Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 01, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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MISS MARY KEKX, one of the
most recont brides-elect, will be
the honor guest today for a
luncheon to be given by Mrs. Harry
Stephenson, at her home in North
Twenty-fifth street. A. number of pre
nuptlal affairs will mark the coming
week, with Miss Kern as honoree,
among which will be the bridge-tea to
be given Monday by Mrs. Walter
Cearin, the bridge-tea on Tuesday for
which Mrs. Byron K. Loomis will be
hostess, the luncheon the following
week to be presided over by Mrs.
Luis Abelli, at the Hyland ranch, just
out of Vancouver, and Miss Frances
Fuller's bridge party on Thursday.
Miss Kern's wedding to Mr. Kubanks
Will be an evjnt of Monday, June 11,
and the popular couple are being show
ered with social courtesties since the
anaouncement of their engagement a
Week ago.
Red Cross benefits are still the
events that claim the undivided atten
tion of society devotees, those
who are not immersed in plans for
social activities giving up many hours
of each day for the sewing and knit-
tur mo Army ana ravy men.
Mrs. Cyrus A. DolDh accomnanled Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Farrell yesterday to
Philadelphia in their private car.
whither they are going to meet their
daughter. Miss Helen Farrell, who Is at
aryn Juawr school and return to Port
land with her. Mrs. Dolph will be the
house guest of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark.
3d, who are now domiciled in their
Hew residence in Philadelphia,
Mrs. Ormond E. Fletcher left Thurs
day for San Francisco, where she will
visit a fortnight with friends and rela
Rev. and Mrs. T. F. Bowen will go to
Eugene to attend the commencement
exercises at the university. Their son.
Alexander Bowen, is a member of the
graduating class.
mr. una airs, xneoaore nailer, who
are on their wedding trip, en route
from San Francsico to their home in
Seattle, are at the Portland Hotel. They
motored on the Highway yesterday and
are Deing entertained delightfully.
Fun for the younsr folk of Irvlmrrnn
Is scheduled tonight at the clubhouse
wnen the childrens' party will be held
tinder the auspices of the club's so
cial committee.
This will be the closing party of the
Hwa lor ine cniiaren.
The ladles' auxiliary of the Machine
Gan Corps will give a benefit tea at
the home of Mrs. A. M. Smith, 271
North Twenty-fifth street, tomorrow
afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock. A mu
sical programme will be a feature ofl
trie afternoon, when Mrs. Frances
Walker will sing a group of her own
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cackette an
nounce the marriage of their daughter.
Doris Ella, to Oliver "W. Berchtold,
wnicn was solemnized on Saturday,
May 6, in Chicago, 111. The couple are
now at home at 232 Crosby street.
Akron, u.
Mrs. Harold Dabney. wife of Cantata
Dabney, is .the guest of Miss Doris
Mrs. Francis A. Garrecht, of Spokane, I
is the house guest of Mrs. P. Bacon,
486 East Seventh street North.
Mrs. Marion McKay entertained the
members of George Wright Relief I
Corps and their friends with a "500
party early In the week. The hostess
wis assisted by Mrs. Etta Bloss, both
of whom were appointed as department
aides by the president, Mrs. Inez Smith.
The proceeds from the benefit will be
used for the comrades of the Grand
Army at the G. A. R. convention at
Forest Grove, June 26, 27, 28.
Mrs. Laura Mcintosh, with her small
son, Walter, are leaving soon for an
extended visit in Honolulu.
Miss Caroline Lowengart will be one
of the soloists during services at xem
pie Beth Israel tonight.
TTunrm Kanna Gamma will meet with
m T?ohrt Tucker at Alexandra
:ourt this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Portland Heights or uwenty-imra
streetcar to Ella street.
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Photo Copyright by Underwood.
A new model evening gown that has been accepted as one cut on strik
ingly original lines. Gold satin forms the underskirt. White and gold em
broidered lace over satin-gold ribbon gives the creation a frail, filmy at
tractiveness that is one of its features.
By EDim RNiGftrfloLMcs. 1
Women's Association First
Presbyterian Church Church
House; all-day quilting party.
Mayflower Club Hotel Port
land, tonight.
Woodlawn Aid Society Con
cert, Methodist Church, tonight.
White Temple Recital, Lucile
Murton; Women's Association and
others, guests.
Portland Parent-Teacher Coun
cil Library. 3 P. M.
Grange Woman's Club Libra
ry, 2 P. M.
Woman's League First Con
gregational Church; entertain
ment for Red Cross, tonight.
Willamette D. A. R. Flag
presentation, Alameda School.
Daughters of Confederacy
With Mrs. S. C. Morton, 2 P. M.
Two Hundred Have Registered Out
of Estimated 300 in District.
Registration for enemy aliens who
desire to pass through or reside within
the prohibited half-mile radius from
the Armory has been extended to June
9. by permission of the United States
Attorney-General, so proper considera
tion can be given applications. Each
application is receiving the personal
attention of Mr. Reames. Approximate
ly 200 unnaturalized Germans had ap
plied for permits at the United States
Marshals office up to last nignt. it is
estimated the registration will total
at least 300.
"All persons affected by the order
are showing the greatest spirit of co
operation." commented Mr. Reames. "A I
majority of the applicants are laboring
wen. who are vouched for by their
Showing Some New
And Stunning
Dressesat $19.50
And Another Fine Lot at
ALTHOUGH the season for meetings
is drawing to a close, several are
scheduled for today and this rule will
hold good for many weeks, because the
women are having so many calls on
their time for Red Cross and. similar
Of especial Interest today will be the
meeting of the Portland Parent-Teacher
Council in the Library. The newly
elected officers have been asked to be
present and a large attendance is an
ticipated. This will be the last regu
lar meeting for the season.
The Mayflower Club will- meet to-
night in the Hotel Portland. Under or
dinary circumstances the club's meet
ing would come on Monday, but on
account of election the club will assem
ble tonight instead.
At Woodlawn Methodist hurch to
night a concert will-be given by Miss
Frances Sheehy, pianist, assisted by
Mrs. Clarence Sole, of Washington. The
concert is under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid Society.
The Congregational Woman's League
of First Church will entertain at a Red
Cross benefit concert tonight.
"Thought Photography" is the sub
ject of a lecture to be given by Mrs.
Mildred Kyle tonight at 8 o'clock at
the Mustard Seed Club meeting in the
Woman's Exchange building. Fifth
street near Yamhill, second floor. The
meeting is open to the public
East Side Central W. C. T. U. will
meet today at 587 East Pine street with
Mrs. M. A. Beckwith. Mrs. Mattie
Sleeth will speak at 3 P. M. Mrs. Lee
Davenport will speak on the road bond
issue. The new officers are: President,
Mrs. Hattle Wilson, 492 East Ash street
vice-president, Mrs. Lydla Erskine;
corresponding secretary, Mrs. C. B.
Hamilton; treasurer, Mrs. Mary Duna-
gan; secretary, Mrs. M. A. Beckwith.
Mrs. Wilson accepted the office to fill
the unexpired term made necessary by
the president's resignation.
An elaborate and delightful club af
fair of yesterday was the luncheon giv
en by the current literature department
of the Portland Woman's Club in the
Hotel Oregon. Mrs. D. M. Watson was
chairman. The addresses of Miss Anne
Shannon Monroe and Mrs. Helen Ekln
Starrett, two well-known women writ
ers, were Inspiring. Mrs. Donald Spen
cer's songs were artistic and well ren
dered. More than 120 guests attended.
The table were decorated In snowballs
f V
It is with a sincere desira to serve and save you money that we announce our First
June Sale of Lingerie. The prices now in effect represent savings impossible of defi
nition in type or picture. Come to the store and choose at your leisure.
$1.00 $1.25 $1.45 $1.75 $2.45 $2.75 $3.45 $4.75
Your Summer suit for sports, trav
eling, utility or dress is here dur
ing this sale you will be able to
.save on brand new merchandise
and inspection at an early date will
be well worth your while. The
prices opposite cover smart tailleur
suits in all materials, as well as
the new Jersey suits seasonably
appropriate and popular.
$16.50 $23.75
$29.50 $32.50
$47.50 and up
$37.50 and up
For the June bride's trousseau our
offerings in evening, dancing and
house dresses are timely. At the
reduced prices on the left there is
a bewildering variety of smart new
dresses in white net and lace and
net with the new low. necks and
short sleeves. Also a good selec
tion of dresses for afternoon and
sports wear.
See the New Fox
Scarfs for Summer
149 1S1
Store Your Furs in
OurColdAir Vault
and Scotch broom. Following was the
Secretary's report. Mrs. C. W. Hop
kins: toast. "The Hostess," Mrs. F. H
Whitten; response, Mrs. C. B. Simmons;
annual rf port, Mrs. D. M. Watson; mes
sage from former chairman. Mrs. N. T.
Palmer; Fronch songs, Mrs. Donald
Spencer: violin obllgato. Miss eraser;
original poem by Mrs. M. A. Ogden,
read by Mrs. Albert M. Brown; original
POem, allH. 1UUU1HB ...u....... "
Write an Oregon Story," Anne Shan
non Monroe; "Current Literature of the
Day." Helen. Ekln Starrett.
An all-day quilting and sewing party
will be held today by the Women's
Association of the First Presbyterian
Church. The members will assemble
in the church-house at 10 o'clock this
mom in z- and will work all day on
aunts and other articles. For those
who do not care to quilt there will be
an opportunity to do other kinds of
work for the poor. Mrs. A. E. Butter
field will preside.
The Daughters of Isabella will meet
Tuesday evening. A large attendance
is requested as business of Importance
will be discussed.
Sumner Woman's Relief Corps will
hold their social afternoon tomorrow
at 2 o'clock in the headquarters In
the Courthouse. One of the features
will be a surprise for the members.
The regular meeting will be at 8
o'clock, Saturday night. Members of
Sumner Post are invited.
The president of each club of the city
is invited to be seated on the platform
today at 8:30 P. M-. at Eleventh-street
Playhouse, at the meeting arranged in
the interest of the liberty bonds. Mrs.
Iaaao Lee Patterson will preside. Mrs.
Thomas Carrlck Burke will have
charge of the music.
Women members of the board of the
Portland Red Cross are asked to sit
on the stage at this afternoon's meet
ing In Eleventh-Street Playhouse.
Instructor In Government at Reed
Will Make Recommendations.
Measures to be voted upon at the
election next Monday will be dis
cussed before the Oregon Civic League
luncheon at the Multnomah Hotel to
morrow noon. Robert D. Leigh, In
structor In "government" at Reed Col
lege, will speak on the different acta
before the people and will make rec
ommendations. The league has lrdy di-ussl a
number of pending measures. There
remain 22, however, to be brought be
fore the league for consideration.
Women Crged to Study Dietetics.
Herbert C. Hoover, wife of the former
chairman of the Belgian Relief Com
mission, told the women of this city to
eat brown bread three times a day as
one of the means toward the solution
of the bread question. She urged upon
them the study of dietetics, as it would
make them better qualified to handle
their own households as well as en
hance the value of their Red Cross
The right to vote In provincial and
municipal affairs has been granted to
the women of Ontario, Canada.
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
Pome of the most exceptional values
that CHERRY'S have offered this sea
son have Just arrived and are ready for
you to select from. They are in all col
ors, in pleated, belted and plain-back
variations, all having large lace collars.
and with other new and dressy touches
of style.
They will be the positive delight of I
every woman who sees them, and It
really doesn't matter if you have the
money or not. Up here at CHERRY'S
Clothing Shop tomorrow you can get
any of these stunning new silk dresses
by paying down Just a fraction of the
cost and the balance on installments
that will entirely suit your conven
The wonderful Credit System . at
l hjskki 8 tnop is, very rortunateiy.
convenient to hundreds and hundreds of I
women that otherwise might be tawdry
In their dress.
The Portland store Is conveniently I
located right In the heart of the shop-
ring district 383-91 Washington street.
We W
sve Onar Qvm Set
of Pure Food Laws
and they are
much more strin
gent than any pure
food laws of state
or nation. .
Our flour, for instance, is the very top notch of
quality. Not only does it came from mills famous for v
thfv'r rerfect oroducts. but we test each shioment and make sure
r l
it's right in every respect. This same care is used in selecting every ingredient which goes
7 1
As clean and pure as
the morning dew
10e and ISc loaves at
your grocer's
The sugar is the very best, the salt is the finest the market affords, the water is pure, -the
yeast has no superior everything is the very limit for quality.
The combination of these finest of ingredients produces in KLEFHfilD Bread a
perfect loaf, Yet all this extra quality costs you nothing extra. Same prices as
ordinary bread.
Royal Bakery & Confectionery
Portland, Oregon.
Copyright 11
life '5
has a wonderfully
rare flavor a flavor
which you must really
taste, in order to fully
appreciate. .
COFFEE is "Just Right
We are anxious that you get every bit of this delightful
flavor we want to insure your making Golden West Coffee
that is "Just Right."
That is why we urge you to use the
Just Right Coffee Maker. It gives
Golden West its finest chance to
demonstrate its inherent superiority. .
If your grocer cannot yet supply you,
6end us 50c and we will mail you a
Just Right Coffee Maker.
Closset & Devers
' Portland. Oreaon
Beauty's Demand
Met With In CARMEN
Women of refinement and discrimination recognize the
superiority of CARMEN Complexion Powder. They are first to
see and make use of its Beauty Giving and lasting qualities.
That is why CARMEN is the most popular powder among
beautiful women everywhere.
Get a Box Today
Send or call for a box of CARMEN
today. See for yourself what com
plexion beauty it will bring you. In
the orange box with red trimming.
Whits. Pink. FTaafc. Oaorn
Full & Box. 6O0
St. Louis. Mo.
FittocJfc fclocls.