THE MORNING . OltEGONIAN. FKIDAT, JUNE 1, 1917, 0 Or PortlaM Tbt Off err II 11 I i V v J construction would be a blow In the those whose property Is Insured. It Is easier for so-called soap-box orators to grain audiences than persons presenting subjects to their audience In plain unvarnished language. The facta that I wish to present for the consideration of the mothers, fathers, business people and residents of Port land have to do with the PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY. Portland, as many of you may not know, is today a city, dreaming, little guessing the grave danger that is ever present along its waterfront. Owing to the negligence of the past for which the KIRK INSURANCE INTERESTS ARE LARGELY RESPONSIBLE, the city Is saddled today with an ever-increasing burden, ar d an ever-present danger. Associated 'n the public mind, with the word t je Insurance is the mis conception ; pat fire Insurance means protection. (But as experts have de- the patriotic civic bodies who are ever clared thousands of people today imag- ready to flock to the standard of the Ine that the moment an insurance pol- insurance Interests for selfish reasons. Icy is in force on their property safety Mr. Fitzpatrick goes on to say, "Is it Is assured. As to the writer, you ask natural to expect men who make their yourselves who I am and why I come daily bread and considerable gain out to Portland with this story I am about of the Insurance business to do very to unfold. I will say that It Is be- much towards the realization of such cause I wish to relieve myself an ideal city? Do you expect them to of the charge or suspicion of being show more than half-hearted enthusl- actuated by any other motive than asm towards fireproof construction?" civic pride, public spirit and National He says: "The powers wielded by these patriotism, that I am obliged to tell companies are astounding and they use you something of the things I have them autocratically. And yet the trav- ten, and consequently the larger will best to get their companies to accept from them and some of the mlsguld- Twenty-four hours on and twenty-four under theold V'tern. be the premiums. The more fires the what everyone recognizes as a ques- better the other man's misfortune Is tionable risk." Mr. Fitzpatrick show their gain. that the insurance companies have A city composed entirely of fireproof made money. He stated in 1914 that buildings and in which only some small the Insurance companies in Minnesota part of the contents could possibly collected nearly $9,000,000 In premiums K,,i-n wnnlil Affa, nnrtr nnnnrtnn t AH Tor mat jelir, a Bum vuua. lu 111 the Insurance agents. This may ex plain why the fire underwriters are able to interest some of the real estate boards, whose members mike a portion of their living; by writing; In- (Signed) A. J. him. He In turn Is very apt to take bis ed associations that they have de- hours off system. Went into effect Trodick, Chief Fire Department. cue rrom me insurance interests or ceived. I am reliably informed that April 1. (Signed) Thomas o uonnor, city of. Kansas City. Kan. Two- -ny omciais wmi mora the C. of C. double-crossed the East Fire Marshal. - platoon went Into effect January. 1914. energy than sense who permit them- Side Business Men's Club, In lnclud- City of Los Angeles. Cal. (letter) Has proven a perfect success. In case yv" V drafted into the service ing their name attached to a report The public is satisfied with the sya- of a big fire that lasts more than ? r . the underwriters, issued by the National Board of Fire tem. The men are more efficient. I 12 hours we have' a new shift coming fma' 1 h c; MX ' nJoy pi rlvileges on Underwriters under date of May 21st. flnd eacn company more reliable and to relieve the tired shift. The men do 9,3u1': lha the two-platocn system habitant, and that the losses paid out The press fairly bubbled with stories efficient. (Signed) Archie J. Eley. not -et stale as they did. No more were only 2 per Inhabitant. Late re- that have emanated from sources that chief of Fire Department. March sleeping In day time. Some people ports show that the United Stock Com- were bigoted, actuated by self-inter- ip 1917. run away with the idta that you have panies Fire and Marine took in over" ests, greed. Ignorance and malicious City of Seattle. "Wash, (letter. May not the same control or discipline. This $210,000,000 a year In premiums. He misrepresentation, "ine local rating 2 1917) it is my firm belief that i tne height of nonsense. The two- surunce policies. A decrease in rates, a -concludes by saying that the only real bureau has even threatened . to raise thJ twopiatoon. system will be In the platoon system has also been adopted consequent decrease In premiums, due iunction 01 lire insurance is 10 equm- rates, dui mis as an w.. tmcat. 01,0 near future adopted in all the leading by San Francisco, Minneapolis. Buffalo, could offer them few Inducements. I do not mean to convey that the privi leges that these chiefs enjoy are nec essarily open to criticism, rather are they to be envied by their less fortu nate subordinate. Take the case of Fire Marshal Jay Stevens, for instance. A fine fellow. An estimable gentle- to a reduction of business and better 1- the loss and 1 distribute among all that they neither Intend to carry our, , f h country, fire would have Y-. and many other man who has,-done mucn tootl nor dare carry out. The underwriters deBtroTed a greater part of our water- la'rge"cltles. Portland is the only large dark to some of these gentlemen. They I h'.ve been able to verify from per- base their rates on losses irom ear to front Dut wa9 prevented by having paclflc Coast city not operating there- jr or year; now, men, tan mcy tn8 two-platoon system in our ciijr. under. n..A,,i n t . mil nf q n 1 normlt tho Ennl . ynerl enra the lnrnnsistnffv city of San Francisco to rebuild for 'the insurance Interests, when I became rate for the city of Portland based on Loss would have been In the millions another 'conflagration, together with n. ,1 i fir. nr.v.niinn I lnfmes that have not yet occurrea. ana j .1 .i itm has more v itn sucn a mass 01 tviocnct as mm iink' Km WITH AWTC AND RESPECT with an entire absence of any parallel .,, n. h r itself. Your department the question naturally arises as to LTUM thk lissuiiKKS AiN u inc. cases on wmtii iu "-"""" T Th strengthened at every what the reasons couia oe ior so ao- Probably directly such u.ndekwkhuks. td closer i got xne uiiuci v.. . of fire by tne on emit. ."" celvlns- the nubile as to try to convey of greater service to " 1 I r-irir p irn AHaisuni v-u;.. " to the fire prevention studv the more know, that it is a too-common expe astonished I was to note what ap- rlence for fire departments to be short rlDartment. . . . ....... . . 1 TT" .11 1. Till t. 1... .l pearea to oe tneir coiaDiooaea inaii- 01 men. vn mo v. .nj - ference. I had always realized that the year in San Francisco one company question of fire losses was not a proceeded to a fire with only three question for Commercial Clubs or men. This was a frequent occurrence Chamber of Commerce alone, but the in the department. They did not have great public It shoulder the was in the Iroq fire prevention in the city of Portland. thereby endearing himself to the busi ness man and attracting the attention of the underwriters. It could not be hoped that auch a man would be per mitted to run around loose very long. men are the ln- epartmeni. ,,, . . system is a failure an City of Seattle Ma rch 7 19 statement appearing in ss by fire in 1911 was $742,337, in that u waB a fallu 1 ne service ui wio - . lo 1916. $625,000. the impressioi. that the two-platoon surance Interests. They are failure anywhere. The corrawea to advantage, ana wnen thts morning 13 accompusnea the insurance interests re in Spokane naTf u.-vuy to t hack the whip. partment is just as efficient as here " ; ...11. r,rfrtH after conversation WHILE THE USEFUL ONE JUMPS self it was that had to men enough to raise tne laaaer at ma ,manent institution. It has burden. Whether it lire, lives were lost, dui 1 cannot, reiau .r.tlon since April 2. 1913. and oquois Theater in Chi- that the insurance companies maae any be.en entirely satisfactory. (Signed) ndreds of children were protest on .this particular fire. In 1913 nr. rmnirttnint. learned in connection with this story, which started many years ago. To begin with, through my business, I nave a . comfortable income, which places me beyond the necessity of un dertaking this work for hire. I can. esty of it all! It Is to the Insurance nneen whftrA 111 suffocated, or the Triangle snirtwaisi 1 Drougni 10 mo anenwun 01 mo m- B- T. stetson. Chief of Fire Departi Citv of Superior. Wis. Everybody .ith the Fire Chief of Spokane who did I,roUK.h. !h HOOPS. . . . th. frnm holnr mat iniei Stevens is Deen . .: . . the cltv of Portland and affiliate hlm- aaoptea ana aia nis w 10 . -h fV, oved after it was adopted, for tne -. ' T, n 111 ii!u 1 rimui hi- reason he explained to the wr'iter that "ff h'"""" the men did not consult him but had h" am toIdYhaTh vtns sleeps at e used to sleep expert that the laymen, our city au- factory In'.N'ew York, where 144 work- surance companies in this city the fact ' to be satisfied with the the temerity to appeal to the public Jn f(re hou8( aU f which Bhows ing girls died by fire, suffocation, or that the wholesale drug companies w?v were dashed to death on the sidewalk carrying dangerous quantities of ex as they hurled their flaming bodies plosive drugs and chemicals, but I do thorlties, our architects and our en gineers go in seeking information about how building should be done and what laws to establish. To protect therefore, say with truth that I am themselves against conflagration losses. not in the employ of any Insurance they may deem it wise tor a city to company, fire department associations. Install additional fire stations, more .nir Knrnnniinns nr individuals, machines or better equipment. The It is a healthy thing for every person people of those cities may have begged country. As I pointed out In 1912 gard promised to have a hobby, so-called, providing for just such things for years, and when I addressed the Oregon Mothers assist me in change. I did not advocate tne cnange. wnu vuu i .......... --- --- that the chief is a man of sense In Personally I believe that the two- example ot vicious memous. ... . ...- that particular. which inclines one to , . . n,nn.riv Installed In- terestinir to note that when the city .v. . .3 . from the eighth and ninth floors of not recall that the Insurance companies tne efficiency of the depart- of Los Angeles adopted the two- u ,s dlffIcult to beUeve that Chief this building; or in the Collinwood protested, nor was I able to gain any ment (Signed) Olaf Johnson. Chletf platoon system by overwhelming vote stevens knovrlRK tne conditions under of Fire Department. tne ui 1 whlcn ln6 firemen of the city of Port- ......w . v. c 117 Wa POVERTY. The City Council through ., I.hnr rnnlH rlollh.ntolv nnnnta Ufl have vet to hear' any complaint from fear presumably of the underwriters. tnem ln their Justifiable attempt to the public. Wo have had some build- REFUSED TO INSTALL the system. lmprove the service of the city and ing fires in the business aistrict tnreaienea to ciusu mo . lo gain ror tnemseives a more humane where the loss would have been greater CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and BUhl- regime. UNLESS ALREADY THE had we not had the additional mem NESd MEN'S ASSOCIATIONS howled malign INFLUENCE AND AUTO- wlth which to combat " the fires, and ranted. It was STATED THAT CRATIC POWER OF THE INSVR- Under the old system we had difficulty THE INSURANCE COMPANIES ANCE WORLD had NOT STRETCHED ln flndinu men to make application ior WOULD RAISE ihe.ik kaii-o, ult us mailed 11st and polnteu that hobby Is a useful one to human their appeals were unneeaea; out lei Congress ln this city, the loss is a tax dlnance eociety. Some people are Interested ln the underwriters make these same de- on tne public, whether it be sorrow and broken. clean streets, others in pure jnilk; Jauu aim mo aumonucn ..cmc griei irom tne aeam 01 lovea ones, or icumjn ethers in better roads, some ln Im proved transportation, still others ln housing, child welfare, hospital work. etc. Many of us are interested In number of these things to a certain extent, but there is usually some one Any ruling made by the local board Is and inconvenience to business. School disaster in Ohio, or in the great assistance from John Burgard.. then a San Francisco fire, the financial shock member of the city government, and of which was felt throughout the fire Insurance agent, although Mr. Bur me that he wo having an or- comnly. The fact is the companies are the hardahlna encountered in the de- nothing well organizea ana mey Biana xogemer. struction of homes or the financial loss unman 1912 and passed. The promise was I brought this to the at of the underwriters,' but came of it. When the Hotel burned here ln man jumped from a adhered to and sustained by all the Twenty years ago T first encountered a third-story window and fractured i . l;,o. skull the injury. together with It is to the former's laxity and their T ,. . r- , horrible burns causing his death, it cause that interests us more than the willingness to Insure poor risks earlier T d,d not tnen cotnprehend the ra'mifl- was a matter of official record that other, and that we seem to understand ln the game that must be attributed ln catjons 0f their meddling ln city poll- tno ' firo department of Portland better. To me tne stuay ana science ercm in me cunumuui mai. now io...- t- - fact even today they take " repeatea notice on tne own ,m position on the department. From my erendum tutition was circulated and with certainty to the new duties that i experience I'll say we have no desire tne cjty put to the expense of a sec- were to be expected from the employed. V? to return to the old system. (Signed) ond election. AGAIN THE MEASURE Still other chiefs hope to curry favor of fire prevention and fire protection, pel them, ln self-protection to demand at a to' explaIn that they Involving as it does life and property, the additional safeguard they are In- lnterfere ln political matters. 1 do not ers that the STATE LAW ON FIRE Jos. Randall. Chief Fire Department. CARRIED BY OVERWHELMING vote, by their attitude. Mill others are ln Cltv of Yonkers. N. Y. The fire loss The f rehouses were closed. The Coun- favor of the two-platoon system and per capita loss on fires was as cii rent the air asunder with howls WHEN NOBODY IS LISTENING. That follows: 1912. $3.84: 1913, $2.98; 1914, that the city was ruined, but the system many of these chiefs could be easily aws or ESCAPES WAS VIOLATED. braces one of the greatest Importance slsting upon. The companies are not In- ordinances. I find that this is largely recall that the owners failed to of National resources, and points to tne terested in a city's welfare, nor in Tnai. t WHEN IT SUITS THEIR CON blackest pages of neglect of the his- or Its cltisens. -iney exist tor tne soie VENIEXCE. Kor instance. when I tory of this country. liiven a casual purpvsc 01 u.a.uK j - observer can hardly help pausing ln members, salaries for their officers, the contemplation of this National profits for their stockholders. w ny ao me insurance companies meddle ln the affairs of the city of Portland? Mr. Fitzpatrick has an an swer that applies to this question. Go ing back to the days when Portland was a mere village, the remarks made their Insurance on this property nor that the Insurance com ln the name of human I do not 19". $1.25: 1916, $2.05; of 21 cities 0 collect having a per capita loss during 1915 of less man i, per cmi o. m... ' panies protested, two-platoon cities, and of the 29 cities lity, against this having a per capita loss of more than calamity. fnyisifier that out of near ly 16.000,000 buildings ln the United States only approximately 10,000 ap proach fireproof construction. omo to Merlford Orearon. In 1909. I l"" ""e "i iiurnau " ; " ":, ; to ' conditions criminal carelessness, although they o not one Deiongs in mo th rlrd J fl orotec! new that the operations of the fire column. The health of firemen has Improved there regarding fire protoe department were hampered by the vlo- been materially affected n our city. In 'l,It "onF insurance T interests la"on. I do recall, however, that with 1913 there were 915 days lost in Illness; butThen I made an apnea? to them to the picture of the dead man in my In 1914. 110 days: 1915. 126 days; affect but when I made an appeal to mem to sufficient number of af- lr,- a savin a- to our city of several went into effect. The firehouses re opened; the Insurance companies did not raise their rates; the city was not ruined; quite the contrary. About a month ago the estimable committee, some of whose names appear on the special report Issued by the National spared WITHOUT Impairing the effi ciency of the department is Indicated by the report that during the month of May this year, at a second-alarm fire in the city of Portland, which threatened to assume serious propor tions. NEARLY A HALF HOUR ' - , a was a mere vi.iaKc. mc icuiaiiui There is but one absolutely perfect , ' .1 i-i,. tuilding ln the country this being lo- UcaDle He states: -when a building cated ln Chicago. The hottest fire you waa erected ,n tne center of a could build about t or in " would b,ock u wa8 not particuiarly exposed Jo hardly a hundred dollars worth of tQ external flro. lt Was most natural damage. Listen to what t. vv. therefore that the companies should Patrick has to say about fire condl- make a iow rate upon it, even though It tions and fire insurance companies, and waB Dullt of inferior construction. Then then ask yourselves If you can afford wnen another building was erected to sro over this article unheeding. nn A hinv .lthnnirh iha Those of you who have children in the danser to botn was increased, still the to h-ve introduced in the City Council fidavlts I presented the matter to the thousand dollars Pennsylvania nas I received detailed letters as to how Krand jury, with the District Attorney. JuBt passed a law making lt mandatory Lnosslble it wil and mat I m us t de-1 George Cameron, and I made a re- upon Philadelphia to Install the system. pTnd on my w5 tnthustasm and ?he Ouest for an indictment against the (s,Ked) Charles L. fankey Captain intelligence of the local authorities. I owners for manslaughter but the TrUck Company No. 1. honkers Fire found a dry-cleaning establishment ln grand jury would not indict, under Jn- Department. Medford. This was a frame building, structions from the D strict Attorney. c, Qf Scranton, Penn.. May 21. 1917. On the floor were five or six barrels Profiting by this experience, I returned Department of Public Safety. I am of naphtha and gasoline. The opera- to Medford. where I found a similar an indorser of the two-platoon system tions were In charge of a Chinaman, condition In a hotel there. I wrote s,nce seelng its benefits. On second who drew the gasoline from the drums the Insurance people again through the alarm flres we have had the firemen In. a five-gallon kerosene can. This Board of Lnderwr ters. I protested of our clty respond nobly and without was a regulation square can. similar . .- : notification whatever. xours rraiwci- - , , , attractive 10 convince a miru man mat , . H.giilnz heneh was an I1D- tnat 1 Interests ln the downtown districts and tha(. sort of con8tructlon was perfectly boiler Vith thrive goTng tempc who any night might be awakened by Bafe and aU that wa needed. He. too. ri,"btUlalav onnd in the rear was r IV'J"1!1?" dtht.8orC"avf rwi8tnenss thJlb'?k' a"d A"" t?'.P; Sib. MlitofTltt-toS them. dren that at least their policies should be Lf "ii.U- -i'-tsm has' been 1 1 a tvo-.w.. j effect in our city since .warcn , . -Al AmlnAntlv half I sue- 1913. It nas proven .... ' - - - In everv respect. 1 ne ages ranging from 4 to 7 years, ceeaeo. in compe.i.ns; m morals of the men are much better, - 'i i -o ,here "V - regulation square can. similar -"y . .. fr.T.Ventroction ".Wstuit "m?anif" .TAKL" Z to those sold by the Standard OH Com- "OU: fully. Peter J. Rosar. superintendent . 1 1 .t,c v " nanv 'I' wn TV TftT AWAV I mm LflB vu ' .w ' , menace, ana those wno nave attractive to convince a third man that Y " ".. ' , 1 C.h w- .n ,,o- nnrarllv fnncelled iintil th. abuse eemeHled T trnt nnaistance from n . AetAw. va. onH .a Vt A 1 f T mi. 1913. . . . . t . n ' . i . hntiiinr were a nair-oozen cnii- ' -" - - fire apparatus ana wno maj v. and the companies, realizing that lt the destruction of the city of Portland was no ionKer a case of the possibility as the fire king sweeps up from its of havlng- to pay for one building in rotten waterfront properties, the prod- that block but that lf th6 fire started tict of a past neglect, a present ln ono the whole lot of them were menace. In his excellent treatise on firs and fire losses Mr. ora 1 r- h or Ind SDUtaDlfi. vl I . i . 1 - it nainl. r,f rvi.-. , v-... - -. - ..... , i 1 A . - . pwt. " ' .- - WOIIUCU. E'j'O-.u, o .- .v,, - T rrt j ir I T- Tv q r t t C-T. t II C lire l-l-UI UDIU.n. A w. Ill a iusd ' ' " - . I- .i . i -.,),,.,. vhn muRt . . , ABOUT IT. and HAD iNtoUxti.D itia . . , 1 -u ...t.m to no comments to make, x iizpau n-a d w . i-oniana: 11 anomcr man wanicu 10 . x-- x.--, TT T .-,,m two later 1 went to xos Angeies. uuo annually unocr mo . , , , T a who on- be listened to. His experience com- build there he had to do lt much better 1 tl f.,,.... Vv. . - , TupDPTfnH While there I received a request from $22,000 the past year. There no '".' , rTV rr, the ih merits of the sys- vo ... ----. - - ----.-. --- ---- BUREAU. This rating bureau Is protection "' .r.t ron- !m -1 .J J? C t1 1 .-,"J? . f "i ' , Jlr, Vh- t. slderable money ln an endeavor to start our city. Fred w h,;.., which informed me that a chapter, and. trying to have some partment. (Signed.) the company Insuring the property board of fire underwriters on May 21, ELAPSED BEFORE A SINGLE CHIEF 1917 opposing the two-platoon system APPEARED ON THE SCENE of action, in the city of Portland. This special and WAS THIS MADE A SPECIAL committee was then ln Los Angeles FEATURE OF THE UNDERWRITERS' conducting a survey, ln an Interview REPORT. I suppose lt is all right for with the writer ln their office ln the Chief Stevens and the chiefs who Citizens' National Bank building. They WERE ABSENT FROM THIS fire, expressed a pleasure at the two-pla- and whose absence was caused, I am toon system in the Los Angeles fire told, by their being busily engaged department. They pointed with pride ln a campaign against the two- to the fact that some 70 or 80 members platoon system. But I suppose that of the off shift had reported at a large neither Chief Stevens nor the under- fire on Broadway the week before, writers anticipated that there were thereby preventing what might have peopla so near to Portland to take been a conflagration ln the city of Los the time and trouble to inform the Angeles, and they promised that this citizens of a few facts that might would be mentioned in their report of otherwise go unnoticed. I have a few their survey in the' city of Los Angeles, more cards up my sleeve that I am Listen and you will learn how to blow prepared to lay on the table lf the hot and cold with ono breath. This Board of Underwriters and business would be a nice little antl-cllmax to men opposing the two-platoon system the pamphlet they Issued entitled "Tke are interested. . Shame of rittbnrr." where they en- possibly the time will come when aeavorca 10 hhuuio wmw . w . . -j. ., f, .m !.-. w .,r . T.nir.n-,t of Insnectlons m&de pos- A.nm.v .f .Toclcnon one method OI inspections man- "-""- some wisdom about slble by the two-piatoon .". "" toon system ln that city the responsi bility for a disastrous fire, due to a building of rotten construction, which they were only too glad to Insure. This survey committee, which heralds its coming months ln advance, misses some proDamy nave nor have the ?. ! ?f'UrU? XTecoSd7tioTL'"sriDiN: the District Att, 1 T, meir rsie upon mew a... -t "' , --.x. mM T A TJT tt5 TfTtfEW ALL County, ana gainea some wisuom auoui sioie o mo , . . ,k. ... Th(- orohahlv have putable. Mr wondCrful system, is it not, people of SURANCE COMPLIES KNEW ALL insurance business. A year or fire loss has been decreased from $100- of the fine points -They probaUr have r wno musi -Portland? "If another man wanted to -"" . " . . .... i... t to Ancrelea. nun .nnnallv under the His exnerlence com- v....u .v.- v.- v. . i, --,oh PROPERTY AND O. Ki. 11. 1 couia . IXX V . ' .... ".'J. n7.i.irv v, Has oe- -T .' ...r V," not believe thts. I THEREFORE niie mere x , i7 "t4-"V ..'- .l inanus i x .v-.... , ; : man me omcro. xin. i --o ... j. ...... e. T-t-. Tu,. prtRTT.A ND RATING the iioston oilice OI mo i-nu-iuu " " questlG cupled the position of executive officer else than what was almost fireproof was ?SVatt "This 7l b ureau Is Protection Association to start a chap- tem. .f the International bociety or o.-i- nrnitihitlv.. The comoanv didn't want and Municipal Building Commissioners. to as8ume any more risks there; then According to Mr. Fitzpatrick's com- they turned their attention to pro- jnentB on fire insurance, he states: tection. The city was notified that lt 'Flre insurance companies by refusing wouid have to put ln a fire station to make sufficiently discriminating near that block, more hydrants and rates against poor building construe- greater pressure. Not that the compa- tion have enormously increased the nel KRVr. a thought to the city's safety v...vv Indorsement of xaci in. n' n wo-i .... . . . . -, - leTdinr cltlTens of water tower, the year before the two Maitfn Chief of De- Platoon system went Into effect. par Martin, cruel or ub r...0,. , , OT,d was so corn- had adjusted the rate of insurance to conform with the hazard. In other words, the customer was paying a lit tle more for the privilege of conduct- ordinances passed for the protection of city of Topeka, Kan., March 12, 1917. life and. property, x mei wi.u opo- Th health of the members sitlon. from the Fire Commissioner. Air. whole haB been better than ever before. Yates. This- experience Is all set forth The discipiine Is the best ln the history The San Francisco Call" No- . a in rrt,. ria vn l oiinnpr -, ..T,tifieally r . .r. i .J lntr his business under criminally care- "" " . ,... year we navo naa several oau .rC put ln -a-sr-ra SSSr H-s iSSSS jJS em. The fires would be put out as couia get ixu musia.ih..., tomers, V was interfering with or """"ering w.m m Ti"""'-"". as possible, ln order to minimize bis x !-,. anu m k." ...". -lro"" " T i-...-- tn the wor. x...... - possible losses. establishment was able to laugh UNTIL their business I ZjfJ (Signed.) , . througn tne assisianco o um nmion-i ' ' Lincoln. Neb.. March 6. 1317. our Fi'Zt "? m"T 1 om" Fire Chief he was coi -pelled to erect York. I wrote letters to the National -. "nn. are much smaller under the sclc to the ultimate consumer! he payo ..,iiHin. ..4 th tank. tti,. Protection Association, and. al- rire losses are mutn . w - - i,nn hi. niarnnn BVBiem. ,.- and how cities were managed from the been paid to tako that chance, and lt In danger through this rotten condl- viewpolnt of fire prevention, xne un- was nothing but tne part oi gooa dusi- '". . . , ... - derwrlters issue very learned treatises ne8s to in turn make the city insure Fire Underwriters In New York. of modern construction, but that ac- th comDllshes very little because .- x soon 1X NOT MAKE THEIR RATES CON- their SONANT WITH THEIR IDEA UN BOUND CONSTRUCTION. There Is not enough difference between rates on a superior building and those on a very ordinary one to make people be lieve that there Is any advantage ln building properly." Residents of Portland, listen to this statement by Mr. Fitzpatrick and you will understand better some of the jnotivea that prompt the National Board of Fire Underwriters to send their so-called survey committee on nrevantion to make recommenua Am TiMra Commissioner, he fought k..i tn nnirt.rn. maklncr it Dossible I wrote the National Board of bitterly this proposed ordinance, and to have two or three extra Jioso com- I stated at a public hearing mat nis vuo- panies in service, without crippling the Insnrance rates and also the taxes con.peiied by an ordinance that I man for the protection demanded by the tQ t paaSed by the local Coun companies, for. their Interests. Think mTTHnTiT THR ASSISTANCE OI ...-.... .1..K1. nl9.r.r.v. .VHt.m. though tno national -o... o. """T'Z r.-.,r. wa- 141.000 greater for the year how stupid he is to keep on permitting 1SBVTLAVICK COMPANIES. And the Fire Commissioner of Los Angeles tem and our f re loss was J. " both ends, as it were, to be played i.-. k w i ..,,rd that nothing could be under the two-platoon system than ! The romnanies are ln a . . r: . . ;. T.,. T- . ..- -...i.i.. nnrn- under the single system. l no men estrfwatemorf.re0- no?V u f or he H'i. s i tion. I have given names and dates, com. to . orH f8it?P.W-tfr.0--Sti1 Platoon Bill, but I come to you with facts and figures. are able to do better against him position to en If their requ men' r .tPP . - LA rr..i.; clean hands and I ask you to vote for Nell T. . , v. v. 1 t th. P,)rmn'l Ll particular - , ,!, mil t. " . : . . . A ment. hlnz-lr and on the whole cltv. At times " -..-- - - - - . . TWO-i'iatoon in m - Department of Public Safety, March rvnoie -11.. x-t un. - , Wl.v. nntl. ...llno- r.o -- ... fire prevention to maae ' p-""'""""" they have even withdrawn entirely "Timi office with exnerience based very Dl"er' . Vv, noVltlon The 10. 1917. Atlantic City. Tha health and pletely smothered In flowers as to make it Impossible to use the appara tus. Nor did the survey committee of the underwriters know that the con nptiftn. were removed from the water During the last tower and that the tower could not be service for 15 minutes and that was located on the East Side geles, where frequent delays to freight trains and where the buildings are few of them over three stories high, because there was not sufficient accommodation ln the fire department to place this apparatus elsewhere; nor possibly the survey committee, with their astute observa tions, may have overlooked something that on one of their previous Inspec tions in a certain flrehouse they in spected the !Ose and were very much pleased with the quantity and quality of the new hose, notwithstanding that this hose was not put in service until 30 minutes before their arrival and was removed from the house within an hour after their departure. And these are the gentlemen who would come to you ln Portland, leading you to be lieve that they are eminent authorities on fire department management. Not better condition and work. (Signed.) Sommer, Chief Fire Depart- have meddled in these affairs, and that may be the time when an out raged public sentiment, rising against the Iniquities of this malicious med dling, will demand an investigation of the insurance interests of the United States, exposing the lobby that is main tained at various state capitals, and figuratively take these people by the scruff of the neck. They who pretend to have so much at stake when EVERY CENT that they COLLECT IS drawn from THE PUB LIC PURSE, from the unburned prop erty to pay the burned, with a . fat margin left over: for fine offices, good salaries and pretty little calendars. The public might be interested later on to learn of some of their activities in New York state, and of how, when the Fire Commissioner of New York City chartered a special train on the New York Central to take a delegation to Albany, the State Capital, to have a bill passed to regulate the evils of the insurance business, and of which delegation I was a member.; and that a feature of this bill was a require ment that insurance agents be obliged to inspect property before it was In sured, and the Insurance LORRY WAS THERE AT ALBANY AND BEAT US. How does this affect Portland, you say? It affects Portland because Fire Marshal Stevens showed up this very evil ln the city of Portland when he Insured a chair and fireman's hat and one or two other small articles of furniture for some ten or fifteen . thou sand dollars through an insurance agency that never even saw the prop erty, and vet these same Insurance to nave tneir . . , ., i . . v. neonie now spi"-ar necessary subject, of their profession tcTm u r rtrn.nt and the nrotectlon of how to vote. It is for the public to 'Mill 111UO"- aO A UCWI111111SJ " - - iAsics -afiii.rrrif.niB. cu jui MTV TO T 1 m v nnn T n - . . t m m nuuiaiio vwo.uo . . , tt i yiraco rt t.,u anri . ' , ' - r - , timo- thiit I aifLVA BleDt In fir nouBCS :: 7 jaAant4An nraeticcrd. the same lOlgnea; jameB rwicy, secrei-ry. iiro uepiiruuciii .n f"1"'" Vfc w,- ... . i i HiiZ: read what i have "to noting before -d with knowledge gained by my ex- ."etabl, Tbuslnes, men', associations. .Anaconda. MonU March 10. 1917.- human live. , 1, not a .ry par o I'TltorlrZt o'ff Ire chiefs'. 1 .vnarl At.fA VOII t x. J 4..a, .V. - 4 I . J . DRnenCD ttO vv Ol-avi a vwua va. W ftf I say from my personal experience, you hastens to do Just what lt Is ordered to f8,,a1 Jie,T8? can consider with a greater intelligence d( by the companies. An Insidious this city, 1911-lz. J. p when newspaper report resent these faot this raid advertlsem ' of rl?i,.7 of Commerce, lined up like The two-platoon system gives better the business they represent. Ind acts Pa"l , Id to tnT slaughter under the service, better efficiency, better class of ually. the insurance people are pi ent. fJedt . SrtSni me men. more Interest, off shift responds bly a-tender-hearted as a Spring 1 roba- or tousiness men s ciudb. h 13 ur amb- children, tnat nave 10 auena m pui- U aUVBrilHClUCIil. ... . a. 1 A. a. X. -a ra 1atln TI.A III HIl- a IlllCi Via. Dll l A. w a - J . i . 1 . JU i A 4 Fx tha l- f rrt r T wl? l7rS-Ttrv-S; bought and paid for by myself ; wjth ptlanTVhere.Tn 77 they M'"" TZXtZi K and vou will be able to get a true question. "Do the stock fire my own free will and not by any lnjuring and retarding the city's system. (Signed) Charles ColllnB. Chief mlg Btjr r. 0"et Uect , of tho cty of Portland TO PROTECT gauge of values as to how deeply as insurance companies really want firemen, fire department association or tn ar endangering Its safety be- Firs DepaMment - prooablV In- THOSE LITTLE LIVES. It Is your a business body the insurance com- fire protectionr' and goes on to interested Parties. . My fbject to au OQ many of the member, have City of Colorado Springs Colo.. April ad "..'J. .rTitudt on auch homes, with their treasure keepses. S.nies and underwriters are interested say- "The companies are con- show you the deception being practiced tn almighty dollar and 10. 1917. I am very much pleased the '"c"' !rUT k.. " "."ir master's that are endangered. It IS YOli: in orotectlng the lives of the little stantly preaching protection to the In- In this city; to show you the selfish t y ttle tlme ln studying city way the two-platoon system has ""TnT publl naturally asks it- BUSINESS DOWNTOWN. MR. BUSI- chlldren who attend the Portland 8Urlng public, but what are they them- greed of the insurance companies, their verment with the rights and re- worked out. Would not go back to the fw ZJ of me re chiefs in NESS MAN. upon which the INSUR- schooTa and your good selves during selvesdolng to encourage to make Indifference to the protection o hu- pon8lbUltles of citizens. If my state- old sy,ra under any consideration. wh " mtyand "e l .apparent ANCE WORLD LEVIES TRIBUTE, me nighl when the city sleeps under practical this protection? If the com- man life property My interest is we truo. the., rentlemen Undcr the old system It was difficult OPp08 tfon to tM. two-platoon system. AND IT IS YOUR BEAUTIFUL ROSE- w nc or in. Tire acuari- names wanted to in . y couiu cut me -v---. ' . wnuin never jiw h to Kei uikii j v.. ...v... n , , . . . v. a wt. tia neen in tniR . .rv.v - j . ' " ... ......... the Drotecting ment. Mr. Fitzpatrick .the insurance compa frankly, fear and guard .Lcatlnn v.t In the V things lt is human for them NOT TO vices and systems that prevent and ex says "that they fire loss of this country ln half. Fire of Portland more efficient, better fire t( nave been parties to a deception pienty 0f high-class eligibles at all nies), to put It protection has become an issue between service, and to give the men of the pract,ced on the public. times. The oncoming crew is full of against con- the insurance companies and the insur- x-ortiano. ... c -.-,, read this article may also enthusiasm for their work and the off---..7 .,. f nr mt,nn The nubile is buviner de- manity and freedom from industrial 1 ou . i. .vi i. i.-n. th.t th.v . .xin.t,... rrri V. n -r . Ann Tn RIU t I3111C 11 mill- l. ...j r "P. v nen any slavery and persecution. iSiS!? ASKANCE AT VERT PRE- tlngulsh fire. When the property own- one comes to the public either for or a morni ng pap e ; tvT SMALlT AND VERY MODER- er pays for the fire protection he ex- against a proposed change in the city 0ther ci 7 SpF FIRES.- Thev all pects to save Insurance premiums, be- government you have to consider their operated In omer c. J A xJ- JL asr-larntA ftTlfl llTlDrOVe. DUHineBS. JB.UOC VMC WOO . . " " - 7 " t . .aUo-r.rnl Ml STTlAu. . DV IlTft CJlieiS. Ill roVses are so distributed that no one less fire loss, and this in turn should tneir i" "hh the two-platoon system has op- city of Great comnany suffers much, even from a mean a cheaper insurance, . x- its- Y V Zt erated. There are too many to give 117. My oplnl bisr fire, and the oftener fires . patrica goes on i to say tnat m .oca. -""-"V- " " all of them in detail, but I will quote that lt Is out 1 " .fi. tions occur, the agents of me aiirerent companies are out mcir m-"'-., " .-m.ii, - Stnr certain pple are to Insure, interested, not ln good building, but ln and I will expose the deception and from them br ef ly, more certain pcoun. . . . . , ... . , . . . - .v,-. 0T.nar . . , -i... rt, ..n and the larger will be the policies writ- premiums,' and they will try their very statements that appear to emanate City of Chicago. 111. Va.a ,.. th morning paper, in wnicn it woui. to tneir nomes anu .amines .or a platoon system a-, whole aay or nignt. x uciicvo tno two- ities was a failure, platoon system will be universal. I have ln my possession letters and (Signed) P. C. McCartin, Chief Firo Denartment. Falls. Mont-. March 1. on of tho old system Is of date. Discipline has been good in the department. The men (telegram) do not lay off as . much as they did fight for 16 years, lt is no new feature, grow up ln its center a festering mass Now and then a chief has sufficient of corruption in building construction manhood, determination, strength of that line its waterfront, endangering character, and. Impelled by a sense of the more modern construction, threat duty to openly declare himself ln favor enlng a holocaust, and a large part of what he knows to be the best for the of the responsibility of which, accord interests of the city and becomes an Ing to good authority, is vested ln the advocate of the two-platoon system, atuocratlc power representing the in- Before It is adopted ln the city. 90 per surance world of the T.nitel States cent of them are I against It. After It 1. WHO DARE COME TO THE CTTY OF adopted 99 er cent are In favor of It. PORTLAND WITH THTS GUILT OX Their opposition is classified. Some THEIR BUSINESS SOUL AND TELL cater to the big fellow, the chief of YOU HOW TO VOTE. VOTB X ES. department, and take their cuo from Amendment 102. The writer was Instrumental In havln. the Portland fire alarm telegraph bureau, atrenarthened In 1012 and was one of those responsible for the Oregon. State law teaching fire prevention In the schools throughout the state. Vote X Yes, Aniendm (Paid Adv. by F. H. Cowles, Hotel Benson. Jane 1st, 1917.) ent 102 F. H. COWLES Member of National Fire Protection Association. Member American Red Cross. Life Member Tri-State Good Road3 Association. Member Veterans' Association Naval Militia, New York. Member Oregon State Motor Association. Member California State Automobile Association. Member of Press Club, Los Angeles. Member University Club, Medford, Oregon. Honorary Member Fireman's Association, N. Y. Fire Department. Honorary Member Fireman's Association, Chicago Honorary Member Fireman's Association, Los Angeles Honorary Member Fireman's Association, San Francisco Member Medford Golf and Country Club. 1