18 TTTE OHECOXIAX, FRIDAY, MAT 18, 101' SITUATIONS WASIED-FEMA I.E. Mlac ellaneous. VANrtD By young lady attending busi ness college, a private Jiome to work for room and board; references exchanged. AM L1;-!, OrKonjan. iAY work wanted, washing. Ironing and !,!,'i?,mnTt au hour; relerenccs. Tabor LAIJV with Birl. wishes light housework ro?n H"tl board. Address Koom 1" '.a rirst at. A 400. :V".ni?"" pim-!i ,sc"in or day work. Call , mornings, ilain SUL'fl. WOMAN wishes i-are of children at her .lome; molher care. East 7H21. EXPERIEXCED woman wants day work. . washing and cleaning. Main i'oodC31afr c'hll'IC,l in my home. Sell xr,AT. reliable woman, day work; refer- i u i . VArTI';D Work by experienced laundress; ... . "upr. warsnail oina WTahoVr offl1" iu'hinS r leaning. Phone EXPERIEN'CED woman wants day work WANTED Light office worjc or clerking WOMAN wants day work. Phone Tabor ZbS-i. WOMAN wanta day work. Woodlawn 47SH. WANTED TO BENT. Houses. WANTED To rent. June 1. for indefinite time. 7-room house; must be strictly mod ern, with yard and garage, near school i-wrnne. r.ast fide. E. 1!11.. UiXTFn -r . , - . - - -. inouern o-room Dunga- low; must be reasonable; will lease for . JJ u-m. vyi "-gon i an. RESPONSIBLE party wishes to rent 5 or A A. oungaiow or cottage AC I'.ll, Oregonian. Roomn With Board. GOOD country home for two children to . board; about 1 hour's ride from city. T 3S1. Oregonian. FOR TIENT. Fumiwhed Rooms. PALACE HOTEL. 44 Washington Street at Twelfth. Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, clean, free phone, hot and cold water. team heat, fireproof, large ground floor lobby, private and public baths, elevator ervlce. theater and Khopping district; strictly first-class accommodations, mod erate prices. Inspection will convince you. r0c pr day and up; special weeklv rates. HOTEL RAMAPO, 14th and Washington Sts. A moderate-priced hotel, with first elass service, with aJl comforts and con veniences of the high-priced hotels, at lower rates; rooms with and without pri vate baths from 75c to $2 per day; weekly ratea $3 and up. HOTEL LIL-MER, under new management Mr?. Lillian Merry. Transient trade solic ited, rates reasonable; hot and cold wa ter In every room. 270 13 Fourth st-, cor ner Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phone Mnrohsll 5X5... HOTEL ANSOXIA. 124 14th St., cor. Washington St. Fireproof, up-to-date hotel, large, at tractive, spotless guestrooms, individual phones, continuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; 5Qo to ?1.50 day. CLAYTON HOTEL. 1054 1'th St.. near Wash. Strictly clean, respectable house, under proprietor's management; modern, home like. $2 up per week. Transients f0c up. HOTEL CONRADIXE. 10th st. at Oak. Desirable downtown lo cation, respectable and strictly modern: fireproof buildings, elevator aud large lob by: rooms $3 per week tip. STANDISH HOTEL, BR14 Washington St., corner 17th, Hot and cold water, steam-heated rooms, $1.50 per week: Ml month and up. FORD HOTEL Private bath, phone. 13 month up; without bath, $10 mo. up. 733 Washington st. HOTEL CORDOVA. 200 11th bC Strictly modern, private baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 1472. A 47S:i. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. '-'Oth and Wash., lias the most comfortable and pleasant rooms in the city. ?2 week and up. ilODERN furnished rooms, $2 week up; hot and cold water, free baths and phono. Bushmark Hotel. iflr Washington st. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison street at 10th . Rates DOo day up; weekly up; running water, free phone and baths. MOTEL NORH1S, 533 'i Alder street Strlct ly modern: $l.r,o. 2 and $2.00 week. THE WARRENTON. 402Ta 3d st. Nice room, reasonable. M 7771. FurnNhed Rooms in Private Family. KOB HILL Congenial gentleman or lady to room, $10 month. Home comforts, piano. Call after 7 P. SI.. Widow's home Marshall 3400. ri'KNISUBD apt.. $10; sleeping rooms. $1.75; electric light, heat, quiet. Main 7QJ3. 20S 17th. near Taylor. $lo NICELY furnished, pleasant room, run ning water, steam heat, walking distance. 372 Sixtrf st. ROOM for two gentlemen in private Jewish family. Broadway 1782. ONE or 2 nice rooms in beautiful home, shower bath. 6'.."i Everett st. Mar. 1709. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in good home; references: Nob Hill. ::S Johnson. VERY pleasant front and single room; con veniences; reasonable. asp Taylor st. Rooms With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel: attractive rates to transients or permanent guests Phone Main l2i:. A BB2B. ALEXANDRA COURT, .13 Ella St. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Marshall 6170. HEREFORD HOTEL. 735 Hoyt St. Phone Main 3303. An American plan residence hotel, at tractive rates to transient or permanent. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. Modern rooms; American and European plan; special rates to permanent guests. KARL HOTEL, Broadway at Taylor. THE MAN1TOU, 261 13th Rooms, double or single, with board; running water, steam heat, fireplace; also sleeping tent. PAR-fVIEW Family hotel, 386 Montgomery St., in South Parkway; walking distance; excellent table, reasonable rates. M. 3783. THE WEAVER. 71 0 Wash. at. Marshall C170. Residential hotel, reasonable rates. Private phone and bath In every room. ROOM and board for business girls; all modem conveniences; walking distance; $8.')0 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st. THE WHITEHALL. 2"3 th. American plan, very convenient and reasonable. Rooms With Board In Private Family. 62 LUCRETIA ST.. near Washington: large front room, well furnished, quiet, modern home, meals if desired; no better loca tion on West Side. .NICELY furnished rooms with board; also sleeping porches: twin beds, two dressers, parlor, piano, home privileges; $5 and up. Main 6381. Cudahy Family Hotel, 414 Mill. KOOM and board, private family; all mod ern conveniences. Marshall 381. 4t8 Mar ket st. ROOM and good . board in private family. 29 E. Ankeny. E. 2686. ROOM and first-class board reasonable. 33 11th st. I '?o5 56tA. HEAQD YA 15 G6iAi& UP iaI 1.. . : .: is ' CTrisbt. 1917. hy NniHw Falrn i l S - I 1 ' I 1 i ft II El FOB BENT. Room. With Board In Private Family. WANTED A small child to hnaril nn.l ron in comfortable home in country, strictly a mother's care; terms reasonable; ref. lurnlKhed. An hour's ride from Portland. mox iresham, or. EXCELLENT meala. steam heat, hot and cold water, reasonable. Just like home new management. .'i:!'J 10th. Main 27!tti. Furpiwhed ApartmenK A HOUSE THAT 13 quiet, refined, clenn. -'fe. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, popular. luth aud Salmon sts. well known. of highest standing. A house of quality. comfort and service. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sts. FIvoj minutes' walk to Meier Frank's store: good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA 8T. CLARA Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Paciflo Coabt; furnished complete. Roof Garden In Connection. Walking distance. References. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th jsew, modern, s minutes' walk from busi ness center, save carfare; 2 and 3 room", private bath, laundry, one-party phone free each apt. Excellent neighborhood; references. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New. completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building: white enam eled Interior; large kitchen; service first c'ass: walking distance. East 434S. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $16 TO $:.V WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. AVALO.V. Furnished or unfurnished modem 4 ronm apartment: also H-room furnished apt., nearest Union Depot corner. Clack amas and Rosk. Phone East 3172. THE STF.I.WYN. HIGH-CLASS. Beautifully furnished 2. 3 and 4-room spts.. Ideal home for tourists, sleeping porches. Marshall 2830. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, bet. 20th and Ella sts Fur nished three-room apartment; all outside rooms; modern, walking distance. Refer ences. ROSE CITY PARK Furnished modern' two- room apartment, lights, water, phone, gar den, roses, flowers, included. Main 8217. C 2so. MADISON PARK APTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2. 3 and 4-room furnished apartments, close In. by week or month. ONLY 5 minutes' walk to business center: j'iuuciii .-room turnisnea apartment; 6th floor, corner, with sleeping porch and two disappearing beds: $40. adults. Main 2271. THE MORTON. King and Washington ats.; 3 and 4-room furnished apartments. Con venient, fireproof. Rents reasonable. Main 1082. FLORENCE APT.. 388 11th 3 and 4-room enner lurnisnea or unru rn Ished ; roof gar den. sleeping porch; walking distance. THE DEZENDORF. 208 lth St.. near Taylor. Marshall 138; 3. 4 and ft -room nicely fur, apartments. GRAND OAK APTS., corner E. Oak and ijrayia ave.; strictly modern --3-room apts. First-class "Tvice. E. 3302. AR'JYLE APTS.. 341 14th; nicely furnished. ciean. airy --room apts.: private bath, phone: $16 up: new management. MEREDITH 3 rooms. $23; 2 rooms. $20; waiKing distance. ana Washington. M. 7134. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished o ana -room apartments; lowest rates In city. Corner N. luth and Northmp sts. THE Hammersley Court. 250 12th st. Two miiu o-room apartments; close In; prices reasonable. Marshall 2052. THE NORAFLO. 554 E. Madison, near Haw- (norne on j.itn t. j., j rooms, furnished; inii-wittfr newt: i to .. jjast snr,5. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 1 1 luiinniiru anu uniurnisnea, $18 up. w car to Northrup. Mar. 227. WASHINGTON GRAND APTS, 2 and 8- room apts.. jo up; heat, light, bath, clean. respectable. 91 Grand ave.. cor. Wash. THE KARLTON S-room modern apts.. $1(5 up. union ave. ana Kusseii. East 2766. 1-2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas, light. $:; up. New Hart. 1 70 14 d at. HADDON H ALU 414 11th, modern 3 and -room apts., rates reasonable. Mar. 116-t. CAM AR. 704 Lovejoy 2 and 8 -room apts.. NEW furnished apts., concrete block; $14 " j 11 wn a vp. . nam. 3. 4-ROOM furn., and 30. The Bjelland P'.i jotn ana xovejoy. aiarsnaii 48;i. BENSON APTS., 20.1 North 20th. Newly fUr- nisnea 6-room a pis. Marshall 444 H. I'nfurnlwhed Apartments. IMPERIAL ARMS APARTMENTS, N. V. Cor. 14th and Clay. Most modern 2, 3 and 4-room apart ments In the city. Rentals reasonable. Conveniently located for cars and walk ing. S-ROOM furnished or unfurnished apart ment. In- V ickersham Apartments. ISth and Flanders ; convenient to carlines. walking distance, qul-t residential dis trict, modem. Main 2201. TWO nice light rooms, hot water heat, tele- pnone and water; private dressing and bathrooms, walking distance, rent $15. ''Chapman Apartments," corner Mill and Chapman sts. STEVENS APARTMENTS 6 large outside rooms, neat, not water ana phones, front and back sleeping porches. 7D1-A North rup. near 24th. Main 0H5S. BRKTNOR APARTMENTS. The fashionable Nob Hill apartments; absolutely modern 3 and 4-room apart meiita. near carline. 20th and Lovejoy eta JNKURN ISHED 3-r n. apts.. $15 to $18; brick bldg., hardwood floors, light, heat, phone, gas range. Powell Apts., Haw thorn ave. and 37th. Tabor 37M8. FORDHAM, 170 Vista ave., 4 and 5 rrn. un ru r. apt., both very choice. Rent only $35 and $40. Mar. 1851 or A 7254. KEELER APTS, 14th and Clay sts. Front 4-room suites, uniurnisnea; references. Marshall 5753. ELEGANT 0-room apartment with sleep ing pviuii M.11U. a.iL muucm conveniences. Marshall 17P3. ,EW 2-room ape. new brick building. West Side, close in. corner Broadway and Clay gta.. rent reasonable. Rexford. Main 6.13. RUSE-FRIEND, 2S5 Broadway, corner Jef- rerson ; modern, unrur. apts., walking distance, best service. Marshall 1410. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup; modern. nign-ciiss o - rrn . apt, r none Jiarsnnii hith. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson 3, 4 5 rooms, reasonanie. Aiarsnau ;i;ttio. THE ORMONDE Modern, four-room, front. Manaers. isod hih. Main vjr.i. THE KING-DAVIS One very desirable 4- room. Main xuns. BRUCE APT., 2.1tli and Northrup Modern 6-room apt., sleeping porch. Main 4008. 4-ROOM, heat, fireplpce, sleeping porch. Hryn Mawr, is.) t:. itn. corner Yamhill. COLLEGE, 3 rooms, modern, sleeping porch. wan oea, ;ia ana tjoneye. .Mar. o.Vto. lHAT 5. Hfc iOLtML S ftE'O 'BoJ6:hT HM A OJXh? Pf l FOK RENT. Unfurnished Apartments. IRVING APARTMENTS. 4 and 5 rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda. laundry, garage, good service: low rate to permanent tenants; references required. 6S8 Irving street. Phone Marshall 2748. Furniwhed or Unfurnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. neav 23d and Washing ton Large. attractive sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern supe rior service; unsurpassed view; walking distance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4-room; rates moderate: good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. 3-room basement apartment. $10. Phone Marshall 2!1 and 21MJ4. Walking distance. 21st and Irving. PORTLAND'S LATEST. Merlin Apts.. Just finished: strictly modern. Broadwav and Grant: 3 rooms, dressing closets, buffet and bath; fine view, low rents; adjoining garages if wanted. Marshall 420. WEI.I.ESI.Rr COURT. MEI.CLIl'KB COURT. REX ARMS. Phone East 657T. Sunnyslfle carllne; close In; 2 and 3' room; desirable and reasonable. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. IHirh-claM. prtVct In a.11 details. 40 Lu rretta ft. Marshall 151 3. A T. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS. 4-room furnish5! or unfurnished, apt., Bleeping porch, --d and (Jlisaa sts. .Mar. B1l. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THR HOUPE OF TONE, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHAL!, 1101. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 270 S. Broad way; 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; on first floor; private phones; walking: distance. Main 250H. THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison , Ptrirtly monrn, all outnlde apartments; Idoal location; references. Pliono Malu 1J1 and 10.12. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS, lth and Couch at. Marnhall 2-VV. Mod ern new bldfr. ; shower hatha. Ref a. ROSEN KELD cbrfk). 14th. aud K. (Stark; S rooms, $ 1 7. $2i. $22..1i. NOB H1LI a. 4, 5 n.nd fl-room furn. and unfnrn. modern aptn.. $.1 up. Main R'j.11 . mats. 6 ROOMS, absolutely clean, varnished floors. rireplacr. furnare and modern throughout; West lde, walking distance; snap for someone. A 504. Oregon tan. NEW, ligbt, and airy 4-rooms with gas range, fireplace, sleeping porch, bullet, etc.: garage If desired. 441 Tillamook: su Phone Broadway 1107. UPPER and lower 6-room flats, modern, close In and vers cheap rent; key st news stand on cor. Washington and 16th sts. $10, $12 AND $1.1; t;-room modern flats st Noa. 4 and 2 Urand ave. Is', j. j. Oeder. Grand ave. at E. Ankeny. IRVINGTON Upper 0 rms., sleeping porch, iront veranaa, strictly moaern. xiaisey St., near E. 19th. Phone Main SfM. 5-ROOM upper, furnace, fireplace, rutch kitchen, large porch, hast 19th and Davis. Call Woodlawn 4373 evenings. 6-ROOM upper flat. 3 bedrooms, light and sunny, close in. 330 13th. 5-ROOM upper flat, gas range-heater, elec- ttic tignts. etc. jan niw kbtk St. PLEASANT 4-room flat, fireplace, bath. telephone, light, sunny, sift. Main 'Jivo. FLAT of six rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt St. inquire i:w oth. Phone Main : MODERN 4-room flat, near City Park. 1 . in bOGS A V7rt COSY 4-room flat, near Bteel bridge. 2034 Koss st. I'hone v oodlawn lo&w. NEWLY decorated lower r -room flat, very roasonanin irL'u iverett at. Fu m I tth ed I 'I at a. 3 ROOMS, private front porch, nicely fur nished, disappaering hen. clean, heat, not water, garbage removed, sleeping porch, walking distance; 3 carlines. 427 Rodney ave. 4-ROOM lower flat, fireplace, broad porch. yam. v. 1'htk. Mara nan ... 6-ROOM lower flat, :i bedrooms, light and sunny, close In. .loO 1 .it h. 5 ROOMS, completely furnltthed. $13; 5 rooms, unfurnished. $s. Tabor Jills. H 1010. 0-ROOM flats, one furnished. 21st and Ev erett. Main RT7;. FOUR rooms, sleeping porch, piano, beat. nicely fur.; reas. Kearney. Alar. 34.). Housekeeping: Rooms. $2.75 WEEK up; completely furnished house keeping suites; absolutely clean, every convenience, large, light rooms; single h. k. rooms, $1.75 up; desirable people only; save carfare. The Cadillac, 3d near Jef ferson. M. Dolinert, mgr. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Dandy 2-room suite, strictly modem, $14: swell front corner 3-room suite. $18; private bath, private phone. completely furnished, housekeeping. Dennlson Apart ments, 3027 Belmont st. Sunnyside car. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room : 7 blocks from Rth and Morrison ats., $14 up. 211 Columbia st., near Kth. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites. Walking distance, both phones, $2 per week and up. Newly renovated. Main 7771. The Warrenton. 402 4 3d st. THE BUSHMARK, 1 and 2 rooms, modern, $;t per week up. Including steam heat, gas, elect ricit y, t1fphone. .TtT Washington. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, modern conveniences, walking; distance, 504 Flan ders. ; HOUSEKEEPING room with kitchenette, ground floor. 103 W. Park. 461 EASTMORRisON Furnlihed one and two-room housekeeping apts. Reasonable. House keeping Rooms Id Private Family. TWO large, airy housekeeping rooms, with bath and hot water tank and stove, some furniture, over private garage in Irving ton, $7 month. Including water and lights; this Is a snap for the right party; refer ences required. Phone East 7516, morn ings. COME and look at rny newly furnished, pa papered and painted 2-room apts.; steam heat, running water, walking distance; im maculate rooms; $2.50 up to $4.5. You'll like them. 372 6th. Marshall 4485. BEAUTIFUL place and location, yard, trees, garden, large sleeping porch, sitting-room, kitchen complete, reduced ; $12 monthly; walking distance. Sellwood HOW. B64 E. 6th. LARGE front rooms, also two rooms $2 weekly. Phone, lights, lots hot water, baths. laundry conveniences. 0.5 Flanders. PLEASANT front room for rL K., all con venlences. $2.75 per week. 248 13th. Mar shall 4133. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, walking distance. 564 Flanders. $7 AND $S fur. H. K. room, bath, phone, electric. 651 E. Morrison. ROOM. $6 month, gas, cook stove, free elec tricity, phone, bath. 3i2 4th. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, yard. SIO month. H!-j Front. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 530 Davis st. Main 988. TWO nice front rooms for "H. K- conven iences : reasonable. SSfl Taylor. Houses. A 10-ROOM house, corner. Inquire 613 Cor bett bldg. 8 - R OOM m odern house. 712 Lovelov near 22 d. Inquire 130 Oth st. Main 6278.' ju wawx is arr- lb l&tP HIS 5(0- WAiTi' HHR. J lhr A MaL0T..i III ' s I I EVERT FLIER SHOl'LD ALSO BK A HIGH OIVER BY Cl.irF STERRSTTT. 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7:00 Clock 1 Saturday Is the closing: hour for accepting Classified Ads to run under proper classification in 1 THE SUNDAY Ads received later than this will be run under the head- Ej ing: "Too Late to Classify" 5 8 :30 o'Clock Is the Closing Hour Other Evenings. f unimmnnminmiMmmmmmimmmn rwiiiuuimuiiuumHiumiiimnm FOR RENT. If oilmen. TO RENT Modern 7-room house, furnace, ri replace, etc., rirst-clnss condition, ac cessible to streetcar lines; rent $27. "o. Close in to city. 430 Oregon St.. bet. E. Oth and 7th sts. Holladay Addition. Call at house or call up owner. Tabor 1 BOO. 7-ROOM modern house In "Westmoreland, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, furnace, paved streets, good neighborhood ; rent $22.30. Howard & Maiiloux, 314 Chamber of Commerce. 432 13TH ST. Only $10; no shack; good 1 Vi ctory house, ft rooms downstairs; gss. bath, basement: walking distance; West Side. Phone Main 7495, or call 470 Hall st. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored xree; expert movers. pacKers and snippers. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., Oth and Hoyt sts. Broadway 73. MODERN C-room house, sleeping porch, fur nace, fireplace, furnished with piano; all kinds of fruit, garnn, flowers. 1102 East Ms in sr. Tabor 64. Rent $2.V FOR RENT 3-room house with 1 acre. 1 miles wst from Mount Zlon. 4 per month. Phone Marshall 3 It 5 from 7 A. M. to 0:30 A. M. and from 5 to 8 P. M. 6-ROOM modern house, gas. electricity, fur nace, wanting distance. is.ry 7o xl,. 1 am hill. 7-ROOM house. Ml. Tabor; fruit and gar rin space. Close-in houses and flats on East Side. Stokes & Zeller. East 1017. FURNISHED or unfurnished good 4 snd s-room ziat cneap. &3 js. 17th. "UM " car. NEAT S-room cottage on West Fide. 5 mln, walk f rom post of ilee ; $12 month. 4 13 Market st. MODERN -room house on E. l,th. between Ankeny and Burnside. Call at 14 E. loth N. or phone East 23 ri. FOR RENT Two modern f-room cot la ge. 446 E. Harrison; rent $10 per month. East 24 M. '-ROOM modern house, newly painted, beau tiful loc ation, $1.1. 1176 lvon ut, near GUth. nnd Division sts. Richmond car. 7-ROOM cottage, 76S Hoyt St., bet. 23d and 24th; good location; rent reasonable, Min 5714. STRICTLY modern ft-room bouse. 45th St., nar Hawt home. Phone Main !t"3. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. Hawthorns car. near tvJa st. Phone .Main ..(. B UNO ALOW, o rooms, modern, yard, $16.90; water inc. io- ui vision ana itii. MODERN 4. A 6-room houses. E. 20th, near S. P. car shops. Call East 3225. FOR RENT 6-room house, 327 Wasco st. Rent $12. Phone East 2446. IRVINGTON Modern 6-room house. Phone East 3 191. 7 RMS., mod., every convenience, 3S1 Ross. near Bdwy bridge: walking ois. J 1 -'.. LAI'RELHURST, modern S-room bungalow. 11S0 Senate St., $2.V Odell. Tabor 4012. RE A SON A BLR, 6-room house, yard, roses. c:( K. Madison. $12.ru DANDY 6-room, bath, upper flat; waiHing distance. .oo urani st. GOOD 6-room house. 607 Everett st. Phone East . 6 ROOMS, 2i5 Cook ave., near Williams: gas. f lertricity. natn. f,nst rast 1 F'nnilshed IIoute. FOR RENT Beautiful and completely fur nished 1 2-room house, centrally located, excellent residential district, convenient to two carlines, or will rent unfurnished. Ca II Mr. C ra in. Main 208. 5-ROOM well furnished modern house in Alberta district. l73 E. 26th st. N., corner of Going st., $13. Phone Columbia 724. 3-ROOM furnished cottage, electric lights. gurden and berries, $4. L. A. Suliurd, nk ?rove. MODERN 6-room cottage, furo.hd. $20; fith and Hall. Owner, Dr. McMahon. $10 1-KOOM house, without bath. K. lOtti st. Sel Iwood 4.. FOR RENT 7-room, well furnished house. good neighborhood; nire yara. rast ,).-j. FOUR upper rooms of house, nicely fur NICELY furnished Irvingtoa home; refer- ences. East 2721. GIRL wanted for light housework. Call Co lumbia 216. 6aminer Reeort. SEASIDE, attractive 5-room furnished cot tage, bath, electricity, near oeacn. Mn. 1" 1 W Offices. OFFICES, storerooms and halls, also rooms suitable for light manuiacturing: ox nee building accommodations; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co., 815 Dekuro bldg., 3d and Washington sts. OFFICES, $7 up; furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. ds fa wetland Didg. BrSIXKRS OPPORTUNITIES. MUST sell rooming-house; real bs.'SM.ln. columoia st. IF you have real estate and wish to trade for grocery, ring up a J3H. PICTURE show for sale, low rent: very lit tle money needed, can Main ihh. $47.r BUYS pool, cigars, confectionery; $300 stocK. rixtures, n lames, .mi urnsioe. BARBER OHA1RS, at a big sacrice. Kemp Barber Supply Co.. - 1 asnington st. POLLY AND HER Thai AaIt do FLVlAi' 5cAT Oti P&U fa4"TS 4 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Evening B OREGONIAN B BCSINESS OPPORTrNITIES. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. The publisher of the Polk Countv Ob server, who Is a trained military man. having been called to the service of his country in the Navy, with sn uncertainty ss to the duration of that service). 1 have been directed by him to sell the news Paper snd printing plant. located at IJallas, the county seat of polk, the blue ribbon county of Oregon. The plant Is one of the very best in the Willamette Valley; the Observer is In Its 27th year. Is recognized ss the leading newspaper in the district In which It Is published, and Is enjoying a lucrative business In all departments. A small cash payment snd terms takes It. The plant and busi ness must be disposed of w ithout delay, as It has no 'head," and therefore only those who can take Immediate charge are Invited to seek further particulars. Ad dress Lew A. Cstes. Dallas, Or. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter- est In established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILU Sec, 3Q2 Henry B 1 d g. IF YOU want a strictly cash store business, where you can depend on making a good living and clear $10O month besides, wo have It; open to closest Investigation be fore you Invest one dollar. Call room 436 Plttock blk. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anvwhere. ses A. J. PE FOREST, 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE or rent, sn up-to-date veterinary hospital In the best section of the Valley. Must be an up-to-date veterlnarv surgemi If rented. Apply to D. M. Ratcll'tT, Wood burn, Or. OWING TO SICKNESS IN FAMILY Bonrd-Ing-house of 40 rooms, close to city, doing fine business, near 2 lumber mills nnd shipyards; will sell for $lu". with fi-yeur lease; no agents. K 30J, Oregonian. A GROWING BUSINESS Want a steady man. handy with tools snd willing to work: pay good wages, also share of prof Its; $3."0 required. Call room 4:6 Plttock block. FOR SALE Furniture store, undertaking stores, house furnishings; only ons in town; new county seat growing town and country. Address X. H. Blethan. Black foot. Idaho. "WANT merry-go-round, dancing girls snd all kinds csrnlval concessions and amuse ments for big S-day celebration, July 2, 3 and 4; 8O00 to 10. 000 daily attendance. Write A. F. Rosenstock, Mansfield. Wash. STEP right Into a. fine, paying business, selling household and sto-k remedies, toilet articles, etc., to farmers; established trade: owner has other business and will sell cheap. 607 M cK a y bid g FOR SALE OR LEASE. Peventy acres placer mine, located In Oreen Horn district, Oregon : price and terms right. Address J. T. Cant well. Walla "Walla. Wash. ;." E. Chestnut st. FOR SALE or trttde. $:04H, equity In opera house; also used for movies; balance easy payments; town of looo; experience not required. L. B. 01, Oakesdale. Wash. FOR SALE Established retail lumberyard, near Portland. Owner railed to the colora. $3000 to $0000 required. AL 2y. Orego nian. WILL sell half interest in best-paying cafe teria in the city ; man to take charge of books, money; $000 required. T 415, Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS small grocery, doing $1200 a month, owner going on farm. Take $1200 V rash, balance lot or auto. 607 McKay bldg." EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for dairy store and lunchroom combined, place equipped, business established. C P. Barette, Pan ama bldg. Main 9307. IF YOU can make a liberal payment down -we will sell you one of the llveat gen eral mdse. bus. In Oregon. Cobb Mctle. Co., Ft. Johns. Or. ANYONE wishing to Invest In a mine that gives promise of making a big producer should investigate this. AM 22'J, Ore gonian. WOOD AND COAL Partner wanted to tend office, be cashier, check wood, etc.; profits very good and money fully secured. Call room 436 Plttock block. HAVE opening for energetic man in solid automobile business: pay $200 month. CbII room 436 Plttock block. FOR SALE General store, well established; owner wants to go East: will discount for cash. T 314. Oregonian. $73 BUYS a small business paying $20 a week: suitable for lady or gentleman. 507 McKay bldg. BARBER SHOP Other business requires my attention; will stand investigation. J 271. Orficonian. BA RBER supplies, chairs, mirrors, reduced prices. Portland Cutlery 4k Barber Supply Co., S6 6th. FOR SALE Plumbing and sheet metal shop, stocks, tools, fixtures. Established 15 years. Box 233. Castle Rock. Wash. VACANT oyster claims, state land; smll location fea only. Call Mr. Forslund, Alder Hotel. BEST grocery stock and fixtures. $30O; liv ing rooms; no trades. 421 E. Pine st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. YOUNG married man wishes position as sistant manager or manager of theater. Can furnish best of references. Room 404 Hotel Hoyt. BALS ljE53 3o MA. VBEtAl' T54Dd' UP Old AJiATal (Sd'feEKv. MOW MOTET H A VP ROOMING-MOISKS. IF YOU WISH To Bay. Sell or Exchange a Hotel, Rooming or Apt. -House, see A, J. Oe FOREST. 20r.-Q7 Board of Trade Bldg. UN FURNISH ED 33-room workingmen'a ho tel, fintr location, at Vancouver, Wash.; r:nt very reasonable. Inquire G. G. Srhmttt. room 6ou. oregonian bldg. FOK bst bargains in rooming or apartment bouses, see members of Really Board. Yates Realty Co.. 24 4th st. $200 FOR furniture of 2 O-room hoiisekeep ing apartment. Marshall 4203. 272 Mont gomery. FOR SALE Furniture of 9 rooms. aTi rented; rent $2.ro. Inquire 308 10th su LOST AND FOOD. 1'H E following articles were found on cars of the Portland Railwav. Light A Power Co., .May 1H. 1!17 1 suit box, 1 coat. 1 glove, 2 pairs gloves, 3 lunch boxes. 6 um brellas. 4 packages. 1 bottle medicine. 1 bucket. 1 fish tackle, 1 purse. 1 rain cape. 1 pitchfork. ; books. 1 rat trap. 1 package linen. 1 package papers. 1 suck a nd con tents. Owners may obtnfn property at First and Alder street station. THE follow ing articles were found on the crs of the Portland Railwav. Licht k Power Co., May 14. J017 11 umbrellas. 1 magazine. 1 basket. packages, 3 lunch boxes. 1 purse. 1 grip, 3 books. 1 glove. 1 pair shoes. 1 jug. 1 pair of glasses. I coat. 1 key. Owners may obtain prop ert y nt First and Alder street station. THE following artiilcs were found on cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.. May lr,, 1017 2 pairs shoea 8 um brellas. 1 pall. 1 key. 1 book. 3 packages. 2 suitcases. 1 pair boots. 3 grips. 1 bucket. 1 paper, 2 keys. 3 pins, 4 purses. 1 bundle letters. U net s may obtain property at First and Aider street station. Lost liy a. widowed mother. Monday. May 14. between Morrison and Wash., 011 6th or th and 3d op Wash., or in Meier e Frsnk's. n small hand satchel containing papers snd money ?I4 :.. Reward; loser Is in needy circumtunes and responsible forcontents. Finder tail Main ftHS TEN DOLLARS reward" "for information leading to recovery of h)ck Scottish lr. riMr, female, taken from Council Crest Park Sunday. May 13. Robert L. Wing. P.H Hillsdale ave LoST Saturday, on Westover Terrace or 231 street, smnll croWiet has. containing silk and scissors; finder plruse phono Marshall ILL party who took red slik parasol from Olds. Uoittnan & King s washroom Satur day kindly leave same at accommodation desk ? LOST String of pearl beads; finder please csll Marshall 2094. Reward. LOST In postoffk-e. small black purse rOQ. tainlng $10 In gold. East 1732. Reward. LOST Fox terrier, with goiter on neck; playmate of little girl. Main X4. Reward. LOST Shield -sha p fraternity pin. name engraved pn back. Tabor AX. He ward. SPECIAL NOTICE?. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR STATE- OF OREGON FARM CREDIT BONDS. Sealed bids will be received by the State of Oregon at the office of the State land Board, up to 11 o'clock A. M., May 22. 1017, for $."0O.Ot0 0-year 4 per cent Oregon Farm Credit Bonds, dated June 1. 101 7. In denominations to suit the pur chaser, of $2.V $lO0. $mio snd $1000; 10 per cent of the issue redeemable In five years snd the balance of the issue in 10 srs at the option of the Board; Interest payable semi-annually; principal and in terest payable at the office of the State Treasurer at Salem. Or. The bonds will be furnished complete by the Board. All bids must be accompanied by cer tified check, payable to the tate Land Board, for li per cent of the amount of the bid. which check will be forfeited to the state In case the successful bidder falls to complete his purchase. The Board reserves the right to reject any snd all bids. O f f ers should ha add ressed to d. G. Brown. Clerk State Land Board. Salem. Or., and marked "Bids for Oregon Farm Credit Bonds." Dated at Salem. Or.. April 20. 1017. O. O. BROWN. Clerk State lnd Board. SEALED bids will be received at my office. 333 Pittock blk.. Portland, Or., on a $-f,to stock of dry poods, clothing, furnishings, etc., also $12in worth of fixtures, show cases, safe, cash resistor, etc.. up to 12 o'clock nKn. Wednesday, May 23. Ino1ee can be seen at my office and s toe it in -a parted at Vancouver. Wash. 10 per rent cert i tied check must accompanv bid. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. E. H. M'Cl'XK. Fl' EL Of f icu Department Quarter maai er. IMtf Pine St., Sau Francisco, Cal. Sealed proposals ill be received here until 11 A. M. May 21, Jf17, for furnishing coal re quired st posts iu Western Department during fiscal year commencing July 1. 1017. Information furnished on application. M itcel laneaus I HAVE sold my entire Interest in restau rant, soft drink parlor, at 38L North 17th st. Con HUgers. BARGES for rent, capacity r00 ton a Main K.Y HXANCI I Residence property. 6 to S per cent. Business property, 3 to ft per cent. Farm property, tl to 7 per cent. XV H1T.MER-KKLLY CO., 711 Plttock blk. WE BUY mrt Kne, bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND A. MURTliAGB CO., S' 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. MuKT;a(J E loans, notes, contracts, nun 1 gayes purchased. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bid. FIRST and second mortgages; aiso seller's interest In contracts purchased. Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermen bldg. Money to Loan nn Real EMatr 3 PER CENT loans will be made on central retail business properties. 6 and 7 per rent on other securities. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO.. Northwestern Bank bldg. $2o, J j.-,o. $rtr.o, $."on7"$tso. $7Aft. $uc. Stood. $120. $1300. $1.nOO. Fred W. German A Co., 72 Chamber of Com. CITY AND FARM LOANS. FA R RING TON, 30 Fourth Street. Portland. Or. $30.oo0 TO LOAN in amounts to suit on city property at J and 7 per cent. M'KEXZIB & CO., Sir. Oerllnger Bldg. $ Jo ti.Oi'O TO LOAN In sums to suit; build ing loans, lowest rates. W. ti. Beck, 210 2ld Falling bldg. Phone Main 3407. M OR TO AC E TyOAXS TNANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. INC., Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR FARM PROPERTY: WILL CALL IF INTER ESTED. Phone Tabor 2026. $i0, $1000 AND upwards on improved real estate. favorable terms: no delay; no brokerage. John Bain. T07 Spalding bMg. CITY and farm loans, any amount, no de lav. J. G. Ralney, 0O3 Veou o.dg. Main KHT2. LOANS on city and farm property. 5 per cent up. F. Fiic ha. 420 Cham, of Com. $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm, no commission. P. O. box fc73. city. MORTGAGE LOANS. G AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 40S Selling bide" $4YOOt TO LOAN, fl and 7 per cent GODDARP A wIEDRICK, 243 St ark St. MONEY to loan on real estate, chattel mort raees bought. C. W. Pallett. Kenton kih- FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOWS. A. H. Harding. 313 Chamber of Com. $000 TO $20O to loan on good real estate se curity. AL 2Q2. Oregonian. -Ai tuIDS as J- FIX AN CUL Money to Lean on Real EM ate. Ol R Installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. f.f-.JO per month for ;S months or $-l.4 lor months, or $15.17 for 10 months pays a $1000 loan and interest. 4, Other amounts iu proportion. We loan on Improved ciiy property t) Or for buiidmg purposes. No roir.mlsslon charged. EgilTABI.K SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. 242 siark Street. Portland. Or. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REL ESTATE FOTT BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLKXU BLE CONTRACTS: NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIKE & TRUST CO., - 22 Stevens Bldg. v 8 PER CENT niutiev. 3 to 3 vcars, rsidencsu proper. ; win accept $lo or more on principal at any Interest period payment; . J per cent monev on business propert v.e same terms. Also farm loans. 5 and, per cent. Panfle Title & Trust Co., 4 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 12. MORTGAGE LOANS, Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. C Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRRELL V CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411S. 6 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Yaiey . farm loans; no delay; no commissions. lNvereaux Mort gnge Company, tKt? Con-. eord bldg.. 2d and Stark m. I S today Money any amount on im- proved property, A-7. Long or short time, loans. Installment loans. Main 112. ' Kl.LARS-Ml RTON CO.. N.T, Vcon Bldg. M.NEY to loan at current ratea Hamil ton, agent. OJ.", Yon bldg. Main S." .. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. FURNITURE LOANS. B ALAR Tc LOANS. All that Is necessary t establish cred't with us is that you either own furniture pianos or that you aro working either a ill do. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. LICENSED. 317 Faiimg Bldg. IK YOU NEED MONEY. SEE US. SALARIES . . . CHATTELS. Loans mad to persons on salary or fixed lnrome : on household furn it ore. piano. diamonds and other personal properly; Busln-ss confidential: private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed. 300-307 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Ksts.i. lihed by Portiand business men to protect borrower. C. Myers Hcrrman, manafr. 3i4 Stark st Money loaned on diamonds. Jewelry, pianos, h. h. fiirnlture. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelrv; leel 4 rate; HI articles held 1 vear: establish-d. since isiv Dan Marx. 2S3 Washington. r Loan Wanted. $6'o FIRST mortgage, 7 per cent, im years; will discouut. m H. G. EPTON, BIS Chamber of Commerce. $237.1. 6 PER CENT. 3 yra, valuation $ooOO. 6 per cent. 3 yrs., valuation $13.tM-. Income bearing. J. L. KARNOPP. Railway Exch- Bldg. $13.oo0 WANTED as first mortgageon new West Side apartment-house. Phone Mar- shall 42H. MORTGAGES for sale on improved city and going farms. $.iu to $oOoO. Desh'on Ha k. 01 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $0m. WILL pay $23 com., on 40 acres,valu $1MH. AN 302. Oregonian. PERSONAL HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 30-inch wavy sullen, 2 sep $1.11 24-inch wavy switch. 3 sep l.oo All-around transformation 1.43 Hairdresslng, shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 2oc Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made or combings, i3c. We buy your combing. Sanitary Parlors. 40-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. Marshall l"nj. REDUCE THAT SURPLUS FLESH. Electric cabinet baths, tub and scientlfla botly manipulatiun Kill do It. Ironside In stitute, 3J7-8-0 Pit tock block. Private rooms. Graduate nurse assistants, Hsars TO A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. I'J to 4. FEB VET A II AN F.Bl'T, leading wig and toupe makers ; 1 inest stock human hair goods, bairdr sslng. manicuring, face and s-alp treatment. Removed to 340 Alder, near Broad w ay. Mam 340 TRAINED nurse and masseuse gites tiea ments for rheumatism, lumbago, neuraigia, ete., massago and bath, lady assistant. 310 Park st. Marshall 0o:t:,. Hours A. M. to IP P. M. Open Sunday. MRS. ROSE C All ILL. divine healer, circles Tuesdays and Thursdays. 8 P. M. Heal ings dally, by appointment only. 11 lHtn st. N.. cor. Irving. Broadway 4027. Pub lic invited. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNS From this day May 15 1 will not be responsible for any bills or contrscts maue by Mrs. A. G. Berner. A.A II. RIBBECKE. graduate dermatolo gist. Hair and blemishes permanently re moved. Fice anti-wrinkle treatment given. 12'S 12tU St.. near Wash. Main 32i0. SPIRITUALISM MRS. M. l LA MAR, 2;.3 01 U st.. cor. Ms In. Tesrhea palmistry and card reading : also lessons m science of halth and suecess. REV. M US. S"HORl teaches truth : circle Sun. Tues., Thurs., R o'clock; reads daiiy. 37 11th st. Sunnysido car. Mar. 1S2. SPIRITUALISM Rev. May A. Price, meet ings Tuesday. Sunday, 2 and S I. M.; read In k sd aiiy. 20 2 C 1 a y. M nr. :tlQ. A 2 J.4. Sl'l'ERFLUOUS HaTr destroyed forever by multiple needle methods; consultation free Mile. DeLong. 304 Swctland b.dg. MRS. STEVENS. 24 years In Portland. 2oi h century seience In paimlstry taught ; spir it n a 1 read in gs dally. 373 Tayior st. SOPHIA B. SE1P. 132 Peninsula ave. Cir cle Wed., 2 P. M. St. Johns car to Penln sulsr stop, m blk. north. Wood. 2340. IF Mis. Grace Benedict Martin will write to AV ii'.KJ, Oregonian, she will learn of something to her interest. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths, light, heat, electric and vibratory massage. Dr. Ma r garet Haynlf. Mi Swetland bldg. Main 1 7 .". IvLECTK IO treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumbago, face and scalp; sa.t bstbs. 42tf Clay st. Main b;iol. MAY 1RVIN. electric massaging. Room 7, ;il4 Morrison sc. GRACE BELMONT, manicuring, vibratory massag e . O f i 1 c e 40. 3 d f.o o r. 1 4 5 Bdwy . MAY ANDREWS teaches phrenologv and card reading. 22 Park st. Main 754. MOLES, superfluous hair removed- Mrs. p. Hill, 420 Fliedner bldg. Bdwy;3473. MAGNETIC TREATMENTS 170H Second St.. 4th floor, apt. 9. Marshall 2407. MASSAGE treatments, electric vibrator, by trained nurse. 3us 3d. Apt. C. Main 104:. PR1MEdXBALM. rormerly called Balm "of Figs. S44 E. 33d. Sell. 2213, mornings. FRANCES DE MAYO. SCALP SPECIALIST. :t.-.OS .MORRISON. OFFICE 21V OLD faUe teeth bought, older the better. Also bridgework. Randolph. 121S Yeon bldg. SPlRlTi:ALlSM Mrs. Wrenn, readings 30 to 4 dally. Mar. 4194. 474 Clay. ALMA S. JOHNSON. Washington Hotel, for merly 417-20 Nort h western Bank bid g. TRAINED nutae gives baths, massage, mag netics. 170 2d. First floor, room 4. SCALP masaage and shsmpooing. Room 1, 3'0 Ysmhill st., near Park. WE BUY JEWELRY, watches, diamonds. old gold. Portland Jlry. Co.. 1218 Yeon bid. CHIROPODIST nurse gives steam baths and treatments: open even In rs. 4t4 X. W. bids-. 6bot Auli0ftfTyC Tftl Si '