e THE MORNINGS- OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, 31 AY 18, 1917. IT , i a ' KEW TODAT. J MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city property at 6 and 7 rer cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment priv ileges allowed. No delays. f LAUUU LOAMS SPECIAL HATES. , A. H. BIRRELL CO. S17-319 Ktrthwntrn Bank Building, Manual! 4114. A 4118. ItJOffllH s.jrtuii. 6 7 LOANS Z'feS ON MORTGAGE SECURITY REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. $525 HALF ACRE TRACT $15 DOWN $10 MONTH PARKROSE: Some small fir trees. Now Is the time to cut expenses, build a small houie or tent house. INCKMAN-WILiON, 45th & Sandy, Tabor OsoS, C-2121. Branca of J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. (BliAL'TlFUL CORNER ON SANDY ROAD. $600. Hard surfaced and cement wall In and paid; lies fine, easy terms. See Mrs. Rus- sell. Tabor 373, 58th & Sandy blvd. Branch of J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. GREATEST bargain. 2 choice lots, cost $1500 each, will take S10OO each: fine lo- cation. East Irvlngtoh. East 278. BROOKE Dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. A few bargains. Mar. 4827 FOR SALE BY OWNER. 7-P.OOM HOUSE, PORTLAND H15IU1ITS, AT A BARGAIN. LEAV ING PORTLAND. CAN BE SEEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. MOUNTAIN BOULEVARD. CARLE TON LEWIS. WARREN, OR. EASY TERMS. MOVE ONTO A PARKROSE ACRE TRACT $25 down, $15 a month, cut expenses Now is garden time; build a small house or put up a lent, have a dandy tract all cleared except a few fir trees where the house should stand. HICKMAN-WILSON. 45th and Sandy. Tabor (68. C-212L Branch of J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. THINK, AND THINK QUICK. It's like finding $luuo. The other fel low's loss is your Rain. New 8-room modern creation In most select part of LAURELHURST, overlooking LAUREL HURST CLUB and THE PARK. Very beat home environment. Price only $4500. 'convenient terms if wanted. Key at Tract office, E. 39th and Glisan sts. Tabor 3433. During week call J. W. CROSSLEY. Main 1700. A 1515. ' JalUST SACRIFICE nearly new high-grade tt-rm. modern home, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace. cement basement, sun ' room (room for sleeping porch, and two more bedroom3). lot 50x122, beautiful lawn, rones and shrubbery: east front. 1 ! block from carline, near Park and schools; cost $4000 three years ago; will sell for $2150, easy terms. Umbdenstock & Larson Co., 300 Oak St. Phone Bruad way 1658. HOUSE SNAPS. 4-R. blk. Irv. car, $7Mi. $55 cash. I 5-It.. Alberta dist., $1675. $75 cash. 6-R., Alberta dist., oak floors. $1000. 4-R., Kenton dist., $475, $150 cash. 6-R., R. C. Park, $(SOO. $230 cash. 3 to 5-R., Mt. Scott. $400 up: $100. 4- R., Pen. dist., $775, $50 cash. 5- R.. Piedmont dist., $1100, $150 cash. FRANK L. M'GUIRE. Abington Bldg. " THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO p J . ' -vi r. i v. rijAn Anu ji I aai THING, residences to factory, or any con- sjtruction; sketches and estimates free, fur nish the money if desired. All depart to, ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. JU R. BAILKY CO.. INC.. Contracting Ar- cpitects. 924 Northwestern Bank bldg. a PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Modern, well-built 10-room house, 2 fire places, 2 bathrooms (could De another, a sleeping porch, perfect hot-water heat. ground 1 acre, fine shrubs, native trees, fruit trees and berries; garage;--walking DRiDLGQUDEVCO " distance; wonderful location, view whole city. Brooke, 541 Montgomery Drive, alar- t genall 4K27. A 3o39. Call mornings. MODERN 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. I must go South and I will sell my 7-roora bungalow on Rodney ave. dirt cheap, so as to get away. See this house and you will buy. Two blocks west and three blocks east to cars; best car service In city; paved streets. Assessments paid. taxes paid, title clear ana a bargain, a 406. Oregonian. L REAL BARGAIN IN A HOME IN THE NOB HILL OF MT. TABOR. WITH UN SURPASSED VIEW. 134 KAST D ST., 300x100 FT.. WITH SHADE AND FRUIT TREES. $12,000 VALUE FOR $5800. 100 FT. NORTH OF BELMONT ST. LARGE MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. KEY NEXT DOOR TO THE NORTH. ONLY .FOR BUYERS. AE 280. OREGONIAN. A- a, ACRE. 2 houses. $20nO; on St. Johns Heights, at 115 and 123 W. Tyler St.: - two blocks from carline: many bearing fruit trees, splendid soil. both houses rented; where can you get $17 per mouth on $2000? Terms $100o down, the rest one year's time. Go look at it. Address C. P. Haggerty. Aberdeen, Wash., Rt. 1. ' OWNER IN ARKANSAS. Writes sell the house at 463 East 46th St. North, corner Sandy blvd.; cost me about $4400. take $3200. Best location In L Rose City Park. Key next door, 1297 Sandy blvd. a RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 207 .Board of Trade Bldg. SAVF. OVER IIOOO. Must sell modern bungalow. 5 rms. and bath, full basement, laundry trays, Dutch a kitchen, bookcase. flreDlace. 50x100 lot. Sold two years ago for $2750. Our price a- now for quick sale $1475. Umbdenstock & Larson Co., 306 Oak at. Phoue Broadway , 16..8. BUNGALOW SPECIAL. Iti-storv 5-room bungalow, close to E. 28th st.. hardwood floors, full cement 1 basement, garage, street Improvements yi IH : S2250 on terms. Biggest ciose-ln snao In city. J. W. CROSSLEY. Main 1700, A 1515. " MOVED AWAY. Reduced price on his home to $800, 3-rm. hrnit. nlnstereri. cement basement, good shop In rear. Lot 40x100 to alley, 3 blocks from Alberta car. Street Hens paid. Some terms. Goddard & Wiedrick. 243 stark st. "" S2350. 6-rm. bungalow, newly painted through out, full basement. lurnace lixtures. shades, screens. 41st, near Hawthorne ave.: faces east. J. I.. KARNOPP. Railway Exch. Bldg. ' MOVING TO CHICAGO. Tbis house, which was advertised yes terday under the above heading, has been sold. We have several other choice bar es ins. GODDARD WEIDRICK. 243 Stark St. CASH BUNGALOW SNAP. Nearly new modern 5-room bungalow en 50x100 corner near Piedmont district. 1 block from car. $2400. Including street assessments. J. DELAHUNTY, Main 1700, A 151 5. CLOSE-IN SNAP. Modern 6-rm., furnace, fireplace, street liens paid, close to Hawthorne and E. 30th. Price $3000. GODDARD fk WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. " NEAR ALBERTA CAR BARGAIN. Modern 5-rm, bungalow, cement base ment, bath, lot 40x100 to alley: bearing fruir. very attractive nome. price xit.jU. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. gPECIAL. $4200 property -for $2150, Rose City; ,"X . " I modern oungaiov , fc oik. car; owner at war in England: $650 cash. Frank L. McGuire, Abington bldg. FOR SALE I have several desirable resi dences In Alameda Park, both small and large, which can be had on satisfactory terms. E. ti. Moawortn, uorpen Dldg. " FOR SALE BY OWNER. 7-room house, Portland Heights, can be seen evenings and bundays. ool Mountain boulevard. WHY NOT BUILD and get a home according to your ideas? 1 Dulld ana zinance: plans tree. is. o. Ecklund. 314 Henry Plug. Main tsi2, ATTRACTIVE modern bungalow. S17 3065 Tillamook st. Fruit trees and fiowers in lawn : choice district. Wakefield, Fries tc Co.. 85 4th st. FOR SALE By owner. 2 homes of 5 and 6 rooms, oainrooms, tc.. close to canine. cheap, and easy terms. - John Bain, 507 gpalding bidg. FOR SALE Residence In flourishing Wil lamette alley town, sacrifice. Terma Box E. Hattlesrround. ash. FOR bargains in houses see Frank L. Mc Guire. Aoingion mng. BftOOKK, df-aler In Portland Heights homes exclusively, a tew sacrnices. Mar. 421. FOR SALE -A fine piece of property, cheap. 342 san waiBf-i st. MODERN 7-room home, best part of lring- ton: must sen. rnona ,aat oiou. FOR SALE 6-room house, 6 fruit trees: price $2200, $1000 cash, call Main 582. REAL ESTATE. Sobnrbsn Home Property. MOVE ONTO A PARKROSE ACRE TRACT $23 down, $15 a month, cut expenses Now Is garden time: build a small house or put up a tent, have a dandy tract all cleared except a few fir trees where the house should stand. HICKMAN-WILSON, 45th and Sandy. Tabor f.SHS. C-2121. Branch of J. L. HARTMAN CO MPANV. PARKROSE ONLY $25 DOWN. 154 -ACRE TRACT ALL CLEARED On, macadam road. 2 blocks ti Sandy blvd., finest kind of soli; no rocks, a dandy place to build: buy now, you are Just in time to start your garden; build a small home, cut down expenses. Hickman Wilson, 45th & Sandy. Tabor 6S68. C 212L Branch of J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. - $1790 SUBURBAN HOME $1700. 4 miles from city limits, near Base Line road; 3-rm. bungalow; 1 acre highest state of cultivation, 800 feet of berry bus'ies. several bearing fruit trees, rose bushes, etc. ; close to electric station, sehocl, church and store. TJMBDENSTOCK & LARSON, 306 Oak St. Phone Broadway 1658. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. JUST BEYOND CITY LIMITS. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. On macadam road, gas, electric light, water: 3 lota 50x100, some In potatoes, all In first-class shape, very easy terms. See Mrs. Russell. Tabor 373. 03th & Sandy blvd. Branch of J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. OWN YOUR OWN HOME JUST BEYOND CITY LIMITS. Tract 150x100. on macadam- road. 2 blocks to Sandy Rd.. small house, chicken houses and runs, all fended and ground In cultivation. See Mrs. Russell, Tabor 373. Csth A- Sandy blvd. Branch of J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. A REAL SACRIFICE splendid complete country home. 04 acres all In cultiva tion, nearly new house; short distance jrrom electric station; easy terms. Umbden "stock & Larson Co., 80S Oak st. Phone uroii'i way l'l.,x. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carllne, easy terms: will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sellwood 470. JOHN GIBSON. Owner. ACRE fruit and small house, 15 min. ride. oc rare. Bb 40o. oregonian. For Sale Acreage. 15 ACRES of uncleared land, cheap. In Tual atin Valley, near carllne. well timbered with eordwood; adjoining land selling for 2io to souo Per acre: must be cash Owner leaving state. Address V. H., lotto r,. i3tn St., beiiwooo. FOR SALE: i4H acres fruit land, close to rortiano, 1 block rrom carllne. owner. from 6 to 11 A. M., 417ft Russell St., roniano, t-r. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES Near Portland: $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms, nest son, xarms tor sale, ail sizes. Met ariano. ouo leon Blag., Portland. i.Vi. 8. 10 ACRES, all cultivated. 12 He fare, level, $250 per acre, terms. Main 3872. At?rarlsnd, 503 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, 11 acres 8-year-old appie trees, 10 miles from Spokane. Box 020 Kltzvine. wash. 20 ACRES close to Santa Rosa Station. Or., x?-l..- t -rm. nouse. new barn. Price E525Q. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. 2 ACRES. Aloha. Red Electric, 2 blocks station, clear. $i50. Wood-lawn 205. For Sale ALBERTA LANDS. Special list of bargains In Alberta lands mailed to any nddress on request. See the jamous xnree mils ana xoungstown dis tricts. LASHER GILLTLAN. LTD.. Calgary. Three Hills. Toungstown- Head orftce, 800 Center St,, Calgary. Alberta. 43 H EA ID OF CATTLE. 40 HOGS. $13,000 i 24 acres, near Canby, about 1-3 of the place In a very high state or cultivation, lots of tile-drained bottom land In crop; good house, fine large barn, two silos, all the stock and a splendid up-to-date equipment goes at the above price: some good bungalow would be considered as part payment. Cos A. McKenna A Co., 27 Chamber of Commerce. DO you want a remarkable buy in wheat lands? Have party who must sell 720 acres, over 640 best of wheat land; place has been neglected. Price for auick sale. $7.50 per acre, tfc cash. bal. 6 per cent to iult- This land under cultivation and prop erly taken care of Is worth $25 to $30 per acre. Can you afford to let It go by? j. Moore. 3ii Board or Trade. 12 ACRES. ON MAIN ROAD. Mile from graded school, hard-surfaced . roads to St. Helens and Portland: 3 acres cleared. 2 acres logged-off. balance burned, seeded; good stand of clover; property fenced and cross fenced: house, outbuild ings, good well. Price of $1200 Includes good cow. Terms. Main 9313. H A K l.i'.S 4. W HKKI, K K CO., 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. GOOD DAIRY AND HOG RANCH. $3200; 160 acres, down the river 33 miles north of Portland: only a short walk from a good town; 20 acres In cultivation, two sets or buildings. This place Is a great bargain at $2d per acre. Terms to suit ouver. lob A. McKenna Sc Co.. 727 Cham ber of Commerce. STOCK-DAIRY FARM. 160 acres. $3000. Fine soil, running water. Some in cultivation, some good tim ber. RITTER. LOWE CO., 207 Board of Trade Bldg. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS. Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $18 per acre; suitable for terming or grazing; easy terms. For Information write or see W. E. Holt. Miles CItv. Mont. 50O0 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. LARGE return from a small acreage In famous Kennewick valley; an exception ally fine 20 acres at almost your terms, with $500 down. H. N. Paul, Mabton. Wash. STOCK RANCH for sale. 302 acres, 1 mile from town on county roaa; casn. i-j trade, long terms on balance. Write Box 65, Crawfordsville, or. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up: runnlmt water: good soil; H tlllnnie; employment easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp. 83 3d st. FOR SALE or trade. 40 acres In Benton Co.; good buildings, 2 good wells. U mile from town. $5000. AC 232, Oregonian. WANTED TtF.AT. ESTATK. WE have over 20 clients wanting to buy a modern house of four or five rooms. Don l answer unless you have a genuine bargain. Sold three houses in past tnree nays. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. WANT. HOUSE. clear lots and clear acreage to exchange for a modern house, good district, clear, or will assume small mortgage. Call 401 Board of Trade. . CASH paid for good equities in Improved city property, w. a. Atooerson. nw xnie A Trust bldg. WANT small house, unincumbered, for highly improved acre with nouse. on good road. 5c fare. BF 4Q4, Oregonian THE best 6 or 7-room house that $1000 cash win buy. AH 290. oregonian. HAVE buyers for houses under $S00. Frank L. McGuire. Arlington Did;. FOR HALF, TIMBER LANDS. 80 ACRES fine timberland for sale near Eugene: over one million Teet- good saw timber and lota of cedar telegraph poles facing the McKenziel River. Woodlawn 693 or Marshall 4ihi3. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 M'KAT BLDG. TIMBER LANDS. yr. itfio 000 OF choice red fir for one-half its value; well located. inquire 4 Jast 60th st. 600i CORDS of standing timber for sale. 24 miles rrom railway, 2. mues irom -rori-land. Call EaU 13. 1C0 ACRES. 4.000.000 feet timber. Lincoln Countv. Will sell at sssessed value. Hale, 202 Wilcox Bldg. Main 3517. WANTED Cordwood stumpage; must be accessible to railroad or city. 249 2d. FOR RENT FARMS. TO LEASE. ON SHARES 600-acre stock and dairy ranch, stocked and equipped. Eastern Oregon: parties must be able to make small Investment. AK 281. Orego nlan. 10OO ACRES, good dairy and stock ranch. 20. miles from Portland, well stocked; stock and equipment for sale, good terma 825 Yeon bldg. FARMS WANTED. CLIENT will pay up to $50,000 cash for stock farm la Eastern Oregon: 1000 to 3r.on acres with stock preferred. GODDARD 4 WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FINE brlrk hotel building, corner 75x100, price S2X.OOO: clear; want going ranch. Main 196R. 509 Cham, of Com. WILL trade my bungalow, good location, corner lot, for small farm, near city. I'hone Tabor 8624. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 40 ACRES near Bear Creek. Lane County. on line road, 2f acres in cultivation and now In crop, 7-room house and barn, 2 horses, 2 cows, wagon, hark, buggy, all Implements and tools; this Is a fins place, well kept: only $4500: will take a small place, close to Portland, up to $2500. How ard & Mailloux. 311 Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE OR TRADE A number of wheat and stock ranches in Central Oregon, along the Strahorn and Oregon Eastern R. R. right-of-way; - will, trade for Valley land or clear Portland property. Will be at Hotel Alder until the 25th. H. C Den ning. FOR EXCHANGE San Bernardino. Cal.. .Business property in Dest street in the city, for a ranch In Oregon. Address J. C. Llveira. San Bernardino. CaL LOT. free of Incumbrance, sidewalk and street improvements in; win trade for light runabout, or what have you? F. W. Buwen. AE 290, Oregonian. HAVE an attractive 8 or 10-room bouse in Hawthorne district, value $5000. to sx change equity for 0 or 7-room house; mortgage $2100. AH 291. Oregonian. 120 ACRES timber. Josephine County, will cruise i.wu.iHiii ieet. mostly nr. Assessed valuation $2470. Clear of Incumbrance. Make offer. AM 201. Oregonian. HOTEL, wharf and warehouse, on Columbia River; boat agency; good Income; take equity: bargain for cash. Phona Wood- lawn oiOU. IF desiring to buy. sell or exchange city property, farms, timber or stump lands, communlcato with BREWER - KNAFP CO.. 717 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harnese, Ktc. NINE and 10-year-old sorrel team, 2900 lbs.. sound and true: would take eordwood In trade; Williams Ave. Fuel Co.. 577 Will iams ave. East 3570. $110 BUYS bay mare, 8 years old, good worker; $16; buys ranch team, wagon and harness. 251 Arthur St., between Second and Third. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away free. SG oaid for cows. erionled and pl.iyed-outs. Portland Rendering Co. Call Woodlawn 20. A GOOD saddle nag, gentle and sound, good size and a beauty. Mallory Stables, 34 N. 9th St. MUST sell farm team, mare and horse. 2400 lbs., harness and farm wagon; bargaln. 1167 E. Stark st. Trial allowed. HORSES for hire by day or month. C. W. Townsena Co , :ib r ront. .Main ton. HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness for sale. Apply 20 Grand ave. FOR SALE Delivery wagons and gooseneck wagons. f8 E. 7th st. North HORSE for sale. Call at 850 E. Washington, ask for Mr. Barnes. Pianos. Organs and Mosleal liwiramrnla. SECURITY 6TORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $M75 Kimball upright cash $ 05 $500 Weber upright cash loo $375 Emerson upright cash, 65 $350 Emerson square cash 83 $275 H. C Fischer square. .... .cash 20 $ no parlor or-rnn cash II $125 parlor organ . .caah 20 Pianos stored. 50c monthly. We buy and sell for cash only. 1Q9 4th at., at Wash, st. WHY BUY A SECOND-HAND PIANO? Knabe. Haines Bros.. Behnlng. Schaff Bros., Franklin and other famous pianos sold here for less tharv Is usually asked for used Instruments. CONVENIENT PAYMENT PLAN. INVESTIGATE. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO., Piano Store 7th Floor. SCHWAN PIANO COMPANY. Used pianos. $33. $95, $145, $100 np. New 1910 models, $195, $23.'.. $265. 82!'0 UP. Used plaver lanos, $290, $295, $435, $465. New 1010 models. $433. $463. $495. $535; $5 or $10 cash. $6 or more monthly; no Interest. Ill 4th St.. at Washington. RENT A PIANO Most reasonable terms In Portland: no squares or thump boxes. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhill. $95 CASH buys $375 Harvard upright piano tomorrow at sacrifice. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st- TRADE your old silent piano at full value for an up-to-date talking machine. Harold a. Gilbert. 31 Yamnlll st. USED phonographs with records for camp ing or canoeing, $5 up. Schwan vPiano Co., Ill 4th st. VICTOR records and albums, valued at $51.30; for sale. $25; party leaving city, K 306. Oregonian. FULL-value In cash for your Victrola. Grafo noli, Edison dbc or records, Vem L. Wegner; phone or I will call. Main 1 244 CABINET grafonola, with records, $1 week. Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. I PAY CASH for used pianos. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill sf. Harold S. PIANO wanted; will take good care and pay rent. Sellwood 2ih-h. GOOD $625 Lester piano for sale or trade on Ford machine. R 3r:t. oregonian. ONLY $29 can buy piano for cash today. 2,4 Market, cor. ttd. . Furniture tor Bale. TWO very handsome high-grade Axmlnster rugs. 11x12, brand new. nut very slightly damaged. Regular $35 value, for $20. Mish Jrurmture company. 14 1st st. FOR SALE Range, china closet, rockers. beds, couch, etc. 1322 Glllard. C 2891 Dogi, Birds and Pet Stack. WILL sell cheap. It taken it once. 8 Eng lisn-Canadlan call ducks. Woodlawn 757. AIREDALE bitch pup Ispayed). cheap; own er leaving town. Phone East 043. AIREDALE CLEARANCE SALE- LAD D IX KENNELS. ESTACADA. OR. FOR SALt Persian cats. Phone East 896i Poultry. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, from heavy- laying (Hoganized) stocks, $8 per 100 for April, May and June. Safe delivery guar anteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, Petaluma. Cal. Livestock. FOR SALE My entire dairy herd, consist ing of 22 high-grade Holsteln cows, 18 hih-RTade Jerseys, all on full flow milk. G. W. Burrow. Rldgefield. Wash. Trains from lTnioit Depot. ONE fresh family or dairy cow. with calf heavy milker; also ramliy cow lust xresh 3ti gallons. 780 insley ave. Sellwood car. WANTED Close to PdVtland, pasture for about 50 yearling heifers. Bruce, Union Stockyards. 13 LARGE Holstein cows; 50 Holsteln heifers 1 and 2-year-old. Bruce, Stockyards. FOR SALE A fresh young cow, $50. 80S E. 2 1 1 n st. voodstock car. .Launches and Boats. FOR SALE 30-foot motorboat, suitable for fishery purposes; 4.-horsepower engine. For particulars, address E. E. Bosworth, 208 Corbett bldg., Portland. Or. 17-FOOT Morris canoe, fine condition, new ly varnished. 2 paddles, lantern, sail. Call East 2021. WANTED Houseboat for July and August. Marshall out. Typewriters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase: visible models $3 mo.; $7.50 for 3 months. Other models leas. Remington Tyr-ewrlter Company. 86 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. WE can save from 30 to 75 p--r cent on all makes of typewriters: send for our Illus trated folder. Retail depp.rtment WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER '0.. 321 Wash. St. UNDERWOOD typewriter, two-color rib bon, back spacer. A-L condition; very rasona4le. Broadway 102. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark St. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and Dealers. K. W. Pease Co., lupplles. Corona 110 Otn. k. C. SMITH No. 5, practically new, leather case, $45. K K03. Oregonian, Automobiles. $3(iO. American nnderslung roadster, good tires, fine ehspe. 2-passenger; come early. Broadway Garage. E. 24th and Broad way. MOTORS, rears, bearings, wheels, axles: we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at '4 price. Auto W recking Co.. bo North Broadway. CASH paid for old cars. 25 or more wanted at once. Broadway 2629. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION1 CO.. 8d-Gllsan. FOR SALE Winton Six: will trade for city property or land. Address W. Williams. Dallas. Or. LIGHT auto delivery, Studebaker. good tires and good running condition: price $125. Call 408 Panama bldg. or Main 4760. 1915 MAXWELL, electric lights and starter, demountable rims, practically new tires, $325. 493 Alder St. Marshall 1970. 1917 FORD TOURING CAR. Brand new; immediate delivery. 525 Alder st. WILL sell 1916 Chevrolet, demountable rims and .all extras. $475. Terms to suit- Tabor 7749 1913 BUICK roadater. $200. Lancaster Tire 4 supply Co., corner Broadway ana 4n keny. STUDEBAKER deposit cheap for caah or diamond. D 822, Oregonian. BIG SIX 7-puasenger Bulck. late model. snap Tor cash. Marshall JH39. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each: vul canized. 25c: tire repairing. 207 Madison. FOR SALE condition. 1916 Chalmers 6-30, 211 Wash. st. splendid FOR SALE Light 6-psss. car, or will trade for roadster, i-ast 663. FOB RALR. Automobile HAULING CONTRACT. . We have a contract for hauling that pays $15 per day: requires the purchase of a used S-ton truck, just overhauled and repainted, priced at $850. The closing of this contract requires qulck action; Investigate quick. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO.. 75 Broadway. Phona Broadway 612. GET A REAL. BARGAIN. We have Just taken in 2 1916 REOS 2 Both are In the best of shape. Just Pverhauled. have nearly new tires, electric ui Ku-iianer, etc. DON'T FAIL TO SEE TJS. NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Broadway and Couch. Broadway 8b7. TH.E.' ,ARE JUST AS REPRESENTED 3!16 Saxon, newly painted $600 1016 Dodge, like new $675 Iflo Grant, 20 miles a gallon $oo 114 Bulck roadster im) 1913 Chalmers, Just like new $rto0 191S Chevrolet, 4 new tires $400 umar gooa Duys .tor S20 and $:&0 each. MANLEY AUTO CO.. 11th and Oak at Burnslde. Phone Broadway 217. IITTDSON light six for ssle: two of them Bargains taken In on the new Hudson Speed ers, i-onaicion guaranteed by us. BOSS A PEAKE AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-617 Wash St. Portland. OPPORTUNITY. One of the handsomest cars In town; Hudson light 6-Cvlinder. This Is the onli one of our used cars not burned In the garage and we want te sell and get the dough. Wire wheels, dark maroon body. new tantaaote top. Broadway Garage, i tn ana iiroanwiy. HUDSON SUPER BIX. My new car at $100 less than any super has been advertised for sale at. Have to sen: win snow you the automobile. Y 892. vrfgonian. LOOK. FORD nWKKRfii We have a few aids and rear tire hold ers, also several bumoera for Ford ears: one-third off present prices while they last. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO.. 33 North Broadway. 1917 BUICK little six. In fine condition, can oe oougnt lor f.iou less than It cost. Owner going to war; first money takes it. C Marshall 67, Mr. Montgomery, (or ap poinimem. 1912 DETROIT electric. 4-nass.. excrllen condition, with charging electrifler. beau tirui car for lady; will take part real . estate or good equity. The Wlnlon Co, 2od and Washington. Main 4244. 1917 LITTLE FIX BUICK. $950. This car I like new and Bulck prospects can aav money and get the car they want. Cash only considered. r bxi), Oregonian. FORDS. We have two good Ford touring cars that hsve been overhauled and are In good condition. Price $273 and $300. Terms If desired. Covey Motor Car Co. AFTER seeing all other truck attachments at $350 come In and buy the Hendricks 1-ton truck attachment st $323 f. o. b. Portlar.d. Terms If desired. A. M. Fergu son 4 Co., 514 Aldor. Main 3966. ONLY $600. Hudson Six in good condition. This ear must be run to realise value. Will be at Keats' Garage, Burnslde and Broadway, this week 1916 STUDEBAKER SIX. This car has had excellent care; owner will sell at a bargain; car can be seen at Covey Motor Car Co. FOR USED CARS Come tea the Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Washington. Main 6244. FOR bargains l.i used Ford cars see W. Burdett. 450 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Ford touring car. fine shape. 211 'Wash, st. Automobile Wanted. WANTEDTo buy used 3,-ton truck: must be In good' condition; will be st St- Charles .Hotel until Saturday evening. A. R. Erdsfnoe. WANTED To buy light auto; must be In -first-class order. Broadway 2337, Barr Hotel. FORDS WANTED Will pay cash for good second-hand Fords. 462 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 6840. 1 WJLL pay spot cash for your Ferd. FRANC1S MOTOR CAR EX.. E. 1109. East 13th and Hawthorne Ave. CASH paid for old cars: 25 or more wanted at once. Broadwnv 2629. ATTTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. 8d-Gllsan. WILL pay highest cash price for late model Ford car. East 1628. THE best Ford roadster that $225 cash will ouy. iii Aider st. Automobiles for Hire. CARS for rent without drivers. Phone Bdy, 2629. Corner of Third and Glisan sts. . AUTO CONSTRUCTION CO. AUTOS without driver for hire. Long Sllva. 462 Hawthorne sve. Phone E. 6S4o. NEW SAXON 0. Highway, depots, funerals. calling, shopping; reasonable. East 4,H2. AUTOS without drivers for hire. City Ga rage. 86 luih st. Broadway 840, A 4248. NEW 5-paes. Dodge for hire, touring, call- yig iand shopping. Main 7435. 1917 DODGE. $1.25 hour. Highway all-day trip $2. Marshall 14 or Main 4925. 1H-TON truck for rent very cheap; scrap heap. AO 261. Oregonian Motorcycles. TWIN EXCELSIOR motorcycle In fine shape; tandem, large Presto light, a snap. $5(1 cash takes It. East 2433. 414 Cook ave. LARGE list of used motorcycles mailed free. Hsrley-Davldson Service Center, Motor cycle and Supply Co., 2in 4th St. Largest dealers In 1ha Northwest. 51 achlnery. FOR SALE One 30x76 20-H. boiler. E 3o4. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and .second-hand, sold for lesa No agents em ployed; all machines sent out sew per fectly ana guaranteed: macnines repaired machines rented $2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 8d. near Taylor St. A 3626. Main 9431. FOR SALE, Pure chicken manure; best fertiliser $1.23 for 200-lb barrel. THE SAVIN A R CO.. 100 Front St. Marshall INC.. 6ST. 2332. SEWING MACHINES. 200 slightly used sewing machines, al makes, will be closed out. Drophcade. $3 and up: bog tops. $2 and up. s. s. Sicgel, two stores. 32 w asn. and 242 A o r ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent expert repairing. Walker Electrle Works, 413 Burnslde street. Broadway or A 5674, FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 76 1st. Main 2363, CASH REGISTERS, slightly used; our prices are lower. Cash Register .xcnangc. 515-1 Washington st. Main rem. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent o sale, all grades; large selection, facttlc stat'y & Ptg. Co.. 107 2d st. Main 1971. VACANT oyster claims, state land: smal location tee only. tin atr. aoraiuna, Alder Hotel. FINE eteel range and brass bed at a bar gain for quick sale. Am leaving city soon. t all Tanor eii. FOR SALE cheap, used computing scaies. all klnils. Please csll st o stark St. TYP-fc. WRITER desk. $6.30: roll desk. $18.25 letter file. $13. double iiat. i:ui eon, SAFE and safe cabinet: will consider small payments. AN 389. Oregonian. FOR 8ALE Heating boiler and radiator. Snap. K. 6Ul". FOR SALE Bicycle. flolO 1 ew tires. Snap. E FIRST CLASS Burbank seed potatoes for sale. Main 715H. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning at your home, 35c a rug. .Mursnaliwrv FOR SALE MultlgrapU outfits. 027 North western Bank bldg. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented. exchanged. bVught. Bentley Co. Mn. 83K2. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N. W. Iad ft Mncninery to.. ii front PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis t o.. 212 .m st. -Main 7ii. ONE electric motor, d. c. one-H. P. 500 volts, speed 12110. it-ij '3 uranq ave. SAFES, scales. fixtures oougnt. sold, ex. changed. Howe Scale Co., 46 Front, i'ortld. FOR SAI.K, Miscellaneous. CAB1.K. CABLE. CABLE. 2UO tons, all sises. crucible steel, hoist ing and logging cables. S-Inch. H-inch. Ti-lnch. 1-inch sixes, from & cents per foot up. Tills cable is In long lengths and fine condition. Can make Immediate delivery. GEORGE WEISSBAUM. JR., 137 11th Su, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. rrRMTl'RE WANTED. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 166 and 168 First Street. Will buy your used furniture, rugs, stoves, ranges; everything that goes with house furnishings, and' will pay you the right pricr-a Give us a trial. We exchange new furniture for your old and make good allowance. Established 1907. MAIN 4683. THE LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE t o.. dealers In new and second-hand fur niture and hardware. We buy hotel and restaurant outfits and tools of any de scription; will pay the top prices for them, cash or exchange. Tour large stores are ample, proof that we can furnish you with practically anything you need in home or elsewhere. 221 Front. Main 9072. A 7174. WE PAY CASH FOR Furniture. Carpets. Ranges, Rugs. Office Furniture, Restaurant and Hotel Outfits. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO... Phones Marshall t8l. A 8224. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description: have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627. or 2u4 First St. WILL pay highest price for furniture, rugs. stoves, ranges and ofrice rixturea, lor out-of-town store. Main 7714. BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Auction Co. Main M51. lul 2d 1 WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr. Washburn. Marshall 47NI. WE ARE buying furniture and household goods and paying highest prices. Mar, shall 1822. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. ID-HAND furniture wanted. Main 2705. WANTED MiHTKM.ANEOrS. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED. My specialty Is buying gentlemen s clothing and paying positively 50 per e'ent more than any other dealer. we need stock to supply our chain of customers. See us before selling your old clothing and shoes. Will call any place In the city. I'KUI'Lh, b SriCOND-riAlS D fo l ORr.. Marshall 3220. or j.JU Madison tt- 6ECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIAHLti BUICK. MARSHALL 1229. 229 MADISON ST. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. XT SO PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS $7.50. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' SUITS, SHOES AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE. MAIN 20S0. GLOBE STORE. MAIN 2O!0. 283 FIRST ST., NEAR JKr ! Kliwa, we rti:v jewelry. Diamonds, watches, silverware, precious stones, any old gold, silver, platinum, r-wi your old or broken Jewelry and pet full cash. Bring or mall. Portland Jewelry Co.. 1218 Yeon bldg. Phone Main 3252 OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. Will pay $1 to $20 per set; the older the better: crowns, brldgework bought. Bring qr msll. Randolph. 1218 Yeon. Main 3252. WANTED Special Son sets false teeth. $1 to $30 set. Mall today or address Atlas Co.. P. O. box 2142! lutH) FRUIT JARS WANTED. Also bicycles, tents, garden tools, rifles and everything. Main 44U3. 128 1st. WANTED All kinds second-hand clothing and shoes; highest prices paid. St. Phone Broadway 2278. A 3296. D-H AND CLOTHING BUYER: BE WISE AND GET rULL VAi.tr. nut 1 vi. i u HAND CLOTHING. 201 ' 1ST. MAIN 734. HIGHEST prlcee for hides, metals. Junk and rags or every description, om an nc., 247 Front St. Marshall 1940: Salem 3in. BICTCT.ES AND PARTS WANTED. SPOT CASH OR TRADE. MAIN 4495. 128 THIRST. WANTED Flemish Giant rabbits. Main 1092. WANTED Buy or contract 1000 to 1500 cords slabwood. call r. jodi, a eieo. WILL pay surprising prices for all kinds of Junk. fcit wm. WANTED Cash registers, safes and show cases. 16O 1st. i-none aiain WANTED National caah register. Main Goti. r. 1 Washington aa. WANT good pa t-lre tor four horses. Cal! Tabor 1922. itrrnuiTlr RIFLES, shotguns, pump tuna . . . a , , 1 r . 1 Q- Thlr.l , aoaaai anu I r 11 1 yn 1. .. .... , . .... HELP WANTED MA I.E. WANTED Thoroughly competent and ex perienced bookkeeper; none omeia new apply. BF 403. Oregonian. 13OYS over 16 years as messengers, pre ferably with w nee la rosuu leiciiavn 120 Third st. waM-rfn vtnv about 16 years old to wor In factory. Neustaater nroa olouuoi l Factory No. 2. 2Ul t.ranq ave. STick-KR man wanted: strong boy wanted. v!nfina Manufacturing co.. wra nasi Lincoln. ' WAN1 ED Experienced man for farm work, good wages and board. Mrs. Luis Abel. I Vancouver. Wash.. R. K. D. No. J. WANTED Janitor, married, for first-class apartment-house; must oe compeien. anu understand oil burner. AO RIO. Oregonian. WANTED Teamsters at $3. and common laborers at S2.75 ror B nours worn, noi brook. Or. J. W. Sweeney Construction Co. WANTED Experienced processor for milk condensery; state reierencea an a-iaijr expected. P. O. bog .46. ni.ERK. caDable. energetic office man; must be a good penman ana ijmca m .uiuviv- hend. E 8117. oregonian. AGENTS $13 will start you in good paying business. tan roonunaa. viue .-a. Oak and 6th sts. rvpi'wlKNPKD door pate hers wanted. Steady work and good wages, nenn- ac- Ccary Tlmuer tompanr. wh.vit-i?. ..-p.. tl-1 h-TC-11 u.rdwar clerk: alate expert ence ana age; give references, ah ou. wi,- gonlan. wivTr.n Janitor and wife: must have tools; wife to do cnamoer worn . auj, loum and board. Campbell Hill Hotel. GOOD reliable young man for general mdae. business: steaoy position. aniormauon, box 64. Lapine. Or. tvixTKii First-class auto tire repair man muat be able to give gooa reierencea. Idaho Tire tt Rubber Co.. Boise. Idaho. WANTED All-round machine hand for ca lnet ahOD. Apply -CIO -. 1 1 a a... corner Main. WANTED Partner with small capital for established motor trucaing uuaiavaa. au 258. Oregonian. WANTED Man to stain and varnish see cral pieces of furniture curing spare even Ings. Phone .viarsnau ai"". BOY wanted, steady work. Inquire Record Abstract. IK 1st St. WANTED Strong boy. Apply 128 H Second st.. room a. WANTED Barber: $17 guarantee; must be first-class. 283 1 Russell. YARD and chain men wanted. Jones Luru her Co.. 12SO fliacanam. VANCE KING, come home. 3720 5th au S. E. Mother. -- GENRRAL blscksmlth; must be a good horseshoer. John H. Wilt. lone. Or. WANTED A man to open lunch counter. Apply Favorite Cafe. 2to Macadam st GOOD oaatry cook wanted. Apply 85 Ens Morrison St.. oetween to a. At. ann a f. Al GOOD stable man wanted. Central Stable, 17th and Alder. WANTED Bell boy. Hotel Lenox. Main. 3d an GOOD strong boy wanted. 36 10 18 years old. Breyman Leatner 10.. r.verett. BARBER wanted for Saturday, $4 guaran tee. 266 First St. BARBER wanted for Saturday. Guarantee. 152 4th st. WANTED Greenhouse man as partner; small Investment. 768 Glisan. BA-IREH wanted fur Saturday, $5. Journal Bldg. Barber Shop WANTED Deckhands for steamboats Wil lamette and Columbia rivers. Apply 13H, Second St.. upstairs. OLD false teeth bought, the older the belter. Also brldgework. Randolph. 1218 Yeon bldg. MEN'S shoes exclusively, style and quality. Fleshmsn's. 263 Morrison, bet. 3d and 4th. WE BUY JEWELRY, watches, diamonds. old gold. Portland Jlry Co.. 1218 Yeon bid. SECOND cook. $65, room and board; hotel. Broadway 26"1. FIRST-CLASS barber wanted, o. K- barber shop. Wilcox bidg. PORTER wanted. Rainier Hotel. PORTER wanted. Hotel Alder barber shop. BOY 10 learn hardware business. 74 Gib st. TIKI.P WANTED MAI.1t. $2, AND A BONUS PER WEEK guaranteed to the worker who makes food. Secure trnd renew subscriptions for The Oregon Farmer. Men who own rig. saddle horse, auto, motorcycle or bicycle only will be considered. Experience la not nec essary, but three satisfactory references re quired. This Is a permanent position for the successful man. Your territory guar anteed against Interference. Write or call. The Oregon Farmer. 411 Slock Exchange building. Portland. Or. THIS Is the BIG YEAR In the lumber In dustry, so get In on a winning game. We need both skilled and unskilled la borers for one of the largest sawmills In the Northwest. This Is one mill In which you have a chance to show what you are worth and get It. Teamsters, firemen, ripsaw men. cutoff men, carpenter helpers, rough carpenters and young men for box factory; wages from $30 month to $75 month and hoard; good chance for advancement. See us to day. Red Cross Employment Co., 240 A li ke 11 y at advisory and employment depart j:nt, y. m. c. a. e can Place tounc men with abllltv. Constant calls coming in for the man who can deliver the Roods. A a. M. C A. membership costing $5- guarantees you win secure employment or refund or re Also gives you 2 months' full privileges, lo months' social and use of this depart ment for 1 year. See Secretary J. w. Palmer. STENOGRAPHY IN GOVERNMENT SERV ICE Unusual demand for shorthand writers and typists, created by the present crisis; beginners' pay $75-$luO speciul need la for men; prepare In a mans school. Call or write Division C, 1. M t A. school. Portland. WANTED Experienced tea and coffee wagon ia tamin. Established routes In ex cel!;nt condition; good opportnlty for the right man. In reply give your experience, age and telephone number. AC 2o4, ore- son:an. NEAT appearing, energetic salesman, capa ble of earning $20 to $:io per week. Men torious proposition. Steady employment anil i-hniic. for advancement. e V traveling expenses. Apuly 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE can use a few men of neat appearance as solicitors. We have a good, clean-cut proposition that will bring quirk sales and pay Dig commission, it you are a hustler, this Is a money-maker for you. Apply mornings, so Grand ave. YOUNG MEN. have you chosen a vacatlou opportunity to learn telegraph: good w.kgea while learning; ambitious boys can mikt 40 to sTO iMr month. Inquire mes senger supervisor W'esteru Union Tele graph Co.. 2. uat K. rfiu xtriM laborers for loaclni and con structton, $2.75 and up: mill. $2.50, and up; ranch. $40 and up. Cannot answer correspondence. Bend Employment Agency, Bend. Or. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 443 HAWTHORNE AVE. SUMMER KATES. YOUNG men wanted, prepare for telegraph service to fill vacancies caused Dy un usual niistinints. war and alsnal corps biar demand for telegraph operators. Call or write Telegraph Dept.. 506 Panama bldg. WANTED Strong young man. over 1.. to drive light auto delivery and work In wholesale shlnolng-room: good chance ad vancement. Acme White Lead ea Color Works. 1ST Second St. WANTED Strlcly first-class barber for Davton. Wash. Guarantee $20 per week none but first-class barber need apply to Lewls-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. WANTED Young man to learn machine wiwm wnrk nr bnatn.sa: Hood Wages t tart Give address and phone number. AB 32, Oregonian. 400 SUITS Uncalled for. tailor-made; a little money here goes a long ways. Orpheum Cleaners, 355 Stark St. WANTED All-around hamesmaker. must be able to handle Landis power macnine. aiso do shoe repairing. Phone A. C. Schuiiz. La Crosse. Waah. WANTED Intelligent man, about 80. good sppearance, with experience packing mose. Not afraid of work. Give age. experience, phone. AM 265. Oregonian. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 3S8 Burnslde St. Call or write for Information. WANTED Young man for office. type writer operator prererrea- state age ana If married and salary expected, references. Address AM 263. Oregonian. WANTED Bid to cut 10OO cords first growth fir st Hood River, easily accession. Phone Broadway 2523, or Box 713, Port land. v.avTi.'r Common laborers. 21st and Han cock, Broadway car. come prepared to work: $2.5o. 1 hours. EXPERIENCED door patchers wanted; steady work ana gooa wase. nemj w Creary Timber Co.. McCresry. Wash. Tv-..prinic vnur earnlna capacity: learn window trimming, snow card wnuni. euo Northwest bldg. th and Washington. WANTED Experienced laundrymsn with small capital to invest; goon, position -n good pay to right party. Y 3S9. Oregonian. BRIGHT young man for light office walk, who can operate a typewriter. AL 291. Oregonian. Ronk'lCKRPICR. must be man with good ex perience; stale all particulars aau jiiuu number. AG 812. Otesonian. TAILOR wanted on men's coats. 6a3 Buch anan bldg. WANTED Party with Ford truck for de livery purposes for summer. Alain oe. APPRHNT1CE baker wanted; at least two years' experience. 1HTH 4tn st. BARl'.KR wanted. 234 First St. Help Want Agents. LIVE avents wanted to handle household article and ruanase territory. -aii ai ov McKay bldg. AGENTS at once. Sell rOo per month hos I Board of Trade. pltal tickets. 30 Help Wanted ssleaawa WANTED Live-wire salesman, with auto mobile preferred, call " aeon mag. oe tween 8:311 and 11 A. M. TIEI.P WANTED FEMALE. A STEADY girl for general housework and rooking; Summer at Gearnari iieacn. ora Marshall St. A 2474. REFINED young lady wishes congenial roommate, employed, to share moderate apartment. V .04. Oregonian. EXPERT stenographer and bookkeeper for permanent position: state experience and salary expected. P. O. box 35Q. WANTED Competent nurse maid for 5-year child, one who aewa nicely; French or Swiss preferred. AN 391. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework; no cooking; small family. 6-rootn bouse. 60O Fifth st. NICE, retlned girl to sssist with housework and care of children; good home. Call East 10.53. after 9 A. M. WAITRESS manted In restaurant. 23 miles out of town; $30 a month and board. Apply st 7 and 8. 6. 5th st. N. AMBITIOUS students can earn board, room and tuition. Write for particulars. Mackay Buslncss College. Los Angeles, csl. HINDALE P COM.MERCIADSCHOOL. Broad-way-Yamhlll bldg. Thorough Individual Instruction: positions when competent. UIKS MATTlNGl.Y'S Si'HliOU Shorthand. Typewriting. $5 mo. 269 14th. Main 3MI3. TWO waitresses, out. $3U: general house work, out. :lO. Hansen, 343 Ss Washington. GIRL for Unlit housework. Phone B 1799. small family. VOI'NG girl to assist with housework. Phone Tabor 63IX ELDERLY woman as general kitchen helper. 15 room and board. 253 6th st. WEAVERS wanted by Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City. WANTEI Middle-aged women for house work by an old lady. 401 Prescott. WANTED Experienced cook In private lam lly. 722 Flanders. Marshall 1969. OLD false teeth bought, the older the better. Also brldgework. Randolph. 121S Yeon. WANTED Mungle-room foreman. Apply at Oregon Laundry. WANTED A nurse for confinement case. Call at 745 Mississippi avenue. THIS ad and 25c good for shampoo or mant cure. .106 N. W. bldg.. 61 h and Wash. GIRL for second work end to assist with echini child. 794 lyivejoy it. BOOKKEEPER, competent. Apply, giving experience and age. AN 888. Oregonian. COMPETENT hairdresser and iiiatilcurist Ltpman. Wolfe t; Co.. mezzanine floor. WE BUY JEWELRY, watchee. diamonds, old gold. Portland Jwly Co.. 1218 Yeon bid. W'ANTED Thoroughly competent rener-l housework. 860 Marshall tlrl t. WANTED Girl to assist with general house work. Apply 274 N. 25th. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down stairs work: no washing. Main i339. WANTED Girl fof general houseaork. Ta bor 25S6. WANTED Experienced girl for hand iaun dry. 683 Washington st. PRIVATE home for children, any age: 13 years' experl.-nee. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. PANTS finisher wauled, mo l'anama bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THREE WEAVERS WANTED BY GOLDEN STATE WOOLEN MILLS. LONG BEACH. CALIFORNIA. STEADY WORK DX GOOD CLOTH IN BRIGHT. CI.EA-N. VI'-TO-DATK MILL. GOOD FAY AND CHEAP BOARD IN NICK CITY. APPLY CARE PORTLAND OREGONIAN, BOX A 3i m.i. LADIES in every town in Oregon and Wash ington interested in crocnet wora or Hav ing same for sale; profitable employment; to avoid delay send 10 eta for "Hand some Book of Designs" snd details. The International Trading Co., Ij'licdner bid... Portland. Or. LADY of experience in house-to-house work. lie have a good clean-cut proposition that will pay big commission: carry no sam ples; permanent, pleasant work. Apply mornlnga 80 Grand ave. M!. MATTlNGl.Y'S SC 1 1 OO L SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING. 269 14th. n--r Jet. ferson. Main 3s:i3. $5 a month. Day and evening sessions: new classes now form Ing for nild-frm. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. small family and a good home. Call Woodlawn 2644. WANTED Ladies to prepare for telegraph service to rill many vacancies caused by young men enlisting for war. Call or w-rne Telegraph Dept., 3u6 Panama bldg. STENOGRAPHER. must be experienced wholesale house: state age and experience references, phone number. AK 22, ore gonta n. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, wholesale house must be quick and accurate ora adding machine. Address AU 0U6, Ore gonlan. GIRL about IS or 20 for liulit houaowoi lc and cooking; or high school girl, arter school houra Three In family, near L-iurelhurst. Phone East 2778. WANT young woman stenographer and bookkeeper for part time. Temporary. Must be thorough bookkeeper. Address AP 396. Oregonian. WOMAN or girl living near 20th and Mar shall for about 3 hours kitchen work eacrt evening and 2 afternoons each week. Ad dress AL 293. Ore g onl an. COOKS, waitresses, housekeeper, hotel help. Howe's Agency, room 4i.i. 2,OVs ashlm;. ton. WAITRESS wanted at 404 Madison si., cor ner loth; private boarding-house. Mam 20O6. HE! P WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telecrapliy. salesmanship. English oranclica at an ac credited school; write or phone Main 5iej for catalogue: graduates guaranteed poel tlona Rehnke-Walker Business College, 167 4th St.. near Morrison. MAN and wife to rent 200-acre ranch, eliher cash or shares, located In Eastern Wash ington, on railroad: 40 acres under culti vation; good buildings, all fenced, garden irrigated. Telephone East 8041. ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Founded 1S93; 30 schools In V. S. and Canada: Summer rates, paid whl e learn ing. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnslde. OREGON barber college wants men and women to learn barber trade: paid while learning; position guaranteed. 233 Madison. MOHLER Barber School, men anil women to learn barber trade free, paid whilej learning. 38 N. 2d. cor. Couch. PREPARE to fill vacanclea caused by uu uaual number of men at front. Miss Deck ers' Business College, Allsky bldg. WANTED Immediately, names men. worn en wishing to become Government clerks; $73 month, AV 92Q, Oregonian. RAGTIME piano playing positively taught beginners in 10 to 20 lessons. Practice room free. 411-12-13 Columbia bldg. il . -I" VN INCH A M S STENOGRAPH IO SCHOOL. 32i Laimoer r.x. uiok. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN. women wanted. $.5 month, t . r-. ernmenl jous; vacancies uuMaiuonr. ''" lln Institute. Dept. 30. E. Rochester. N. glTTATlOXS WANTED M A I.E. Hookkeepera aaa 4'lertta. DESIRE position with traffic department of large lumber, snipounuina or ki"o pany: have had 17 years' experience In freight aervice with Eastern and Western railroads: now employed, but want better position; good references. G 279, Orego nian. - REGISTERED pharmacist, university grad uate, four years experience iui ....... blned Rexall retail pharmacy and whole sale drug company; at present employed: desires change. Miss Susan Blake. Fort Dod ge, Iowa. El.ECTltlC, competent man woud like po sition ss lo al manaser. superintendent or office man with power company In country town: good reference, bonds or security; might consider Interest in small p'ant. AJ '-'81. Oregonian. YOUNG man. experienced bookkeeper, five years' experience with wholesale grocer, le now open for poaltton; best of references. E 801. Oregonian. YOUNG man. 22. wants work, one or more evenings a week; references. J 2!6. Orego nian. - YOUNG man of 18. with experience, a ants position in office. Csll Sell. 234.1. Wsrellaneoua. ENGINEER. 12 years' experience In design of reinforced concrete, mill snd power development; experienced electrical, civil. mechanical; ajuu uiuiii 11. . -"- gonlan. DRAFTSMAN. Expert mechanical draftsman, with ma chine shop experience, wants permanent job. A F 288. oregonian. FARM to manage, or work by the year, sin gle. S3, sober, reliable, experienced. T 41i. Oregonian. WANTED Work man. light work watchman, elevator references given. 653 Taylor. Marshall 1718. LANDSCAPE gardener, garden and house work: references Al. Gcoiso Smith. Ta bor 7397. JAPANESE young couple wish situation. cook and housework, in private family. AE 295. Oregonian. WANTED Position by experience.! farmer with family. Call 361 E. 3d st. North. Mar. Shall 1.-23. PAINTING, paperhallging and tinting: bet ter work at lower prices, day or contract, Currick. decorator. Main 3ol'5. JAPANESE, strong boy. wants position In store or wholesale, any kind of work. AD 327, Oregonian. JAPANESE chauffeur wants a Job w ith 1" , tie garden wont or lignt nouscwoia. 261). Oregonian. JAPANESE wants a Job between 7 to 10 or 11 P. 31 . At 1 2 . urfBoniaii. FAPERHANGING. palming and lining neat, ly and cheaply done. Marshall 2493. SHORT Job work. Marks. Main 6301.; leave your phone number. WE TINT rooms for $2.50. O'Mara. the painter. East lit. JAPANESE firat-class cook wishes position In private ramiiy. air vMes..i.i". YOUNG man. 18. wants work 8 to 12 A. M. AD 324. oregonian. WANTED A V caretaker. F 21 sttlon as nightwatca or Oregonian. REGISTERED reliable pharmacist wsma position: experienced. AL 29". Oregonian. EXPERT cutter and tailor, men's garments, also able to sell. AR 245. Oregonian. S ITVATIOXS WANTED FEMALE. Boohkeepere ana eitenogrmpheea. FIRST-CLASS stenographer. having some knowledge of bookkeeping, wishes position- A I references. A.I 2sn. Oregonian. STENOGRAPH Bit desires position In law or collection office law preferred: can give good referencea Marshall 1248 after I' M. BOOKKEEPER. experienced, wauls po sition. Main 6694. room 0. ST K N OG R A P HE R, capable, energetic, real estate preferred. Tabor 3123. Dressmakers. PLAIN and fancy dressmaking. 1-piece dresses. $5 snd up. tailoring suits, remodeling- Woodlawn 2345. Home O, 2370. 981. Borthwlck St. EXPERIENCED young man wanta work on farm: good milker; state wages In ans. G. A. Jackson. Gresham, Or.R.4. box 7Q. DRESSMAKER and talloress will make en cagemeius by day. Main 483. WIDOW. 23 years old. with 5-year-old girl. wants work In respectable place; not afraid of work, and very fond of children. W 261. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants sewing by day or at home. Phone East 8167. H o 11 -c keepers. POSITION as housekeeper for elderly couple or invslld: understand massage, beautv culture; unincumbered; will leave city. O 232. Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper bv young widow with two small boys. Phone B 2649. Domestics. WUHAN wants housework, city or country; wagea reasonable; small family; refer ences; take full charge. E 3'J5. Oreco nian. BY a nest woman, plain, light stork, small house; no laundry. Main 6"n5. WANTKn HOUSEWORK. Broadway 3513,. 92 North 17th street. Miscellaneous. YOUNG ia.ly wants uay work. Phone Main 31&U. 4 t-