nizz 2ioi;:;ing oregoxian, Wednesday, mat 23, 1017. raFOR SPECIAL "DELINEATOR" OFFER INQUIRE TODAY AT OUR PATTERN SHOP, SECOND FLOOR Winter Furs Stored Liberty Loan Bonds Applications for the purchase of Liberty Loan Bonds may be made at Meier & Frank's. Liberty Loan Bonds purchased through this store will be accepted at any time in payment of merchandise the same as cash. Apply at office on the Sixth Floor. It Is a Healthy Habit to eat down-town lunch here daily. We offer you good wholesome foods appetizingly prepared, well cooked and daintily served amid congenial sur roundings. Priscilla Tea Room and Men's Grill on Ninth Floor. Bakery Lunch, Ninth Floor. All day service at our Soda Fountain, Mezzanine. The Search for Beauty is as old as woman and sought by devious ways. Our beauty salons can be relied on to provide all that women demand in' the way of approved mod ern facial treatments, massage, hair dressing, shampooing, manicuring, etc Our shop is beau tifully appointed. Beauty Shop. Fifth Floor. in our dry cold air safety vaults on the prem ises are secure from dust, moths, theft, fire or loss. Repairing: and remodeling in conformity with the coming season's fashions now at special prices. Telephone or drop a postal and our auto will call for your furs. -Fur Shop, Fourth Floor. Jtncr QyALrrVSTOrys op- Portland 4 Days More Remarkable Value-Giving 0 60th Anniversary Sales 23 ' -- ! 1 ! i Free Cooking Lecture and Demonstration To-day at 2:30 The fourth lecture-demonstration in our wonder fully interesting course of "Practical Home Eco nomics" will be given this afternoon at 2:30 by Mrs. Isabelle Wheat, an authority on cooking. g ,1 17 will be the principal subjects of dis- Liei tdla aBQ rlUUr cussion today. Nutrient values of white, whole wheat, graham and gluten flour will be given careful attention. How. best to use different cereals and how to cook them scientifically. Pie crust made with animal and vegetable shortening will be demonstrated. Valuable original recipes given free. Hot rolls will be served. Bring note book and pencil. Auditorium, Sixth Floor. All Girls Will Be Interested in Our "Paul Jones" Contest One or more of the celebrated Paul Jones middies will be given as prizes to the six girls between 12 and 18 who write the best essays on the life, ex ploits, personality, etc., of PaulJones, the Father of the American Navy. Contest is now open and will close Saturday, June 9, at 6 P. M. Here is the List of Prizes: First prize, 4 Paul Jones middies. Second, 3 Paul Jones middies. Third, 2 Paul Jones middies. Fourth, fifth and sixth prizes, each 1 Paul Jones middy. Contestants should write their essay plainly on one side of the paper and be sure to give name and address. Not more than 500 words should be written. Mark, essays, "Paul Jones Essay Contest," and deposit in box provided for the purpose on our Second Floor or mail to us. , Time is limited. Get busy today. Girls' Shop. Second Floor. 'PAUL JONE HIDDY BLOUSE Rugs at Big Savings Our floor covering chief has just returned from the East, where he purchased heavily of the best the markets afford. Huge shipments of this merchandise are now in transit or due to be forwarded soon and it is imperative that we at once pro vide floor space for these displays. Hence this sale in which prices on desirable new rugs are greatly reduced to lessen present stocks in a hurry. Included are rugs for every pur pose living-room, dining-room, etc., in best patterns and colorings. Just a few of the offerings :!.$28.50 $35.00 Axminster 8-3x 10-6 for. $40.00 Seamless Wilton Velvet 9x12 Q -I Cfk Rugs pO L ,JU $42.50 to $45.00 Seamless Axminster 9x12 inster 7C Rugs.. POO. J $60.00 Heavy Wilton 9x iow.Ru.s?. .$52.50 $75.00 Hartford Saxony 9x12 Rugs dCQ rrc for only pJZ. i j $75-$82.50 Highest Grade Wilton 9x12 CCC AA Rugs ipOO.UU Rug Shop, Seventh Floor. 23 A History-Making Sale of Women's Newest 8&m5."d Coats! Dozens of Smartest Styles Five, Great Groups NO WOMA'N who sees this announcement and needs a Summer coat can afford to neglect this sale oppor tunity, for it offers the most popular models of this season. Materials consist of Mixtures, Plain Velours, Wool Jer sey, Gabardine, Tricotine and Serge. There is a model here for every purpose and occasion, and in such fashionable colorings as navy, gray, green, gold, rose, purple, tan and reseda. Belted and semi-belted, short, medium and full length styles. All sizes to 42. $10.00 Coats for only $6.45 $15.00-$17.50 Coats, $12.50 $19.50-$20.00 Coats, $14.45 $22.50-$25.00 Coats, $16.25 $27.50 and $29.50 Coats for $18.85 Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. GIVE THE SEASON'S CORRECT FIGURE FRONT LACE AND BACK LACE MODELS Only by reason of the pliant lines of a Redfern Corset can you have this coveted figure. You cannot wear just any cor set for the fashions of the day the proper kind of a corset you must have. Redfern corsets when selected and fitted by us never fail to give a better figure, to correct figure defects and to wear as long as any corset. They are made of choice fabrics, exquisitely trimmed, and fit so well that they are only felt for their comfortable support. Miss E. Krehbiel, expert Redfern cor setiere, is a connoisseur in the art of fitting, from her thorough understanding of Rnifern corsets she is able to give you the exact model best suited to your figure. Redfern Corsets sell from $3.00 to $12.. New elastic top models $3.50 and $5.00, made of fine pink materials. Every corset fitted. Corset Shop. Third Floor. Newest of New Neckwear 55c Styles for the dressy as well as the tailored suit or frock and blouse. Simple and elaborate but all eloquent of Summer daintiness and charm. Variously of fine white voiles, of crisp, sheer organdies, of soft Georgette crepe, of tailored pique and crash. Separate collars and sets, with lace and hemstitching trim, or embroidered in dainty colored dots. Your choice 55c. Neckwear Shop, Main Floor. Now in Preparation! Our June White Sale of 1917 Begins Monday, May 28 40-Inch, $1.50 Yard Chiffon at 95c For blouses and Summer frocks, white ground with sport print col ors in handsome combinations. 40-Inch Georgette Standard quality in all the want ed shades, for street and evening $1.75 25c 45c-65c Wash Laces, Yard Edges and bands for blouses and camisoles. Filet, Normandy, Val. and Point de Paris, in white and ecru. Lace Shop. Main Floor. Have You Any Eye Trouble? If you are in any way troubled with your eyes you should at once consult a competent registered optometrist. In our modern optical shop you will have the services of qualified optometrists who will thoroughly examine your eyes and carefully prescribe glasses, if need ed, to your individual requirements. Broken lenses duplicated from the pieces. Optical Shop, Balcony. Sixth St. Cretonne 22c 500 yards of excellent quality cretonne in lengths ranging from 3 to 15 yards. These are odds and ends of our very best grades. $2.00 Curtains $1.45 Scrim and Marquisette curtains in white and ecru with insertions and edgings. Curtain Shop. Seventh Floor. June Weddings and Mahogany Clocks . . tar An association of ideas that is quite natural. One readily sug gests the other. We have assem bled for your selection an unusu ally handsome assortment of finest mahogany clocks very suitable for wedding gifts, the reliable Seth Thomas and New Haven makes. Eight-day mahogany mantel clocks, striking the half hour and hour on deep-toned cathedral gongs, $8.50, $10, $13 and up to $25. Mahogany desk and dresser clocks, one-day and eight-day movements, a variety of shapes and eizes ranging in price from $2 to $10. Seth Thomas eight-day mahogany chime clocks striking the quarter, half hour and hour, on deep-toned cathedral gongs, priced at $25 and $37.50. Jewelry Shop. Main Floor. Notion Specials Charter Oak Thread, 6 cord, the thread that saved the 5c price for the American woman; black and white, all sizes, six 200-yard spools 23, spool , OC 10c Hump Hair Pins, they "lock the p locks"; assorted, package OC Rubberized Sanitary Aprons, women's, - pr medium sizes, each IDC 15c to 18c Children's Hickory Supporters, ex tra strong, black and white, sizes - Ql 2 to 9 years, pair -1-5 2C 25c Boys' and Girls' Columbia Waist and Hose Supporters, white only, all sizes 2 to 1 Q 14 years XC 25c Women's Sew-On Hose Supporters, extra wide, strong elastic rubber button - fT white only, pair llC 25c Horn Hair Pins, seconds; shell and 1 A amber, many styles, package -LUC Atlas Safety Pins, nickel plated, sizes 0 fT to 2V,, dozen OC Silk Hair Nets with elastic, all shades, jr two in envelope for. u 25c Gold Standard Corset Laces, mercerized, wide, covered tip, pink, white and blue, - pr 5 yards ........ XOC 2Mc Darning Cotton, black and white, fT triple A, three 45-yard spools OC 10c Charter Oak Crochet Cotton, white, pr linen and ecru, mercerized, ball OC Notion Shop, Main Floor. $1.25 "Magic" Mops 77c The "Magic" self-wringing mop is taking the place of the old way of hand wringing and scrubbing. Complete with four-foot handles. $1.25 value special today 77c. Basement. Fifth Street. I I I I 2-PLAT00N BILL HIT Ministers Like Idea, but Pro- test Wording of Measure. MARQUAM GULCH MENACES Ministerial Association Committee Gives Strong Indorsement to k Plan to Convert "Unsightly . Place Into Playground- maintenance of the home, we indorse It. Unfortunately, to our mind, the measure is not happily worded- There is, in our judg ment, no provision made for funds to take care of the increased expenditure. The 6 per cent limitation on tax increase is in sufficient. Funds must be Rotten from some other source, or the present number of stations be reduced, either of which we do not reel Tree to recommend. But for this, our approval of the amendment would be complete. HENTtY G. HANSON, C. O jrcULLOCH, "W. J. BEAVEN. Committee from Portland Ministers Ass'n. Ttev. Henry G. Hanson. Rev. C. O. WcCulioch and Rev. W. J. Beaven, a committee appointed by the Portland Ministers Association to investigate the firemen's two-platoon and the park and rjlaysrroud measures to be voted on at the city election, June 4, reported yesterday strongly in ravor or tne playground measure and In. favor of the sDirit of the two-platoon measure, but against the provisions of the bill &a submitted. The report of the committee follows: We have been asked to investigate the merits of two measures to be voted on at the June election, and to present our find ings through the public press. One Visit Sufficient. The committee has visited Marquam Gulch. One visit is enough. Condemned buildings, piles of tin cans and rubbish dumped there for years, drains from barns, refuse, carcasses of animals sticking out of the mud, disorder, stench these are some of the things harbored a mile from the City Hall and in one of the most thickly popu lated parts of the city of Portland. Six thousand children without a playground, and a third of these so near the gulch that hun dreds of them use this for a playground as it is. This place is an offense to thousands of citizens and a menace to health, to morals, and to future citizenship of many of our brightest children. Our city needs more parks, and tbe measure ha this purpose in view, but its immediate purpose, the clean ing up of Marquam Gulch, is. in our judg ment, a pressing necessity, and wecommend to our voters favorable action on this meas ure. Bill's Iefect Pointed Out. The two-platoon system has likewise been Investigated. Both sides have been heard. We feel the measure has considerable merit. The demands of the firemen are just. No man should be kept on duty 21 hours out of 1!4, except in cases of life and death. No person can do his best work on such & sched ule. The firemen have a right to home life, and their families have a right to some at tention from the head of the household. Am a measure involving morals, righteous ness, promotion of social welfare, and the EUGENE RESIDENT SAFE Ray raubion Sails for France on Ship Where Nurses Were Killed. EUGENE, Or., May 22. (Special.) Ray Faubion, of Eugene, en route to France as a member ofa Red Cross hospital unit, was a passenger on the ship -where two Red Cross nurses were killed Monday. Bits of shrapnel richochetted from the water's Burface and scattered among the passengers during gun, practice. A third nurse was injured. Mrs. Mary G. Faubion yesterday re ceived a message from the Red Cross Association announcing the safety of her son. Faubion was attending the North western University, Kvanston. I1L, when he enlisted, in the hospital corps ADAMS AND SPENCE DEBATE Road-Bonding Bill Discussion Draws Big Crowd at Creswcll. ETJGEXE, Or., May 22. (Special.) The debate of the $6,000,000 road bond issue between State Highway Commis sioner E. J. Adams and E. C. Spenee, master of the state grange, at Cres well last night attracted a large crowd from the surrounding country. Mr. Adams argued in favor of the bonds and Mr. Spence took the negative. The interest in the issue overshadows all other matters to be decided at the election, June 4. The debate began at 8:30 o'clock and- continued until after 11. Not a person left the hall while the debate was on. "WRIGGLE" DANCE TABOO Chicago Police Issue Decree to Cafes and Hotels. CHICAGO. May 20. The "Puppy Tail and the "Wriggle" are indecent dances and will not be permitted, at least as far as the loop is concerned. The de cree was entered by Captain Morgan Collins, of the central station, recently when he announced that the amuse ment licenses of the Wynd-Clif Cafe. In the basement of the Windsor Clifton Hotel, will not be renewed. LIABILITY YET ISSUE Supreme Court Decision Colby Case Held Up. in QUESTION NOT REFERRED Council Decides to Take Chance on Decision and Ballot Is Sent to Printer Without Proposed Measure. The State Supreme Court failed to hand down a decision yesterday in the Colby case involving the question of the liability of City Commissioners of Port land for damages sustained by persons in accidents on defective sidewalks and streets. Accordingly the City Council decided not to refer to the voters the question of exempting the officials from liability personally, but will trust to the decision of the Supreme Court. A decision had been expected inas much as the court had promised to try to get a decision by yesterday In order that the Council could refer the ques tion to the. voters in case the decision was against it. Yesterday was the last day for the reference of measures to the voters. A measure exempting the officials was drafted by City Attorney LaRoche and a ballot title had been ' prepared. The case before the court is that of Victoria I. Colby, who got $5350 dam ages against the Council members and the City Engineer personally for in juries she sustained by falling on a de fective sidewalk. Should the case on appeal to the higher court be decided in favor of Mrs. Colby, it is said the position of Mayor or Commissioner would be a decidedly dangerous one for any person having assets of any sort. The decision not to refer the question to the voters cleaned up all unsettled questions as to the ballot at the city election. Accordingly City Auditor Barbur sent the ballot to the printer yesterday with instructions to rush the printing of sample ballots. These will be out today or tomorrow. The Coun cil has ordered 100,000 printed for gen eral distribution. arrested Harry London, of this city, Saturday on the charge of trout fish ing without a license. The case was heard before Justice of the Peace Con vers and London, a recent arrival from New York City, pleaded Ignorance of the Oregon game laws, but to no avail, and was fined $25 and costs. TJmpqua Valley Fruit Union Elects. ROSEBURG. Or.. May 22. (Special.) At a meeting of the Umpqua Valley Fruit Union here Monday it was de cided to add two men to the director ship of the organization. The new di rectors are J. H. Booth, president of the Douglas National Bank, and Charles A. Brand, an orchardist of Garden Val ley. A telegram was read at the meet ing to the effect that final returns for the broccoli grown here this year were in the mails, and should reach Rose burg this week. Most of the broccoli was shipped to Chicago for disposition. BANK RESOURCES GROW YEAR'S GAIN IV STATE OF OREGON IS $3S,S64,421. Fisherman Fined $2 5. CLATRKANIE, Or.. May 22. CSpe claL) Deputy Game Warden Brown Read The Oregonian classified ads. Depoalta Stow Increase $2S)00,00O, aad Dlacvnnta Are f 20,000. OOO Greater. SALEM, Or., May 22. (Special.) The total resources of all the banks in the state on May 1. 1917, amounted to (209.965,503.37. an increase of $33. 864,421.27 over May 1, 1916. according to a statement issued by the State Banking Department today. Savings deposits amounted to $26. 103.864.68, or an increase of $2,727. 592.70; deposits subject to check to taled $86,945,444. or an increase of $18. 373,688.51. and time certificates of de- thorough breds Mathis Suits run a lit tle choicer in the tailor ing a little better in fabric a little surer in fit and a little finer in finish every suit a thoroughbred. topcoats for "nippy" nights a Mathis Topcoat is a handy garment im ported and domestic fabrics in all sizes. Ka.tfiis MEN'S WEAN Corner 5th & Morrison aMuwmminnmii posit amounted to $20,771,167.20. an in crease of $3,991,115.79. i'ostal savings deposits aggregated $2,038,178.33. an increase of $630,148.67. while it Is shown that the banks of the state car ry deposits due the State Treasurer amounting to S3.54fl.016.36. or an in- crease in that amount of $696,029.19. Loans and discounts May 1. 1917 were $110,910,950.15, an increase of $20.-034.920.52. Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070, A 6095. A Delightful Trip 4 to TJl7E7' V ADT lmsla vv 11 ixrt. Because she experienced the elements of service to which she is accustomed, this dainty Miss, born to home refinements and luxuries, was at ease on the , I .V f- f!-.S&oS tf!l"S ill VvWB 1T !iii":prai 1 The Train of Today Lmm eastbootd Chicago g:'; IfigEZ Arrhr,. Central Iw NEW YORK sTn':"'; 9 Eastmrm Timm L WESTBOUND new york rrrwsr ms aurfi Tumm E.lwoo4 9.2? AM tlaton Station AM Cmntrai Timm CHICAGO Shortest Route 20 Hours of Luxurious Travel on Tbe Standard Railroad of the World Other New Vorfc trmins km Chlnn ( AM. 1S.UO AM. 1 ft. SO AM. I lk PM. S.tO t'M. ft. OQ PM. s.1 PM. S.e FM. 11.4 PM osd AM. For further particular consult Local Ticket Aeent or address J. S. CAyfPBETX District Agrnt. Kailtrar Errhanef Bide ICS Third St.. Phrmrs Main 6707 Automatic A-4SZS PORTLAND. ORE. V 9