17th. Inquire at premises, 2:30 P. M. 5:00 P. M. FOR RENT Nice home, 6-room a, with gar den atl In, 1142 East 24th st. N. Rent $10. Call Marshall 5605 mornings. 8-ROOM fine, modern hquse, stylish neigh borhood. West Side; newly painted garage or without. Broadway 2474. WALKING distance. West Side. 7-room home. $25, 288 13th. 5-room cottage, $13, 488 Market. Phone Main 4310. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow, in splendid condition, near two csrllnes. Call 206 Monroe st., or phone E. 6333. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Modern house, 7 rooms, on carline, fine view; good loca tion. rent $2Q. Main 2242. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 7 -rooms. sleeping porch, on .carline. Owners leaving city. Mar. 2450. FU iL I TU R E for km la cheap for cash ; 6 room house for rent, garden and fruit. Call Wood lawn 2476. 6-KOOM bungalow, 728 K. Oak st. bet. 21st and 221: modern and in good order; rent $15. Main 5724. MODERN 5-room bungalow. 1 E. $12. 50 p. m. Marshall 205. 5-JtOOM modern bungalow, adults, $18. 435 it;. L'titn st. Kenwood 7J::. 0-ROOM house, close In. modern; suitable for housekeeping. Main 1153. 6 ROOMS. 205 Cook ave., near Williams; gas. eiertriciTy, oatn. tast rast oin'j. S-ROoM modern house, 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. Inquire 130 th Bt. Main 6278. MODERN 6-room bungalow, 1 E. 72d at., $12.50 P. M. Marshall rn5. A Io-room house, corner. Inquire G15 Cor bett bldg. GOOD 0-room house, gas, electricity, low rent. 607 Everett. East 8. FULLY furnished bungalow, 5 rooms, low rent: 12 min. 2 carline. Main 4375. 6-Rf OM modern house, 40 Division st-, $10. Broadway 427. East 5235. COTTA E. 5 rooms, ba t h, clean, cozy. Some furniture for sale East 3406. f24 E. MAIN 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace. gas range, water neater, i lowers. 6-ROOM houe. 327 Wasco, near Williams ave., rent $10. Phone 2440. COTTAGE- 6 rooms, timely rent. 553 Gll lan st. North. Key. 8S North 16th. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT Heautlful and completely fur nished 1 2-room house, centrally located, excellent residential district, convenient to two carlines. or will rent unfurnished. rmi Mr. t-rain. Main -'on. b ROOMS Hardwood floors. Oriental rugs, antique, mahogany and walnut furniture. choice nnrary. piano; rent lnaetimteiy, Phone Marshall 6013. BEAUTIFUL furnished bungalow, with ga rage, in Rose City. Will lease 3 or months; no children. Call 6b0 East Goth st. N- BUNGALOW flat. 3-rooms, sleeping porch. ri replace. oressin groom. linen, sliver, phone, strictly modern. 867 E. Wash. 28. COMPLETELY furnished home on West Side. 8 rooms, 2 baths, large sleeping porcn. jiarsnau i-u. WILL lease attractive 7-rocm Irvington cor ner home, sleeping porch and garage, com pletely lurnichea. Phone East j4iO. NICELY furnished 6-room house, 489 Grand ave. South. tree water; 16 per month. Apply H. Ii. Black, Marshall P47. FURNISHED house for rent, 6 rooms and sleeping porch. East Broadway, sear Union ave. ftiorn j -ns. $4.50 2-ROOM furnished house. Including water. Lents. Particulars, 128 First, near Aiaer. $17.50 6-ROOM completely furnished house, 428 Brooklyn st. Key next door. Phone Tabor 630S. NICELY furnished 6-room house, modern $20 month. 83 W. Park. Broadway 8187. FURNISHED modern house. Beaumont. Ap ply 126 1st st. Main 7008. LARGE six-room house. Irvington. good con dition, low rent. East 2320 or C 1284. Summer Reforts. SEASIDE Cottages overlooking ocean; clean and sanitary, cheap. C 2339. 560 E. o:th st. In . WEBB cottage. Seaside; good location, well rurnisnea. j-'none cast lniw. 6-ROOM furnished cottage, fireplace, bath. Ocean Park. Wash. Marshall 3613. FOR RENT for season, furnished cottage at reaview. v asn. rnone cast no. AND HER PALS FOR RENT. Summer Resorts. MY STRICTLY modern 10-room cottage for the season, completely furnished. bath, eiectric light, garage and beautiful park; also :t. 5 and 6-room houses furnished, all centrally located. For particulars inquire Mrs. C. S.. Box 126. Sea View. Wash. OCEAN LAKE. TILLAMOOK LINE. Two 3-room cottages, nicely furnished, month or season, very reasonable; splen did beach. Tabor 5750, or write N 344, Oregonian. SEASIDE. Beautiful 7-room modern cottage, fur nished complete; modern plumbing, elec tricity, fireplace. loO-ft. beach. tut Mi 7 4. CASCADE COTTAGE Near Hotel Moore. Mont attractive 5-room fur. cottage. Sea side; rent reasonable for season. Mgr. Carlotta Court, 17th and Everett. GOOD 7-room furnished house at Sea View, Wash. ; shade trees, excellent water. o-n-vement to station and beach; low Unt, East 8. NEAR MT. HOOD A few guests will be taken at the Geo. W. Allen orchards, Parkdale. Upper Hood River Valley, Or. For terms, phone Tabor 1164, city. SPLENDID lot at Sa.lt air. on Tillamook .nea.cn. only l block from station, and 4H feet from beach. Cheap for cash. 8 462. Oregonian. $30 SEASIDE. Or., furnished cottage, two uitM-KB irom Deacn. iMectne lights, city water, shady grove, large veranda. Phone East 5540. LIGHT housekeeping and furnished, 1 blk. . win ufn.cn, i una s a weeK. ocean Crest. Tillamook Beach, Rockaway P. o. SEASfDE E. L. Williams' cottage. Ill 1 5th me;, cifnn, cosy, moo... well lur nlshed ; res son a h i e. Main I tk). OCEA N LA KE. Ti 11 imook Heaih ; very de- ocean ironi cottage; month or season. Mar. 664. .U.HT housekeeping and furnished. 1 blk. from beach. 7 and S a week. Ocean Crest. Til la monk Beach. Rockaway P. O. SEASIDK A modern T-rooin houte over- ocean. season. .Main 004. SMALL cottage on board walk, ocean front. v .-t -oomg. v. yj. Long, loin anu jiarHlmll. WANTED 3 or 4-room cottage. Seaside, for 'w" w.-diion. -. r.a si .i 4 1 .3. FOR RENT 2 cottages at Seaside for sea- f-non rast homh. Kast 644. SEA SI DE 5-rooin cottasre. comnletelv fur nished, for season. Main 6OI6. SEASIDE 5-room furnished cot tare r..- season. Wod lawn 2123 mornings. Office. OFFICES, storerooms and halls, a I ho rooms r ngnt manuiacturlng; office building accommodatioya; rent reasonable Sweeney Investment Co. 815 Dekum bldg., rt and Washington sis. "WILL share three-room, well-established i.w omce suite, with first-class attorney, v ery best location. low rental. It will pay you to investigate. AP 448, Orego nian. 3-ROOM combination, suitable for dentist uu pnysician, m excellent location, heart or business district; low rental: well worth investigating. K 4S6. Oregonian. BUSTNESS 1 Oj'PQjliyXTTIHS OWING to my husband's death and my own , 1 fwomew property, wnicn in centrally located, whole block, one 10 room, bathroom, and 4 3-room houses, all f irst-clasa. furnished with cttv water, electric light, garage. 2 laundries; will rr?Klo for Portland property and a little -ash. Moneymaker for the right party. For particulars Inquire of owner. C S Rox 120. Seavlew. Wash. $60 PER MONTH FOR $ I OOO and your time two day each week; tio competition ; consider two or three-ton JBo2 ut?, trnc-- Stearns, CoL 7.31. After 6:30 P. M.. Eaut 5'.itO. RESTAURANT. DEPOT 1iTiTinv Business Is always good and getting better. Everything served above the down- own prices. Kent only $35 per month. Price $750 cash. A. J. DE FOREST. 2Q7 Board of Trade Bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing: deal for Ko-calleH lntr. est In established real estate business get u ui ruriiitiin itca 1 1 v Hoard. PAUL A. COWGILL. Sec, 302 Henry Bldg. POOL H ALL in the best town in Or.-o-r.n 5 tables, soft drinks, tobacco and cigars; all goes for $950 ; will ive time on nai-t This place is good for $60 to $75 per ciear pro ill. A. J. Ufl r Orest, 207 HALF Interest ca u be obtained by reliable man in a clean, legitimate, good -paying business where you can draw & salary of $125 month besides profit. Requires small investment, fully secured. Particulars ' ""m i.m ri 1 toe k oik. IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anvwherc, see A. J. DR FORI.NT 2Q-27 Board of Trnde Bldg. Fl N K .P port unity to secure good paying H ighway j-i v n y u inner rpiri ana notei; splendid - attractions. Price reasonable. AJ 3UL Ore goniwn. $55o WILL buy furniture and good will of notei 111 center 01 noon itlver. Good business, well established, but owner vrv 111 and must sell quick. Goddard &. Wled- ricK. f-tarK st. $135o WILL buy stock and fixtures of lead ing ice cream and confectioneries in Puv. Hup. Wash. Goddard & Wledrick, 243 fiarK st. ESTABLISHED business, grocery and meat market, best location. on Grand ave. Must be sole! at once. Apply D. G. Forbes, jn.-i urana ave. $! BUYS lunch counter in good town ripflr jortiand, doing to 50 per day. Rent $25 per month ; must sell quick. t-an at nonra 01 traae Diog. AUTO business Partner wanted, experience not necessary 11 wining to learn. (an draw salary $25 week, also large profits. trail room .fittocK oik. A STEADY man with 350 and handy with tools can buy half Interest in a good es tablished business with first-class mechan ic. Room 4 ;5 Pittock blk. WOOD and coal Partner wanted to tend of fice. check wood, etc. Good pay. Money secured. Konm at fittocK dik. $1000 TO $3000 to invest with services by experienced ousiness man; must stand strict investigation. A K rf.ii, Oregonian. OLD established cleaning and dvelnir shon. close in, rent $15; reason for selling; lady manager, o 34,. oregonian. WE BUY DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. OLD COLD. PAWN TICKETS. 1218 TEOV Bldg GOOD bakery In town or 1200; will sell on terms. AV 3 64. oregonian. 40 ACRES good land, want grocery, or what have you? N S42, Oregonian. BARBER chairs at a big sacrifice. Kemp Barber Supply Co., 271 Washington st. NICELY equipped candy factory; owing to other business; easy terms. Main 285Q. FOR SALE Cafeteria In good live town; snap. Owner died. Inquire 125 6th at. FOR RENT Restaurant. Call 44 N. 1st at., or Broadway 3S73. FINE little millinery store, Seattle, cheap for cash. Rent $20. Owner, E. 3466. OLD FALSE TEF.TH BOUGHT. WE PAY $1 TO $20 SET. 1218 YEON BLDG. FURNISHED hotel and store for rent, cheap. Bwd. 427. E 6235. ESTABLISHED barber shop for sale; very reasonable. Call 125 North 16th. BTERRETT. BCSrVKSS OPPORTrNITIES. GROCERIES. In and out of Portland. $14.mK general mdse. stock to trade. ft picture shows, some out of Portland, 10 garages, in a nd out of Portland. 3 good iniik routes, big trade. 10 confection and ico cream parlors. One dept. store. Eastern Oregon. $70,000. S blacksmith shops. Valley towns. 17 good restaurants and hotels. PACI FIO AGENCY, 514 Swetland Bldg. GOOD sawmilUng proposition ; mill of OO. OOO capacity, owiih its own timber: large body of other timber available; all in good locality with railroad shipping facilities, within easy reach of Portland ; good chance for practical mtllmsn to purchase stock and become identified with a grow ing lumber business. Call at 1406 Yeon build tn r for further Information. BrSINFSS OPPOKTrNTTtES WANTED. WANTED Dry Roods or general merchan dise stock for spot cash: give lowest price. S. Johnson, P. O. box 262, Santa Rosa. Cal. HOTELS AND ROOMINC.HOrSES. FOR RENT Milwaukte, Or., modern 15 room hotel; steam hen ted. office, dining room and kitchen. lare basement, 2 store rooms fitted to suit te aant In same build ing, suitable for either grocery, drug store or billiard room. Add -ess M. J. Gratton. M6 Milwaukee st.. or phone Sell woodOHH. ENTRANCE OFfHlPHl! LDIXil PLANTS IS A GOOD LOCATION. $1 oOO buys store, poolroom and soft drink place; all under one roof, with 3o sleeping rooms upstairs in connection- All goes for $1000 ca.h. Act quick. A- J. DE FOREST. 207 Board of Trade Bldg. FURNITURE and lease of 42 -room country hotel for sale; pop., 300; factory center; Dnvroll JtOO.tHXk mo SlfuMl cash will han dle; easy rent. This is a money-maker. Van 1'iiyn A Walton. 515 Cham, of Com. IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchange a Hotel, Rooming or Apt. -House,- see A. J. DE FOREST. 25-207 Board of Trade Bldg. 10 ROOMS of good furniture, alt house keeping : good location. low rent ; i soin this week goes for $350, terms. Call 163 S W-st P:irk st. MODEKN hotel. 30 rooms, elegant furniture: sickness compels owner to sell. r-ee notei and make an offer. 25 Trinity Place and Washington, ft 00 tn 1 5. 40-KOOM hotel for sale; bet bargain In Portland if this is what you are looaing for. Call 1631 West Park St. FOR best bargains In rooming or apartment- houses, see memoers or rteaiiy woira. Yates Realty Co., 240 4th at. WANT to rent a small furnished country hotel. Must show a living, av ai. vjrego nUn. LOST AND FOfND. THE following articles were found on the cara 01 the fort land railway, iignt Power Company. June 10, 1017: 1 saw, 1 coat, 2 packages. 2 grips. 1 basket, 1 picture, 1 package, 1 bunch keys. 1 charm. 1 lunch box, 1 shovel, 1 grip, 1 package, 1 bracelet, 2 gloves. 1 grip. 1 lantern. 1 pump. 1 package books, 1 shoe. Owners may obtain lust property at 1st and Alder sts. STRAYED or stolen from my farm, one sor rel horse, 6 years, about Ji.iu ids., atrip In face, hind foot white, flax mane and tall. Reward. George Davis, Route 3, Beaverton, Oregon. WILL party who took suitcase by mistake Tuesday afternoon at North nanK ucj'oi return same to Apt. 3, ,S Kearney st.. and receive liberal reward? No questions asked. LOST Sunday, either on Kitty Moran. the street or In Pantaices theater, an old-tasn loned rn meo brooch, keepsake. Finder phone Glencoe Market. Tabor 238. $5 re ward. LOST Sundav at Vista House. Crown Point, lady a purse containing? gold watch, pen and small amount of money. Phone Ta bor 2042. Reward. LOST A necklace, has 5 tooax stones, old fashioned chain, long clasp. Valued 3 a keepsake. Llfreral reward. r.ast ono-v LOST 1 tut ween Morrison and Sixth and Fourth and Alder. $40 currency. Wind blowing at tfmti. H. W. Freeze, Canny. LOST Watch fob, Wednesday, with mono , gram "S. L." ou black ribbon. Call Broad way 1856. LOST An upper set of teeth. Farkrose or on car. Suitable reward. At mv, orego nlan. LOST Gold Maltese cross, about an inch square. Liberal reward. II. Thompson, 824 Morgan bldg. LOST On Larch Mountain trail, roll of ex posed films. Please return to oregonian LOST Watch fob. gold Initials N. J. S, Reward. People's Clothing Co.. 1Q4 3d. LOST Ring, setting 13 pearls. Reward East 5567. PPFCIAL NOTIOTES. Proposal n Invited. PROPOSALS FOR STEAMER Office Depot Quartermaster. Fort Mason, ban Francisco, Cal. Sealed proposals will be received here until iu A. M., June ivit. tor con structlng and delivering one single-screw steel steamer. Information on application Miscellaneous. 1, EL VI N CONDIT. will not pay bills of my wife. Hazel londlt. BARGES for rent; 400 tons. Main 85. TTN.tNCTAL. Residence property, 6 to 8 per cent. Business property, 5 to 6 per cent. Farm property. 6 to 7 per cent. WHITMER-KELLY CO.. 711 Pittock blk. WE WILL PAY 6 per cent on time certifi cates of deposit for one year on to a lim ited amount, warmers btate Jtsana. Havre, Mont. FIRST and second mortgages; also seller's lnt-rest in, contracts purchased. Oregon or ash, h. r. Nome, mmpermena bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages purchased. Lewis A Co., 4 Lewis bid Money to Loan on Real Entate. PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley rarin loans: no aeiay; no commissions. Oevereaux Mortgage company, uui jon cord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. $5oo. $lu00 AND upwards ou Improved real estate: favorable terms: no delav: no brokerage- John Bain. 3Q7 Spalding bldg $2006, $5000, $"000 and $10,000 to loan at 7 per cent. r . t. cowman Ac o.. zi Chamber of Commerce. 1500. S250O to loan on residence orooertv. 7 per cent. F. Vanduyn, 515 Chamber of commerce. S200. S250. $350. $500. $600. $7r.0. $S00. $1000 $1250. $1500. 1S00. Fred W. German A Co., 1 32 Chamber or Commerce. $50,000 TO LOAN in amounts Co suit on city Property at o ana 7 per cent. KENZIE A CO., M5 Gerllnger B:dg. $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit: buiid . ing loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 215- 216 Failing bldg. rnone 51am 3407. MONEY to loan on real estate, chattel mort gages bought. C. W. Fallt't, renion bid LOANS on city and farm property, 5 pr cent up. r. r-Ticns, -tu (. nam. or com, $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm, no commission, t. o. box b.s. city. MORTGAGE LOANS. 0 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON & CO.. 4Q8 Selling bldg. $45.immi TO LOAN. 6 and 7 per cent. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO. Stock Exch. Bldg.. 3d and Yamhill sts. FINANCIAL. Money to loan on Real Kstate. OL'K installment plan is the best and surest method of imyiug a loan. $;;2. l:6 ier month for 36 months, or U1.4 tor 0 mom lis. or $15.17 for 16 months pays a $10OO loai and interest. Other amount in proportion. We loan on Improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS"N 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. 6 PER CENT money, 3 to 5 years, residence) property ; will accept $10O or more on principal at any interest period payment; b1- per cent money on business pro pert v, (wine terms. Also farm loans. 5 S ani 6 rer cent. Pacific Title A Trust Co., l'61-6-8 stark st.. Railway Exchange bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Aiy amount, low rates, promptly cloaed. Attractive repaying privilege. A. H. BIRKELL & CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. SEE US today Mont-y any amount on iia proved property. 6-4. Long or short tlme loans. Installment loans. Main 112. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 5 Yeon Bldg. 5 PER CENT loans will be made on central retail business properties, 6 and 7 per cent on other securities. EDWARD B, GOUDEY CO.. Northwestern Bank bldg. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CCX, 5'. 6'"V, 1C', Loans On Mortgage Security. Northwestern Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITV OR FAKif PROPERTY; WILL CALL IF INTluR ESTED. Phone Tabor 2626. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOAN a. a. n.. nirain:, 1 J i nimoer or wOm. Money to loan -Chattels and Salarie. FURNITURE SALARY loans. LOANS. All that la necessary to establish credit witn ua is mat you eitner own furniture. pianos or tuat you are wording w ill do. COLUMBIA TVTPCOTJNT CO LICENSED. S17 Fallins; Bldg. IF VOI' NEED MONEY SEE US. SALARIES . . CHATTELS, loans made to persons on salary or fixet Jn -ome; on hout-hold furniture, planus, dia-nond end other personal property leira I rates. Business confidential; private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). Ht-soT Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL I-OAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Fortland business men to protect borrower. C. Myers Herman, manager, H!4 Stark st. Money loaned on diamonds. j.-weiry. pianos, nousenoia rumiture. MONEY to loan on dla?nonds, jewelry; legal since 1 pBra Marx. 2S3 Washington. Loans Wanted. WANT $750. $M0. $1000. $1500. $2250 ant at 7 per cent on best Portland real denes properties. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Building. WANTED Immediately. $650 on S-roon iiomo. tarsTft 10 c. a J .1.1 oregODJWi. $lSOO WANTED 3 years. 7 per cent, 04 .u-room apartment-nouse. Main iio. WANTED $5000 on a well improved farml wiinout Donus. oregonian. SEE, OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO. stock bxeu, Bldg., 3d and lamhill ata. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 30-lnch wavy switch, 2 tep. ....... .$15 24-luch wavy switch, 3 sep 1.00 All-around transformation 1.45 H lirdressf ng, ahamitooing, face massage, hair bobbin, manicuring. 2.V. Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made of combings, !5c. Wo buy your comblnKs, Sanitary Parlors. 4oo-412 Dekum bldK-. 5! and Washington. Marshall 170. FEU VET & HANEBUT. leading wig and touie makers; 1 mest stock human hair goods, hairdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. Removed to 340 Alder, near Broadway. Main 54U. LAD I KS OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. Will pay $1 to $20 set. Very old seta are inot valuable. Bridgework, crowns, bought. Old or broken Jewelry, old gold, silver, platinum. Randolph, 121S Yeon bldg. MADAM DOMAIN. eacher of phrenology, palmistry and car read in sr. gives advice on all affairs; spec. a) reading this week, 5( cents. Shelley Hotel, 4223 Morrison, cor. llth. SPIRITUALISM Mrs. M. L. LA MAR, 235 5th st.. cor. Main. Teaches palmistry and card reading; also ieasous iu science of health and success. MONEY-BACK PILE CURE. Cure guaranteed or your money refund ed. This is no fake. Deal with responsible p.irtica. Addres Lock Box 083, Portland. MADAME J EANETT. teacher of phrenology and palmistry, advises on all a Hairs. Spe cial reading. 1 week only. 30c Beverly rooms. lt5 Park st.. corner Yamhill. AZA 11. lilBLiECKE, graduate dermatolo gist. Hair and blemishes permanently re moved. 10', 12th at. nr. Waah. Mar. 3260. SOPHIA B. SE1P. menial, spiritual science. Daily, 4ol Tourny bldg., 2d and Taylor atm. Circles Wednesday. 8 P. M. Main 6SS6. CHIROPRACTIC, steam bat ha. lie lit. heat, electric and vibratory massa.ge. Dr. Mar garet lluynic, 517 Swetland bldg. Mn. 1765. TRAINED NURSE desires refined patrons for massage, tub baths and light magnet ivs, 1 70 'a Second st.. room 4, first floor. SPIRITUALISM Rev. May A, Price, meet ings Tuicday. Sunday. 2 add 8 P. M. ; read ings dMly. 202 Clay. Mar. 3H60, A 2204. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by multiple needle methods; consultation free. Mile. Del.ong. 5u4 Swetland bldg. CO RHINE JOHNSTONE, mental, druglesa aud muguutic electro. B 2:t:t5. Hours 10 to 4. 540 E. Madison, cor. 12th. MADAME NONA, palmistry and card read ings; gives advi o ou all affairs; special readings. 50c. 38 1 Yamhill. MKS. STEVENS. 24 yeara In Portland. 20th. century science in palmistry taught; spir itual readings daly. 37o Taylor st. ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumbago, face and scalp; salt hatha. 426 Clay fct. Main 833. ETHEL BURK, manicuring, massage and electric treatments. 313 Wash., rm. !'. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 42 Fliedner bldg. Bdwy. 3473. Pi; 1. MED A BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213. mornings. MAY IRWIN, electric masaage, 2!1 Mor rison Bt-, office 7. GRACE BELMONT, manicuring, vibratory matwaire. Office 49, 3d floor. 1454 Bdwy. MASSAGE treatments, electric vibrator, by triined nurse. 3Q3 3d. Apt. C. Main 104;. FRANCES DE MAYO. SCALP SPECIALIST, 5501-, MORRISON. OFFICE 215. MAY ANDREWS teaches phrenology and card reading. 22 Park st. Main 7548. ROSE M. Back from Reno. Write to me at Seaside. HERBERT J. BESSIE WAYLAND Facial massage and scalp treatments. 350 S Morrison, office 2o2. SPIRITUAL meeting, Friday, 8 o'clock. 140 Jefferson. S. W. corner. MARIE NEV1NS, nurse, has returned I or -appointment. Call Marshall 247. SCALP massage and shampooing. Room 1, :t50 Yamhill, near Park. ALMA S- JOHNSON, facial, scalp: Franco American toilet articles. Main 1451. GRACE BELMONT, manicuring, vibratory maassg-e. Office 40. 3d floor. 14." it, Bdwy.