4 14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1917. " mm TrfffrTrffrTT7 This directory la for the Information ot tne public, to srlve ta far a pos sible the different lines of business which the average person may ilnd occa sion to use. Any Information which cannot be found here will be gladly fur nished by phoning Main 7070 or A 6095. House 40. ACCORDION' PLEATING. KLITE hemstitching and button ihop . Hemstitching, buttons, buttonhole, pleat - ing orders promptly filled. Work; suaraa teed. M 7239. 384 Morrison. K. STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion, side pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. 228 Pillock, block. Broadway lo'Jtf. AtWAYEM AXD AXALl'STH. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. AliATK ClTItU AND JEWELER, AGAT-titi cut and polished, jewelry and watch repairing. Miller's, 3434 Wash. sU AIIOK.NEY3. W. J. Makellm Probate, real estate, mining and corporation law; abstracts and titles examined; written opinions furnished. 1434 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 6748. CANCER. L. M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. Brewer bldg.. 18th and Alberta. Wdln. 4106. CARPET WEAVERS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, refitting, etc. North west Rug Co., 188 E. 8th st. Both phones. CLLIL011 BITIO.NS, BAIMiES. THE IHWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 887 'Washington st. Main 312 and 1204. CHIROPODIST. William, Estelle and William. Jr., Deveney, the only scientific chiropodist in the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg., southwest cor- ner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 131)1. CHIROI'RACilC PHYSICIANS. B1CK PEOPLE. Dr. McMabon. Macleay bldg. Specializes 100 per cent chiropractic. 31 adjustments, $15; seven. $5. Making good. CIRCILAK LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 610 N. W. bldg. Mar. 6822. 100 letters multigraphed. $1.50. COLLECTION AGENCIES. KK1H & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1708. No collection, no charge; established 1900. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, 85 0th, bet. Stark and Oak; 4 private lessons, $2; A. M.. P. M., eve., latest dances guaranteed; class Thurs.. Sat, eve.. 7-8:30. Bdwy 2180. M R. and Mrs. Heath's school, lessons daily, class Mon., Thurs. eve., 8 to 10. 109 2d St., bet. Wash. & Stark. Main 3205. Lessons 25c DANCING quickly taught, private lessons. Arbor Garden, 2d and Mor. Mar. 313. EVE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. LINGS. Treatment by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday. 517 Dekum bldg., 3d & Wn. FLAGS to order, any size. American Flag Shop. 703 Swetland bldg. Main 3412. FIRE INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. MUSICAL. EMIL, THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 207 FHedner bldg. Bdwy. 1629. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. PUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 9th A Oak. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOMt Baggage A Omnibus Transfer. Park & Davis. GRAIN MERCHANTS. M. H. HOUSER. Board of Trade bldg. GROCERIES. WAPHAM3 & CO., 67-75 Fourth street. HATS AND CAPS. THANH OT7SER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL. CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS., Hl Front St. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis sts. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor PIPE, PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front st. PRINTING. PRINTING 1st and Oak sts. Main 165. A 1105 DIRECTORY FOR THE GREAT EST ECONOMY BUT KING COAL Utah's Beat by Gov ern lent'a Test. Ask for Bulletin No. 12. Department of I n t e rfor. Bureau of Mines. Full weight an absolute sruar- antee with every order. All nib.. BTANDAH.D? bHAUC!) OF COAL - Ul llKllilE'liKS ICE DELIVERY CO. Cuccc isora to Independent Coal & Ice Co, Klgateenth and '1 barman. a 3245 phones main 234 OREGON .HUMANE SOCIETY Office Room 133 Con rt house, 5th-st. EilitrmjM. Phone from 8 to 5 Main 378, Home phone A 8252. Nik: bk call after office hour. Main 270O Report all cases of cruelty to the above address. Electric lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for slclc and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pets communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look axter ail impounding. There Is no more city pound. Just Oregoa Humane bociety. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS en 1iDroved city rrooertr Rt 6 and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates, i iberal repayment prlT' Jieges allowed. No delays. : large: loans special rate, A. II. BIRRELL CO. S17-21 NDrtswntcni Hank Ii ailIn . uaursnsiii 4114. a .lis. 5VESTERN BOND & : MORTGAGE GO. '. Owr Own Monr at Co res t Rates. MUNICIPAL AND CUKPORATIU.1 ' BONDS. FARM AND CITY LOANS. ' tto Fosrtli St- Board of Trade Blda .0QU0EVC0 15 7- LOANS ON MORTGAGE SECURITY MOHTHWCS1ERN BANK BU1LXUN3 : JNO.B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS Insurance, Surety Bonds S01 WILCOX BLDG. Mala 702. A S702H : Pacific Title & Trust Co. removed to its new offices, 264-6- Stark St.. Railway Exchanrs bldsr. Loans made on or before & yia.. 5 to 67.. Kn im Mil iiw.m y pi. in i J ; :, - -' OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. WHY PAY MORE? A BAVIXG OF 25 TO 00 PCT. Properly fitted glasses as low as $1.5o: 4000 satisfied customers; satisfaction guaranteed. Chas. W. Goodman, optometrist. 200 Morrison. Main 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C 'WRIGHT 22 years' experience. U. S. and .foreign patents. 001 Dekum bldg. PHVblCLANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Alisky bldg. Chronulo diseases a specialty. - FIFE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24ih and York sts. Main 8489. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbein, Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100 Front st corner Stark. Main or A 1418. - THE IVY PRESS JOHN M. MANN. S82 stark st. Broadway 408, A 4088. RAO RIGS AND FLl'FF Kl'GS. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Established 1903. Fluff rugs and rag rugs woven, all sizes. East 8th and Taylor. East 3580. B 1280. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. CARL R. JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. SANITARIUM. EAST SIDE SANITARIUM. 859 Hawthorne Ave. and 28th St. Newly furnished, pleasant home sur roundings, near business center, facing Burrell Heights. Modern equipment for care of general surgical and medical cases, rates $15 to $35 per week; special rates and accommodations to maternity cases: professional nurses. No accommodation at present for contagious diseases. B 2632. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. NEW and second-hand. Western Fixture A Showcase Co., 10th and Davis, opposite Armory. Fhone Broadway 774. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists; storage packing, ship ping and moving; horse and auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER Sc. STORAGE CO., 2d and Pine sts. Broadway 096, A 1908. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan St.. corner 13th Telephone Main 69 or A 1169. Wo own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest in surance rates In the city. " FREi .STORAGE, FREE MOVING, limited time. Object to fill warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 105 Park st. Main 5105. A 1051. MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office ISO Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents Phone Main 769L " VETERINARY "SCHOOLS. S. F. VETERINARIAN COLLEGE begins Sept. 3. Catalogue free. C. Keane, Pres. 1818 Market St., San Francisco. GREEN AND DRY" SLABWOOD, blockwood Panama Fuel Co., East 72. B 2889. MANUFACTURERS PRODUCE. PRODUCE, dried fruit. Correspondence so licited. Union Produce Co.. 128 Union ave. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FAltRELL. 140 Front street. RAG RUGS AND FLUFF RUGS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ingrains, Brussels. Smyrna. Axmlnster, raff rues; , sizes; man orciers prompt; uoonieu CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. 9x12 nigs cleaned and steamed. 8x10 rugs cleaned and steamed. ...$1.00 . . . .7J WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO.. 64-56 Union Ave. N. East 6516. B1475. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. FULLER A CO.. 12tn and Davis sts. W. P. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS EjO OX BUSINESS FROFEBTT. Q cyQ ON RESIDENCE PROPERTY ROBERTSON ft EWHO, A ort fa wcntcra Rank ttldjg. CORD SENGSTAKE (Formerly of Lyman & Sengstake.) GENERAL INSIHA.ME, 302 Wilcox Bldg:. Main 702, A 3702. EAL ESTATK Tor Salr Lots. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Into income. we aeslgn and build anything; furnish the money if desired; eight years In Portland. I R. Bailey Co., contracting architects. Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR BALE Lots . 10, blk. 12, Fox Chase. r. J-., cor. dd and Alberta sts: make offer. Long, 121 Sank St., San Fran cisco. BT OWNER Lot tor sale. No. 11. block 81. in r airport, on Morgan, 4 lots west ot Al bina and Miss, carline. W. C, Thomas, 114 Franklin. El Paso. Texas. $1500 LOT 11, block 27, In Laurelhurst; terms to suit purchaser, or will exchange up to $101)0. AV OS. Oregonlan. LOT 50x1 IS. Ladd Addition. 20th near Haw tnorne, $louo. it. F. Frescott, 144 Broad way. BROOKE Dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. A few bargains. Mar. 4827 For Sale Beach Property. FOR SALE BATOCEAN..OR. Modern 4-room bungalow and bath; must sell at a sacrifice. 610 East 09th st. N. Fhone T.bor 4000. FOR SALE Seaside, new modern bunita low, furnished, city water, lights, etc. near ocean. Tabor 45.35. HOL'SE for pale, just completed, on ocean ironi, at oearnart. Apply w. J. walker, Gearhart. For 8ale IIouHea. PRICES FOR QUICK ACTION. Houses that must be sold this week: $1475 1-rm. bungalow, bath, all built- in conveniences, furnace, lireplace. $140 5-rm. bungalow, modern, fire place, Dutch kitchen, etc. All ready to move into. $1850 6-rm. home, every convenience, lot 50x150. $2300 6-rm. home, a blnrVn frnm .T.fT.f. son High School, near Miss. ave. carline. You can't build any of these houses for wnat we ask lor the house and lot; easy terms. Lmbdenstock & Larson Co., 806 jhk. st. -none Broadway HKiH. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $."0 DOWN. $20 PER MONTH ON HALF ACRE TRACT PARK ROSE Close to Sandy Blvd., on macadam Toad: 1 Clirtn.r l.ur nim. vllh bath between; fireplace, white enameled Kitchen, built-in buffet, porch on front ana siae; some rir trees; chicken-house; ground all cleared; nobby looking; straight contract. No mortgages. HICK- MAN-WILBO.N, 45th & Sandy. Tabor fas. i: 1:121. Branch of J. L. HA11I- -ma.x ru.W'A,M. ON VERY EASY TERMS PARKROSE ACRE TRACT ALL CLEARED. Gas, water, lights: on macadam road. close to Sandy Blvd. Think of It; acreage with paved street to the city. Terms, $23 down. $15 mo. Price $1500. HICKMAN-WILSON, 45th & Sandy. Tabor 6S6S, C 2121. Branch of J. 1 HARTMAN COMPANY. LAURELHURST. Before buying elsewhere, obtain our list of exquisite new homes for sale on easy terms In laurelhurst. the show place of Portland. LAURELHURST CO., 270V4 Stark St. Main 1700. A 1515. FOR SALE or will exchange for modem home in good district, 6-room home on acre, plenty fruit, city water. Just outside city limits, fine condition. AN 417, Ore gonlan. BEAUTIFUL Rose City Park bungalow sac rifice; can't describe and do it justice; come and see. 550 E. 61st st. N. Tabor 2618 MY equity In 7 -room bungalow, on Rodney ave.; dirt cheap. N 320. oreconian. For Sale Business Property. $80 PER month Income, new 2-story brick and concrete. East Side; will sacrifice for quick deal: accept paper money to $2000 - and cash $1650. balance mtg. Price $SOOO. AP 430, Oregonlan. CLOSE-IN 10 rooms, fine location and fur niture: house makes $60 a month clear; must sell at once: price $500. terms to suit. 41U Hurnside. Broadway 1402. NEW TODAY. Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good noil, good water, close to carllne, easy terms ; will build to suit purchaser, Fhone Marshall 158r or Sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON. Owner. FOR RENT Suburban home In Rlverdale district; rent reasonable. AN 418, Ore fronian. For Sale Acreage. ON VERY EASY TERMS PARKROSE ACRE TRACT ALL CLEARED. Gas, water. lights: on macadam road. close to Sandy Blvd. Think of It; acreore with paved street to the city. TTms, $'27 down, $15 mo. Price 15K. HICKMAN-WILSON. 4.-tn & Sandy. Tabor 688, C 2VJL Branch of J. L. HARTMA.N COMPANY. 10-ACRE tract In Clarke County. Wash., close to Rood town and the' Pacific High way; several acres of fruit; most of the land In cultivation ; Rood creek ; house and barn filled with Rood oat hay; $15ou; will .take a good piece of Portland prop erty an part payment. See owner. 404 Piatt bid. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES Near Portland. $75 to fliOO per acre, easy 7 terms, best soil; farms for Bale, all sizes. McFarland, 505 Yeon bldr., Portland. For Sale Farms. WHEAT ranch, 1080 acres: 900 can be cul tivated, balance pasture; 170 acres in 'wheat, 45 oats. 135 summtrf allow ; 7 horses, 7 head stock and hoj? and chick ens; 2-A- family orchard; all farming Im-plemei-ts; everything necessary for 1st class ranch; 5 wells. Price $35,000; 24.- 000 cash, balance 5 years, 7 pr cent. 1 know every foot of this place and it can't be beat in any man's country. FRANK K. STEARNS. 202 Wilcox bid. $700. FOR QUICK SALE. $700. Lease for remainder of 1917 and of crop on about 15 A. oats, corn and garden, with apples and pears on about 10 A., about 10 A. pasture, 2 excellent fresh cows, 2 calves, team horses, harness and wagon, brood sows with pigs, lot of chickens, etc All for $700. half cash, bal. this Fall. Large furnished bouse with lease. E. II. IeVaul. R. 4, Hood River, Or. FOR SALE 1G0 acres, good place for stock and fruit, 20 acres In crop, new modem house, plenty of spring water. Rood barn and other buildings; fenced; fine view. Mt. Hood district. 2 miles Columbia River landing, 6 miles town; good roads; take small place near Portland part pay. Ad dress B. F. Hogard, Lyle, Wash. I OWN a tract of 43.73 acres between 2V4 and 3 miles from Newberg, Or., partly in cultivation, some crop, about 2' acres of prune orchard, about 1 acre of family orchard ; small house, good barn, creek runs through the land. Cannot look after the farm myself; must sell. Will take $l!5O0. See owner. 404 Piatt bldg. 10-ACRE farm, house, barn, trees, view, $2000; 12 A., buildings, crops, orchard, $3"00; 2 y acres, Oregon City, bungalow, $200. 11 Mi A., Clackamas River, garden. $2850; 2 V A., cultivated, 12Vc fare, $700; 1.10 A.. 5c fare, Johnson Creek, $S0. Main 3672. M FARLAND. 505 Yeon Bldg. 50OO ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices, $5 per acre and up. Write lor map snowing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER- TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS, Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $18 Per acre: suitable for farming or grazing; easy terms, for lniormauon write or see W. E. Holt, Miles City, Mont. 882 ACRES, by owner; this Is a bargain; crops go witn iarm at price or land; grav ity water system. Pacific Highway; half cash, terms; 0 miles to Albany, Route 2, box 185. IdO ACRE3, $50 per acre, 24 miles from Portland; Al agricultural land; running water; 3.500,000 good saw timber and 15.00O ties. Phone Marshall 15&5. Call yio unam. or com. 10 ACRES, $800; good soil, well watered. on county roaa, scnooi; win divide or consider part trade. See Draper, 4ol Board of Trade. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up: runnin water, good soil, H tillable, employment. easy terms, jesse rt. cnarp. eo aa st. LARGE and small farms, Gresham district. stto acre, up; spienaia sou. pavea roads, Krider & Elkington. Gresham, Or. Tel. 17X. 40 ACRES, very fine fir timber. Address Mary Adams, Huff, Oregon, R. 1, box 7u. 100-AC RE farm for sale or Adams, Huff, Oregon, R. 1. Mary WANT FT KKAL E9TATK. I WANT a good building lot anywhere in the city up to $500 in trade for my 8 room modern house with good garden space, berries and fruit trees, on Mr. Scott line, three blocks from car; easy terms on balance of $o00. See owner, 404 Piatt bldg, FOR RENT FARMS. 0-ACRE farm In Wash. Large orchard and g-araen. naiance in crop anu pasture. Plenty water. Good market, near R R. and river transportation. Crop, stock and implements ror sale, will bear invest! jrating. G 347, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL country place for rent, 5 acres pears, apples, cherries and small fruit, o room cottage, partly furnished, garage, barn; all Implements for cultivating fur nished. $20 per month. Phone East 50ii8. 5 ACRES ready for garden at Lents, house, barn; give years lease, $50. Bdwy. 637. FOR SALE TIMBER LAMIS. SECTION of very fine virgin redwood: ae cessible to railroad; easily logged; Ideal mill site; terms easy; a money-maker. av o, oregonlan. BOUGHT AND SOLD. M'CRACKEN, 304 M'KAT BLDG. TIMBER LANDS. C. J. TO EXCHASOE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE or trade. 121 acres, known as Strawberry Island; alfalfa, fruit and gar den land; good six-room house; also 3- room house; everything In running order will trade with or without equipment. John F. Stack, 127 E. Main st.. Walla W alla, Wash. EXCHANGE In Chicago. III., modern K-Tt bouse, lot 50x165; 2 garages; wish to ex change for some cash and 5 or 10 acres near Portland, with modern house, or city property. Address T. L, Peterson, 4048 if. Ashland ave.. Chicago. OREGON CITY CARLINE. Well improved 5-acre home. Price $4250. For house and lot not over $3000. Box 417, Gladstone, Or. $1100 EQUITY In 6-room bungalow, lot 100x100, fireplace: exchange for automo bile. Apply 347 Pittock blk. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. GOOD phonograph with horn for folding bed or anything I can use. Call Mar shall 3061. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Harness. Etc. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away free; $6 paid for cows, crippled and played-outs. Portland Rendering Co. Call Woodlawn 20. TEAM blacks. 2400 lbs., with harness and farm wagon. $165. 506 Williams ave, Williams ave. or St. Johns car, get off at Russell st. DEAD stock and old horses bought: fat ones a specialty. Call us for best cash results. Milwaukie 69-J. $35 TAKES 1100-lb. horse, true worker. 1967 E. Stark st. Also steel-tired buggy and harness cheap. 1200-LB. MARE, with light farm wagon and single harness, $95. Fhone Marshall FOR SALE Delivery wagons and gooseneck wagons. 88 E. 7th st. North. DEAD stock taken quick: we pay the most; $7 and up for dead cows. Tabor 4203. GOOD HORSE, harness and delivery wagon for sale cheap. 1122 Union ave. N. TWO teams, 5 wagons for sale. 4430 Wood stock ave. 1200-LB. MARE, with light farm wagon and single harness. $95. Phone Marshall 4055. GOOD driving and riding mare, weight 1150, young and sound. Sellwood 141. Pinnoe. Organs and Mnsiral Instrueents. TILL pay cash for a baby grand piano in good condition. Must be a reliable stand ard make and a bargain. O 372, Orego nlan. CIRCUMSTANCES compel me to sell piano. An old standard make, fine tone and ac tion, sells in the East for $430. Will take $175 If sold at once. O 365, Oregonlan. WE store for 00c monthly; buy and sell pianos for cash only. Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. TRADE your old silent piano at full value for an up-to-date talking machine. Harold r. jnoerr. ai lamniu st. $160 CASH " closes out a few $350 new 1916 model pianos from storage. 1011 4th St. $95 CASH secures $.r00 Weber upright piano; must sell. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th St. HA RDM AN piano for sale. $200. if taken at once: also good furniture to be sold at a nargaln. 7U Wasco St. East 3074. $100 CASH buys $425 Smith A Barnes upright piano. Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. RENT A PIANO Most reasonable terms in Portland; no squares or thump boxes. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 8:4 Yamhill. I PAY CASH for used pianos. Harold Gilbert, 3S4 Yamhill St. FOR SALE. Piano. Organs and Musical Instruments. WHY BUY A SECOND-HAND -PIANO T Knabe, Haines Bros.. Behnlng. Schaff Bros., Franklin and other famious pianos sold here for less than is usually asked for used Instruments. CONVENIENT PAYMENT PLAN. INVESTIGATE. LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO., Piano Store 7th Floor. PORTLAND PHONOGRAPH & RECORD EXCHANGE Bny, sell, trade and rent phonographs and records. Main 44!5. 12S. First, near Alder. HIGH-GRADE player piano for sale cheap. or trade for Ford. Main 6888. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. has lined up spe cially ror Rose Festival week out-or-town cash buyers some storage pianos, viz: $325, 113 model, only stored, $135 cash. $350, tl model, onlv stored. $10 cash. $375. 1016 model, only stored, $UM1 cash. $550, JU15 model player piano, $2i cash. $iOO, l:5 model player piano. $315 cash. $275 Boudoir, upright piano. $45 cash. $325 Emerson, upright piano. $H5 cash. $375 Kimball, modern upright, $t5 cash. $50O Emerson, large mahogany, $105 cash. $150 Steinway & Sons, old model, $75 cash. $750 Bennett, "baby grand." $345 cash. $1100 New York pianoforte grand. $105 cash. $0O Standard parlor organ for $12 cash. $100 Burdett parlor organ for $20 cash. $150 Clough & Warren organ for $30 cash. $10 Alleger parlor organ for $15 cash. Boxed and shipped f. o. b. or delivered In city. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st. $5 CASH, $6 month, without interest for 24 years, places new 1917 model piano in your home for $260; compare with $350 piano sold elsewhere with interest added. Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth st. FOR SALE Phonograph, Edison make. Call Monday, C 3067 or Woodlawn 20ol. Dogs, Birds and Pet Stork. FOR SALE 6 beautiful thoroughbred pit null pups, dark brindie, 7 weeks old, gooa with children or watch dogs. Jocelyn Grocery and Filling Station, E. 11th and Stephens. AIREDALE CLEARANCE SALE. LADDIX KENNELS. EST AC A DA. OR. TWO Boston terrier puppies, $25 and $33. uu Marshall 8061. Kurnlt ii re for Sale. FOR SALE Bed, complete, one dining-room set ana living-room set. lumea oaa. one Wilton velvet rug, cooking utensils, excel lent gas stove, etc., very cheap. 34 Keeler Apts. Marshall 5751. FURNITURE for sale, slightly used, very reasonable. 1195 E. 10th North. Wood lawn 644. Poultry. POULTRY and equipment for sale on 6- year leased land: sales. January x to June 1. $1783.70. Sales now. :1IK month. 1700 chickens. We mean business. E 370. Ore gonlan. Livestock. HORSES and cattle pastured near Portland. Main 85. 2 FAMILY or dairy cows, heavy milkers and just Dreo. 274 IS. 7th St., near nawtnome. Machinery. NAGLE horizontal engine. 8x10, with gov ernor and throttle. t;onaitlon gooa. ore gon City W oo I e n Mills. Oregon City, Or. Launebe. and Rosts, FOR SALE Houseboat. 4 rooms, completely furnished. 40 Willamette Moorage, u 2313. Typewriters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers' guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase, visible models $3 mo.; $7.50 for 3 months. Other models less. Remington Typewriter Company, b6 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. St. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut Co., 281 Stark St. Main 1407. rates. P. D. L. C. SMITH visible typewriter In excellent condition; owner leaving city. 1' REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona Dealers. E. w. Pease Co.. no Ptn. Automobile. FORDS FOR SALE. 1 Ford touring $290 1 Ford touring $273 1 Ford roadster $275 2 Cadillac trucks, lft-ton ana 2-ton ca paclty. 1 Pope-Hartford roadsteK LONG & SILVA, 462 Hawthorne. SITPElR SIX HUDSON. Hudson Super Six. like new, a wonderful performer; mechanical condition perfect: eood tires with extra tire complete. Price not given on account of the party selling It, nut win sen car on terms 10 rename party. AP 37o. Oregonlan. FOR $1U0 CASH, balance monthly pay ments. we will convert your Ford into a Hendricks ONE-TON TRUCK. Price of Hendricks attachment $325. Bring in your Ford today. A. M. FERGUSON CO.. 514 Alder st. Main 3966. OLDSMOBILB 8. 1916 model. 8-cylinder Oldsmoblle, perfect mechanical condition, equipped with Good year cord tires. This car is a real bargain. Price $050; terms if desired. AN 374, Ore gonlan BEST cash offer takes my Wlnton Six, seven-passenger car. Just overhauled; leav ing city. Inquire C H. & S. Garage, 23d and Washington. I WILL sacrifice my 7-pass. touring car for $600. fully equipped and In A-l shape. At Fashion Garage, opposite Library, 188 10th st. 100 USED AUTOS. To select from at Hemphill's, used car center, 127 Lownsdale st., cor. 15th and Wash. Main 3843. A 2445. SAVE 20 per cent on your tire repairing at Hemphill's Vulcanizing Department. 705H Hawthorne, cor. East 20th. All work guar anteed. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles: we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at M price. Auto Wrecking Co., 89 North Broadway. AUTOMOBILES overhauled at reduced rates. Hemphill's Trade Schools. 707 Hawthorne, cor. East 20th. Written guarantee with all work. NEW CAR BUYER. If you are going to buy a car costing about $1200, call James, at East 2556. He can save you money. 2-TON Reo truck In good condition. A bar gain If taken mis weea. lermt ii oesirea. G 343, Oregonlan. 4-TON G. M. C. truck In Al condition, for sale reasonaoie. ruono xauur iiv or .la bor B288. WILL sell my 1915 Dodge car. in Al condi tion, reasonaoie; terms io buiu . an iuro noons. Tabor 7749. 1913 CHALMERS "36." 5-passenger. Car In good shape; new lires, jau. to joroaaway. Bdwy. 612. HENDERSON roadster. Continental motor, good shape, $293. 75 Broadway. Bdwy. 512. 7-PASSENGER Cadillac $2 per hour: Co lumbia Highway trips, o nours, iu. rnone Vast 1B72. ' HUDSON LIGHT SIX $.150: $425 cash, balance In 12 payments. Broadway parage, r.. 'iiii ana rtroaaway. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each; vul canized. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. FOR bargains In used Ford cars, see W. E. Burdett, 450 Hawthorne ave. FORD TOURING CAR. also roadster; MUST BE SOLD. 211 vvaaninKiQD, PACKARD "IS." extra Sedan top, excellent shape. 75 Broadway. Bdwy. 512. 5-PASS. Reo. run Marshall 5005. 2000 miles; good as new. CLASSY Auburn roadster, $300. Owner, 2109. The car, 429 Belmont. Automobiles Wanted. I WILL pay spot cash for your For FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX.. Fast 8770. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. I HAVE orders for few used Ford cars, will pay good cash price. what have your 450 Hawthorne. East 1628. WILL pay spot cash for a good Ford car; no agents: state model and price, C 37U. Ore gonlan. AM in the market for Dodge or Bulck road ster; musi ue oargain lor caan. aj ooe. Oregonlan. HAVE cash to buy good used Chevrolet, four ninety model, c 371. oregonlan. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE!. LONG & 61LVA, 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. PHONE E. 6840, 11-PASSENGER Cadillac, $2 per hour. Co lumbia Highway trips, 6 hours, $10. Phone East 1672. CARS for rent without drivers. Phone Bdy. 2629. Corner 3d and GMsan sts. AUTO CONSTRUCTION CO. AUTOS without drivers for hire. City Gar age. 86 10th St. Broadway 840, A 4246. NEW 5-pass. Dodge for hire, touring, call ing and shopping. Main 743". NEW SAXON 6, Highway, depots, funerals, calling, shopping; reasonable. East 4582. Mlseellaneous. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside st. Broadway or A 5674. FOR SALE cheap, used computing scales all kinds. Please call at 384 Stark st. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT) WEPA.Y $1 TO $20 SET. 1218 YEON BLDG. FOR SALE Good dry wood; alsu lumber and brick. Piioue East 4o2j.' FOR SALE. MiM-ellaneoos. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand, sold for less. No agents em ployed; all machines sent out sewing per fectly and guaranteed; machines repaired: machines rented. $2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 8d. near Taylor st, A 8626. Main 0431. U. S. JUNK CO.. 231 Front St. Main 4711. We buy and sell Job lots or less, metals, scrap iron and all kinds machinery, belt- ing. etc.: highest prices paid. Will call a nd deliver. SEWING MACHINES. 20O slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheads, $5 and up; box tops. $2 and up. S. S. Siegel, two stores. 882 Wash, and 242 Alder st. COPYRIGHTED and published poem. "Thorns and Roses," by Lou Ellen Barrel! Cornell, a Portland woman, daughter of Oregon pioneers. Address 802 E. Yamhill st. for copies, or phone E. 105. OREGON JUNK. METAL Ac HIDE CO. We are In the market for all kinds of junk. Highest cash prices paid; first-class auto service. 274 FRONT ST. Marshall 1940. ONE 80-h. p. Erie City boiler, including all fittings: will pass any Inspection; can be seen under steam until next Thursday. National Laundry Co.. E. 8th and Clay sts. 3A KAST5IAN Kodak. R. R. lens, devel oping tank and all equipment. Will sell reasonably or trade for a first-class vest pocket kodak. R 407, Oregonlan. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, an Kinas macninery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co., 76 1st. Main 2363. CASH REGISTERS, slightly used; our prices are lower, tjasu liegisier exenange, aol.'.? Washington St. Main QQ6. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale, all grades; large selection. Pacific Stafy A Ptg. Co.. 107 2d Ft. Main 1971. FOR SALE Nice seed potatoes. Call after f ir. M. 1536 E. 10th North. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning at your home. a.c a rug. .Marsnau oos. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented. exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. Mn. 8;82. SAFES, scales, fixtures bought, sold, ex changed. Howe Scale Co., 46 Front. Port. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N. W. Lead & Machinery Co., 811 Front St. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Main 797. WE BUY DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. OLD GOLD. PAWN TICKETS. 1218 YEON Bldg. GOOD 4-foot Main 942. slab wood; dry dock plank. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY JEWELRY, DIAMONDS AND PAWNTICKETS. ANY AMOUNT OR QUANTITY. BRING TOUR OLD OR BROKEN JEW ELRY AND GET FULL VALUE IN CASH. OLD GOLD. SILVER, PLATINUM BOUGHT. BRING OR MAIL. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND JEWELRY CO. 121S Y'eon Bldg. Phone Main 3252. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO WANTED. My specialty Is buying gentlemen's clothing and paying positively 50 per cent more than any other dealer. We need stock to supply our chain of customers. See us before selling your old clothing and shoes. Will call any place In The city. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. or 20U Madison St. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. -$7.50 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS J7.50T HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES" AND GENTS' SUITS, SHOES AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE. MAIN 2O80. GLOIVE STORE. MAIN 20S0. 283 FIRST ST NEAR JEFFERSON. SQUARE DEAL. Williams, the tailor, pays positively $2.50 to $10 for gentlemen's discarded clothing, shoes, trunks, valises, etcy Phone Main 7880, A 3240. 143 11th. SECOND-HAND CLOTHINO WANTED. WE PAY FOR MEN'S SUITS. $3 UP-TO $10. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL CLOTHING AND SHOES. ETC. MAIN 4770. 246 FIRST ST. SECOND-HAND CLOTHINO WANTED J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.50 UP FOR SD-HAND SUITS. HE PAYS MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHES, MARSHALL 1220, 220 MADISON. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. WILL PAY $1 TO $20 SET ; OLDER THE BETTER: CROWNS. BRIDGE WORK BOUGHT. BRING OR MAIL. RAN DOLPH. 1218 YEON BLDG. MAIN 3252. STEAM-JACKETED castlron kettles wanted Must be In good condition, capacity from loo gallons up. Write or wire particulars. stating price, catalytic unemicai company, Berkeley, Cal. DIAMONDS for cash. to lH-kt.; good oualltv. want oia goia. platinum, stiver and high-grade ore. H. M. Pickering. Mfg. Jeweler. 218 oregonlan oiog. WANTED Piano tor storage: must be in good condition; no cniiaren, excellent care. East SIOJ. CORDWOOD WANTED. Will contract for 1000 cords No. 1 fir; pay cash. A 035. oregonlan. 2D-HAXD CLOTHING BUYER: BE WISE AND GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR 2D- H AND CLOTHING. 201 H 1ST. MAIN 734. ATTENTION, users of Dickenson's Jelly. We want your empty glasses. Phone Main 90K9: we will calu WANTED 500 cords grub oak. 1000 fir. Quote prices f. o. b. Portland. American Fuel. Co., 18th ana aughn sts. HIGHEST prices for hides, metals. Junk and rags or every description, oia ana new 247 Front st. Marshall 1940. Salem 399. 1000 FRUIT JARS WANTED. Bicycles, tents, garden tools, rifles and everything. Main 4-.. 128 1st st. WANT all kinds of TOOLS. BICYCLES and EVERYTHING. Main 4493, 128 First. WANTED National cash register. Main 606. 351 Vj Washington St. AUTOMATIC RIFLES, shotguns, pump guns, kodaks and lenses. Hochfeld. 85 Third st. WANTED Cash registers, safes and show cases. 160 1st. Phone Main 4234. FURNITURE WANTED. THE LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO.. dealers in new and second-hand fur niture and hardware. We buy hotel and restaurant outtlta ana tools ot any de scription; will pay the top prices for them, cssh or exchange. Four large stores are ample proof that we can furnish you with practically anything you need in home or elsewhere. 221 f ront. Main au.2. A 711. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205-207 FIRST STREET. NEEDS 2D-HAND FURNITURE. CAR PETS. RUGS. STOVES and OFFICE FUR NITURE. CALL MARSHALL 587. OUR BUYER WILL CALL WITH CASH. JAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description: have the ready cash. rnnnf today. Main - or --. Pirai hl WILL oav hlebeHt Drice for furniture, ruga. stoves, ranges and office fixtures tor out- of-town store. Main 7714. WE ARE buying furniture and household goods and paying highest prices. Mar shall 1822. BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main b::i. i-.'i jo st- WILL pay cash for 2d-hand Jurnlture. Call Mr. w astinurn. jiarsnau una, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. FELDSTEIN Furniture Co. wants your used furniture. Main 4633, A 26js. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED By Alaskan Engineering Com mission. 200 station men laborers at 50 cents ner hour, eieht hours work per day. board $1.23 per day, to go to Anchorage on "steamer Crook, sailing noon Friday, June 15, from Seattle. Fare $3 to cover board on boat. Want only men who thoroughly understand station work and who are experienced In such work. All applicants nust pass physical examination in Seattle not later than Thursday even ing. June 14. Alaskan Eng. com., lu; Custom -Ho use. WANTED A young man between IS and 21 years, mechanically inclined, to fill position In local branch of large manufacturing company; must be industrious and thoroughly relia ble: posKlon carries with it good possibilities for advancement, de pending entirely upon personal ef fort. H 330, Oregonlan. WANTED ODen shoo: first-class rnachin Ists. lathe, boring mill and milling ma chine work: first-class wages and steady work to competent men; 8 hours day, time and half for overtime. 411 uregon niag., 5th and Oak. WANTED ExDerienced awning man; one who can drive auto preferred. Apply Hirsch-Weis Mfg. Co.. 205 Burnslde st. MAN to wash cars, night work. Apply Pal ace Garage Co., 22d ana Kearney. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. WE PAY $1 TO $20 SET. 1218 YEON BLDG. MAN to drive laundry wagon; state age and give references. G 339, oregonlan. PORTKR wanted iu barber shop al Washington st HAND presser wanted. Call Monday morn. Ing. Prompt Tailor fhop. 4.12 stark st. GOOD dishwasher wanted. Lunch. 385 B. Morrison. Apply Buffalo PLATEN press feeder wanted. KJeist & Co., 1Jj JSorth. 2d su HELP WASTED MALE. WIRELESS AND WAR An unusual de mand is created by the war for wireless operators, both naval and commercial service. Y. M. C. A. m' -.oo offers thorough, practical and Individual instruction; serve your country in a skilled position; begin your training now. Address division C for detailed Information. Y. M, C. A, Port land. O STKNOGRAPHY IN GOVERNMENT SERV ICE Unusual demand for shorthand writers and typists, created by tha present crisis; beginners' pay $75-$tOO; special need is for men; prepare in a man's school. C 1 or write Division C. Y. M. C. A. school, Portlandu AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Jusl moved into our new building. It's especially built for this purpose. Tne equipment is excellent. New clas rooms, laboratories, shops. De tails given on request. Address Division , Y. M. C. A. Department of Education. Portland, Oregon. REGISTERED pharmacist wanted who will become shareholder: must be a hustler and reliable; store located In business cen ter of city. Full Information given on re ceipt of references. -Taylor Drug Co.. Butte. Mont. DO you like the position you now hold? Are v you drifting aimlessly? A two-cent stamp will bring Information that will open your eyes to opportunities you probably never before knew existed. Van Roy & Dunn, box 500, Tacoma, Wash. WANTED Apprentice plumbers to prepare lor positions as superintendent. lnaDector. consulting expert. Sure, easy home study method, no loss ot time or pay. Interna tional Correspondence Schools. 604 Yeon blrtg. WANTED Manager for large lumber plant in Eastern British Columbia; must have successful record In lumber manufactur ing; salary contract attractive for right man. Applications confidential. Address AV 94. Oregonlan. LEARN to take care of your own machine. We are putting on a special course for business men and ladies during the holi days. For particulars call or write Hemp hill's Trade School, 707 Hawthorne, corner E. 20th. WANTED Open shop; first-class gray iron lounary molders. tlrst-ciass wages to com petent moli nd steady work; tt hours day, time and half for overtime. 417 Oregon Bldg.. 5th and Oak. TEAMSTERS and laborers for railroad be tween Redmoond and Prinevllle; out of the rain belt; no lost time; could use some Italians also. Information at 311 Lumber Exchange bldg. or on work. COMMON laborers for logging and con struction, $2.75 and up; mill, $2.50 and up; ranch. $40 and up. Cannot answer correspondence. Bend Employment Agency. Bend, Or. COLLEGE PDEPARATORY SCHOOL New classes Just opening for Summer term. All work fully accredited. For complete bul letin address Division . Y. M. C. A. De partment of Education. Portland. Oregoa. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 888 Burnslde St. Call or write for Information. MARRIED man wanted for orchard and general farm work. Separate house fur nished and good wages paid: right party can obtain permanent place. Address "Sunrise Orchards." Mosler. Oregon. LIVE agents in every town In Oregon to sell sickness and accident insurance: clean-cut policies, good commissions. For further particulars write General Accident Com pany. 921 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. WANTED Two cooks for machine gun com pany, 3d Ore. Inf. Pay $38 per month; absolutely no expenses. Work every other day, under a first-class cook. Apply at Clackamas. Or., or C 520, Oregonlan. YOUNG men wanted, prepare for telegraph service to fill vacancies caused by unusual enlistments, war aud signal corps; big de mand for telegraph operators. Call or write Telegraph Dept., 506 Panama bldg. WANTED Open shop: calkers. steady work ana gooa pay; b hours day, time and hair for overtime, 417 Oregon Bldg., 5th and oak sts. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. SUMMER RATES. THE OREGON CHAIR CO. requires the services of a man with experience as foreman in the machine room of a turn chair factory. BOY to aelp stock cutter, fair wages with chance for increase; also delivery boy with wheel. Kleist & Co.. Printers. 103 N. 2d st. EXPERIENCED truckdriver wanted to pur chase new truck with contract to earn $35 a day; $1000 is required. C 365, Ore gonlan. WANTED Japanese or Filipino boy as Jan itor or hall porter in hotel out of town. Inquire from 1 o'clock to 3 P. M. of Man ager Northwest bldg. WANTED Open shop; thoroughly experi enced layerout In holler shop: steady work; 8 hours day. time and half for ovrr- tlme. 417 Oregon Bldg.,5th and Oak sts. WANTED Man about 80, good appearance. not afraid of work, with experience pack lng mdse. Give age. experience, phone. Lt 584, oregonlan. WANTED Open shop; good, experienced foundry helpers: best wages to good men 8 hours day; time and half for overtime. 417 Oregon Bldg., 5th and Oak sts. WANTED. Lot salesmen. Give full particulars first letter. Address Box 389. Pocatello, Idaho, and arrange for personal Interview. WANTED Boys, high school preferred, for Oregonlan paper routes In various parts of the city. Apply at once, room 203, Oregonlan bldg. WANTED Young man to lesrn machine woodworking business: good wages to start. Give address and phone number. A B 382, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED janitor, married, $40. per centage on laundry, milk and papers, free apt., ligth. and gas. Call Mar. 1163. 414 11th St. WANTED A good, strong boy for packing department, small errands. Apply at Cigar Store. 146 2d, between Morrison and Al der, between 6 and 7 P. M. 400 SUITS Uncalled for, tailor-made: a little money here goes a long ways. Orpheum Cleaners, 355 Stark St. REGISTERED pharmacist: must have good record; gooa salary; gooa nours. Al 000, Oregonlan. WANTED A strong, birght boy for de livery. Apply Underwood Typewriter Co., 10th and Stark. STUDENTS paid while learning the auto mobile business at Hemphill's Trade Schools, 707 Hawthorne ave.. East 20th. A STRONG lad to work nights In bakery. Call between 10 ana 11 A, Al., Royal Bakery, lltb and Everett. WANTED Two news agents to work on passenger trains; small cash bond required. Inquire at l!"-j N. 6th st. WANTED Competent electrician for out-of- town work. Give age, experience, phone. A 543. Oregonlan. WANTED Competent man to handle con tract for five to ten thousand cords of wood. Apply 103 West Park St. WANTED Colored young man to do porter work. Apply Politz. 6th and Washington. WANTED Competent machinist, railroad experience prelerrea: out of- town. Give age. experience, phone. A 544, Oregonlan. OLERK Good penman, large corporation. State qualifications, age, references. A 631, Oregonlan. MEN and boys wanted for factory work: good wages. Apply in person. American Can Co., 14th and Thurman St. WANT experienced clerk for out-of-town ho tel: must have references. Call from 1 to 3 P. M.. at Manager. Northwest bldg. WANTED A middle-aged man for hotel clerk. Apply 214 Columbia St., after 9 A. M. WANTED Experienced holel night office porter; $35 and room month; give phone. O 334. Oregonlan. BOY to run elevator mornings and evenings for his board and room. 263 14th St. Vir ginia Hill Hotel. WANTED Elevator man or boy. Ramapo, 14th and Washington. Holel WANTED Experienced hotel night clerk; give phone. N 328. Oregonlan. . WANTED A man for Janitor work; be experienced. Main 8757. WANTED A bellboy, 163 12th st. Call after A. M. EXPERIENCED printing salesman wanted. State full particulars. D 370. Oregonlan. WANTED A bellboy, 163 12th stTCall after 11 A. M. WANTED Laundry help, men. Phone East 3464. WE BUY DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. OLD GOLD. PAWN TICKETS. 1218 YEON bldg. WANTED A first-class moulding sticker man. Nicolal-N'eppach Co., 227 Davis. WANTED Young man In stock department. Carman Mfg. Co., 1214 Macadam. R. G. OTT Pleaese phone 494, Forest Grove, Important. WANTED Auto truck for delivery pur poses. Main 764. EXPERIENCED washer: call or write New Method Laundry, Hoqulam. Wash. WANTED Man to work on extractor. S. Laundry. V. MEN'S shoes exclusively; style and quality. Fleshman's. 263 Morrison, bet. 3d and 4th. W A N T E D Hotel Kaloo. ajnitor. Apply Holel HELP WANTED MALE. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPART MENT. V. M. C A. We can place young men with ability. Constant calls coming in lor the man who can deliver the goods. A Y. M. C. A. membership costing $5 guarantees you will secure employment or refund of fee. Also gives you 2 months' full privillges. 10 months' social and use of this depart ment for 1 year. ee Secretary J. W. Palmer. Help Wanted Agents. AGENTS at once. Sell JVOc per month hos pital tickets. 301 Board of Trade. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Experienced operators on shirts, pants, coats, overalls, tents, etc.; both one and two-needle machines. Best wages la city. Apply Hirsch-Wcis Mlfi. Co., 2ui Burnslde st. COOK wanted, must be efficient, with good references; no washing: $40 a month, fam ily of A Apply Mondav. 421 Montgomerv drlve. Take Portland Heights car. Phone Main 5125. WANTED Good girl for general house work, small family and excellent place for the right girl. Call today. 115S East Yam hlll st.. cor. S9th. Take Sunnyslue car. EXPERIENCED fancy troners wanted, steady work. Main Hand Laundry, 667 Washington st. HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, Broadway-Vamhlll building: reduced prices for the Summer; positions when competent. OUR "one best bet." telegraphy, stenogra phy: woman's work, man's salary; earn all expenses. Mackay Bus. Col.. Los Angeles. WANTED Six ladles to learn the barber trade at once, free tuition. Moler Sarb.r College, 2d and Burnslde. WAITRESS Highest wages to experienced arm waitress. Acme restaurant. 91 N. 6th st. RAGTIME piano playing positively tauKlit oeginners in iu 10 2U lessons. Practice room free. 411-12-13 Columbia bldg. EXPERIENCED girl for rooking and house- worx. Appiy juonaay. 23a King st. Phone Main 2511. COMPETENT maid for cooking and gen eral nousewortc witn city experience. Phone East 5005. 870 Thompson st. LADIES, learn beauty culture, latest meth ods, special rate, big opportunity. Room 502-3 Columbia blrlg. RELIABLE girl, not under 16, to look aft er one-year-old girl baby afternoons. N 329, Oregonlan. WANTED Competent girl for general house work.: no cooking, no laundry. Apply 484 K. 17th North. SWEDISH girl for general housework; no rnunren. no washing. Room 544, Oregon Hotel. WANTED Ladles of good appearance who can walk and talk: $2 to $4 day made.- Room 602-3 Columbia bldg. 1ST-CLASS dressmaker wanted. Must be experienced. Come ready to work. 221 12th st. RESTAURANT waitress. $8. $9: cook. $40: others. Howes, room 435, 270Va Washlng- WANTED Competent child's nurse. r landers st. Marsha'! l!trt!. WANTED -Girl for general housework. Tabor 2586 or 663 E. 40th St. N. GIRL wanted to assist with general house- w ora. -.o r.verett st. GIRL for general housework; no laundry. Phone East 2483. WANTED A girl for confectionery store, 8 , 1 " 11 r n. Aiipi 110 ixorin em. cor. Glisan. WE BUY DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. OLD GOLD. PAWN TICKETS. 1218 YEON Bldg. EXPERIENCED second glrL Call 817 Pet tygrove. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework 408 N. 32 d st.. Wlllametle Heights. LADll-.li Learn beauty culture; rates. 306 t. w. Bank nidg.. tn anT.'ashlngton sts. COMPETENT girl for general housework. good wages paid. Apply 436 E. 18th North. WANTED Girl small family. for general housework. 725 Weidler. East 5113. GIRL for general housework, 4 In family; references. Call E. 1322. A MAID for general housework. 3 in family East 2116. -"tjr. COMPETENT girl for general housework -references. -East 744. 411 E. 13th at. N. ' GIRL for general housework, assist with plain cooking, $25. 705 Lovejoy st. DISHWASHER wanted; Morrison st. $10 week. 220 M GIRL wanted to learn tailoring; pay little while learning. 60S Panama bldg. OLD FALSE TEETH" BOUGHT! WE PAY $1 TO $20 SET. 1213 YEON BLDG. MISS MATTINGLY'S SfHOOL. "shorthand" Typewriting. $3 mo. 269 14th. Main 381t3t WANTED A girl for general housework, 712 Marshall. WANTED Laundry help, women. East 3464. Phone WANTED Girl for general housework: good cook. Inquire 181 23d st. N. GIRL to work In small restaurant; must be experienced. 24 N. 6th. PRIVATE home for children, any age; 15 years' experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. WEAVERS wanted by. Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City. GIRL wanted to assist with housework. S74 Northrup. WAITRESS wanted at 288 Burnslde st. HELP WANTED FEMALE, WANTED Competent girl for general housework, 2 in family; work llsrht: good permanent home; $-j per month. Phone East 500S. EXPERIENCED waitresses for the Tea Room. Apply between 9 and 11 A. M., Superintendent's office, basement balcony, Meier & Frank Co. W'ANTED Ladies to prepare for telegraph service to fill many vacancies caused by young men enlisting for war. Call or write Telegraph Dept., 006 Panama bldg. CAPABLE second maid; must have refer ences. Phone Marshall 3956 in the morn ings and after 6 P. M. HF.I.P WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. BERRY PICKERS WANTED. Will want during the coming week looo men, women and children for strawberry fields of the Hood River and White Salmon districts. Pickers will be expected to furnish own camping equipment. Croi la good aud prices for picking higher thau paid last season. Apply at once. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Operated by City of Portland U. S. Government. Third and Ankeny sis. STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, salesmanship, English branches at an ac credited school; write or phone Main 590 for catalogue; graduates guaranteed posi tions. Behnke- Walker Business College. 167 4th St., near Morrison. EXPERIENCED weavers and spinners; good wages; steady work. Also use limited number to learn weaving and spinning. Apply Portland Woolen Mills, St. Johns. Oregon. STRAWBERRY HELP wanted Immediate. 5UO pickers. 2o0 packers; families and children looked after. Apply Fruit Grow ers' Exchange, Hood River. Oregon, Good accommodations and wages. SCHOOLBOYS and girl to sell high-class sovenlra during Rose Carnival week. Good commission. Address Mrs. E. W. Philips. 02 E. Yamhill St. Phone E. 1009. ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Founded 1893; 30 schools In U. S. and Canada: Summer rates; paid while learn Ing. Write for catalogue. 2:14 Burnslde. CUNNINGHAM'S STENOGRAPHIC SCHOOL trains you for civil service examination. Main 1114. Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2d & stark. JAPANESE man and wife for housework family 2: $." per month. Phone Milwau kle 76. Monday. AP 366, Oregonian. MOHLER Barber School, men and women to learn barber trade free: paid whiie learning. 38 N. 2d. cor. Couch. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. ALISKY BLDG. OREGON Barber College wants men and women to learn barber trade: paid while learning; position guaranteed. 233 Madison. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Names of men-women wishing Government positions: $75 month; hun dreds war appointments. AV 15, Orego nlan. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Honkkrtprik anil Clerks. ADVERTISER. A-l accountant, wishes po sition a auditor or cost accountant, elpht years' machinery manufacturing on Coawt Also lumber experience rail mill, now em ployed; first-class references. F 330. Ore gonlan. CAPABLE young man wants position in sales, collection or credit dep of local concern; best of references D 872, Ore gonlan V 1 1 -,-. 1 1 a n eo 11 . MAN hot. and wife wish position as cooks in l or ramp. Marshall 5496. PAPERH ANGING. painting and tinting neatly and cheaply done. Mar. 2493. C-'-M I'.NT work aud 8a rases. Wood. awn j;.