Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 18, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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lty and leave-to-print rules, and with
Its Insatiable appetite for pork and
patronage, nor If he must reveal his
plans to a body of 531 men who babble
them to the whole world."
If Congress knows what Is good for
It, It will set off the track and let the
President set on with the war. If it
does not, its members are likely to
receive unpleasant news from home.
Russia may survive the present
crisis without paying- the penalties of
terrorism and anarchy which marked
the French Revolution; but the out
look Is not reassuring:. The radicals
are in the saddle, just. as the patriots
who overthrew the French 'monarchy,
and set up the republic, and gave a
new meaning: to the title Citizen, had
to give way to the red-flaggers In
The French King: was disciplined,
then Imprisoned, and then executed;
the people first stormed the Bastille
and later the Tuilerles, and then
fought fiercely among- themselves; the
assembly promulgated first one con
stitution and then another; and there
were revolutionary changes from the
THE SENATE SQUIRMS. I assembly to the convention and from
The Senate writhes under the lash the committee of public safety to the
f public condemnation for Its ob-1 Directory; and the Reign of Terror
etruction of President Wilson's eirorts i was me ciimax ot tne destructive in
to eet on with the war. It displays trlgues of kings, priests and common
ita pnwarilice bv resorting to a secret I ers, Jacobins and Girondists, and of
session for the purpose of venting its the clashing ambitions and cross pur.
spleen in freedom from the watchful poses of patriots, revolutionists, rad
fve and ear of the public, and In so icals and traitors. The mighty Mlra-
dolne it furnishes fresh Justification beau died of his excesses, and Robe
for the President's failure to consult spierre and Danton together overthrew
It more fullv. I Hebert and nis group, ana uanton
So nt.ti.rlv Invariable Is the Senate to Pas n nts turn crusnea by tne Diooay
fc, tnat it rsmnot even keep Robespierre, the latter then to be exe
its own secrets. A so-called executive cuted on the scaffold. Marat was slain
,ni,.i, moon ,.n.-.t session is no In his cell by Charlotte Corday, and
sooner ended than Senators tell the anarchy finally exhausted Itself. Out
entire proceedings like a lot of bab- of this stirring and terrible moving
bling old gossips. The detailed report Picture of democracy rising and fall
of the secret session which was given ins. and rising again, emerged the
by the Associated Press is Itself ample mighty figure of Napoleon, first sol
cause for the President's reticence In dler, then General, then Consul, and
ur -cti, Konntnr. The President finally Emperor and dictator. Through
and his heads of departments are " all, or through most of it, France
charged with the duty of carrying on successfully carried on more than one
the war and of protecting the country ,","eu """"
against a powerful and relentless Perhaps Russia will profit by
enemv. That duty Is supreme over an iJTance s example, une pains ana
the niceties of official behavior, or pangs of revolution have so far been
ven the strict letter of the Constl- nearly Diooaiess; Dut mere are sin
tution defining the co-ordinated pow- ister and. portentous signs that the
ers of the. several branches of Gov- giant of democracy and socialism
ernment I drunk with his new-found might, will
The misconduct of Senator Stone In use nis unwontea power line a giant..
making public an of ficlal secret of
great value to the enemy, ana tne ac- i vs DO OUR BIT.
tlon or tne senate in retaining mm war ,s a new ar&ument aeainst
at the head of the foreign relations the road bonds. and lt8 opponents are
committee In spite of that offense, making. tho most or wor8t, of it. Wait.
Justify the President in keeping his tney wait the war ls over and
own counsel, pu iunS M mo we have more money, and cheaper
Senator is retained in so responsible a labor and Hghter taxes, and then we
position ana so ions m oeiiH.1.0 i w,n v-.-Hrl e-oorl t-onri..
unauio m ' I rrru- r-.-nnl,. no Vlt. o
say that the war has given a powerful
reason to build permanent roads
now, not later. The reason ls patriot
ism. The military value of highways
in Oregon, and in every state likely
to be the scene of military operations.
is enormous.
We had the other day a statement
employed on official orders, and there
is a prospect that the Government may
call a halt under the power vested in
it to eontrol and co-ordinate industry.
Several mills in New England district
already have announced that they will
refuse to fill civilian orders. In which
event it will be necessary to make a
change in the fashions. Enormous
orders for sails and tentage also are
figuring prominently In the cloth In
dustry, and the prospect ls that plain
citizens will get only the leavings.
How to Keep Well.
By Dr. W. A. Eius.
which it has declared a purpose not to
reveal, it will be the President's duty
to keep his rar plans to himself and
men whom he can trust. Were he to
humor the peevish Senate and were
some disaster to befall the American
forces in consequence of the Senate's
looseness of- tongue, the people would
V.I J 1.1m ..Ac.nnnc.4 t.1 A Tn Vl 1 fll
they would not heed any excuse about " , "I 1 rT-U
A person who, we suspect, ls an
noyed by the prospect of -enforced
military duty pens the following
pathetic inquiry:
PORTLAND. Mst IT. (To the Editor.)
Will you please let me know through the
columns or The Oregonlan It there is any
process by which an American citizen can
voluntarily rellnaulsh his citizenship without
wearing allegiance to another nation?
uselessness and visionary character of j
the scheme. We quote from the com
mittee's report, herein twice previous
ly mentioned:
The Pacific Telephone A Telerrsph Com
pany ls a going concern receiving full public
support to maintain Its business and to ex
pand the same.
Ths Homo Telephone ek Telegraph com
pany has (ailed to meet Its bond Interest
and has. so far as ths record shows, not
made a charge for depredation sines the
company has been In operation. ...
This ordinance la not a measura aeslgnea
In the Interest of ths public It is not a
legitimate attempt to require ths Pactflo
Company to develop an extended service to
meet the existing demands of the publlo
within the territory It bss undertaken to I aw AT EH KOTVl
supply. But It Is a measure designed to I ,
force upon the Pacific Company a connec- fTl HIS ls the season for profitable ny
tlon under which the unrestricted use of Its JL killing. What we do in July, Au-
eaura investment, lis piani. mtcDiwiiuii I .
lines, operators, agencies and Its service I trust ana September IS merely ma.iu
would be available to. and apparently for. I tn8 best of a bad situation. What we
xne mreci oeneill oi its nvai auu com
The issue Involves more than the Interest I fir re at that we may rightly trunk 01
or the two telephone companies. Any de
cision on this matter must Inevitably stand
ss an expression of the attitude of this com-
OiiMffnna nr4in,nt to hvelene. sanitation
and prevention of disease, if matters of gen
eral Interest, will be answered In this 001-
umn. Whsro spsce will not permit or t
subject Is not suitable letters will os osr
sonally answered, subject to proper limita
tions and where stamped addressed envelops
Is inclosed. Err. Evans will not malts diagnosis
or prescribe for individual diseases. Be
quests for such services cannot bo answered.
liopyngnt, lvio, oy ur. w . -T
Published, by arrangement with ths Chicago
Enforve-d Sale ef Stale Loaves Would
Merely IUU Burden From Bakera.
PORTLAND, May 17. (To the Edi
tor.) Being one of the largest bread
retailers in the down-town district. I
In Other Days.
Tweity-FlTe Yrsn Ago,
From Ths Oregonlan of May IS. 1S92.
New York Mrs. IT. K Rrant has fi-
took special Interest In the article in nally decided that she will not publish
The Oregonlan last Monday on the ne- I her memoirs of her famous husband.
cesslty and benefits of- a stale bread
Due to the thoughtlessness of some
retailers, the bakers are undoubtedly
forced to lose money. But such cases
are few and the loss would not be
C. P. Huntinsrton has a-lven IS5.000
to the Golden Gate Park In San Fran
cisco for an artificial cataract with a
rail or 75 feet,
Mitchell. Iwls & Stiver Company
them as commanding.
Files spread typhoid fever. In no
sense do they occupy the relation to
typhoid that some mosquitoes do to
malaria and others to yellow fever.
They merely transport It. But having
munlty toward those who devote their earn
We hasten to assure our distraught ings and efforts to the development of a pub.
rnrrraimniliTil tTinr ttii-a In Convtc- I 110 "tuny or otner industrial enterprise,
correspondent that there is. uonvic whBtever Its .ture. capital is either to b
tlon or felony automatically aivests i encouraged to take part in the future as-
one of the practical rights Of Citizen- velopment of this community and to create . . . m,
shin and thev can be restored only by Parous, through assurance of ressonabs an all-embracing appetite, their posal-
snip ana tney can De restorea oniy Dy protecUon ln , iBltlmat. undertakings, or bllltlea are great, .They are fond of
the governor. t Is to be virtually prohibited from further n -w .
Moreover. It Insures for one board participation in the development of this eatI,n nu,m" "ret,on rtch ar
and lorlrrlnrr ln a nlare where one is community by the knowedge thst whatever photd bacilli and they are equally fond
"rJ,Kt!e,r"l,T!..- i"" md wt" ubJe"5 of eat!., milk, sugar, molasses, bread.
j " " - i prviinanon mr me use nvu ana compel- I , . .
, iiitu r i , r I in, int..i. meat, vegetables and other human
the Nation which mav be offen- Th" morILl Issue from a broad public vlew
ine muon wn'5", . De "en point transcends all other Issues involved
sive to mm. witnai, tne penuen- B this discussion.
tiary ls considered an ideal place of
retirement for a man with too much
If one ls tenderhearted he can still
find a way to commit felony without
materially injuring a fellow-man. The
correspondent ls advised to notify the
police that he intends to burglarize a
certain house at a certain hour and
keep the appointment.
The Injustice of the proposal ought
to be enough to condemn it, but when
one considers that the public Is re
quested to pay Increased cost for
poorer service in order to promote this
Injustice which neither company de
sires, the inspiration for the measure
Nlcoll. England, research scholar.
has recently published a report which
shows that flies can spread typhoid. He
found that typhoid bacilli would not
live Indefinitely In flies, but they do
live In them and on them for a brief
time. In other words, while files can
and do carry typhoid, they must have
diminished by such a law. but Instead have aeclded to nold a popular levee
""" V"'" , " tneir carriage repository rooms to
ll such a law were passed it would morrow afternoon
be. the retailer and not the Oregon
master bakers who would feel the TV1I1 Carleton will lecture here Tnes-
haxdshlps. Bakers in the past, mamiy l day. May 24, on "The Drama of Humin
through competition among tnemseives, i Lire." He also will read from his puj-
ave pur. Deiore toe puono xne irtna-1 iisnea and unpublished loems.
est goods possible. - I
Each baker, ln order to obtain tne Senator Thomas Ton-u and Hmrr
trade of more retailers, would ruaran- McGinn will address the Republican
ee to Dnng warm gooas to tne wun i rauy at Kicbtrdaon a hall this evening,
n the morning and afternoon. In I
order to meet this competition other I Before the Board of United States
bakera would bring warm goods twice Engineers yesterday. J. Couch Flanders
ln the morning and afternoon and so I opposed the construction of a bridge at
on. until now tne pudiic can uunin i ournsiae and vlulmby streets.
some kind or warm pastry or oreaa at
Half Century A go.
From Ths Oregonlan of May 18. 1S6T.
A copy of the United States treaty
with Russia, confirmed almost unani
mously by the United States Senate,
has been received. It sets out ln detail
almost any hour of the day
A large majority of my afternoon
customers will not accept any of the
things which have been brought In
uring the morning, but Oemana tne
warm afternoon goods. Nearly every
new customer will ask If the (roods
are fresh. Yesterday one said, "ls the tno cession of all Russian territory ln
becomes incomprehensible. This or- frequent access to typnoia material
dlnance. No. 109 no. should be voted I ana eas7 access to numan iooa material
down. I ln oraer to maice tne transier.
The work of Nicoll takes nothing for
It Is based npon the closest
Senator La Toilette's essential pro- Branted.
Why ls it," asks a complaining cor- vinclalism is shown by his reason for scientlflo scrutiny and trial.
rMmondmt fif Th OrcmniRn "whv la I onnnslnar misnennlnn of the use of I The only compelling metnoa or meet
It that neonle sret un when 'America' 1 train in maklne alcohollo drinks. It I 'ng the fly situation ls municipal (and
ls played? Do they think it is the was that the barley grown in Wis- m the case or country people inaivia-
Kational song? Or are they tone I consln can be sold to brewers only. I ual) dally removal of manure or at
deaf?" I He thinks as a Wisconsin man, not as I least twice a week removal from the
Americans of all colors, sizes and I a citizen of the United States. That beginning to the end of the fly season.
sexes get to their feet when they hear is the key to his opposition to war. it has been proven that flies -cannot
a patriotic air because they are filled Yet a few years ago many of us were breed ln manure that is not wet and
with the fervor of loyalty. They also disposed to vote for this man for Pres- fermenting. Therefore, manure which
6erve who stand and wait till the I ldent. If no other good results from I has been spread out on the ground, as
band gets through playing. I the war, it will at least reduce such I j, tne ease when It ls used as a f er-
The willing and responsive senti-men to their true proportions in the I tlllzer. la not canable of acting; as a
ment or the people ought neither toipuDiio estimation. I breedlnsr olace for flies.
be repressed nor expioitea. mere are l At tni. Particular season, however.
times and places for "The Star-Span- Narrowing of the space occupied by kufviv moasurea m comnelllna-.
gled Banner" and there are occasions roads will serve .a double purpose, if -phoin. -t sinnn nr the Public
when the introduction of the National the broad, unused strips at the sides Health Service, say of these halfway
tune 10 erusaiy uiieuaive. xi. ouuuiu oe cuiuvatea. jviucn iana win De ,,, i Kiiti v. mt that mint
bread fresh?" I said. "Yes." He said,
Are you sure It Is fresh? Well, when
ran It baked? If you are sure It ls
fresh I will take a loaf, but If It Isn't
fresh I will bring It right back."
Another customer, after asking the
same question several times as to when
the roods were baked, seld that "hince
It was fresh she would take a loaf.
I wrapped up a loaf of the morning
bread (since the afternoon delivery of
that kind had not come) and grave It
to her. She evidently doubted my word
as to the freshness of the bread and
nroceded to feel and press It. Although
the bread was only a few hours old.
she Insisted that It was stale because
it reii nara. as sne sar x and otner f rlend. arrived here by the
trouble was that the loaf wae a firmer ,, ,,.! n ......
uno man uauai.
not be a mere showy part of a vaude- brought under cultivation, food pro
constitutional restrictions. They look
to him to win the war and, if he
should fail, they will not permit him
to "pass the buck" to Congress.
The Senate has assumed the posi
tion of an obstructionist against effi
cient prosecution of the war. Sen
vllle act. It should never be Intro- duction will be increased and pestilent - . ...
t o hi w.Mli, nrn- ....w. .n v.. C,i..v., maun in me strengxn oi l.i) parts to
priety even as a recessional. It is not Roadside weeds scatter seeds through f 6 arts ?f cmmerc,aJ 'ormalin
a march nnr- a wait nnr a lwn.BtPn oMnln. floM. crnno I to 100 Part3 ' Water. A 1 per Cent
It Is a bpantlfnl. ttlrrlni? and I H.vnuHno , fortnitv rr iQr.S onrt solution of sodium salicylate In water,
wonderful musical inspiration, with a adding to the farmer's labor. They thesr 8ay' ,s even better than formalin
text utterlv beneath it- That is the are a nuhllr. niilaanca. buiuliuh. xuey rttuuiiueua
reason, perhaps, why nobody not a papers also. However, they found that
trained musician can or will sing it. There ls a certain similarity between formalin and salicylic acid preparation.
One might wish that the wo-ds were the united States Congress and the knled about tw,c as many nle" in th
fitting, as in the "Battle Hymn of the rnnncll nf Wr.rkmn and Rr.1. 8amo length or time.
Republic" or ln "America." rliara. Roth want to eusnend the war The efficacy of preparations for kill
Someone has suggested that "The whU thev talk themselves out. but ,nT fly larvae has been proven. Of
Star-Spangled Banner" be passed to the plan does not work. The Ger- tnes probably borax ls the best,
the discard and "Dixie" be substituted. I mans keep right on fighting while the though several others are very effi-
we ooni Know wny tno memories i Relchstatr debates 1 cienr.
lleves that the testimony of the Secre
try is Invaluable, and that it consti
tutes a public warning, and that it is
the duty of the state to heed it, it is
repeated ln part:
Federal aid under the act above mentioned
should. In general, be granted only for roads
ators should know, but apparently do ,ucn can ba de8iKnated "through roads"
not, that war emergencies demand I that is, roads leading from ons center of
employment of specially qualified men P0"1'!0" or commerce to another.
. . , . . . , , I The War Department recognizes certain
in a nurry; tnoy require mm "runu area. a, more Ukely to be the theater of
powers be confided to such men, and I military operations than other parts of the
many corners must be cut ln order to country, tvery eirort snouid do mue to
. . , . 1 I persuade the state road commissions to com-
get things when they are wanted. let tne network ot tbTm,gb roads within
military necessity irequenny renuura i these areas.
executive orncers to assume powers Oreron is within the dsirnated
which Congress has neglected, or re- area It a not necessary, and it might
fused to confer. When the alternative DO impruaent, to say why it may
ls between usurping power-and leaving prove and is likely to prove, a theater
someining unaone wnicti is oecewaij of military operations.
to 6UCCess, tne people expect mem lO Tin nnr tha lunula nt Imarira nnrl
act. Such emergencies will not await especlaiiy of Oregon, understand now
the action of "the most dignified de- how narrowly they have escaped the
iiDerauve Doay in me worm. penalties of unpreparedness? Do they
The ignoble motive behind the Sen- not see tt tney haVe been spared a
ate's hosUle attitude toward the Presi- &reat Nationai disaster through the
dent was betrayed by Senator Lewis mlgnt and power of others and not
aenunciation or tne Aavisory commit.- through their own prudence or de-
tee, especially regaraing tne letting i Bert3?
government contracts, ana oy nis Are they g-0ins ahead, in the same
motion that men hereafter appointed old bUnd way thinking nothing will
by the committee be confirmed by the v,ar)I,pn when thnv have but to look
Senate. In other words. Senators want around and see what has happened
h vuit-o in eivius ,al uuuumu, nuu. and i3 happening?
jods to tneir consutuents. mey are Oregon must do her bit.
in agony at tne spectacle ot many gooa
things getting away from them.
Senator Lodge attempts to refute
charges that the Senate has delayed
and thoughts which "Dixie" awakens
should be other than they are. Nor
does its rythmn and Hveli: ess make it
wholly acceptable as a musical ex
pression of deep patriotic sentiment
and feeling. There may be other rea
sons, too, but these are enough.
Everybody ought to know the dif
ference, of course, between "The Star
Spangled Banner" an "America" and
Columbia"; but it ls even more im
portant that the makers of pro.
grammes for all sorts of entertain
ments and occasions know when, why
and how to offer "The Star-Spangled
Tobacco Cure Agate.,
V. G. O. writes: "Much has been writ
figured often in the Spanish War dls- ten in your "How to Keep Well' column
patches. I regarding the injurious effects of to
bacco. Those who do not use tobacco
At any rate, there ls no reason for are not interested and those who do
delaying the sending of our railroad use It know all these thinsrs onlv too
It" ls desirable that It be understood builders to the western front. There welL What we would like to know la
by an teiepnone patrons mat me oral- will be plenty of work for them to do "how to quit It.' Now If you have never
nance providing ior an intercnange oi as the lines are pusnea aneaa. acquired the habit, you will probably
companies does not proviae ior rree An I. W. W. ln Montana proves on I vn know wnt v,. i. -,m
mvcn.uii6!. inn uiu.u.ui.1:, w 1x111. arrest to be a member of the National I ri i intn von- nrof.ion.i
1. .1 T .. . rt A J.fln(t.ltf ... . I - "
v. , VU Guard. Turning him over to nis com- g,v, ua a remedy that will take awa
" rades probably wm De punisnment the desire for it, I doubt if there ls
.wtoo. -'""" enough for him. anv one thinsr that affects aa manv
tr.A nririitionni unriio hv inoinHincr tin any one tning mat anecis as many
" - j . o - l i - . A
(icupis anu causes as muca secret mi
"When will you be ready for bus!
war legislation by telling how much ness?" asked the British commander
It has done in six weeks. It has been of the officer in command of the
speedy for the Senate, but It has not American flotilla at Queenstown, to
been speedy enough for war time. He which the latter officer replied: "We
boasts that Congress has adopted ln can start at once." Whereupon the
two weeks conscription, which Eng- British are said to have expressed sur
land and Canada have been discussing prise and paid a high compliment to
for three years. He omits to say that I our men on their readiness to go right
the American people too have been I Into action after their voyage across
discussing the subject for three years, I the Atlantic.
that the British discussion has con- I But we are entitled to take these
tributed to form their decision ln fa-1 exchanges at full value, and not to
vor of conscription, and that the time I regard them as mere polite and formal
was past for . discussion of the re-I phrases from one naval officer to an
Bpective merits ef the compulsory and I ally. Much has been said about our
voluntary systems; the time had come unpreparedness, but it is probable that
to vote when the Senate began to I those units that are prepared are as
debate. I fit for action as any force of equal
As If to add force to their retort to I strength in the world. It is not per-
Mr. Lodge, the day after his speech I mltted to speculate as to the nature
was made a long debate began on the I of the. American naval force in Euro
abstruse question whether men should I pean waters, but there ls no room for
be drafted for "the existing emer- I doubt as to its readiness for whatever
gency" or "the war," and the confer- I duty falls to its lot.
ence report on the draft bill was held We have the glorious example of
up while Senators displayed their the battleship Oregon as one constant
learning. What actual difference in inspiration. It will be remembered
meaning is there between the - two I that the Oregon made her celebrated
phrases ? Is not the present emer- I voyage around South America between
Brency the war? Through haggling March 6 and June 4, 1898, under
over the age of soldiers, over the I forced draft nearly all the way and
Roosevelt brigade and such quibbles I every moment of the time ready for
as this, Mr. Lodge's two weeks have I battle, and arrived off the coast of
stretched to a month and the bill ls Cuba in fighting trim, ' It was a voy.
not yet law. In such episodes we find 1 age ten times as long as that across
justification for President Roosevelt's the Atlantic, in point of time required
taking the Canal Zone while Congress I and what was then done by the Ore
was talking about it. President Wil- gon can be done again by a good many
Bon is almost justified In putting the American ships,
draft ln effect while Congress talks. Our Navy still has the fighting spirit
A sinister fact about this latest ob- I that it showed under Hopkins in the
attraction of the draft bill ls that it I War of the Revolution and that has
comes from the men who either op- I never flagged. It can be depended on.
posed the declaration of war or the I and no one knows that better than
draft, or both, chief among them being I the commander of the British fleet. If
Senator La Follettei By their persist- I he has read his history. His compli
ence these men lay themselves open I ment doubtless was sincere, but he
to the suspicion that their desire is need not have been surprised. Amer
to prevent the United States from I leans at home are not.
making effective war on Germany by
delaying necessary war legislation. I . Demand for. certain textiles, such as
Congress is furnishing conclusive I duck and khaki, for civilian use has
proof that a deliberative body of 6 SI been seriously felt in markets in which
wen is incompetent to carry on war. the Army and Navy are seeking sup
War consists in doing things, not ln piles for uniforms. Home-defense
talking about doing them. It is con- leagues are springing up like mush.
ducted successfully by few men who rooms all. over the country, and even
have absolute power to decide without the girls are Insisting on clothing hav
consulting any deliberative body, and ing resemblance to that worn by sol
to act promptly on the decision. The diers and sailors. While it is true
President cannot make war effectively I that these orders are being filled with
If at every step he must wait for the lighter-weight goods than those re.
consent of Congress, with its jealousy quired by the Government, they are
JfoCrer2Stab?uao.nlJ.1orllMt paanx loptna fjbftt could be
cost thereof ln the regular monthly
charge to their subscribers.
Presumably there are two ways that
the charge for this additional service
might be made. A separate charge
could be Imposed on each subscriber
who asked for connection with the
other company's system, or the addi
tional cost could be prorated among
all subscribers of both companies,
Probably the companies would be
forced to adopt the latter policy, as
Not only do flies spread typhoid, but
Senators are wastlne a lot of val- lne" ara alBO potent in causing inran
uable time Quarreling over the differ- tlItt aiarrneas. inis Levy nas proven.
ence between the "existing emergency" But fl,e" at th,s season are not a nul
and the "present war." Whether it is sance. An easy-going person will put
an emergency or a war. It must be met I UP with them. Therefore, the need
promptly, and by something more ef- Just now ls for a word that will make
fectlve than talk.
The warning to shipmasters of
Coast Artillery drills leads us to ex
pect an Oregon version of the "heavy
firing off Mole St, Nicholas" which
us kill files not for the trouble they
now are, but for what they can and
will do. '
By its recruiting record, the Middle fering as does the use of tobacco and
West has splendidly vindicated itseir a cure or remedy that would take th
rrom me aspersions wnicn were cast nicotine out of the system and take
upon its patriotism a year or two ago.
away the desire for tobaccco would be
welcomed. by millions."
You are wrong In at least two points
have used tobacco. I stopped It by the use
It may be comfortable to work in
and all that, but women will not run
over to the grocery store before break-
rast wearing tne pantaiette nouue uiu cf wHlpowsr. I have printed a ours for
ths tobacco habit scores of times and sen
The a ires-old combination of "hell " 7 m" thousands of times. Hero It
tVi xiisirira matc fof saxii inisiii,n anrl riln-ri water" is not ln workinar or- I again:
would deprive the plan of Its attract- der this season, if the popular idea of
iveness. Interchange would be called temperature is correct.
for so seldom that overhead charges
and interest on new investment would With horse meat and mule meat ln .,., .. h.lf . ,.K,, ,., .
Local treatment Chew up and swallow
one five-grain slnc-sulpho-carbolate tablet
(plain) each time befors smoking. After ths
America to the United States. Inhabi
tants of the territory may return to
Russia within three years or take up
citizenship of the new Government and
owners. In return the United States
gives Russia S7.2O0.O0O ln gold.
Richmond. J. R. Hayward. charged
with Incendiary language at a public
meeting, has been held to ball In the
sum of $40,000 to keep the peace. The
Kicnmona papers say the release or
Davis has done much to promote good
feeling between the North and South.
Messrs. Flanders and Clark the can
didates for Congress ln Washington
Territory, accompanied by Mr. Uarfleld
The Wlde-Awake Baseball Club met
last night and organized. The following
were elected: Charles Talbot, president;
John Reed, vice-president; Charles F.
Burgess, secretary: Isador Koshland,
treasurer; William Corbett. Mac John
son. Albert Morton, directors; Samuel
Buchtel, captain.
These are only two out of many ou
tomers whom the retailer must satisfy
daily. If the public demands such goods
and the bakers continue to give such
why shift all the hardship and re
sponsiblllty on the retailer of seeing
that all etale goods are sold and not
returned to the bakers?
Nothing would please the retailer
mnr thnn to lie arilft to sell ail hlS
goods and satisfy the public, neither I "L 'ir.3 unr. vi r.3i ru..i a.rj
of which would be accompusnea oy I -
such a law. Moreover, a large majority ire i moi nuaaat mma uaay itecom-
of the people demand fresh goods and I pease for Surrendered Independeare,
L""" r n' ,m,u tin : astoria. May ie.-(To Ed-
at the expense of the retailers and not ltor.) The letter printed ln The Ore-
the baker. M. Pi gonian juay i irom a. x. or tne dis
contented wife, has Interested me very
OCT WORST TRUST IS MISTRl'ST I much and I wish to express my opinion
on tne suDiect.
It Haadlrape FrogreH and Now Threat- A. L." evidently is not a woman et
K a I tno marrying tj po. or ene woum imu.
lw v I pleasure ln "scrubbing floors and mak
ATRLrEJ, Or., May 16. (To the Kd-llng buttonholes and working for her
Itor. We are told, by those wno are husband and children
onnDosed to the road bond measure, i I believe that when a woman mar-
that tha nlan originated In the brain I ries she should be willing to shoulder
of the paving trust. I will agree tnat i tne responsioiiities tnat go nana in
the one thins: that has set the brakes I hand with married life.
on the wheels of Oregon while they I Before my marriage I worked as a
were mired ln mud ls a trust: but It is doctor's assistant until I learned all
a greater trust than the paving trust. 1 1 could there, after which I Intended
It operates ln the hearts or men, ac- entering a nurses- training scnooi.
tuated bv selfish motives, nourished by I About that time my father s health
fear and encouraged by cowardice. It I broke down and. with my mother, who
is mistrust. I was almost an invalid, ana nve cnn
Mistrust has held our souls and I dren dependent upon him tor support. L
hod lea In hondasre and now It tries to I realized I must do something that
trio our stena ln tha march out of the I would bring immediate returns. I found
mud. Whenever I hear a man say that I employment In a big millinery estab-
be will not vote for the road bond I lishment, where I had learned the trade
measure because it was made by and when I was 16
for the paving trust. I think of a man I had studied musio under the best
in Oregon, actually born right here In I Instructors when ln school and I dls-(ir-on
.-ro lives on a ranch that his I covered I could double my salary by
father had homesteadea. mis noooy i singuis, ana snius vui-u .
was trusts. No matter what he did. it did. and I managed to keep things go-
was done with regret, because he was ling until my ratrjer was able to return
nr Vi trusts woulH nick the fruit. I to work.
He wanted a new binder, needed It J It was during my vacation that I met
awfully bad. but he would not buv one 1 my husband. At the time I had no ln
because the harvester trust would get tentlon of getting married for perhaps
the money. So he went over to his several years, for I still had my
neighbor, who had borrowed money thoughts centered on my Intentional ca-
frnm tha bank and bouaht anew bind- I reer. nowever. una raoiun inira mo
er, and he borrowed that binder. That
was one way of beating the trust. And
that Ingrown mistrust of everything
was the controlling principle of hla
narrow-gauged life.
day I met my husband we were mar
ried. e have been married two years
now and I can truthfully say the
thoughts of a career have never en
tered my mind since our marriage. We
h wnnM not buv a E-cent basr of I nave a lovely oaDy boy now. oniy a lew
candy for his children because of the months old. and I am happier than I
sugar trust, he would not buy a new have ever been ln my life. The great
dress for his wife on account of the est pleasures I have are mending my
woolen trust, he would not buy any- hubbybs shirts, keeping my home ln
thinr .ri. of steel because he would order and caring for my baby. I seldom
be helping the steel trust and go on K away, even for an afternoon's visit,
until It came to good roads, and he for I am more contented at home
said, when he heard of the projected My husband Is my Idea of an Ideal
Improvement: "I have four of the best husband and a model man. He loves his
horses in Oregon and they can haul me lamuy ana proves it in more ways man
v. .. T want to tro -nrl when thev I one-
are dead there will be more horses.
The sum and substance of It
that he had stagnated all his life and
was not used to progress. To resist
progress he uses trusts for an excuse.
Sut)Dose the so-called trust does get
the money. If we aret serviceable
A home ls what you make it. A wom
an who cannot be happy with a home
and two children cannot be happy any
where. "TWENTY-ONE.
Should One Await Draft t
PORTLAND, May 17. (To the Ed-
not be met. But if the charge were the markets, the man who eats sau- whole ons. Can smoke as often aa you wish.
made general the ordinance would sage ls brave enough to go td war.
merely have the effect of forcing all
Pacific subscribers to become paid
Home subscribers as well, and vice
versa, whether the subscribers desired
the additional service or not.
The ordinance is an impracticable
scheme and of benefit to no one. Both
telephone companies have let it be
understood that they are not encour
aging its enactment. According to a
report Issued after investigation by a
Representative Jeanette Rankin may
need the whole of her first session
in Congress to learn the ropes.
The new Empress of Abyssinia has
made a great play for popularity. She
has remitted all back taxes.
The literacy test stands in the way
committee from the City Club and the of importing many of Villa's men to
Progressive Business Men's Club, 91 help in crop production.
per cent of the telephone subscribers
in Portland can be reached over the The United States would not lend
Pacific lines. Only 9 per cent can be $100,000,000 to Russia if It was not tobacco ls used until ths curs ls wen estab
reached exclusively over the Home sure she would stay ln. Hshsd.
Internal treatment Take one ftve-graln
quinine pill before msals, reducing the doss
to two grains as soon aa the tobacco craving
passes away. Continue this for a weak and
discontinue ths treatment, bat resume ths
sams for a few days any tiros thsre is a
tendency to relapse.
Diet Eat good nutritious food three times
dally and take a lunch midway between
meals If hungry. Take plenty of active out
door exercise dally ln work or recreation)
to divert the mind as well as Improve the
health. Be very regular In habits of Ufa.
Tobacco ehewers may use. In addition to
ths qulntna treatment, some chawing gum
to which a small amount of gentian root has
been added. Tha patient should, aa far as
possible, avoid places and associations wbsre
Clearly no large proportion of
the Pacifies subscribers sufficiently Home rule for Ireland with Ulster
desire the opportunity occasionally tolcut out might do if both aides keep
open teiepnonic communication witn away from the line.
tne otner a per cent to pay ror me
privilege. Clearly most of the Home
subscribers are of the same mind, else
they would now discard the Home
service and pay the trifle more that
the more extensive service costs.
If the 6000 business and professional
men who now subscribe for both tele
phones see in the ordinance a means
of eliminating one or the other tele
phone they are facing disappointment.
The committee's report discloses that
Medicine Tesrta.
C. 8. writes: "Have been using a
medicine for some time, guaranteed
valuable for consumption by the dls-
The bureau official who said Sum- trlbutor. Is there a laboratory la the
mer weather was at hand had his lines state where I might have an analysis
made to determine Its merits and In
gredients at a reasonable fee?"
This Is not a regular function of a public
health laboratory. The laboratories of In
diana and Kansas make many such exam-
Imilnn. f a, the OMDl af t h nj. itatM In
All things work OUt for the best. I every large city thsre are commercial labo-
and fingers crossed.
The picket who packs a pistol elec
tioneers for the ordinance to put him
out of business.
roads, will It not De a tair excnantie, alitor.) 11) will we boys mat arearait-
money-maker, a money-saver for us? I ed be allowed to follow our trades In
There are people so narrow gauged the service of ,Uncle Sam or will we
about the question that they would re- have to take what we can getT
fuse to accept the roads If they were I (2) Will we be considered as slack-
built for us free of charge and we were I ers If we do not quit our positions and
paid for using them. Tney would join before the draft?
shriek "trusts." and Infer that the ) will previous drill in cadet
trusts were scheming to homestead the I schools be recognlxed before entering?
entire state. (4) What forms of medical science
In fact, there ls no telling what mis- I will be exempt from the first draft un-
trust will not aay. Anything ana til later when needed?
everything ls considered proper by peo- I (5) Do you think a person Is wise or
pie so afflicted, aa long as it leads us foolish to work until drafted at a well-
away from the path of progress. , t paying position under the present con-
J. N. W.
Roads New Gooe? mmi Beauty ef Trip
Excels Anything; on Coast.
PORTLAND. May 17. (To the Edl
tor.) The writer had the pleasure last
week of motoring
from Portland to
(1) That will me a matter for the
military authorities to decide.
(!) The purpose of the selective draft
la to select those for military duty who
can best be spared from civil life or
those whose peculiar fitness for some
branch of service renders them of pe
culiar Importance to the Government
"fierce" weather for
This would be
authorities of both systems admit that bal1 Bame
lntArrheno-A s-sanmn Via b nnnrMTtlleV. a1 I
without operating friction. The man VThen Harry Thaw is put in an asy
who subscribes to both systems does lura A kept there People will believe
so because those with whom he has n ls crazy.
hllRlnoj'l rl D 1 1 n ct HomanH It T f a
grocer, for example, causes the re- Tou do not hear of . any Honor
mnval Vita T-T-r-ri a tolfinriAna Vila nua . Guard erlrls marrying to escape a
tomers who patronize only the Home draft.
telephone will certainly object if they
must Buffer delays and other annoy.
ratoriss that make such examinations. If
you will write to the American Medical As
sociation. BSS North Dearborn street. Chi
cago, IIU. they may t able to tell you where
and when this medicine wss exposed aa a
Floating Kidney.
W. H. writes: "Will you kindly ex
plain in your columns what our doctor
meant by a floating kidney? is there
cure for it? Will It have any effect on
Even the despised tomato can has the body In later years, or, ln other
ances incident to the interchange of '"'on some respect as a munition of words, will It so back m its place? The
. . .. . . I I i. , ,1.1 41 a M
Bervice in placing teiepnomo orders 1 war.
The place of honor now is service
on a destroyer in the war zone.
him. Some enterprising rival
grocery will Just as certainly make it
known that he subscribes to both sys
tems and the first grocer will be forced
to meet the competition. I Just imagine a fat woman wearing
- No one is to obtain material advan- that new pantaiette affair.
tage from the ordinance and every
body must pay more, but, there ls al Now it is "Into" instead of "out'Oi"
larger. issue, Involved, than, Ltxe, general th.a trepches. bjr Christmas,
party ls a girl of 2 years."
A floating kidney moves rather freely. A
kidney that ls termed "movsbls" cannot bs
pushed about as reaany as one tnat is
termed "floating." Movable and floating kid
neys ars generally round In long, slender
bodied people, especially those who have lost
weight, it Is a condition of little Impor
tance. . It will not anchor Itself, nor aoes it
make any particular ditlsrence wuslhsr it
dasa xvsta
The scenery at the present time be- '
tween Salem and Jefferson is of beauty
Indescribable, the wealth of orchard
bloom over rolling hills being beyond
power of word expression and worth
traveling many miles to see.
I have lately passed through the Sac
ramento, San Joaquin and Santa Clara
Valleys during their blooming period
and have passed through the orange
belt between Los Angeles and River
side, and think the ride over Jefferson
Hills the equal of any of them. Some
time when hard-surface roads are built
through this district and when Marion
and Linn Counties have properly ex
ploited its beauty, Jefferson Hills will
be as famous as any of the Western
fruit districts.
Mr. Motorist, If you want to change
of ride and also want to see the Valley
at Its best, go now.
Eugene. To my surprise 1 rouna mat 1 'n .u- . Uw i
the roads generally were ln first-class await the draft unless one la sure he
condition. I would recommend to all would be desired for military service
...o owners who have the time and I in any event.
inclination to tour the valley to do so I (3) Not before entering, but it may
at once. Weather conditions have been be or value in obtaining advancement
uch as to put the roads In the best if one has other necessary qualtfica-
n...iKi xnnriit nn. thev he in fir now iree I tions.
i-om either mud or dust, while the i ) None.
Vallev. from the point of beauty, is I (5) See answer to question 2.
never more chermlrisr.
One should take the river roaa Xavfa-atlom Coarse Closed.
thraueh Sellwood and MilwauKle to I pnPTHvn Or . Miv 17 To iv. .
Oregon City, thence up the bluff road Editor.) Will you kindly inform mo
to New era, i;anoy. nuDoara ana whether there ls a school of navlga-
wooaourn to oaieru. in-n " "l 1 tion in this city? J. W. HARRISON,
ferson hills road to Jefferson. If wish- I r
lng to make a one-oay trip return iroro Not now A BavlB.atlon coarB a
i!V"lWVn?,r. until recently by John Mc-
Nulty, of the United States hydro
graphlo bureau, ln connection with the
night school system, but It has' now
been closed.
Ship Calkers Trade.
PORTLAND. May 17. (To the Edi
tor.) Is there a school that teaches
ship-calking? If not. where can a
person learn the trade?
Write to Norman Ramsdell, secretary
of Calkers' Union, Supple's Yard, foot
of Belmont street.
Wanhlsgtss a Truthful Man.
Louisville Courier Journal.
"Washington was a truthful man."
"I've got the habit myself now. I think
it is the beat plan. If you marry a,