11 Tlirc 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY. JUNE jL 1011. 'a OREGON OUTLINES TOURIST CAMPAIGN Northwest Officials Confer With State Directors Over Problems to -Be Faced. WORK BEGINS NEXT YEAR Victoria Mayor Says Business In Canada Goes On as Usual in Spite of Two Years of War and Advises Same Step. - Officials pf the Pacific Northwest Tourist Association came to Portland yesterday to discuss plans with the Oregon directors. They arrived from British Columbia and Washington in the morning and returned home last night after a conference with Secre tary of State Olcott at Salem yester day. In the visiting party were A. E. Todd Mayor of Victoria and president of the association, and Captain I. M. Howell, f Olympla. Secretary of State of "VVashlnKton. - Representatives of these two North west districts that have Joined hands with Oregon in the exploitation of the North Pacific Coast were enthusiastic over the success of the project to wort together for the whole Pacific Coast section. Canada Keep Business Going. "Although Canada has been involved In war for two years and more, busi ness is going on about as usual," said Mayor Todd. "Our railroads are in splendid condition, the highways are well kept and attractive, tourists are traveling and the hotels are crowded. I see no reason why the states of Ore ron and Washington should hesitate in going after tourist business with all the vigor at their command. "I see that Secretary Lane is going to keep the National parks open dur tnF the war period so that the. Ameri can people may get out and enjoy the out-of-door life that makes vigorous and healthy citizens. "This is the first time that three tatea have gotten together on a tour 1st proposiion of this nature, and when you take into consideration the fact that our corner of the triangle is a foreign country, it may be considered remarkable. It is so notaoie an achievement that it is attracting at tention from many parts of the Ameri can continent. Portland Gets Contracts. "British Columbia attaches so much Importance to this project that it has named its Premier, Hon. H. C. Brewster, on the board of directors of the Pa cific Northwest Tourist Association, and he would have attended our ses sion at Salem had not an important conference kept him away. "Oregon's directors are evidently wide awake and on the Job all the time, because I note that Portland has the treasurer of the board, J. C. Ains worth, and the United States National Bank is the depository for funds. Be sides that, the official auditors are Whitfield. Whitcomb & Co., and the first booklet, to the number of 60.000 copies, is to be printed by a Portland firm and a Portland advertising firm will handle, the advertising for the as sociation. : " "I also consider Mr. Woodruff one of the most able publicity men of the Pacific Northwest, and I proposed his selection as commissioner in charge of the Chicago office of the organization." Phil Metscban Entertains. A breakfast was given by Phil Mets- chan, Jr.. one of the directors, at the Imperial Hotel yesterday morning upon the arrival of the visitors from the north. Present were I. M. Howell. Sec retary of State of Washington; Mayor A. E. Todd, president of the associa tion, of Vancouver: J. C. Ainsworth. Rmcrv Olmstead. J. P. Jaeger. Phil Metschan, Jr., W. J. Hofmann and Mark Woodruff. The visitors, accompanied by W. J. Wnfmnnn and Phil Metschan. Jr went to Salem and a conference was held with Ben Olcott. Secretary, of State, as to the disposition of the state funds, It was agreed at this "conference that funds would be checked out upon the nroDer vouchers. Expenditures as out lined yesterday will not be made until arrangements now under way are com pleted that will provide for overhead expenditures. Campaign Starts Next Year. No big advertising appropriation will be made for this year's business, as it is believed to be too late in the season. Plans will be begun for next year, when a big harvest of tourists as the results of the Pacific Northwest's united efforts is expected. A Western office will be opened and data for the booklet gathered and all the advertising matter prepared. On the board of directors for Oregon are Ben W. Olcott, Salem; W. J. Hofmann Portland; Phil Metschan. Jr.. Portland Robert M. Sawyer. Bend; H. A. Latta, Medford: J. H. Koke. Eugene: J. W Seimons. Klamath Falls, and J. P. Jae ger. Portland. Emery Olmstead Is vice president for Oregon. The party visiting Salem yesterday called upon state officials and was en tertained by Dr. Lee Steiner. at the Oregon State Hospital. City " Department Refuses to Spend Public Money and so Informs Mr. Daly, Who Promptly Pro ceeds to Entail Expense. 6MT ;over- Boys' Play requires stmrdy clothe Every suit, every trouser. every shoe, in fact every stitch that a boy wears is selected by this specialty store with a view to its durability as well as Its ap pearance. Prices moderate. Complete out fitters up to IS years. The CuiFtaiii of Disease Like the bullet-woven "curtain of fire" that shrouds the European trenches is the curtain of disease spread ing its grappling folds in peaceful homes. It is made, not of shrieking bullets, but of silent, invisible, malignant disease germs, more numerous than fragments of burst ing shrapnel. . Each germ is capable of racking its victim with torturing disease. That curtain of disease exists in many homes which are just oap-and-water clean. The germs breed by the millions in sinks, drain-pipes, garbage cans, toilets, and damp woodwork. Sweeping with a broom, the romping of children, the swish of passing skirts, stir up the germs from their lurking places. They fill the air, are breathed into nos trils and mouths. Disease follows. It may be grippe, diphtheria, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, or any of the many contagious diseases. 77ir size: 25c, SOe and $1.00 Sold otrywhef 0 Disinfectant This preparation kills all germs. A small bottle (25c) makes two gallons of real disinfectant. A 50c bottle makes five gallons. Such a solution will cleanse all drains or sinks. Dampen the sweeping broom with it. Use it in washing window-sills and all dark corners. Then your home will be gefm-free, a safe place for the whole family. Lysol Toilet Soap Lysol Shaving Cream Lysol Toilet Soap contains Lysol, and therefore protects the skin from germ infection. It is refreshingly soothing and healing and helpful for improving the skin. Ask your dealer. If he has none, ask him to order it for .you. Lysol Shaving Cream also con tains Lysol, and kills germs on razor and shaving-brush (where germs abound), guards the tiny cuts from infection, and gives the antiseptic shave. If youjr dealer has none, ask him to order a supply for you. ins ITER DEAL SHOWN Expenditure to Check on Port Regarded as Waste. EOPLE'S WISHES IGNORED ty Jail on bonds during 'the past few days. The arrest and conviction of Walpole puts a stop to the operations of one of the citys most daring bootleggers, de clare the county officials. His place at 102 Twelfth street is known as the "Mad House," according to the Deputy Sheriffs, and as a rendezvous for boot leggers and those seeking to purchase booze. Only a small quantity of liquor was found at the place when it was raided. Walpole was prosecuted by Deputy District Attorney Pierce. Jivenile Outfitters Jr- Ctitldr-erv. 143 Sixth (opp. Meier Prlik) An Indication of the extremes to which City Commissioner Daly has gone to force installation of water me ters since the peopie voted againpt them overwhelmingly at the last city election, is seen in a recent contro versy between Mr. Daly and the Port of Portland regarding metering water service at the public drydock at St. Johns. in August, isi6, tne trouble was started when a letter was written to the Port of Portland demanding that a meter "of approved pattern" be placed on tne drydock service to measure water used in washing the sides of ships, running boilers and other ma chinery and used for other purposes in connection with the public plant. The Port of Portland Commissioners were not lmrressed with the idea of making a large expenditure for a meter and wrote a letter to Mr. Daly, in which they said under date of Septem ber-1. 1916: "It is not entirely clear why the taxpayers of Portland, represented by the Port of Portland, should spend their money for a water meter they neither need nor desire. "Your inspection division will find on investigation that no water has been or is being wasted at iue dry dock. The payment of any money to the Water Department by the Port of Portland for water or for service actu ally needed and performed would meet with no objection, as it is simply tak ing money from one of the pockets of the taxpayers and placing it in another pocket of he same taxpayers. The ex penditure of money for meters is a different matter." The Port of Portland Commission re fused flatly to spend the money for the meter and apparently the question was ended. At least It was ended as far as the Port of Portland was con cerned. The Water Bureau, however. went out on February 28 and installed a water meter on the drydock. The meter was purchased at a cost of 160, which figure does not include the cost of installation. VLVLPOLE TO GO TO JAIL PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN'S JURY FIX PUNISHMENT. FOUR ASK FOR DIVORCES Clackamas Court Grants One Peti- tion, Restoring Maiden Name. OREGON CITT. Or.. May SI (Spe- I cial.) The Clackamas County Court resumed its divorce operations again today when four divorce complaints were filed and one was granted. Augusta s. venr asKs ror a divorce from Gerhard A. Vehr. whom she mar ried in Cincinnati, O., June 21, 1804. Mrs. Vehr asks that property rights be established. Lena P. Caldwell, who married Will iam H. Caldwell at Anadarko, Okia May 31, 1906, asks that she be given a divorce, and Mary Steinkamp wants to be separated from her husband be cause she says that he is a drunkard. Hannah Kimbley asks a divorce from B. C. Kimbley on a charge of abuse Besides the divorce she wants $3000 permanent alimony. Circuit Judge Campbell granted a di vorce to Lillie M. Trigg from Parker I H. Trigg. RISE ALLEGED ILLEGAL Brief Filed Over Squaw Creek Irri gation Company Case. SALEM, Or.. May 81. (Special.) In a brief filed with the Public Service Commission today by Vernon Forbes and H. H. DeArmond against granting an increase of rates to the Squaw Creek Irrigation Company, the conten tion is set up that the water of the company belongs to the state, and that the state, in granting water rights, does not appropriate the water, but merely the use of the water. It also is contended that the water, being appurtenant to the land, the company when it sells the land sells the right to the use of the water, and that its attempt to Impose an in creased rate is unlawful. Arrest and Conviction, County Officials Declare, Pat Stop to Operations of Moat Daring Bootlegger. A Jury of Portland business men yes terday placed their stamp of disap or.oval on bootlegging operations in a most emphatic manner. They heard the testimony against Frank Walpole, returned a verdict of guilty, fixed the punishment at 30 days in jail and a fine of S100, which were immediately imposed by Judge Bell. The jurors were O. C. Bortzmeyer, former banker; C. E. Haak, timber man; George W. Collins, broker; W. A. Barnes, real estate; J. W. Ganong, manufacturer; J. V. Swan, commission merchant. The evidence against Walpole was complete except for the poor memory of Walter Mussen. who admitted buy ing liquor at the time and place claimed by the state, but who said he couldn't be quite sure in his identifi cation of Walpole. It was shown, however, that Walpole had sought to secure Mussen s release rrora tne (joun- LIQUOR. TRUNKS SEIZED SO Gallons of 'Whisky Confiscated While on Way to Portland. VANCOUVER, Wash., May 31. (Spe cial.) More than 30 gallons of whisky was confiscated here last night from Frank Porco, who was making an at tempt to cross the Columbia River In terstate bridge with it in trunks. There were 28 quarts in one trunk and a 25 gallon cask in the other. They had come from Missoula, Mont. The arrest was made by Officers Fred H. Rafferty and David Frame, and later turned over to Sheriff Bie secker, and held in default of $2000 bond. Porco was today taken by the Fed eral officers to Portland. Take a Kodak With You on Sunday Bring home some photo sou venirs of your week-end outing. The Owl Stores are headquar ters for Kodakers. Let our Kodak man show you our line of cameras. The complete East man line. Premoa 75 and HI. SO Brownies 81.25 to S6.00 Kodaks 86. OO to 875.00 GET YOUR 'NrV FILMS AT THE OWL. JOT mmMu m quality. Toilette Article Roll-Ups Built for Service Strength and long wearing qualities are the outstanding features of this new line of roll-ups made of stout canvas like cloth with water proof lining. Strongly bound. Will stand hard usage; especially suit able for camp life. Just the kind that most men like. Pockets for all your toilet aoces sories. Khaki, gray and similar qmiat colors. ' A sterling value at. . . si.OO When you consider the high standard of "Owl When you consider the fairness or wi prices. When you consider the protection a quarter of a century's cumulative experience affords you then you realize the benefits of trading at the Owl Stores. -1.-1-1- French Ivory Delight's June Brides More and more every year people are giving as wedding gifts this toilette 0 ware of elegance and utility and also as graduation gifts. A few suggestions: B' Nail Ruff. The style with the holder with a flat bottom makes a nice ornament for the dresser- Detachable chamois with silvered steel hoop. A pretty and useful piece $1.00 Why Not a French Ivory Hair Brush? These are beautiful brushes. Solid handles of cream tinted, handsomely grained French Ivory. Long white bristles twelve rows. A brush that shows elegance and quality a gift sure to be appreciated ....... $3.50 g A Favorite Gift French Ivory Blirror Solid piece exquisitely grainea. nm engrave beautifully. Heavy beveled- era mirror. A Dooular style. See this mirror before you buy that gift. It sells at 83.50 SPE CI A L Box of 3 Cakes Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap and Honeycomb Face Cloth All for 25c This is the soap that has always been a good value at 10c a cake or 25c a box. Although the manufacturers have advanced the cost to us, we are including with each box a full size Honey comb Face Cloth free. Your opportunity to bny a home need at a less rrice than before the war. yps ' Saturday Two New White-Shoe Polishes "Make-Nu" and "Shu- Glo" are the names of two excellent new white shoe dressings. Make-Nu cleans and whitens shoes and other articles made from canvas. A superior white shoe dressing that is easy to apply. Large bottle 4...ltc Shu-Glo is a dressing for white leather shoes. Whitens both smooth and fancy leath ers, such as buck-skin, suede, .kid or cair. An easy means of keeping your white shoes snowy white 19c Your Skin Will Thank Yon for this soothing Talcum Powder. T3 Red earner laicum u er"T -a. made thousands of good friends through its real good ness. This is not an ordi nary talcum powder it is a specially refined Italian Talc that is borated and delight fully perfumed with Lilac, Violet, and Rose. Use it freely during the J summer months - -- Felix Audemard's Olive Oil At Lower Prices Than Before the War We are actually selling this superior quality im ported olive oil at lower prices than we were before the war. We have kept our source of supply open and have been rettinj- this oil direct from the olive o o Cfev3 eroves in trance. 21 Making big contracts at the right time reduced our cost somewhat and vl.vjr1!n we are exvine our customers the benelit, even today. ror saiaa and for its nourishing qualities this is a delightful and satisfying olive oil Pint bottle 60c Trial size . 25c Drop It On Your Corns for Quick Relief It soon softens the corns so you can pick them out with your fingers and It protects them dur ing the process. A few drops of i Freezone on that throbbing, t aching corn or calloused skin. V and what a relief! Manufacturers aoc Bne...wc I ThisGroovedBack Nail Brush 35c A stout little brush with a groove in the back containing five rows of bristles A Large Rubber Sponge for ooc You will be surprised when- you see what k-SCvvV laree rubber BDontre thisS . i is. 6-inches long and iC-iSiisr 4 W -Inches wide. Made of the best qual ity of red rubber. Closely grained ana well-finished. The most hygienic style ol sponge and a valuable bath room accessory. These Bath Brushes only 75c The price and the quality of these brushes make them a superior value. Strong, substantial and well finished. De tachable handle and back-strap; can be used either with handle or on the hand A full body set In a solid hardwood back This Favorite Shaving Soap Still 5c Cake This is Williams' Mug Shaving Soap, the mild, fragran' lather producer that does not dry on the face or smart. Lath ers quick. A cake lasts a long time, Sc Temple of Allah Incense In Your Home A soft, subtle perfume that adds a touch of luxury to the me such Is Temple of Allah Incense. You burn this incense In a tiny tray and its satisfy ing oaors win linger for hours A la rra itas1r A CO con taining in cense & tray, 23c Real ebonv back. Genuine white bristles. A brush that will wear a long time. Well finished and of excellent appearance. A very worthy value at this price, 35c A Bag For Your Bathing Suit Handv baz for bathing suit.j shoes and cap. Waterproof lin ing. Fastened with snaps. The liest wav to carry your bathing iiit whether dry or wet. These bags are substantially made and strongly bound with braid -50c' i n ILL Want a New Razor StropT The Eversharp a genuine pigskin strop wilf put a good edge on your . razor quick. Double two strops of beauti fully surfaced pigskin. 22 inches long. Swivel ring to hang up. This strop was made to sell at $1.00 now featuring it at 69c ft Your Face Will Feel Goof After the Shave 1 if you apply a little Witch Hazel Cream. Stops the burn ing and smarting, softens the dryness very soothing and comfortable. An antiseptic skin tonic that will keep your face In good condition. Per bottle 25c Pocket Shoe Dusters, I5c Small and compact a roll of wool in a patent leather cover. -You can carry one right in your pocket j or bag. PEACE ESSAYS PLANNED "Purpose in War" to Be Theme of College Orations, Also. "America's Purpose in the War A Lasting World Peace How to Get It and How to Keep It, will be the theme of essays and orations in thousands of schools and colleges this June. The subject under three different titles has CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 3 O Years Always bears the Signature of Karetts for Stomach Ills To those who suf fer from poor diges tion, sour stomach, belchincr. and simi lar disagreeable com plaints, we heartily recommend Karetts. These tablets are sure to. give relief being composed of Densin. pancreatin, bismuth and calcined magnesia all recognized as most effec tive aids to digestion. Pleasant to take. Per box (40 tablets) 25c m tvw Em Combination Syringe and Hot Water Bottle, $1.50 A . 2-quart moulded bottle no seams to leak or binding to come loose. Made of strong red rubber and handsomely finished. Lonz red rub ber tube. 3 hard rub ber tips and patent shut- off included with the hot water bottle. All for i.DUiDruK store frktc. Internal Baths for Health The most modern method of cleansing the lower bowel Is pro-, vided by the J. B. L. Cascade Syringe. It is convenient, effective and thorough. The results are an imme diate improvement in general health, renewed energy. Increased cheer fulness, and better spirits. The Internal Bath is a modern, scientific method or treating consupa Hnn and hrinra immediate relief. I Get a copy of the book "Why Man of Today !t Onlv B0 Per Cent Efficient." at any Owl mm 8V2-Hour S Glove-Gleaning ' Service Gloves left at The Owl before 9 o'clock ready for you at 5:30 same day Awarded Gold Medal at the Panama-Pacltic Exposition ytfhmffltm JO Broadway at Washington Street MENDING IF DESIRED E- Struplere, Manager Phones: Marshall 2000; Home, A 1333 A Handy Stove for Hikers and Autoists The Sterno stove burns canned heat. which Is solid and cannot pill comes in cans. Com plete outfit fits into small boiler shown. 50C , . . i ' ' a prominent place in the list of topics for discussion at commencement exer cises recently Issued by Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior. William D. Wheelwrlg-ht, chairman of the Oregon Branch of the League to Enforce Peace, said yesterday that the national neaaquaners ol ino league, at 70 Fifth avenue. New York, has prepared material which will be ti , --la)i insr to write upon any or the following subjects in Secretary Lane's list: "League to Enforce Peace." "Preparation for Peace at Close of the War." "International League of Peace." . Phone your want ads to The Orego ninn. Main 7070. A 6095. . Opticians and Eyesight Specialists must render up-to-date service this day and age. If you will examine you will find I have a complete stock. I have scientific workmen. I have a modern shop with modern ma chinery, and it is t o n s t a n t ly under my supervision. MY PRICES ON GLASSESi Lenses Spbero in your own frame 81. OO Lenses Sphero in alu minum frame 81.50 Lenses Spbero In gold filled frame. ". 83.50 Lenses Spbero (curved) in O. E. glass mounting.. ..SS. SO Kryptolc Lenses 88 to 815 STAPLES, THE JEWELER 2e MORHISOV ST, Between 3d and 4th. When You Think Bank Think Lumbermens It stands for the best in banking SERVICE SAFETY SATISFACTION LUMBERMENS NATIONAL.' BANK Dm ana oiarK. .tvv