Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 24, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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Majestic William Farnum,
"Amerclan Methods."
C o 1 u m ib 1 a House Peters and
Kathlyn Williams. "The High
way of Hope."
Sunset Clara Kimball Toungr,
"The Savage Instinct."
Peoples Douglas Fairbanks, "In
Again, Out Again."
Star Carlyle Blackwell, "The
Social Leper": Mollie King.
"Mystery of the Double Cross."
Globe Kitty Gordon, "Vera the
Circle Jackie Saunders, "Sunny
' . Sunset.
HE Savage Instinct." or "The
Heart of the Blue Ridge, another
World photoplay starring the beau
tiful Clara , Kimball Toung, opens
a three-day screening at the
Sunset Theater today. It is the
second Clara ' Kimball Young pic
ture of the week, following "The
Badge of Shame," and Is in keeping
with the new Sunset programme policy
of star weeks
"The Savage Instinct" la a dramatic
tale of. the . Blue Ridge mountains,
moonshiners, revenue officers and
struggle for the love of a mountain
maid. Miss Young Is seen as Plutlna
a Joyous, carefree girl, who loves and
is loved by Zeke, a young mountaineer.
She is sought by Dan Hughes, owner of
an illicit still and leader of the moun
Dan shoots a revenue officer and
Zeke takes care of him. Dan perse
cutes him as well as Plutlna and Zeke
decides to go away. The cirl leads of
ficers to Dan's still and in the raid
none escape but the owner. He cap
tures the girl, but she is rescued by
Zeke and Dan is killed in the fight.
Comedy and travelogue also will be
tale of the intrigues of a determined
adventuress to obtain for herself a man
who has fallen In love with a young
girl, will be the film headliner on th
Star Theater programme commencing
today. With this five-reeler. featuring
Carlyle Blackwell and June avidge.
and including in its cast Arthur Ash
ley, Muriel Ostriche, and Evelyn
Greeley, will be the sixth episode of
the Pathe serial-thriller, "The Mys
tery of the Double Cross." ' .
In "The Social Leper," Blackwell is
cast in the role of a man who is ac
cused of murder, but who is lnnocen
of the crime. Nevertheless he is put
through a nerve-racking third degree
that leaves him tortured in mind : and
body and almost brings him to th
point of confessing something he has
never done for. the sake of obtaining
peace. '
Mollie Ttlng, Leon Bary and Ralph
Stuart are the principal players In th
latest chapter of "The Double Cross.
This chapter keeps up the melodram
atio pace of previous installments and
affords much thrilling entertainment.
"The Highway of Hope," a Willard
Mack photodrama co-starring House
Peters and Kathlyn Williams, will be
presented at the Columbia Theater to
day. Comedy and educational also will
be on the bill.
The five-reeler is a story of the mln
lng camps and marital unhappiness
caused by the marriage of a city ma
while drunk, to the camp slavey. Miss
Williams plays the role of the mining
camp drudge. Lonely Lou. She is
bullied when Steve King (Peters) pro
tects her by -marrying her - himself.
Steve is drunk at the time. In the
morning he wakes to find his life
seemingly blasted, and he takes a bur
ro, much supplies and his miserable
wife" Into the mountains. He strikes
gold and then starts to take poison to
end it all. Lou thinks it Is meant for
her, feigns death, and not until years
later, when she is the rich owner of the
mine, does Steve find her, learn the
truth, and win happiness.
"The Social Leper."
a modern photo-
And Foot. In Form of Rash. Skin
Very Sore and Red. . Burning So
. Intense Scratched. . Cuticura
: Healed in LeSsThanThree Months.
" 'My boy was troubled with eczema on
his left hand and foot, and it caused great
itching, burning, and loss of sleep. It
was in the form of a rash, and the skin
was very sore and red. . A change of
stockings was necessary every day, and
even the sheets on the bed aggravated
him so he could not keep under cover.
The eczema caused all the skin to drop
in scales from the palm of his hand, and
the burning was so intense that he
"Then we tried Cuticura Soap and
Hntment,ana in less than three months,
and after using one box of Cuticura Oint
ment and three bars of Cuticura Soap
his hands were healed." (Signed) Mrs.
C T. Jones, General Delivery, Great
Falls, Mont., Sept. 20, 1916.
A little care, a little patience, the use
of Cuticura Soap, and no other, on the
skin and for everywiay toilet purposes,
with touches of Cuticura Ointment to
any pimples, rashes, or dandruff often
means a clear, healthy skin, clean scalp
and good hair through life.
For Free Samples by Return Mail
address post -card: Cuticura, Dept. H,
t .
f 1 rVvr 4 ! -I
held over to accommodate the thousand who have been unable to
see the latest, greatest, speediest, funniest production made by
Douglas Fairbanks
It's the laughing hit of a lifetime; it smothers dull care in a gale of joy
In Again Out Again"
at Portland's Popular Pioneer Photoplay Theater
. Alder at West Park 11 A. M. to 11 P. M.
"A Romance
of the
Her Latest.
Her Best
"In A sain. Out Apain," the Douglas
Fairbanks picture that has broken all
attendance records at the Peoples The
ater, will continue its engagement at
that photoplayhouse until Saturday
nig-ht. Last Saturday the theater
played to the blsgrest business in his
tory and. since then the latest "Dousr"
Fairbanks vehicle has been playing; to
"In Again. Out Again" Is a comedy
satire aimed at the pacifists. It pre
sents Fairbanks in all of the athletic
stunts that have made him the most
popular film player of the day. and in
addition has a timely and patriotic
phase dealing with munitions plants,
conspiracies, dynamiting and prepared
ness. The story has to do with a belliger
ent American who loses his pacifist
sweetheart, gets drunk, and is thrown
into Jail. There he meets the sheriff's
daughter, falls in love with her, and
when he is released before his time is
up every energy Is directed towards
breaking back into Jail.
in the role of one of those competent.
aggressive Americans the public revels
in. He goes to France to iook alter
some interests that Tail to return a
proper interest on the investment ana
there has a successful bout with romance.
He falls in love with a French aristo
crat, who marries him in a fit of pique
when the man to whom she is engaged
discards her when he learns of her loss
of fortune. The American wins the
love of his wife by drubbing the one
time suitor when that worthy attempts
to renew his attentions to his old
Hearst-Fathe News and Vltagraph
comedy featuring Frank Daniels are
also on the programme.
Screen Gossip.
Jack JTor worth, of vaudeville fame.
is expected at Universal City to take
part in a series of pictures.
Douglas Fairbanks is the owner of a
bucking broncho he has named
Smiles. "Doug" rides the nag in nis
next picture, "A Regular Guy."
Incidentally "Doug" and John Ken-
drlck Bangs, the author, hobnobbed
together In Los Ageles recently and
they made the discovery that eacn pre
fers biography to fiction.
A woman may be only a woman and
a good cigar a smoke, but & lot of the
bovs. to ear nothlnar of a good many
girls, at Los Angeles are waiting In
Impatient expectancy for Theda Bara
to join the happy, care-free colony.
Harold Lloyd, Who as Lonesome Luke
is tickling the funny bones of half the
population of the United States. In a
Pathe comedy soon to be released is
shown seated In a barber's chair while
Snub Pollard buries him under a cloud
of lather. As much of the lather gets
Into Luke's mouth, he was asked how
he was able to stand the taste of the
soapy stuff. "Easy," said Lloyd. "That
lather was made of whipped cream, and
it tasted good!"
A swimming pool, 40 feet wide by 60
feet long and 10 feet deep. Is now
being made at the Lasky studio. It will
be used for business, pleasure and
Rumors, whisperings and hints are
at present current to the effect that
Constance Talmadge and Louis J. Belz
nlck are Involved In a diplomatic spar
ring match over the terms of a con
tract which would make of Miss Tal
madge another contributing member of
the Selznlck Pictures Corporation.
Triangle has annexed an old-time
actor pair. They are Edward Walton
and Maggie Breyer. Walton- nas piayea
with all of the great dramatic artists
from the days of Barrett and Wallick.
Miss Breyer played for 16 years In
"The Old Homestead."
Helen Holmes, of the Signal Com
pany, is this week making up a carload
of livestock which is to be shipped to
her ranch near Lund, Utah. The stock
Is a mixed assortment of mules, three
horses, two- cows, hogs, calves, goats
and about 100 thoroughbred chicks and
Wife Suing for Support
Charged With Infidelity.
Father of Four Children Charged
With, Gambling and Cruelty.
Wife Saye He Once Hurled
Butcher Knife at Her.
.While a grand Jury was hearing evi
dence against him on a charge of non
support. Lloyd J. Laughlin was seeking
to circumvent the criminal charge by
filing divorce proceedings against his
wife. As Mrs. Laughlin was leaving
the grand Jury room after giving testi
mony against her husband, she was
served with the papers in the divorce
suit. --
In his divorce complaint Laughlin
accuses his wife of gross infidelity and
recites numerous Instances of alleged
Indiscretions. From clandestine meet
ings with a "gentleman friend" at The
Dalles In 1911 to an open life on the
primrose path" . in 1916 is the rapid
descent with which the wife is ac
cused. At one time, the complaint al
leges, the gay life of Mrs. Laughlin
with other men was halted by city of
ficials at The Dalles in 1911. while on
another occasion the citisens of Glen-
wood, Wash., rose In their wrath and
demanded that she leave there.
Laughlin, In his divorce action, sets
up the claim that he is physically un
able to provide for the support of his
wife and two children. He is now at
liberty on $500 bonds furnished by his
father, who is said to be a wealthy
business man of The Dalles.
A stepmother wrought discord In
the home of Weldon A. Reagan, ac
cording to his divorce action filed yes
terday. He charges that his wife
would brutally beat and abuse his 13-year-old
son by a former marriage. IJ e
also accuses her of threatening the life
of himself and his son, and asks for a
divorce on grounds of cruelty. -
J. E. Barker has become delinquent
In paying the alimony ordered by the
court, according to the affidavit filed
yesterday by his former wife. Stella
Eastman. He la now S120 in arrears,
she asserts, despite the fact that when
he gave her $50 she credited him with
Davis Pope's desire to woo the God
dess of Chance is more pronounced
than his desire to support his family,
says nis wire in ner complaint for dl
vorce. She also charges him with
cruelty, alleging that on one occasion
he hurled a butcher knife at uer. They
have four children, whose custody she
seeks. They were married at Williams
Creek, Or., in 1S99.
Desire to Enlist Departs and 'Pal's
Belongings Are Pawned.
Only a few days ago Frank J. Madl
son, a quarter-blood Umatilla Indian,
and Bill Norrla. a "pal" of Madison's,
came to Portland to see what they
could do toward enlisting in the United
States Army. They visited the recruit
lng Btatlon, and Norrla went so far ai
to pass a physical examination as to
his fitness. There their patriotism
Norris sought employment, as nelthe
had much money. He secured employ
ment, but Madison did not want to
work. One day when Norris was .at
work Madison stole a suitcase from
his room and pawned it.
When he faced Judge Stevenson yes
terday Madison told all the clrcum
stances. He will spend the next JO
days in Jail.
Robert' Eltel Sustains Fracture o
Leg in Crash With Auto.
Robert Eltel, of ' Tualatin. Or., sus
tained a compound fracture of the right
leg when he collided with an automo
bile driven by Dr. E. A. Pierce at the
end of Terwllliger boulevard yesterday
morning. Eitel was taken to the Good
Samaritan Hospital by the Ambulance
Service Company.
Motorcycle Patrolman', Bales was
called to the scene of the accident, and
his report Indicated that Eitel was
riding on the wrong aide of the road.
On turning a corner he ran into the
Pierce machine. The motorcycle was
demolished and the front of Dr. Pierce's
car damaged.
Spanish War Veterans to Honor
Late General Summers.
A special train will go from Portland
to Salem over the Oregon Electric on
Beginning Today
fin. u
an n
s. nn nn
K-J L-J jsj KJ2
"Hear t of the Blue mdge"
Charming and thrilling situations, the
perfect artistry of the beautiful star,
the exciting incidents leading up to the
tremendous climax, combine to make
this a most notable production. Miss
Young is delightful in this film and her
support is more than, excellent.
Burton Holmes Travelogues
J--"-narr ":ucr.n
Sunday 'to carry persons going to at
tend the ceremonies Incident to the un
veiling of the portrait of the late Gen
eral Owen Summers In the Statehouse.
The train will leave here at 10 A. M.
The unveiling will take place in the
hall of the 'House of Representatives
at 13:30.
Governor Wlthycombe will speak,
and Colonel John L. May, of the Third
Oregon, and others who campaigned
with General Summers In the Philip
pines will be present. The ceremonies
will be in charge of Lieutenant-Colonel
Carl Abrams and a committee of the
Spanish-American War Veterans.
Mrs. Lillian Hubbell's Sight Mar Be
Impaired by Accident. ,
When Lillian HubbelL of the Hart
Apartments. Second and Yamhill
streets, began to get lunch yesterday
she turned on the gas In the oven of
her stove, but forgot to light it. She
then lighted the gas plate and a few
minutes later opened the oven door.
The explosion that followed t-infted
Mrs. Hubbell's hair, burned the lashes
and the eyebrows from her eyes and
scorched her face so badly that she
had to be taken to the Emergency Hos
pital for treatment.
Dr. Rose, the interne, attended Mrs.
HubbelL He feared that her eyesight
had been impaired, but after keeping
her in the hospital some time he dis
charged her.
Army to Buy 74,400 Motor Trucks.
CHICAGO. May 23. Bids will be
opened here June 8 by the quartermaster's-
department. United States
Army, for 74,400 automobile trucks
and 10.000 motorcycles. Delivery is to
be at the call of Army officials dur
ing 1918.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nlan. Main 7070, A 095.
-, Globe.
"Vera the Medium." the Kitty Gor
don picture adapted from one of the
popular Richard Harding Davis stories,
will be screened at the Globe Theater
today. With this feature will be shown
"The Sinful Marriage," another two
reeler in the special Essanay series,
"Is Marriage Sacred?" Marguerite
Clayton Is the leading player in this
pictured portrayal of domestic life.
"Vera th,e Medium" is a story of the
lure of woman and man's folly, with
the beautiful Kitty Gordon, famous for
her much-exposed back and aristocrat
ic English connections, in the title role.
. Majestic.
"American Methods." the latest Will
iam Parnum photoplay carrying the
Fox "super de luxe" label, is to be the
Majestic Theater headliner all week.
In this photoplay Bill Fuitum is cast
HER $50,000 BACK
Vera the Medium
A story of the lure of woman
and the folly of man, by Rich
ard Harding Davis,
another chapter, of
in two snappy parts.
Now Playing.
Washington at Eleventh.
rade Conspiracy Ordinance
Without infringement of the constitutional rights of any group
or individuals, it provides the means by which the element that
produces so much discord in industry may be prevented from
BANNERING and PICKETING;; it makes it possible for this
principal breeder of rancour between labor and employers to
be eliminated, and will bring a long advance toward the har
mony that is? necessary to effective service in production for the
country at this time. , .
Vote X 110 YES
Paid Adv-errlaemeni. A. C. Callaa, S Xirtbrw St Portland. Or,
rm b wit. ouiu tvtijrwiicic.