THE MORNING OltEG ONIAN, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1917. 15 FARMERS WARNED TO STORE CROPS F. W. Robinson Points Out .That Railroads May Not Be Able to Handle Output. POTATOES CAN BE HELD Digging of Pits to Care for Yield Until Market Is Favorable or It Can Be Shipped Is Urged by Traffic Manager. "Wo are hearing lot these days of production and conservation of foods."' observed Frank W. Robinson, traffic manager for the Union Pacific system, yesterday, "but what about distribution?" As a trafflo man Mr. Robinson Is primarily interested in the distribu tion of supplies of all kinds. Recently he has made a close study of the trafflo -situation that probably will grow out of the present Nation-wide movement of increasing the food sup ply of the country. "Unless the people begin to realize at once that they must prepare for an intelligent distribution of the year's food production," said Mr. Robinson yesterday, "the railroads will become paralyzed in their efforts to handle it. markets will become demoralized and much of the food that Is so badly needed this year will go to waste. Gardens to Decrease Demand. "The fact that many families in the cities and towns are helping them selves by growing vegetables for their own consumption will have the effect of decreasing the demands at the local markets for that class of products. That will mean that the gardener and those who produce in commercial quantities will have an increased vol ume to ship and dispose of in othet markets. A substantial benefit cannot be obtained from the Increased pro duction except by an equitable and even distribution. "Intelligent thought and considera tion must be given to the subject of storing and preserving Winter vege tables so that we will not suffer the double dilemma of a surplus of food in one part of the country with a cor responding shortage In another, with the consequent loss of large quantities of valuable food through freezing or through decay on account of the, in ability of the carriers to furnish the cars when needed. Storage Mast Be Worked Ont. "It is a well-known economic fact that transportation facilities are not always as flexible as conditions re quire and, regardless of the quantity of cars that the carriers may have, it is an absolute physical impossibility to furnish, all the time, all the cars that all the shippers demand. Much careful consideration ought, therefore, to be given to the question of storage facilities to provide a proper distribu tionespecially in the producing sec tions." Mr. Robinson earnestly urges farm ers and others who grow potatoes on a commercial scale to dig potato pits, so that they can store their potatoes until a favorable market develops or Until the carriers can provide the cars. Frost-proof potato pits can be con structed cheaply, he points out, and they will be the means of preventing farmers from selling their products on an unfavorable market and will keep the potatoes from spoiling while waiting for the railroads to furnish the cars to move them. Food Acreage Increased. Mr. Robinson recently made a com plete survey of the crop conditions on the O.-W. R. &'N. system and reports that encouraging and substantial prog ress is being made In the food pre paredness campaign. "Indications are," he says, "that the country is aroused to the patriotic idea to do something that will help. Nearly everyone who can has turned to the small garden. In addition to which several thousand acres of Sum mer fallow land are under cultivation this year land that heretofore, has been Idle. Unless all signs fall, the yield of vegetables and small crops this year will be tremendous." The Union Pacific system, he ex plained, has added 25 00 cars to its equipment, so that it will be able bet ter to handle the season's crops. The Pacific Fruit Express, which operates the refrigerator line on the Union Pacific has bought 1800 new cars. Other carriers are adding rolling stock In proportionate volumes. While a large number of new can neries have been built in the North west in the last few years to utilize some of the fruit that otherwise would go to waste, Mr. Robinson Insists that the utmost care and caution must be practiced by the growers and distribu tors alike to prevent the absolute loss of an immense lot of food that will be badly needed this year. TEACHERS ARE NAMED SUMMER SCHOOLS WILL RUN JUXE 18 TO AUGUST 3. Instruction for Vacation Classes Cho sen From List not Identified With Work Last Year. Teachers for vacation schools in Portland this Summer were elected yesterday by the School Board at Its regular semi-monthly meeting. Each of the teachers chosen did not have this work last Summer, the plan being to pass it around as much as possible among qualified instructors, and the list chosen is thought to be a good one. Vacation schrvols ore conducted In POSLAM QUICK TO IMPROVE ANY PIMPLY SKIN Toslam is a remedy that you can pick up at any time and apply to any dis ordered skin with the confidence that it provides the quickest way to be rid of any itching or eruptlonal trouble. and that it will serve you well. Pimples and Rashes. Eczema. Acne, Itch, Chilblains, Scalp-Scale, Burns and all like affections so distressing to endure, are, thanks to Poslam's con centrated healing energy, so easy to banish. Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories. 243-5 West 47th at., New York City. Urge your skin to become clearer, healthier by the daily use of Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam, various subjects at schools throughout the city, so that pupils who fall be hind in their studies and do not make the required passing grades can take review work during the Summer months and catch up with their classes when school opens again in the Fall. The following teachers were chosen yesterday for the vacation schools, which will run from June 18 to August 3, with a week's Intermission during the National Education Association convention In July. Principals Elementary. Couch B. A. Thaxter. Hawthorne A. J. Prldeaux. Highland Charles H. Boyd. Irving-ton Charles A. Fry. Lents H. M. Barr. Ockley Green Grace DeGraff. Ehattuck A. R. Draper. Teachers Elementary. Mrs. I. W. Ausmus. Lena Craddock, Jen nie Richardson, Belle McDonald, Jennis Llmbocker, Mrs. Elotse A. Anderson, Mrs. Agnes Duck, Mrs. Laura Black, Mary P. Woods. Wlnnifred Bassett. Halite Boll, Nora Green. Lillian Cowle. Georgia Howe. Grace McKenzle. Alice Munro, Inez Stark, Jean Burrell, Anne Johnson, Jeannette J 'ark. Blanche Small, Marie Gorman, Mrs. F. C. Metcalf. Lincoln Hlsh. A. A. Campbell, principal; Annie Drlnsj, secretary. A. F. Blttner. C. R. Holloway. H. F. Price, Mattle Kentner. John .Purcell, Thomas Henley, Grace Tucker, Elizabeth Bain, Ruby Hammarstrom, George F. Kar nopp, W. H. Fenstermacher, Ruth M. Borth wlck, Francis Curtis. N. C. Thorne, J. E. Bonbrtght, Dr.- Mary V. Madigan, Dr. Lois Fear. Benson Polytchnlc. Woodworking. F. G. Benson plumbing. George Connolly; machine, E. F. Williams: drawing, F . D. Moss; electrical, C. S. Brerex ton. Girls' School of Trades. Lilian B. Tingle, principal: Ellen Dal rymple, secretary; millinery, Lucie Bchmlt: sewing, Grace Gillette. Mrs. Leon a David son; cooking. Margaret McClanahan: can ning club, Edna Groves. Catherine Baker, Georgia Swafford, Kareen Hanson. 'HIP' BILL IS THRILLING "CAN DREAMS COME TRUE IS STRONG STORY OF TRACK. Comedy, Melody and Acrobatic Aam- bers Are) Above Average on New Programme and Entertain. A keen little nkctph , "Oari Trasn., Come True?" toplines the diverting new bill at the Hippodrome, with two especially talented players, Myles Mc Carthy and Alda Wolcott, presenting It. The story tells of an old race-track tout who comes back to the scene of his one-time successes, and by a fine stroke of fate wins revenge on an old enemy and wipes out a long, old score. Gene and Kathryn King are a pop ular pair. Gene wears evening clothes and looks the drawing-room darling, while saucy Kathryn. bedazzles In a gorgeous party frock. These two offer miles of smiles, and miles of melody as well. The Jim Black duo Is a novelty act n various features. A nrettv maid sings sweetly and a legless man per forms unusual acrobatic stunts on crutches. Both are exceptional per formers. A trio of singing comedians, who invest their act with comedy, are Miller, Scott and Fuller. One appears as a bell-hoppish youth, one is a sort of bucolic type and t'other acts straight. They Interpolate a lot of augh stuff Into their songs and reg ister big. The Crazy Recruit" is Jess Mardo and he lives up to his billing In all he does. Dainty Belle Hunter Is his partner in the funning. Alvaretta, Rego and Stoppltt are three clowning kings of comedy. They offer a novelty in new acrobatic achievements and their pantomime comedy keeps everyone laughing. Frederick Warde the eminent Shakespearean artist who has legions of friends here, appears as the star n "Hintom Double," a five-reel pic ture of tremendous Interest. AVIATOR IS ADDED STAR BIRDMAN WILL BE FEATURE OF BIOTOR CYCLE RACES. Speed Test Between Aeroplane and Motor Vehicle Attraction Scheduled for May SO. Ralph P. Hansen, an aviator of Red- Held. S. D., will give exhibitions in connection with the eighth annual motorcycle races to be held at ,the Rose City Speedway Decoration day. May SO. Hansen has a Curtiss biplane with an engine which was in the machine in which SI Christofferson flew when in Portland last. Hansen came to Portland from Red wood City, CaL He flew around the city last Thursday morning, and has given exhibitions at a couple of Wash ington cities this Spring. As as an- vertislng feature for the motorcycle races Hansen will fly over Portland May 29. In conjunction with the races he . will give an exhibition on the grounds. This will be followed by a race with a motorcycle. The Dakota birdman will ascertain the distance from the racetrack to the Postofflce building. He will fly from the grandstand to the Postofflce, circle it, and return, racing a high-powered motorcycle, which will run around the track going the same distance. The start and finish for both contestants will be at the tape in front of the grandstand. At the finish" Hansen will swoop down within 50 feet of the ground. ALBINA BOYS HONORED Twenty-Five Youthful Foresters Re ceive Cadge of Honor. Twenty-five boys of Alblna have re ceived the button of the Forest Service for proficiency in woodcraft, gained under their tutor, Albert Weisendanger, ranger of the Forestry Service at Eagle Creek. The Woodcraft Club was organized last year at the Alblna Library, and the class took up at once study of the elements of forestry. A. G. Jackson, in charge of the local education department of the National Forest Service, who was active In the organization of the Woodcraft Club, has stated that the results splendidly Justified the effort and that similar work will be more extensively taken up next year. 10 SEA BARGES WANTED Mayor Harley, of Astoria, Says Port land Tarda Can't Do Work Now. F. C. Harley, Mayor of Astoria, has announced that he had been com missioned by a. representative of one of the allied governments to obtain bids for the construction of 10 sea going wooden barges of about 2000 tons capacity and four 800-foot wooden barges of 4500 tons capacity, but after an investigation of several days he had been unable to find a shipbuilding con cern in Portland ready to take the con tract if awarded. Mayor Harley Is seeking to have the 14 barges built on the Willamette and Columbia rivers. The barges are needed at once and immediate con struction is desired. . RAILROAD WORKERS ENLIST FOR SERVICE Contracting Firms Assist in Recruiting by Listing Men They Had Hired. EXPERIENCE IS CONSIDERED Indications Are Regiment of En gineers Will Be Secured In Northwest Orders to Sull Expected Early In Jnne. Blacksmiths, machinists, carpenters. steam shovel operators. cooVi. lihnnr. and all other classes of men experienced in ranroaa construction work now have a chance to "do their bit" for their country in a substantial way and at the same time share in the honor of the iirst expedition going to France under the Stars and Stripes. Grant Smith & Company, Twohy Brothers, Porter Brothers, Guthrie & McDougal and other railroad contrac tors operating in Portland hava bean authorized by the Government to re cruit men for the regiment of engineers tnat is to be formed on the Pacific Coast. A branch recruiting office has been established in the Multnomah Hotel, with Rex Hartman, a member of the Grant Smith staff. In charge. Mr. Hart- man himself has applied for enlistment in the regiment. Under the authorization given bv Major Dent, United States Corps of engineers, in charge of recruiting in the Northwest, all men recommended by any of the contracting: firms will be accepted, as to character and ex perience, without further question, sub ject only to the regulation physical ex amination which is administered by the regular Army physicians. Railroad Workers Enlist. Within the last few days more than 150 former employes of the Grant Smith concern have signed the application blanks In the Portland office. The other railroad contractors are prepar ing to handle men in equal proportions. Reports coming to the headquarters In Portland indicate that Seattle, Spo kane and other cities of the Northwest are gaining many applications every day. Eric V. Hauser, president of the Mult nomah Hotel and vice-president of Grant Smith fc Company, believes it will be possible to recruit an entire regiment In Oregon, Washington and Idaho. When the Government determined to send a division of railroad construction workers to France, scores of men for merly employes In construction camps, but now engaged In other activities, rushed into the recruiting offices. Men Glad to Join Regiment. 'Am arranging my farm to get ready to Join you," was a typical telegram received by Mr. Hauser yesterday. It came from Henry Gustafson. of Marsh field, formerly a cook in the construc tion camps. "Glad to Join your regiment, came from C. R. Slattery, a carpenter fore man now in private business at Port Angeles, Wash. Kenneth D. Hauser, a ston of Mr. Hauser, who has been in charge of a construction contract for the Milwaukee railroad for the last few years, baa ap plied for a Captain", commission In the Pacific Coast regiment, which will be commanded by Colonel Cavanaugh, un til recently in charge of the Govern ment engineering office in Seattle. Mr. Hauser has had large experience in construction work and also had sev eral years' military training in an Eastern military academy. He is In Port Angeles now closing his private affairs and will return to his home in Portland tomorrow to make final ar rangements to enter the Federal serv ice. Expedition May Go Jnne 1. When it comes to patriotism, in fact. the Hauser family seems to be after record. Eric V. Hauser, Jr., is taking military training at Dartmouth and has enlisted for immediate service, while Rupert V.. a third brother, is in the officers' training camp at Fort Snelling, Minn. It is probable, says Major Dent, that the engineering regiments will be or dered to France soon after the first of June. It Is desirable to have every company of the Paciflo Coast regiment recruited to its full rtrength of 109 men at once. Only men with experience or techni cal training need apply. Men experi enced particularly along the following lines are wanted: Timber men, bridge workers, track men, steam shovel oper ators, stationary engineers and crews, concrete men, tunnel, men, blacksmiths. machinists, cooks, laborers, foremen, timekeepers, superintendents, material men, locomotive, construction and de signing engineers and all otners wno have had practical experience In camp or construction work. COLONEL'S MOTHER OIES MRS. AUGUSTA EBERT, NEARLY OO, PASSES AT VANCOUVER. Aged Woman, Who Established Home When Town Was Trading Post, - Often Seen Visiting Markets. VANCOUVER, Wash.. May 17. (Spe clal.) When Mrs. Augusta Ebert came to Vancouver 61 years ago It was only a Hudson Bay trading post. She lived to see the Columbia River spanned by two bridges, and crossed the Columbia River Interstate Bridge recently on a trip to Portland. She died at her home early today. Had she lived until May 30 she would have reached her 89th birthday. Mrs. Ebert leaves a son. Colonel Rudolph G. Ebert, head of the medical department of the Department of Ha- Doctor Tells How to Quickly Strengthen Your Eyesight at Home Dr. Lewis ?;nn Bon- inr the eyes of thousands. It is euaran teed to strenr then eyes 60 in one week a time In many Instances, Often entirely does away with glass es: ouicklv re lieves Inflammation, achmir. itchinr. bumlnc. tired, workstrained. watery eyes. Not a secret remedy. Absolutely harmless, formula on every package. See Doctor's announcement soon to appear in this paper, Boo-Qpto prescription filled by all druggets. wall, stationed at Honolulu, and a daughter. Miss Lucy Ebert. who lived with her; four grandsons, Dr. Harry G. Ebert, in charge of the quarantine station at Astoria; Dr. F. J. Ebert. dentist of Mount Vernon, but now with the Second Washington; Lawrence R. Ebert, with the United States Geolog ical Survey, at Nenana. Alaska, and George P. Ebert. a horticulturist of Crawford, Wash. Mrs. Ebert was born in Berlin, but came to the United States when a young woman, and she lived prac tically all of her life since In Van couver. She was a familiar figure at the markets In Vancouver until within the past few months, walking each way, although nearly 90 years of age. The funeral probably will be from St. Luke's Episcopal Church Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Ellsworth B. Collier officiating. Interment will be in the old city cemetery. Colonel Ebert. her son, is now in Honolulu, and has been notified by cable. WILLIAM CLAYTON HERE DIRECTOR OF SPRECKLES INTER ESTS AT SAJT DIEGO OJT TOUR. Vice-President la Recuperating Fron Wonnda Inflicted on Htm Ty Infuriated Beotblack. William Clayton, vice-president and managing director of the Spreckles in terests at San Diego. Cal.. Is making a tour of the Pacific Northwest, recuper atlr 4 from wounds which almost cost him his life. He is at the Portland Hotel in company with Mrs. Clayton and his daughter. Miss Emily Clayton. He expects to be In Portland for the rest of this week and then go with his lamlly to Seattle and Vancouver. B. C. If he can arrange his Itinerary he will attend the annual Rose Festival here June 13. 14 and 15, on his way to the South. "Business in Southern California has been depressed as a result of the war situation." said Mr. Clayton. Wednes day night, "but I expect things will brighten up now along the Pacific Coast." Mr. Clayton as directing manager of the Spreckles Interests, has charge of 12 different companies, including news papers, hotels, a streetcar system and a bank. On March 12. as he was leav ing his office, ho was shot by an Italian DootDiacK, wno held some grievance against Mr. Clayton because of a street car accident in which the Italian lost a root. 2500 OPPOSE BONE DRY Washington Referendum Circulators Say 10,000 Will Sign. SPOKANE, Wash.. May 17. (Special.) Referendum petitions with annroxl- mately 2500 names were filed with the City Clerk today, asking the postpone ment of the "bone-dry" law passed by the last Legislature until the people vote upon It in 1918. W. D. Flnley. who filed the petitions, says that eventually about 10,000 signatures will be obtained in epoKane and about 6000 more from Spokane County. To take the effect the petitioners all over the state must number 23,400. Flnley says that more than 20,000 have signed In Seattle. 4000 in Tacoma, 2000 In Everett and the total Is nearing the 60.000 mark. The petitions are headed by promi nent business men, two of them being bankers. FRIAR GETS FREEDOM Martin J. Denny Must Report to Court and Finish Paying Fine. OREGON CITY. Or., May 17. (Spe cial.) Martin J. Denny, who was sen tenced to 30 days in the Clackamas County Jail and fined $250 on April 28, was released from custody today after having served 19 days of his sentence and having paid $76 on his fine. He will be required to report to Circuit Judge J. U. Campbell once a month and complete payment of his fine. Denny was sentenced and fined be caused of his connection with the Friars' Club at Milwaukle. August Erlckson, who was arrested one week ago and charged -with viola tion of the liquor laws at Clackamas Tavern, is still held in the County Jail. CIRCUS IS SHORT 100 MEN Labor so Scarce That Boys at Van couver Assist In Raising Tents. VANCOUVER, Wash, May 17. (Sna- oial.) Al G. Barnes circus, which showed here twice Wednesday, is hav ing a nara time getting men to do the work, and today had nearly 100 bovi assisting In putting up the big tents ana seats, ine snow was delayed until after t o'clock today. - One of the circus agents went trt T. cotna and Seattle tonight to get 100 men if possioie. . aien are quitting all the time to take good-paying jobs in tha cities and few join the organization SI TRADE a a ti f -i sr - . ir v -v - - safe. k m m . -:v ii.i.'i lii ITl 11.- 1 : . . r t 'JiVt . MaKSia'H : AAA 1I tiinTii smssi Miiiim-il ! 'Zjfrj -ytiii. is.m n i m imsmi isin .Si'.nin.n.i..ili ''i.rr ainWir nr When Physician meant "Physic-Dispenser" In Shakespeare's time, if you were sick and went to a doctor he did one of two things. He either bled you, or "physicked" you. Physicians no longer practice bleeding. And the leaders of the profession are equally opposed to the indiscriminate use of laxative and catharic drugs. In fact, the habitual use of laxatives is now known to be one of the most fruitful causes of constipation. Physicians of the highest standing prescribe Nujol because' it relieves constipation without any bad after effects and without forming a habit. It acts in effect as an internal lubricant, preventing the bowel contents from II. 5. HITS OFFICES! LULL. FELT IX ALL RRAXCIIES OF RECRTCTT1XO HERE. Urgent Appeal Being Made for Com petent Bookkeepers, Clerks and Stenographers) to Enllat. Even though Uncle Sam Is making every effort to secure good fighters for the Army branch of his service. It is likewise true that he is in great need of competent bookkeepers, clerks, stenogrthers and general office men. And It Is to this latter class that the local recruiting station is making a strong appeal to the young men of Portland to come forward and offer their Bcrvlces to their country. It was stated at the recruiting sta tion yesterday that there are many op portunities for young men who desire to enter this branch of the service and an especial appeal Is made to those who feel that for some cause or other they would not fit in well as fighting men. There was a lull yesterday In local recruiting. More brisk work Is looked for as soon as the general Army bill is passed. Thirty new recruits were accepted at the Army station and sent to Van couver b-.-racka. while eight em bryonlo Jack Tars were accepted for service at the Navy station. Three en listments were made at the Marine Corps station. Dr. John S. Saurnian, assistant sur geon, medical reperve corps, reported CONSPIRACY The ordinance robs no man of any rights and privi leges that he enjoys under the law. It is merely designed to PROTECT the WORKMAN and BUSINESS MAN and MANUFACTURER FROM the ATTACKS of the INDUSTRIAL AGITATORS who stir up violence in the name of picketing and make it unsafe to try to earn a living and unprofitable to try to do business here in spite of their will. , Vote X HO YES . Paid Advertisement. A. C. Callan, hardening, and in this way facilitating normal movements. , As Nujol is not a physic but a lubricant, it does not gripe or upset the system. Being tasteless, it is not unpleasant to take. The Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) has used its world-wide re sources in producing Nujol and its reputation is behind the product. Nujol is the only remedy for constipation we manufacture. The genuine sold only in pint bottles bearing Nujol trade-mark. All bottles filled at our Nujol plant, abso' lutety modern and sanitary. Write today for an instructive book let on N ujol and its uses. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Bayonne lN"' Je"T) New Jerier at the local Navy recruiting station for duty yesterday. R. L. KIRK IS RE-ELECTED Springfield Superintendent and Teaching Staff Are Selected. EUGENE, Or.. May 17. (Special.) R. Li. Kirk has been re-elected super intendent of schools in Springfield, ac cording to an announcement made by the Board of Education at that place. The election of other teachers has also been completed as follows: High School W. J. Moore, mathe matics and science: Effte J. Rhodes. English; Nora Sorenson. commercial courses; Vera Williams, history: Anne McCormick, history and domestic science. Grade Schools N. A. Baker, princi pal; Olive Smith, Lacy Copenhaver. Jane Lindsay, Grace Walker, Amis Toung, Harriett Vilas. Merle Nimmo, Frances Bartlett. Aileen Nugent. Elisa beth I'age, Marlon Richmond. . Rose Blooms at Vancouver. VANCOUVER. Wash, May 17. (Spe cial.) The first rose of the season, so far as known here, bloomed today at the home of Mrs. A. B. Gllmore. near Ninth and Esther avenue. Mrs. Gilmore has a large number of roses set out in her yard. Two More I-nlLst at Bend. BEND. Or., May 17. (Special.) Two more enlistments from this vicinity were reported today, William Thorpe, of Turaalo, and Ernest Dick, of Bend, leaving for Portland tonight. Thorpe expects to enter the medical branch of the naval Rrvlre at Bremerton. IRBIIBBRBHSIBIIDaiaaflBIIRHIIIIIIEIIHEIIiaEBMBEBimBn ORDINANCE 6J8 Northrup St., Fortland, Or. while Dick will go to the Navy train ing camp at San Francisco. WOMEN I READ THIS! Lift off any corn or callus with fingers and It won't hurt a bit. Tour high heels have put corns on your toes and calluses on the bottom of your feet but why care now? This tiny bottle holds an almost magic fluid. A genius In Cincinnati discov ered this ether compound and named it freezone. Small bottles of freezone like here shown can be had at any drug store for a few cents. Don't limp or twist your face In agony and spoil your beauty, but get a little bottle of f reesone and apply a few drops on your tender, aching corn or cal lus. Instantly the soreness disappears and shortly you will find the corn or callus so shriveled and loose that you can lift it off with the finger's. Just think! Ton get rid of a hard core, soft corn or a corn between the toes, as well as hardened calluses with out suffering one particle. Tou feel no pain or Irritation while applying freez one or aftPrwarrtw. It in masrlc! n M a H B a D B a B B n H B B B B n B B B n M H w n IBB8S;